Structural divisions of the organization: types. Enterprise structure: characteristics and main types

  • 10.10.2019

Company- according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an independently operating facility created in accordance with applicable law for the production of works, the provision of services, and the production of products. The company receives the status of a legal entity. person when registered.

Company structure- this is the composition and ratio of its internal links (shops, sections, departments, laboratories and other divisions) that make up a single economic object.

Under the general structure of the enterprise is understood as a complex of production and service units, as well as the enterprise management apparatus. The general structure of the enterprise is characterized by interrelations and relationships between these units in terms of the size of the occupied areas, the number of employees and throughput (capacity). At the same time to production departments include workshops and sections in which the main products, materials, semi-finished products, spare parts are manufactured, different kinds energy, various types of repairs are carried out. TO non-production divisions include units serving the employees of the enterprise: canteens, buffets, first-aid posts, dispensaries, clubs, housing and communal departments, etc.

Production structure of the enterprise - this is a set of main, auxiliary and service departments of the enterprise, ensuring the processing of the input of the system into its output - a finished product with the parameters specified in the business plan.

Main elements production structure are:


· workplaces.

The organizational construction of the production structure is carried out according to three principles:

· technological - workshops and sections are formed on the basis of the homogeneity of the technological process of manufacturing various products;

· subject - unites workplaces, sections, workshops for the production of a certain type of product;

· mixed - procurement shops and sections are created according to the technological principle, and producing shops and sections - according to the subject.

There are the following types of production structure:

without workshop (production site, i.e. a set of geographically separate workplaces where technologically homogeneous work is performed or the same type of product is manufactured, I use it in small enterprises with relatively simple production processes);

shop (workshop, i.e. an administratively separate part of the enterprise, in which a certain set of works is performed in accordance with intra-factory specialization);

hull (building, that is, the union of several workshops of the same type);

Combined (multi-stage production processes are carried out, hallmark which is the sequence of processes for processing raw materials, for example, metallurgical, chemical, textile industries)

The structure of the enterprise must be rational and economical, provide the shortest ways of transporting raw materials, materials and finished products.

In addition, the production structure of the enterprise is influenced by a number of factors:

industry affiliation of the enterprise;

the nature of the product and methods of its manufacture;

The volume of production and its labor intensity;

level of specialization and cooperation of production;

Features of buildings, structures, equipment used, raw materials and supplies.

38. Functions of enterprise management. Composition, content, place in the management structure. The main types of organizational structures of enterprise management.

Control functions - this is a specific type of management activity, which is carried out by special techniques and methods, as well as the corresponding organization of work.

The following functions are distinguished:

goal setting – development of the main, current and long-term goals.

Planning - development of directions, ways, means, measures for the implementation of the goals of the activities of firms, the adoption of specific, targeted, planned decisions relating to their departments and performers.

Organization - this is the process of establishing the order and sequence of purposeful interaction of parts of the system coordinated in space and time in order to achieve the set goals under specific conditions, within a certain timeframe, using methods and means developed for this at the lowest cost.

Coordination - clarification of the nature of the actions of the performers.

Regulation – implementation of measures to eliminate deviations from the mode of operation of the system specified by the organization. It is carried out by scheduling.

Stimulation – development and use of incentives for effective interaction subjects of activity and their highly productive work.

Control - monitoring the course of ongoing processes in a controlled object, comparing its parameters with the specified ones, identifying deviations.

Activity accounting – measurement, registration, grouping of object data.

Activity analysis is a comprehensive study of activity using analytical, economic and mathematical methods.

Organizational structure control apparatus - a form of division of labor in production management. Each division and position is created to perform a specific set of management functions or work. To perform the functions of the unit, their officials are endowed with certain rights to dispose of resources and are responsible for the performance of the functions assigned to the unit.

Distinguish connections:

linear (administrative subordination),

functional (by field of activity without direct administrative subordination),

Interfunctional, or cooperative (between units of the same level).

Depending on the nature of the connections, several main types of organizational management structures are distinguished: linear; functional; linear-functional; matrix; divisional; multiple.

In a linear structure management, each manager provides leadership to subordinate units in all activities. Dignity - simplicity, economy, ultimate unity of command. The main disadvantage is the high requirements for the qualifications of managers. Now practically not used.

The diversification of production and the specialization of management led to the emergence of combined structures, among which the most common is linear functional, combining the main advantages of linear and functional systems and at the same time ensuring the development of specialization in management activities. At the same time, the authority of line managers responsible for production results is preserved.

D- director; FN - functional chiefs; AND - performers

Rice. Functional structure management

Linear-functional structure- step hierarchical. Under it, line managers are single bosses, and they are assisted by functional bodies. The line managers of the lower levels are not administratively subordinate to the functional heads of the higher levels of management. It has been the most widely used.

D- director; FN - functional chiefs; FP - functional divisions; OP - main production units.

Rice. Linear-functional management structure

Divisional. The divisional organizational structure is characterized by decentralization of management functions - production units are given autonomous structures that implement the main management functions (accounting, planning, financial management, marketing, etc.). This allows production departments to independently solve problems related to the development, production and marketing of their own

products. At the same time, the top management of the enterprise can focus on setting and solving strategic tasks.

Matrix structure is characterized by the fact that the performer can have two or more managers (one is a line manager, the other is a program or direction manager). Such a scheme has long been used in R & D management, and is now widely used in firms that work in many areas. It is increasingly replacing the linear-functional one from the application.

Rice. Product Oriented Matrix Management Structure

Multiple structure combines various structures at different levels of management. For example, a branch management structure can be applied to the entire company, and in branches it can be linear-functional or matrix.

Rice. Project management matrix structure (multiple)

Similar information.

The structure of the enterprise is the content and ratio of its internal links (laboratories, departments, sites, workshops, and other subdivisions), which make up a single object.

Scientists distinguish several types of it:

  • general;
  • production;
  • organizational.

Let's consider them below in more detail.

The general structure of the enterprise is a combination of:

  • non-production (areas that ensure the life and livelihoods of employees - housing and communal services, canteens, kitchen factories, buffets, nurseries, kindergartens, medical units, sanatoriums, sports and training departments, and so on);
  • industrial (sites, workshops and laboratories);
  • management departments (middle and senior managers).

Its formation is usually determined by the goals and policies of the organization.

The enterprise includes workshops, sections, centers, laboratories in which the manufacturing process, control checks and testing of products manufactured by the company take place. In addition, it includes departments that maintain and contain components, semi-finished products, materials and spare parts.

Factors that can affect the production are the following:

  • the nature of the products;
  • manufacturing technologies;
  • the scale and volume of production;
  • features of cooperation with other organizations;
  • within this company.

The organizational structure of an enterprise is a system that determines the content, interaction and subordination of all elements. Usually it concerns the sphere of management. Its elements are interconnected in a certain way, forming the types of organizational structures of the enterprise:

  • Linear arise between departments of all levels in management, when the head is administratively subordinate to another, occupying a higher position.
  • Functional communications are distinguished by the fact that managers interact with each other on the basis of the functions performed at all levels; there is no administrative subordination between them.
  • Cross-functional systems exist between departments on a single

To achieve the success of the company in the market, it is necessary to constantly improve the organizational structure of the enterprise. To achieve the goal, it is often necessary to completely reorganize it. In addition, the following measures are mandatory:

  • creation of a modern organizational management structure that is able to function quickly on Russian market;
  • ensure prompt response to emerging changes in the external environment and implement strategic management that contributes to effective work on the long term;
  • release CEO from routine and everyday work, which is associated with the organization of the functioning of the company;
  • the establishment of rational links between the steps and links of management at all levels;
  • it is recommended to minimize the number of steps in the management structure;
  • granting authority to resolve problems to the head of the unit with more complete information For all questions;
  • increase in efficiency in decisions made.

In order to strengthen management functions, it is necessary to introduce:

  • innovation groups;
  • development departments that increase market flexibility and competitiveness.

In modern practice, there is most often a complex enterprise system, that is, a combination of existing and the types identified above that exist at different levels of company management.

What does it cost us to build a house?
Let's draw, let's live.

folk wisdom

I have a nightmare: an excess of bureaucracy in the state,
where illiteracy has recently been eradicated.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

1. What is the structure of the organization (definitions)

Organization structure and execution of tasks

The structure of the organization and the execution of tasks are very closely related. So closely that if the structure and other elements of the organizational process do not fit together and no effort is made to adapt the structure, then it becomes impossible to perform tasks (Fig. 2).

This lecture describes the main options for the structure of enterprises and their features, which make it possible to choose necessary structure to implement the chosen strategy.

So what is it organization structure? Exist various interpretations this concept.

Ansoff I. (1989) believes that these are static structures for regulating the production activities of the company and the distribution of managerial functions.

Using the approaches of Evenenko L.I. (1983) and Fatkhutdinova R.A. (1997), this formula can be supplemented as follows: organizational structure- this is a set of departments of the organization involved in the construction and coordination of the functioning of the management system, the development and implementation of management decisions, as well as the connections and relations between them arising in the process of management to achieve the intended goals.

There are other definitions as well. Here are some of them.

  • The organizational structure shows the area of ​​responsibility of each employee and his relationship with other employees of structural units.
  • The organizational structure shows who is responsible for what areas of work. It shows the interaction (communication) of individual sections among themselves, allows and requires the use of common sense and the ability to assess the situation at all levels of management.
  • The internal organizational structure of enterprises is designed to actually ensure the integration of science and production; production, Maintenance and sales; production and foreign economic activity; economic responsibility of the organization as a whole and its individual production units. All of these definitions and approaches suffer from some shortcomings. First of all, this is a mechanistic approach that excludes the human factor, but takes into account the human resource. However, in the modern business world, it is the human factor that is given priority. And the second - the organization is considered in isolation from the environment. But no organization can live in isolation.

System approach to organization

Another point of view provides a systematic approach to the organization.

Before talking about this approach, let's define systems. A system is a set of stable, in some period of time, group of elements and links between these elements. Systems can be closed, i.e., not having connections with environment or other systems, and open. From this point of view, the organization can be defined as an open system. Therefore, the structure of this system can be represented as a description of the elements, their location and the nature of the connections between them.

What elements are present in the organization? These are the resources: human, material, financial, informational. These elements, grouped differently in different places of the system, form subsystems or divisions of the organization, between which links are formed. (Connections, of course, are also formed within subsystems). The most complex element in the organization system is. First of all, because of the uniqueness of each individual. From the point of view of the organizational structure, especially when building or changing it, it is important to evaluate, and when building the structure, distribute such features of the human resource as Skills, Knowledge, Abilities (including creative and intellectual) so that power, authority and planning, organization of work and control, disposal of other resources and motivation, functions and operations ensure the most effective achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization.

As for the links between the elements of the organizational structure and the organizational structure and environment, they are defined and can be described through resource flows.

Thus, we can propose the following definition of the organizational structure: The structure of an organization is a set of elements-resources distributed in the organization system (human, material, financial, informational), taking into account their features and characteristics and links through resource flows between these elements, elements and the environment .

Often, when building a structure, organizations forget about such features of a human resource as motivation, leadership, etc. This leads to:

  • the emergence of unmotivated employees in the organization;
  • the emergence of groups with internal leaders who achieve goals that are not related to the goals of the organization;
  • an imbalance of power, when individuals in an organization, having received power, begin to solve their own problems at the expense of it and / or use power to gain more power. Moreover, of their own free will, people seeking power rarely

stop and, as they move forward, begin to compete for power, including with the first leader, or leave the organization in search of more power (and losing a qualified employee is not always pleasant). All this significantly reduces the efficiency of the organization.

2. How the structure is built (option) What determines the structure of the organization, what you should first of all pay attention to when building it, these are very important issues. Different organizations do things differently. Some start building from the available resources or even from some of their characteristics, such as powers or from operations and functions.

Given that the organization is open system Moreover, the viability of an organization is determined more by its connections with the external environment than by internal processes, apparently, and it makes sense to build an organizational structure from the external environment, but most likely, from customers and connections with them. This is a marketing approach to structure building and has been around for a long time in the market environment.

That is, when building a structure, we must, first of all, determine what resources (material - products and services, informational) should be transferred to the buyer or society in order to receive other resources (financial, informational) in return. After that, we analyze the possibility of creating resources that are in demand, and if we come to the conclusion that this is real, we begin to create a structure.

First, we determine what final operations need to be done in order to obtain the final product, then we build the technological chain back from this operation (see Fig. 3). Having registered all the operations, we begin to group them according to certain criteria into functions or jobs. Grouping functions or jobs by features will give us divisions. After that, we begin to allocate resources by associating them with functions and operations. At the same time, for the human resource, Job Responsibilities and Qualifications . The Qualification Requirements define the required Skills, Knowledge and Abilities . In addition, it is better to determine the motivation, attitude to leadership and responsibility, to the power of existing employees, especially from management personnel, and only then make a decision on their appointment to positions.

The Peter Principle: In any hierarchical system, each employee strives to achieve his own level of incompetence.


  1. Over time, each position will be filled by an employee who is incompetent in the performance of his duties.
  2. The work is done by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.
Peter's hidden postulate according to Godin: Every employee starts with his level of competence.
Peter's Transformation: Internal consistency is valued over efficient work.
Peter's observation: Overcompetence is more undesirable than incompetence.

Peter's Law of Evolution: Competence always contains a grain of incompetence.

In fact, the structure of the organization is not necessarily built from the client. It is built and changed from the most scarce resource for the organization at the time of construction. And this resource is not always buyers' money.

Of course, it is not always possible to implement such a method of building a structure for various reasons. For example, in connection with the already existing technology, structure or culture of the organization. But to take into account such an approach when developing the structure, apparently, it makes sense.

Structure Options

Organizations vary greatly in size, capabilities, and goals. However, the differences in their structure are determined by only a few parameters. By understanding these parameters, it is possible to explore and build the structure of many, if not all, organizations. These parameters are: specialization, formalization, norm of manageability, centralization.

1. Specialization

One of the main differences between organizations is how jobs and tasks are distributed. There are organizations with a high degree of specialization. These are usually large organizations. There are small organizations in which employees perform a wide range of responsibilities. Thus, to some extent, one can say that

that the degree of specialization is determined by the size of the organization. However, you should not rely on the fact that people working in small organizations, will be able to be professionals in all areas for which they are responsible. On the other hand, it is difficult to expect that personnel in organizations with a high degree of specialization will be able to satisfactorily perform tasks that are not characteristic of them or support changes associated with their reprofiling. In addition, significant efforts are needed to coordinate the work of specialists. That is, at first the organization solves the issue of specialization, and having solved it, it begins to think about integration and coordination.

2. Formalization

At one end of the formalization scale are organizations with few written rules. People in such organizations act most often in accordance with the prevailing situation. On the other hand, there are organizations with clear rules about who, when and how should behave, who makes decisions, who is responsible for what. Most likely, the first type of organization provides more opportunities for creativity. Organizations of the second type provide more security for employees and more certainty, but there is a danger of drowning in papers. At the same time, formal organizations are difficult to change, but they are easier to manage. The leader needs to look for the optimal balance between formalization and informal management.

3. Norm of controllability

The third very important aspect of the structure is the rate of manageability. This indicator is determined by the number of people subordinate to one person. From this point of view, there is a flat organization structure and a tower structure. Studies say that when performing routine, repetitive, structured work, it is possible to have up to 30 people in direct subordination. This is when there are precise instructions and employees do not make their own decisions. A middle-level manager can have up to 10-12 subordinates. Since his subordinates are also managers or office workers, their work is less structured and they are able to make independent decisions. At the level of enterprise management, where strategic decisions are made, no more than 5 people can be subordinate to the manager, otherwise he is immersed in routine information from many sources, begins to take a large number of operational decisions, leaving him no time for strategies and planning.

At the same time, the controllability norm can be wider with well-trained and trained personnel or a high level of formalization.

4. Centralization versus decentralization: who makes the decisions?

In some organizations, important decisions are made only by a certain level of management, in others, almost all personnel are involved in the decision-making process, which can make at least some contribution to the decision. When forming the strategy of small organizations, where it is easy to take into account the opinion of all, the second method may be the most effective, but not always. It depends on the training and readiness of the staff. The conducted studies have shown that for the CIS countries, the involvement of employees is often ineffective and does not find support among employees. However, this is not an axiom.

We can say that the organizations of the first type are centralized, the second type are decentralized. At the same time, both systems have a number of advantages and disadvantages in the areas of staff motivation, control over it, delegation of authority, etc.

Types of organizational structures

All organizational structures can be divided into the following types:

  • simple linear
  • functional;
  • divisional (product; regional; project);
  • matrix;
  • adaptive;
  • organic;
  • conglomerate, etc.

In this lecture, we will consider the first three as basic ones.

Functional design: When do tasks define structure?

This type of structure is adopted by newly created organizations, so it can be considered basic. Based on this design, departments, divisions and work groups are based on performing specific tasks. This structure allows, as the organization grows, to add departments with new functions. Since employees with the same functions are not dispersed, economies of scale are triggered with this design, employees are stimulated to specialize and develop skills.

The disadvantages include that:

  • such a design provokes units to go their own way;
  • employees with the same experience and knowledge tend to support each other and oppose other units;
  • management may find that it is overwhelmed with the work of creating functional units;
  • such a structure pushes employees to perform routine work, inhibits innovation and the ability to respond to changes in external conditions.

Rice. 4. Simple functional design

Divisional Design: When Product, Market or Geographic Niche, Projects define Design

As an organization grows and new products and markets emerge, functional design can become a drag on growth. In this case, he begins to change. Functionally similar departments emerge and serve individual products or product groups, individual customer groups, or geographic regions. Through a series of steps, the structure begins to turn into a production or divisional structure (for example, one accounting department, but different marketing departments for different products). Thus, a single organization is divided into several autonomous units, although there remains a number of departments common to all departments, for example, financial (not to be confused with accounting). This may continue until the complete separation of production and auxiliary units.

Variants are possible in the construction of such a structure. Special divisions can be created for individual products, geographic areas, markets, etc. This design increases the organization's flexibility, sensitivity to competitors and customer needs. Since this separation reduces the size of units to manageable, it allows for better coordination of interaction.

Disadvantages include separation of specialists and loss of economies of scale (eg separate and expensive equipment). The second disadvantage is that the reduction of departments reduces the opportunities for growth of employees (demotivation).

As you can see, the functional and divisional approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The ability to combine the advantages of both has a matrix structure. It is achieved by superimposing the production structure on the functional one. On the one hand, there are managers for various functions who have power over production, marketing, etc. At the same time, there are managers of the production plan, whose power extends to everything related to any one product. The result is that there are people who report to two leaders. It is important to note that in this case there is a small number of persons in the upper echelon or near it, reporting to two managers, the rest are reporting to only one manager.

Rice. five

In such a structure, there is a Lead Leader, a person who controls both lines. Then there are people who lead individual departments or projects. And finally, there are managers with two bosses.

Organizations move to a matrix structure most often under certain conditions, which include: a complex and uncertain environment, the need to achieve economies of scale when using internal resources. Especially often this structure is adopted by medium-sized organizations with several production lines, which cannot organize separate production units for each line.

Figure 6 A typical example of matrix design

Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of the matrix structure

8. Contradictions in the structure

As in everything, in this world, any organizational structure, except positive aspects, there are negative ones. TO negative sides In addition to those already listed, there are internal, often innate contradictions that must be remembered and taken into account when working. I would like to introduce some of them.

The basic contradictions built into the structure are:

  • specialization versus integration (first we specialize people and units, then we start work on integration and coordination;
  • lack of functions against duplication (some functions and operations are not performed when others are duplicated);
  • underutilization of resources versus overload (some resources of the organization are idle, others are overloaded beyond the norm);
  • lack of clarity versus lack of creativity (if the organization is completely clear about everything, then engage in creative solution problems are hard, and vice versa)
  • autonomy versus dependence (both should have reasonable limits, just how to define them);
  • delegation versus centralization;
  • many goals against their absence (lack of goals leads the organization nowhere, many goals destroy priorities);
  • super-responsibility versus irresponsibility (responsibility is not delegated, it is assumed by everyone. And if one person has taken on a lot of responsibility, then this means that others either do not want to take responsibility, or they did not get anything).

Another group of contradictions are contradictions that give rise to conflicts between employees. These conflicts are often observed in organizations in our country, and many of you will recognize them.

Line staff vs full-time: Production or Support

As the organization grows and develops, more and more personnel appear in it who are not associated with the main production or service process. These are accountants, lawyers, human resources specialists, computer specialists, marketers, etc. These are, first of all, specialists, and secondly, they are often quite close to management (they are physically closer). Managers listen to their advice or advice from line (production) personnel and accept one or the other. These situations plus different working conditions inevitably lead to conflicts between them.

Accounting vs Development Personnel

Many organizations have departments of long-term planning, strategic planning, marketing, etc. These departments think in terms of more than a year. Financiers, especially accountants, often think in terms of a financial year. This creates controversy and misunderstanding.

Sales staff vs production staff

Sales, marketing, etc. staff always focused on the client. The personnel of production departments are most often focused on the production process. This gives rise to conflicts and contradictions between them.

The last three contradictions are most often resolved at the level of the leader at which the lines of subordination of these divisions meet. Most often this is the first leader. These contradictions do not allow the leader to accept rational decisions, since he is forced, in order to maintain peace in the organization, to satisfy the requirements of one or the other, that is, to make political decisions. In addition, the manager loses considerable time to resolve disputes. You can probably get rid of these problems through strategic management (setting goals, planning how to achieve them) and through building the culture of the organization (developing a mission, ethical code, creating traditions, norms, etc.).

Unfortunately, only a few domestic organizations in Kazakhstan are seriously involved in strategic management, and very few think about organizational culture.

9. Organizational structure and environment

After making sure that the external environment and internal conditions of the organization largely determine the structure of the organization, and even the style of managing the organization, we can ask the following question: does the external environment determine through various effects (complexity, stability, uncertainty, availability of resources)

task execution? Despite the apparent simplicity of the question, the answer to it is quite complicated. Indeed, in order to explore the relationship between environment, internal structure, and performance, we must recognize the leading role of strategy in this. First of all, the environment influences the strategy. In turn, different strategies define a different structure. The relationship between structure and strategy is mutual. In terms of these conclusions, the link between environment, strategy, structure and execution is assured. Successful organizations are those that provide high level congruence between these elements.

10. Technology and interdependence

Another very important part of the structure (in terms of technology) is interdependence, which is determined by how people, departments or production units depend on each other to complete tasks.

Most low level is a collective addiction. Such dependence occurs when parts of one organization work independently and tasks are not shared between them.

Serial dependency is when the product of one division is the raw material for another.

And interdependence occurs when the product of one department is the raw material for another, and vice versa.

11. When to change the structure?

The last question I would like to answer in this lecture is when to change the structure?

Structural divisions of the organization are the basis on which various formations are based. They should be as relevant as possible to the activities carried out and be most effective in the performance of their direct duties.

general information

In small organizations, the state of affairs is common when the performance of one function is assigned to a specific employee or he performs several tasks. As they grow, several employees are already doing the same. At this stage of development, it becomes necessary to unite these persons into certain units, called departments, groups, sections, sections, links, workshops. This is done in order to optimize handling. Functions performed are used as a unifying factor. This is how the structural units of the organization are formed.


The creation of units is based on data on the type of activity, the number of personnel, location and other characteristics. Consider this example: a company manufactures concrete blocks, the advertising department is engaged in sales, and accounting lies with the accounting department. However, there is a significant difference between the various subjects. So, structural divisions construction organization significantly different from what is in the composition of banking institutions. The specifics of coordination of actions of various departments are also taken into account. The larger the organization, the more important the issue of governance becomes.

Ideally, care should be taken that all units are connected by a single goal and have everything necessary information support. As you grow, this state of affairs becomes more difficult to maintain, which affects the interaction and network of communications. In this case, it is very important to follow a clear division of responsibilities. Otherwise you can wait internal conflict. To avoid uncertainty, clear criteria should be followed. And then it does not matter what is the object of influence - the structural divisions of a credit institution, a bank, an IT company, a plant or an agricultural entity - their efficiency will be at their best.

Types of divisions

The classification was taken as the basis, within which 61 departments are distinguished. They will be more or less structured according to the similarity of their duties. It should also be noted that in practice their names may have a slightly different form, but the essence of this does not change. In more detail with this will help to familiarize yourself with the internal situation. Structural divisions of the educational organization and commercial enterprise differ due to different purposes. So when studying specific subjects, this must be taken into account. After all, different goals are pursued, and the structural divisions of the organization are working to achieve them. The types are as follows.

Administrative, financial and accounting and support services

The work of the foundations and the balancing of the work of the organization depend on them. These include:

  1. Office.
  2. Secretariat.
  3. Office work service.
  4. labor.
  5. Personnel management service.
  6. Department of labor organization.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Operational management service.
  9. Financial division.
  10. Department of foreign economic relations.
  11. Warehouses finished products and materials.
  12. Planning and Economic Department.
  13. Standardization Service.
  14. Legal service.
  15. Human Resources Department.
  16. Security Service.
  17. Computing center.
  18. VOHR - paramilitary guards.

It is also often possible to meet structural divisions of an educational organization. Often they operate in higher educational institutions, large engineering, scientific, agricultural, industrial and other companies where advanced products are being developed. Among them are research-technical and production departments.

Research and technical divisions

The following departments work in this area:

  • Research Department.
  • Service of feasibility studies.
  • Department of technical control.
  • Laboratory of measuring equipment.
  • Design department.
  • Technical service.
  • Experimental production.
  • Test shop.
  • Department of automation (mechanization).
  • Service
  • Experienced shop.
  • The Department
  • Staff training service.
  • Tool department.
  • Design and technical service.
  • Department of the chief mechanic.
  • Training Bureau.
  • Experimental shop.
  • Bureau of Marketing Research.
  • Research laboratory.
  • Bureau of Nature Conservation.
  • Department of Invention and Patenting.

Production divisions

These are departments, workshops and services that directly mass-produce goods for their sale to end consumers. These include:

  1. Logistics department.
  2. Acquisition and external cooperation service.
  3. Production and dispatching department.
  4. Capital Construction Division.
  5. Auxiliary production shops.
  6. Energy department.
  7. Department of the chief power engineer.
  8. Department of the chief designer.
  9. Production shops (assembly, machining and the like).
  10. Special Design Office.
  11. Repair and construction shop.
  12. Energy shop.
  13. Repair and mechanical shop.

These are the structural divisions of the organization. There are also different types of implementation: departments, laboratories, services and bureaus. Each approach has its own advantages, because of which it is chosen. And now let's look at a small example of functioning in which the structural units of an educational organization will operate. How do they function? What is the basis of the communication system within the organization itself when transferring data between different structural units?

An example in the educational field

Let's take a large university as a subject of research. This organization is suitable due to its size, numerous divisions and a very wide range of activities. So, first let's highlight the administrative divisions. Each university has management components (rector's office, dean's office), personnel department, accounting department, system administrator service. There can also be separate research institutes and centers.

Further division already goes to the level of departments. Each of them leads 4-6 groups. And if there is distance learning, then 8-12. Thus, student groups are the smallest numerical units in large universities. These educational institutions have built a literally perfect (on paper) interaction. So, the administration receives information from the Ministry of Education in in general terms. Then he passes it on to the dean's offices in the planning departments, which are all desired material break into the required number of hours, take care of the provision of audiences and the absence of conflicts. This information is subsequently sent to the department, which can make suggestions.


As you can see, the structural units implement the principle, which ultimately allows them to obtain higher efficiency from their activities. To bring this indicator to the highest possible level, care should be taken that each person has a clearly defined workplace instruction, which indicates the responsibilities and capabilities of each. For effective cooperation and interaction, care must be taken to ensure that information is transmitted quickly and without delay.