How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator at home. How to remove the smell from the refrigerator - the secrets of the freshness of the main appliances in the kitchen? Why does the refrigerator stink?

  • 17.06.2019

No matter how hard we try to be thorough in caring for the refrigerator, sooner or later we can smell a traitorous smell from it. For its occurrence, very little is needed - just forget to cover some strong-smelling product with a lid. How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator? Can it be done quickly? What folk ways to solve this problem exist?

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator

Although this may occur very unexpectedly, the problem can be solved just as quickly. To do this, you need to know a few simple, but effective methods to combat the "aromas" of the refrigerator.
Here are the most common ways to get rid of bad smell in the fridge:

  • with vinegar;
  • use lemon;
  • we use ammonia;
  • activated charcoal as an odor control method;
  • soda and bread are reliable helpers.

Now let's take a closer look at which smell which method is most effective.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator with vinegar

Naturally, if you find fetid odors in the refrigerator, the first thing to do is to wash it. Take out all the products, check their expiration date. Perhaps one of them was not hermetically sealed, or the packaging was damaged. All this can cause an unbearable smell.

After you have removed all the products and double-checked them, thrown away the missing ones, it's time to properly clean the refrigerator. How to get rid of the smell of mold in the refrigerator?

  1. Prepare vinegar solution: 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  2. Wash the refrigerator with a sponge and detergent.
  3. Soak the sponge in the vinegar solution and wipe all surfaces of the refrigerator, all compartments and all rubber seals.
  4. Avoid Processing metal parts as this may damage the refrigerator.

This method will allow you to breathe freely and no longer hear the intrusive smell. But how to get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator? Our second method will help you with this.

How to Remove Bad Smell from the Fridge with Lemon

Lemon is an excellent natural acid that can neutralize negative odors. The lingering smell of fish also won't resist lemon. How to use it correctly to quickly achieve maximum effect?

  • Squeeze some juice from a fresh lemon onto a clean sponge.
  • Refrigerator should be cleaned thoroughly and discard spoiled food.
  • Rub a cloth soaked in lemon juice on all shelves, except for metal elements.
  • Cut the remaining lemon into small pieces and place in the refrigerator. Let him stay there for a few days. This will prevent the development of microorganisms that produce an unpleasant odor.

This natural method, completely safe for humans, helps to cope with various odors in the refrigerator.

Important! Keep your lemon fresh. Don't wait until it's gone in your fridge. Otherwise, you will have to deal with another unpleasant odor later. Be balanced.

Fighting unpleasant odors from the refrigerator with ammonia

Sometimes, when purchasing a refrigerator, many people have an urgent question: how to get rid of the smell in a new refrigerator? The fact is that the plastic from which the shelves and the inner surface of the home appliance are made is a chemical substance. When plastic long time kept in an enclosed space, it may give off an unpleasant odour. How to fight him?

Ammonia will come to the rescue. First, wash the refrigerator with a washcloth and cool water. Add some regular dish detergent.

Prepare a solution of ammonia. Dilute a few drops in a glass of water. Dampen a cloth and thoroughly rub all surfaces of the refrigerator. Leave it open all day. The smell of plastic will disappear, and you will be left with only cleanliness and freshness.

The application of this method also answers the question: how to get rid of the smell of garlic in the refrigerator. Although the most The best way- do not store garlic there at all, but ammonia can still eliminate the consequences of your oversight.

Obviously, there are many methods that can help in the fight against unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. But how to get rid of the rotten smell in the refrigerator?

Activated carbon to combat odors from the refrigerator

The best way to deal with odors is not to promote them. Usually the most "ominous" aromas come from rotten meat, or spoiled dairy products. What if the problem already exists? How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator folk remedies?
To begin with, discard all foods that emit fragrances. Check absolutely everything in the refrigerator.

Wash the surfaces, shelves and rubber bands of the refrigerator very carefully with detergent. Rinse clean water. Be sure to wipe dry.

Now is the time to use activated charcoal tablets. Crush a few powder tablets and pour into a container. It is important that the powder has a large area of ​​contact with air. That is, the container should be wide and open. Leave in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours. Charcoal will absorb the smell well and leave freshness.

Advice! If you often encounter the problem of bad smell in the refrigerator, install a charcoal filter. It will help you stay fresh at all times. cold store.

If there is no pharmacy activated charcoal at hand, it can be replaced with charcoal. The principle of operation of such coal is absolutely identical to activated.

We learned how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator quickly at home. Now let's talk about how baking soda and bread can help clean out the refrigerator.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator with baking soda and bread

Let's find out how to get rid of onion smell in the refrigerator. It happens that in the process of preparing a dish you cut an onion and put it in the refrigerator for a while. This caused the onion enzymes to quickly spread throughout the refrigerator and soak it. How do you deal with these scents?

First, wash it thoroughly. Air out by wiping dry. Now we are preparing a solution of soda.

A few tablespoons of soda should be dissolved in a glass of water. Then soak a sponge in it and rub the entire refrigerator from the inside. Leave for a couple of minutes and rinse with clean water. Wipe dry again and let air out.

Baking soda is great at killing bacteria. This is one of best practices How to get rid of the smell in the old refrigerator.

Excellent a simple means the fight against unpleasant odors is the usual brown bread. If you cut it into small pieces and place it in the refrigerator, it will absorb all the unpleasant odors very soon. However, this effect is only possible if the refrigerator is pre-washed and the spoiled food is removed.

Now you know how to wash the refrigerator to get rid of the smell in it. Let's find out what can be done so that an unsympathetic smell never settles in it.

Preventive measures to prevent unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

Of course, the most unpleasant thing is the smell in the refrigerator. How to get rid of it quickly is important to know, but how to prevent it is much better!

To keep your refrigerator smelling delicious every time, consider a few useful tips.

  1. Clean and defrost your refrigerator regularly.
  2. Always close any food tightly that you plan to store in the refrigerator - especially those that emit a strong odor.
  3. Regularly check the freshness of the products that you store. Get rid of spoiled items promptly.
  4. Store food in food containers or wrap them cling film.
  5. Place a bag of soda in the refrigerator. By making small holes in it - this will prevent the development of odors. Change it every few months.

Applying these simple tips, you do not have to look for an answer to the question of how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

Video on how to deal with unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

Let's watch a video that will clearly show the most effective methods to remove unpleasant odors.

Bad smell from the refrigerator can bring not only aesthetic discomfort. It can quite negatively affect the appetite and even spoil it. There may be several reasons for its appearance. One of them is food stored in the refrigerator.

The odor problem cannot be ignored. After all, it can indicate not only the inaccurate use of technology, but also the spoilage of products, which are highly undesirable to eat in the future.

The first step is to check the refrigerator for spoiled food. Not always products that have a fresh appearance are such. Unpleasant odor can be created by any food that is not sealed or expired.

One of these may be eggs. It is extremely difficult to determine the degree of freshness when buying eggs. In a dozen acquired eggs, one rotten one can hide, appearance nothing different from others.

If you notice an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you should first check all the products for freshness.

If a “hot spot of bad odor” is found, you must:

  • Take the product out of the refrigerator.
  • Send it to the trash can.
  • Free the equipment from other foodstuffs.
  • Unfreeze.
  • Wash thoroughly.

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to turn on the refrigerator only after you make sure that it is completely dry after washing. Otherwise, the technique may malfunction.

Before loading food into an already washed refrigerator, it is necessary to carefully examine them for spoilage and damage in order to avoid reappearance unpleasant odors.

When washing, pay special attention to the drain hole. This is often the cause of unpleasant odors.

You can wash the refrigerator:

  • Plain high temperature water.
  • Liquid detergents for dishes.
  • A special detergent for washing similar equipment.

Simple hot water suitable for allergy sufferers. Often people who have allergic reaction on detergents, they simply cannot use them. When washing the technique with plain water, it is better to carry out the procedure several times for the best effect.

You can deal with this problem in different ways. There are folk ways and means of the chemical industry. Which one to choose, a person decides for himself based on personal beliefs.

Household chemicals are more efficient, but have a very wide range of disadvantages. Chief among them is the likelihood of food intoxication.

When using them, you must follow the instructions very clearly and do not exceed the permitted dosage. The list of their shortcomings can also be attributed to their rather rather big cost. Not every average person can afford to buy them.

Folk methods are more humane and safer, but not always effective.

You can eliminate the smell with the help of special absorbers. They are not cheap, but durable in use.

Use of household chemicals

Resort to detergents household chemicals recommended only after folk methods have been tried. When buying such funds, you need to pay attention to their composition.

Household detergents are of different types:

  1. With sprayer.
  2. Liquid.
  3. Powdered.

Do not use powdered ones. They can damage the enamel of the refrigerator.

They have the same principle of use: apply to the surface and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash off with a cloth and hot water.
Odor absorbers are very versatile. They are:

  • Spherical. Usually they are sold in packs of three. The principle of use is simple - just put the balls in the refrigerator. Thanks to silicagen, the ball absorbs all unpleasant odors. One ball is enough for three to four months.
  • In the shape of an egg. It's absorbers help control desired temperature in the refrigerator due to a change in the color of the shell.
  • With built-in dispenser. The advantage of this tool lies in its ability to fasten to any surface.
  • Gel. Possess unique abilities. They absorb odor two to three times faster than others.
  • Ionizers. Due to the unique composition, they help prevent food spoilage. Kill bacteria and microorganisms. They are the most expensive of all types, but also more durable.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they all effectively deal with the problem.

The use of folk remedies

Eliminate unpleasant odors from the refrigerator with the help of such folk methods, as:

  • Solution from ammonia. Mix one liter of water with one teaspoon of ammonia. Treat pre-washed equipment with the resulting mixture.
  • Baking soda. You will need to pour soda in powder into small containers and arrange throughout the refrigerator. For medium-sized equipment, several containers will suffice.
  • Vinegar solution. Mix five hundred grams of vinegar with half a liter of warm water. Treat all surfaces. Do not rinse.
  • Coffee beans. Spread over the refrigerator. Not only eliminate the bad smell, but vice versa give it a pleasant coffee aroma.
  • Activated medical charcoal. Crush twenty tablets until smooth and place in containers overnight. To prevent bad odor, you can use it regularly.
  • Lemon solution. It's easy to prepare. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into water and leave overnight.

You can also eliminate the smell with the help of products such as:

  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Garlic.
  • Lemon.
  • Orange.

These products perfectly absorb excess moisture and prevent bacteria from multiplying.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor can be different. Non-compliance with food storage standards can also be attributed to this list. Dirt, streaks of various nature must be removed immediately after their appearance.

Otherwise, over time, spilled milk or a few drops of jam can serve as a “home” for different bacteria and microorganisms. It is the proliferation of bacteria that is the cause of this problem. You can get rid of it by washing the equipment.

If the cause is missing meat, the refrigerator needs to be cleaned hot water with the addition of special detergents.

New technology can often give off plastic. To get rid of this smell, the refrigerator should be washed with soda solution.

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The specific “aroma” coming from the refrigerator makes the hostess urgently decide how to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home. Effective household chemicals, improvised means for washing the unit, absorbers of bad odors will help in this. And so that the problem does not recur, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the methods of preventing it.

If the refrigeration unit is in good working order, and the food is stored in it correctly, then nothing should smell when the door is opened. Why does the smell still appear? The reasons are conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Violation of the rules for the storage of prepared and raw products.
  • If smoked meats, fish, sausages are left unpacked, their strong aroma will absorb the refrigerator and all its contents.
  • In meat and fish semi-finished products taken out of the freezer and stored in the refrigerator, bacteria multiply rapidly - as a result, the meat or fish "rotten".
  • If the shelf life is exceeded, the “old” product deteriorates and begins to spread stench. If you do not throw it away in time, it has a characteristic musty smell.
  1. Installing a new refrigerator. Inside, it can smell like plastic, technical grease, metal. Before connecting a new unit, manufacturers recommend wiping it from the inside and outside with a damp cloth and keeping it open for 1-2 days. Usually, after such manipulations, the technical smell evaporates.
  1. technical factors.
  • The faulty unit does not reach the nameplate capacity. At the same time, the freezer spontaneously defrosts, a sufficiently low temperature in the refrigerator compartment is not maintained - as a result, food stocks become unusable.
  • Sometimes the drain becomes clogged, which causes water to collect in it, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and a source of a disgusting stench.
  • Power outages also lead to defrosting of the refrigerator and the appearance of an unpleasant smell in it.

Important: The smell from the freezer compartment of the refrigerator spreads if the products are stored unpackaged or their shelf life has exceeded 3-4 months. Another reason is the water remaining after defrosting in the grooves under the door seal or in the freezer tray.

Methods for removing unpleasant odors

To remove the smell from the refrigerator quickly and efficiently, a "general cleaning" is carried out in the refrigerator.

Her algorithm is:

  • the refrigeration unit is turned off, freed from the contents and all collapsible parts;
  • thoroughly washed at home or purchased means refrigerator, shelves and drawers; corners, joints, hard-to-reach areas are especially carefully processed;
  • wash off the detergent residue with clean water;
  • dry the unit and removable units, after which they carry out natural drying - the door is not closed for several hours so that the smell disappears and mold does not appear;
  • on the shelves lay out means to absorb unwanted odors (aroma absorbers).

Housewives are worried about how to remove the smell from the refrigerator, using effective and environmentally friendly products at home. All means for cleaning the unit and absorbing odors are divided into purchased and homemade.

Folk remedies

If you want to do without synthetic detergent analogues and get rid of the smell, choose one of the following options:

  • ammonia - 1 teaspoon of a pharmaceutical product is added to a liter of water, all surfaces are wiped, including the freezer (it must be well ventilated after that);
  • soda solution - 2 tbsp. spoons of food powder are dissolved in a liter of water (you can clean the walls by dipping a damp cloth in soda);
  • vodka with lemon juice - 1 tablespoon of juice per 10 tablespoons of vodka;
  • an aqueous solution of vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1.

Natural odor neutralizers

To keep freshness in a washed refrigerator for a long time, it is placed food products capable of absorbing and neutralizing unpleasant odors. Natural aroma absorbers are an excellent answer to the question: what to put in the refrigerator to remove the smell without harm to health?

Here is a list of these kitchen helpers:

  • soda - it is poured into saucers and put on the shelves, after a month the powder is changed;
  • vinegar with water (1: 1) - a cup with a solution is left in the refrigerator for a couple of hours after washing;
  • Activated carbon;
  • half an apple (without a core) or a potato;
  • ground coffee;
  • orange peel;
  • ground cinnamon paste with vinegar - it is kept in the refrigerator all the time, covering the jar with a lid with holes.

Purchased detergents and aroma absorbers

If, despite the use of improvised means, an unpleasant smell remains in the refrigerator - how to get rid of it quickly and completely? The modern chemical industry offers effective non-toxic preparations for this.

  • OdorGone is an eco-friendly, water-based cleaner that kills harmful bacteria and removes the most persistent odors within 12 hours.
  • Indesit for refrigerators. The solution is sprayed with a spray bottle, after half a minute the chamber is washed with clean water.
  • Top House set. Includes spray and wipes. Universal remedy for cleaning dirt, killing germs and absorbing odors.
  • Gel Clean Home. It is absolutely safe, made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide, does not require rinsing.

Recently, the following have gained popularity:

  • silica gel balls - affordable, in addition they also absorb excess moisture;
  • egg absorbers;
  • device with carbon filters - filter elements are changed every 2 months;
  • absorbent gel - able to absorb and eliminate odors twice as fast as other products.

A relatively expensive but effective absorber is a battery-powered ionizer. It not only eliminates the stench, but also disinfects the air, stops the processes of decay. To perform its functions, it is enough for the ionizer to stay in the refrigerator for several minutes daily.

Many are looking for answers to specific questions: what to do with the obsessive "aroma" of fish products, moldy food, like from the refrigerator? For each of these problems there is an effective solution.

How to eliminate the smell of spoiled meat

During the decomposition of semi-finished meat products, a lot of volatile substances are released, among which are ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. It is because of them that a persistent rotten smell is formed in the refrigerator or freezer. Before you fight the stench, you should throw away the meat itself and other food, especially stored without packaging (this is due to the toxicity of protein breakdown products).

  • first, the camera and removable nodes are washed safe means household chemicals;
  • prepare a solution for finishing by adding to the water: a) baking soda; b) ammonia; c) lemon juice citric acid; d) table vinegar;
  • wipe the internal surfaces of the refrigerator with a cloth dipped in one of the solutions.

Particular attention is paid to cleaning plastic shelves and drawers, as polymers strongly absorb any smell, including bad. The removed parts are aired on the street or on the balcony, and the refrigerator itself is kept open for 5-30 days. After assembling and connecting the unit, odor absorbers are laid out on the shelves.

What to do if the refrigerator smells like fish

Characteristic feature of the fish its specific aroma, even in finished form, and even more so when raw. Many users periodically think about how to remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator from this product.

  • Refrigerator is defrosted. Carry out washing with a special detergent, carefully remove its residues with clean water, allow to dry completely.
  • From inside the chamber is wiped with lemon juice and incubated for 3 hours.
  • Remove the dried juice with a damp cloth, leave the refrigerator open for 1-2 hours.
  • After drying and airing, the unit is plugged into an outlet, aroma absorbers are placed on the shelves.

If there is fungus in the refrigerator

In the event of such a nuisance, the question arises: what will help get rid of mold and how to quickly eliminate the smell from the refrigerator? Household emulsions, sprays, powders - Comet, Sif, Mister Muskul, Sano, a special non-toxic cleaner ZOOL ZL-377 will help remove black spots from the surfaces of the unit. After them, the walls and shelves need to be carefully. In addition to household chemicals or instead of it, soda or vinegar is used. Soda not only destroys the spores of the fungus, but also prevents its occurrence (if you keep it open in the refrigerator).

Note: You should thoroughly wash not only removable parts and grooves, but other places where the fungus likes to settle. This is a rubber seal on the door and a hole for condensate to drain into the evaporator tray. How exactly to clean the drain, it is better to find out in the instructions for the refrigeration unit.

It is better to dry the refrigerator with a fan heater, and then UV irradiation will help to destroy the spores. It is enough to turn on the blue lamp for 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

In order not to worry about how to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home, you should follow simple rules. Massive growth of bacteria and stench will simply be impossible if you properly store food and take care of the refrigeration unit.

  • Food and semi-finished products are kept in vessels under lids, in tightly closed containers, the bowls are covered with cling film. Plastic bags are more suitable for the freezer, and the products in the refrigerator are not stored in such containers for a long time.
  • Control the level of humidity. Juices, compotes are not left open to prevent freezing on the walls of the unit. To absorb moisture that causes mold, silica gel balls are placed on the shelves.
  • Modern refrigeration units are defrosted and general cleaning is performed in them at least twice a year, completely removing all collapsible units.
  • If something is spilled or scattered, the contamination is removed immediately using a soda solution.
  • Every week they check the food in the refrigerator, get rid of spoiled food in time.


Probably everyone has come across an unpleasant smell inside the refrigerator. Even the most accurate and clean hostess, at least sometimes, unfortunately, has to deal with this phenomenon. Why does the smell appear, how to get rid of it and how to prevent it? We will try to cover detailed answers to all these topical questions in this article.

Why does the refrigerator smell bad?

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator and why there is a bad smell? The refrigerator is designed specifically for food storage. Each of them has its own scent. When mixed in a fairly small space, these fragrances can create a very unpleasant odor. This is more common where food is stored unpackaged.

Spoiled food smells very unpleasant, especially meat, fish, and dairy products. Even a very small piece can create a simply disgusting smell. The same applies to contaminated surfaces. At first glance, they may even seem relatively clean, but they can smell very unpleasant. And these are just drops of juice, milk, broth, etc. In the closed space of the refrigerator, this is always critical.

Problems can also be caused by improper functioning of the drain system of the refrigerator. Through these drain holes they get rid of the liquid when defrosting the refrigerator. With improper care of the sewage system, it becomes clogged, water stagnates in it. This is what causes the smell.

Oddly enough, but a new, newly purchased refrigerator can also smell unpleasant, specifically. For example, plastic, lubricants and other things not related to food. These are the so-called industrial smells.

How to eliminate an unpleasant smell?

To get rid of the smell from the refrigerator, it is necessary, first of all, to find its cause and eliminate it. Otherwise, all your efforts may be in vain. Carefully review the contents of the refrigerator. Be sure to check all products for freshness and expiration date. Those that do not pass the test should be thrown out immediately. They not only smell bad, but quite, can cause poisoning.

Next, of course, you need to wash all the internal surfaces of the refrigerator well and dry them. Pay attention to all shelves, containers, freezer. It is worth using detergents and disinfectants. The same procedures should be carried out for a new refrigerator smelling of plastic or grease. Important: all the above actions should be carried out with the equipment turned off from the electrical network.

After everything is washed and dried, it is necessary to leave the refrigerator for a while with the door open for thorough ventilation. Usually 2-3 hours is enough. Next, turn on the refrigerator at idle for 3 minutes. And only after that you can refill it with food.

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator folk remedies?

There are many folk ways getting rid of the smell in the refrigerator. They are quite effective and practically free. Be sure to follow the tips below.

1. Vinegar 9%. It is not used in pure form, but in an aqueous solution of 1: 1. Wipe all the elements inside the refrigerator with this composition, then dry and ventilate. The smell of vinegar quickly disappears, and with it all other smells.

2. Ammonia. Very well fights against unwanted odors and disinfects the refrigerator. A teaspoon of ammonia is diluted in 1 liter. ordinary water. This solution is used to wash the refrigerator and all its elements.

3. Soda. Well known, excellent and safe detergent. It can be used dry and diluted. After the procedure, all treated surfaces must be rinsed with clean water. Baking soda is an excellent odor absorber. Place a small amount of soda on a saucer and place in the corner of the refrigerator. Change periodically.

4. Alcohol or vodka. Also great for cleaning the interior of the refrigerator. Removes all odors well and disinfects the refrigerator.

5. Lemon. A completely unique citrus fruit that helps us in the fight for cleanliness. You can use it different ways. For example, lemon juice is added to the water to wash the refrigerator. Or simply cut the lemon in half and directly wipe the internal elements of the refrigerator with this half. Thus, not only get rid of the unpleasant smell, but also deodorize the refrigerator. In general, citrus peels are always good to keep inside the refrigerator. Then the refrigerator will always be filled with pleasant freshness.

6. Activated carbon. Another great air purifier. A few tablets should be thoroughly crushed and placed in a small container in the refrigerator. Activated carbon absorbs all odors very well.

7. Black, Rye bread. Place slices of this product on all the shelves in your refrigerator and you will soon notice how unpleasant odors disappear.

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator with detergents?

You can also eliminate the smell in the refrigerator with the help of detergents. Modern chemical industry offers consumers many options. They are purchased at any store in the household chemicals department.

1. You can use special products designed directly for washing refrigerators. Their "narrow specialization" determines their extremely high efficiency.

2. On sale you can also find special wet wipes, impregnated special formulations, to care for the refrigerator.

3. Freezer sprays that do not require rinsing.

4. Standard detergents for washing dishes, kitchen utensils, and desktop surfaces are also suitable for this purpose. In most cases, they do an excellent job. It is only important to remember that after their use it is necessary to rinse everything with clean water.

Preventive actions

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of odors in the refrigerator than to get rid of them later. It is important to take time preventive measures and follow certain rules.

1. All products should always be stored in closed containers, plastic bags or foil.

2. Once a week, be sure to clean the shelves of your refrigerator. Without regret, throw away everything that is spoiled and smells bad, without hesitation.

3. Periodically, the refrigerator needs to be washed. Make it a rule to do this, for example, 5-6 times a year, without waiting for the appearance of persistent unpleasant odors. Anything spilled or spilled should be cleaned up immediately.

4. If your refrigerator requires defrosting - do not delay it. It is important to do this procedure on time and according to the instructions.

5. When leaving on vacation or a long business trip, try to empty the space of your refrigerator to the maximum. After all, the products are not stored for a long time and it is highly likely that by the time you return, many of them will have already deteriorated. Leave only what you are sure of.

We hope these tips help you keep your refrigerator clean and smelling good.

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The problem of the smell of the refrigerator contains two ways to solve it globally. Dealing with causes and consequences. Let's take a look at both methods today. Let us help you remove the smell from the refrigerator. See, there are some steps you can take.

Causes and consequences of the smell in the refrigerator

The cause of an unpleasant odor is an unspoiled product. Putrefactive bacteria become a prerequisite for such disastrous consequences. Europe is in trouble. Not on the scale of one country - they conquered the Old World. Almost everyone uses bacteria as a nutrient medium. Only metal is categorically inedible. Plastic lining, rubber inserts of contaminated refrigerators act as a breeding ground for bacteria.

With products, the reasons are similar. Bacteria multiply on a nutrient medium, emit an unpleasant odor. Rarely fresh products become the cause of an opportunity. salty, sea ​​fish dangerous. These are not the only ways in which a bad refrigerator smell can occur. Defrosting occurs by drip. Temporarily the temperature of the compartment rises, becomes above zero. Dirty water flows down the ducts, filling a special container. An expensive stream leaves traces of dirty streaks. A breeding ground for bacteria is formed.

Dispose of spoiled food by holding your nose

Microorganisms die, affected by dryness, low temperatures - some. The latter feel great in the freezer when the refrigerator is idle for a long time. Bacteria rarely disappear spontaneously. We have to fight. In relation to the human body, antibiotics are used, surfactants are more suitable.

Methods for dealing with the consequences of the smell of the refrigerator

Let's say they don't have time to mess with disinfection inner surface refrigerator, clean the defrost system. A number of folk recipes have been found to help quickly eliminate the consequences. The smell disappears for a while. In the absence of further measures, the negative effect will resume.

For a number of useful tips, we thank the channel Without the help of lovely women, the authors had a hard time collecting advice together. Let's deal with the elimination of the cause of the smell. Foods used by flavor absorbers should be avoided.

Eliminate the causes of the unpleasant smell of the refrigerator

Bad breath is caused by bacteria. Where can microorganisms find food? Odor elimination methods are universal, the most the best manufacturers the interior of the compartment is covered with a special bio-enamel supplemented with silver ions. From what has been said, it is clear: they indicated the first place of the search. The plastic looks smooth and clean, causing an unpleasant odor. In many models of refrigerators there is a special mode called Vacation, the temperature is maintained close to zero. After a long absence of the owners, the thawed chambers do not stink.

Wash the refrigerator with cleaning products

Getting rid of adversity, it is recommended to treat the surface of the compartment with a cleaning agent. Hydrogen peroxide will do. A weak solution of the substance is suitable to kill microbes. To give the womb of the refrigerator a pleasant smell, it is recommended to add dish detergents, liquid soap, shampoo. The purpose of the component is the creation of active foam, odorization.

The above measures did not help - pay attention to the following units, constituent parts refrigerator:

Please note that if there is a No Frost system, a compartment with an evaporator is equipped inside the refrigerator. The cavity will cause an unpleasant odor. Most refrigerators have one single evaporator per refrigerator and freezer combined. As a result, the air circulates continuously. If fish is placed in the freezer, fatty aromatic acids will fill the volume of the refrigerator. As a result, it will be difficult to remove the smell. The evaporator compartment is difficult to clean.

The odor absorber for the refrigerator will be an effective measure to combat the consequences. Powerless to eliminate the causes. Odor removal is carried out using a suitable steam generator. Artificially increase the humidity, reducing the time between defrosting. The further plan of action is determined by the intelligence of technology. The unpleasant smell of the refrigerator will be eliminated detergents during several meltdowns.

Where an unpleasant odor can accumulate. The smell of the refrigerator is concentrated in any cavity. For example, for decorative panel that hides the thermostat. After reading, the regulars of the VashTechnik portal will be able to understand what caused the unpleasant moment. We add that an unpleasant synthetic smell can provoke decaying polymers. Plastic. It is especially difficult to give advice on how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. The negative factor is created by materials. You can try to paint the depolymerizing material with a special enamel with the addition of silver ions. The topic of a separate conversation, and a professional one.

We say goodbye. We hope that the problem of the unpleasant smell of the refrigerator will cease to bother readers.