How to open a design studio. The structure of the design studio and the necessary equipment

  • 23.09.2019

There is such a business term in the Internet era: graphic design service - an automated online service for the provision of services for solving simple current ordinary common tasks in the field of graphic design.

Undullify is the name of a new startup that is engaged in the provision of such services. Allows you to take out some of the current tasks for outsourcing.

Who is the most typical and target client for all such services? These are all micro-businessmen, often individual sole proprietors.

All those people who consider it too expensive for themselves to contact large design studios or even individual designers.

Usually such people laboriously and painstakingly try to “draw a leaflet” themselves, at least they try to create an advertising banner themselves.

However, the creators of the design by subscription service know the truth: the work that takes five minutes for a professional without stress and tears, for a non-designer will take hours and hours of his precious time!

But tasks in graphic design are simple. The tasks that a self-taught businessman is trying to solve on his own have already been solved for a long time! And they are not worth the tears!

Design by subscription - we will sort your requests into shelves and sell them as a package

What's interesting about this business idea from new startup Undullify is exactly how they've sorted their services and how they're selling them. Let's admire the beautiful experience of others! So...

Bestseller - service package - monthly subscription to designer services - Monthly Entrepreneur Unlimited Plan.

This package costs $179 per month. Here are tasks that do not require haste and more urgent ones - a little bit of everything.

The second package of services - The Monthly Starter Unlimited costs exactly half as much as the first. Why?

The word “unlimited” here means that there will be no “fever” or, in modern terms, “deadlines” in your requests at all.

No: “Draw me this flyer for tomorrow!”

Requests that are not limited in time, not tied to a burning date. Each request is completed in only three working days - do not disturb earlier.

Immediate tasks are also accepted, but they are accepted - one at a time and are estimated at $ 29 for one urgently solved task.

And finally - the most unexpected package of services!

The latest subscription to the Undullify service - a service package called - Entrepreneur Unlimited Plan - is access to the service for exactly one working day!

But what a hot day!.. During this one working day, you will be solved an almost unlimited number of your tasks with a deadline for completing each task - in a thirty-minute interval from the order to the finished result!

Entrepreneurs from Undullify no longer report how much such a miracle subscription costs, for sure - it’s very expensive!

List of services "graphic designers by subscription"

What do remote designers from Undullify actually do for their customers?

It seems that we can do it ourselves? No, according to designer subscription vendor Undullify. Taking a break from your business to create some visual content is procrastinating, killing time, and not working. Work. Knit socks (if your business is knitting socks) and don't create a page selling them when you obviously don't know how to do it!

Well, professional designers from Undullify, meanwhile, will do for you that part of your work for which you do not have time, desire, or energy. Outsourcing - in other words...

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About 100 graphic design studios have been opened in Leningrad. Experts note an increase in their number over the coming years.

The main prerequisites for this are:

  • Growing demand (the emergence of companies that apply for the development of a logo, trademark, advertising, etc.);
  • The business does not require large initial costs and the payback period is 12 months.

Stage 1. Premises

It is necessary to deal with the selection of premises based on the task set by the studio.

To organize a small studio, you need a room of 40 square meters. In the case of focusing on a large customer in the face of big company or a foreign representative, then first of all it is necessary to pay special attention office space. The most advantageous location option would be a business center in the central part of the settlement and with a metro station located not far away.

The selection of premises is the most significant process. First of all, this is due to the fact that the client should feel comfortable, and secondly, employees should work in the most comfortable conditions.

The rent for premises in business centers is from 30 conventional units for 1 square meter. Not every business center contributes to the rent the price for a telephone line and access to the World Wide Web (the cost telephone line– 100 conventional units for installation and subscription fee – 30 conventional units monthly; the cost of connecting to the Internet - 120 conventional units per month).

A desirable condition for design rooms is the fulfillment of requirements related to lighting. In practice, a small company will need 2 premises: in one, the work of a designer is organized, and in the other, clients are received, negotiations are underway and contracts are concluded.

The premises are selected based on the tasks assigned to the studio.

Stage 2. Investments

Graphic design studios do not require large initial costs, and therefore the undertaking is particularly attractive. It will take about 5,000 conventional units to organize a studio. More than half of all funds are needed for the purchase of equipment.

Equipment needed for the studio:

  • Electronic computers for designers (2 pieces; cost - from 1,200 to 2,000 conventional units);
  • Personal computers for the office - from 600 conventional units;
  • Printing devices (laser and black-and-white printers - 1 each) - 400 and 150 conventional units, respectively;
  • Scanning devices - from 400 to 2,000 conventional units;
  • Photocopy device - 350 conventional units;
  • fax machine;

The first client may be a friend or acquaintance, so on initial stage You can do without advertising and without spending on it. Customers can then contact the company based on the reviews. Such clients are the most favorable and supportive, because they applied on the basis of recommendations and are familiar with the work of the company.

The minimum capital investment in the business is 5,000 conventional units.

Stage 3. Personnel

The most important issue is the search for staff. In graphic design studios, the staff consists of 5 to 10 people. Approximate staff:

  • Designer (3 people);
  • office worker;
  • accounting officer;
  • Manager;
  • Employee in related areas;

If necessary, you can contact independent specialists (marketing researchers, advertising specialists, PR managers, etc.). Finding the right designer can be tricky. You can post vacancies on the Internet. Wage specialist is from 250 to 1,000 conventional units.

Have a specialist high level problematic, so sometimes you should resort to the help of specialists, letting them perform specific work.

basis staffing is a designer.

Stage 4. Specificity and earnings

Companies can offer their specific directions. A separate line could be:

  • Outdoor advertising;
  • Souvenir products (chocolate, sweets);
  • Conclusion of representative agreements with various companies;

With an application for souvenir inscriptions, etc. can come catering points, entertainment centers, large trading companies and representatives, hotels, market hotel business, sports centers, dental clinics, etc.

Price per order varies within 50-2.000 conventional units. About 3-4 clients (new) contact the company every month. Often, the volume of applications from companies is scheduled for 30-45 days in advance. In the case of a regular customer, the company can:

  • Revise order schedule;
  • Engage an outside designer;
  • Recommend another reliable company;

Very often, companies stop their activities after having existed in the service market for about 2 years. First of all, this is due to the fact that many entrepreneurs are highly qualified specialists in the field of graphic design, and they cannot cope with a large amount of work that is not related to the creative type of activity - organizational issues, the implementation of the document flow process, the preparation and preparation of financial statements.

Meanwhile, the manager is required not only to have the qualities of a manager, but also information on how the company can get new applications, customers, or have an established customer base, or know the methods of effective marketing.

Many people conclude that they professional designers if they have ever worked with special design software. In this regard, it is necessary to pay a close look at the portfolio of a candidate for the position of a designer, as well as on education and specialty.

Costs associated with opening a graphic design studio:

  1. Rent (30 square meters) - from 1,200 conventional units per month;
  2. Purchase of office equipment, equipment and equipment - from 3,500 conventional units;
  3. Acquisition Supplies– 300 conventional units;

The result is from 5,000 conventional units.

Why is it beneficial?

It is understood that creative people, artists and designers initially go into this business, but there are factors that make it attractive to ordinary investors as well. Here are the main ones:

  • constant demand for relevant services;
  • You do not need large investments to open a business;
  • lack of strict regulation, as in construction;
  • little cost to run it.

The main thing, of course, is demand. A modest amount of initial capital and negligible overhead costs are unlikely to make a firm successful if there are no customers. They can be all the surrounding restaurants, cafes, shops and boutiques in malls. The interior of trading floors and cafes requires constant updating, shop windows need to be decorated at least for the New Year, thematic holidays and promotions require appropriate changes in the situation, and some office owners want to revive a boring look.

Such services are needed not once, the need for them arises periodically. Of course, there are restaurants that cling to the historical walls with the last of their strength, but there are not many of them. Typically, catering establishments are ready to completely change the interior every two to three years. Stores need services of designers even more often. Showcases are best decorated every season and before the holidays, the composition inside is refreshed with the arrival of a new collection. V mall tenants generally get a room with bare walls and everything has to be done from scratch. If the client is satisfied with the work of the company, then with a high degree of probability he will again apply with an order.

How to take the first steps

The requirements are really minimal. In addition to good taste, you need a little. Some even start without registration legal entity. But it’s better not to forget that companies increasingly prefer to pay the costs of registering their outlets “in the white”, which means that some minimum of documents will still be required. It is enough to at least register as an individual entrepreneur. But at first, you can completely do without an office and promotional products. They are necessary to attract large customers, in other cases it is easier to meet directly at the facility.

The only thing that is absolutely important to get started is a portfolio. Without good example it is difficult to convince a potential customer to entrust decoration to your company. Of course, the competition in this area is not very big, but it still exists. It is better to prepare persuasive arguments for negotiations.

It is necessary to collect a portfolio as soon as a decision is made to open such a company. To do this, you will have to participate in competitions or work a little for free. Charitable foundations sometimes you need to decorate the premises, and they are always happy to save money. In addition, you can offer your services to schools, veterans and public organizations.

There is one little secret. Starting a business in this direction, most likely you will have to attract specialists or hire staff on an ongoing basis. You can get their consent in advance to include them the best works in the firm's portfolio. This will make it much more solid. There is only one nuance. The issue should not only be discussed, but also formalized accordingly in order to exclude possible conflicts. Accusations of plagiarism can kill a business, no matter how successful it is.

How to create a team

The success of any design studio depends on its team. It is the employees who produce ideas and create the reputation of the company. And the creator of the enterprise is not always responsible for creativity. Of course, there are enough cases when it is opened for a specific famous designer, which attracts customers already with its name. But even in such a situation, you should not rely on only one star. Who should be on the team and where is the best place to look for staff?

Before you recruit people, you need to realize that the creation of interior design for commercial premises is not only decoration, but the main clients are small and medium business and not wedding planners. You will have to deal not only with decorating with flowers, but also with organizing lighting and even erecting temporary walls. At first, you simply will not be able to hire all the necessary specialists on an ongoing basis. You need to decide who you exactly need, and who can be attracted from time to time.

In practice, assets include:

  • designer,
  • graphic designer,
  • printer,
  • florist,
  • cabinet maker or furniture maker.

We are talking about an ideal situation, you can start with an incomplete squad. You just need to understand that then not all ideas will be able to be implemented. Several handymen may also be required, which will save time for specialists. An electrician, drywall specialist, tiler and painter are best hired on individual projects. The fact is that these professions are in demand, their salaries are usually high, and they are not always employed in projects.

Finding suitable personnel is difficult even using all possible channels: from acquaintances to employment sites. The real "deposits" of potential team members work in theaters. Of course, we do not mean actors, but artists, stage workers and various workshops that create props. It is also worth paying attention to students of creative universities. It is only necessary to remember that employees must give a quality result. The firm will be directly responsible to the customer for the marriage.

Office and website

After the company gets on its feet and orders begin to arrive regularly, you should think about your own office and website. It simply does not make sense to rent an office in a business center somewhere on the outskirts. After all, you need not only meters where you work and receive clients. Gray walls, white ceiling and wood-look laminate are unlikely to impress potential customers. The studio office is a showcase for the whole business!

You need to look for a room on a long-term basis, and then approach the creation of its interior as creatively as possible in order to demonstrate your creative potential to all visitors. Do not be shy and really connect the fantasy. The office can become completely unexpected place. For example, a converted bus or an abandoned attic is a good alternative to a slick business center.

The same approach should prevail when creating your own website. It should not be taken solely as a place on the Internet where a portfolio is stored. It in itself should be a clear proof of your taste, talent and ability to create a new and beautiful environment.

A beginner needs to remember that success in this business requires not only hard work, but also the ability to surprise. In order to attract visitors to the store with the interior, you must first impress its owner.

The desire of mankind to stand out from the gray mass has led to an increase in demand for design services, including in the field of construction and interior design. Consider how to organize your business from scratch in this direction. Our design studio business plan will help you realize your potential and open a design studio.

According to marketing research, the market for design services in Russia is distributed as follows: industrial - 43%, landscape - 22%, graphic - 19% and multimedia - 13%.

According to design experts, competition in this area is low. A lot of housing is being built in the country, so the demand for interior design services is much higher compared to the supply. The data of the Construction Committee of the Administration of St. Petersburg indicate that in 2014, 1,752,000 m2 of new housing was commissioned in St. Petersburg. Given this, the demand for interior design services will grow.

Dealing with registration issues

By law, to start your own business, you must be registered as at least individual entrepreneur. From the point of view of accounting and taxes, it is easier. Taking into account the fact that 3-4 people of working staff are needed for the functioning of the design studio, it is required to register an LLC and hire an accountant at least for remote work.

We determine the list of services and draw up a business plan

Further steps depend on the choice of services. Popular design directions:

  • interiors;
  • Web design;
  • polygraphy;
  • personal plots;
  • architectural forms.

An example of a price list is possible. For each direction, you need to take into account the subtleties. For example, it is better if an interior design or architectural design studio is a subsidiary of a construction or furniture company. This will save you the trouble of finding suppliers of building and finishing materials.

Our project is designed to open an interior design studio!

Some interesting design projects

If we consider large cities, then indeed the share of online advertising and sales of goods on the network is a significant percentage of the entire market. retail. But at the same time, the outdoor advertising business feels confident to this day. Take a look at billboards, banners and bright signs in your city. This niche is still in demand and it makes sense to launch your own agency outdoor advertising. The main thing is the quality of the final product and high service. And what about the regional business, where people still make most of their purchases in offline stores? After all, a beautiful sign, business cards, posting ads, these are the main methods by which regional entrepreneurs attract customers. Therefore, you can launch an outdoor advertising design studio not only in big cities, but also in the regions, capturing a wider range of customers.


To conduct legal activities as an entrepreneur, you will need to issue a package of documents and permission.

Here is a basic list of what you need:

  • open IP.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is 74.40, 22.22. For Ukraine - 73.11.
  • enter into a lease agreement.
  • obtain permission from the SES and the fire service.
  • recruit staff.
  • organize a buyer's corner.

For more detailed information regarding the execution and registration of documents, contact an experienced lawyer in your city.

Interested in business for creative people? An excellent solution would be to do landscape design. This business is only suitable for big cities where there are wealthy people. We tried to consider what awaits you at the start of this business.

Premises and equipment

The choice of premises depends on how much start-up capital you have on hand. In order to start your activity for an outdoor advertising agency, it will be enough to rent a small office somewhere on the outskirts of the city, and over time, you can easily move closer to the center. In general, such a company can be opened at home, but if you have an office, you will be able to meet with clients in a more convenient environment, and this also adds solidity to your business. Premises with an area of ​​20 sq.m. it will be quite enough, given that you will not produce all the materials yourself, but will transfer orders to the printing house.

Before you open an outdoor advertising business, you will need to purchase a basic set of equipment. It is this part of the costs that is the most costly when starting in such a business.

From the equipment you will need:

  • computers — $600/2pcs.
  • scanners — $200/1pc.
  • printers (preferably laser) - $350 - $600 per one
  • phones and Internet access — $100
  • plotter — $18000
  • laminator - $300 - $2000
  • furniture.

You must understand that outdoor advertising will be the main part of your income, so for the future it is worth planning the purchase of professional equipment for printing and laminating signs and other things. Prices for such equipment start at $ 5,000 and above, and for starters, you can use the services of the nearest printing house. At the start, you need to make a bias towards high-quality design and make as many works as possible for the portfolio.

When you have the financial opportunity to purchase equipment for professional printing, you can not only increase income from each order by avoiding intermediaries, but also significantly expand the range of manufactured products.

Like graphic design and photography? Then read ready business photo studio launch plan. All the nuances of the promotion and maintenance of this business in our article -. We hope you find something useful for yourself!


To begin with, one designer and one sales manager for services can do all the work, but the selection of personnel should be taken very seriously. A designer must have a portfolio of work, you must clearly see what a person can do. Based on these works, clients will decide to work with you or not. An important factor is that he must be able to communicate with the client and clearly "hear" what the customer needs, putting his personal creative ambitions a little aside. This is a big problem for many designers.

Sales manager, you will test it in practice. Often you have to fire several people to find a decent employee. It is desirable to pay for his work in the format of the minimum rate and a percentage of sales. This will at least motivate him to work more efficiently.

How much money is needed?

When compiling a business plan for an outdoor advertising agency, you will need to competently work out all the expense items in order to assess the level of return on investment in the future and plan further activities.

Starting investments

  • cosmetic repairs of the premises - $ 1000
  • purchase of furniture and equipment – ​​$20,000
  • corporate identity creation – $300
  • paperwork - $200

Monthly investment

  • rent for the premises - $4 - $5 per 1 sq.m.
  • utilities - about $60 - $80 during the heating period.
  • taxes - $100
  • salary - from $400 per employee
  • advertising - $90

Depending on the services you will provide, this list of costs may change. You need to substitute your cost values ​​that are relevant for your city.

The average profitability of an outdoor advertising business is 20% - 35%.

The payback of a small agency will be about 1.5 - 2 years. If you do not buy a plotter, then the payback is up to six months.

Conclusions. The outdoor advertising market is still very relevant and there is a constant demand for specialists in its development. You can safely occupy this niche by evaluating the competition and choosing a good team. The main thing in this direction is where to develop and what to strive for. A good choice for a budding entrepreneur.

Any thoughts on this business idea? Looking forward to your feedback and comments below.