Cool experiences for children. Children's experiments and experiments at home

  • 25.05.2019

Conducting chemical experiments at home is very exciting. You can feel like a little experimenter, a little pioneer, a little magician.

Here the pink and transparent solutions are mixed, the result is green. A cloud flew into a bottle on the windowsill. When heated, a mysterious message appears on a blank sheet of paper, and snakes crawl out of the burning sand. You say this is impossible and it couldn’t have happened without magic? But all these phenomena are based on chemical laws. And to implement them you will need “reagents” that everyone has at home, or they can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Buy chemical experiments for children

Now in the section for schoolchildren you can see kits for young chemists. This set contains materials for conducting 3-5 experiments. It's interesting, it's exciting and spectacular. In addition, a child who personally performs an experiment and examines the result will find it easier to understand what the teacher is talking about in a chemistry lesson. The only negative is that such sets are not cheap. But many experiments can be carried out by looking for reagents at home.

Chemical experiments for children at home: “Cloud in a bottle”

In transparent plastic bottle pour 1 tbsp. l. alcohol (can be replaced with water, but the reaction will be less active). Twist the bottle so that the alcohol spreads along the walls. Start pumping air into the bottle (20 pump presses is enough). Remove the pump, the bottle becomes cold and a cloud appears in it.


Water molecules, evaporating (alcohol evaporates faster), float in the air. In the experiment, “water” evaporated from the walls. As the pressure in the bottle increases, the molecules collide and compress. With a sharp drop in pressure, the air temperature drops sharply. This causes the “water” molecules to stick together or condense in the air into small droplets called clouds.

Chemical experiments for children video

Chemical experiments for children games: “Spy”

Who in childhood did not dream of having a pen with invisible ink, when what is written appears only under special influence, and a stranger can only see Blank sheet? Such ink can be produced in at least 2 ways.

Method 1. Dip a brush in milk (or soda solution) and start writing a message on white paper. After the milk dries, the sheet will become clean again. But if you iron it, the image will be visible on it.


The ink begins to develop when exposed to heat. The burning temperature of milk is much lower than that of paper. And when the milk “burns,” the paper remains white.

Method 2. Instead of milk, use lemon juice or thick rice water. And the developer is water with a few drops of iodine.

Chemical experiments for children at home “Ball from an egg”

Place in a glass jar a raw egg(preferably with a brown shell) and fill with vinegar. After a few hours, the shell will begin to “bubble.” After 7-8 hours, the shell will dissolve and the egg will turn white. Leave the egg in the solution for a week.

After 7 days, remove the egg from the solution. The vinegar remained clear and the egg looked like a rubber ball. If you go with an egg to dark room and shine a flashlight on it, it will begin to reflect light. And if you bring the light source closer, the egg will be illuminated right through.


The main component of eggshells is calcium carbonate. Vinegar dissolves calcium. This process is called decalcification. The shell first becomes soft, and after a while disappears.

Chemical experiments for children at home video

Chemical experiments at home for children “Volcanic eruption”

Remove Mentos from the package. Place a bottle half filled with cola on the floor. Quickly pour Mentos into the bottle and run away, otherwise it will fill with foam.


The rough surface of the candy is where carbon dioxide is released. The reaction is enhanced by Asparam (a sweetener in cola), which reduces the surface tension of water, and therefore facilitates the release of CO2, sodium benzoate, caffeine; gelatin, gum arabic in dragees.

Think about it next time, maybe you shouldn’t drink delicious cola so as not to provoke a similar reaction in your stomach?

Chemical experiments for children animation: “Crawling Snakes”

The biblical account says that Moses, arguing with Pharaoh, could not convince him and threw his staff on the ground, turning it into a snake. Scientists have now concluded that it was not a snake, but a chemical reaction.

Sulfanilamide snake.

Secure the streptocide tablet to a wire and heat it over an open fire. Snakes will begin to emerge from the medicine. If you pick one of them up with tweezers, the snake will be long.


Any sulfanilamide tablet (sulgin, etazol, sulfadimethoxine, sulfadimezin, biseptol, phthalazole) is suitable for the experiment. When the drug is heated, rapid oxidation occurs with the release of gaseous substances (hydrogen sulfide and water vapor). The gas swells the mass and forms a “snake”.

"Sweet" viper.

Pour 100 g into a plate. sifted sand and soak it in 95% alcohol. Form a slide with a “crater” in the middle. Mix 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda and pour into a hole in the sand.

Light the alcohol (it takes a few minutes to burn). Black balls will begin to appear on the surface, and black liquid will accumulate below. When the alcohol burns out, the mixture will turn black and a black snake will begin to crawl out of it, wriggling.


When soda decomposes and alcohol burns, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor are released. Gases swell the mass, causing it to crawl. The snake's body consists of small particles of coal mixed with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which is formed when sugar burns).

How to interest a child in learning new substances and properties of various objects and liquids? You can set up an impromptu chemical laboratory at home and conduct simple chemical experiments for children at home.

The transformations will be original and appropriate in honor of some festive event or in the most ordinary conditions to familiarize the child with the properties different materials. Here are some simple tricks that are easy to do at home.

Chemical experiments using ink

Take a small container of water, preferably one with transparent walls.

Dissolve a drop of ink or ink in it - the water will turn blue.

Add one pre-crushed activated carbon tablet to the solution.

Then shake the container well and you will see that it will gradually become light, without a tint of paint. Coal powder has an absorbent property, and the water returns to its original color.

Trying to create clouds at home

Take a tall jar and pour some into it hot water(about 3 cm). Prepare ice cubes in the freezer and place them on a flat baking sheet that you place on top of the jar.

The hot air in the jar will cool, forming water vapor. The condensate molecules will begin to gather together in the form of a cloud. This transformation demonstrates the origin of clouds in nature when warm air cools. Why is it raining?

Drops of water on the ground heat up and rise upward. There they cool and meet each other to form clouds. Then the clouds also combine into heavy formations and fall to the ground as precipitation. Watch a video of chemical experiments for children at home.

How your hands feel at different water temperatures

You will need three deep bowls of water - cold, hot and room temperature.

The child should touch cold water with one hand and hot water with the other.

After a couple of minutes, both hands are placed in a vessel with water at room temperature. How does water feel to him? Is there a difference in perception temperature?

Water can be absorbed and stain the plant.

For this beautiful transformation you will need living plant or flower stem.

Place it in a glass of water colored in any bright color (red, blue, yellow).

Gradually you will notice that the plant takes on the same color.

This happens because the stem absorbs water and takes on its color. In the language of chemical phenomena, such a process is usually called osmosis or one-way diffusion.

You can make your own fire extinguisher at home

Necessary actions:

  1. Let's take a candle.
  2. It is necessary to light it and place it in the jar so that it stands straight and the flame does not reach its edges.
  3. Carefully place a teaspoon of baking powder into the jar.
  4. Then pour a little vinegar into it.

Next, we look at the transformation - the white baking powder will hiss, forming foam, and the candle will go out. This interaction of two substances produces carbon dioxide. It sinks to the bottom of the jar because it is heavy compared to other atmospheric gases.

The fire does not receive oxygen and goes out. This is the principle behind the fire extinguisher. They all contain carbon dioxide, which extinguishes the flames of fire.

What else you should definitely read:

Oranges have the ability to float on water

If you put an orange in a bowl of water, it will not sink. Clean it and dip it in water again - you will see it at the bottom. How did this happen?

The orange peel has air bubbles that keep it floating on the water, almost like an air mattress.

Testing eggs for their ability to float on water

We use jars of water again. Place a couple of tablespoons of salt in one of them and stir until dissolved. Dip an egg into each jar. In salt water it will be on the surface, and in normal water it will sink to the bottom.

If you want to awaken an interest in science in your children, but the teacher at school cannot cope with this (and in reality he simply does not care), then you do not have to hit your child over the head with a book or hire tutors. You, as a responsible parent, can conduct interesting and colorful scientific experiments right at home using available materials.

A little imagination, and entertainment for the children who came to your child’s birthday party is ready.

1. Walking on chicken eggs

Even though the eggs look very fragile, their shells are stronger than they look. If the pressure on the shell is distributed evenly, it can withstand very heavy loads. This can be used to show children a fun trick involving walking on eggs, and also explain to them how it works.

Although we assume that the experiment will be successful, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side, so it’s better to cover the floor with oilcloth or lay out garbage bags. Place a couple of trays of eggs on top, making sure that there are no defective or cracked ones. Also make sure that the eggs are positioned equally, otherwise the load will not be distributed evenly.

Now you can carefully stand on the eggs barefoot, trying to distribute your weight evenly. The same principle is used in walking on nails or glass, but this should not be repeated with children. Don't repeat it at all.

2. Non-Newtonian fluid

Most liquids on the planet practically do not change their viscosity when the force that is applied to them changes. However, there are liquids that become almost solid when the force increases, and they are called non-Newtonian. You can make them right at home from available materials. Show this experience to your child and he will be happy.

To make a non-Newtonian liquid, pour a glass of starch into a deep bowl and fill it with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can add food coloring for beauty. Start stirring it all slowly until the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass.

If you slowly scoop up such liquid with your hand, it will simply flow through your fingers. But as soon as you apply force to it at speed or hit it sharply, it immediately becomes hard. This will be a great toy for your child to use for the next few hours.

3. Bouncing coin

Very interesting experience, as well as a trick if you want to convince others of your paranormal abilities. For this experiment at home, we will need a regular bottle, as well as a coin that is slightly larger in diameter than the neck.

Chill the bottle in the refrigerator, or better yet, in the freezer. After this, moisten its neck with water and place a coin on top. You can put your hands on the bottle for effect, warming it. The air inside the bottle will begin to expand and escape through the neck, throwing the coin into the air.

4. Volcano at home

The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a win-win if you're trying to impress kids. Just make a small volcano out of plasticine or clay on a plate, and pour a few teaspoons of soda into its hole, pour a little warm water and add red food coloring for decoration. After this, pour a small amount of vinegar into the mouth and observe the reaction.

5. Lava Falls

A very effective and simple scientific experiment that allows you to demonstrate to children the principle of interaction of liquids with different masses and densities.
Take a tall, narrow container (a flower vase or just a plastic bottle will do). Pour several glasses of water and a glass into the vessel vegetable oil. Add bright food coloring to make the experiment more visual and prepare a tablespoon of salt.

At first, the oil will float on the surface of the vessel because it has a lower density. Begin to slowly pour the salt into the vessel. The oil will begin to sink to the bottom, but when it reaches it, the salt will be freed from the viscous liquid, and the oil particles will begin to rise to the top again, like grains of hot lava.

6. Money doesn't burn

This experience is suitable for wealthy people who have nothing left to burn but money. A great trick to surprise children and adults. Of course, there is a risk of failing the performance, so please respect the time limits.

Take any bill (depending on your capabilities) and soak it in a salted solution of alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio. Make sure that the bill is completely saturated, after which you can remove it from the liquid. Secure the bill in some holder and set it on fire.

Alcohol boils at a fairly low temperature and begins to evaporate much faster than water. Therefore, all the fuel will evaporate before the bill itself catches fire.

7. Experiment with colored milk

For this fun experiment we will need full fat milk, some food coloring different colors and detergent.

Pour the milk into a plate and add a few drops of coloring in different places in the container. Take a drop detergent on the tip of your finger or moisten a cotton swab with it and touch the surface of the milk directly in the center of the plate. Watch how the dyes begin to mix effectively.

As you might have guessed, detergent and grease don't mix, and when you touch the surface, a reaction begins that causes the molecules to move.

In order to conduct chemical and physical experiments and try to study the laws of nature, you don’t have to wait until it’s time to go to school. You can conduct entertaining experiments in the form of a game at home with children up to school age. Of course, these will be simple experiments that do not require special knowledge or preparation. They must still be carried out exclusively in the presence of adults in order to avoid unforeseen situations that are dangerous to the lives of children. You can watch some of the experiments listed below and other experiments on video on our website.


So, let's see what interesting scientific experiments in the form of a game can be done at home?

First of all, let’s decide which substances are fun and safe to conduct experiments at home for children preschool age.

  1. Firstly, with water. You can dissolve various substances in it and observe the manifestation of their properties.
  2. Secondly, with air.
  3. And finally, with all available means: soap, soda, salt, rubber, etc.

Water (1 option)

First, let's do a simple experiment with water. To do this experiment you will need:

  1. a quarter glass of colored water,
  2. a quarter glass sunflower oil
  3. and a quarter glass of syrup.

As a result, while playing, children develop the concept of different densities of liquids.

As a result of the experiments, the following picture should be obtained: the syrup, as the densest liquid, will settle to the bottom, water will be in the middle, and the oil will float to the top.

Home experiments with water are the easiest. They usually consist of mixing various substances with water. With children of preschool and primary school age, you can do another shocking experiment, which, however, is no different from an ordinary boy’s game.

Option 2

Fill the container with water, add a quarter of an Alka-Seltzer tablet, cover with a lid and step aside. It is very interesting to watch how the lid flies off to the side under the pressure of carbon dioxide. You can view similar experiments in the photo.

Interesting science experiments can be done at home using a variety of chemicals. Of course, for preschool children, we will not use life-threatening acids or alkalis for play. Interesting experiments are obtained even if you use things familiar from birth: soap, vinegar, salt, etc.

Inflating the balloons

For the following experiments you will need:

  1. plastic bottle,
  2. vinegar,
  3. baking soda,
  4. balloon,
  5. funnel.

We begin the experiment by pouring one and a quarter cups of vinegar into a plastic bottle. Fill a balloon with three-quarters of a cup of baking soda and attach the balloon to the top of the bottle. Carefully let the soda fall into the bottle and watch how the ball inflates, but it will not fly. Take a video of a similar experiment and show it to your friends: they will probably want to repeat it.



Interesting experiments can be done with butter. As a result of such experiments, any child will feel like a real wizard. Take a packet of milk cream and pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid. Close the lid and start whisking. The experiment lasts quite a long time - about 20 minutes. The cream is first turned into a thick cream and then into homemade butter. The child is truly surprised by such a transformation. When the cream thickens, drain off the remaining water by straining through cheesecloth.

Video on the topic

Entertaining home experiments can provide a lot for the development of preschool children. Scientific experiments carried out in the form of games teach children to be inquisitive, attentive to natural phenomena, and develop erudition. As a result, the child clear example learns the laws of physics and chemistry, which will subsequently be studied at school. Fun experiments for preschool children help reveal their talents and abilities and prepare future scientists.


Through experiments with plants, children can become familiar with the physical phenomenon of absorption. This is the ability of a material or living being to absorb the constituents of another substance. To conduct the experiment, you will need several stalks of celery and colored water, for example red. Pour water into a glass and drop the celery stalks into it. Of course for this experience need time. After a few days, the stems will begin to absorb water and turn red in color. If the stems then sprout leaves, they will also be red. Thus, the rather complex theoretical concept of absorption becomes simple and clear thanks to fascinating experiments.

Making jelly

Fun experiments for children can bring not only educational benefits, but also quite material satisfaction. For example, the result of experiments may be the creation delicious dish, which will also serve as a teaching aid. Such an experiment is convenient to conduct not only for preschool children, but also for school-age children. We invite you to study with your children the structure of plant and animal cells using... jelly, which can then be eaten by the whole family. For these experiments you will need kitchen sets for making jelly and sets of various candies small size:

  • jelly,
  • marshmallows,
  • caramel.

We open the jelly preparation kits and do everything according to the instructions on the packages. Pour the jelly into molds, preferably square. This will be the basis for our cells. Plant cells can be made green, and animal cells orange. Accordingly, in stores we choose sets of jelly of these colors. When the jelly has hardened, open the sets of candies and lay out the component cells from them. Material about this is easy to find on the Internet or in a school textbook. From such sweet crafts you can make a whole tutorial, filming them on video.

How to make milk jelly?


Fun science experiments for kids can be done at home using regular milk, creating a real symphony of colors. For experiments of this kind you will need:

  1. some milk,
  2. food colors of different colors,
  3. a piece of soap
  4. ear sticks
  5. and a dinner plate.

Pour some milk into a plate. Add food coloring drop by drop various colors to the center of the plate. Dyes can be purchased in liquid form or purchased in powder form, which must then be diluted with water. Next, dip the ear stick into the middle of the milk. Don't mix colors! Place a drop of liquid soap on the other end of the ear stick. Place the soapy end of the stick in the center of the plate and hold for 10-15 seconds. Look at the explosion of colors and colors!

The experience works very simply. Milk has a consistency similar to water, but contains fats, minerals, vitamins and other substances. The secret of a symphony of colors lies in a drop of soap. The fact is that the main property of soap is to eliminate fats. When soap is placed in milk, the soap molecules try to attack the fat molecules, and in turn, the fat molecules try to avoid the “attack.” It is this process that reflects the rapid movement of flowers.

This is what you should get:

So, experiments for children in the form of games at home are one of the most important conditions for the development of erudition and further interest in learning. Even if you are not strong in physics or chemistry, on our website you can find many videos and descriptions of instructions for implementation. At the same time, you do not need expensive sets of chemicals: you will find everything you need at home. Try, observe, experiment!

Today there are a huge number of educational games for children. But conducting various experiments in a homely atmosphere will leave a lasting impression on the younger generation. With a minimal set of objects, it is possible to perform many experiments, which in the child’s mind will be perceived as a focus.

Experiments for children “Invisible ink”

To create this magical experience for children, you will need the following components:

  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • Drinking water – 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Cup;
  • Double-sided cotton swab;
  • Blank sheet of paper.

The steps to send a secret message should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Squeezed lemon juice and water are poured into a glass. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. One side of the cotton swab should be used as a writing instrument. It is dipped in a lemon solution of water and the required text is applied to a clean sheet of paper.
  3. After the secret information has completely dried, the piece of paper with the message must be heated. For the experiment you will need a table lamp turned on.
  4. Under the influence of a lighting device, encrypted letters will begin to appear; such an experience at home for your child will be an amazing knowledge of chemical laws.

Experiments for children “Inflating a balloon with lemon”

The necessary items for conducting such an experiment will be:

  • Glass empty bottle;
  • Balloon;
  • Scotch;
  • Clean glass;
  • Baking soda – 1 dessert spoon;
  • 1 glass of clean water;
  • Food vinegar – 3 large spoons;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • Funnel.

Such a test is carried out in several stages:

  1. Prepared soda is added to a bottle of water.
  2. Vinegar and lemon juice are mixed in a glass. Then, using a funnel, the sour mixture is poured into a bottle with soda and water.
  3. Quickly place the ball on the neck of the bottle. And immediately wrap tape around its edges. This is necessary to ensure that air does not escape outside.
  4. The ingredients contained in the bottle create the necessary chemical reaction. Their end result is the release of carbon dioxide, which, with its properties, creates pressure inside this structure.
  5. It is this force that inflates the balloon.

Experiments for children “Space rocket launch”

For this experiment and to create a natural release of a lethal vehicle, the following items will be required:

  • Colored paper;
  • Bottle with pressed cork;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Drinking water – 0.5 cups;
  • Funnel;
  • Juice squeezed from one lemon;
  • Baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Toilet paper, small size;
  • Threads.

The rocket model is launched in a strict sequence of actions:

  1. The plug will serve as the body of the spacecraft. It should not close the neck of the bottle too tightly. Glass containers are a kind of platform for starting.
  2. Using scissors and colorful paper, you need to form the wings for the rocket. Secure with glue. The result should be a mock-up of a flying machine that easily fits into the neck of the bottle.
  3. Using a funnel, pour water and lemon juice into a glass container. Then the resulting mixture is mixed and waits for its finest hour.
  4. In a piece toilet paper Add baking soda and wrap it with thread. The ball should be of such a size that it special effort was able to get into the prepared bottle.
  5. The location for launching the spacecraft must be thought out in advance. Since its rapid flight can destroy the chandelier on the ceiling.
  6. Next, place the lump of soda powder into the bottle with the solution. And put a model of a rocket on the neck. But at the same time, the entry of the aircraft into the launch turbine should not be too tight.
  7. After a few seconds of anticipation, you can almost see a real space launch, a great experience for children.

Experiments for children “Commanding toothpicks”

When conducting this experiment, a child may well feel like a wizard. In order for this miracle to happen, you need to arm yourself with such items as:

  • Toothpicks;
  • Shallow cup of water;
  • Rafinated sugar;
  • Dishwashing liquid.

Using a minimal set and a few steps, you can conduct an experiment:

  1. Place toothpicks on the water in the shape of sun rays.
  2. Then slowly lower a piece of refined sugar into the water into the resulting center.
  3. This action can pull the toothpicks towards the center of the bowl and the sugar cube.
  4. And if the sugar is removed from the container and a small drop of detergent is applied to this place, the rays will begin to move away to the edges of the cup.
  5. The trick of these actions is that sugar, with its properties, sucks in air, thereby attracting nearby objects. On the contrary, soap solution is repulsive.

Experience for children “Floating Egg”

In order to make an egg float, you will need the following components:

  • Raw chicken egg;
  • Container with clean drinking water;
  • Salt – 1 pack.

First, let's try dipping an egg into raw water. It just sank. Now take it back out and add salt to the water. That is, we create a strong saline solution. The next step is to try to make the egg float in salt water. And it really is on the water surface and does not sink. This happens due to the fact that salt creates an increased density of water, which is how this experiment for children turns out.

Experiments for children “Ice fishing”

The catch in this experiment for children will be a small ice cube. It will be caught from a glass of water, but your hands will remain dry. Scroll necessary materials described below:

  • A glass of clean water;
  • Frozen ice cube;
  • A few granules of salt;
  • A thread no more than one meter long.

When conducting this experiment, you must carefully monitor everything that happens so as not to miss important details. Execution order necessary operations is:

  1. A small piece of ice is dropped into a prepared glass of water.
  2. The thread is placed with one end on the edge of the glass and the other on the ice cube.
  3. Salt granules are sprinkled onto the ice where the thread is located. And the time is ticking. The waiting time is 5-10 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, by gently moving the edge of the thread, you can take out an ice cube. It will be attached to the thread.
  5. This happens due to the salt, which melts the ice. And then pure water It just freezes the thread to the ice piece.

Experiments for children “Cold water boils”

To see the boiling bubbles in cold water, participants in the experiments will need the following components:

  • A glass filled to the top with cold water;
  • Pharmaceutical gum;
  • Handkerchief.

All experimental techniques must be performed in a sink and in the appropriate order:

  1. The handkerchief is generously moistened with water and wrung out.
  2. Place a handkerchief on a glass of water and secure it with an elastic band. Moreover, the core of the scarf should touch the water surface.
  3. Turn the prepared glass upside down and hold it in one hand. With the other hand, apply gentle blows to the bottom of the glass. From these actions, the water begins to “boil”, that is, to boil.
  4. This occurs because the fabric of the scarf does not allow water to pass through from the glass. And upon impact, vacuum air is formed, which enters the water, your child will be delighted.

Experience “Creating a musical instrument”

While creating musical flute For children at home, using scrap materials, you will need the following items:

  • Plastic straw;
  • Scissors.

The future tool needs to be slightly flattened on one side and its side edges cut off. At equal distances from each other, three holes are cut on the surface of the straw. You just need to lightly blow air into it and close the holes one by one. The flute is ready to perform musical works, an excellent experience for developing hearing, imagination and logical modeling.

Experiment "Bird in a Cage"

To complete this experiment, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Scissors;
  • White cardboard;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Compass;
  • Colour pencils.

Following all stages of this experience will lead to an unforgettable experience of creating a cartoon. To construct it you need:

  1. Using a compass, draw a regular circle on the cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Poke a pair of holes with a needle on the sides of the circle and pull the threads through them. The length of the threads on both sides should be about half a meter.
  3. On the outside of the cardboard you need to draw an empty cell. And on the other there is a small bird that could fit in this cage.
  4. Then, taking the threads from both sides, you need to twist them with rotating movements.
  5. When the twisted ends are stretched, they will unwind. And at this moment the child will be able to see the bird that is in the cage.

Experiments for children “Turning a square into a circle”

The focus of this test is the visual effect. To carry it out, the following materials are needed:

  • Cardboard;
  • Ruler;
  • Felt pen;
  • Pencil.

When performing the transformation trick, you need to cut out a square of the correct shape from cardboard. Then, using a ruler, find the middle of one side. Attach one end of the measuring device to it, and bring its other end to the corner of the nearest side. Along the resulting line, using a felt-tip pen, you need to apply about 30 dots.

Find the middle of a cardboard square and pierce it with the sharp tip of a pencil. The cardstock should rotate on the pencil without much effort. When you rotate the square, you can see the resulting circle. Although these are just dots on the cardboard, they simply move in a circle and create a circle effect.

Experience "Mighty Power of Breathing"

Any child considers himself strong and brave. And in order for his confidence in this to be strengthened, it is necessary to conduct a similar experiment. To complete it you will need:

  • Hangers for clothes;
  • Thick thread;
  • Book;
  • Clothesline.

The implementation of all stages of the experience will lead to excellent mastery results. The implementation of these activities consists of:

  1. At a pre-selected place, you need to pull the clothesline.
  2. Using threads, a book is tied to a hanger. It should not be in close contact with the hanger, that is, there must be free space between them.
  3. The coat hanger hook needs to be hung on the clothesline. The design for the experiment is ready.
  4. While at a short distance from the device, you need to blow on it with all your available strength. The result of these actions will be only a slight rocking of the book mechanism.
  5. And if you change your breathing tactics from the same distance, the result will not be long in coming. With a slight increase in air exhalation, the design will begin to deviate. And then you can also slowly blow on the device. That is, the effect of power consists in the lightness and consistency of the blow.

Experiments for children “Record weight”

The materials needed to conduct the experiment for children are used:

  • Small tin jars - 2 pieces;
  • Paper;
  • Glass jar, about 1 liter capacity.

The experiment consists of the following stages:

  1. Cans made of tin material are placed opposite each other, at an approximate distance of about 30 centimeters.
  2. A prepared sheet of paper is placed on top of them. It creates the appearance of a bridge.
  3. You must place the jar on this laid paper bridge with careful movements. The result of such actions will be the fall of the glass container.
  4. If you fold a sheet of paper into a typical accordion shape and place it between two tins, you will also get a bridge. But only with enhanced action. Because if you place a can on this structure, it will not fall, since the bridge does not even bend.

Whichever of these experiments is carried out among children, they will definitely remember its effect for many years to come.

Video “Experiments for children at home”