Classes of working conditions. Harmful and dangerous working conditions: professions, compensations and benefits

  • 12.10.2019

Despite the technological equipment being improved every year, it is impossible to completely eliminate all risk factors for specialists in the workplace. This circumstance obliges employers to take measures to compensate for the harm caused to the human body. One of these measures is additional payment for harmful working conditions.

Effective January 1, 2014 new law N 426-FZ, which regulates the assessment of the state of the working atmosphere of employees. The concept of certification of workplaces (AWP) ceases to exist. Special assessment on working conditions or SOUT - this is what is now called a set of measures to identify the negative impact of labor process factors on the health of workers. However, the results of institutions that have assessed their workplaces before 2014 are valid for five years. The same period is set for a special assessment of labor conditions.

Degrees of harmfulness of production

If, according to the results of the SAUT, the levels negative impact production factors are above the permissible normative values, labor conditions are characterized as harmful. In this case, the labor code provides for a number of social guarantees for employees who are forced to work in unsafe jobs. This item must be fixed in the employment contract without fail.

According to Art. fourteen federal law, the degree of hazard is classified depending on the level of negative impact of the harmful component in the workplace as follows:

Classification of working conditions
Optimal working conditionsworking conditions under which the impact on the employee of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors is absent or the levels of exposure to which do not exceed the levels established by the standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions and accepted as safe for humans, and prerequisites are created to maintain high level worker's performance.
1 class
Permissible working conditionsworking conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure of which do not exceed the levels established by the standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions, and the altered functional state of the employee’s body is restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next working day (shifts).
Grade 2
Harmful working conditionsworking conditions under which the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors exceed the levels established by the standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions, including:
3rd grade3.1 working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, after which the altered functional state of the employee's body is restored, as a rule, with a longer than before the start of the next working day (shift), the cessation of exposure to these factors, and increases the risk of damage to health;
3.2 working conditions under which the worker is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure to which are capable of causing persistent functional changes in the worker's body, leading to the appearance and development initial forms occupational diseases or occupational diseases of mild severity (without loss of professional ability to work) arising after prolonged exposure (fifteen or more years);
3.3 working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure to which are capable of causing persistent functional changes in the employee's body, leading to the emergence and development of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with loss of professional ability to work) during the period labor activity;
3.4 working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure to which can lead to the emergence and development of severe forms of occupational diseases (with loss of general ability to work) during the period of employment.
Hazardous working conditionsworking conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure to which during the whole working day (shift) or part of it can endanger the life of the employee, and the consequences of these factors cause a high risk of developing an acute occupational disease in period of employment.
Class 4

At the same time, the hazard class can be reduced by one step by providing employees with modern certified means. personal protection.

Requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for organizations

Features of the workflow, payroll and pension contributions, as well as the features of granting leave to employees engaged in hazardous production, are regulated by articles 219, 92, 117, 147 of the Labor Code. Since the entry into force of the law on SOUT on January 1, 2014, relevant changes have been made to the labor code.

First of all, the employer must include the degree of harmfulness of production, as well as compensation and guarantees in the employment contract. If this has not been done before, after a special assessment, an additional agreement is concluded with employees containing information on working conditions and benefits. The management of the company should take care not only of the regular implementation of the SOUT, but also the timely introduction of amendments to the employment contracts of employees. Otherwise, the question may arise about the legality of the provision of certain payments and the implementation of labor activities.

The right to increased wages, according to Art. 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employees employed in production with hazard and / or hazard class 3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) or 4 have. The minimum percentage of salary increases for such categories is 4% of a similar type of work with normal conditions.

At the same time, the employer has the right to increase the interest rate in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement. This amount is considered part of the salary and not compensation per se, and is therefore taxed equally.

Why should an employer pay extra?

Such an increase in wages is one of the social measures to support workers, designed to compensate for the damage caused to human health by harmful technological processes. Along with the additional payment, employees may also be provided with other benefits: an increase in the number of annual leave days, a reduction in the length of the working day or week, early retirement, provision of dairy products and preventive nutrition to employees, etc. Appropriate guarantees and compensations are assigned on the basis of labor law and positions of the collective agreement, the amount of payments and the right to additional benefits depend on the level of harmfulness of production and are indicated in the employment contract.

Calculation of the allowance for harmful working conditions

Government Decree N 870 of November 20, 2008 established the minimum allowance ratio for employees working in a harmful or dangerous environment, its size is 4%. After a special assessment, it can be increased. In production, as a rule, provisions on additional payments are included in the collective agreement. When calculating the allowance, the trade union may be guided by the following scheme.

The procedure for determining the amount of surcharge

Due to the lack of modern normative documents, regulating this area of ​​labor relations, it is customary to use the Model Regulation on the Assessment of Working Conditions dated 03.10.1986 as the basis for calculating the allowance for harmfulness.

  1. Determination of the hazard class by comparing the maximum permissible values ​​with the actual indicators of the hazard of production.
  2. Converting classes to points. According to Appendix N2 of the Model Provision, the following points correspond to the 3rd hazard class

Subclass 3.4 was first mentioned in 1994 and therefore does not appear in the table. It is logical to assume that 4 points correspond to it.

Organizations that have introduced hazard class 4 need an emergency set of measures to reduce the negative impact of production factors or reduce the time of such exposure.

  1. Determining the time of exposure to a negative factor. The amount of the allowance is formed based on the time of actual stay in the conditions of the harmful influence of one or another factor.
  2. Establishing the amount of additional payment for harmfulness. When calculating interest rate the sum of all adverse factors. Clause 1.6 of the Model Provision is usually taken as a guideline in the calculation

In what cases, compensation for harm can be canceled?

A company that has implemented a set of measures to reduce the negative impact of production factors to an acceptable level is released from obligations to pay extra for harmful effects. These activities include, first of all, the improvement technological equipment and supplying employees with personal protective equipment that reduces the harmful effects of harmful components.

If, as a result of the reorganization, the harmfulness has not been completely eliminated, but its class has decreased, the employer has the right to reduce the percentage of compensation deductions. Cancellation of the surcharge is also possible in the event of an increase in one or another hazard coefficient. The amendments made to the wording of the Federal Law in January 2014 just imply an increase in the lower limit of permissible values ​​when assessing the harmfulness of production, as a result of which many workers in the industrial and chemical sectors may lose additional charges. At the initiative of the employee, an appeal may be filed with the inspection body with a request to review the results of the inspection.

According to Law N 426-FZ, organizations are required to provide data on the conduct of the SOUT or certification of workplaces passed before January 2014 to the unified information system for recording the results of the audit before January 1, 2018.

At each enterprise, regardless of whose ownership it is, the degree of danger and harmfulness of working conditions must be determined (FZ No. 426). In the presence of negative factors, it is necessary to reduce their impact by using personal protective equipment and other methods (Article 210 of the Labor Code). Indicators of the production environment must be under vigilant control and not exceed the established limits. Ensuring safety in the labor process and training employees in the rules for its observance is the responsibility of the labor protection department (Article 212 of the Labor Code).

Evaluation of working conditions

To determine the class of hazard present in the workplace, a commission is created, including experts from licensed companies. Based on the results of the inspection and the measurements made, the degree of deviation of the existing indicators from the established standards is established. Thus, a conclusion is made on the assignment of a certain hazard class to the working conditions. You can read more about conducting a special assessment of working conditions at the link.

Work environment evaluation parameters

Under working conditions is meant the cumulative impact on a person of the environment and the labor process itself. When assessing them, the classification of working conditions is carried out according to the factors of the working environment. These include (GOST 12.0.002-80):

Excessive excess of indicators leads to poor health, loss of strength and loss of concentration, which is fraught with injury. Harmful working conditions also contribute to the development of occupational diseases, including reproductive disorders. The employee will not be able to effectively perform his duties or will completely lose his ability to work.

The video presents the classification of harmful and dangerous production factors

Working conditions

Depending on how the parameters of the production environment deviate from the established standards, the working conditions are divided into four classes (Article 14 of the Federal Law No. 426):

  1. Optimal.
  2. Permissible.
  3. Harmful.
  4. Dangerous.

Of these, the first class and permissible working conditions - class 2 refer to safe working conditions.

Optimal (I class)

The first class includes the production environment, in which the microclimate and labor loads comply with the standards. At the same time, other harmful factors are absent or do not exceed safe limits. Under such conditions, a person feels easy and comfortable and is able to concentrate all his mental and physical forces on work. He does not risk damage to health or work injury. Optimum conditions differ in the working environment in offices, banks, trading companies.

Its useful to note: the first group - optimal working conditions - is extremely rare, since it is very difficult to find a place of work where conditions are created for high efficiency of employees, and employees do not get tired by the end of the working day. If the audit determined the working conditions as safe and harmless, then most likely it will be the second group - acceptable working conditions.

Permissible (II class)

A safe environment includes class 2 working conditions, which means there are some harmful factors at work, but their degree does not exceed. To restore the body that has been negatively affected, enough time is provided for rest. This impact does not have far-reaching consequences and does not affect the health of the worker and his future offspring. More about the concept safe conditions labor and their provision in production, read.

Harmful (III class)

The level of harmfulness of production conditions of the third class exceeds the indicators established by law. Such conditions lead to the occurrence of occupational diseases and the loss of reproductive abilities. There are many types of hazards. For example, direct contact with infected material by health workers, negative radiation in X-ray rooms, or bright lighting during gas welding. Therefore, the third class of hazard is further divided into subclasses depending on the severity of the damage caused.

Subclass 3.1 (harmful conditions I degree)

When a person is exposed to harmful conditions of the first degree, the body needs more time to return to its normal state. The standard period until the next working day or shift is not enough. In this connection, the physical condition of the body worsens and prerequisites for the occurrence of diseases are created. This allows you to define the class of working conditions as the first degree of the third class of hazard.

Subclass 3.2 (harmful conditions II degree)

The second degree of harmfulness is characterized by the presence of production factors that leave irreversible changes in the body of the worker, provoking frequent sick leave. These changes relate to those organs and systems that are most susceptible to the influence of existing circumstances. They flow into the initial stage of an occupational disease or its light form without loss of employment. The development of the disease takes quite a long time, exceeding fifteen years.

Subclass 3.3 (harmful conditions III degree)

The presence of harmful factors of the third degree at work contributes to the development of mild and moderate occupational diseases with a loss of the ability to perform this work. The likelihood of disease overflowing into a chronic form increases.

Subclass 3.4 (harmful conditions IV degree)

Working conditions of the fourth degree of harm lead to the appearance of chronic pathologies and severe occupational diseases, accompanied by a complete loss of ability to work and disability.

Dangerous (IV class)

The classification of working conditions ends with the fourth class of hazard. It occurs infrequently, since it is characteristic of enterprises where work involves contact with chemicals and radiation that can create a situation that threatens the life of an employee. A harmful working environment causes the appearance of serious diseases that occur in an acute form and are a direct consequence of the implementation official duties. If conditions of the fourth class of harm have been identified at the workplace, it must be eliminated or re-equipped in accordance with lower hazard indicators.

For guarantees and compensations for workers engaged in hazardous or hazardous work, see the following video

Benefits for workers in hazardous professions

Employees working in hazardous working conditions must be provided with benefits in accordance with the hazard class (Article 210 of the Labor Code). The amount of benefits cannot be less than that provided by law. Their specific meaning (for example, the amount of additional payment or additional leave) is indicated in the employment contract, the Regulations on wages and the Rules internal regulations(Article 57 of the Labor Code). If desired, the employer can increase compensation by recording this fact in the same documents.

Types of benefits and precautions:

Payout taxes

All types of compensation payments that are intended to compensate the employee for the resulting damage to health are not taxed, and are not withheld from them. insurance premiums. These payments are not part of the employee's salary, but are aimed solely at maintaining health in the face of the harmful effects of the working environment.

  1. Reduction of working hours to 36 hours per week (instead of the prescribed 40 hours). It is applied if there are classes of working conditions according to SOUT (special assessment of working conditions) 3.3 and 3.4. (Article 92 of the Labor Code).
  2. Annual with preservation of the average wages lasting at least a week. It is intended for employees working in hazardous conditions of 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 classes (Article 117 of the Labor Code).
  3. An additional payment of 4% of earnings for positions accompanied by a third class of danger, regardless of the subclass (Article 147 of the Labor Code).
  4. Issuance of milk in an amount of at least 1.5 liters per day or another product to workers in hazardous professions (indicated in List No. 1) of the third hazard class (Government Decree No. 168).
  5. Passing periodic medical examinations in order to detect occupational diseases on early stage(Article 212 of the Labor Code). In addition, employees working in conditions of the third class of hazard are subjected to additional examinations designed to identify the following diseases:
    1. tuberculosis (Federal Law No. 77);
    2. HIV (Federal Law No. 38);
    3. mental (FZ No. 3185-1).
  6. Insurance of persons whose work is carried out in conditions of the third class of hazard, against injuries and accidents (FZ No. 125). In the event of such occurrence, the employee is compensated for the treatment and is provided with a rehabilitation course in a resort facility (Article 17 of the Labor Code).
  7. Persons whose working conditions belong to the third class of harmfulness are prohibited from combining work with another, carried out in similar circumstances.
  8. Early retirement of workers in the professions listed in Lists No. 1 and No. 2. Namely, at the age of 55 for men and 50 for women (Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400). Valid if you have a certain amount of experience in this position.

It must be borne in mind that the issuance of products can be compensated in monetary terms, according to the cost of these products (Order No. 45n). However, additional leave cannot be replaced by cash(Article 126 of the Labor Code). Otherwise, the employee will receive less days off, relieving him from exposure to harmful factors.

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The employee receives occupational illnesses. Their severity can be mild or moderate. The employee loses his professional ability to work during the performance of his work;

  • fourth degree.

Working in such conditions suggests the occurrence of serious diseases. They may be chronic. The employee loses the ability to work in any field. See also: Certification of workplaces: concept, features, how many years it is valid Harmful factors affecting the health of an employee:

  • physical factors;
  • chemical factors;
  • biological factors;
  • labor factors.

All these factors can significantly affect the health and well-being of an employee.

Occupational Safety and Health

Those factors that affect the employees of the enterprise during work often have an adverse effect on the body, disrupting its proper functioning. Sometimes adverse conditions in the workplace can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the employee.

Therefore, each employee who performs his labor duties in conditions of harmfulness is entitled to benefits. Accounting is responsible for calculating them. The size and form of benefits are determined depending on the class and degree of harmfulness of working conditions.


Benefits that are due for working in harmful conditions: timely pension on special conditions, provision of milk and other products to employees, changes in working hours, monetary compensation. For example, a typical work week is 40 hours.

If there are harmful working conditions, working week reduced to 36 hours.

Article 14. Classification of working conditions

  • Approval of the results of analyzes of harmful/dangerous factors.
  • Approval of the report on the assessment activities carried out.
  • Notification of the expert organization about the previous paragraph.
  • Submission of a declaration of compliance of the actual situation with state standards for safe work.
  • Familiarization of employees with the assessments.
  • Placing information about grades on the official website of the employer.
  • Notification of the results of the FSS RF.
  • Application of the results of evaluation activities to improve working conditions, minimize harmful / dangerous work.
  • Four categories of working conditions The Evaluation Commission must allocate one of the four classes of harmfulness of a certain labor process:
  • optimal;
  • valid;
  • harmful;
  • dangerous.

Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

What are working conditions - classes of working conditions

Optimal Permissible Harmful Dangerous (extreme) 1 degree 2 degree 3 degree 4 degree 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 I a 68 (58-77) according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 18 16 14 12 I b 88 (78-97) SanPiN 17 15 13 11 II a 113 (98-129) according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 14 12 10 8 II b 145 (13°-16°) according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 13 11 9 7 III 177 according to SanPiN according to SanPiN 12 1° 8 6 Table No. 57. Classes of working conditions in terms of air temperature (°C, lower limit) for open areas during the cold season and in cold (unheated) rooms Climate zone Thermal insulation of clothing Class of working conditions Permissible Harmful Hazardous (extreme) 1st degree 2nd degree 3rd degree 4th degree 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 I A 0.71 -30 -36 -38.5 -40.8 -60< 0,6 0,1-0,6 < Рн Отраженная блескость отсутствие наличие Коэффициент пульсации освещенности (Кл, %) Клн Клн Яркость (L, кд/м2) Lн Lн Неравномерность распределения яркости (С, отн.

Classification of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger

Federal Law No. 426: general plan of the draft law It consists of four thematic chapters:
  1. General provisions.

    It's being parsed here:

    • the main subject of the bill;
    • the concept of "special assessment of labor conditions" and its regulation;
    • the rights and obligations of both the employee and the employer, as well as the organization carrying out appraisal activities;
    • application of the results of the assessment of the workplace in terms of hazard to life and health in practice.
  2. Evaluation of working conditions.

Harmful working conditions: the concept of 2, 3 and 4 degrees and who belongs to them?

Based on the degree of deviation of the actual levels of factors of the working environment and the labor process from hygienic standards, working conditions are conditionally divided into 4 classes according to the degree of harmfulness and danger: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous (“Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions "R 2.2.2006-05). Optimal working conditions (class 1) - conditions under which the health of the employee is maintained and prerequisites are created to maintain a high level of efficiency. Optimal standards for working environment factors have been established for microclimatic parameters and workload factors.
For other factors, such working conditions are conditionally taken as optimal, under which harmful factors are absent or do not exceed the levels accepted as safe for the population.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger

The chapter is devoted to the evaluation process:

  • organization of work of the expert commission;
  • preparation for the start of work;
  • identification of potentially hazardous/harmful factors;
  • compliance of the state of affairs with state standards for safe work;
  • testing/research/measurement of harmful and hazardous working conditions;
  • what is subject to mandatory research/measurement in order to put forward an assessment of working conditions;
  • classification of working conditions;
  • the results of the work of the expert commission;
  • features of evaluation of individual jobs;
  • section on universal federal information system taking into account the results of these checks.
  • Organizations and experts assessing working conditions.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger.

  • 1 Degrees of harmful working conditions
  • 2 Harmful working conditions by class
  • 3 Assessment of harmful working conditions
  • 4 Benefits for harmful working conditions
    • 4.1 Leave for harmful working conditions
  • 5 Certificate of absence of harmful working conditions

Degrees of harmful working conditions What are harmful working conditions? There are such degrees of harmfulness of work:

  • first degree of harm.

Unfavorable factors of the working environment can cause a number of negative health changes that disappear if the employee interrupts contact with them for a long time;

  • second degree.

Significant changes occur in the work of the employee's body due to the influence of various factors during work. They relate mainly to those organs that suffer the most from this type of activity.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger of factors of the production environment and the labor process Any type of professional activity in order to achieve the final goals in the best case should be accompanied by the highest productivity and labor efficiency in the absence of signs of a violation of the health of workers. Ensuring these conditions is based on scientifically developed hygienic standards, according to which working conditions are divided into classes according to the degree of harmfulness and danger.
Hygienic criteria are indicators that characterize the degree of deviation of the parameters of the factors of the working environment and the labor process from the current hygienic standards.

Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger table

Sn Sn Table No. 59. Classes of working conditions under the action of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation ( electromagnetic fields and radiation) Factor Class of working conditions Optimal Permissible Harmful Hazardous (extreme) 1st degree 2nd degree 3rd degree 4th degree 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 background< 50 Электростатическое поле естеств. фон < 10 Постоянное магнитное поле естеств. фон < 10 electric fields industrial frequency (5 ° Hz) natural. background< 50 40 Магнитные поля промышленной частоты (5° Гц) естеств. фон < 50 ЭМИ, создаваемые ВДТ и ПЭВМ < 50 ЭМИ радиочастотного диапазона: 0,01-0,03 МГц естеств. фон < 10 0,03-3,0 МГц естеств. фон < 10 3,0-30,0 МГц естеств. фон < 10 30,0-300,0 МГц естеств. фон < 10 50 300,0-МГц-300,0 ГГц естеств. фон < 10 50 Таблица № 60.

However, in many industries there are factors that can directly affect our performance and health, as well as the labor process itself. Moreover, the presence of such factors can cause various occupational diseases in an employee and even reduce life expectancy.

Such factors form harmful working conditions (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

General information

In turn, according to the degree of harmfulness, working conditions are divided into four classes - optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous working conditions (part 1 of article 14 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions").

It should be noted that the employer has a legislative opportunity to reduce the class of working conditions by providing its employees with modern and effective means personal protection that have passed mandatory certification subject to other requirements of the relevant technical regulations(Parts 6 - 8 of Article 14 of Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013, TR CU 019/2011, approved by decision of the Customs Union Commission of December 9, 2011 No. 878).

The legislator strictly requires the employer to comply with regulations and create the safest working conditions for employees, including through regular assessment of the hazards of work and mandatory familiarization of all employees with the results obtained.

However, the employer cannot always exclude the presence of harmful factors at work, therefore Labor Code The Russian Federation provides for certain guarantees and benefits for persons employed in work with harmful working conditions.

Harmful factors

Damage to the health of an employee can be caused by:

  • physical parameters of labor (air humidity, temperature regime, electromagnetic radiation, exposure to constant vibration, etc.),
  • chemical provocateurs (hormonal and enzymatic substances, exposure to reagents, etc.),
  • biological hazards (pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, etc.),
  • labor features (high load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body);
  • labor intensity (high load on the central nervous system).

Classification of harmful working conditions

As mentioned above, the legislator refers to harmful working conditions as class 3.

Depending on the degree of impact of harmful factors on the health of the employee and his performance, harmful working conditions are classified into (Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013):

  • harmful working conditions of the 1st degree (subclass 3.1),
  • harmful working conditions of the 2nd degree (subclass 3.2),
  • harmful working conditions of the 3rd degree (subclass 3.3),
  • harmful working conditions of the 4th degree (subclass 3.4).

The above classification of harmful working conditions is built by the legislator on the principle that each subsequent degree of exposure to harmful factors on the body of an employee leads our body to such changes and disorders, on the one hand, and loss of efficiency during the performance of official duties, on the other hand, that at 4 degrees the worker is completely unable to work.

How to prove harmful working conditions

In addition, the employee has the right to apply to his management and / or the controlling organization (its expert) with a statement that they conduct an inspection of his workplace in order to identify potentially harmful and (or) dangerous production factors (clause 2, part 1, article 5 Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013).

Certificate of presence/absence of harmful working conditions

If, according to the results of the assessment of working conditions, your production is recognized as harmful, then the workers employed in it are entitled to receive an old-age labor pension earlier than the generally established retirement age (that is, men earlier than reaching 60 years old, women - 55 years old).

These provisions are provided for in paragraphs. 1 p. 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in Russian Federation"(hereinafter - Law No. 173-FZ).

In such cases, confirmation of the nature of the employee's work is required, namely, additional working conditions (factors) that determine the right of the insured person to early retirement benefits. For example, employment in hot work areas, work with radioactive substances with a certain degree of their activity in the workplace, underground work, in a certain structural unit etc.

In practice, as confirmation of the nature of the work of the insured person, organizations provide clarifying certificates confirming the presence of harmful working conditions and periods of work.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of Art. 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring a part-time job with another employer for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the employer has the right to require a certificate of the nature and working conditions at the main place of work.

Such a certificate is drawn up at the place of work, signed by the head and stamped. Since there is no standard sample, the certificate is compiled in an arbitrary form on the basis of documents containing information about the nature of the work (for example, orders for hiring and dismissal, staffing, time sheet, magazines for issuing overalls, milk or therapeutic nutrition, information about additional holidays in the employee's personal card (form No. T-2), descriptions of the technological process, technological maps, orders, operating cards, hygiene certificates, job descriptions and instructions for workplaces, safety instructions, attestation cards for workplaces for working conditions, results of assessment of working conditions, etc.).

The document usually contains the following information:

  • Full name of the employee, number of the insurance certificate;
  • registration number organizations in the FIU;
  • position, work experience;
  • information about the nature and special working conditions (if this information is not contained in the work book);
  • information about the employee's full-time employment;
  • mode of operation;
  • other data.

In each organization, employees work in specific conditions. This is important factor work process, because it affects the performance of staff. Working conditions in the workplace must comply with the law, so they are regularly assessed. Details about this are provided in the article.


What are working conditions in the workplace? This concept has existed for a long time, since the beginning of the exploitation of people, but only now it is implemented at the legislative level. According to Art. 56 and 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract is not drawn up without specifying working conditions. They are recorded along with the rest of the information - full name, salary.

In Art. 56 states that the employer must ensure statutory working conditions at the workplace. And according to Art. 57 it is mandatory to highlight the characteristics of working conditions in the agreement, harmful factors that may be at work. Compensation and guarantees are stipulated separately.


The production process is the work of obtaining products from matter or raw materials. All stages of this activity are interconnected. The nature of the process is determined by the type:

  1. The labor force used.
  2. means of production.
  3. source materials.

Once the fixed asset is identified, the type of process can be determined. Suppose we know that the main machine is a metallurgical plant. Then it will be clear that there is activity with metal, ore. The labor force will be metallurgists and steelworkers. From this it is possible to determine the security requirements and possible types occupational diseases of employees.

Work environment

This concept refers to the space where the employee performs work. The environment includes buildings, means of production, transport used. This concept includes psychological and environmental conditions. They have an impact on staff.

Labor intensity

This concept implies the intensity of the work process. It implies a psychological side. Intensity is related to performance. In an unorganized place, tension is high and productivity is low. This is negative point. Employees get tired quickly, and the results of the activity are not encouraging.


Working conditions at the workplace are divided by law into 4 classes (Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Optimal. With them, there is no or very low negative impact on employees.
  2. Permissible. Probably some negative impact, but within the established norms.
  3. Harmful. In this case, there is an excess of the influence of negative factors on the body. The occurrence of occupational diseases is likely.
  4. Dangerous. Workers are affected by negative factors of production. There is a high risk of occupational diseases.

Determining the class of working conditions at the workplace is necessary to determine the level of harmfulness of the activity. Every job is different. It is important to consider them before applying for a job. Harmful working conditions during working hours negatively affect the well-being and health of a person. Therefore, at each enterprise it is important that the norms of the organization of the process are observed.

environmental factors

What should be the working conditions in the office, at work? When performing professional activities, it is important that employees feel comfortable and convenient. Then the results of the work will be high. The workflow is influenced by many factors, the main of which are:

  1. Lighting: the norm is 1-2 thousand lumens.
  2. Temperature - the more physical activity, the lower the indicator in the room. With active work, the optimal level will be 10-16 degrees, and with an average - 18-23 degrees.
  3. Noise. The norm is 65 decibels and a frequency of 75,000 Hertz. The noise level will be high if it exceeds 88 decibels.
  4. Vibration. Such influences are local and general. Vibration is associated with noise.

There are other factors - biological and chemical. An example of a negative is a high concentration of dust, toxic components.


The employer is responsible for the certification of working conditions. A special institution is involved in this event. A special commission is being created, including the employer, labor protection specialist, members of trade unions. Certification of workplaces for working conditions involves the inspection of the organization and the collection of information.

During the event, environmental factors are measured - noise, lighting, vibration. Deviations from the norms are established. If the jobs are similar to each other, then you can check one similar place. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions can be planned and unscheduled.

The planned activity is carried out every 5 years. on working conditions allows you to make work more efficient if after the event all the comments of the expert are taken into account. An unscheduled check is carried out with various changes production process. These include the replacement of equipment, transfer to another technical process. In the event of an accident, an unscheduled inspection is performed. In conclusion, an assessment of the working conditions of workplaces is prescribed.

What is written in the contract?

The organization of working conditions in the workplace is the responsibility of management. The employment contract must contain information about which class the work belongs to. For this, a section called "Labor Protection" is assigned. It indicates whether the conditions are considered "optimal" or "dangerous". In the first case, it is indicated that all norms are met, there are no harmful conditions at the workplace.

With grades 3 and 4, it is fixed that the conditions are unhealthy. The contract indicates the class, subclass, factors that led to the deterioration of the situation. For example, hazardous conditions have arisen due to high noise levels and low temperatures.

Valuation Law

Federal Law No. 426 is considered the main document for assessing conditions. It establishes the essence of the event, the rules for its implementation and application of the results. Evaluation is a procedure, the results of which can affect the activities of the organization in various ways, as well as the development and improvement of personnel policy.

If harmful jobs are found, the company may have obligations, for example:

  1. Providing employees with social preferences established by the law of the Russian Federation.
  2. Payment to the PFR and the FSS of higher contributions.

The assessment can reveal objective weaknesses in the field of personnel safety, the elimination of which increases productivity and has a positive effect on the business as a whole. It is only necessary to follow the instructions of the specialists provided as a result of the event.

Assessment steps

Even if the institution is not ready to carry out the assessment, this task is solved by law. The stages of the event include:

  1. Contacting a specialized company that has permission to perform such activities.
  2. This firm's identification of the factors of production. workplace hazards.
  3. Preparation of an inspection report.

The list of criteria that must be met by firms performing the assessment are established by Ch. 3 Federal Law No. 426. In practice, such an institution is easier to find using the register of organizations accredited by the Ministry of Labor that perform work in the field of labor protection.

Workplace conditions and staff motivation are closely related. If the activities of employees are difficult, and besides, there are harmful factors, the institution should encourage employees. Usually the staff is motivated by material rewards. Then the efficiency of the enterprise will be much better.


In Art. 224 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that compensation is required for the additional load received from harmful factors. This may be additional leave and salary supplements. The amounts of the allowance are established by art. 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Its minimum is 4% of salary.

Deteriorating conditions

If an employee has noticed negative changes, and the employer ignores the comments, then it is necessary to contact the trade union to perform a new certification. Failure to do so may result in heavy fines.

If the changes are domestic, for example, faulty lighting, then you need to inform the occupational safety specialist. In this case, it is important to repair, eliminate the defect without loss of quality. Removing the defect will improve the situation.

Occupational safety is considered an important part of the work process. It includes many factors, based on which a classification is created. The “optimal class” is considered the safest, and “dangerous” is considered the most harmful. All this should be spelled out in the contract. Failure to comply with the law leads to prosecution of the company's management.