Flower delivery business plan. How to choose equipment

  • 23.09.2019

How to start a flower business: how to open and register a flower shop, what you need to open (advertising, equipment, related costs), premises and location, assortment policy and the subtleties of purchasing goods.


This is not just a business. Over time, it becomes a way of life. Captivates, captivates, captivates. How? Constant contact with nature. A permanent feeling that you bring a particle of beauty into the world, you give joy to people. An activity filled with emotions. Who once plunged into the flower business, parted with him only due to force majeure.

However, we will focus on the mentioned correct approach, which will allow you to get the maximum possible profit from trading in such a complex product.

How to open a flower shop

Consider the question of where to start and how to properly organize the flower trade.


The registration process is perhaps the easiest thing in the flower business. Register IP in accordance with 52.48.32 OKVED " Retail sale of flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers. It is necessary to choose a taxation system (UTII or STS).

After registering an enterprise, it is necessary to purchase a cash register, as well as register a KKM with tax office. Self-registration will take about two weeks. It is easier to use the service offered by KKM sellers. In this case, the registration process in the tax office will take a maximum of 3 days.

Mandatory Documentation

At the point of sale (regardless of its area) there must be a package of documents, and most of them must be available to buyers. This includes:

  • Permission for the right to trade (obtained in the council in accordance with N 381-FZ).
  • Conclusion of SES on compliance.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Price (optional).
  • Packing list.

The remaining documents (lease agreement, KKM registration certificate, cash register) are also preferably kept at the point of sale. Vendors and florists must have medical books, as well as badges with full name and photo.


Certification is not required, but there is a caveat. This document inspires confidence, and the business owner costs the cost of a photocopy. Most reputable suppliers undergo voluntary certification. It remains only to take a copy from them when purchasing goods.

What does it take to start a flower business?


from four sides. The box itself costs about $1,000, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The main expense is coordination in the proper instance, which can cost $10,000 (MSK). In the regions, these figures are much lower, but they cannot be ignored (a significant expense item).

Flower shop equipment

You can't open without a refrigerator. refrigerators compartment may be ready, but it is extremely inconvenient. It is preferable to do "by yourself". In this case, you do not need to immediately turn to the "masters of the cold." First you need to build the “room” itself (more profitable). One side of the refrigerator should be "deaf". Well, if it is a wall. The rest are plastic "windows" made according to individual measurements.

A door is required, but preferably several (depending on size). After the chamber is built, a cassette split system or a monoblock is installed in it (possibly when there is another "blind" wall). Together with all the work, the refrigerator will cost from 120 to 200 thousand rubles.

In tonars or small pavilions, a standard split system with a winter option is installed. Accordingly, this is the cost of a conventional installation of an air conditioner.

Racks for flowers are needed, as well as flowerpots. In large cells, shelves are usually equipped and glass vases are used. In tonars and small pavilions, these are special designs (about 4 thousand one) and plastic flasks (from 80 to 150 rubles each) for them.

Cash register

The cost of a cash register varies in the range from 9 to 15 thousand rubles.

The purchase of a cut for a small pavilion will cost about 40 thousand rubles (MSK). Fully fill a large store with goods: from 300 to 400 thousand.

Related costs

Flower packaging is required. For starters, don't get too carried away. colors, purchase universal shades: mesh, felt, matting, sisal, tape. Transparent cellophane - No. 1. Always needed. This is the most popular type of packaging. In addition, you will need: gerbera wire, teip, adhesive tape, glue gun. From tools: secateurs, scissors, floristic knives, wire cutters. All together will cost about 5 thousand rubles.

Premises for a flower shop and its location

A store or outlet may be located:

  • In the tone. Small place on wheels. Essentially a car trailer.
  • In the pavilion. small rooms, modular designs.
  • In a separate room (rare, almost unreal luck).
  • On the ground floor of a residential building (only the first line).
  • In the mall.

The lowest rent is in shopping centers. Then - tonars and pavilions.

In a separate line: online store. It should be opened with a fully established business. It cannot exist separately.

The territorial location of the flower shop (IMPORTANT!)

From right choice the location of the premises intended for a flower shop of any level depends, not much, not a little, on the “fate” of the business.

The proximity to the metro station is not always a big advantage. It is important where the exit from the station goes: people come home or leave home. But this is not the main thing. Main stream - highway. She gives a big flow.

If a place is chosen on the highway closer to the city center, then the most powerful traffic will be where the movement is towards the region, and vice versa: when located in residential areas, you need a direction to the center.

If the store is located near the metro, but there is no road nearby, you can not expect large daily sales. Of course, if the professionalism of the staff is at the highest level, and the assortment is always full, including rare exotic flowers and plants, sooner or later the enterprise will work at full capacity, but this will take at least three years. Plus, you will have to constantly make financial injections into advertising, pay for a highly qualified florist and maintain the range at the proper level. A similar arrangement of a flower salon is too long a ruble.

There are nuances. Not every track is guaranteed a quick start. Buying power is reduced by 50% if the store is located:

  • on highways on the sides of which parking is prohibited.
  • At the track, which has understudies.
  • Right next to a public transport stop, where parking is also not possible.

"Pitfalls" of the lease

If denied in rental holidays, should be concerned. There can be no urgency. Holidays are a standard need for any sales organization. It is necessary, at a minimum, to equip the premises, bring in equipment, goods, decorate windows. In most cases, this takes a week. If needed redecorating, some alterations, it will take a month. Refusal of the landlord in the standard requirement is the reason not to rent the premises. Most likely, either there are no rights, or there will be difficulties with taxation.

The requirement for an advance payment of two months is justified only for shopping centers. However, in recent times, even in them it is not practiced.

When drawing up a lease, it is necessary to clarify whether the monthly fee is included in the amount communal payments. Tariffs for electricity and utility services for commercial enterprises significantly different from consumer Electricity charges can reach $300 per month. Price garbage collection also significantly higher. In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether the landlord has this agreement at all. If not, then there is a risk of being left without the opportunity to get rid of packaging containers and other rubbish, which will be quite a lot.

When renting in a shopping center or a residential building, you must immediately check the availability outdoor advertising opportunities. It can easily not be. In this case, it is reasonable to abandon the premises and find another. For pavilions, this rule also exists. There are situations when the height of the room is such that outdoor advertising cannot be placed due to inconsistency with the architectural plan of the area.

In general, when concluding a contract, you should resort to the help of a lawyer. It is not so expensive, but it can save you from a lot of troubles, up to the fact that the landlord ends the land acquisition period. It will be extremely unpleasant if in a couple of months the building will be demolished.

Features of the assortment, what colors to trade

For small areas The best option is to trade in freshly cut flowers. Potted crops and related products are extremely rare in such places. The product of this category occupies a precious place, which can and should be used in order to increase the assortment of the cut.

Assortment for tonar

The range is minimal. The area does not allow to maintain any serious level.

  • Carnation ( several colors: red, white, motley).
  • bush carnation ( several colors: white, pink, motley).
  • Chrysanthemum single-headed ( white, yellow, lilac).
  • Chrysanthemum bush ( white, yellow, variegated).
  • Rose ( burgundy, white, pink, yellow, motley).
  • spray rose(pink, white).
  • Gerbera (mix).
  • Tulip ( February to June: white, yellow, pink).

Assortment for the pavilion

If the area of ​​the pavilion is about 10 sq.m, then the assortment practically does not differ from that in the tonar. Starting from 18 sq.m, you can already buy: orchids, anthuriums, irises + increase the number of rose varieties.

Store assortment

Starting from a 30-meter area, it already makes sense to trade potted crops, soils, pots, boxes. On a 50-meter square, the assortment will be complete:

  • All possible cut, including exotic, in a large refrigerator.
  • Artificial flowers. Dried flowers. Pot cultures, including large-sized ones.
  • Pots of all kinds: plastic, clay, ceramic.
  • Soils, fertilizers and other preparations.
  • Vases: from ordinary glass to author's works.
  • Postcards.
  • Various decor for home and garden.
  • Thematic Literature.

In a large store, you can and should organize gift wrapping. The production of author's postcards is welcome. Everything is used: dry flowers, beads, beads, ribbon, colored paper. The main thing is the florist's imagination.

How to make a purchase

The main immutable rule - never stick to one supplier even if it has a super item. Some kind of force majeure and you can be left not only without profit due to the lack of goods, but also incur unforeseen costs associated with salary personnel. In addition, rent should also be taken into account.

The ideal option is the choice of three main suppliers. The following are widely represented on the market: Holland, Ecuador, Russia. So you need to choose three wholesalers. If something happens to one, two-thirds of the ordered goods will be received anyway.

Colombia is very widely represented in Russia. This product is only suitable for pavilions. It must be sold quickly. The price is relatively low. Russian flowers are definitely more expensive. Pot cultures - Holland and Russia.

For small additional purchases that will definitely be required at the beginning, the best supplier is “ 7 colors in". These are democratic prices, a wide choice, and a flexible approach. Contact the manager, and all restrictions will be lifted ( tested). This is a Dutch, international company. As for the other suppliers, you will have to choose on your own, starting from their prices and the quality of the goods supplied.

1. Basic purchase

In the course of work, the main assortment will be formed - positions and their quantity, which is sold in any case. This will be the main purchase. It will need to be pre-ordered from all suppliers in order to be guaranteed to receive the goods on certain days. It is preferable to place such an order on Wednesday. First, it will have to be re-registered several times, then the main purchase will take place automatically.

2. Additional purchase

This is a rather subtle point that requires experience. Flowers are bought here, which are supposed to be sold. It is almost impossible to form a stable list. It should be borne in mind that additional purchases are always more expensive, since discounts apply to the main purchase.

3. Holiday shopping

On February 14, a double purchase is made. Moreover, the main + additional purchase. The goods must be ordered three weeks before the holiday. Some wholesalers may require you to place an order one month before delivery. Their demand must be met.

An order for March 8 is made a month before the 1st day. This purchase is tenfold. An advance payment of at least 30% will be required. When planning the movement of funds, this aspect must be taken into account, as well as the fact that prices rise quite seriously.

Trying to negotiate with suppliers about payment after the fact can lead to their agreement and disastrous results. Risk of being out of stock on the most trading days of the year is too large. Suppliers' requirements are more than justified. They pay for flowers from their own funds, which are simply not enough for the festive volume. At auctions and plantations, flowers are not released on credit.


The standard markup is 200%. However, for a product that looks more expensive, you should set the price higher, since it periodically decreases for a fresh cut. In addition, when determining the cost of freshly cut flowers, one should start from the maximum price tag of the product, that is, from the cost of flowers purchased at an additional purchase (it is more expensive than the main one). This is done for stability. Customers don't like jumpy pricing. Buyers tend to look for flowers in advance, a few days before the intended purchase. If the selected product suddenly becomes more expensive, a person will buy it, but will not come to this store again.

Price reduction

In the flower business, this process is mandatory and must be carried out on time. In the refrigerator, flowers are stored for quite a long time, but you need to reduce the price for them not according to appearance, but by the date of purchase. Do not wait until the presentation is lost. It will happen immediately and irrevocably. If the flowers are not sold within a week, their price must be reduced without fail. The florist should put them to work first.

Seasonality and holidays

Trade in flowers is a fickle process, but very predictable. The decline is observed in the following periods:

  • The first two weeks of January because of the holidays.
  • great post. Weak trading all 49 days, excluding March 8.
  • May holidays (holidays).
  • Last two weeks of August. This is due to the preparation of children for school.
  • September, starting from the second week. Reason: velvet season.
  • Last two weeks of December. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate the New Year.

In addition to these standard "failures", the flower market reacts to sharp changes in exchange rates and collapses on stock exchanges. The reasons are difficult to identify, but the trend can be traced. With proper business management, this does not have a significant impact on the state of affairs.

The main holiday is March 8th. Intensive trading has been observed for almost a week. The main excitement falls on March 6, 7, 8. The 4th, 5th, and 9th can be compared to lesser holidays. Then descending: February 14, September 1 (double main purchase), New Year, Teacher's Day, Tatyana's Day.

When the store is located in the city center, Saturday and Sunday are "quiet" days. Trade freezes. In residential areas, the opposite is true: Saturday is the busiest day of the week.


The most profitable option in all respects will be the choice of a large area located on the ground floor of the shopping center, as close as possible to the central entrance group. Of course, the location of the shopping center itself must be optimal and meet the above requirements. This will be a quick start.

A few hard rules

  • You can't feel sorry for old flowers. Illiquid product spoils the shop window and brings much greater losses than getting rid of it.
  • Money for the purchase of sold related products must be set aside immediately. If you transfer "for later", you can end up with an empty store.
  • Staff must be made directly dependent on profits. The minimum wage is set. The rest is % of revenue. The more the florist earns, the higher the store's profit. The dependence is direct and very rigid.

It is necessary to ensure that the florist is satisfied. This is creativity. Too much depends on it. However, vigilance should also not be lost. Organization of video surveillance is the best solution. You can pay a lot, but you can not allow yourself to be deceived. Unfortunately, the flower business cannot be built on trust, no matter how much you would like it. Otherwise, the store owner risks that his profit will be lower than the salary of the seller.

Is it worth it to open a flower shop franchise?

One option for opening a flower shop is to purchase a franchise for an existing shop. With this option, you get a ready-made business model, with a detailed description of where to buy flowers, how to store them and answers to many other questions that arise during the operation of the store. But how is it necessary to pay for this information (as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap, and even then only for the second mouse).

Let's look at the example of the Mnebuket franchise offer, which gives buying a franchise in comparison with opening a store from scratch.

Comparative table of opening a franchise store and independently (according to the Mnebuket presentation)

Opening from scratch

Franchise "Mnebuket"

The provision of flower delivery services, due to its low cost, is one of the most promising areas for a novice entrepreneur. A flower delivery business, with the right approach, can pay off in the first six months of work.

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Every year the volume of the flower market is growing, which indicates the active development of the industry. Despite saturation Russian market floristry, creating a home delivery business is currently considered more than promising.

The main advantage is that in order to organize the delivery of flowers to your home or office, at first, minimal equipment and personnel are enough. This is due to the fact that courier activity is an intermediary activity. The delivery service brings together the supplier and the client.

The idea is also good because it opens the way for cooperation with corporate customers. This multiplies the volumes and, accordingly, the profit.

Areas of work

To increase profitability and provide the most convenient service to customers, planning a flower delivery service may include several areas.

  • preparation and delivery of classic flower arrangements and mono-bouquets;
  • composition and delivery of flowers in modern hat boxes and plastic transparent containers;
  • preparation and delivery of complex gifts.

The presence in the assortment of complex gifts makes it possible to earn money on additional goods and contributes to an increase in the average bill.

Related offers may include:

  • sweets;
  • fruits and fruit bouquets;
  • postcards;
  • toys.

The cost of additional services and referrals should take into account all basic expenses.

Description and analysis of the market

Market analysis should conditionally be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Territory. Where will the service be provided? Features, number, potential.
  2. Range. Definition of varieties, concepts, presentation. Next comes the analysis and selection of optimal suppliers.
  3. Audience. Currently, the client's portrait can be understood by the built-in statistical tools of social media. networks.
  4. Promotion and communication with the client.

One of the features of the market is the focus on imported suppliers. Today, the share of imports of cut flowers in Russia is about 90%. According to analysts, in the next ten years, Russia will take second place in Europe in terms of imports after Germany.

Distribution of the share of import supplies by countries:

  • Netherlands 44.7%;
  • Ecuador 36%;
  • Colombia 12.8%;
  • other countries 6.5%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The direction of flower delivery has both its pros and cons.

The target audience

The target audience can be divided into two types:

  • individuals: men of medium and high income, aged 25–60 years;
  • corporate customers: holiday companies with a constant flow of customers.

Despite the fact that the customer is a man, it is important to remember that the end consumer is women from 25-60 years old. It depends on their opinion whether there will be a re-treatment. Therefore, special attention should be paid to preliminary consultation and the psychology of the customer.

Competitive advantages

All benefits come from meeting key customer requirements.

The main requirements are:

  • originality;
  • impeccable service;
  • speed and error-free execution of applications.

Competitive advantages should be:

  1. Optimal cost. It is achieved through the development of partnership programs with suppliers and obtaining discounts on purchases.
  2. Available in an assortment of popular flowers and bouquets.
  3. Prompt delivery and advice. To do this, it is recommended to rent a mini-warehouse or shop.
  4. Availability of related products.
  5. Operating mode 24 hours.

Advertising campaign

The Internet is becoming an effective method of promotion for any business. In addition to social networks marketing in this area speaks about the effectiveness of the use of instant messengers.

You should start by implementing the following tools:

  1. Creation of a one-page website with basic and popular products, offers and contacts. It is necessary to simplify the possibility of filling out an application-order as much as possible.
  2. Registration in the social networks: Instagram, VK. Facebook. This method can become effective if due attention is paid to the original concept and quality content.
  3. Development of primary elements of corporate identity.
  4. Development of cooperation with partners - wedding salons, restaurants, boutiques, etc.
  5. Work on repeat orders and reviews. You should maintain a customer database with contact information. Collect feedback and timely respond to any feedback about the company.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

Basic steps to start a business:

  1. Analysis of the market and all city delivery services.
  2. Creation of own concept and system of work based on the benefits.
  3. Determining the terms of cooperation with suppliers and flower shops.
  4. Creation and implementation of promotion methods.
  5. IP registration.
  6. Hiring employees.
  7. Training.


To start a business, you must go through the registration procedure. You can register a company as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC. The IP form will facilitate the taxation procedure - to issue a simplified system.

Documents for registration of IP:

  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • application for state registration of an individual;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • tax application in accordance with the selected registration.

If you immediately plan to organize a warehouse with flower products, you must obtain a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.


The organization of flower delivery, as a rule, does not require a special room. The office area can be about 25 sq.m. Rent, depending on the region, the cost is from 1 to 40 thousand per 1 m2. It is better to choose the location based on the territorial proximity to the supplier.

If an area for storing flowers is organized in the room, it should be with natural and additional lighting. As well as with equipment to maintain the desired temperature regime. Under these conditions, the material can retain its presentation for less than a week.

Equipment and inventory

List of equipment:

  • delivery vehicle;
  • computer equipment;
  • refrigeration equipment.

As the business expands, it will become necessary to purchase certain batches of flowers and store them until ordered. Due to the fact that each variety has its own climate requirements, it is advisable to use special refrigerators or cabinets.

You will need additional furniture and accessories:

Tools for processing plants.

Florist cutters thorn knife Floral knife


Main staff:

  • florist;
  • courier;
  • driver;
  • manager.

Depending on the skills and volume of orders, several positions can be closed by one person. For a positive image of the organization, it is important to hire a florist with experience, and a courier with the ability to communicate and good looks.

Additional staff may be:

  1. System administrator and programmer. They can be hired or freelanced.
  2. Internet marketer or smm manager. For social activities networks and building a strategy for communication with the client.

When working with employees:

  1. Work out with couriers the most convenient route for a certain area, make timekeeping. Based on this, accurately calculate the delivery time.
  2. Think over an effective reporting system and take care of motivation.

It is assumed that the duties individual entrepreneur organizational work will include:

  • purchase of products;
  • coordination of the service of receiving orders and delivery;
  • financial statements.

At the initial stage, the owner must deal with the registration of applications. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the specifics of the work and plan activities effectively.

In the video, the entrepreneur shares his experience and gives advice on organizing the work of florists. Author of "UFL flower delivery".

Financial plan

The financial allocation plan should take into account all investment costs, as well as planned income.

Calculations must be made taking into account the increase in sales over time due to the increasing effectiveness of SEO promotion and recognition. And also take into account the seasonality factor (summer recession, demand surges by February 14, March 8, September 1).

Starting investments

To start planning a business, you need to determine the initial costs.

In order to navigate the costs of the initial purchase, it is necessary to determine the estimated cost of flowers and their initial quantity.

Recurring costs

Recurring costs are made up of fixed and variable items.


On average, the daily profit of a flower delivery service in a city of up to 1.5 million people is 10 thousand rubles. The bulk of the income comes from the holidays.

Income is made up of:

  • provision of courier services;
  • provision of floristic services;
  • sale of additional goods: sweets or toys.

Calendar plan

The launch of a project requires specific and realistic deadlines.

A good solution would be to schedule the opening for the holidays:

  • March 8;
  • Valentine's Day;
  • New Year.


As with any business, flower delivery comes with certain risks.

The risks may be:

  • low number of orders at the first stage;
  • low site traffic activity;
  • interception of orders by competitors;
  • damage to goods due to non-sale;
  • violation of delivery times and the appearance of negative reviews.

In order to minimize the occurrence of risks and reduce their consequences, it is necessary to constantly monitor the situation on the market and promptly make changes to the organization of the work process.

Payback and prospects

With an average return on sales of 40-50%, the payback period is 4-5 months. Which is a very good indicator for doing business. There is a direct relationship between the payback period and the effectiveness of promotion, the number of competitors and the absence of failures in the work of suppliers.

Of the additional advantages that determine the prospects of the direction:

  • not a large number of employees;
  • the possibility of gradual development;
  • small investments in the infrastructure of the project.

In general, having enough advantages, the success of the development of a flower startup depends on the professionalism of employees and the establishment of high standards for the service by the entrepreneur himself.

Modern life is gaining momentum more and more, and people have less and less time left for personal life. Therefore, shopping often becomes a heavy burden.

That is why residents of various cities are increasingly turning to companies that provide services for the purchase and delivery of various goods, the range of which is quite wide: from food to clothing.

Thanks to this, over the past decade, various delivery services have become a fast-growing and profitable business.

flower delivery business

Delivery of various goods (including flowers) is enough simple business. The organization of this work is based on minimum investment and comes down to the process of ordinary purchases. The founders of such a business do not need to purchase expensive equipment. Their expenses are mainly related to the operation of personal vehicles. The main conditions are the presence of a non-old car and excellent awareness of the places of profitable purchases of goods.

Often an entrepreneur starts such a business in his spare time. The location of such a company is mainly the businessman's own house or apartment. And only with the formation of your base of profitable customers, you can hire employees, which will significantly increase the number of new customers and increase your annual income.

Flower delivery service: subtleties and features

Before organizing a business of this nature, you must first decide for yourself whether it is suitable or not. To determine the financial side of this work, you need to check the existence of a market for similar services.

So, people with an average income level or lower cannot be customers of a flower delivery service in Russia.

Experts calculated that the income of a potential client should be at least $600 per month. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a market research to determine a sufficient number of buyers of such services via the Internet. Flower delivery (its successful development) depends on the quality of both the products themselves and the services offered.

Therefore, all services must be provided at a high professional level. An entrepreneur and his managers must be able to choose a high quality product. The success of such a business as online flower delivery directly depends on the well-established relationships with the owners of various outlets, wholesale suppliers, as well as the manufacturers themselves. It is this organization of work that will contribute to the acquisition of the best goods at affordable prices.

The need for creativity at work

This business (flower delivery) is based on the correct and original design gifts. Often bouquets are ordered for loved ones. And here you already need some knowledge in the field of psychology.

Another factor in the successful development of a business such as online flower delivery is advertising. To do this, you need to determine the size of the budget, and then an effectively organized advertising campaign will become the key to high income and a successful business.

How to open a flower delivery service

A successful way to open such a business is to use your own house or apartment for the first time. Since this type of business is associated with computer technology, then you need to get a good phone with an answering machine, a computer with reliable peripherals and a set of office supplies.

At an early stage, you can use home computer, since the applications involved do not need high power. It is better to choose an inkjet printer: it is inexpensive in price and is able to provide good print quality.

You will need a camera to work. Its use will provide visual suggestions for bouquets and various flower arrangements. Such a presentation will be appreciated by buyers and will significantly expand the client base.

A home office can be equipped with inexpensive and not quite new furniture: a desk, a comfortable work chair, a filing cabinet and a bookcase.

And finally, the main cost part is the car, the maintenance of which will account for the largest share of all costs.


Since flowers are a specific product, there is no need to invest in its purchase. However, for all-Russian holidays (for example, March 8 or Valentine's Day), much more bouquets and flower arrangements will be required, and wholesale suppliers will be needed for this. Therefore, you should always keep such companies in mind.

When pricing your product, you must take into account all overhead costs, labor and time costs. An expected decent income should also be laid down. It is for this purpose that the solvency of this market sector should be well studied.

Delivery of flower arrangements: building a customer base

If there is a potential market of more than 100 thousand people, it is advisable for an entrepreneur to involve a florist in cooperation - a specialist who is engaged not only in composing bouquets, but also in decorating rooms with flowers.

If the number of clients is smaller, then the demand for the services of such a professional will be small. Therefore, such services can be offered in large cities where a large number of enterprises are located.

The main circle of clients will be men, well-to-do and at the same time very busy. Such a list will be replenished by businessmen who want to purchase bouquets or various flower arrangements for their clients or employees, as well as husbands who want to give a gift to their wives, but do not have time to choose.

It's easier for them beautiful bouquet order via the Internet, flowers will be delivered within the agreed time. To expand the circle of potential customers, an entrepreneur can offer beautiful cards or small gifts as an addition to bouquets.

Greetings, dear reader!

This time I’ll tell you about the case of how to get a large number of real subscribers to your Vkontakte group with flowers in a short time and, as a result, get a large number of loyal customers to your flower shop.

I hope that you have read the previous articles on the promotion of a flower shop and flower business using the social network Vkontakte. If not, then rather look for information on our flower site. We already have a sea useful information about how to promote a flower shop from scratch thanks to the Internet.

Information that costs tens of thousands of rubles is given to you completely free of charge!

We started from scratch and set an adequate goal of 10,000 rubles of flower sales per day. So far, we have completed this task. On some days there are sales of 8,000 rubles, and on some days, all 25,000 rubles. Soon I will have a complete financial report, then I will be able to tell the exact amount of turnover per month (September). The client is, of course, happy. Perhaps we will start increasing the sales of the flower shop if we continue our further cooperation.

Below is a picture of a prank from a group of our colleagues in Kaliningrad.

What did we do that got a growth of 1600 people in a month?

We began to raffle bouquets of flowers in the first competition, in the second we began to raffle plants in pots.

By by and large if the topic is close to you with drawings, you once took part in them yourself, then you understand what I'm talking about now.

If not, I will briefly explain. A post (record) is made in the group about the draw, according to the terms of which you need to join the group and repost this record in order to win. Repost - a post from the group, which will now be displayed on your Vkontakte wall. The trick is that in this way many of your friends will be able to see the competition, learn about your flower shop, and participate.

The plus is that this cool PR store for relatively little money.

If there are 100 people in a group, you are doing a flower raffle, most likely there will be little sense. There are very few people, this audience will not shake its friends, so that you end up with a colossal group growth in a short time!

I made such a mistake once, but then I realized it and everything went like clockwork!

Yes, in the text of the competition, we also talked about the flower shop, the prices for flowers (roses, lilies, gerberas, chrysanthemums, wedding bouquets), where we are, attached a photo of the shop, and so on. In fact, they gave specifics, and not "water". If you sell flowers cheaply, then write so! Rose for 50 rubles. Or delivery around the clock. Or big discounts on some product groups or some days of the week! Or something else. Write everything that distinguishes you from your competitors!

For today, I stop loading you. You have something to think about. If you have any questions, ask in the comments below, or personally by mail.

Next time we will talk, most likely, about prices, discounts, promotions for flowers.

In this material:

The flower delivery business is a promising project suitable for a large number of start-up entrepreneurs, regardless of the location of the business and the presence or absence of entrepreneurial experience in this area. The flower delivery business plan includes recommendations for preliminary analytical and organizational measures, stages of registration of activities, requirements for the selection of premises and hired personnel, a list of necessary equipment and the nuances of finding suppliers, as well as advertising, marketing analytics and a financial plan for a business project.

Features of a flower delivery business

The most obvious advantages of a flower delivery business project are low initial investment and promising opportunities for the growth and development of the enterprise, the use of additional sources of profit. A well-organized detailed business plan with calculations will allow you to avoid many risks associated with starting a business and the initial stages of an enterprise. A flower delivery business at the start does not require a mandatory premises, however, as the business grows and develops, you will have to be puzzled by the selection and rental of a suitable premises.

Market analysis

Definition of the target audience

As practice shows, the bulk of potential customers for flower delivery, regardless of the city or region of the country, are men aged 25 to 60 years. A much smaller percentage belongs to women of the same age. About 5% of customers are young people under the age of 25. Taking into account these data, as well as many other conditions, it is necessary to conduct an effective marketing policy, distribute advertising and analyze the market for the provision of flower delivery services.

Competition and risk assessment

Regardless of the location of the company's office, the flower delivery company operates in a certain area of ​​the city or the whole region of the country. In this regard, at the stage of drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to carry out thorough analytical work that allows you to identify the level of competition in a particular region, take into account weak and strengths competing companies.

In addition to such an advantage of the flower delivery business as low initial investment in the project, this type of entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by a minimum number of risks that a novice and experienced businessman will have to face.

The main risks of a flower delivery company are:

  • lack of a client base and client flow at the start of a business project;
  • damage to products with the expiration of the shelf life;
  • difficulties in cooperation with flower suppliers;
  • high level of competition in the chosen region of the company's activities;
  • creating a bad reputation with customers.

Most of the identified problems are solved by a competent and careful approach to a preliminary study of the market and the level of competition in the chosen region, as well as to the selection and hiring of qualified, polite and responsible flower delivery company personnel. A competent approach to organizing marketing and advertising campaigns, as well as holding discounts and attractive promotions, will help to avoid difficulties with the formation of the initial client base of the organization.

How to open a flower bouquet delivery service?

Activity registration

To carry out flower delivery activities, it will be sufficient to pass the mandatory state registration by choosing the form of an individual entrepreneur without education legal entity and a simplified taxation system in the form of 6% of income or 15% of net profit. The chosen form of state registration avoids the need to regularly submit complex accounting and financial reports to the tax authority and is sufficient for a flower delivery business. In addition, registration in the form of an individual entrepreneur implies a modest list required documents, in contrast to the process of registering a legal entity of any organizational and legal form.

Premises for rent

At first, an entrepreneur can use his own address for registration and refuse to rent premises, but in the future it is necessary to select and rent a suitable office space, which will favorably affect the solidity and reputation of the company.

You can earn additional income by combining flower delivery services with a retail outlet selling flower bouquets. In this case, in addition to the traditional small office and warehouse, you will need an adjacent room for a flower shop. For a warehouse, a room with an area of ​​​​20 to 30 square meters with the necessary natural and artificial lighting, also equipped with equipment to maintain appropriate climatic conditions and suitable temperature. Under such conditions, flower bouquets retain their presentation and suitability for 3-4 days.

In the case of an additional retail outlet, in addition to the traditional requirements for rented premises, it is imperative to take into account the location of the store in an area with a large and stable flow of the target audience. A suitable place would be the central area of ​​the city, a large market or a boutique in a shopping center. The cost of renting such premises is much higher, but the additional income from the retail sale of flower bouquets, in addition to flower delivery services, more than covers the necessary regular costs. In the case of renting premises only for the company's office and warehouse, the location plays a secondary role, and renting such premises can significantly save start-up funds and current expenses of the company.

The design of the store premises should be moderately rigorous and combine warm color tones.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

The office of the company is traditionally equipped with the necessary furniture and computer equipment. You will need no more than three computers: one in the director's office and two with account managers who take orders by phone. The warehouse is equipped with the necessary number of vases and shelves for storing flowers and ready-made bouquets, as well as special refrigerators. The necessary lighting and climatic equipment is also installed in the warehouse, which significantly increases the shelf life of flower bouquets and compositions.

The store premises must be equipped with a table for a florist, refrigerated display cases, as well as a cash register and a computer for accounting for products sold. Among other things, florist's tools are useful for decorating bouquets and flower arrangements for sale.

Search for flower suppliers

The most important element of the business in the field of delivery and sale of flower bouquets and arrangements is the careful selection of suppliers. It is necessary to carefully and in advance analyze the market of the region where the company is located and the operation of the company in order to select suitable offers from wholesale suppliers of high-quality flower products.

Depending on the quality, assortment and freshness of the supplied flowers, for worse or better side the reputation of the company and the service of providing services are changing, and hence the indicators of the profitable part of the business project. The client receives a fresh and decorated in strict accordance with his requirements a flower bouquet or the necessary composition and uses the company's services again, advertises the delivery or the store to his friends and acquaintances, which directly affects the company's income.

Having secured favorable conditions for cooperation with reliable wholesale flower suppliers, the company retail or delivery of flower bouquets and arrangements will be able to compete more effectively, provide quality service and a flexible pricing policy to its own customers. It is mandatory to take into account such an important aspect of cooperation with wholesale flower suppliers as the price of the supplied products. This amount should allow for a reasonable margin, taking into account the average cost of flower bouquets in the region.

Making a list of goods and services

One of the main competitive advantage any business, including a company specializing in the delivery of flowers, - the diversity and wide range of goods presented. The catalog of sold and delivered flower products should be filled with all popular and sought-after varieties of flowers and compositions from them, in order to provide the customer or buyer with the opportunity to choose the product that is suitable in terms of cost and appearance.

The range of flower bouquets should not include only compositions from homogeneous varieties, on the contrary, it must contain mixed floral solutions. Ready-made bouquets are made at the request of the customer with additional decorative greenery and beautiful packaging.

In addition to the list of traditional goods and services of the company, which includes the delivery and retail sale of flower products, bouquets and compositions, it is recommended to sell and offer related products to customers to generate additional income. For this area of ​​business, suitable related products that will be in good demand among customers and customers of the company are sweets and chocolates, as well as postcards and soft toys.


An equally important aspect of the company's participation in the competition is the competent approach of a novice or experienced entrepreneur to resolving the issue of pricing the goods sold and delivered. This aspect implies the practice of a flexible pricing policy, holding promotions and discount campaigns, providing attractive conditions to regular customers of a store or a flower bouquet delivery service.

The cost of a bouquet or composition is formed from the wholesale price of the supplier, a reasonable margin, the cost of the florist's work and the delivery of the bouquet to the client. Under the indicated conditions, the final price should not significantly exceed the average cost of goods in the region, otherwise the company's participation in the competition will be ineffective. Among other things, the target audience of the store and potential customers of the company have a direct impact on the cost of the sold goods. A competent approach to the issue of pricing will predetermine the growth and development of the company, the effectiveness of participation in the competition.


The backbone of any company is its employees. Flower delivery service and flower bouquets and arrangements shop is no exception to this rule. Competently selected personnel of the company will allow the company to provide its own customers with a service high level, delivery on time, which will positively affect the company's reputation and its customer attractiveness, as well as the effectiveness of the company's participation in the competition.

The staff of the flower delivery service is formed from managers for working with clients and receiving incoming orders, a florist who deals with the direct clearance of goods, couriers and a cashier when it comes to combining business with a retail outlet. At the beginning of the company's activity, it will be enough to employ one florist, one or two customer service managers, and three or four couriers.

The functions of the director of the delivery service are taken over directly by the entrepreneur, while for accounting and legal services it is recommended to periodically turn to third-party outsourcing specialists. Thus, on early stages business development, there is no need to form a full-fledged legal and financial department.

The marketing and advertising department will not harm any business, however, at the start of a business project, it is recommended to use the services of a marketing agency in order to attract the first customers with maximum efficiency and open a client base for the delivery of flower bouquets and compositions.

Marketing and Advertising

As in many other types of business activities, the growth and development of a flower delivery service requires a competent and attentive approach to the marketing and advertising policy of the organization. It is thanks to effective marketing campaigns that a novice or experienced entrepreneur manages to attract the first customers and form an initial client base.

Site creation

You should be puzzled by progressive methods of business promotion: maintaining publics in popular social networks, communication on thematic forums, creating your own company business card website or a fully functional online store of flower bouquets and compositions. The latter option involves a significant expansion of the business by attracting new potential customers and increasing the flow of orders through the promotion of an online store. Such a site must necessarily contain information about the location of the store or office of the delivery service, the company's work schedule, news about fresh promotions and offers for regular customers, bonus programs, as well as a catalog of flower bouquets and compositions indicating the cost of goods and delivery terms.

Other ways to attract customers

It is worth paying attention to traditional advertising and marketing methods: local radio, television, print media, posting ads and distributing leaflets in places with high traffic of the target audience of a business project.

At the start of a business project, an advertising and marketing campaign should be entrusted to a developed local marketing agency - in this way, advertising will be effective and will not only attract initial customers, but also form a starting customer base for a flower delivery service. Later, you should be puzzled by the creation of your own full-time marketing department.

Financial calculations

Investment in the project

The bulk of the initial investment of a business project is formed by the start-up costs associated with the preparation of documents necessary for registering an individual entrepreneur or company, the process of mandatory state registration of activities, the selection and rental of premises, as well as repairs, the acquisition of necessary equipment, furniture and equipment. As mentioned earlier, at the initial stages of establishing a business, you can do without renting an office space, in which case an entrepreneur can register a business at the address of his place of residence. Depending on these conditions, the cost of initial investment in a business project ranges from 150 to 500 thousand rubles.

Current expenses

The current expenditure item also varies in direct proportion to many related factors. The company's recurring monthly costs are associated with tax payments, office rent and warehouse space, utility bills, labor costs for employees of the flower delivery service, the costs of regular marketing and promotional activities, the costs associated with the need for regular replenishment of the product range.

Start-up investments and operating expenses of the company in most cases directly depend on the additional options chosen by the novice or experienced entrepreneur. For example, creating your own online store as additional source profits will entail an increase in start-up capital investments by the amount of payment for the services of a web developer and designer, and the company's current expenses will increase by the amount necessary to pay Internet managers and hosting the site.

Revenues, profits and profitability

According to regional statistics, the average daily income of the flower bouquets and arrangements delivery service is about 8 thousand rubles. AT holidays such figures are several times higher. The payback period for starting investments in a business project is on average from 2 to 4 months. Business profitability - more than 30%.