Loyalty according to the zodiac for men and women. Zodiac Signs: Loyalty in Relationships

  • 16.10.2019

Every woman dreams of finding one man for herself, to whom she will be faithful until the end of her days and in whom she will be sure. Of course, the search for such a life partner sometimes takes up a significant part of our lives.

But the magazine "Cosmopolitan" decided to make your search a little easier by telling which zodiac sign is considered the most attached to one woman, making a fidelity rating for you on a scale from 1 - monogamous to 3 - ladies' man.

Aries: hot head and passionate heart

If our "experimental" fell in love, at this stage you are definitely lucky - he is romantic and sentimental. Aries tends to trust his feelings and sensations, so he will promise whatever you want. But let's not rush things. Aries is a conqueror, and after reaching the goal, our handsome man can easily switch to a new object. And yet, in a relationship, he is calm and confident, he will become a good protector, a loving and faithful husband, a wonderful father, and no less wonderful lover. However, Aries cannot be called the most reliable sign, given its love of new sensations.

Taurus: does not chase Casanova's laurels, and rarely loses his head

Taurus men are outwardly closed, but the feelings of the representatives of this sign are very deep. And they are also very stubborn: they will achieve their goal at any cost, so if you saw desire in his eyes, remember that for Taurus, desires and feelings are the same, which means that the boy is in love, and you are really lucky. In love, Taurus is very gentle, passionate, touching and not burdened with unnecessary questions. And if Taurus got married, then his choice is completely conscious, he counts on reciprocity and fidelity. Therefore, Taurus can be safely considered the most faithful man!

Gemini: Impermanence is Constancy

Gemini men are a complete mystery, a rebus. They are, in principle, very cold-blooded, at the beginning of a relationship, the desire to know, to know you is clearly noticeable. But there comes a period when Gemini begins to "withdraw into itself." At this time, he clearly analyzes everything, and if the Gemini man understands that the relationship is profitable and comfortable, they will continue, if not, he is looking for a new goal. Therefore, as a rule, they are very fickle and prone to breaking relationships. This does not mean that Gemini men should not be contacted, no, you just need to know some of the features of their character.

Cancer: so beautiful but so wrong

The Cancer man, at first glance, is one of the most reliable partners, a faithful lover and an ideal family man. In fact, Cancers seek only their own comfort. The Cancer man finds an excuse for everything, while he himself is never to blame. Even if his girlfriend finds him in bed with another, he will come up with 100 reasons and excuses, and you will be the one to blame for the situation. Cancer men are very promiscuous in relationships. However, among Cancers there are also those who are devoted to their girlfriend from their very youth. Or after 35 years.

Lion is the king of the animals?

Leo men can often be picked out of the crowd by their looks alone. They have a strong physique (or aspire to one), are well dressed, combed, like nice branded clothes - they are materialists. And gifts are given willingly. Leo is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. You can part with Leo for the following reasons: if you put yourself above him, if you are superior to Leo in career success, if you are trying to manage relationships. Otherwise, you can be sure: Leo will be reliable and faithful to you!

Virgo: reliable and practical, but why is it not appreciated?

Virgo men are not very simple. They do not like theatrical performances, so they will not dance with you until the morning and read poetry under the windows. The Virgo man always analyzes and pays attention to details, he remembers what you were wearing, how you behaved, what you said. Sex for such a man is not just physical contact. They are quite squeamish and selective, they are afraid of getting infected with something, so they have practically no casual connections. So, despite some "boring" sign, Virgos are faithful men.

Libra ruled by Venus

Libra - honest, attentive, can be reliable friends and partners. Libra men are not conquerors, they can break down even in everyday matters, when the situation is such that they cannot or do not have time to adapt to it. They like to make nice, seduce, play, and in return they expect praise, recognition, approval and admiration. Libra men love stability and balance, so they rarely become the cause of betrayal and breakups. If he changes, he will be caught on the fact that he himself will not be comfortable.

Scorpio: the most-most lover?

It is generally accepted that Scorpions are the best in bed. A Scorpio man does not need accessibility: the less accessible and understandable, the better, the more interest, the stronger the excitement. Scorpio has two components - soul and flesh. Most often, he uses the second one, but access to the soul must be earned. And these two components are constantly in conflict: the soul wants to be faithful, and the flesh ... Well, you know where it calls. Therefore, the Scorpio man is considered the most unfaithful of the signs of the Zodiac. But still, Scorpios get married, and, if it happened, you are lucky: he guards his home and family like a fortress.

Sagittarius - he and Africa Sagittarius

The name of the sign is very harmonious and consonant with its bearer. Sagittarius men are lifelong experimenters, and it doesn't matter what he discovers or receives - the process itself is important. They want to try everything. However, they are of two types: the first redirect their sexual energy to creation, creativity and service to other people; and the latter become true Don Juan. Moreover, love for such representatives of the sign is a sport, a game, an adventure. Sagittarius marry when they realize that the ideal partner does not exist and they will have to be content with what they have.

Capricorn - this is real stability!

Capricorns fall in love very hard, but if this happens, their love is very deep. Capricorns are not very good at expressing their feelings, they are not romantics, but this does not prevent them from creating strong relationships. If Capricorn fell in love with a woman, you can be absolutely sure that he will not go for treason, and refuse to divorce. Capricorn does not need to be conquered by sophisticated outfits or miracle makeup, he is rather a conservative, and a regular classic suit will appreciate much more than a clown outfit. Capricorn in marriage is practical, frugal and hardworking. He demands the same attitude from his partner.

Aquarius: freedom is our everything!

Aquarians are not used to asking, so if you want a relationship with them, take the first step, and he will step forward. Aquarians are often monogamous, therefore they are faithful in marriage. They trust their partner, do not control them and often compromise. But, paradoxically, divorces are very common among Aquarians. And this happens because the partner believes that Aquarius does more for others than for the family. Aquarius can leave when he feels that he is "tied to the house." At the same time, he prepares a retreat plan for a long time, but everything happens suddenly, according to the plan “I went for bread in slippers and did not return.”

Pisces: sensuality and sincerity

Pisces men are soft and kind, they know how to dream and empathize. Love for them comes quietly and imperceptibly, matures and develops over time. These are just those representatives of the Zodiac who can read poetry and sing serenades under the window. But, as we know, one coin always has two sides. The second is that instead of elevated feelings and emotions, Pisces often choose exclusively sexual pleasure. But in marriage, Pisces men are the most attached and devoted, they do everything for the family.

Now let's look at women from the point of view of the horoscope

Aries - a weak woman with a strong character

The Aries woman is guided by a strong will, but can become irrational) romantic, unpredictable at any moment. She starts novels from time to time, out of curiosity, for the sake of diversity or from an excess of strength. In marriage, for the same reason, he makes lovers. When she wants to draw attention to herself, she does it according to the principle of a lamp burning in the dark brightly and a little over the edge. All the moths just burst into her light. But for others, this turn may not be to your taste. This can play a cruel joke on her. They will say "She climbs right through."
She is sincere and straightforward, active and assertive. If she wants her own, she acts directly, decisively. She wants to be liked without affectation and various female tricks, but just like that. Behind Aries Woman's beautiful eyes personal life will be active and natural. She will not hide her likes and dislikes and may be the first to declare her love. Weak men fly towards her like night butterflies into the light. The strong feel that they will have to make war with her, but they can rely on her.
An Aries woman can be both a feminist and a man-hater, but she is never a hypocrite and does not stoop to petty squabbles If she decides to "live man's life", then brings grief to herself and others, and then her husband is a weak-willed creature on errands, but there is no happiness desires. Marriage with Aries is not uncommon. Aries also get along with Leo and Sagittarius. One drawback in these relationships: they quickly flare up, quickly go out. But such a marriage is good if it is not the first.
When an Aries woman thinks of a family with Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, then mutual language located easily. Spouses remain friends, associates, partners for a long time. Marriage with Capricorn and Cancer is obtained if a man immediately agrees to take on some of the household chores, which, as a rule, happens. Marriages with Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio cannot be explained in two words. They are rare, but they do happen. The Aries woman is a good mother, a faithful wife, while she loves, because every time she idealizes a man, family, marriage and all that. And she gives birth to a child to each of her husbands. This woman knows how to stand up for herself, her spouse, children and family. She is a mistress in the sense that she is the mistress of her house and the keeper of the hearth. It is difficult to keep a beautiful Aries woman next to you. Firstly, because of the spirit of competition, and secondly, she always needs to comply. She must recognize the superiority of a man in some way in order to submit to him. If a man is not a fool, he will direct her energy in a peaceful direction and give her reasonable freedom. Otherwise, she will take it herself, without asking.
The Aries woman needs to feel like a person, the center of everything. She knows how to achieve her goal, to overtake a hesitant male representative at the turn. An unrealized Aries woman is dangerous and unhappy at the same time. Trust and honesty towards her are a must. And you need to quarrel with her periodically, but on minor issues. It gives flavor to the marriage and keeps the blood from stagnating. The spirit of rivalry is manifested in her not only in work, communication, but also in clothes. But on by and large, for her it is always more important not how a person is dressed, but what he is.

Taurus is the mistress of the copper mountain

The Taurus woman is largely conservative and very predictable in nature. This is the daughter of Venus, and Venus is the love and beauty of the world in its bodily, living embodiment. And the beauty of the world cannot be felt in the restlessness and malice of the days. Venus is virtue and sensuality, attractiveness and organicity, naturalness and charm. In addition, the Taurus woman has those qualities that often spoil a man, but adorn the weaker sex. However, the Taurus woman is not so weak. And if she is not enough for decisive and quick action, then constant efforts are within her reach. It is difficult to say which field suits her best. Probably her most important feature is to always remain a woman. Being a woman is in itself a difficult and responsible job. And Taurus women cope with this work. They capture precisely femininity, beauty, inner peace, tenderness.
The Taurus woman is jealous, treats a man as her property. He does not forgive betrayal, because he idealizes life and tries to live according to the rules and laws of decency. It is distinguished by great stubbornness and desires to exist in accordance with its inner law. A sense of duty towards loved ones is her indispensable character trait. For the same reason, she is afraid of sharp turns in life and stands guard over stability. The Taurus woman is looking for a reliable, wealthy man and agrees to devote her life to him. She will not buy into promises alone, she will not perform feats in the name of a brighter future. The Taurus woman herself knows how to be a worthy friend, a good housewife, a faithful wife and a demanding mother. This talent is given to her from birth. And she also knows how to save and accumulate, save and protect, console and inspire a man to act. She is attracted to real men, courageous and reliable. She knows how to create comfort, housekeeping and please, as if she was born specifically for family life and love. You should immediately warn her against marriage with Lions, Aries and Gemini, the divorce statistics are too disappointing. The classic case is marriage to an Aquarius man. Lots of examples. Taurus women get along well with men of their own sign.

Gemini - the unbearable lightness of being

Gemini women have a feminine heart but a masculine mind. They understand male logic. Everything can be explained to them in words. But such duality carries a contradiction and, as a result, nervousness. Gemini women are easy to relate to the relationship of the sexes and marriage. Gemini women also naturally come into contact with men. They are ready to try a lot of options before choosing the most acceptable one. They are mobile in communication, smart, cheerful, cheerful, witty, easy to go on adventures. Therefore, in the family, Gemini women are not only wives, mistresses and mistresses, but also friends and leaders of their men.
They show business qualities without difficulty and prefer to achieve their goals by their own efforts, not relying on providence and fortune. Gemini women easily imitate, imitate, show strong-willed character traits and are ready to fight for their happiness. They love with their ears, but appreciate practicality and the ability to keep abreast of events. They are attracted by bright and unusual actions, the process of courtship itself. Gemini women love guests, travel, variety. You won’t get bored with them, but they don’t like to be bored either.
Gemini women agree to admit that there is something in astrology, but men will be chosen according to discretion: democratic, practical and carefree. And no one will be denied attention. The main thing is to be smart and fit ... Formalization of relations in this case is the key to success. Perhaps, by today's standards, this is for the best. But it's one thing - light flirting, and another - when the relationship acquires depth. Here Gemini, well, just none. It is difficult for them to establish deep emotional contact with a partner. It's not that they don't want it. They just don't understand what is at stake. Gemini women should be aware of this disadvantage or advantage of theirs (it all depends on how you look at the situation). Yes, and their gentlemen will not hurt to have information on this subject, so as not to demand from their beloved that she cannot.
Gemini women get along well with their own sign. Fast and fun they form married couples with Aries. With Capricorns, Gemini relationships develop naturally, they complement each other. Often in such a pair there are successful business relationships. I want to warn about marriages with men of the water element. This is just the case when the logic of the mind and the illogicality of feelings will be in an unbalanced state, and this is almost always misunderstanding and resentment.

Cancer - The Princess and the Pea

Cancer Woman is a subtle, sensitive nature, although she hides it. Knows a lot about marriage and was born for family life. Can take on various social roles, but will never sacrifice them to personal and family well-being. In choosing a man, as in life in general, she is pragmatic and carefully chooses her husband, despite all her ephemeral nature and dreaminess. A Cancer Woman is often a mystery to a man who is used to thinking with his head and operating on facts and does not pay attention to the subtle nuances of relationships.
The Cancer Woman is distinguished by significant changes in mood and, oddly enough, is very practical in the realities of life: in relation to marriage, family, domestic problems, property, and the housing issue. Classical astrology claims that Cancer women are subject to the influence of the most feminine planet - the Moon. This luminary just endows them with the named qualities. She is an adherent of peace and harmony, family traditions and values. It combines rigor and romance, intelligence and feeling. This is a good and caring mother, a faithful wife. Such a woman has a strong sense of duty. Her family and home often come first.
Cancer women really know exactly what they want from life and from their chosen ones. This woman chooses a man who can be relied upon and who would provide for her. Therefore, her marriages with strong representatives the stronger sex, despite the fact that Gemini, Libra and Aquarius simply do not understand her emotional life, and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius cannot explain her actions.

Leo - Vanity Fair

The Leo woman is well aware of the difference between love, sex and marriage. She is ready to immediately establish partnerships with a man and makes high demands on the male tribe. The Leo woman herself is not going to give up first place in social competitions with men without a fight, spoiling them with a fair amount of blood and nerves. Having achieved what she wants, the Leo woman calms down, because, despite all her strong-willed qualities, a secure and predictable existence will come, which, as you know, cannot be built in continuous battles for personal well-being
The Leo woman loves social life, entertainment, wealth, strives for a high position and leadership role. Loves to be in the center of attention or in a leadership position. She is quite pragmatic, realistic, energetic and conceited.
The Leo woman has a developed will, can stand up for herself, her family and her ideas about life. Her attitude towards children can be a benchmark if she intends to have children. Possessing great internal energy and ambitions, the Leo woman cannot fully realize herself in the family, therefore she will strive for an active life outside the home - at work, in sports, anywhere. She often crushes her husband under her and takes control of all family affairs in her own hands. As a rule, this is how unhappy families arise.
The Leo woman chooses either a strong man endowed with power and wealth, or someone who is easy to push around. She does not show special astrological predilections, because, as already noted, she never performs a marriage act spontaneously, at the call of her heart or because of a whim. In addition, it easily formalizes relationships based on the common benefit and convenience of coexistence. Self-esteem, the nobility of the soul helps her to come out with dignity from various life situations. If such a woman is endowed with high inner ideals, then she can serve as an ornament to any society.

Virgo - quiet backwater

Has a calm, even temperament. She is equally characterized by a sense of duty to loved ones and compassion for the weak. This is an exemplary hostess, she is hardworking, economical, diligent, always ready to help. Practicality and realism do not allow her to lose ground under her feet. However, the Virgo woman does not strive for a career or fame and is ready to sacrifice all these social shifters for the sake of family and domestic happiness. She has children reluctantly, but she will educate them biasedly.
The Virgo woman is either very neat or sloppy. Or aspiring to ideals, or immersed headlong in the routine of life. She is more of a moral model than its opposite. Usually she keeps a house in perfect order and lives by the rules. The Virgo woman is emotionally restrained, often indecisive, love plans, and lets things take their course. This person has a fine mental organization, and she can be offended by a careless word.
The Virgo woman trusts her mind along with her heart. Therefore, she feels more than others her insecurity and the gap between what is desired and what is real. To cope with this psychological misfortune, she tries to occupy herself with deeds, worries, responsibilities that are endless and permanent. The Virgo woman is modest, shy, but often forgets about it. She chooses a husband who meets her requirements and ideas. And therefore often disappointed in men.

Libra - snow queen

The Libra woman combines ephemerality, softness, courtesy and rigidity, strong-willed and fighting qualities. Usually this is a beautiful, thin, attractive person. However, unemotionality and some arrogance - this is inherent in the Libra woman. She highly values ​​herself and is created for a secular, uncomplicated, optional life. The Libra woman loves pleasant communication, comfort, she is not adapted to serious physical and mental stress. The future spouse should know this and protect his chosen one from sudden changes and adversity.
The Libra woman has a strong sense of beauty, but she can appear cold and aloof. This makes her look like the Snow Queen from the famous fairy tale. She has the art of pleasing, because she is also under the auspices of the planet of female beauty and beauty in general - Venus. There are always men around her. She can also be the standard of female beauty. However, she, showing friendliness and conformism, confuses love and a good attitude towards herself. The Libra woman begins her adult life early. She chooses her husband herself and enters into marriage more than once.

Scorpio - a witch at the place of residence

Do not flatter yourself with the fact that you got a sensual, mysterious, modest, plastic, affectionate woman. Every medal has two sides. And your tender doll, by the way, knows how to stand up for herself. Her inner emotional life is rich and rich. She has a strong character, a tender heart and a purposeful mind. Will not take offense. She is emotional and romantic in her personal life, but this does not prevent her from being practical in business and work.
Blonde Scorpio women are strikingly reminiscent of Virgos, but they also have their own primordial qualities and habits.
A Scorpio woman can simultaneously show a feminine character and show strong-willed qualities. She would like to spend her energy outside of the house and preferably in peaceful purposes. Women of this type are endowed with a special flair and intuition. Scorpio instinctively knows who her chosen one is. She chooses a man for herself The fresh cavalier only vaguely assumes something about future prospects, and our villain sees in advance what and how she will have with him. She is especially not mistaken in assessing men. Scorpions are jealous to the point of madness.
A Scorpio woman can influence her man with feminine charms quite effectively. He does not have to be nearby for this, her thoughts about it are enough. Cleopatra pushes around the proud Antony like a little boy, and does not part with her poisonous snakes. The Queen of Sheba is not afraid to challenge Solomon himself. The enamored Margarita knows better than the Master himself what he needs, and is ready for him both in fire and in water. The queen of the night, Shahrazad, has been fooling the stupid voluptuous Shahriyar for a thousand and one nights. Everything gets out of hand. Fairy tales full of romance, adventure, mystery and erotica sound in the impromptu salon of our madam. She's a witch, I'll tell you a secret.
The one that makes friends with the devil and flies on holidays on a broom. Conspiracies, curses, herbal medicine - all this is in her part. She attracts men to herself like a magnet or, conversely, repels them right away. This is due to the sensual vibes that emanate from her. She's like a vampire, but it's not her fault, because she's a vampire by birth. Deadly fatal beauty - it's about her! Poison and eat. Like a black widow spider eating her lover after a night of love.
Scorpions get along with Aries and Capricorns. Such a couple is not only a family, but also a small creative team. The Taurus man is clearly not the hero of her novel. But you should pay close attention to Cancers. Two Scorpions, like two spiders, do not live in the same family bank. But with Pisces - very much so. These are kindred spirits. Virgo and Gemini are too logical and unemotional for her. The same can be said about Libra and Aquarius. IN different worlds live, nothing can be done. Difficult relationship with Scorpio and Sagittarius. In general, her marriage to men of fiery signs always strikes sparks of creativity. The Scorpio woman is a lover and fighting friend, a virtuous wife and a bacchante.
To live with a Scorpio woman under the same roof is to warm a snake on your chest. A warmed viper is faithful, sensual, caring, ready to follow a loved one both in grief and in joy And all this as long as there is love and fidelity It is foolish to blame poisonous snake in venom. After all, poison is not only poison, but also a medicine. A man who understands this can become happy with his quarrel.
A Scorpio woman wants to belong entirely to a man and at the same time command them. Appeal to her virtues, and then your sweetheart will be a gift to you, not a punishment. Earn her love. And she will respond to your love with a stream of feelings of the highest standard.

Sagittarius - Amazon in the home interior

Sagittarius women do not play with dolls in childhood, but prefer to run with boys, climb trees and fences, knock down their knees and remain their boyfriend until marriage, if it comes, of course. Before others, they recognize the taste of a kiss, lipstick and the smell of tobacco. Not out of malice to bring their parents to the grave, but out of simple curiosity or for company.
The Sagittarius woman loves entertainment, a feast, hiking, dancing, outdoor sports, loves society, does not like other women. In general, she does not hide that she would like to be born a man. In any case, he will keep himself with men on an equal footing. She is an Amazon: she will jump on a horse, pull a bowstring. It is precisely such persons that are described in detail by the classic of Russian literature: he will stop a galloping horse, he will enter a burning hut ...
She supports the women's rights movement, but is in no hurry to join the slender ranks of feminists or organized lesbians. She knows there are still women who love quiet family joys, for example, peeling potatoes, and is not going to protect everyone en masse from male arbitrariness in the battles for equality. For her, personal freedom and independence, obtained with her own hands, is more important than a hypothetical struggle for common female ideals.
A Sagittarius woman should from time to time skydive, run, ride horses, ride skiing. Foil combat, orienteering, shooting at live targets are preferred. Then she will have good mood, excellent appetite and a healthy complexion. Not every man is suitable for the role of a husband for Sagittarius. She herself prefers to choose a gentleman for herself, and she tends to command her husband.
Bluestocking, an eternally busy, clumsy commander, finds herself a kind-hearted husband and a person equal in spirit and convictions. But this spouse will then wash diapers, cook dinners and run around the shops and ask: "Where have you been ?! Again delayed at work ?!" If you are going to get married, get married, and don’t get married ... The Sagittarius woman is a person who is fond of, it doesn’t cost her anything to fall in love at first sight or make enemies for herself because of naive innocence and unfeminine manners.
She treats marriage without trepidation and languor. The archer jumps out early in marriage, gives birth quickly, soon finds out how much a pound of family life is, and learns poorly from her mistakes. She enters the state of marriage easily and naturally. For example, having met her husband on the beach, at a party, while climbing to the top, and starts family life right away - where she stands. She is ready to treat sex as sports, bodybuilding, shaping and tourism.
The Sagittarius woman is not inclined to bind herself with obligations and impose responsibility on herself. Her parents are often divorced, and her own family life is full of surprises. She is not ready for the feat of the mother-heroine. The monotony, including family life, she endures painfully. The feeling of freedom is as necessary to her as air.
A Sagittarius woman will stay with a man if she knows that she can leave him at any moment. Her housekeeping is tight, and not because of laziness, dislike for the family or indifference to children, but purely astrologically. Sagittarius-housewife - a miserable sight, unnatural and short-lived. Her children are often raised by their grandmothers. By the number of these (both children and grandmothers), you can determine the number of her marriages. Having quickly gone into marriage, she just as quickly leaves it. When youthful enthusiasm subsides, and age requires that it be hidden, the Sagittarius woman always has something to remember.
A smart man will not allow his warrior to spend her days in communion with pots - she will not endure and will go to another. The husband must give her freedom, free her from the routine and, of course, archive her idealistic ideas about what the keeper of the hearth (kitchen, children, church) should be like. If she wants to get a dog, you need to agree, thus choosing the best of many evils.
Life for a Sagittarius woman is not limited to kitchen, children and church. There are so many interesting things in the world and such a variety of temptations - in cinema, sports, modeling, on the stage. How not to try? And she does not sit at home, she tries. Sagittarius women do not show astrological preferences. One thing is for sure: they choose their husbands themselves and do it periodically. she will begin to judge by what he has done in life, and by appearance: how he is dressed, cut, what tie is chosen. Completeness, restraint, modesty, traditionalism are inherent in her, like no one else.

Capricorn - Carnegie in a skirt

One of the symbols of Capricorn is the image of the bride. So the Capricorn girl, more than others, is full of expectations of a worthy man, plans for the future, forebodings and fears. She can stay in the chicks because...
A. Chooses for a long time. It is difficult to please her, the husband must correspond to her dreams, be a person and have, if not merit and position in society, then the prospects for all this. And then she will selflessly help him achieve victory, live by his deeds and successes, perceiving them as her own, or she herself will set the right goal for her husband.
B. She is not averse to achieving something in life with her own hands, and then the family and husband are only an obstacle to the goal. She is a reliable, hardworking, honest, economic wife, but all this must be earned and supported every day, in accordance with her ideas. But while she is a wife, a man is washed, fed, washed and knows what to do and why.
The Capricorn woman, even without studying Carnegie, is easily oriented in everyday psychology. If she wants to influence her husband and the game is worth the candle, she will smile at him, call him by name, listen to his problems, explain why her husband should be fine with her ... She is a demanding mother, keeps her children in strictness, takes care of their education, education and perspectives.
Maybe the child will not have enough love and affection, but the psychological attitude in which he grows up will make his fate meaningful and productive.
Her marriages with Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus are successful. A bad but not boring marriage to Cancer. Not bad, but boring - with Capricorn. However, the Capricorn woman does not look for easy ways and prefers to marry difficult partners in order to suffer properly with a "real" man. So, marriage with Gemini is very common. Relations with Leo, Aries and Libra are even more difficult. Sagittarius husbands are not recommended. Both the attraction and the psychological gap between people are too great.
But there are plenty of such marriages. A similar picture is with Aquarius husbands. Think again! What do you want - family happiness or a family career with a promising cowboy? You will begin to sculpt something from it to your taste, and all he needs from you is comfort and dryness! If desired, a Capricorn woman can take place in any profession.
The career of a hero and politics is also on her shoulder. She can equally use her own talents, connections and business qualities for this. Capricorns are strict in everyday life. Common sense, a sense of taste gives this woman a special charm.

Aquarius - the mystery of nature

Aquarius is a mysterious sign, and the Aquarius woman is even more so. It is difficult to understand her, she does not understand herself. Her actions are unpredictable, her words are unexpected, her thoughts are unusual. Her men are also exotic. For example, a victim of plastic surgery, an Arab sheikh or a homosexual. The Aquarius woman is ready to turn a blind eye to many things, but her chosen one must be a person, and preferably a Personality with a capital letter.
The Aquarius woman does not succumb to difficulties and is not afraid of men's work. She is easy-going and easy to communicate with. However, it is always unpredictable and original. For example, Playboy model Nicole Wood has three cherished dreams at once, vividly characterizing the nature of a young girl. By all means make a career, be sure to have a home, family and children and ... fly a fighter.
The Aquarius woman is an independent, independent, sociable, optimistic person. It always arouses the interest of men. She has a developed mind and wit. Always comes to the rescue, sympathizes and tries to understand. She is characterized by friendliness and goodwill.
The Aquarius woman falls in love easily and suffers from male selfishness. Confuses friendship with love, from which there are many disappointments. It can be in very strange relations with men and enters into a marriage of convenience, by conviction and out of curiosity. He does not like prejudice and hypocrisy, does not recognize monotony in his personal life.
She is also an idealist. Get married many times. The institution of marriage is an anachronism. Sooner or later, any Aquarius woman will agree with such a statement. The average Aquarius is married at least twice or does without this disgrace at all. The recent scandal, at the center of which was the Princess of Monaco Caroline, only confirms the ephemeral nature of relationships with men. Husband caught again with his mistress...
The satirist said that many people choose their shoes more carefully in the store than their life partner. The ease with which this girl marries is amazing. The fact is that the Aquarius woman does not marry a person, but an image that she has created for herself. In addition, her freedom-loving character and non-trivial views on life are of little use in family life.
An Aquarius woman needs to look for a man who looks at the world through her eyes, choose a husband according to her interests and do the same thing with him. First of all, you need to opt for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. But even in this case, something chaotic and unsystematic is obtained. But once in a while it doesn't have to. Relatively successful marriage with Libra. Things are going great with Sagittarius. With Lions, it's not easy. Deplorable stories with Virgos.

Helpful Hints

In the interpretations of the signs of the Zodiac, we are used to paying more attention to deceivers and cheaters than to faithful and devoted partners. This is understandable: you should always be on the alert when it comes to those who can harm us.

However, to pay so much attention exclusively to the negative, forgetting that in the world there is much more positive people , just stupid.

Today I want to figure out which signs of the zodiac will turn out to be true partners to a greater extent and who you can trust.

Capricorns are used to taking responsibility for themselves. If they are in a serious relationship, they are most likely already started thinking about the future and plan it, but they really don’t like to deviate from their plans!

If Capricorns are unhappy in a relationship, most likely they will end it faster than go to change. Although Capricorn men are statistically less faithful, women pull them to an honorable third place. Capricorn women are so accustomed to working hard that they are ready to work day and night to return an unfaithful husband. They are not set to change themselves, let alone change first.

The most faithful women and men

Virgos are incredibly faithful, since they are not so much practical in life matters as they are madly afraid if they are convicted of treason, which means they will understand how imperfect they are. In addition, Virgos usually have so many duties and affairs that they simply have no time to have someone on the side.

Taurus are more likely to catch their partners cheating than go on adventures themselves. Like others earth signs Zodiac, Taurus is unusually faithful and usually hold tight to that partner which seems appropriate to them. Taurus will not cheat also for the reason that he will simply be too lazy to do it, besides, cheating requires large expenses, both material and energy, and Taurus is quite tight-fisted.

Leos can stay very loyal as long as they get due attention from their partners. And they require a lot of attention! If Leo feels that the partner does not care about him and is constantly ignored, they are ready to commit adultery, which usually ends in a break in relations, but not because the betrayal is revealed to their partner, but because Leo understands that he will get much more elsewhere attention.

Rating of the most faithful

Pisces love to flirt, but they don't want to hurt the ones they love, and even more so, they won't immediately rush into some new secret relationship. However, among them there are enough traitors and traitors, because they are sometimes so weak before a new feeling that they cannot resist.

The fish can stay physically correct to her partner, but at the same time she can emotionally change for a long time. For some, this may be sheer nonsense, although in fact, emotional betrayal is a very big problem.

Libra is always looking for balance in life, so sometimes they need to find that balance in ... treason. Representatives of this sign want to be faithful, but often, when they feel bored next to an existing partner, they ask themselves: is this particular partner the only one for me?

Libra will get rid of objectionable relationship, but they definitely won’t be long and tedious to sort things out. This sign of the zodiac can usually find a clear explanation for his cheating: he or she does not like a stressful and exhausting relationship, so he tries to find someone with whom he or she will be easy and good.

The most unfaithful signs of the zodiac

Aries are known cheaters. Especially if they get bored in a relationship or a partner cannot match their fiery temperament. Aries fall prey to their impulses and may act before they think about the consequences of their actions.

If the other side suspects treason, Aries will vehemently deny it. Representatives of this sign need constant stimulation from their partners, or they find themselves someone who excites them more.

Gemini is not among the faithful signs of the zodiac, but if a representative of this sign goes for treason, their partner usually remains ignorant for a long time. Geminis are good at covering their tracks and pretending to be a devoted partner when they actually live a double life.

Gemini often change their minds, so at some point they may find themselves madly in love, but after a short time they will miss this relationship.

Sagittarians are in the penultimate place of our loyalty list, which indicates that they often go to the left. By and large, they are kind creatures and are ready to share their kindness with the whole world. They are cramped in one relationship, so they easily lead parallel lives. At the same time, they do everything possible so that neither side finds out about the betrayal.

And, finally, the last place in the list of faithful husbands and wives is Aquarius, according to the astrologer site. However, Aquarius change when they feel teks and restrictions, and treason is perceived as an attempt to gain freedom to do what you want.

They do not like to act according to tradition, including breaking their oath of allegiance easily and without remorse. They want to experiment, try new things and meet new people, that is, they love when events develop dynamically around them, and life is in full swing.

If Aquarius is forbidden to do something, he wants to do it even more!

People who are fond of astrology are sure that the zodiac sign endows its representatives with certain character traits. Some signs are more characterized by looseness, others - sensuality, and others - shyness. Many are interested in the question of which zodiac sign is the most incorrect. Some seek dubious help from fortune tellers and psychics in order to make sure that their other halves do not cheat on them. In this article, we will try to reveal the degree of fidelity of male and female representatives, guided by astrology.

The most unfaithful zodiac signs among men

Most of the males are inconsistent. Today they idolize their beloved, shower her with compliments, and tomorrow they may begin to stare at another woman. What is the most unfaithful zodiac sign?

Gemini men, according to the horoscope, are more prone to betrayal than others. They can easily betray their chosen one, while they do not even try to keep it a secret. Geminis experience remorse extremely rarely. Accumulated fatigue and monotony in personal relationships can push them to betrayal.

Sagittarius, who are attracted by love adventures, are also distinguished by inconstancy. Basically, they change because of their easy and direct nature. Sagittarians do not consider going "to the left" a bad deed. A beautiful representative of the fair sex can easily lure them into her networks.

Independent and unpredictable Aquarius men are also prone to infidelity. They need variety, so their women often differ from each other in appearance and character. If the second half of Aquarius begins to suspect them of treason unreasonably, they will certainly bring her doubts to life.

The most unfaithful zodiac signs among women

Representatives of the weaker sex, born under the sign of Aries, are able to have a lover just out of curiosity. In this way, they try to add variety to their lives, and even marriage cannot keep the most incorrect sign of the zodiac from romance on the side. Aries women will not hide their feelings. They are able to be the first to confess their love.

Women born under the zodiac sign Pisces are popular with men. We can say that these charms were born under the most incorrect sign of the zodiac. They may be of interest to representatives of the opposite sex, not only appearance but also a rich inner world. Pisces women in most cases are guided by the dictates of the heart, and not by the mind, they can immerse themselves in a fictional world. They are capable of betrayal.

Freedom-loving representatives of the Sagittarius sign prefer the entertainment inherent in men. They choose their soulmate themselves. Whether they will have affairs on the side or not depends on the depth of their feelings for the chosen ones.

Infidelity Rating: Top 3

The rating of the most incorrect signs of the zodiac will give an assessment of the devotion of people who were born under their auspices. Who can be called the record holder for treason? We present to your attention the rating of infidelity:

  1. The first place and the status of the main traitor of the zodiac circle is given to Sagittarius. According to statistics, representatives of this sign are more likely to marry. The reasons for their divorces lie in the inconstancy of these people, and not in the fact that the second halves of Sagittarius do not forgive them for going "to the left".
  2. The second place rightfully belongs to Aries. Representatives of this sign are in constant search ideal partner, often destroying previous relationships for the sake of their dreams.
  3. Cancers, endowed with tenderness and shyness, close the top three most unfaithful signs of the zodiac. They are able to regularly cheat on their soul mates. Sometimes you might think that in this way they are trying to restore balance in their lives.

4-6 places

  • The fourth place in our rating is occupied by Gemini, about which we can say that this is the most incorrect sign of the zodiac. They do not accept any restrictions on freedom, including in the sphere of personal relationships. These people may have permanent lovers, just to add a touch of variety to their lives.
  • This is followed by representatives of the zodiac sign Leo. They love to be admired, they need praise, and this leads to the fact that representatives of this sign increase the number of their admirers, start romances on the side. At the same time, the moral component of the relationship, admiration and
  • In sixth place are Pisces. These people are unfaithful to their partners only in their dreams. IN real life they can decide on treason only out of great love. Only it is impossible to predict how many times in the life of Pisces this feeling can visit.

7-9 places

  • Virgos, ranked seventh in this ranking, are sometimes able to have fleeting affairs, but they always keep them secret from others. Representatives of this sign are able to skillfully hide their adventures from everyone. Among Virgos there are people who are distinguished by fidelity and constancy.
  • Libra can not decide on treason for a long time. While they think and weigh everything, doubt whether they need a change in life or not, they often lose the favor of their fans, without feeling much regret.
  • In seventh place is Aquarius. If he is not satisfied with the relationship in the family, then he is able to decide on a divorce. Aquarius can lie, but treason refers to ugly and unseemly deeds. He tries not to have affairs on the side.

10-12 places

  • Taurus just don't dare to have an affair. They believe that if everything goes well for them in life the best way then there is no need for change.
  • In eleventh place in the ranking are Capricorns. These people are distinguished by fidelity, because they do not see the logic in betrayal.
  • Scorpios, who are successful with the opposite sex, are in last place in the ranking. They do not cheat, because they are good family men and do not see the point in going "to the left" if they are happy with the way their personal relationships are developing.

General conclusions

If a partner, be it a man or a woman, was born under the most incorrect sign of the zodiac, this does not mean that he will necessarily be a traitor. A person who is truly in love with his soul mate will never go "to the left", contrary to all the forecasts of horoscopes. With the help of astrology, you can predict the likelihood of cheating, but whether they will be in real life depends on a large number circumstances.

There is no clear distinction between which zodiac signs are the most unfaithful, and which, on the contrary, are not prone to treason. The degree of fidelity of each person is individual and depends on certain factors: the date and time of birth, the qualities of her soulmate, gender and age category. Even the most inveterate traitor can, over time, turn into a faithful person who is satisfied with his personal relationship.

Among the signs of the zodiac, there are more faithful than others. The location of the stars gives the personality certain character traits. The planets Mars and Venus are responsible for fidelity, their place in natal chart. And has an influence. So which zodiac sign is the most faithful among men and among women?

Which zodiac sign is the most faithful in love?

In men


Remains faithful, the family for her is the main support in life, she respects her partner and creates comfort for him.


The windiness and amorousness of this sign, however, does not prevent them from being faithful if they truly love, and they consider their partner strong. In marriage, Libra rarely leaves first, the family is of great importance to them. But Libra is having a hard time with betrayal, it can knock them down and change their approach to life.

devoted friend

The following zodiac signs give friendship the most greater value and are devoted friends and associates.

  • Cancer. Ready to be around to give advice. Easily forgives, even if forgiveness is not deserved. But in friendship, Cancer is also looking for benefits. He has few real friends, but he appreciates their attitude.
  • Twins. Cheerful, carefree and sociable, he attracts attention. Despite the inconstancy in character, for his real friends he is always ready to help. You can go on fun adventures with Gemini, they are ready for experiments.
  • Virgo. They know how to forgive and start all over again. Their resentment does not last long, and true friendship matters more than petty disagreements. sociable and loyal to her friends.
  • Sagittarius. Rarely offended. He always forgives, even if he was offended. Sagittarius is active and interesting in communication, loves to travel, make friends and appreciate true friendship.
  • Calf. One of the best signs for friendship. Sometimes he shows prudence, but he is faithful to his friends for many years and never forgets them. He is calm, stable and measured. He is unlikely to go to extreme sports, but he can be trusted with a place in the campaign.
  • Scales. The highest degree of capacity for friendship. Libra will always come to the rescue, ready to support and give the necessary advice. They radiate love and kindness. If Libra has become a friend, they will never leave or give.

Most unfaithful

Several zodiac signs are more prone to infidelity. This is due to the windiness of character, boredom with monotony and the desire to get as many adventures as possible in life.

Cancer is often referred to as incorrect signs. They are family, romantic, outwardly faithful. But they have one feature - they must feel that they need a partner. If Cancer does not like something in his personal life, they begin to go to the left. True, they do it in such a way that no one knows about it.

Aries is in second place. He is looking for an ideal, he needs new adventures. When he thinks that the ideal seems to have been found, over time he gets bored with it, and Aries begins to look for something new.

Sagittarius comes first. This is the most inconsistent sign, which can have several marriages during life. it just gets boring. Cheating is a natural part of his character.

Loyalty or infidelity of signs is a fickle trait. Even representatives of the zodiac who are considered faithful can make mistakes, and vice versa, the wrong signs become good family men and love one partner.

Do you want to know how faithful representatives of different zodiac signs are to each other? Especially for you, we have compiled a rating in descending order, starting with the most faithful people.


1st place. Scorpio ranks first in marital fidelity, and this is the case when the external impression of a person can be deceiving. Powerful sexual energy emanates from representatives of this zodiac sign, but Scorpio has everything under control. A loved one for him becomes the center of the universe, and it would seem that this should be the key to a strong connection, but in reality it is often different.

A Scorpio in love, whether a man or a woman, does everything to completely take over his partner, leaving him no personal space. Scorpio is jealous like no one else, he is the first owner, whose feelings are never divided in half. If he loves, he will be faithful to his husband or wife, not allowing betrayal even in his thoughts. If his pride is hurt by the lies of his spouse, the relationship, most likely, is no longer subject to salvation.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read a detailed description of Scorpio.


2nd place. As in the case of the representative of the previous zodiac sign, the temperamental and sexually relaxed Aries does not outwardly give the impression of a good boy, but this does not prevent him from being faithful to his wife or husband. Aries can change his wife only because of a very deep resentment for the romance of his beloved on the side, but in this situation he will not be a villain, but a victim, because because of remorse he will not be able to eat or sleep.

Family values ​​​​for the faithful Aries have always been and will be in the first place. With a partner, he is extremely frank, but requires complete reciprocity and does not tolerate ambiguous situations and understatement. Aries is one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, which, after the betrayal of the spouse, does not consider it necessary to make attempts to save the marriage.

If it happens that the family Aries is seriously carried away by someone, then his spouse will be the first to know about it. For Aries, cheating is too low.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


3rd place. Taurus extremely rarely cheat on husbands and wives, but not because of high moral principles. These people are simply too lazy to change something in their lives, and even more so, to spend their energy on finding adventure. They really appreciate an established life, and a spouse who is able to give them emotional stability.

The conservatism of Taurus extends to the attitude towards sex. For the sake of new sensations, this person will definitely not jeopardize his family life - he does not see any point in this. If, nevertheless, it happens that Taurus cheats on his wife or husband, this will mean only one thing - he was unable to resist the pressure of a persistent admirer. However, this relationship is unlikely to be long - double life implies lies and constant covering up of traces, and this is not included in the plans of Taurus.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Taurus.


4th place. Virgos are very fond of order in everything, and this also applies to their personal lives. A lover for every self-respecting Virgo is like the fifth wheel of a cart, in which, firstly, there is no point, and secondly, he needs to pay attention and his precious time.

Like other representatives of the earth element, Virgos value stability very much, so they will not risk it without good reasons. Virgo will definitely not chase after new sexual sensations, and if she has an affair on the side, then this person has serious plans for a new partner.

Before deciding to divorce a spouse, Virgo will first make sure that a new relationship will give her more opportunities. It will take some time to make a decision, since not a single Virgo will act spontaneously, which means that the double life will be slightly delayed. It is almost impossible to convict this person of treason - he will find a way to convince his spouse of his fidelity.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about the description of Virgo.


5th place. Casual sexual relationships do not attract Capricorns. They need a person for life, in whom they can be sure, but for their part they usually give less than they receive from a partner. Capricorn is a master of playing a subtle game and keeping his wife or husband under invisible control, inspiring confidence, but few people manage to arrange him for reciprocal frankness.

It is not common for Capricorn to find hobbies on the side - first, his psychological readiness for treason matures in him, and only then he decides to actively search for a “alternate airfield”, while not getting divorced. New romance on the side promises to be long, and Capricorn will stop his choice on the one in whom he sees more benefits (which one depends on the individual qualities of his nature).

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Capricorn.


6th place. A young, unmarried Aquarius can lead a wild life, but having made a choice, he is unlikely to consciously seek adventure on the side. This person is open to the outside world and finds pleasure in communication, therefore, in principle, he is not capable of suffering from boredom.

However, Aquarius cannot be called a stable person. Changes in his life are always unexpected, and not only for others, but also for himself. Tired of being faithful to his wife or husband, Aquarius at first can get by with random relationships, the significance of which he does not yet have a clear idea. This will continue exactly until someone interested in Aquarius begins to fight for their happiness.

A representative of the air element can behave neutrally, as if giving his wife and mistress the opportunity to participate in the race. In fact, he does this not because of a weak character, but rather out of curiosity. It is likely that, unexpectedly for both, he will find a third option for himself, or even decide to remain alone. Unpredictability is the eternal companion of the charming Aquarius, to whom the opposite sex is not able to experience indifference.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Aquarius.


7th place. For Gemini, the length of married life does not matter - they are only interested in the quality of the relationship. If everything suits them, they will live well without adventures. Gemini can be happily married for many years without cheating on their husband or wife physically, but occasionally flirting with members of the opposite sex. Usually, this is quite enough for them, and they do not proceed to active actions.

Gemini can decide on a real betrayal if they are tired of everything, and they no longer value their marriage. Representatives of this zodiac sign can turn a blind eye to a despotic spouse without taking him to heart - they do not like to scandal, but they perceive quarrels and jealousy as part of a living relationship. If the Gemini is faced with indifference or tedious reading of morality, they will begin to look for an option on the side without getting divorced. As soon as they meet this option, they will very quickly decide on a divorce. A protracted romance on the side is not included in their plans.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Gemini.


8th place. Quiet and familial, Cancers come across as a very loyal zodiac sign. When they get married, they don’t allow an affair on the side even in their thoughts, but if the married life does not justify their hopes, the ideals collapse, and there are less and less claims to themselves.

It is very important for Cancer to feel like a decent person, and besides this, he is squeamish and afraid of any infection, so casual sexual relationships are out of the question. By cheating on his wife or husband, Cancer puts his whole soul into it.

The reason for the betrayal of Cancer usually becomes mutual understanding (sometimes only apparent), with someone from their environment. New acquaintances are of no interest to him, even if they have a bright appearance and pronounced sexuality.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.


9th place. To feel complete comfort, Libra needs a person who fully shares their interests, that is, intelligent and able to appreciate beauty. Both love and fidelity could be present in their life together, but during difficulties it will quickly become clear that there is no one to solve them. That is why Libra tries to create a family with a resourceful and self-confident representative of the opposite sex.

Libra is rarely satisfied with his spouse - their requirements for him are contradictory, and golden mean they would hardly have been satisfied due to the lack of pronounced qualities of nature. As a result, they constantly lack something, and they begin to doubt their choice.

If Libra has an affair on the side, it will be long and sluggish. Making a decision for a representative of this zodiac sign is not easy, so he will hesitate until one of his partners makes a decision for him.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.

a lion

10th place. If Leo is happy with everything, he is quite capable of being faithful. A representative of this zodiac sign may decide to cheat because of emotional hunger or indifference on the part of a husband or wife.

Admiration is necessary for Leo like air, he must feel loved and desired, and if the spouse is not able to give him these feelings, Leo will find them on the side. At the same time, he will not attempt to hide the fact of infidelity, and may well be absent from home for long nights or conduct love correspondence almost in front of his other half.

When asked if a third corner has appeared in his life, Leo will answer in plain text. With whom to stay, he always decides for himself, and no benefit or stability will become an advantage for him. For Leo, the most important thing is the emotions that a partner can give him.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo.


11th place. Romantic and charming Pisces know how to please the opposite sex without doing anything for this. Looking into their eyes, you may get the feeling that only with them you can experience real feelings and plunge headlong into the ocean of love and tenderness. Do not rush to rejoice - not only you think so, but more importantly, what Pisces themselves think about this.

There is no depravity in the representatives of this zodiac sign, but their thoughts are often far from reality. Pisces need an ideal that they themselves have come up with in order to live only for him and only for him, to be faithful to him, and grow old on one pillow. Since all mere mortals have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, Pisces are often disappointed and continue to seek their happiness, while remaining legally married.

Pisces are much more likely than representatives of other signs of the zodiac to marry and get divorced. Their families most often collapse because of the betrayals that Pisces themselves decide on.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Pisces.


12th place. So we come to the most incorrect sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius takes the first place in terms of the number of betrayals. In order for a representative of this zodiac sign to be faithful to his spouse, his interest must be constantly maintained and given new impressions. Sagittarians cannot stand stagnation in events and boredom, therefore they often satisfy their emotional hunger through communication with the opposite sex. At the same time, marital status is not a hindrance for them.

From sex, Sagittarius expects not new level quality, but a charge of energy associated with risk. Most of all, he is excited by the likelihood of being caught, so if Sagittarius cheats, then he does it brazenly. Having received a long-awaited sip " fresh air", A representative of this zodiac sign may well continue his family life with his former partner, unless, of course, this option suits the latter.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about Sagittarius.