Appetizing seats. How to apply photo design in the most unexpected places

  • 23.09.2019

Peculiarities flower business or how much you can earn selling flowers on March 8

Until March 8, there is not much time left when you need to buy a basket of fresh flowers. Flower sellers are looking forward to this day, because Women's Day (and even September 1) then feeds them for a whole year. One flower brings 200-300 percent profit. We decided to trace the whole flower path this business: from a greenhouse or an overseas lawn to a cold Moscow counter. Where do roses and tulips come from in our flower markets? What kind of profit do sellers have? And how much, for example, a beginner in this business can earn on March 8 if he decides to resell the roses bought at the wholesale base.

I did not count on sky-high profits - I would like to return my own, well, at least to earn a cup of Americano with milk. So I thought modestly, going to the flower base to buy a dozen popular flowers at a penny price and resell them near the nearest metro station.

Trade streak

The retail sale of flowers is considered one of the most profitable businesses in Russia. According to unofficial statistics, the flower turnover in the domestic market is about 2 billion dollars a year. Wholesalers, who on ordinary days receive 80-100 thousand rubles of profit, can earn up to 4-5 million rubles on hot three or four March days.

My appetites were much more modest. I planned to spend 250 re on flowers - this is how much a package of 10 roses costs at a wholesale flower base. It was scary to buy more - after all, my business is illegal.

- Mmmm, have you decided to trade? yourself?- there was a catch in the voice of the saleswoman at the base.

- No, I’ll hire a person, I’ll put it near the metro,- I immediately went backwards. Well, we don’t have a trading vein in our family!

At the saleswoman, she not only was, but beat with a key. Feeling that she smelled like a wholesale purchase, she skillfully began to promote the client.

- We give roses 50 cm long for 44 rubles apiece. They are Dutch, high-quality, will stand for a long time. Bush goes for 39 and 49 rubles - these flowers are for everybody,- the girl chattered. - There are tulips - all for 29 rubles, only Moscow ones have 25 pieces in a package, and Dutch ones - 29. I advise you to take imported ones, they last longer and bloom more slowly.

Flower business: Bet on roses

In flower tents, such beauty is at odds with a 100% cheat: roses are already sold there for 100 (or even 130) rubles apiece, and tulips - for 40–60. And no one makes special secrets from where the flowers come from. Take, for example, Moscow tulips.

If the wholesaler notifies the local state farm of ornamental crops of his intention to purchase the desired flower in autumn or early winter (no later than January), when the flower is still “at the bulbous stage”, its price will be 12-15 rubles per piece (depending on the variety). At the beginning of the year, it will grow by 2–3 rubles, and on the eve of holidays, such as March 8, flowers from the manufacturer will fly away with a bang for 20–25 rubles. But even such a price enables the reseller to make a 100% markup in order to bring it up to the market average - 50 rubles apiece. And on the eve of March 8, they will be torn off by 70 with their hands.

However, I decided to bet on roses. For 25 rubles apiece, I could only buy short roses, 40 cm long. The flowers came from Holland, although the label showed Kenya as the country of origin.

With them, I went to a lively place - to the nearest metro. Competitors were there at every turn - my modest bouquet was filled with five flower tents at once with their variety, and two more shops with real florists. Aunts with bouquets, however, did not stand - the time had not yet come. I went to their vacant places with my modest roses.

- Can I stand next to you?- Politely asked the boy in camouflage, selling bath accessories.

He was already in a hurry:

- What do you need? You don't look like a merchant. They walk around with trunks, but where are your flowers?

I say, I decided to make money on coffee.

- So do not suffer in vain! I'll buy you coffee at least now in a nearby tent for 15 rubles.

That's how we met. Vasily turned out to be unromantic, but very practical. He had everything at this point. From him, I learned that if the party is large, dealers pay 5 rubles per flower, that the local police are not dangerous, and you need to be afraid of district raids.

- Stay close and no one will touch you, - summed up Vasily. - Recently there was a check, the "leftists" have already been shuged. You have an hour. Can you manage?

I can manage, but how can I sell these damn roses?!

Failed marketing ploy in the flower business

"Attention! Stock! One flower - 40 rubles, a bouquet of three - for 100! “Buy roses, only from the greenhouse!”

I instantly changed slogans, but people only looked sideways and were not going to buy.

In a fit of despair, I even tried to give away the entire ill-fated bouquet at face value - 25 rubles apiece. Many were asked, no one took it.

After half an hour of trampling, I studied every crack in the petals, counted all the thorns on the stems, and the more I looked at my treasure, the more I realized that the word “roses” did not fit my flowers at all. "Roses" - still all right. Well, they didn't grow up. A saleswoman from a neighboring flower tent generally dubbed them "Kenyan garbage." Explained:

- At the base they sell regrading. What is not quoted at auctions in Holland is bought up for pennies by resellers and brought to us. This non-standard and clogged flower base. But are they flowers?

The lady florist from the store turned out to be more economically savvy. Skeptically looking at the bouquet, she said that my choice was an unsuccessful marketing ploy:

-Dealers have the most popular flowers - roses with a long stem and a bud the size of a fist, so you can make money on them. At an auction in Holland, such flowers cost about 14-16 rubles, retail price they start from 100 rubles apiece, before the holiday on March 8, sellers usually still wind up 20%.

According to her, the formula of the flower business is as follows: the initial cost of the flower plus the customs markup to enter the party on legal grounds, then wholesalers add 20–30% to the price, but even after that, the seller may well lay a 100% profit. Golden flowers are coming!

I thought like this: everyone who could have already earned on my rose - and, without regretting at all, I gave flowers away.

Chronicle of the Flower Wars

  • February 2012. In Moscow, an angry buyer, having quarreled with a flower seller, threw an object that looked like a bomb into the store. Luckily, it was only a dummy made from 14 batteries screwed onto a cell phone.
  • August 2011. In Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory), a 38-year-old flower shop salesman was shot in the head.
  • December 2010 In Perm, an attack was made on a saleswoman in the Flowers pavilion. With knife wounds the woman was taken to the hospital.
  • March 2003 In Tomsk, the owner of the largest flower shop in the region was killed.
  • June 2000 In Moscow, 40-year-old owner of a chain of flower shops on Leninsky Prospekt Alexei Kachkov was shot dead.
  • Load chrysanthemums by wagons

    Flowers, although they are perishable goods, but in refrigerators they can even wait a month for their finest hour. That is why wholesalers are preparing in advance for the March bread days. So, more than 100 flower trucks pass through one customs post on hot February days, each of which can fit tons of cargo.

    - Where do flower trucks arrive at the customs posts of the Moscow region?

    Basically, commodity consignments follow from the Republic of Lithuania, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. This is explained by the fact that trade takes place on international markets, and therefore consignments are often completed in the Baltic warehouses. But at the same time, the countries of origin of flowers are the Netherlands, Ecuador, Colombia and Kenya - they occupy a leading position. A small percentage of goods come from Turkey, Israel, Ethiopia and some African countries.

    We do not control the domestic market and cannot say how much flower production is left in Moscow, and how much went to the regions.

    Flowers arrive in uniform batches throughout the year. Although they are considered perishable goods, they are stored in refrigerators for a long time. However, we still note a slight increase in clearance volumes in late January - early February and, as a rule, August. These outbursts are quite understandable.

    - And what are the largest batches passed through the customs department?

    According to one declaration, we usually issue about 2-3 tons of flower products, which are transported by one truck. It usually contains a groupage cargo: bush roses, and piece roses, and greens for making bouquets, flowers in pots can also be transported there. The color names are also different. In addition to popular roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, gladioli, and other flowers are also brought. In one consignment, for example, there can be up to 100 thousand pieces of roses.

    - And in what cases is a biased search still carried out?

    Only if there is a violation of the law. For example, when employees suspect that the declaration contains false information. If, say, expensive flowers are transported with less valuable varieties, but at the same time they indicate that cheap roses make up 80% of the batch, expensive roses - 20%, but in fact everything is exactly the opposite. It happens that the declaration contains false information about the country of origin of goods in order to avoid prohibitions and restrictions established by law.

    - What is the punishment for violators?

    The most common punishment, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, is from half to three times the value of a consignment, with or without confiscation. From the beginning of 2011 to the present, 100 cases of administrative offenses have been initiated and fines have been imposed in the amount of 4 million 476 thousand rubles.


    Tatyana Mikhalkova, President charitable foundation"Russian with silhouette":

    My discovery is mimosa. Yes, these worn, vulgar flowers that have been sold near the metro all their lives. But when I saw mimosa blossoms in Spain, in Italy (and there are just kilometers of these flowers), I literally fell in love with them.

    Olga Krasko, actress:

    I myself grow flowers in my country house, and my greatest pride is clematis. Huge, curly, crawling: One of those famous flowers that can be used to cover gazebos.

    Angelina Vovk, TV presenter:

    Traditionally, since Soviet times, the most festive flowers are tulips. On March 8, I give preference to them. I love pink, yellow, white - so that there is a palette of the most delicate shades.

    Galina Polskikh, actress:

    Jasmine. Very delicate flowers; when they bloom, they have an insanely pleasant smell. True, they do not last long, but nevertheless I manage to enjoy them.


    Everything is serious in Holland

    More than 80% of the flowers bought and sold worldwide go through an auction in Aalsmeer (near Amsterdam). This does not mean at all that all flowers are grown in Holland. The best roses arrive at the auction from Ecuador, Colombia, Ethiopia and Kenya, irises and carnations - from Spain, Turkey and Israel. Israel also supplies greenery to decorate bouquets, and Turkey also supplies gerberas. But the highest quality tulips are still grown by little Holland.

    More than 20 million flowers and plants pass through the auction every day. In just four hours of the exchange's operation, 12 million roses are sold. The main product ends by 09.00. At the signal of the operator on the electronic display, reminiscent of a clock face (and there are several of them in one hall), a light bulb lights up at the “100” mark, indicating the maximum price for one flower. At this time, samples of the offered goods are moving around the hall on a special conveyor. The lights turn on and off, moving from "100" to "1". Bidding always starts at the highest price and it falls quickly.

    According to this scheme, up to 1.5 thousand transactions are made in one hour, information about which is immediately entered into the computer. In addition, in recent years, an electronic trading system has been used. It makes it possible to conduct remote trading, that is, to buy in real time and have equal rights with ordinary auction players, without being physically present at it.


    Did you know that your passion for floriculture or gardening can be turned into a business idea?

    You can earn on plants both as a main income and as a passive one. There are several ways to make money on plants: on plants for the kitchen, i.e. cooking, growing grass for cats, growing ornamental houseplants or seasonal flowers.

    If you decide to start growing decorative indoor plants, then it is best for this fit undemanding plants , For example: lavender; betel palm; spathiphyllum; yucca; dracaena; nolina; epipremnum; bamboo. You do not need to buy expensive pots to sell plants. Choose better containers of different cost. You can also decorate flower pots with original inexpensive items.

    Where can you offer your product? In offices, designers, housewives.

    well implemented seasonal plants for planting in the country, garden, balconies. By the spring-summer period, such plants can be grown and placed in beautiful pots. After all, buyers are attracted not only by the plant itself, but also by the container in which the plant is located. sell well spring and summer petunias, gazanias - African daisies. Gazania can then be divided into several pots. And after the gazania has faded, you can collect the seeds and plant again. By the way, this plant can be grown and flower pot on the windowsill. In our homeland, gazania is a perennial plant, and in our climate it is an annual. But with the onset of cold weather, you can grow the plant in a flower pot at home. With its large bright colors, the gazania is sure to attract attention. Seasonal products also include the cultivation of seedlings of vegetables.

    seedling growing costs go ornamental plants small: seeds 8-50 rubles per bag; flower pots are inexpensive - 1-15 rubles; soil 10-20 rubles. for 1 kg. In total it turns out 25 - 85 rubles. One plant in a flower pot - 50 rubles - 200 rubles or more.

    Is it possible to earn aquarium plants?

    How to make money on aquarium plants?

    Yes, you can make money on aquarium plants. But such a business requires experience and equipment. All this comes gradually. First you need to master the breeding of fast-growing and unpretentious aquarium plants, for example, cryptocoria, anubis, echinodocus. Over time, you can move on to breeding expensive aquatic plants.

    Be sure to study the literature on breeding indoor plants and especially about necessary conditions growth.

    The idea of ​​growing aquatic plants for sale was not immediately realized. Be patient. This may take several months.

    You will need the appropriate equipment, and not only an aquarium, but also heaters, lighting lamps, etc.

    Don't forget also that there will be financial expenses for electricity.

    Where can you sell grown aquatic plants? Well, of course, first of all, to the pet store. However, keep in mind that you will have to negotiate a price and lose some of the profits. You can also sell plants yourself at animal and plant markets. Try to use Internet resources and advertise on aquarist forums. On average, you can earn $ 1,500 - $ 2,000 on aquarium plants.

    Hello! In this article, we will discuss how to make money from home flowers.

    • How much can you earn: from 10,000 rubles per month.
    • Minimum requirements: the ability to breed capricious flowers.
    • Is it worth doing: if you are not afraid of difficulties and high competition.

    General information on home business

    Before we move on to the main topic of the article, I would like to talk about in general. Most people think of a home business as just a way to make some money with little to no effort. I will try to destroy this myth. But first, let's talk about the good.

    Home business has its advantages:

    • Complete independence.
    • Possibility to work at home.
    • High income.

    But this imposes a number of restrictions and risks. For example, if you work with message boards and social networks, you will constantly have to answer messages and calls, communicate with potential customers and deal with the stupidity of people.

    There are many examples when the ad says “call from 10 to 20”, and people try to get through at 7 or 8 in the morning.

    And one more important point. Your income will always depend on the amount of work you do every day. You can’t do something relaxed when there is time and constantly postponing for tomorrow. If you want to earn money, you will have to adapt and live in a higher rhythm. And endlessly, over and over again, to leave the comfort zone.

    Risks in business are the most important and difficult. No one can say for sure whether they will buy something from you or not. Can you really get out good income or so you will hang out in the region of 5 - 10 thousand rubles every month. Or maybe you will be at a loss.

    That is why a home business is only suitable for those who are really confident in themselves and love what they do.

    If you are ready to run a home business and take all the risks, let's talk in detail about whether you can make money on flowers, how to do it and how much you can earn.

    Is it possible to make money on indoor flowers

    The flower business is one of the highest marginal. The cost of 1 flower is usually 3-5 times lower than its retail price. But indoor plants are an exception.

    Indeed, sprouts cost little money. But then there's the land, the pots, and the fixed costs of the space. Lighting, temperature maintenance, etc. This really adds up to a big sum.

    At the same time, it should be understood that it will take a long time to grow your own flowers - from 1 to 3 months, depending on the type and variety. This also leaves a certain imprint. Those involved in resale will undoubtedly be ahead, because there is usually no more than 7 to 14 days between order and delivery.

    There are many people who want to make money from indoor flower breeding. But they do not know how to run a business, sell and do everything correctly and competently. Despite this, the flower business is huge, so it will be difficult for a beginner to advance at first.

    We can draw a simple conclusion: you can make money on home flowers. But for this you will have to learn a lot, withstand competition and adapt to the new rhythm of life.

    How to organize earnings on flowers

    To learn how to grow home flowers, the Internet alone will not be enough. You need someone who really understands this. Any specialist with practical experience will do.

    Just do not contact the sellers of flowers. They don't know how flowers are grown. They don't have experience. They just stand behind the counter and help you choose.

    After that, you can move on to practice. Before organizing a business, it is better to practice and grow 3-5 plants for yourself. Buy sprouts, soil and pots. Do everything right and after everything succeeds, you can proceed to the next stage.

    To grow home flowers, you do not need special equipment and greenhouses, you will need to re-equip at least 1 room.

    In 1 room 20x20 you can grow about 150 flowers.

    There should be a lot of light in the room. So you have to buy good powerful lamps. At first, you can get by with a balcony and window sills, but in the future this will not be enough. It would be a good idea to buy humidifiers and an air conditioner to keep the plant room at a constant temperature. It is very important.

    Total costs, if any good premises- 7-10 thousand rubles.

    What flowers are in demand

    The most important thing for such a business is to choose right flowers. There are two factors here:

    • People don't buy what they can grow themselves.
    • The price is very dependent on the appearance.

    In demand in the flower markets are: orchids, zamiokulkas, hoyu, varietal violets.

    Beautifully decorated home flowers are in demand. It is difficult to implement, but if you manage to arrange it beautifully, even unpretentious home plants will be bought. Just because they look really cool.

    A win-win option for earning money is microgardens. They are made from plants and small houses along with the site. But this is more of an ornament.

    Where to look for clients

    And after that you make reposts on your own page. And you already communicate with her in thematic groups, tell about yourself, what you do, without a hint of sales. Interested users will come in, see and, if they like your flowers, discuss the purchase.

    Message boards - I'm not sure if this will work, but as one of the sales channels - why not. It's pretty easy to work:

    1. Register on the bulletin board of your city (this may be a Vkontakte group) and on Avito.
    2. Publish ads for the sale of home flowers.
    3. You are contacted for purchase.

    To work with bulletin boards, you need to pump a little in the ability to write and take high-quality photographs.

    Skill will come with experience, but nice photos it's better to do it from the beginning. They will help sell your flowers better than all your assurances.

    Markets - although it is trite, it still works. Markets are a good place to sell just about anything. Flowers in pots are one of the selling options.

    It will be very cool if you have grandparents who have practically nothing to do in their free time. Because the first time you stand in the market, you have to spend a large number of time and combine with the main work will not work.

    Flower shops - these guys usually have no problems with suppliers. But there is one important difference. You are close. No need to spend extra money on shipping. And if you still offer favorable conditions, you can easily sell your own product. You need:

    1. Come to the flower shop.
    2. Ask for the contact information of the owner.
    3. Offer him your own flowers.
    4. Discuss terms.
    5. Reach an agreement.

    It sounds quite difficult, especially if you have no experience. But with the proper ability to negotiate, you can easily convince the store owner that it is more profitable for him to buy flowers from you than to bring them at least from the capital.

    Owning a small store is already a dream to aspire to.

    I had 3 small pavilions in the shopping center in my city, where potted flowers were sold. Unfortunately, they closed very quickly, because the owners swung at too much rent.

    For this method of selling, you need to have good business knowledge. It is necessary to think about what traffic will be, how many potential customers there will be, what profit will be, what additional sales can be included, etc. It is highly recommended for a beginner to rent space for sale.

    Who buys house flowers in pots

    Deciding on is almost half the battle for a successful sale. The portrait of your potential client is something like this:

    • Female.
    • 25-40 years old.
    • Average income.
    • Flower lover.
    • Married.
    • With kids.

    Approximately such an audience will mainly buy home flowers. This means that you need to focus on feelings and emotions in your sales materials. Talk about the beauty of flowers, that they cause well-being in the house, etc.

    The landmark of a good selling text is your mother. If she liked it and she wanted to buy, then everything will be fine.

    How much can you earn growing flowers

    Before you have stable clients who will bring their acquaintances to you, you can count on 10-15 thousand rubles a month. This is a kind of start for those who are engaged in any home business.

    Over time, as soon as you have customers and before you open your own store, income can grow to 30 - 40 thousand rubles a month. Unless, of course, you take it as a seasonal business and treat breeding and selling not as a hobby.

    As soon as you open your first small store, your profits will be noticeably higher. With the right approach, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles every month, but about half of all the money will have to be spent on consumables and paying for the store.


    A home business is an opportunity to become independent and earn a decent income doing what you really like. Houseplants are one option. If you enjoy taking care of plants, then breeding and selling them is a really good option.

    Glossy magazines, vacation trips abroad, offices large companies, specialized exhibitions ... There are more and more sources that feed the fashion to decorate houses with elegant compositions from plants. And before we had a lot of fans to plant windowsills, using improvised materials, assorted pots and bowls. But today everything is different. There was a steady demand for the "right" accessories, new types of plants that require special soil, fertilizers, supports. And it's time to offer this product to fellow citizens.

    We have become accustomed to the abundance of outlets offering cut flowers, that is, plants for bouquets. However, this market is so competitive (corrupt-criminal, to be more precise) that it makes absolutely no sense to enter it today in the hope of a quick "promotion". It is much easier to develop new niches in this area, and the most promising is the sale not so much of exotic indoor plants that have recently become extremely popular with us, but of those numerous items, tools and potions that are required for their successful growth.

    Preparing this material, we interviewed the owners of almost a dozen flower shops in Moscow. In most cases, they were unanimous: the main source of income in the flower business is " expendable materials”, which, in principle, is true in almost all industries. As you know, even such giants as HP or Xerox receive a significant share of their profits from the sale of cartridges and other “consumables” rather than office equipment.

    selling green friend

    Flower growers are a little crazy people. They themselves say that they behave in flower shop, "like goats in a garden." In fact, everyone has different needs, and if one, having found a coveted specimen of a plant, stops at least for a while, the other will buy a dozen during this time. However, regardless of the size of the collection, all lovers of indoor plants need not only “tops and roots”, but also containers for their placement, different sizes, made of all kinds of materials, suitable for various interiors, as well as fertilizers, soils, lattices for climbing plants, expanded clay for drainage.

    Although the question of whether it is worth including indoor flowers in the assortment of a store selling accessories is not on the agenda at all, as it turned out. “For many such establishments, indoor flowers were a kind of transitional bridge from the cut trade to the current layout,” says Tatyana Ivanenko, manager of the World of Flowers store in the capital. - At first we traded only in bouquets, then the simplest types of indoor plants were added: saintpaulia violets, dracaena, colanchoe, chrysanthemums. Now in our store there are many varieties of pots, types of soil, fertilizers, flower stands, etc. We stopped selling cut flowers three years ago. But potted plants, despite the fact that they give a much lower profit, we will still keep. Very often, buyers come to us, attracted by the lush greenery in the hall, blooming orchids, unusual varieties of hibiscus. As a rule, these plants cost a lot, and even if the buyer decides to immediately purchase them, he will certainly pass through the entire hall. He will remember, for example, that his ficus has long needed polishing of the leaves, and will buy an aerosol for 120 rubles. And then he will see suitable pallets for Saintpaulias - that's another 50-100 rubles. Then he discovers a lovely flower stand. And finally, no buyer leaves without a couple of bags of suitable soil. According to Tatyana, average check in her store - about 400 rubles. With a flow of buyers from 60 to 150 people a day, daily revenue reaches 60 thousand rubles.

    It is not easy to talk about the profitability of the flower business in exact numbers. According to Vadim Sokhnadze, the owner of a flower kiosk near the Kievsky railway station, everything depends very much on the appetites of the merchant himself and his ability to calculate the exact balance between purchasing power and the willingness of the population to give a certain amount: “We do not raise prices for decorative flowering potted plants, we give the same gardenias are only 350 rubles, while competitors sell them for 450. In general, we keep them only for bait. But a smart seller will immediately offer the buyer a beautiful planter for a fragrant bush, and a couple of bags of fertilizer, so that the whole purchase will cost 600 rubles.

    The sale of potted flowers in megacities has recently become an advantage of large shopping centers, which can offer prices that are significantly lower than individual retail outlets. “You see, our violets cost 120 rubles, we add no more than 40 percent of the cost to the wholesale price,” says Dmitry Sotskov, owner of three flower pavilions in different parts of the capital. The conversation was at his shop near the Smolenskaya station, the customer had just approached a pallet of violets and, snorting indignantly, declared that the price for them was “godlessly high”. “Hypermarkets, especially specialized ones, can afford to run super promotions to attract customers. On Violet Day, for example, they sell these plants for only 40 rubles, which is much lower than the selling price of wholesalers! That's why we try to switch to accessories."

    Buying potted plants from the same wholesalers that deal with large shopping malls, small retailers could get good discounts by bundling their orders. “Unfortunately, the unification is not going well for us,” Dmitry throws up his hands. “We tried to offer cooperation of this kind to several companies, but discord immediately began, since everyone has their own vision of what exactly should be purchased.”

    Gods don't burn pots

    We prefer to buy large-sized plants (the so-called plants of large sizes), as well as "sale" plants in hypermarkets. But then, when the green trophies are already in the apartment, the issues of their arrangement are decided in the nearest area.

    Usually, picking up armfuls of flower pots on the cheap, buyers do not think at that moment that they will need to be replanted in the very near future, - says Olga Chekar, co-owner of the FloraPlus pavilion. - A little later, it turns out that the flowers grow in the soil intended exclusively for transportation, that the plastic pots of large-sized ones are too light and therefore unstable, that ficuses need a haircut, hibiscus - in a garter, and indoor jasmine - in a support for weaving. It is hardly advisable to go to the same OBI for such trifles. And then buyers come to us.

    Most often, soil, planters and pots are purchased. There are already a lot of soil producers in Russia, so it can be purchased both directly from them and from wholesalers. It is desirable, as store owners suggest, to have several varieties of land: universal, for palm trees, azaleas and rhododendrons, etc. abroad, especially for plastic.

    The best are plastic and simple ceramic pots without glaze in brown, terracotta tones, - Tatyana Ivanenko shares her experience. - They look natural in any interior and are inexpensive. Plastic ones are especially practical - they are good for transportation, as they weigh very little. At the same time, they are produced in whole sets. Such pots fit easily into each other, which tempts many flower growers to buy them in series at once. The same pots are best used on racks that are mounted on struts between the floor and ceiling: ceramics are too heavy for such a construction.

    However, today there are many domestic manufacturers of ceramics, including pots. Products have one general disadvantage- they have too thick walls, they are difficult to transport and often scare off buyers with this quality. “However, there are pleasant exceptions,” says Olga Chekar. - For example, beautiful pots ceramics are now produced in Yaroslavl, in Yekaterinburg, planters from the nearest town of Nevyansk are in great demand. And there are many such examples. “It is worth taking a closer look at the local manufacturer and, perhaps, starting “explanatory” work with him,” she jokes. - At one time we did just that, having held a series of negotiations with one of the ceramics manufacturers near Moscow. He had never dealt with the flower direction before, and we came with our proposals for the purchase on time. This allowed him to avoid a lot of mistakes that beginners make in this business, and for us to achieve a reasonable price / quality ratio and find a permanent, reliable partner.” Apparently, FloraPlus values ​​​​this cooperation especially, therefore the company politely refused to give the coordinates of its partner.

    Issue price

    It turns out that this type of business today has one of the lowest bars to start. As Dmitry Sotskov, who started his business four years ago, told us, both then and now, an amount of 3-3.5 thousand dollars will be enough to start. Of course, not taking into account the cost of renting a room or a plot for a stall. Most importantly, you should have air conditioning to maintain certain temperature indoors, he says. The best place to start is in the spring, when you can put up a couple of beautiful flower stands on the sidewalk to attract customers. In addition, most of the new floriculture enthusiasts appear during this season. “Apparently, nature itself is pushing us to business,” Dmitry jokes. - Note that I myself got involved in the flower business at this time of the year. I found it very seductive and pleasant to spend my life in such a beautiful environment. Of course, everyday life turned out to be somewhat drier, - he notes. “Nevertheless, I love this business.”

    It is these people - in love with flowers - that should, according to Dmitry, be selected for the accessories trade. "Only a knowledgeable, enthusiastic seller can, on the one hand, give sensible advice, qualified advice to the client and make him his friend later, and on the other hand, will not allow him to leave empty-handed." In total, in the capital, according to the traders themselves, each family has an average of 3-4 indoor plants. And every year he buys a couple more, that is, about a million plants a year acquire new owners. “This market is growing before our eyes,” says Olga Chekar. “It’s time to enter it, because fellow citizens have just begun to realize the taste of life among flowers.”

    As Dmitry Sotskov notes, the earnings of the owners of the flower accessories business depend on the enthusiasm and desire to work: “One of my colleagues has a single dot in one of the passages. Despite the high rent, he organized the business in such a way that the monthly profit is about 30 thousand dollars. And his success can be repeated.

    I think that flower growers can live very well in the regions, - admits Tatyana Ivanenko. - Naturally, everywhere their nuances. So, for example, it is unlikely that anywhere in Kostroma or Novgorod packages with earth will be a great success. However, beautiful planters today are affordable for almost every family, and there are enough local manufacturers.

    Finally, there is another undeveloped area - as sellers of indoor plants and accessories for them note, an urgent need has appeared on the market for specialists who care for indoor flowers. This profession is still a rarity, they say, but more recently, caregivers have been just as exotic. aquarium fish. Now you can call the pros to clean your home pond or cure sick tilapia. In the same way, after some year or two, it will be possible to invite a master who will transplant you with special prickly cactus or save a sick orange - the niche is free. Time to get back to the roots!

    piece goods

    Quite a hot item in recent times among the owners of large collections have become various racks for pots. Those who decorate verandas and balconies with plants can be offered funny solutions: pot stands in the form of a wooden cart, a metal mouse with a wheelbarrow where the pot is placed, etc. Domestic craftsmen also got the hang of producing such products. They are not yet in circulation, which means they are original enough to attract the attention of fans. They could become circulation, but there would be no happiness for buyers if misfortune did not help. According to Dmitry Sotskov, the owner of the flower business, “wooden carts and stands are made for us by a real Karelian craftsman. We tried to go with them to large flower growing centers at OBI, IKEA stores, but the entry price turned out to be such that the game is not worth the candle.

    By the way, popular expression about the game made Dmitry think about a new direction in business, and then implement it. One of his acquaintances was friends with a man who appeared in the program “The director himself” with unique miniature felt boots the size of a woman’s palm of a couple. “This is a real Russian souvenir, it is well bought not only in summer, but also in winter, and it also looks very organic on large coniferous trees,” Dmitry laughs. “Now this master makes felt boots for us in whole batches at once!”

    Felt boots on cypress trees are a purely Russian invention. However, there are many already implemented ideas for arranging indoor plants that have come to us from the West. For example, very often florists use dry colored moss - not only green, but also blue, yellow, purple, red. Multi-colored pebbles look good in wide flower pallets. In pots with decorative deciduous plants, which, by definition, never bloom themselves or bloom quite plainly, fellow citizens are happy to plant artificial butterflies, beetles, dragonflies on wires and clothespins. All this splendor can be done with your own hands, and the manufacture of such crafts will cost absolutely ridiculous money. Any brisk granny from a village near Moscow will agree to collect and dye moss for a nominal fee for your company, and seaside aunts will take care of pebbles and quartz sand, fortunately, Russia has enough coastlines.

    Evgeniya Lenz

    You decide to open own business, and selected flowers as the item to be sold. Well! Flowers are beautiful in themselves, and do not require the creation of a special atmosphere of the outlet, because they create it themselves. On the eve of the holidays, the margin on flowers reaches 300%. Quite an acceptable business for connoisseurs of beauty. Although, of course, not everything is so simple. And the main problem is the short shelf life of this product. So how to make money on flowers?

    How to make money on flowers? If you do not have solid experience and the same start-up capital, then, of course, you need to start by opening a tent in a busy place in the city center, in a market, in a passage.

    So, you have collected documents, registered an individual entrepreneur, found a place - and you started! Many people prefer to start with the least risky, but also the least profitable way - the periodic purchase of small consignments of goods from wholesale dealers. The main risk in this case is the purchase of low-quality expired goods, since it is impossible to consider each flower separately in a wholesale lot. Until a beginner learns to accurately understand quality, it is more expedient to opt for the best-selling roses and the most persistent carnations and chrysanthemums.

    Opening a flower pavilion promises much more serious profits, but this requires an area of ​​​​more than 50m 2 to place a trading floor and a warehouse there.

    Equipment for the flower pavilion

    How to make money on flowers: the most important for successful management flower business is to create suitable conditions to preserve the quality of the product. Therefore, you can not save on equipment. More to lose in the future. The room should have air conditioning, and for freshly cut specimens, an industrial refrigeration unit is required.

    If there is a sufficient size of the room, you can deal not only with cut flowers, but also potted options, selling seeds, bulbs, top dressing, and ceramic products.

    It is necessary to plan the purchase of shelving for the trading floor and at least elementary office furniture.

    Your own florist!

    It is simply impossible to do without the services of an experienced florist in the flower business. And the services of a real specialist are worth it - oh, how expensive! Therefore, if you are engaged in the flower trade at the call of your heart, then it is most expedient to complete specialized courses yourself. This will help you not only better understand colors, but also personally train staff and control the quality of services provided.

    Moving to the next level

    If you become the owner of the necessary storage equipment that allows you to extend the life of your fragile goods, your turnover has increased and allows you to significantly increase the purchased volumes, then you should simply refuse the services of many wholesalers. How to make money on flowers? Now is the time to establish direct links with greenhouse owners and importers.

    You must change both the assortment of the product and its pricing. Cheap options in your pavilion will be of little relevance, since a buyer with limited funds is unlikely to visit your store. And now the first place is no longer the price of the goods, but its freshness and quality. And, of course, to compete, you must provide the service yourself. high level. To increase income, many salons are engaged in the delivery of goods, provide design services, cooperate with ritual bureaus and wedding salons.

    So, starting with one tent, you can become the creator of a whole flower kingdom that brings both income and joy at the same time!