The main directions of the humanization of labor. Humanization of labor is a priority direction of social development

  • 10.10.2019

Professiographic research and preparation of a professiogram are necessary stages of all research and applied work in labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics, etc.

Cases of studying labor in order to humanize it.

The humanization of labor is, first of all, the adaptation (adaptation) of one or another aspect of working life to a person, which involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers. The main directions of the humanization of labor are: improving the socio-economic content of labor by enriching it, eliminating monotony and lack of content, combining disparate elements of work into work that is more in line with the requirements of a highly developed personality, aestheticization of the place of work; ensuring the safety and reliability of production processes, eliminating their negative impact on the environment.

Labor is such an expedient human activity for the production of material and spiritual goods, necessary to meet the needs of both an individual and society as a whole. Any work involves a conscious setting of a goal that determines the subsequent nature of human actions. Labor is the main source of wealth (another source is nature), the main sphere of human life. Labor is the most important natural condition of human life, a means of its existence and, at the same time, a means of development of the person himself. Thanks to labor, a person stood out from the animal world, in labor his abilities and abilities are revealed. vitality acquire skills, knowledge and experience. Therefore, a healthy body needs a normal work load.

Thus, it is these two inextricably linked concepts that give a person the opportunity not only to work, but to work in better conditions with all safety measures and soundproofing, which will naturally lead to an increase in labor productivity.

As manufacturing systems become more automated and complex, the potential for human error increases. At the same time, in most cases, the actions of workers turn out to be wrong not because of low qualifications (although there are many problems here), but because of the discrepancy between the design features of equipment and human capabilities. The problem can be eliminated or mitigated if, when creating and operating technical systems The human factor is correctly and fully taken into account. The result is efficient and reliable human-machine interaction.

Today, labor safety is structurally “embedded” in technology and equipment. Any most reliable technological system also requires a “highly reliable” worker who is able to take quick and right decisions. This, in turn, causes new requirements for the professional selection of workers, their training and constant maintenance of high professional qualities personnel.

The humanization of labor is the provision of normal living conditions worthy of a person - healthy working and living conditions, favorable labor microecology, new rational diets and a longer rest period, a radical improvement in medical, transport and other types of services.

The concept of improving the management of labor activity, involving more full use productive reserves of labor, especially intellectual and moral-psychological. There are four main principles of labor humanization:

the principle of safety - an individual in the workplace should feel the absence of a threat to his health, income level, job security in the future, etc.

the principle of justice - the share of each, expressed in income, should correspond to the share of his contribution to the achievement of the goals of the company (organization). For this it is necessary: ​​that the higher administration does not assign itself too high salaries, that there is an effective system of employee participation in income and payment is made not for the work performed, but for the qualification level of the employee;

the principle of a developed personality - work should be organized in such a way that the unique personal qualities of each employee receive the most complete development;

the principle of democracy - the abolition of a rigid hierarchy in the construction of the administrative apparatus, the self-government of autonomous groups, the election of leadership, the collective democratic solution of such issues as the distribution of profits, investment policy.

2) A complex of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures to change working conditions and production environment, the content of labor, forms and methods of management in order to achieve optimal compliance of the person and work.

An integral part of the humanization of labor are measures to enrich the content of labor.

The humanization of labor (along with and together with the democratization of management) is recognized by the world community, in particular the ILO, as the leading trend in the development of social and labor relations.

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The humanization of labor is, first of all, the adaptation (adaptation) of one or another aspect of working life to a person, which involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers. The main directions of the humanization of labor: improvement of the socio-economic. the content of labor through its enrichment, the destruction of monotony and lack of content, the unification of disparate elements of work into work that is more in line with the requirements of a highly developed personality, the aestheticization of the place of work; ensuring the safety and reliability of production processes, eliminating their negative impact on the environment.

Labor is such an expedient human activity for the production of material and spiritual goods, necessary to meet the needs of both an individual and society as a whole. Any work involves a conscious setting of a goal that determines the subsequent nature of human actions. Labor is the main source of wealth (another source is nature), the main sphere of people's life. Labor is the most important natural condition of human life, a means of its existence and, at the same time, a means of development of the person himself. Thanks to labor, a person stood out from the animal world, in labor his abilities and vitality are revealed, skills, knowledge and experience are acquired. Therefore, a healthy body needs a normal work load.

Thus, it is these two inextricably linked concepts that give a person the opportunity not only to work, but to work in better conditions with all safety measures and soundproofing, which will naturally lead to an increase in labor productivity.

I would like to highlight the analysis of the influence of these two factors on each other in my term paper.

1. Theoretical basis the concepts of "humanization" and "labor"

Labor is a conscious, expedient human activity aimed at the production of material and spiritual goods, the provision of various services.

aim labor activity there can be things that are consumed by people, and things that are necessary for the production of consumer goods - energy, media, ideological products, management decisions, services, and the like. At the same time, the goals of the activity of a particular employee are no longer determined by his personal needs, but are set by society. Consequently, labor by its nature is a social, socially useful activity. There is also social labor behind the character, since it is based on division and cooperation, cooperation and competition, ownership of the labor force, which is ultimately determined by the system of production relations. The latter are realized not only by methods of combining labor force and means of production, but also by methods of distribution, exchange and consumption of the created material and spiritual goods. The labor behavior of an employee is determined by the set production goal and his relations with other people in the process of achieving this goal. This is predetermined by the fact that labor in its content is a material process that occurs between man and nature, and in its character it is a social phenomenon, that is, a process of relationships between people in their general influence on nature. Labor as a process is a unity of three constituent parts:

labor itself as an expedient activity;

the object of labor (what the labor is aimed at);

tools of labor (a thing or a complex of things with the help of which a person acts on the object of labor).

The manufacture and use of tools is a decisive feature of labor. In relation to things (tools and objects of labor), a person acts as a subject of activity, and in relation to other people - as a person.

The labor actions of an employee aimed at changing the properties of the object of labor with the help of tools are called objective actions.

The subject actions of an employee are inextricably linked with his physiological activity and mental activity, by which they are determined and regulated.

Consequently, labor activity appears in the unity of three aspects:




The object-effective aspect of labor is associated with the implementation of a certain system of movements and actions aimed at changing the states or properties of the object of labor in order to turn it into a product of labor. The object-effective aspect of labor acts as its external (physical) side.

The physiological aspect of labor turns out to be that it, as a social phenomenon in its essence, has a natural prerequisite - the use of the physiological functions of the worker to create certain social values. During labor, all organs and systems of the body are involved in vigorous activity - the brain, muscles, blood vessels, heart, lungs, etc., physiological functions are mobilized, and nervous and muscular energy is spent. Yes, to provide working movements and actions with energy, muscle groups are used, the contraction of which is regulated by the process of excitation, which comes from the nerve centers. An increased blood flow is sent to these muscles, which brings nutrients and oxygen, taking away the decay products of substances that serve as a source of energy. To ensure increased blood circulation and metabolism and energy, the work of the heart and respiratory organs is accordingly enhanced. All these processes associated with the vital activity of the employee's body are organized in accordance with the requirements and working conditions. Under unfavorable, difficult working conditions, overstrain of physiological systems and pathological changes are possible, while optimal conditions are a factor in increasing human performance.

At the same time, physiological processes, obeying the requirements of labor activity, maintain relative independence (daily biological rhythm, reaction rate, muscle strength, endurance, etc.) and characteristic constants of vital activity (homeostasis).

Therefore, the process of labor is a physiological process of spending human energy.

The psychological aspect of labor is related to the fact that the subject actions of the employee are determined and regulated by internal (mental) activity - cognitive, motivational, emotional. Yes, during labor a person activates such cognitive processes: sensation, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. In the process of work, she needs to be attentive, to reveal strong-willed qualities. During the performance of work, an employee can experience different mental and emotional states - activity, interest, concentration, enthusiasm, tension, tired, dissatisfaction, boredom, etc. In work, professional abilities, knowledge, work skills and abilities of the employee are realized and simultaneously developed, the features of his character, moral character, motives of activity. In labor, a person asserts himself as a person, realizes and develops his creative potential.

Labor as a collective joint activity of people is impossible without communication. Objective relations and links between employees are realized as subjective interpersonal relations. Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, due to the needs of joint activities. It includes the exchange of information, actions and results of activities, as well as the perception of a person by a person.

Therefore, in the only process of communication of workers, three aspects are distinguished:

communicative - exchange of information;

interactive - exchange of knowledge, ideas, actions;

perceptual - perception, knowledge, mutual understanding.

In the unity of these three aspects, communication is a way of organizing joint activities and relationships between people.

The means of communication is speech, that is, a system of verbal signs that have a meaningful characteristic, knowledge of the world around.

Consequently, from the psychological side, labor represents mental processes and psychological factors that induce, program, regulate the labor activity of a person. This is the so-called internal (mental) activity. Some kind of work connects the external (physical) and internal (mental) sides.

As a process of active transformations of objects in order to adapt them to meet personal and production needs, labor from the physical and psychological point of view is a form of human life, which turns out to be in functional shifts in physiological systems and organs, as well as in different forms mental reflection of objective reality.

The indispensable psychological signs of labor are:

conscious foresight of the result of labor in the form of images, models, knowledge;

awareness by the employee of the obligation to achieve a socially significant goal as a result of the implementation of the learned program of action and responsibility for achieving a social result;

conscious choice, application, improvement of tools and methods of labor, which requires the employee to activate cognitive processes, professional growth, interest in innovation;

the employee's awareness of interpersonal production relations that are in the organization of production, management and labor, formal and informal communications, feelings of belonging to the organization, understanding of one's place in the implementation of its strategic goals and the dependence of income on invested labor or entrepreneurial abilities.

Consequently, the goal of labor activity is realized in the results of labor, which may or may not coincide with the goal, that is, the image, the model. Therefore, labor efficiency is evaluated by the parameters of the results - quantitative and qualitative indicators. The most important of them are productivity, quality, reliability, which to a large extent depend on the labor potential of the employee.

The labor potential of a person is characterized by its working capacity, level of education and professional training, knowledge, skills, abilities, attitude to work, initiative, activity, organization.

The potential resources of an employee are not automatically activated, but are consciously regulated by the person himself. This regulation is carried out by her views, beliefs, attitudes, motives, interests, which form the labor concept. It is labor concepts that are the subsoil for increasing the competitiveness and mobility of workers in the labor market, the conscious choice of profession, field of activity and form of employment (for hire, individual labor, entrepreneurial, full-time, partial, etc.).

In the process of labor, the functional stress of a person is predetermined by two types of loads: muscular and nervous. Muscular loads are in the form of dynamic movements and static stresses, and nervous loads are in the form of mental, emotional and sensory (on the sense organs) loads.

Depending on the ratio of muscular and nervous loads, all specific types of labor are divided into three groups:

work with a predominance of muscular loads (physical);

work with a predominance of loads on the cerebral cortex associated with higher mental functions - thinking, memory, imagination (mental);

labor with a predominance of load on the senses and the emotional sphere (sensory-tense).

However, from the point of view of the physiological approach, such a division is conditional, since any labor contains all the components noted, that is, it is the only neuromuscular process.

The ratios of expenditures of muscular and nervous energy, performing and creative functions, mechanical actions and operations of thinking in the labor process characterize the content of labor.

Characteristics of labor for its content is also associated with an assessment of the level of development of the worker.

Consequently, the content of labor reflects the level of development of the material and personal elements of the production process. Yes, the use of simple tools was accompanied by putting them into action with the help of human muscular strength. This is physical labor, a characteristic feature of which is the direct contact of a person with the object of labor for a relatively simple program of action and a great strain of physical strength.

With the machine method of processing the object of labor, the energy costs of the worker are significantly reduced by reducing the load on large muscle groups. At the same time, loads on small muscles increase, the speed and accuracy of movements increase, and the program of actions becomes more complicated. Purely executive functions are supplemented by planning, calculations, drawings, which puts forward the highest requirements for the employee's qualifications.

In semi-automated production, human functions are limited to simple operations from the maintenance of machine tools, machines (for example, stamping work). characteristic feature such works is monotonicity.

Monotony is also a consequence of the conveyor - current organization of production, when each worker performs a separate cycle of processing products.

Consistent automation of production processes leads to the fact that the main functions of a person become observation, control and regulation based on the perception and processing of information. During contact with the object of labor, information directly enters the senses, and the control of the tools of labor is reduced to the agile actions of the worker. With remote forms of control between a person and a machine, there are devices that transmit information about the real state of the production process, and devices for the corresponding actions of the worker (operator). The human operator becomes an integral part of the "man - technology - environment" system. Such work is characterized by heavy loads on the sense organs, higher mental functions - memory and thinking, requires intense attention and strong-willed efforts. Since the employee has to regulate and control huge flows of energy and information, complex systems of technological processes, the level of his responsibility increases significantly, which increases the neuro-emotional stress. The latter can often be predetermined by the fact that the rate of receipt and the amount of information exceed the operator's ability to perceive, process, make and implement a decision.

An important sign of mental labor is that its objects and results are not material things, but projects, plans, programs, ideas, images, formulas, information, and the like. Its specificity lies in the fact that the performer does not need to intensively use muscle energy, and the program of his actions is complex and dynamic. Mental work requires tension of attention, activation of cognitive functions - thinking, memory, imagination. This is especially true for creative intellectual work, the task of which is to search for the new, the unknown. Some types of mental work (the work of an accountant, proofreader, bank employee) do not encourage the performer to new thoughts, discoveries, inventions, although impossible without intense attention, relevant knowledge and skills.

With the development of scientific, technical and socio-economic progress, the conditions, means and content of labor activity change significantly, which turns out to reduce the load on the muscles and at the same time increase the load on nervous system, in particular on the worker's cerebral cortex.

Depending on the ratio of muscular and nervous loads on the worker, all types of labor are divided into nine groups:

1) labor that requires a significant expenditure of energy and great muscular effort (casters, blacksmiths, loaders, etc.);

2) labor, which is characterized by movements without significant muscular effort (molders, stampers);

3) work that requires significant muscular effort and tension of the visual and motor analyzers (fitters, repair workers);

4) work that requires muscular effort of medium intensity, high coordination of movements, accurate measurements and solving mental problems (machine operators);

5) work that is performed at a fixed pace and is accompanied by monotonous movements (assemblers of machines on conveyor lines);

6) labor associated with monitoring the operation of machines or the production process (operators on automatic lines);

7) labor associated with the solution of complex tasks for setting up and readjusting machine tools in accordance with existing programs (adjusters);

8) labor associated with the processing of information flows that come from signaling devices, and the need to make urgent responsible decisions (operators at control panels, executives);

9) labor associated with creative activity.

The considered types of labor set different requirements for the employee and predetermine significant differences in his activity at the biological, psychological, and intellectual levels. Yes, each type of work is characterized by a certain level of general motor activity of the worker, which may be sufficient or insufficient, that is, below the biological need for movement. Each type of labor requires selective, specific mental activity of the worker, associated with knowledge, communication, initiative, responsibility, and the like. In creative activity, the activation of cognitive processes acquires a research character, is carried out on the basis of the formation of new, increasingly complex programs and non-standard strategies.

The presence of different levels in the structure of labor activity indicates that it itself is the need of a healthy person and at the same time satisfies its other needs.

Under favorable conditions and optimal loads, labor satisfies a person's need for physical activity, trains functional systems, develops cognitive and communication abilities, promotes the realization of creative potential, while performing the main function - the creation of material and spiritual benefits to meet the corresponding needs of an individual and society. generally.

1.2 Basic functions of labor

But at the same time, it is the work of individuals. The interaction of man and society arises as a result of the interaction of man with the means of labor. And the nature of labor is determined, on the one hand, by the characteristics of production relations, and on the other hand, by the socio-economic situation of the participants in social production.

The nature of labor makes it possible to present the relationship between individual and social labor, the ways in which workers interact with the means of labor, the inclusion of individual labor in social labor, the relationship between individual types of labor, the type of relationship between participants in the labor process.

Indicators of the nature of labor are the form of ownership, the attitude of workers to the means of production and their labor, distribution relations, and social differences. In accordance with these indicators, the following types of labor are distinguished: public and private, free and forced, "for oneself" and "for someone else", voluntary and forced.

The content of labor is a generalized characteristic of the labor process, which takes into account the various functions of labor, types of labor operations, the division of production activities by industry, the physical and intellectual stress of the participants in the labor process, the degree of independence of the employee in regulating the sequence of labor operations, the presence or absence of novelty, creativity, complexity, technical equipment of labor and the like.

The main factor in the progressive change in the content of labor is the development of the material and technical base of production, the introduction of scientific and technological progress. At the same time, the structure of labor actions changes: the functions of direct influence on the object of labor are transferred from the worker to the machine, the expenditure of working time on management and Maintenance equipment, as well as a particle of complex skilled labor, its content is being improved, the independence and responsibility of workers are being updated.

Simple labor is the performance of simple labor operations for which industrial instruction is sufficient and there is no need for special training.

Complex labor is skilled labor associated with additional costs for the worker's education.

Creative work - provides for a constant unique search for new solutions, a new attitude to existing problems, the active development of independence and initiative.

In reproductive labor, a significant part of the functions is repeated, that is, its feature is the repeatability of the means to achieve results.

Physical labor characterizes the direct interaction of a person with the means of labor, its involvement in the technological process.

Mental labor is characterized by informational, logical, creative elements and the absence of direct interaction between the worker and the means of labor. Manual labor does not need equipment, tools, devices.

Working conditions - a set of factors that affect the performance, health of the employee,

The sociology of labor studies not only the objective, but also the subjective characteristics of labor, to which they belong: attitude to work, labor motivation, socio-psychological climate, labor adaptation, and the like.

It synthesizes several types of relations: attitude to work as a social value; attitude towards their profession; relation to the specific conditions in which work takes place. This predetermines the complex structure of the concept of “attitude to work”, which is a unity of three elements: labor motives, real labor behavior and verbal (that is, expressed through language) assessment of the labor situation.

Motivation for labor activity is an external or internal motivation for labor activity in order to achieve certain goals, interest in such activity, ways of its initiation.

The study of work motivation is of great importance in scientific terms, since it complements the picture of the personality structure. In the context of the transition to market relations and the formation of a new type of worker, this problem has acquired purely practical features.

Labor is divided into necessary and additional.

Necessary labor is labor that creates the necessary product, that is, the totality of the means of subsistence that are needed to recreate the labor force of direct producers at the level of their needs that have been formed in society.

Additional labor is labor that creates an additional product, that is, a product that exceeds the established needs of direct producers.

The division of labor into necessary and additional, and according to the product into necessary and additional, was the economic basis of the social division of labor into physical and mental, the class division of society, the basis of socio-economic progress. It is the additional labor of direct producers that is the economic basis for the development of science, art, culture in all its spiritual and material manifestations.

The essence of labor as a social phenomenon is found in its functions. The most important of them is the creation of material and cultural benefits, providing society with objects and services that satisfy human needs. The second function is to ensure the material well-being of the employee and his family, because a person by himself cannot provide himself with all the necessary items and services.

The socio-economic heterogeneity of labor, the difference in the content and nature of labor determine the difference social traits professional qualification groups of workers. This predetermines differentiation, social heterogeneity and creates the basis for the formation of the social structure of both a particular enterprise and society as a whole. In this regard, another one is outlined - the social-differential function of labor. It is closely related to the status function of labor, which is due to the unequal significance in society. different types labor.

Another function of labor is associated with the formation of personality. The development of production should not be an end in itself, it must first of all ensure the free development of the essential forces of the individual, which depends on many factors - the material and technical base of the education system, vocational training, and the like. Labor should become a sphere of self-realization, self-affirmation of a person.

An important role belongs to the value function of labor associated with the formation of workers' values, motivational sphere, life goals and plans for the future.

1.3 Humanization of labor as a leading link in labor activity

Humanization of labor is the adaptation (adaptation) of one or another side of working life to a person, which involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers. The main directions of labor humanization:

improvement of the socio-economic content of labor through its enrichment,

the destruction of monotony and lack of content, the unification of disparate elements of work into work,

more appropriate to the requirements of a highly developed personality, aestheticization of the place of work;

ensuring the safety and reliability of production processes, eliminating their negative impact on the environment.

As manufacturing systems become more automated and complex, the potential for human error increases. At the same time, in most cases, the actions of workers turn out to be wrong not because of low qualifications (although there are many problems here), but because of the discrepancy between the design features of equipment and human capabilities. The problem can be eliminated or mitigated if the human factor is competently and most fully taken into account during the creation and operation of technical systems. The result is efficient and reliable human-machine interaction. Today, labor safety is structurally “embedded” in technology and equipment. Any most reliable technological system also requires a “highly reliable” employee who is able to make quick and correct decisions in extreme situations. This, in turn, causes new requirements for the professional selection of employees, their training and the constant maintenance of high professional qualities of the personnel.

The humanization of labor is the provision of normal living conditions worthy of a person - healthy working and living conditions, favorable labor microecology, new rational diets and a longer rest period, a radical improvement in medical, transport and other types of services.

The concept of improving the management of labor activity, which implies a more complete use of the productive reserves of the labor force, especially intellectual and moral and psychological. There are four main principles of labor humanization:

safety principle- an individual in the workplace should feel the absence of a threat to his health, income level, job security in the future, etc.

principle of justice- the share of each, expressed in income, should correspond to the share of his contribution to achieving the goals of the company (organization). For this it is necessary: ​​that the higher administration does not assign itself too high salaries, that there is an effective system of employee participation in income and payment is made not for the work performed, but for the qualification level of the employee;

developed personality principle- work should be organized in such a way that the unique personal qualities of each employee receive the most complete development;

principle of democracy- the abolition of a rigid hierarchy in the construction of the administrative apparatus, the self-government of autonomous groups, the election of leadership, the collective democratic solution of such issues as the distribution of profits, investment policy.
2) A complex of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures to change working conditions and the working environment, the content of labor, forms and methods of management in order to achieve optimal compliance between a person and work.

An integral part of the humanization of labor are measures to enrich the content of labor.
The humanization of labor (along with and together with the democratization of management) is recognized by the world community, in particular the ILO, as the leading trend in the development of social and labor relations.

2. Research of production and economic activities

2.1 General characteristics of the HKBD enterprise

Kharkov Design Bureau for Engine Building is a state-owned enterprise, which includes a design and technology bureau, research subdivisions, and a production base.

KhKBD is a large research and engineering center, which ensures the creation of research samples with their transfer to mass production. On May 6, 1995, by order of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the USSR, KhKBD was established as an independent enterprise of union designation with the rights of a legal person. Previously, it was part of the plant. Malyshev and the beginning of his history is the creation of the V-2 engine for the T-34 tanks. From 1997 to the present, in connection with the liquidation of the Ministry of Machine-Building of the Military-Industrial Complex and Conversion of Ukraine, HKBD has become subordinate to the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine.

By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of 1998, the enterprise was transformed into a state-owned enterprise of KhKBD without changing its management bodies. The form of ownership of the enterprise is national, and the industry is scientific.

HKBD carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation, independently determines the management structure, calculates the staffing.

The design bureau performs a full cycle of work, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that, after the development of design documentation, it is able to independently organize the manufacture of prototype engines, including such specific components as fuel control equipment, bladed units using the most advanced technologies and processing methods, using only the services of the procurement production of the plant. Malyshev.

The enterprise combines the following components: design and research centers, production base and chemical center.

2.2 Economic diagnostics of the enterprise

A comprehensive description of the economic activity of the enterprise can be carried out using the main indicators, which are given in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1. The main indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise

No. p \ p Name of indicator in 2007 in 2008 Deviation
abs., thousand UAH rel., %
1. The volume of industrial production in current prices, thousand UAH. 7258 5961 -1297 -18
2. The volume of industrial output in comparative prices, thousand UAH. 6764 5961 -803 -12
3. Net profit (loss), thousand UAH 26 30 4 15,4
4. Production costs in current prices, thousand UAH. 6697 6107 -590 -9
4.1 including for wages 2821 2781 -40 -1,4
4.2 depreciation deductions 494 451 -43 -9
5. Proceeds from sales without VAT - total, thousand UAH. 5986 2889 -3097 -52
6. Average headcount, persons 567 521 -46 -8
7. Labor productivity, thousand UAH. 12 11,4 -0,6 -5
8. Payroll fund, thousand hryvnias 2821 2781 -40 -1,5
9. Medium wage workers, UAH 415 445 30 7,2
10 Costs per hryvnia of products, UAH. / hryvnia 0,92 1,02 0,1 11

Thus, the calculated indicators indicate a deterioration in the economic activity of the enterprise, which is due to a drop in production volumes - by 18%, in connection with which production costs decreased - by 9%, the number of employees decreased - by 8%, labor productivity - by 5%, payroll decreased by 1.5%. Also, the proceeds from the sale of products decreased significantly - by 53%. All these problems have a negative impact on labor motivation.

2.3 Analysis of labor indicators and wage systems

2.3.1 Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel

The assessment of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel is carried out on the basis of form No. 6-PV "Report on the number of employees, their qualitative composition and professional training."

When analyzing the use of labor resources in an enterprise, it is necessary to consider the structure of employees by category in dynamics (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. The structure of employees at HKBD

Categories of workers in 2007, persons Specific weight, % in 2008, persons Specific weight, % Deviation
abs., persons rel., %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Leaders 18 1,19 18 1,16 - -
Specialists 876 57,82 859 5.49 -17 -2
Employees 93 6,14 90 5,82 -3 -3
Workers total 528 34,85 581 37,53 53 10
including workers who are engaged in the production of products 348 22,97 405 26,16 57 16
service workers 180 11,88 176 11,37 -4 -2
Total number of employees 1515 100 1548 100 33 2

Considering the structure of the enterprise's employees, it should be noted that the largest share in the total number is occupied by workers and specialists - 93.02% (there is an upward trend), which is 16% less than the share of workers. This is due to the specifics of the work of this enterprise - an industrial sector, where the bulk of the workers are specialists, workers and service workers who are engaged in the manufacture of products and the provision of services. In 2008, the total number of employees at the enterprise increased by 33 persons or 2%. The increase in the number of employees at the enterprise is a positive phenomenon and is due to the lack of motivation to work.

To determine the balance between men and women at the enterprise, as well as their age composition, it is necessary to consider the age and sex structure, which is presented in Table. 2.2.

Table 2.2. Sex and age structure

Age, years in 2007 in 2008
total, persons Specific weight, % men, persons women, persons total, persons Specific weight, % men, persons women, persons
15 -24 167 11,02 131 36 67 4,33 49 18
25–34 251 16,57 186 65 207 13,37 141 66
35 -54 199 13,14 114 85 180 11,63 91 89
55 – 59 189 12,48 123 66 157 10,14 99 58
St. 59 709 46,79 482 227 937 60,53 690 247
Total population 1515 100 1036 479 1548 100 1070 478

Based on the data in Table. 2.2, it is possible to determine the average age of employees, which was 59 in 2007 and 59 in 2008.

Analyzing the structure of personnel by age, we can conclude that at the enterprise, employees are mainly before retirement and retirement age, because the largest share is 60.53% in the total number of employees over the age of 59. Young people under 35 are in 2005 R. - 16.57%, and in 2006 p. - 13.37%. As for the average age, it is increasing and in 2006 it was 40 years. These data indicate that the company needs to pay attention to attracting young professionals. The ratio of men and women at the enterprise is dominated by men - 69%, respectively, women - 31%, which indicates that the majority of work at the enterprise is hard work.

Let's calculate the indicators of personnel movement at HKBD in the period from 2007 to 2008, based on the data in Table. 2.3.

Table 2.3. Initial data for the analysis of the movement of personnel on HKBD

Name of indicators 2007 2007 2008 2008 Deviation
absolute, people relative, %

of which women

total, people of which women
Accepted workers 370 72 320 42 -50 -13
Workers retired, total 436 108 418 92 -18 -4

for downsizing

10 5 6 2 -4 -40
voluntarily, for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, non-compliance embraces my position -14 -3
Accounting number of employees 1515 180 1548 32 -195 -24

Calculate the total turnover ratio (Kzo):

Kzo 2007. = (370 + 436) / 1515 = 0.53 or 53%;

Kzo 2008 = (320 + 418) / 1548 = 0.48 or 48%.

Calculate the turnover ratio for acceptance (Kop):

COP 2007 = (370 / 1515) N 100% = 24.42%;

COP 2008 = (320 / 1548) N100% = 20.67%.

The retirement turnover ratio (Kov) will be:

Kov 2007 = (436 / 1515) N 100% = 28.78%;

Cow 2008 = (418/ 1548) N 100% = 27.00%.

Indicators that characterize the movement of personnel are supplemented by an indicator of stability, or staff constancy (Kst):

Kst 2007 = 1515 / 1506 = 1.01 or 101%;

Kst 2008 r. = 1548 / 1506 = 1.01 or 102%.

Calculate staff turnover (Kpl):

Cpl 2007 = 426 / 1515 = 0.28 or 28%;

Cpl 2008 = 412/ 1548 = 0.27 or 27%.

Let's summarize the calculated indicators of the movement of personnel in Table. 2.4

Table 2.4. Personnel movement indicators

Analyzing the movement of personnel at the enterprise, it should be noted that the turnover rate for retirement for the entire analyzed period is almost 1.3 times higher than the turnover rate for admission, which indicates a steady decrease in the number of employees at the enterprise. The turnover rate on admission decreased in 2006 by 3.75%, the turnover rate on disposal also decreased - by 1.75%, which is confirmed by a decrease in the staff retention rate by 1% but a significant increase in staff turnover, although this indicator has a high level. The reasons for turnover are mainly dissatisfaction salary, release for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline. Staff turnover is observed mainly among workers.

2.3.2 Analysis of the use of working time and labor productivity

The analysis of the use of working time aims to identify unjustified losses of working time, as well as non-productive expenses of working time, to establish the specific cause and place of occurrence of losses. The analysis of working time is performed on the basis of form No. 3-PV “Report on the use of working time” (Appendix D) and is given in Table. 2.5.

Table 2.5. Balance of working hours 2005–2006 r.b.

Name of indicator Number of people-hours Specific weight, % Deviation
abs., man-hour ratio, %
in 2007 in 2008 2007 in 2008
Working Time Fund 3274973 2982960 95,24 95,24 -2913 -8,92
Calendar fund of working time 3438721 3132108 100 100 -306613 -8,92
All 2819509 2551934 81,99 81,48 -267575 -9,49
of which overtime - - - - - -
All unworked 455464 431026 13,25 13,76 -24438 -5,37
including: annual leave 242552 213205 7,05 6,81 -29347 -12,09
temporary inoperability 161568 150330 4,70 4,80 -11238 -6,96
study holidays 21752 18941 0,63 0,60 -2811 -12,92
absences with the permission of the administration 12536 33920 0,37 1,08 -21384 170,58
absenteeism 17056 14630 0,50 0,47 -2426 -14,22

Thus, in 2008 the fund of working time and the calendar fund of working time decreased by 8.92%. This was due to a decrease in hours worked - by 9.49% (or 267,575 man-hours). Positive can be called the fact that the amount of unworked time has decreased - by 5.37%, temporary incapacity for work - by 6.96%, and the number of absenteeism - by 14.22%.

To analyze the use of working time, we calculate the following indicators: the use of the calendar working time fund (VKF), the use of the personnel working time fund (WTF) and the use of the maximum possible working time fund (VMF).

Let's calculate the personnel fund of working time (TF):

TF2007 = 3438721 - 163748 = 3274973 (person-hour);

TF2008 = 3132108 - 149148 = 2982960 (man-hours).

Calculate the maximum possible fund of working time (MF):

MF2007 = 3274973 - 242552 = 3032421 (man-hours);

MF2008 = 2982960 - 213205 = 2769755 (person-hour)

Now we calculate the use of the calendar, time sheet and the maximum possible time fund by dividing the number of people worked in total per hour. for the relevant working time fund:

VKF 2007 = (2819509 / 3438721) - 100% = 81.99%;

VKF 2008 = (2551934 / 3132108) - 100% = 81.48%;

WTF 2007 = (2819509 / 3274973) - 100% = 86.09%;

VTF2008 = (2551934 / 2982960) - 100% = 85.55%;

Navy 2007 = (2819509 / 3032421) - 100% = 92.98%;

Navy 2008 = (2551934 / 2769755) - 100% = 92.14%.

The reserve of time (P), which can be used to increase output, is calculated as the difference between the maximum possible fund of working hours and the amount of total hours worked:

Р2007 = 3032421 - 2819509 = 212912 (man-hours);

Р2008 = 2769755 - 2551934 = 217821 (man-hours).

Let's summarize the calculated indicators of the use of working time in Table. 2.6.

Table 2.6. Working Time Utilization Indicators

The calculated indicators indicate a decrease in the indicators of the use of working time: calendar fund - by 0.51%; personnel - by 0.54% but the maximum possible - by 0.84%.

In order to increase production volumes and improve activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the reserve of time, which in 2008 amounted to 217,821 people. - hour, which is 3% less than in 2007. To do this, it is necessary to improve the organization of labor, pay attention to the working conditions of workers. To tighten the working day, it is necessary to take measures to improve labor discipline.

2.3.3 Analysis of the system of remuneration and additional incentives at the enterprise

The labor income of each employee is determined by his personal labor contribution, taking into account the final results of the enterprise. The enterprise has a Regulation on remuneration, the purpose of which is to establish a direct dependence of the amount of wages on the complexity and conditions of the work performed, the professional and business qualities of the employee, the results of his work and the economic activity of the enterprise.

HKBD operates hourly and hourly-bonus wage systems. Under the hourly-bonus system of payment, earnings are calculated to the worker not only for the time worked, but also for the achievement of certain quantitative and qualitative indicators.

The remuneration of workers is carried out from the wage fund, the structure and dynamics of which are presented in Table. 2.7. Data for the analysis of the state of the FOP, presented in the form No. 1-PV "Report from labor" (Appendix D).

Table 2.7. Structure and dynamics of sole proprietorship

Name of indicators in 2007 in 2008 Deviation
total, thous. specific weight, % total, thous. specific weight, % abs. thousand hryvnia Relative, %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wage fund, total 2821 100 2781 100 -40 -1,4


1. Basic wage fund

1637 58 1832 65 195 12
2. Additional salary fund 1020 36 876 32 -144 -14
including: allowances and surcharges to tariff rates and official salaries 164 6 166 6 2 1,2
pay for unworked time 239 8 262 9 23 9,6
3. Incentive payments, total 164 6 73 3 -91 -55

material aid

143 5 49 2 -94 -66
social benefits, individual character 21 0,7 24 0,8 3 14

As can be seen from Table. 2.7, the largest share in the payroll structure is occupied by the basic wage fund, and it tends to increase in 2008. – by 7%. The decrease in the FOP by 1.4% took place due to the decrease in the share of the fund of additional wages and incentive payments, by 14% but 55%, respectively. Financial assistance payments also decreased by 66%. The following factors influenced the increase in the FOP: the basic wage fund increased - by 12%, allowances and additional payments to tariff rates and official salaries - by 1.2%, payment for hours not worked - by 9.6%. The ratio of the fixed and variable part of the salary is optimal: 65%: 35%. It is also advisable to analyze the use of the wage fund in the context of individual categories of personnel (Table 2.8).

Table 2.8. Analysis of the use of FOP by categories of personnel

No. p / p Indicators in 2007 in 2008 Deviation
abs., thousand UAH rel., %
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Wage fund total, thousand UAH. 2821 2781 -40 -1,4
1.1. 1130 1068 -62 -6
1.2. leaders 314 336 22 7
1.3. specialists 1265 1271 6 0,5
1.4. employees 115 107 -8 -7
2. Basic salary fund, total, thous. UAH 1637 1832 195 12
2.1. including workers involved in the production 592 624 32 5,4
2.2. leaders 205 254 49 24
2.3. specialists 794 875 81 10
2.4. employees 56 75 19 34
3. Total additional salary fund, thous. UAH 1184 949 -235 -20
3.1. including workers involved in the production 426 326 -10 -23
3.2. leaders 148 128 -20 -13
3.3. specialists 573 460 -113 -20
3.4. employees 41 35 -6 -15
4. Average monthly salary, UAH 415 445 30 7
4.1. including workers involved in the production 375 400 25 7
4.2. leaders 467 517 50 11
4.3. specialists 450 467 17 3
4.4. employees 360 393 33 9

Thus, the FOP decreased by 1.4% due to the decrease in the FOP of workers who are engaged in the production of products by 6%, employees - by 7%. The FOP of managers and specialists, on the contrary, influenced the increase in the FOP by 7% but 0.5%, respectively. Also, the change in the FOP was affected by a decrease in the fund of additional wages - by 20%, and the fund of basic wages increased by 12%. As for the average monthly salary, it increased by 7%.

It is worth noting that the indicator of the average wage throughout the entire analyzed period, although slightly, exceeded the level of the minimum wage and the subsistence minimum.

In order to ensure the stimulating role of wages in raising the level of qualifications and labor productivity, reasonable correlations between the minimum and average wages are necessary. Abroad, the minimum wage is about 45 - 50% of the average, at the KhKBD at the moment it is 46%, which is within the normal range. However, taking into account the situation formed in the country, we can say that this level of average wages is not sufficient to support the normal life of an employee.

Let us analyze the structure of the additional wages of managers and specialists, as well as workers who are engaged in the production of products (Table 2.9).

Table 2.9. The structure of additional wages at HKBD

Name of accruals Managers and specialists Workers who are engaged in the production of products Total


salary, UAH amount, UAH


salary, UAH amount, UAH UAH in % to main. salary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Additional salary, total - - 439766 - - 169697 609459 30,5
Surcharge for harmful conditions labor 276 49,7 13728 876 52,84 46287,8 60016 3
Candidate allowance 108 62 6715 - - - 6715,2 0,3
Supplement under regime restrictions 1800 41,4 105951 - - - 74613,6 4
Long Service Award 3324 40,1 133292 1615 41 66215 199507 10
Vacation pay 3324 44 146256 1615 45 72675 218931 11
Expenses for training and retraining of personnel 600 41,4 24871 360 44 15852 40724 2
Bonus for work experience in the scientific field 108 82,9 8953,3 - - - 8953,3 0,4
Basic salary, UAH 3324 401 1332924 1615 410 662150 1995074 -
Main but extra, total - - - - - - 2604534 -

Thus, there is a fairly differentiated additional salary at HKBD. Together, the average monthly additional wages of specialists, employees and workers involved in the production of products is 30.5%. Expenses for payment of duty leaves and remuneration for the length of service are the largest and amount to 11% and 10% respectively, this is due to the fact that they are received by all employees. The largest allowance is the allowance for work experience in the scientific field - UAH 82.9, which is received by 9 persons, which is 0.4% of expenses. The amount of allowances and rewards also depend on the interest rate.

The analysis of labor remuneration showed that the enterprise has a rather high salary, which is also confirmed by the optimal ratio of the main and additional wages of 65%: 35% and differentiated additional wages. However, this motivation system has not changed for ten years, and any changes in remuneration in order to increase its efficiency, including wage increases, become ineffective for staff two months after the introduction, since the income addiction effect works. This is also confirmed by the low labor productivity at the enterprise.

In general, the analysis of additional incentives showed the social orientation of the enterprise, which satisfies employees not only with material, but also with moral incentives.

3. Analysis of the relationship between humanization and employee labor

3.1 Analysis of the impact of humanization of labor on the quality of labor activity

The humanization of labor should always be in the center of attention of business leaders. There are many methods of humanization of labor.

1) Introduction of new forms of labor organization:

- the use of flexible working hours, that is, to allow employees to set the beginning and end of the working day themselves, while the beginning and end of work may change daily, but in general it is necessary to work out the required number of working hours;

- the formation of autonomous work teams that assemble individual units. An independent section is allocated for each brigade, workers are trained in related specialties and new professions. All members of the team jointly plan working methods, set breaks for rest, control the quality of products, themselves perform the functions of setting up, maintaining equipment and cleaning the workplace.

2) Enrichment of the content of labor due to:

- expansion, spheres of work, that is, the worker performs a number of duties of the master and a number of auxiliary units;

- alternation of jobs, which reduces the monotony of work, psychological fatigue;

- change in the rhythm of work - the introduction of a system in which the rhythm of work is set by the workers themselves, they themselves can alternate work and rest during the work shift.

Any labor process is accompanied by fatigue. However, depending on the conditions in which a person works, the degree of fatigue is different and unequally affects performance. Unfavorable working conditions adversely affect the health of workers, can lead to loss of working time due to illness.

Improving working conditions should contribute to the achievement of the following goals:

firstly, to increase labor productivity, the quality of all work;

secondly, the preservation of the health of workers, the reduction of general and occupational morbidity, the exclusion of industrial injuries.

The conducted studies have shown that under favorable conditions, the energy consumption of a person to perform the same work is approximately the same at the beginning and end of the shift, despite the change in human performance. Under unfavorable conditions, energy consumption increases towards the end of the shift (see Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Dynamics of changes in human energy consumption during the shift, depending on the conditions of work

Even with the same physical load, fatigue during work in adverse conditions is higher than in normal ones.

3) Creation of conditions for professional advancement on the career ladder creation of conditions for professional growth. Usually, an employee acquires labor skills within a few years, then he reaches the "peak" in his career, and in the future his prospect narrows, as the acquired knowledge and skills become obsolete. Further professional growth of employees - important element personnel policy. The effect of learning is largely related to the methods and technology of teaching. An important form of employee training is the creation of training, learning situations in the process of real production activities, which makes it possible for individual development. The most valuable source of growth comes from facing real problems. Training situations involve people taking on errands, you

outside the scope of their official duties, which expands their experience and competence.

Such instructions should be in the nature of real tasks, for example:

- Attending employee meetings high rank;

– implementation of projects;

- consultations with other departments;

– making decisions in new areas of activity;

– information analysis, etc.

4) Provision safe conditions labor, since human potential cannot be fully realized if the conditions of production are unfavorable and a person experiences fear and concern for his health. Safety in the workplace is not only a matter of technology or organization of production, but above all a moral obligation of every leader. Accidents are usually the result of a combination of factors that make them highly likely, if not inevitable. The main ones are: poor training, ill-conceived safety policy and its implementation in the field. Personnel management necessarily includes special training of employees in the necessary safety rules. To ensure that safety rules are followed, any manager needs to monitor their implementation.

5) Involving employees in the process of developing and making managerial decisions, that is, developing means and methods for eliminating and mitigating bureaucratic forms of labor management, creating conditions under which the employees themselves will bring their targets in the labor process in line with optimally defined conditions and tasks of the enterprise. Many employees have an extremely negative attitude towards administrative dictatorship, an authoritarian management style, and a patronizing attitude on the part of managers. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the humanization of labor activity is the development of means and methods for eliminating and mitigating bureaucratic forms of labor management. The participation of workers in making managerial decisions makes it possible to more fully use the potential of each person, improve the moral and psychological climate in the team. It is precisely in the transition from rigid authoritarian forms of labor management to flexible collective forms, in expanding the opportunities of the ordinary worker to participate in management, that the essence of labor democracy lies.

6) Strengthening the stimulating role of wages - achieving fair and proper remuneration for work. In order for wages to become an effective motivator to work, two conditions must be met:

- wages must correspond to the cost of labor and provide the employee with decent living conditions;

– Salary should depend on the results obtained.

Material interest, of course, is one of the main universal incentives for labor activity, but it does not always work (sometimes it is more important to have more free time or more comfortable working conditions, less strenuous work, etc.). Satisfaction of workers with wages depends not so much on its size, but on social justice in wages. And the biggest obstacle to strengthening labor motivation is leveling! With all the enthusiasm and conscientious attitude to work, the realization that another person receives the same amount with a much smaller contribution has a demoralizing effect on the worker.

A significant place in the humanization of labor activity is occupied by programs to improve the quality of working life.

At these meetings, which have a relaxed character, product quality, safety, regulation and efficiency of labor, living conditions will be discussed. Considerable attention will be paid to the personnel department, which should advise workers and their representatives and organize special training for both workers and the administration itself.

3.2 Measures to enrich the content of labor

A system of measures aimed at increasing the share of creative functions in the content of labor; is based on the assumption that employees should be personally interested in the performance of a particular job, then the job itself will be the leading motivating factor. To achieve this goal, any work performed must meet four requirements:

1) it must be significant (an employee, based on his own value system, must understand the importance of the work performed and be able to explain this to other people - colleagues, friends, family, etc.);

2) in its content, the work should “force” the performer to apply and develop his abilities to the maximum extent;

3) the performance of the work should involve a certain share of responsibility of the performers (the degree of this responsibility determines the interest in the work being performed). This responsibility includes freedom of action in the field of work planning, scheduling and how certain operations are carried out, as well as a certain freedom and independence from petty guardianship and tight control; 4) effective Feedback: the employee must promptly receive objective, complete information about the results and quality of his work.

Practical recommendations include expanding the range (area) of activities - combining previously fragmented routine operations into a single block (complex); complication of functional tasks requiring high costs mental energy; frequent change of workplace and operations performed (“horizontal rotation”); setting new frontiers of productivity by the performers themselves; assignment to individual employees of special tasks that allow them to play the role of an expert; increasing the autonomy of primary labor groups; financial incentives for initiative decisions


The statement that the personnel working at the enterprise is the main value is the main one in the management of the enterprise. However, paradoxically, the study of working personnel is a weak link among other issues in the analysis of the enterprise.

The enrichment of the labor content of a worker at the workplace can be achieved by combining the functions of workers in the main and auxiliary production, the main functions and functions of monitoring the quality of products or services; grouping heterogeneous operations, etc. The training of a worker in related professions is organized by the personnel management service to expand his professional profile, therefore, directly aimed at the subsequent development of the employee.

Enrichment of the content and humanization of labor is also carried out through the interprofessional advancement of workers in order to master a new, more complex and creative profession. Yes, a labor humanization program may include measures for the transition of a worker to workplace at an enterprise from another profession with approximately the same level of complexity of work in order to improve working conditions, preserve the health of the employee, prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases, and the like. The implementation of such a transition provides for the professional retraining of the worker, the implementation of the subsequent development of personnel.

An important role should be played by measures to enrich the content of labor in enterprises where current mass production predominates. This type of production determines the presence of a significant number of low-skilled workers. Under such circumstances, the enrichment of the content of labor and the subsequent development of personnel is ensured on the basis of mastering skilled labor professions and promoting them to new jobs.

Measures to enrich the content and humanization of labor not only improve working conditions, make them safe for the health of workers, but also contribute to the democratization of management, the involvement of employees in the management of the organization. Methods of non-material stimulation of personnel development, which are associated with the involvement of workers and specialists in the management of the organization, make it possible to more fully satisfy the needs of a person of the highest rank (needs for belonging and involvement, needs for recognition, self-affirmation and self-expression) and thus ensure its subsequent development.

From the point of view of personnel development, the participation of employees in the management of the enterprise is beneficial for both employees and their employers. Yes, the involvement of personnel in production management contributes to satisfying the employee's need for recognition and self-affirmation, maintaining, and in some cases increasing his social status in the workforce. The participation of an employee in the management of the organization encourages him to constantly improve his professional skills, since the adoption of sound management decisions requires a high level of competence.

In addition, taking part in the management of production, the employee has great opportunities to expand his professional horizons by acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. Involving an employee in the management of the organization enables him to communicate with professionals from the solution of certain production problems, share best practices, mutually enrich himself and thus ensure his subsequent development.

For employers, the participation of employees in production management makes it possible to make fuller use of the labor and educational potential of the personnel and thereby increase the level of production efficiency. A more efficient use of the educational potential of employees enables the company to increase profits and, on this basis, quickly recoup the costs of staff development, in particular, vocational training for employees.


1. Osovska G.V., Krushelnitska O.V. Human resources management: Navch. helper. - K .: Condor, 2007. - 224 p.

2. Shevchenko L.S. Competitive management. – Kh.: Espada, 2004.

3. E.P. Kachan, D.G. Shushpanov. Human resources management: Navch. helper. - K .: Vidavnichy Dim "Legal Book", 2005 - 358 p.

4. M.O. Zhukovsky. Labor resources as a warehouse for competitiveness of enterprises // Actual problems of economics No. 2 (68), 2007

5 . Udaltsova M.V. Sociology of Management: Textbook. Moscow: INFRA-M, Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1998. 144 p.

6. Knorring V.I. Theory, practice and art of management. M.: NORMA - INFRA-M, 1999. 528 p.

7. Knorring V.I. The art of management. M.: INFRA-M, 1997. 123 p.

incentives for employees.

HUMANIZATION OF LABOR is one of the directions of labor organization; involves the creation in organizations (at enterprises) of conditions conducive to improving the culture and efficiency of production; is aimed at elevating a person as a creative person, preserving his health and ability to work throughout his working life.

There are 4 aspects of G. t.

Creation normal conditions work (favorable for the physical and mental health of a person). This provision follows from the immutable requirement, which is enshrined in many conventions of the International Labor Organization: to provide for a person at work. High, additional payments and allowances, as well as social services, cannot compensate for the loss of health as a result of adverse working conditions (including not only production technologies, but also the environment). Significant costs are required for the technical reconstruction of many existing industries.

Building a rational management structure. If it is carried out smoothly, rhythmically, without unnecessary repetitions of a particular operation, if organizational, financial, economic and other issues are resolved successfully, if everyone has its own specific place in the structure and understands the connections between jobs, then such an organizational and functional production structure management, having certain incentives, orients all personnel to achieve the goals of the organization (enterprise).

Definition of the content of work and its (fulfillment) in the workplace. It is necessary to strive to expand the content of the work. monotonous, with a short cycle, physical does not arouse the employee's interest, does not stimulate creativity. This usually does not require high qualifications. only one is to make money. If you are not satisfied, then such work, as a rule, is changed.

Of particular importance for the development of G. t. various fields economies have:

development and implementation of programs for the creation of safe and healthy UT;

career planning and professional growth of employees;

creating opportunities for self-realization and self-expression personal qualities workers;

the use of non-traditional forms of organization of workplaces and working hours (flexible work schedules, home work);

involvement of employees in the production management process;

incentives for employees.

Humanization of labor is the adaptation (adaptation) of one or another side of labor activity to a person. The humanization of labor involves the creation of the most favorable conditions and organization of labor for the maximum realization of the labor potential of workers.

The system of legislative norms that is taking shape in Russia, set by the social orientation of the state, orients employers towards maintaining the following minimum necessary social working conditions, or ensuring humanization of labor and quality of working life:

    ensuring the level of minimum wages;

    provision of additional benefits and compensations to workers employed in hazardous and hazardous industries;

    finding funds for the formation of housing funds for the construction or purchase of housing;

    certification of workplaces in terms of labor and preparation for certification of production facilities for compliance with labor safety requirements.

Thus, social strategies are closely intertwined with the social partnership system - they can serve as complementary tools, especially in determining the state of the organization's social parameters and forming models for their improvement.

In the whole complex of social tasks of the organization, solved within the framework of strategic planning, two groups of tasks are of particular importance:

    Social tasks to be solved directly in the organization in the interests of all (or most) members of the workforce. This is the improvement of working conditions, rest, relationships in the team, the form, size of wages and other issues that directly affect the nature of social and production relations, by which one can judge the level of necessary social conditions. Most of these aspects are the subject of a collective agreement concluded between the employer (owner), the labor collective and the branch trade union.

    Social tasks characterizing the level of development of social infrastructure facilities at the enterprise, in which individual employees and local authorities are more interested. This is the provision of comfortable housing for employees of the enterprise, the availability of preschool institutions, health and medical institutions for employees and their families, the availability of educational institutions, etc. (Fig. 10.2).

Rice. 10.2. Groups interested in the implementation of social strategies of the enterprise

Social aspects of the organization related to issues social development organizations are especially important. The parameters of this block of social strategies should be constantly under the control of the labor collective, the trade union and the owners of the enterprise and be made public. As the events of recent years (miners' protests, public sector workers' strikes, etc.) show, ignoring or insufficient attention to the social indicators of this block can lead to undesirable phenomena. Undoubtedly, the main subject is a team of workers who compares the conditions of their life with similar conditions for workers of enterprises in a given branch of the region (city). Therefore, objective information characterizing the level of social development of the organization should be provided in comparison with similar enterprises of the territory.

The second group of social tasks can help increase the motivation of employees to improve the socio-economic indicators of production and economic activities and the implementation of the corporate strategy of the organization.

In general, the social strategy of the organization is an integral system of substrategies aimed at solving the entire complex of the organization's tasks (Fig. 10.3).

Rice. 10.3. The system of social strategies of the organization

The proposed systematization of social strategies of an enterprise shows that, along with strategies implemented in the interests of the workforce, strategies can be developed in relation to consumers, suppliers and local communities, i.e. to those groups that are in the external environment. Special sub-strategies can be developed that take into account the specific characteristics of these groups.

The need to use social strategies in conjunction with the general strategies of the organization is due to the presence of the most important problem - the resistance of personnel to the implementation of strategic planning. This problem is pointed out by both Russian and foreign researchers, in particular I. Ansoff: “When managers top management decided to put strategic decision making on a systematic basis by introducing strategic planning, the organization resisted the new system. When planning was nevertheless carried out, many systems ceased to "work", planning began to deteriorate, and the strategy did not have any effect on the sale of products. In addition to this, there has been a clear trend towards pushing the planning system out of the firm and returning to the old, less radical methods of decision making... Resistance to change is not limited to the introduction of strategic planning. It occurs whenever an organizational change entails a break in the established behavior, criteria and management structure. Thus, significant strategic changes cause resistance not only to planning, but to the entire process of change. This resistance is not an accident, but a fundamental problem that deserves attention along with the formulation of the strategy itself.

Resistance to the strategic management process is difficult to avoid, since the main factor of resistance is the employees of the organization. Therefore, at the stage of implementing the strategy, it is necessary to take into account the goals of all groups that associate their interests with the existence and activities of the organization, and above all, the interests of the members of the labor collective. This is possible only if the interests of the employees of the organization are observed, i.e. in the implementation of social strategies within the framework of a single corporate strategy of the enterprise.

It is clear that if one group of social strategies affecting the level of “social development of the organization” should be carried out by the organization independently, then the other, aimed at the development of social infrastructure facilities, should be carried out jointly with other enterprises, communities and institutions with the support of local authorities.

Analyzing the experience of strategic planning at Russian enterprises, G.B. Kleiner considers it expedient “ proceed with the systematic development of a strategy in a “cluster” way. It is better to develop large blocks of the strategy (not carrying commercial secrets) not in isolation at one enterprise, but in close contact and synchronously with a group of other enterprises included in its environment. We can talk either about network partners, or about a group of territorially close enterprises, say, enterprises of the same city (town). Such a group development of certain types of strategy (for example, commodity-market or social) could significantly reduce organizational costs, increase the realism and effectiveness of the strategy, as well as the degree of correspondence between the mutual expectations of network agents. The procedure for the group formation of an integrated strategy should provide for the participation of teams of enterprises in the process and facilitate their access to new level internal balance and formation of a favorable position in the market environment”.

Of course, the implementation of social strategies requires a significant investment of time and resources, the return on which may not appear immediately. In this case, a weighty argument in favor of the development and implementation of social strategies can be the determination of their significance in increasing the efficiency of production.