Transiting Pluto Opposition Saturn. Transiting pluto squared to natal pluto and other crisis periods of life

  • 11.10.2019

L.A. Filippov. predictive astrology

For spiritual people it gives a powerful creative takeoff, a high feeling of love, the transformation of sexual energy into more subtle forms. Money. Sexual attraction, a good period for conception.
In the negative aspect - life under the influence of instincts, the danger of sexual perversion, rape and sexually transmitted diseases (now AIDS).

Pavel Globa. Backhaul connections

At best: very high love, and for some, the transformation of sexual energy, tantric work. It is very good during this period to work with your marriage partner; through marital intimacy one can comprehend spiritual things; it during this period during this period is accompanied by a huge creative upsurge. It is possible to conceive a child, and in material terms, receive money.
In the worst case: venereal diseases, sexual exhaustion await a person, there is a danger of rape, perversion, betrayal. The desire to live only by their needs, instincts.

Larisa Nazarova. Transit aspects

The person becomes sexually attractive and acquires the hypnotic power of influencing others. Under the influence of the aspect, previous ideas about love can collapse, there is a tendency to sudden, passionate love, to secret love relationships, a tendency to torment oneself and cause suffering to a loved one. There is love fanaticism. The aspect is fraught with an overexpenditure of sexual energy, which will affect health. Under evil Pluto, overbearing sexuality and a tendency to coercion. Exist real danger rape. In the positive version, creative irresistibility as a result of the sublimation of energy. Ability to financially appear
business, especially if the aspect is related to the 8th house.

Transit - Business

A period of important emotional experiences and changes in the financial situation. Such changes occur independently of your will, but under the influence of circumstances, usually large-scale political, economic or natural events. The aspect can act both destructively and favorably, and the nature of its action can only be clarified in an individual consultation. Serious conflicts are possible in the working environment, with business partners. Exposure to the influence of public sentiment, it is better to avoid large crowds. There is a need for some transformations, updates. A collision with the law or public organizations is likely. However, during this period, issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as inheritance or alimony can be successfully resolved. It is possible to reveal and intensively develop many talents and abilities, especially in the field of arts.

Transit - Health

The period of fracture in the course of major diseases, usually for the better. But in some cases, serious diseases may occur, the manifestation of symptoms of hidden diseases, especially diseases of the thyroid or thymus glands, genital organs. During the entire period, there is a danger when conducting scientific experiments, from explosions and natural disasters, radiation, injuries, burns.

Transit - Love and family

There may be a need to break the old love relationship and building new ones. This is a critical period for a relationship that has exhausted itself. Events in the family will also require renewal and some sacrifice. Forced separations, partings, conflicts, outbreaks of jealousy, possessive instincts and irrepressible sexuality are not ruled out. Actualization of issues of alimony or inheritance, as well as property or financial problems. Often - a good decision. Perhaps a collision with someone's death.

Probably every astrologer has his own "favorite planets". I have an astrological love affair with Pluto, the planet farthest from the Sun. Pluto is unlimited power, steel character, sex, the deepest feelings. This is a large-scale, collective planet, Pluto does not know halftones, it is black or white, life or death, love or hate. From the outside it may seem like a young girl can like the planet of power, but, as is often the case in love, I cannot logically explain for what characteristics I distinguish this planet from others. After all, love is not for something, but in spite of. And today I wanted to write a post about Pluto transits, because. in my opinion, the period of life when this transit planet aspects any of your natal planet, is the most fateful and memorable.

Transiting Pluto on the Sun

The sun is probably the most important planet in the chart of any person. She can share the reins of government only with the Moon. And therefore, the transit of Pluto along these two luminaries, as a rule, promises radical transformations in life, big changes. Moreover, changes can be perceived by a person, very painfully. Pluto always gives something, but it will also take something, and it will take it even without your consent. And if you resist, you will only make it worse for yourself. Probably the most important thing to understand during such a transit is that Pluto removes from your life only that which has completely outlived itself. But, a person is such a creature that is inclined, to heartbreaking cries, to hold on to what is already essentially unnecessary.

The sun is your ego, consciousness, and the transit of Pluto actually erases your individuality, character into powder. Even very strong people during this period may feel that they are not in charge of their own lives. There are often situations of psychological or physical pressure on a person, stress, depression. But it must be rightly noted that it is on the favorable transit of Pluto across the Sun that there is a chance to prove oneself, new opportunities for the implementation of ideas and plans open up.

Transiting Pluto on the Moon

In my opinion, this transit is the most difficult of all transits on personal planets. The moon is our subconscious, and when Pluto begins to operate there, this will certainly affect our mood, psychological state, and emotions. Often during this period, old chronic diseases, phobias, fears emerge, which, as it seemed to us, we hid deep into ourselves. There is a complete restructuring of the subconscious. If you give a metaphor, then the subconscious is a closet crammed with clothes. You will no longer wear many things from this closet, but for some reason you keep them. It is not easy to find something really worthwhile in such rubbish, and even if you buy a beautiful skirt or dress, you simply cannot hang them in the closet. Pluto is raking all this junk out. First, it will weed out all those unnecessary things that you store so carefully, then carefully arrange everything on shelves and hangers. Therefore, it is likely that after such a transit, only 2-3 dresses will remain in your closet instead of a pile of "rags". Thus, Pluto, before depriving you of phobias and fears, will first raise them outward so that you remember what you wanted to forget, relive these emotions and draw a conclusion for yourself.

I often noticed that girls became mothers during such a transit, because the Moon is associated with motherhood, as well as home, family, so big changes can affect parents, especially mothers. Such a transit is a potentially great time to attend various kinds of trainings for personal growth, a psychotherapist, a psychologist. And although they say that "if you dig deep, you will never come out to the light," nevertheless, you can do a general cleaning in the closet of your own soul in order to make life easier in the future.

When Pluto "ironed" my natal moon, I had a desire to work in a hospice. For those who do not know what kind of place this is, I explain: a hospice is a medical institution in which people with the last stage of cancer are located. The days of such people are numbered, so the hospice considers its goal to brighten up the last moments of their lives, to alleviate suffering. Moreover, I wanted to get a job as a volunteer in a children's hospice and work with children. It seemed to me that these were not ordinary children, they had already learned some kind of life wisdom, went through many trials, but unfortunately, this did not help. In astrology, Pluto is just responsible for cancer, oncological diseases, and the Moon is directly related to children, childbearing, care. I didn’t get a job at the hospice, because I have to come there on weekdays during the day to get acquainted with the staff, doctors, and no one would have let me go from work. The boss would simply not understand my aspirations, since our relationship was very strained. By the way, she is also an Ascendant Scorpio.

Mercury Transit Pluto

This aspect is difficult because it has to interact with a large number of people, which, in the end, can lead to nervous exhaustion. It is likely that either you yourself will feel pressure from a group of people, or you yourself will be able to influence and pressure people. Ideally, this is a good transit aspect for a university lecturer when it is necessary to arouse interest in the material being told in the audience. There are many ideas, as well as moral strength for the implementation of the plan. With a favorable connection between these planets in natal, during the transit you will be able to realize how much your words, ideas and thoughts have an impact on your environment, strangers.

Often books are written and published on such a transit, for example, Vasilisa Volodina published her book on the transit of Pluto to the natal opposition Mercury - Pluto. In general, this period is very good for brain activity.

Pluto transiting Venus

Transit aspect of fatal love and passion. As a rule, these are always complex and very intense relationships that require a lot of emotional costs. A characteristic feature of this aspect is that you begin to be incredibly drawn to your partner, there is a constant desire to know what he or she is doing, the desire to control the other half at any cost. But, for obvious reasons, often such African passions are tritely unbearable, so the couple breaks up. The central theme of relationships started on such a transit is power, manipulation and sex. Your couple may have a great sex life, but outside of bed, the relationship will not be so rosy.

Women during this period have a great sexual attraction for the opposite sex. Some people get married or get married during such a transit, but this is more of a rarity than a pattern; in general, transformations and qualitative changes are taking place in the partner sphere, love, and relationships.

Venus is also associated with finances, so if there is an indication of wealth in the chart, then this period can be remembered, among other things, by a significant increase in income.

Transiting Pluto on Mars

One of the most dangerous periods in life is associated with this transit aspect. It carries aggression, and in astrology is considered an aspect of violence. It is especially dangerous for girls who have a tense aspect between these planets in their natal. Because transit activates a sore point. AT women's map, Mars, like the Sun, represent the image of a young man, so it is likely that the beginning of a relationship with an imperious and dominant man. If possible, try not to be alone at night until the transit breaks up. In terms of time, this is a period of two to three years. One should be wary of situations related to crime, which, by the way, will come across more than once during such a transit. There are frequent clashes with the police, authorities, so my personal advice, which I give to my close friends who have such a “gift” in their card, is to refrain from going to rallies and demonstrations, and generally avoid mass gatherings of people.

The energy on such a transit increases many times over, you may get the feeling that everything is within your reach. In fact, in the case of a favorable aspect, such as a sextile or a trine, this is indeed the case. But with quadrature and opposition, energy simply overflows, sexual excitability, traumatism, and aggressiveness increase. In order to neutralize the negative manifestations of this transit aspect, I always advise you to do martial arts or, at worst, just sports, so that the energy of the transit goes in a more or less constructive way.

This transit is characterized by increased intuitive sensitivity and emotional intensity, as well as financial matters, including stocks, other people's money, belongings of the deceased, insurance, taxes and inheritance. Women tend to play an important role in a man's money matters.

There is a strong desire to change or improve family or home conditions. These changes are usually about strengthening emotional ties with women or family members. This transit can be used constructively for an original modern home renovation.

There is a possibility that a person will tyrannize family members or family members will tyrannize a person. During this transit, a change of residence or death of a family member is possible (The death of a family member is more likely when transiting Pluto is in conjunction with a radical Moon than when the transiting Moon is in conjunction with radical Pluto. Other confirming influences must be present for a death to occur in the family.) The home can be destroyed by large-scale political, economic, cultural, or geological forces, often by wars or natural disasters beyond human control.

During this transit, people tend to be militant, tyrannical and uncommunicative. This is a bad period for engaging in public relations or participating in large gatherings.

A transit Pluto conjunction with a radical Moon has the same meaning, but lasts approximately two years compared to a few hours of a transit Moon conjunction with a radical Pluto. It affects important fundamental changes that affect a person's emotional state, as well as financial, family and home circumstances. Significant and sometimes irreversible changes can occur when transiting Pluto conjuncts a radical Moon; however, the conjunction of the transiting Moon with radical Pluto can slow down the decisive event caused by other long-term influences.

Transiting Moon conjunct the radical Ascending Node and in opposition to the radical Descending Node

This transit is characterized by favorable relations with the public and the ability to get along with their relatives. People tend to adapt to the cultural requirements of the family. There is an automatic tendency to support the prevailing cultural attitudes, opinions and values. This transit, as well as the Man's tendency to identify with the religious, cultural or ethical groups to which he belongs, will probably increase the man's patriotic feelings.

The conjunction of the transiting Ascending Node with the radical Moon and the opposition of the transiting Descending Node with the radical Moon have the same meaning; however, it lasts longer and marks a long period of emotional agreement with the prevailing social and cultural relations.

transit moon in in conjunction with the radical Descending Node and in opposition to the radical Ascending Node

This transit is characterized by difficulties in perceiving modern attitudes and views on the family and culture. The person tends to identify with traditional or conservative values, take a serious or pessimistic emotional stance, or avoid public or social connections.

During this transit, there is a tendency for parental disapproval, delays in business activities, and difficulties in dealing with the public.

The conjunction of the transiting Descending Node with the radical Moon and the opposition of the Ascending Node with the radical Moon have the same meaning; however, marks a longer period of painful emotional relation to the prevailing social conditions.

Transiting Moon conjunct Radical Ascendant and Opposition Radical Descendant

This transit characterizes emotional self-expression and impulsiveness. The person tends to take care of family and household chores. During this time, the person is likely to have an unusual degree of activity in both personal and domestic affairs.

This transit has a great influence on the intensity of emotional experiences. This is a period of inspiration, insights, vivid feelings, love adventures, revival of the sensual side of life. Romantic relationships at this time can move into the stage of a closer relationship.

All sensations are aggravated, so intimate relationships become more passionate and emotionally saturated. It is clear that new relationships these days are quickly established and just as quickly turn into a very close relationship. The force of attraction is so strong that it destroys all barriers, prohibitions and complexes. Thus, this is a very good time to bring something new into your family or love relationships, as they say, to refresh the senses.

This transit favors business, especially related to entertainment, the world of art, trade in luxury goods, renovation or alteration of old things, restoration work. Good for financial transactions, investments, speculation, even a reasonable risk is justified. Issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes, duties, debt obligations are successfully resolved, and

also inheritance or alimony. A good time to promote new or renovation projects, for permission conflict situations, to smooth out aggravated relations, joint actions. There is a growing interest in works of art, which are evaluated both from an artistic point of view and from the point of view of their material value. This is the time when these two components are successfully combined.

A good time to start a course of treatment for the kidneys, genitals, bladder, tumors, and the consequences of injuries.

good time

to make important decisions;

for scientific experiments, experiments, inventions, discoveries; for political and diplomatic activities;

for creative work, cultural events; for cultural events;

for cooperation, solving issues of joint finance; for investments, negotiations, conclusion of contracts; for trade and financial transactions;

to resolve issues related to taxes, insurance, debt obligations, alimony, inheritance;

for the establishment of family and love relationships;

for explanations, engagement, marriage, signing a marriage contract.

Unfavorable aspects of Venus with Pluto

A transit that brings tension of feelings and strong feelings. At this time, people very often go to extremes. They become too excitable, intolerant, critical, vulnerable. Any misunderstanding or accident can cause a conflict. Emotions at this time are difficult to hide, they become visible to everyone. Being offended by someone or indignant at someone's behavior, it is difficult for a person to calm down. He appeals to the feelings of others, it is important for him to recognize his innocence and punish the offender. Often it looks like a performance - witnesses are involved in a private dispute, who can break into camps supporting one side or the other. Sometimes in such a global conflict they forget how and with whom, in fact, it all began. Aspect of Venus

with Pluto, especially negative, makes a person very sensitive if this aspect is in natal chart, then such people read others like an open book.

For such people, the transit of Venus to Pluto becomes a real test. Something is sure to happen in their life that makes them feel painful feelings: jealousy, burning disappointment, annoyance, deep resentment, etc.

These aspects often bring discord into relationships between loved ones, relatives or others, which is accompanied by mental anguish, suspicion, jealousy, often not unfounded. Women often suffer from lack of attention. Sexual energy at this time is uncontrollable, so people are more easily tempted, hence the increase in the number of adultery. These aspects reveal dissatisfaction with personal life, usually carefully hidden, it makes itself felt these days, so people often let go of their feelings and indulge in all serious things, which increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, quarrels with loved ones and even breaking up relationships. Women usually feel this aspect either because of the increased attention to themselves, or because

"strange" behavior of the second half. Relationships that have outlived their usefulness often fall apart on such days.

These days, questions may arise regarding alimony, inheritance, and other problems often related to finances. Suffering is possible due to someone's death, not necessarily a loved one. There is a danger of being involved in other people's conflicts, so it is better to avoid crowded places at this time. You can also fall under the influence of another person, including magic, so it’s better not to turn to psychics and fortune-tellers for help on such days.

Decisions should not be made important matters, launch new projects, negotiate, sign cooperation agreements, it is better to avoid any financial transactions and transactions with in cash. Serious conflicts in the working environment are possible. There is a need for some transformations, updates. Violation of agreements, disagreements or rupture of business partnerships are possible. There is a danger of financial losses for various reasons, theft, extortion, fraud, scams. Women should be wary of sexual violence.

These days, you should be attentive to any ailments, as they may be a symptom of a more serious illness than it seems at first. Hidden diseases often appear during such a transit. Danger of gynecological and other diseases of the genital area, renal colic, problems of the bladder and endocrine system.

bad time

to start new business, important enterprises; for making important decisions, cooperation;

to solve serious monetary and property issues;

for research experiments;

for public and diplomatic activities; for presentations, advertising;

for trade, investment, solving any financial issues;

to lend money;

for meetings, public and political actions; to communicate with foreigners;

for explanations, engagement, marriage, especially for signing a marriage contract;

Transiting Pluto circles the zodiac in 248 years. His influence is particularly strong and intense. The speed of Pluto's movement is so uneven that in some signs it spends more than 30, and in others - only 10-12 years.The description gives brief interpretations of the transit aspects of Pluto in the topics: 1. business, work 2. personal relationships, love, family. 3. health.

1. Transit aspects of Pluto - business, work

It happens in the life of far from every person and gives a long period of significant, cardinal changes in life. Their nature can only be clarified in an individual consultation, and most often they occur under the influence of circumstances beyond your control, large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena. You may be in danger, under the pressure of certain events. There may be major changes in the professional field or in business. You have the opportunity to solve important financial questions. The period is favorable for scientific research and technological developments. You should not be with a large crowd of people (in the crowd, at rallies). From the point of view of finance, the issues of taxation, insurance, inheritance or distribution of profits and investment of joint capital are updated. Crisis situations are possible that require detailed clarification by an astrologer.

The ability to make significant adjustments to the conditions of your existence. But this aspect will help in this only under the condition of qualitative reforms of consciousness, a leap in spiritual development. Sometimes successful events occur under the influence of circumstances beyond your control, under the influence of large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena, and this aspect gives you the opportunity to use them for your own benefit. An excellent period for scientific research, for progressive technological or methodological changes in production and business. Entrepreneurship and an intuitive understanding of the need for change will lead you to success. A good time to actively resolve common issues with partners or employees, to open new businesses and start projects. Under emergency circumstances, you will be able to show ingenuity and pressure. Issues of taxation, insurance, inheritance, investment of joint capital, corporatization, distribution of profits are successfully resolved. It is possible to obtain significant profits or benefits from this.

A period of important, often unfavorable (or seemingly unfavorable) changes in life. This aspect requires you to make a qualitative leap in consciousness, spiritual development, otherwise it can bring significant destruction, loss, a career crisis, professional activity. An unfavorable period for scientists, researchers and developers, for politicians and major leaders. Your reputation is at stake. You may suffer from large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena, due to circumstances beyond your control. One should not overestimate the negativism of this aspect, which operates mainly on the internal, non-event plane - it only predisposes to changes triggered by other aspects. In particularly unfavorable cases, one should be wary of injury at work, especially when conducting experiments, working with equipment. You can be drawn into power struggles, "showdowns", intrigues, some illegal actions, face the behind-the-scenes activities of your employees or management, with the influence of mafia or corrupt structures, as well as with representatives of the law or law enforcement. Particular care should be taken when dealing with issues of taxation, insurance, distribution of profits and placement of joint capital. You should avoid being in the crowd and participating in mass events.

Gives great willpower, ingenuity and the ability to make efforts for spiritual, intellectual or physical improvement. A great period to start new projects, open enterprises, create joint-stock companies or entry into them, all matters relating to joint capital, loans, funds, insurance, taxes and duties, debts, as well as alimony and inheritance. A successful period for scientists, researchers and inventors, major politicians and financiers, leaders, athletes, occultists. A good time to occupy responsible positions. Increasingly unusual abilities and the possibility of their practical application. Aspect provides great opportunities to improve your existence, if you do not sit idly by. Favorable for any active steps, risky events. However, the events that develop during this period are usually not subject to your will, they occur under the influence of circumstances, large-scale political, economic, environmental improvements. The aspect also requires a revolution in consciousness, awareness of deep, spiritual processes.

A period of significant, sometimes destructive, transformations in your life. The events that take place usually do not depend on your will, but develop under the influence of circumstances, large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena. You can sometimes show your power or desire to lead contrary to the interests of the case. It is possible that you yourself will become the object of forceful influence on the part of people endowed with even greater power. Therefore, there are relationship problems at many levels. You will have to deal with the distribution of profits, the ownership of joint capital, taxation, duties, loans, debt recovery, and probably inheritance or alimony. It is possible that you will fail and incur losses. Now you tend to deal with active, strong-willed people, and these relationships will have a significant impact on you. Be careful in public places, during scientific experiments, do not collide with the law.

A period of important, fundamental changes in your emotional world. Under the influence of this aspect, your property, economic and family affairs are subject to change. Increased sensitivity and emotional aggressiveness. Issues of corporatization, joint capital, distribution of profits, taxes, duties, as well as alimony, inheritance and debt obligations may become relevant. Perhaps they will concern women, and something in relations with them will have to be significantly changed. Militancy and lack of sociability is a poor assistant in solving cases. Public speaking and communication with large masses should be abandoned.

A period of favorable, but often difficult changes in the emotional state. A favorable period for carrying out reforms in the property situation, economic issues, for solving problems with real estate. The aspect is conducive to building relationships with female partners and employees, to seek help from influential women. Your volitional qualities increase, the efficiency of your business efforts increases. A good time to address taxation and duties, joint capital and income distribution, investments and corporatization.

A prolonged period of emotional conflicts and internal crisis, usually due to the situation in the family, changes in personal relationships, property or economic concerns. Unpleasant events related to real estate, property are not excluded. Real estate transactions can bring loss or trouble. Efficient work will be hindered by deep emotional problems. Joint capital, distribution of income, issues of corporatization, taxation, duties and alimony will become a source of business and financial problems. Losses and loss are possible. It is possible to break outdated production and business relations, change the style and working conditions, move to another job.

A period of favorable, but often difficult changes in the emotional state. A favorable period for carrying out reforms in the property situation, economic issues, for solving problems with real estate. The aspect is conducive to building relationships with female partners and employees, in order to seek support from influential women. Strengthening of strong-willed qualities, determination, peremptory in promoting your decisions and interests will help you solve many problems. You get access to influence on the minds, the opinion of the public, so during this period it is good to launch social activities, a campaign to increase popularity. Issues of income distribution, joint capital, corporatization, taxes and duties can bring profit, help in solving financial problems. A good time for a qualitative transformation of business, partnerships, for the re-equipment of production or office. Possibility of successful real estate transactions.

The need to change your property status, solve economic problems, improve living conditions and relationships with others will require you to make great efforts, accompanied by an internal crisis and emotional breakdowns. Probably a feeling of pressure from the side and increased danger. Events that do not depend on your will affect the state of the psyche, nervous system. Conflicts are possible in the team and with business partners, especially with women. Financial difficulties will affect joint capital, issues of corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, alimony and inheritance, debt obligations. This transit advises you to abandon outdated, unpromising business relationships and trends. Bad time for real estate transactions, insurance activities - they can bring serious losses.

The aspect is favorable for scientific research, makes it possible to discover. Turns intellectual representations, produces qualitative changes in the style of thinking. Promotes education at a new, progressive level. Gives susceptibility to advanced ideas and views, often changes the direction of interests. Favorable for study, literary, journalistic, intermediary and commercial activities. The desire to make irrevocable, radical decisions. Your mind is subject, however, to influences from outside, to social influences and trends. In cases, it may be necessary to investigate the use of joint capital, distribution of profits, corporatization, the problems of taxation, duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance are updated. A good period for improving production, introducing new techniques. It is possible to receive information or information that leads to changes in your life. Your oratory, the ability to influence minds, is increasing.

A period of deep reflection, changes in communication style, areas of interest and your views, important intellectual achievements. A good aspect for continuing education at a qualitatively new level, obtaining unusual knowledge and information, promotes clarity of mind, discoveries. Issues related to the use of joint capital and distribution of profits, as well as debt, taxes, duties, insurance, alimony and inheritance can have a big impact on your business affairs and help solve accumulated problems. Great creative power, the power of persuasion and the possibility of its application. The period is favorable for changing the style of doing business, trading, for changes in the careers of writers and journalists, businessmen and intermediaries, managers, producers, dealers, as well as for research, working with important documents and contracts, for negotiations and discussions, responsible transactions and purchases, to try to do something that doesn't seem quite doable. New useful acquaintances, an unusual turn in relations with colleagues and partners are possible.

A period of intellectual difficulties, problems with education, training. The ability to perceive knowledge is weakened, problems with memory, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to productive mental activity are possible. Deep reflection, interest in global or scientific problems. Increased irritability and sarcasm. Difficulties in business, anxiety in connection with the receipt or expectation of secret information, information. You may receive bad news. The problem is the disposal of joint capital, as well as corporatization, taxes and duties, debts, inheritance, alimony. In general, an unfavorable period for almost any kind of business and intellectual activity, for researchers, writers, journalists, intermediaries, businessmen, managers, dealers, etc., as well as for any movement. Unpleasant events in the team, perhaps an expression of protest. Breakdowns of equipment, means of communication. Beware of fraud, deception, forgery, slander, intrigue.

A period of deep reflection, changes in communication style, areas of interest and your views, important intellectual achievements. A good aspect for continuing education at a qualitatively new level, obtaining unusual knowledge and information, promotes clarity of mind, insight, and discoveries. Issues related to the use of joint capital and distribution of profits, as well as debts, taxes, duties, insurance, alimony and inheritance can have a great impact on your business affairs and help you successfully solve accumulated problems. Great creative power, the power of persuasion and the possibility of its application. The period is favorable for changing the style of doing business, trading, for changes in the careers of writers and journalists, businessmen and intermediaries, managers, producers, dealers, as well as for research, working with important documents and contracts, for negotiations and discussions, responsible transactions and purchases, to try to do something that doesn't seem quite doable. New useful acquaintances, an unusual turn in relations with colleagues and partners are possible.

A long period of mental stress and anxiety, irrational intellectual costs. Mental difficulties, problems with education, training. The ability to perceive knowledge is weakened, problems with memory, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to productive mental activity are possible. Increased irritability and sarcasm. Difficulties in business, anxiety in connection with the receipt or expectation of secret information, information. You may receive bad news. The problem is the disposal of joint capital, as well as corporatization, taxes and duties, debts, inheritance, alimony. In general, an unfavorable period for almost any kind of business and intellectual activity, for researchers, writers, journalists, intermediaries, businessmen, managers, dealers, etc., as well as for any movement. Unpleasant events in the team, perhaps an expression of protest. Breakdowns of equipment, means of communication. Beware of fraud, deception, forgery, slander, intrigue.

A period of important emotional experiences and changes in the financial situation. Such changes occur independently of your will, but under the influence of circumstances, usually large-scale political, economic or natural events. The aspect can act both destructively and favorably, and the nature of its action can only be clarified in an individual consultation. Serious conflicts are possible in the working environment, with business partners. Exposure to the influence of public sentiment, it is better to avoid large crowds. There is a need for some transformations, updates. A collision with the law or public organizations is likely. However, during this period, issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as inheritance or alimony can be successfully resolved. It is possible to reveal and intensively develop many talents and abilities, especially in the field of arts.

A period of increased opportunity for qualitative transformations of your financial situation, constructive use of personal energy and assertiveness. The period of development of artistic talents and creative abilities. Perhaps the emergence of new promising projects and business relationships. Inspirational, creative work, the ability to transform negative aspects in work. The period is favorable for resolving issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance. Probably increase in income from business cooperation.

A period of emotional and financial tension, difficulties caused by the prevailing circumstances, the impact of large-scale political, economic or natural events. Complications in the financial sector, significant losses and losses, theft are possible. Lack of attention to the emotional sphere, feelings and interests of partners and colleagues will bring additional difficulties. Probably a violation of agreements, a break in partnerships. Issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debts, as well as alimony and inheritance are particularly negatively affected. There may be clashes with the law or criminal elements. The danger of extortion, fines, fraud, intrigue.

A period of increased opportunities for the constructive application of your creative efforts, original ideas and advanced methods. Characterized by a new look at business, partnerships. Can lead to a complete change in the business environment. During this period, it is possible to solve many important tasks for the transformation, reorientation of production, interests, spheres of influence. Possible successful financial speculation, risky moves. The emergence of new promising projects and business relationships. The ability to transform negative moments in the work. The period is favorable for resolving issues of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance. Significant income from business cooperation is possible.

A period of extravagance and irrational spending. Selfishness and misunderstanding of the ideas and interests of your employees and partners. Indiscretion, falling under a negative influence. There is a need for constructive relationships, so old ties can be destroyed, making room for new and promising ones. Possible violation of agreements, severance of partnerships under the influence of existing relationships. Complications in matters of joint finance, corporatization, taxes and duties, debts, as well as alimony and inheritance. There may be clashes with the law or criminal elements. The danger of extortion, fines, fraud, intrigue. A particularly unfavorable period for artists, culture, show businessmen and luxury goods dealers. Your financial expectations may not be fulfilled under the influence of circumstances, due to the intervention of large-scale political, economic or natural events.

It occurs once in a lifetime and gives a period of important, sometimes destructive changes. Predisposition to critical, often catastrophic, events in business or political activity. Active self-affirmation, increase in willpower and vigor. But this transit can both bring on and help overcome unpleasant events. Activation of scientific research or occult interests and practices. Involvement in secret activities, possibly fraud, especially with other people's money and joint capital. Updating issues of corporatization, funds, insurance, taxation and duties, debts. Large crowds of people should be avoided. Often there is a need to make great efforts to survive in politics or entrepreneurship. Striving for leadership. The possibility of a radical restructuring of their business, professional position, career changes. You are not in control of circumstances, subject to the influence of large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena.

A period of dynamic, constructive transformations, possibly political activity, intensification of professional or entrepreneurial activity. During this period, qualitative changes for the better are possible, the guarantee of which can be not only your personal efforts, but also the impact of large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena. The aspect gives willpower, a thirst for action and adventure, a desire for financial adventures. If you decide on them (this aspect is quite favorable), do not expect an instant return, consider that you have only laid the foundation for future success. Interest in scientific research and various experiments, the desire for reforms in the professional sphere and entrepreneurship. Involvement in the affairs of official bodies. A good period for politicians and the military, big businessmen, scientists. Opportunity for skillful, constructive steps in joint business, corporatization, funds, in solving issues of distribution of profits, taxes and duties, insurance, debts, disposal of large capital. This transit requires great physical and mental stress from you. Favorable connections with the broad masses and public organizations, influential structures.

A period of dynamic, constructive transformations, possibly political activity, intensification of professional or entrepreneurial activity. During this period, qualitative changes for the better are possible, the guarantee of which can be not only your personal efforts, but also the impact of large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena. The aspect gives willpower, a thirst for action and adventure, a desire for financial adventures. If you decide on them (this aspect is quite favorable), do not expect an instant return, consider that you have only laid the foundation for future success. Interest in scientific research and various experiments, the desire for reforms in the professional sphere and entrepreneurship. Involvement in the affairs of official bodies. A good period for politicians and the military, big businessmen, scientists. Opportunity for skillful, constructive steps in joint business, corporatization, funds, in solving issues of distribution of profits, taxes and duties, insurance, debts, disposal of large capital. This transit requires great physical and mental stress from you. Favorable connections with the broad masses and public organizations, influential structures. The aspect occurs once in a lifetime and represents the only opportunity to change life for the better.

A long crisis period of struggle for independence in professional matters, entrepreneurship, politics. Increased conflict, emotional tension. Your active steps fail under the influence of the will of other people, circumstances. You may be affected by large-scale political, economic or natural events. Impulsivity of actions, outbursts of aggressiveness, anger. Caution, diplomacy and common sense will not hurt you now. Striving for leadership can put you in the face of unhealthy competition. Failures, career collapse, major financial setbacks, losses and financial complications are not ruled out. This period is considered critical for business, politics, scientific research. An unsuccessful solution to the pressing problems of profit distribution, the use of large capital, corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, the return of debts, as well as inheritance and alimony. Possible involvement in high spheres, large-scale events, illegal activities, dangerous scams, criminal groups. Be careful when using various equipment, driving vehicles, conducting experiments and experiments.

It mainly gives a transformation of consciousness, a rethinking of cultural values ​​and worldview categories and rarely affects the event plan. Your life guidelines can be significantly changed under the influence of large-scale political, economic or natural phenomena, regardless of your will. One should be wary of clashes with the law and complicity with secret structures. It can bring a happy upheaval in fate, many important, significant changes. Gives the desire for leadership, the struggle for power. In the field of commerce, it promises financial success in corporate business, a successful solution to issues of corporatization and funds, insurance, debt obligations, taxes and duties. A good period for radical transformations in the area of ​​your business interests, sometimes - a turn towards business abroad. Good time to solve legal problems. It is possible to receive large sums at your disposal. New perspectives are opening up, and you are full of enthusiasm to take them on. It often means the beginning of a new stage in education, advanced training, gives you the opportunity to promote your interests abroad, turn towards business abroad.

It gives great opportunities to change the conditions of one's existence for the better. It rarely brings any events and is played mainly on the inner plane, contributing to spiritual, cultural development, and raising the educational level. Favorable for study, development of new knowledge, advanced training. It is also favorable in the field of promoting your interests abroad, for relations with foreign citizens and organizations. In business, it brings success in matters of joint finance, a successful solution to issues of corporatization, funds, loans, insurance, taxes and duties. Sometimes it gives you the opportunity to make a profit, large sums at your disposal. Successful start of the implementation of large-scale projects, reforms in your production.

Feeling pressure from power structures, legal or financial authorities. Causes discontent existing orders and willingness to fight them. It is possible to be drawn into corrupt structures or illegal activities. The desire for change at this stage, unfortunately, cannot be realized. The period is unfavorable for corporate business. Hopes for profit will not come true. Failures in resolving issues of corporatization, loans and debts, insurance, taxes and duties. A collision with the law in one form or another can lead to significant changes in your affairs and life in general. It is better not to use other people's money and the money of business partners at this time. Failures in business abroad. The temptation to use unrighteous means to achieve position and material wealth, to advance in business. A particularly unfortunate period for a lawyer, jurist, teacher, publisher, writer, cultural figure, traveler and scientist.

It gives great opportunities to change the conditions of one's existence for the better. It rarely brings any events and is played mainly on the inner plane, contributing to spiritual, cultural development, and raising the educational level. Favorable for study, development of new knowledge, advanced training. It is also favorable in the field of promoting your interests abroad, for relations with foreign citizens and organizations. In business, it brings success in matters of joint finance, a successful solution to issues of corporatization, funds, loans, insurance, taxes and duties. Sometimes it gives you the opportunity to make a profit, large sums at your disposal, but only if there are instructions from other aspects. Favorably the beginning of the implementation of large-scale projects, the reform of your production, in the area of ​​interest. Successful turn towards business abroad.

The period of a revolution in consciousness, the struggle for or against a certain worldview, cultural or spiritual values, scientific trends, existing orders or laws. Threatened with serious clashes with human rights authorities. Warns against complicity with criminal elements, corrupt structures, from secret activities. It gives a breakdown of interests and life prospects, failures in studies, teaching, literary, publishing, scientific activities, in jurisprudence and big business. Often draws into the struggle for power, brings a feeling of pressure and insecurity. The period is extremely unfavorable for corporate business. Hopes for profit will not come true. Failures in resolving issues of corporatization, loans and debts, insurance, taxes and duties. A collision with the law in one form or another can lead to significant changes in your affairs and life in general. It is better not to use other people's money and the money of business partners at this time. Failures in business abroad. The temptation to use unrighteous means to achieve position and material wealth, to advance in business.

Usually a difficult, crisis period. Changes in career, professional position, degree of material security, in life goals and attitudes. May be accompanied by a struggle for power, leadership, influence. With a more or less favorable course, it means an appointment to a high post, accompanied by the assumption of heavy obligations and responsibilities. A tense period in the life of a politician, administrator, big businessman. Increased willpower, concentration on the goal, self-discipline. Your promotion reputation depends on the mistakes and victories of the past years. You may become involved in government, official circles, politics, and corporate business, anything that is highly secretive, characterized by intrigue and power struggles. It is possible that you will have to overcome many obstacles, face enemies and opponents, uncleanliness of business partners. Issues of distribution of profits, joint capital, insurance, corporatization, taxes and duties, as well as alimony and inheritance are activated. You run the risk of being in the grip of certain circumstances. The feeling of danger and insecurity is aggravated.

It provides an opportunity to improve living standards, career and professional advancement, occupy a high position, but only on condition of great self-discipline and concentration, steady adherence to the chosen ones. life goals, an unusual deepening in their field of activity, consent to assume increased responsibility and additional obligations. A period of intense changes in the life of a politician, administrator, major leader, businessman. This period is especially favorable for reforms in production and business management, reorientation and implementation of different kind improvements. The right time to change professions or interests, move to another job or take on a new position. good luck in research work, in experiments, searching for more advanced methods and technologies. It is possible (and favorable) to be involved in work that requires increased secrecy or participation in the mechanisms of power.

It can mean a period of struggle for survival: both in business or politics, and literally. Feeling pressure from the authorities, powerful social, political or economic factors. All this does not give you the opportunity to turn around for real, to realize your plans, to take a higher post. All this, however, is accompanied by the need to take on increased obligations and responsibilities, possibly to get into debt. An unfavorable period for a politician, administrator, big businessman. A period of clashes, conflicts with management, superiors and influential people. Feeling of danger and defenselessness, threat and extortion, probably a collision with blackmail, racketeering, corruption, violence, activation of your enemies and opponents. An extremely dangerous period for corporate business, joint capital, profit distribution, corporatization, investments, funds, loans, insurance, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance. Any attempt to use dishonest means to achieve a goal will lead to career failure or financial and legal trouble.

Increasing ingenuity, increasing the ability to bring qualitative changes in your field of activity, improved methods or technologies - in production, new methods of organizing work and a new style of business relations - in business. The period of intensive, successful changes in political, administrative, economic, scientific activities. Perhaps the emergence of a powerful financial incentive. Increases willpower, the ability to concentrate on the implementation of goals in the chosen area. Often means a desire for change, a change in lifestyle, a change of interests and business partners. Promotes serious, inspired work, research, and the search for new solutions. The period is favorable for large businessmen and industrialists, scientists, politicians, administrators. Successful implementation of long-term projects and plans. Probably clash with state or large-scale economic structures, sometimes - involvement in covert, secret activities, possibly related to the army, nuclear development or intelligence. Promotes self-discipline and focus, which helps in other areas of activity not listed. Ambition and assertiveness gives career success. Favorable for increasing the efficiency of your work in any area.

A difficult period of involvement in the struggle for power, leadership, sphere of influence, conflict of interests, clash of ambitions. Causes dissatisfaction with the existing order, but also the inability to change anything. Often you yourself find yourself under pressure from powerful social, political, economic or natural factors. The impossibility of career advancement, occupation of the desired post or position, improvement of living conditions and material security, professional achievements, advancement towards the pursued goal. In some cases, gives the collapse of a career. A period unfavorable for changing a profession or place of work, although circumstances may push you to this in every possible way. The period may turn out to be a crisis for a politician, a major businessman or industrialist, administrator, scientist. You may find yourself in secrecy and increased danger. Conflicts with the environment, leadership, collision with official structures or secret bodies, legal obstacles. The possibility of threats, extortion, racketeering, violence is not ruled out. You easily fall under the influence of authoritarian personalities, you can be involved in illegal activities. You can become a victim of unwanted energy impact. Depending on the style of your actions at this time, it can become both a period of constructive achievements and positive transformations, and turn into a collapse of life goals.

A long period of activation of public consciousness, ideological attitudes and reforms, the development of new life values, changes in personal plans. Often comes a rethinking of the means of struggle for their implementation, the need for which is caused by the intervention of major political, economic or natural factors. Brings important changes in life, cultural environment, friendly environment. Sometimes he gives influential like-minded people and associates in the chosen cause. It can initiate a political career, revolutionary activity in any manifestation. Gives a sense of danger. Develops interest in unusual areas of knowledge and practices, including mystical content. It is possible to discover and develop many talents and abilities. Changes in life usually occur regardless of your will. It is possible to activate issues of joint finance, corporatization, funds and loans, as well as taxes and duties, insurance, debt obligations, a collision with problems of paying alimony or receiving inheritance, property of the deceased.

Increased opportunities for the realization of life goals and plans due to the search and implementation of new, modern, improved means, methods and technologies. A period of successful transformations in business, cultural conditions of life, changes in a friendly environment. New plans and tasks often come, which can be helped by major political, economic or natural factors. Aspect stimulates energy, ingenuity, intuition, inspiration. Often comes an understanding of the need for change, leading to a complete life or professional reorientation. There is a vision of how to maximize, dynamically and constructively use your potential. The development of many talents and abilities, the ability to understand scientific and occult laws. Interest in unusual areas of knowledge and practices. Especially favorable for all who are not alien to the ideas of progress. Success is possible through participation in the activities of public, informal groups, as well as through the assistance of friends and like-minded people. It is also favorable for big business, solving issues of profit distribution, joint finance, corporatization, loans, insurance, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as paying or receiving alimony and property of the deceased.

An important period of change and the need to adapt to new conditions of social, cultural life, ideological criteria. It is often accompanied by a break in plans and current tasks, a reorientation of vital interests, changes in a friendly environment. Conflicts or pressure from like-minded people, colleagues, friends are possible. This is a rather destructive, crisis period. It is characterized by the desire for change and, often, the inability to implement them. Be careful - your steps can lead to unpredictable, inadequate consequences, and changes will occur under the influence of circumstances or at the will of other people. You are subject to the influence of events taking place in the state, political and economic, as well as natural factors. The nature of the consequences for you can only be revealed at an individual consultation. The sense of danger grows. An unfavorable period for scientific or mystical experiments and research. There is a high probability of losses in corporate business, shortfall in profits, solving problems of taxes and duties, insurance and loans, as well as debts, alimony and inheritance are not in your favor. Involvement in the highest echelons of power or secret bodies is dangerous.

A period of significant, usually favorable, changes in your life, the possibility and quality of which is determined by ongoing political, social, economic, cultural changes in the country or natural phenomena. Breaking of the ideological outlook, change of interests, intensive positive transformation of your plans and tasks is not ruled out. This aspect also allows successful search means and methods of their implementation based on their improvement or complete replacement. Often accompanied by a change of friendly environment, like-minded people and associates in the chosen business. The aspect stimulates ingenuity and enterprise, the desire to intervene in large-scale events, to enter into a big game. Favorable for creative self-expression, revealing the potential of talents and abilities. A favorable period for the introduction of unique and progressive methods and technologies into your practice, advanced ideas. But it requires a leap of consciousness, a turn to spiritual development, deep reflection and awareness of current processes. This aspect only promotes change, but does not determine their likelihood. There may be an interest in unusual areas of knowledge and practice, including those of an occult nature. A wonderful period for scientists, healers, major politicians and production workers. It is possible to profit from corporate business, update and successfully resolve issues of corporatization, lending, insurance, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance.

A difficult period of psychological stress, crisis changes in life, in consciousness, breaking of ideological guidelines, plans and tasks, the need to adapt to new conditions of social and cultural life. Often accompanied by a reorientation of vital interests, changes in a friendly environment. Conflicts or pressure from like-minded people, colleagues, friends are possible. This is a pretty devastating period. It is characterized by the desire for change and, often, the inability to implement them. Be careful - your steps can lead to unpredictable, inadequate consequences, and changes will occur under the influence of circumstances or at the will of other people. You are subject to the influence of events taking place in the state, political and economic, as well as natural factors. The nature of the consequences for you can only be revealed at an individual consultation. The sense of danger grows. An unfavorable period for scientific or mystical experiments and research. There is a high probability of losses in corporate business, shortfall in profits, solving problems of taxes and duties, insurance and loans, as well as debts, alimony and inheritance are not in your favor. Involvement in the highest echelons of power or secret bodies is dangerous.

It acts mainly on the inner plane and brings changes in ethical, cultural views. Accompanied by a change in philosophical or religious concepts, activation of subconscious processes, interest in mystical currents and necessarily requires a leap in spiritual development. Gives a sense of danger, pressure from circumstances beyond your control, large-scale political, economic or natural factors. Mental tension, moral crisis, negative emotional background. The events that take place during this period seem mysterious, confusing and often supernatural. The aspect stimulates the discovery of many talents, unusual abilities, intuition, a tendency to insights, the possibility of discoveries and creative self-realization. In financial, business terms, one should be careful in matters related to corporate business, joint capital, distribution of profits, corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, as well as alimony and inheritance. Deception, fraud, forgeries, intrigues, extortion are possible. Avoid criminal activities. Beware of energy impact.

A long period of growth of consciousness, spiritual development. The aspect usually does not carry an event load, but contributes to unusual changes in life caused by circumstances beyond your control and favors them. Gives the activation of the subconscious, the problems of the inner world, creative self-realization. Promotes interest in unusual phenomena and areas of knowledge and practice. Favorable for occultists, scientists and researchers, philosophers, cultural and religious figures. Improves the perception of advanced, modern methods and technology, cultural and scientific concepts, enables successful research, discoveries, insights, improvements. In business, it brings interest and unusual resolution of problems in the field of joint capital, corporatization and credit, insurance, taxes and duties, debt obligations, as well as alimony and inheritance.

The period of psychological conflicts, involvement in solving cultural, ethical, philosophical or religious problems. Requires a leap in spiritual development, the growth of awareness of spiritual values. Otherwise, it leads to unpleasant changes in your life, often initiated by major political, economic or natural factors. The period of internal crisis, activation of the problems of the subconscious. Gives interest (perhaps not entirely healthy) in unusual phenomena, areas of knowledge and practice. Unfavorable in business terms, characterized by a confused state of finances, especially with regard to joint capital, issues of profit distribution, corporatization, credit, insurance, as well as taxes and duties, debt obligations, payment of alimony or inheritance. Perhaps a state of increased danger, pressure from the authorities. It is advisable to exclude being in the crowd, queues, participation in popular speeches, rallies, demonstrations. Susceptibility to negative, including energy and mental influences.

During a life of normal duration, the aspect can only occur at such an early age that it is not necessary to speak of professional or material achievements. In prognosis for a child, means that his life or well-being may change significantly due to circumstances beyond his family's control, usually as a result of the impact of major political, economic or natural events.

During a life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 22-29 years and gives a long period of changes in life caused by large-scale political, economic or natural factors. It contributes to a change in the usual lifestyle, often significantly transforms the conditions of existence, exposing not dangerous, but difficult to perceive changes. Moreover, the realization of this turning point and a new stage in life can come only much later. In some cases, it gives a young person a professional reorientation, a turn towards more or less big business. Favorable for young scientists, researchers, developers of advanced methods and technologies, engaged in improvement in any industry and not alien to the idea of ​​progress. The aspect enables self-improvement, stimulates intuition and unusual abilities.

During a life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 34-39 years and gives a long period of changes in life, usually caused by large-scale political, economic or natural factors. It contributes to a change in the usual lifestyle, often significantly transforms the conditions of existence, subjecting it to changes that are difficult to perceive. Moreover, the realization of this turning point and a new stage in life can come only much later. In some cases, it gives professional reorientation, breaking life ideas and interests, disappointment in the chosen activity, failures and losses. This is a rather destructive, crisis period, when a turn towards business is undesirable and can bring trouble. Unfavorable for scientists, researchers, developers. But it makes you think about the idea of ​​progress and improvement in business or profession.

During a life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 49-53 years and gives a long period of changes in life caused by large-scale political, economic or natural factors. It contributes to a change in the usual lifestyle, often significantly transforms the conditions of existence, exposing not dangerous, but difficult to perceive changes. Moreover, the realization of this turning point and a new stage in life can come only much later. In some cases, it gives a professional reorientation, sometimes a turn towards business, a significant transformation of vital interests. Often comes the realization of deep processes, the need for spiritual development. Favorable for scientists, researchers, developers of advanced methods and technologies, engaged in improvement in any industry and not alien to the idea of ​​progress. The aspect enables self-improvement, stimulates intuition and unusual abilities.

2. Personal relationships, love, family


Significant changes in personal life are likely. This is a difficult, crisis period of breaking, the beginning of a new stage in life. It is characterized by a significant increase in sexual energy and desire, and this will be the leading motive for your behavior in the family and in a couple. In addition, you will certainly want to take a leading position, both in personal relationships and among friends, but most likely you will encounter resistance and pressure. Increased sense of danger. Outbursts of jealousy and aggression, possessive and other base instincts are likely. You can feel the new wave in love relationships and support its impact, or you can throw off the shackles of old relationships in your desire for renewal. Separation, rupture of communication, actions in the direction of divorce are possible. For a woman, a marriage crisis is more likely. Be discreet in dealing with children. The period is unfavorable for marriage.


An important period of change (usually positive) in personal or family life. But some cardinal changes can be perceived by you as negative. In any case, the events taking place during this period do not depend on your will and contribute to the improvement of the conditions of your existence. If you yourself do not part with what is morally obsolete and interferes with your spiritual progress, then circumstances or the will of other people will do it for you. This is a good period for making responsible decisions, explanations, decisive actions. You feel a sexual upsurge, so the desire for love adventures will play an important role in the events of these months. This is a good period for conception. It is also favorable for working with children, introducing new methods of education aimed at their spiritual, moral and physical improvement. The aspect favors, also, the beginning of repair, improvement of housing. It is possible to receive an inheritance, a successful solution to the issue of paying alimony.



An important period of change in personal or family life, although some dramatic changes may be perceived by you as negative. In any case, the events taking place during this period do not depend on your will and contribute to the improvement of the conditions of your existence. If you yourself do not part with what is morally obsolete and interferes with your spiritual progress, then circumstances or the will of other people will do it for you. This is a good period for making responsible decisions, explanations, decisive actions. You feel a sexual upsurge, so the desire for love adventures will play an important role in the events of these months. This is a good period for conception. It is also favorable for working with children, introducing new methods of education aimed at their spiritual, moral and physical improvement. The aspect favors, also, the beginning of repair, improvement of housing. It is possible to receive an inheritance, a successful solution to the issue of paying alimony.


A critical period for personal and family relationships. It can bring forced separation, breakup, loss of a spouse or partner, actions aimed at divorce. You and your relationship can suffer damage from behind-the-scenes activities, intrigues. Sexual needs intensify, but communication with a partner is poisoned by a surge of jealousy, suspicion, possessive instincts, as well as increased aggressiveness. It is very likely that you will have to deal with issues of inheritance, alimony, and other payments. You tend to be ruthless towards children. Quite characteristic of this transit is the next (or last) crisis of marriage.


The period of cardinal changes in property status, economic affairs and family relations, especially with women close to you. It may also indicate a danger to one of them. Your loved ones suffer from the intensification of your emotional activity, aggressiveness and sensitivity. There is a mutual desire for tyranny, domination, ignoring each other's concerns and interests. It is necessary to take measures to improve the safety of the home. This time can be used for overhaul, rearrangements, updating home furnishings. Possible change of residence. Issues of inheritance, alimony, joint financial affairs are updated.


A successful solution to many domestic problems, especially those related to security and home design and relationships with women dear to you. Major changes are possible in the family. A good period for building relationships with relatives and households. Household cares will be more effective than ever. It is good to carry out repairs, get rid of unnecessary things. Issues of alimony, inheritance, budget distribution may become relevant.


A period of emotional problems. Close women will want to establish dominance over you, and you will not remain indifferent. A good period for breaking old, unpromising relationships, qualitative transformations in relationships that are dear to you. All sorts of conflicts, breaks, partings, forced separation are possible. The calm course of family life is disturbed by the need to urgently resolve urgent issues, especially problems of home security, property and economic problems. Bad time to buy real estate. Sometimes, during this transit, the house is threatened with destruction, death in the family, if this is confirmed by other indicators. Issues of payment of alimony or inheritance are not resolved in your favor.


A period of successful resolution of many domestic problems, especially those related to security and home design and relationships with women dear to you. Major changes are possible in the family. A good period for building relationships with relatives and household members. Household cares will be more effective than ever. It is good to carry out repairs, get rid of unnecessary things. Issues of alimony, inheritance, budget distribution may become relevant.


A period of emotional problems. Close women will want to establish dominance over you, and you will not remain indifferent. A good period for breaking old, unpromising relationships, qualitative transformations in relationships that are dear to you. All sorts of conflicts, breaks, partings, forced separation are possible. The calm course of family life is disturbed by the need to urgently resolve urgent issues, especially problems of home security, property and economic problems. Bad time to buy real estate. Sometimes, during this transit, the house is threatened with destruction, death in the family, if this is confirmed by other indicators. Child support or inheritance issues

yours are decided not in your favor.


Qualitative changes in the style of relations with younger relatives, especially brothers or sisters, as well as neighbors and friends, are likely. It is possible that the events in the life of one of them will lead to changes in your life. One of them may be in danger. With the skillful use of your influence on family members, you can achieve a lot through the word, persuasion. There may be problems of inheritance, insurance, alimony, taxes or debts. Facing someone's death, talking about death. Sexual thoughts or conversations. Possible change of place of residence or environment.


The possibility of a qualitative change in the style of relations with younger relatives, especially brothers or sisters, as well as neighbors and friends. It is possible that the events in the life of one of them will lead to changes in your life. With the skillful use of your influence on family members, you can achieve a lot through the word, persuasion. It may be necessary to resolve issues of inheritance, insurance, alimony, taxes or debts. Sexual thoughts or conversations. A good time for a change of residence or environment, as well as for various trips.



The possibility of a qualitative change in the style of relations with younger relatives, especially brothers or sisters, as well as neighbors and friends. It is possible that the events in the life of one of them will lead to changes in your life. With the skillful use of your influence on family members, you can achieve a lot through the word, persuasion. It may be necessary to resolve issues of inheritance, insurance, alimony, taxes or debts. Sexual thoughts or conversations. A good time to move, change your place of residence, as well as for various trips.


Changing the style of relationships with younger relatives, problems in communicating with brothers or sisters, as well as neighbors or friends. Relationship breakups are possible. Beware of quarrels, outbreaks of jealousy, assault. There is a desire to resolve issues by force. It is possible to receive bad news or secret information about someone close to you. Sexual problems, unpleasant conversations. Updating questions of inheritance or alimony, as well as debts, taxes, insurance. Their decision is not in your favor. Change of residence and various movements, trips can bring trouble.


There may be a need to break old love relationships and build new ones. This is a critical period for a relationship that has exhausted itself. Events in the family will also require renewal and some sacrifice. Forced separations, partings, conflicts, outbreaks of jealousy, possessive instincts and irrepressible sexuality are not ruled out. Actualization of issues of alimony or inheritance, as well as property or financial problems. Often - a good decision. Perhaps a collision with someone's death.




A good time to upgrade and transform family relations and love relationships. Emergence of new romantic possibilities. Favorable for making important decisions, for explanations, engagement, marriage, especially for signing a marriage contract. The rise of sexuality. Actualization of issues of alimony or inheritance, as well as property or financial problems. Often - a good decision.


There is a need to break old relationships and build new ones. This is a critical period for obsolete relationships. Events in the family will also require renewal and some sacrifice. Forced separations, partings, conflicts, outbreaks of jealousy, possessive instincts and irrepressible sexuality are not ruled out. Actualization of issues of alimony or inheritance, as well as property or financial problems. Often - their unfortunate decision. Perhaps a collision with someone's death. The period is unfavorable for conception, family celebrations, marriage. Attention should be paid to the protection of property.




A difficult period for a marriage or love relationship, when everything can be destroyed in one day. This period can proceed relatively calmly, but even in mild cases you cannot prevail over the circumstances. Changes in life, in fate, a collision with someone's death is possible. It is likely that the issues of inheritance or the payment of alimony will be updated. Loss, separation. Increased sexual activity, unusual relationships and incidents, accentuation of intimate problems. Outbursts of jealousy and uncontrollability, possibly violence, fights.


Persistence and willpower will help you solve many everyday or personal problems. A good time for repairs, a radical re-equipment of the premises. An excellent period for solving some financial problems, inheritance issues and alimony in your favor.


A difficult period for a marriage or love relationship, when everything can be destroyed in one day. This period can proceed relatively calmly, but even in mild cases you cannot prevail over the circumstances. Changes in life, in fate, a collision with someone's death is possible. It is likely that the issues of inheritance or the payment of alimony will be updated. Loss, separation. Increased sexual activity, unusual relationships and incidents, accentuation of intimate problems. Outbursts of jealousy and uncontrollability, possibly violence, fights.



A good period for settling legal issues and financial problems of the family. It is possible to receive large sums from the spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only at an individual consultation with an astrologer. The aspect often brings intense positive, happy changes in one's personal life.



A good period for settling legal issues and financial problems of the family. It is possible to receive large sums from the spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only at an individual consultation with an astrologer. The aspect often brings intense positive, happy changes in one's personal life.


An unfavorable period for resolving legal issues and financial problems of the family. Exorbitant expenses or losses due to a spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only at an individual consultation with an astrologer. Marriage may be broken.


The period of mental torment and the desire for change in many areas of life leaves its mark on personal relationships, including family ones. As a rule, this period is indeed accompanied by changes in personal life, but their nature can only be established at an individual consultation with an astrologer. This is a period of anxiety, concern, a sense of danger. Sexual life requires streamlining relationships and regimen, otherwise you will encounter intimate problems. In some cases, it can mean facing the death of another person. Activation of problems of payment of alimony or inheritance.




The period is favorable for the qualitative transformation of personal or family relationships, the improvement of family life, the struggle for a healthy climate in the house. Often the circumstances themselves develop in such a way that one cannot do without more or less significant changes. Can mean facing the death of another person. Streamlining of sexual life, some decrease in activity. Perhaps a successful solution to the issues of payment of alimony or inheritance of the deceased.


In the struggle to maintain love or family relationships, you tend to use dishonest methods, blackmail, threats, which can completely destroy them. It is possible that you yourself will become a victim of intrigues and extortion, pressure, setting harsh conditions. Significant changes in personal life, troubles in the family, unpleasant, turning points are likely. Sexual difficulties, decreased activity and interest in sex. Probably a collision with the death of other people, an interest in the issues of death. The problems of paying alimony and inheritance are activated and tend to be decided not in your favor.


The desire for a complete transformation of your personal life, the demand for unlimited freedom. This is a period of large-scale changes in life that do not depend on your will. The nature of the changes can only be determined at an individual consultation. Probably a collision with the death of another person, activation of issues of paying alimony or receiving an inheritance. Unexpected and stormy sexual relations, change of style intimate life or attitudes towards gender.




There is a desire to transform your personal life, the demand for personal freedom. This is the period when you can really achieve significant changes in life, but only through the assistance of fortunate circumstances that do not depend on your will. The nature of the changes can only be determined at an individual consultation. It is likely that the issues of paying alimony or receiving an inheritance will be activated. Unexpected and stormy sexual relationships, a change in the style of intimate life or attitudes towards gender issues.


Significant changes in personal life, rupture of many ties, reorientation of sympathies and interests. Basically, the changes are of a visible negative nature, but remember that what you don’t really need will be destroyed, it has become obsolete. This is a period of a kind of cleansing. A complete change of environment is possible. The nature of the changes can only be determined at an individual consultation. Probably a collision with the death of another person, activating the issues of paying alimony or receiving an inheritance and solving them is not in your favor. Unexpected and stormy sexual relationships that bring problems, a change in the style of intimate life or attitudes towards gender issues.


The complicated financial affairs of the spouse, which are reflected in your well-being. In some cases, it may indicate a collision with the death of another person. The period is unfavorable for decisive changes in personal life, but they can occur regardless of your will, under the influence of circumstances or large-scale, political or natural phenomena. It is likely that the issues of payment of alimony or inheritance will be updated. It can give rise or actualization of bad habits and sexual perversions, sexual problems.




Unusual changes related to the financial affairs of the spouse, with the money of the partner. Sometimes it indicates the possibility of receiving an inheritance by will, updating the problems of paying alimony. May give increased sexual desires and related problems. Promotes the establishment of spiritual unity with a spouse or loved one.


A difficult period for marriage and personal relationships. A wide variety of shocks are possible, the nature of which can only be clarified in an individual consultation. One should not overestimate the negativism of this aspect - most often it is played only on the internal, psychological level and does not carry an event load. But perhaps a confusing financial condition associated with the affairs of a spouse or partner. You can become a victim of exerted pressure from power structures, the impact of large-scale political or natural shocks. Sexual problems, perversions, the need for intimate contacts are aggravated.


During a life of ordinary duration, the aspect can only occur at such an early age that it is not necessary to speak of a personal life. In prognosis for a child, means that his life or well-being may change significantly due to circumstances beyond his family's control, usually as a result of the impact of major political, economic or natural events.


During the life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 22-29 years and gives a long period of changes in personal and family life. Only the indicators of your individual horoscope can testify in favor of the positivism or negativism of the aspects of events caused by this. He himself serves only as a trigger.


During a life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 34-39 years and gives a long period of changes in life, usually caused by large-scale political, economic or natural factors. Contributes to a change in relations with a partner or spouse and financial situation associated with his financial success. It has a fairly powerful effect, it can destroy the usual lifestyle, relationships and connections, although other destructive aspects are needed to confirm this.


During the life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 49-53 years and provides the last opportunity for positive, significant changes in personal and family life.


During a life of normal duration, the aspect does not occur.

3. Health


A difficult, often critical period for health. A state of increased anxiety, a sense of danger. It is necessary to be careful in situations that go beyond everyday life, in public places, on transport, to avoid criminogenic places and circumstances. Perhaps an energetic, magical effect directed at you, but your personal strength also increases. Women should beware of sexual assaults. Men note a huge surge of sexual energy and desire. During the entire period, the danger of serious illnesses, accidents, violence, injuries, especially as a result of accidents and natural disasters, remains.


A period of perhaps insignificant, but qualitative changes in the state of health. It can act both positively and destructively, depending on other indicators. Usually, even seriously ill people feel a surge of energy and vitality, and therefore they may experience some improvement in the symptoms of the disease. Healthy people, with the inept use of increased energy, run the risk of falling into emergency circumstances. The right time to deal with infertility. The period is considered favorable for the treatment and implementation of various activities aimed at treating tumors, the consequences of radiation injuries, poisoning, infectious diseases; possibly for operations. The period is favorable for bodybuilding, etc.



The period of qualitative changes in the state of health. Favorable for any activities aimed at healing and recovery. Usually, even seriously ill people feel a surge of energy and vitality, and therefore they may experience some improvement in the symptoms of the disease. The right time to deal with infertility. The period is considered favorable for the treatment and implementation of various activities aimed at treating tumors, the consequences of radiation injuries, poisoning, infectious diseases; possibly for operations. The period is favorable for bodybuilding, etc. However, you should carefully monitor your feelings, since some people develop chronic diseases during this period.


Crisis period. Worsening of symptoms of chronic diseases, especially tumours, poisonings, infections and those associated with radiation injury. Healthy people should be especially careful when using technology, conducting experiments, being in public places and transport. Women should beware of strangers. One should be wary of energetic, magical influences. There may be attacks, accidents, injuries, injuries from accidents and natural disasters. A threat to pregnancy, an unsuccessful period for the treatment of infertility.


During the action of this transit, the condition of oncological patients may worsen, and many serious, chronic diseases may become exacerbated. Women should be careful when interacting with strangers. It is better to stay away from large enterprises, there is a danger of explosions, accidents, and injuries. Possible poisoning. This period is fraught with the development of tumors of the stomach or mammary glands.


You need to think about the degree of rationality of your diet and make adjustments to your diet. During this period, radical changes in the condition of sick people are possible. Aspect favors getting rid of bad habits. It is better to undergo a preventive examination of the stomach, and for women - the mammary glands.


Unpleasant psychological, emotional experiences negatively affect the course of many severe, chronic ailments, especially cancer. Possible poisoning. Women should beware of strangers, dark places and crime areas. Injuries are possible as a result of industrial accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters. Threat to pregnancy. If possible, it is better to undergo an examination of the stomach and mammary glands.


A good period for various health improvement activities, a diet aimed at cleansing the body. Aspect favors getting rid of bad habits. Often there is a cardinal change in a condition of patients towards improvement.


This aspect usually negatively affects the state of health through the actualization of unfavorable subconscious processes, oppressive impressions and attempts at emotional dominance in the environment. The course of oncological and other severe, chronic diseases worsens, the consequences of injuries and unhealthy habits remind of themselves. Women should remain vigilant when interacting with strangers. You should beware of explosions, you can become a victim of natural disasters, industrial accidents. Possible poisoning. Threat to pregnancy. It is better to undergo an examination of the stomach and mammary glands.


It is not essential for the state of health. A good period for wellness practices, diet changes. If confirmed by other aspects - the possibility of an accident as a result of an accident, explosion. Unusual excitability, irritability. Unreasonable thoughts about death can torment. Sexual thoughts or conversations.




A good period for strengthening health, rationalization of nutrition, recreational activities. Not a bad day for surgery, examination (especially any scan). Sexual thoughts or conversations.


The risk of occupational diseases or injuries increases, the danger in transport, when moving, from explosions. You should also be wary of dark places and criminogenic areas, communication with suspicious personalities. A completely inappropriate period for surgical intervention, as well as examinations, any kind of scan. The possibility of diseases of the intestines and lungs, damage to the limbs.


The period of fracture in the course of major diseases, usually for the better. But in some cases, serious diseases may occur, the manifestation of symptoms of hidden diseases, especially diseases of the thyroid or thymus glands, genital organs. During the entire period, there is a danger when conducting scientific experiments, from explosions and natural disasters, radiation, injuries, burns.


The period of positive changes in the course of severe and infectious diseases, especially the genital organs, infertility, diseases of the thyroid and thymus glands. A good time to treat tumors.



The period of tangible positive changes in the course of severe and infectious diseases, especially the genital organs, infertility, diseases of the thyroid and thymus glands. A good time to treat tumors.


The period of exacerbation of serious diseases, the manifestation of symptoms of hidden diseases, especially diseases of the genital organs, thyroid and thymus. Bad time for infertility treatment. Possible injuries, burns, danger during scientific experiments, from explosions and natural disasters, radiation. Women should avoid dark places and criminogenic areas.




An extremely dangerous period. Injuries, injuries as a result of explosions, accidents, accidents, natural disasters and social unrest are possible. During this period, symptoms of dangerous, inflammatory, infectious diseases may appear. The cerebral circulation suffers, crises are possible, as well as the genitals. Treatment with hypnosis, psychocorrection should be avoided. The possibility of severe poisoning, as well as energy, black magic effects. Women should beware of dark places and criminogenic areas, avoid communication with strangers.


This is a good period for surgery or active therapy for oncological diseases, as well as inflammatory, infectious diseases, especially the genital area and meninges. Perhaps the successful use of hypnosis, psychocorrection. Your energy abilities increase. The period is favorable for active hardening, gaining good physical shape, for sports achievements.


An extremely dangerous period. Injuries, injuries as a result of explosions, accidents, accidents, natural disasters and social unrest are possible. During this period, symptoms of dangerous, inflammatory, infectious diseases may appear. The cerebral circulation suffers, crises are possible, as well as the genitals. Treatment with hypnosis, psychocorrection should be avoided. The possibility of severe poisoning, as well as energy, black magic effects. Women should beware of dark places and criminogenic areas, avoid communication with strangers.


The possibility of tumor growth should be taken seriously. Sometimes the aspect gives an intense weight gain. It is better to pass or take place inspection of a liver and a blood.




It gives some changes in metabolism, hormonal changes, but in general it has a positive effect on health. It is favorable for intensive treatment of severe diseases, including oncological diseases, but it can also give tumor growth if you have a predisposition to this. Cleansing procedures, blood transfusion or hemosorption are effective.


First of all, the danger of energy and black magic effects. Deterioration of the course of many severe diseases, including oncological diseases, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms from the liver, changes in blood counts. Metabolic disorders, weight gain.


It is often accompanied by thoughts about death, so the worsening of the course of many diseases at this time is more likely to be associated with psycho-emotional factors. This aspect significantly increases the risk of an accident, especially as a result of explosions, accidents, natural disasters, and radiation injury. The possibility of severe poisoning cannot be ruled out. The immune system suffers. Examination associated with irradiation is contraindicated. Perhaps a collision with the death of another person. Fear, incomprehensible pain, a sense of danger.


The period of some restructuring of the body: the immune and hormonal systems. If it coincides with the beginning of menopause, then it gives a rather difficult course. Favorable period for intensive treatment of severe, long-term diseases, especially cancer. Measures to cleanse the body of salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, and other toxic substances are effective.



The period of some restructuring of the body: the immune and hormonal systems. If it coincides with the beginning of menopause, then it gives a fairly easy course. Favorable period for the treatment of severe, long-term diseases, especially cancer. Measures to cleanse the body of salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, and other toxic substances are effective. The action of the aspect contributes to the regulation of sexual relations, the stabilization of intimate life, although it reduces the interest in intimate contacts.


A sense of danger, fear of death, heavy thoughts accompany this period. Special attention should be paid to the occurrence of unusual mental reactions, symptoms. The course of mental illness worsens, seizures and seizures become more frequent. Interest in death, confrontation with the death of other people can give serious violations. During the entire period of this aspect, the danger of severe poisoning, the occurrence of dangerous diseases, fractures, accidents, especially as a result of accidents, explosions, natural disasters, and radiation injury, remains. Examination accompanied by radiation, sunbathing, surgery is completely excluded. Residents of environmentally polluted areas and those prone to tumor growth should carefully consider their feelings. Sexual problems, drop in activity. Possible problems with pregnancy. If the aspect is observed at the beginning of the menopausal restructuring of the body, you will have a difficult period.


A long and rather dangerous period for health. It is possible to manifest many diseases, a significant and sudden deterioration of existing ones. During the entire duration of the aspect, the risk of an accident, injury, violence, injury and poisoning, and susceptibility to negative energy influences are increased. You can suffer from natural phenomena and cataclysms, social upheavals. Examination with the help of radiation, scanning (X-ray, ultrasound) can be carried out only in extreme cases. The possibility of tumor growth cannot be ruled out.




A long and unusual period for a state of health. It is possible as a manifestation of new diseases, as well as a significant, positive and sudden change in the course of existing ones. Good results will be obtained by examination using radiation, scanning (X-ray, ultrasound), as well as physiotherapy such as KUV, UHF, laser therapy and other advanced methods. The possibility of tumor growth cannot be ruled out. Activation of the hormonal and immune systems.


A long and rather dangerous period for health. It is possible to manifest many diseases, a significant and sudden deterioration of existing ones. During the entire duration of the aspect, the risk of an accident, injury, violence, injury and poisoning, and susceptibility to negative energy influences are increased. You can suffer from natural phenomena and cataclysms, social upheavals. Examination with the help of radiation, scanning (X-ray, ultrasound) can be carried out only in extreme cases. The possibility of tumor growth cannot be ruled out.


Unusual changes in health status. The period of the aspect is often accompanied by metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, disorders of the immune and lymphatic systems. It is considered unfavorable and hazardous to health. During the entire period, the danger of severe poisoning, violence and injury remains. Promotes the activation of bad habits and sexual perversions.




It contributes to the activation of difficult-to-diagnose diseases, accompanied by mild symptoms and difficult to treat. But at the same time it increases the success of treatment with the help of energy and mental influences (hypnosis, extrasensory perception, psychoanalysis, meditative practices, etc.). Often gives the activation of sexual needs, which is sometimes accompanied by certain problems.


Difficult period. It is characterized by an increased sense of danger. During the entire duration of the aspect, the possibility of serious illnesses, injuries, violence, accidents remains. A particularly great threat is the presence in the crowd of the people, as well as political and natural phenomena. Danger of poisoning. Increased susceptibility to negative energy influences.


During a life of normal length, the aspect may occur only at an early age and means that his life or well-being may change significantly due to circumstances beyond his family's control, usually as a result of the impact of major political, economic or natural events. There is a significant deterioration in the state of health, the development of serious diseases that pose a threat to his life.


During the life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 22-29 years and just determines the long period of youth, good health and well-being. It contributes to the acquisition of physical form, sports achievements. However, its action cannot be considered completely positive, and the occurrence of serious diseases at this age, if in your individual horoscope there is a predisposition to them, due to the influence of this particular aspect.


During a life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 34-39 years and gives the first unpleasant symptoms of aging. Usually characterized by a sense of danger. During the entire period, the possibility of impact on you by large-scale political or natural factors, injuries, injuries, accidents as a result of explosions, accidents does remain. One should not overestimate the negative impact of this aspect - it can be realized only on the internal plane, giving psychological tension. But it can also indicate the possibility of serious ailments. Usually gives also sexual problems or perversions.


During the life of normal duration, the aspect is observed once at the age of 49-53 years and just determines the long period of the so-called. "second youth", good health and well-being. It contributes to the acquisition of physical form, the effectiveness of hardening, cleansing, wellness procedures and events. Nevertheless, its action cannot be considered completely positive, and the occurrence of serious diseases at this age, if there is a predisposition to them in your individual horoscope, is explained by the influence of this particular aspect.


During a life of normal duration, the aspect does not occur.