What to eat on Holy Week? Great Lent: Do's and Don'ts. Holy Week

  • 29.09.2019

This event will start on April 10th. It is believed that the holiday is dedicated to the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. For each day, there are only their own, permitted and prohibited products, this must be considered, otherwise Passion Week will not be observed.

Description of the church holiday

There are many ways to celebrate Holy Week, this article will look at the main activities of a believer during this period. Of course, you can’t talk about the church charter in such a dry manner - after all, Holy Week is the forerunner of the great Easter, which foreshadows a new round in your life, you can’t take it so dryly.

Good Monday, for example, requires adherence to the principle of "dry food", which neglects various fruits, you can not eat processed food. But you can also go in for sports and conduct your usual activities, of course, remembering that a believer needs to follow a huge number of rules.

You need to eat only as predicted. That is, you cannot voluntarily determine your diet, you are a believer! You need to understand and be aware of your place in this ever-changing society. otherwise, you can lose yourself in this way, drive into anguish. completely forget how to live properly. And this is very bad, because everyone needs God in their hearts, and you cannot be angry with him - you can send a terrible curse on yourself.

Yes, by the fact that you do not observe Holy Week in accordance with all the rules, you can also incur the wrath of Jesus, and then you can very many times regret your reckless decision, which was harmful not only for physical, but also for moral health, which cost you such a punishment, don't be too sure of yourself about this decision, otherwise you may completely forget about your position. A believer must be aware of his place.

Until April 16, it will be possible to enjoy this holiday, which brings the highest enlightenment to all believing families, does not bring anything bad and is one of the most holy weeks of the whole world.

Description by day of the week

You need to drink only water, for a great Monday, water is the most important thing. Together with moisture, you must pull out all the violence from yourself, it is very well used in various places, but you may not notice how everything was immediately resolved - you need to understand that it is also impossible to sin on Maundy Monday. You have to understand everything that is in the world.

  • On Wednesday, you don’t have to bother at all - just eat what you already had. The environment is absolutely no different, that is, the “hunger strike” has not yet come here. You do not need to atone for your sins, you are literally sanctified by God himself, if, of course, you understand your faith.
  • On a clean Thursday, plant foods are needed, the people's "weight loss" is already beginning here. Need to consume vegetable oil in food, so as not to gain much weight, but also to feel that you, too, can live in the same free way as you lived before.

  • Friday is the most mournful day, on this day you can’t even drink Cahors. It is absolutely impossible, you can anger God, who is already dissatisfied with the fact that Friday is coming in this Holy Week. What to do? Definitely give up Cahors, so that you don’t have to do such a thing, you need to come to this on your own, not just like that, but just do what needs to be done.
  • Saturday is a great day, on which begins the complete purification of the soul, victory over evil. Do not neglect this, since it is precisely the victory over evil that can give you a new, divine appearance. This is not like Friday, on Friday you may not come to insight at all, but if you can normally sacrifice yourself to Christ, then there will be divine repentance for you, do not forget about the rites!
  • You should forget about gambling and there will only be problems from various kinds of events, otherwise the holiday will be extremely useless for you, you will forget about your divine affiliation and become only unnecessary sinners in the face of divine forces who will be disappointed in you and will no longer patronize yours. undertakings, and this is extremely terrible, you should not neglect this matter.

Answered by Archpriest Nikolai Yemelyanov

What can and cannot be done during Holy Week? What not to do on Good Friday?

In the Church, the question is never raised like this - what is possible and what is not. Everything is possible in the Church! Where there is a real Church, there is absolute freedom. It's just that there is experience accumulated by generations of Christians, which allows you to somehow build your life in such a way that such special and holy days as the days of Holy Week do not pass by. It's not a question of what not to do. It's a question of what to do to try and feel that these days are very special.

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Just as the Lord once communed His disciples at the Last Supper, so every Christian should commune with the apostles. Also proceed to the Eucharistic Chalice. Just follow Christ to Golgotha. Also cry over Him together with the disciples and the Mother of God. Just expect the Resurrection of the Savior on the day of rest Great Saturday. Also, enter into the eternal joy of the Resurrection of Christ together with the Myrrh-Bearing Women and the Apostles.

As always, the answer to a similar question is both very simple and very complex at the same time. Simple - because there is some simple set of actions that it would be nice to have time to do. Difficult - because these actions require inner concentration and prayer, and these two things are not operationalized and not objectified in some simple way.

First It is, of course, a prayer. All services in the temple Holy Week special. Every day for the first three days, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. Before these Liturgies, at the Hours, the whole Gospel is read in parts from beginning to end.

In the evening, from Monday to Wednesday, the wonderful words “I see Your Chamber, my Savior, decorated and I don’t imam clothes, let the stench come in” and the troparion “Behold the Bridegroom is coming at midnight ...” stichera of the nun Cassia.

Each of the days of Holy Week is dedicated to the remembrance of the events that took place on those days. On Thursday, the Last Supper and the establishment of the Sacrament of the Eucharist are remembered. For this day, you need to prepare in advance, confess in advance and be sure to take communion. On Thursday evening, everyone gathers in the church to read the 12 Gospels dedicated to the Passion of Christ. On Friday, the day of the Crucifixion, during the day the Shroud is taken out to the middle of the temple, and in the evening - a burial with a procession. On Saturday morning they again serve the Liturgy, at which once a year they sing the hymn "Let all human flesh be silent and think nothing in itself." After this, the consecration of Easter cakes and Easter is performed.

Finally, on Saturday night, everyone gathers in the temple for Easter procession, the Easter service and the Liturgy, at which they again try to take communion.

It would also be nice to have time to paint the eggs, cook Easter cakes and Easter, in fact, it’s nice to somehow clean the house for the holiday at the beginning of the week ...

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About two thousand years ago, an event took place in the Holy Land that turned the world upside down, changing it forever. The main Orthodox holiday- Easter. On the Eve of the Bright Christ's Resurrection we have tried once again to recreate the picture of what happened twenty centuries ago under the sky of Jerusalem.

Do you still have questions about what not to do during Holy Week?

Usually this is not an issue. The question is how to manage to do at least half of the above. After all, there are still children, work, someone needs to take care of the sick or the elderly, someone is sick himself, etc. Therefore, usually all things that can be postponed, they tried and try to postpone these days for later. Leave only the most important and necessary in order to manage at least one of the above and meet the Easter holiday. And they always try to fast more strictly than they fasted the whole fast. For example, on Good Friday, healthy adults do not eat at all until the evening service.

And yet all this is not an end in itself. All this is done in order to try to feel and understand that Christ is somewhere very close. That His Suffering and Resurrection is something quite modern and relevant. It's not about ancient history, this is about us. When you manage to feel it at least a little bit, then all questions about what you can do and what you can’t do disappear.

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Consider Holy Week: what can and cannot be done, as well as other aspects of this important period. This week is called "Passion" or "Great". The first name, of course, is the period to receive in honor of what is remembered in these days of the suffering of Jesus Christ, which he endured on earth in order to atone for the sins of mankind.

Also, every day of this period is called "great", because it falls on a short period before the Great Feast of Easter. These days, from Monday to Saturday (inclusive), believers observe a particularly strict fast. But here it is important to remember that fasting is not just giving up meat and eating once a day. It includes repentance, prayers, awareness of the sinfulness of man.

Important about Easter

What should you definitely know about the period about which so much is said in this material? Of course, first of all, what is Holy Week: what can and cannot be done every day. Especially many traditions and beliefs among the people exist on: someone counts money three times so that they are sure to be carried. Someone for health is doused with water at dawn. As for church traditions, they do not single out any day of the Great Week: each day is important and special in its own way.

It can be said that, apart from it, within the framework of church rules Holy Week is Friday. Following the biblical scriptures, the church believes that it was on this day of the week that Jesus Christ was crucified, and then, on the third day, that is, on Sunday, he was resurrected. On Good Friday, any work is prohibited (of course, for regular work modern man you will have to go, but you must definitely refuse from housework, in the kitchen). On Good Friday, fasting is as strict as possible and it is recommended not to eat anything until the shroud is taken out.

Great Monday

On this day, cleaning begins in the house and on the site in preparation for the Easter holiday. Fasting for a person is a way to cleanse himself physically, prayers and repentance are a way to cleanse himself spiritually. But to big holiday not only the person must be ready, but also his dwelling.

Maundy Tuesday

This day of Great Lent is intended to continue cleaning around the house and continue your spiritual preparation for the Easter holiday. Since on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, a general cleaning needs to be done at home, the earlier it starts, the more time will be on Clean Thursday - the last day when you can clean at home to do a variety of rituals.

Note! After the end of Maundy Thursday, it is no longer possible to clean the house until Easter, and then throughout the entire holiday week. It is for this reason that it is recommended to start cleaning the house at the beginning of Holy Week, and not leave everything to do during the Clean Week.

Great Wednesday

Again, the preparation of yourself and at home for the holiday continues. It will be necessary to adhere to the same strict rules on this day, Holy Week: what can and cannot be done. As for nutrition, it is possible to eat during the first three days of the Great Week only and exclusively vegetable food and only in cold form. That is, cooking, vegetable oil is prohibited.

It is important during this period to attend church and pray. In principle, if there is no time at all to go to the temple for service, then you can pray at home. It is important to do all this with awareness, sincerity and love.

Clean Thursday

Well, many people know about this day of Holy Week and many are looking forward to it with great impatience. Because, according to the rules, Holy Week: what can and cannot be done on Maundy Thursday, there are many and there are more conspiracies and rituals, prayers than any prohibitions (as it will be, for example, the very next day on Good Friday) .

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to finish cleaning the house, to complete all the laundry. Do not ignore cleaning on this day, because it is believed that if today there is dirt in the house, then throughout the year there will be constant quarrels and squabbles in this house. Great .

Other beliefs on Maundy Thursday:
For the first time in Russia, it was customary to cut small children's hair on Maundy Thursday. Also, a little wool is cut off on this day from cattle to ensure their health and well-being for the whole year.
In the morning, everything in the house must be washed - this will save the home from illness and quarrels.
On this day, nothing can be borrowed from home, and the rule is preserved until Easter itself.
In order for money to be carried throughout the year, it will be necessary to count them three times on Good Thursday: at dawn, at noon, and also at midnight.
You can cook Thursday salt. Each family member should take a handful of salt and pour it into a rag bag. This salt is calcined in a frying pan, and then stored for a year in a red corner. If someone gets sick, then add this particular salt to the food.
On Thursday, you can remove damage from yourself. To do this, wash before dawn, saying: “I wash off what they let on me. May both body and soul be pure. Amen".
Already on this day, you can replace the dough for cakes and Easter cakes, which will be cooked in
Great Saturday.

Good Friday

Nothing can be done, and it is recommended to abstain from food until the moment when, during the evening service, the shroud of Jesus Christ is brought to the center of the temple. Holy Week: what can and cannot be done applies specifically to Good Friday. This applies directly to prohibitions.

If a secular person will definitely have to go to work that day, then work around the house: sewing, washing, knitting, cooking, must be postponed. Working on this day is a great sin. Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was crucified, this is the most mournful day of the year.

Holy Saturday

On this day of Holy Week, fasting is observed according to the same rules as the first four days. It is no longer possible to clean the house, sew and wash, but you can completely devote yourself to cooking the most different dishes for the Easter table. On this day, the consecration of food in temples also takes place.

These are the prohibitions, recommendations that must be done, and other important aspects of Holy Week must always be remembered. This is not only a time of strict fasting and prayers, this is a time of active preparation for the festive Easter day.

Holy Week is the final seven days of Lent. At the end of this week, believers celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Holy Week is a mournful time that tells us about the suffering and the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. The week starts from Monday. The rules of conduct on these seven days remain the same from year to year.

Many are wondering what restrictions there are at this time, what is allowed to do. By folk omens you can’t knit, chop wood, sew, you must try to comply with the rules of fasting as much as possible and abandon festive festivities and amusements.

Since ancient times, it has been distributed in Russia every day what can be done around the house on the eve of the holiday, when to go to church. Most of the prohibitions relate to food.


After Palm Sunday comes the first day of Passion Week - Great Monday. On this day, you should try to refuse to eat before sunset. Food restrictions are very strict, but at the same time, this is a sign that Easter is very close.

On Monday, you need to start cleaning the house in order to have time to complete all the preparations for the holiday before Friday. On Great Monday, prayers are held in churches, in which the rite of chrismation begins. To prepare a special mixture (miro), resins, herbs and olive oil. Miro is further used for chrismation, which completes the sacrament of baptism. Miro is prepared only once a year, from Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week. It is consecrated on Maundy Thursday.


Strict fasting continues. On this day, cleaning in the house continues, it is imperative to complete all matters related to working with threads, needles and fabric on Tuesday.

By Easter, from Tuesday, you can buy all the necessary products. On Tuesday, believers remember what Jesus taught the people in Jerusalem, all his instructions and commandments.


On Wednesday, preparations for Easter continue, the house is cleaned and tidy, you can start painting eggs and kneading dough for Easter cakes. Do not forget that on Friday you can no longer do any household chores and food preparation, then you are allowed to continue preparing only on Saturday, so you can redo some of the work on Wednesday to make your pre-holiday days easier.

Holy Wednesday is considered the day of confession. It was on this day that Judas decided to betray Jesus Christ.


Maundy Thursday in a different way is called Clean by the people. This day is full of different traditions and rituals. On Thursday, all the general cleaning should be completed in the house, the windows should be washed, everything should be washed. textile products. Cleaning, which is held on Thursday, according to legend, helps to find long-lost things.

According to folk signs, on Clean Thursday it is worth spending money rituals. To attract money to the family, you need to throw a handful of coins into the water, and then clean the house with this water. When you finish cleaning the house, do not forget to swim yourself on this day. Church traditions on this day are associated with memories of the Last Vespers, at which Jesus told his disciples that one of them would betray him, and after that he would be crucified. But then he will rise again so that the whole world will know that there is eternal life.


A very sad and sad day, because it was at this time that Jesus was crucified on the cross. On Good Friday, you should not eat anything until the service itself, you can only drink water. A must-attend evening service is required.

Any household work is prohibited. You should not clean or cook, you should give up entertainment and celebrations.


This day will turn out to be the most troublesome for housewives, because today it is necessary to bake Easter cakes, paint eggs. On Saturday they are illuminated. Finish cooking for festive table. On Saturday evening, believers go to church, where they meet during night service the coming of Easter.

Holy Week, what not to do and signs

The Orthodox have begun Holy Week, what can be done and what cannot be described in this article. The most important thing is that it is customary to keep a particularly strict fast this week.

To prepare for Easter, you should pray during Holy Week. Through prayer, we thank the Savior. This week, it is desirable to set aside at least one day to go to church. And of course, these days you should definitely bring good to all the people around.

Holy Week Do's and Don'ts

In the week before Easter, a strict fast cannot be ignored. It is worth giving up meat products, fish, dairy and eggs. In Holy Week, in no case should you spend time in entertainment places, so give up singing and dancing. It is forbidden to lead a dissolute lifestyle, sin, insult, gluttony, lie. You can’t be in a fuss, it’s better to renounce some things that prevent you from concentrating on the upcoming holiday.

In Holy Week, one should get rid of envy, soullessness and anxiety in the heart. Friday before Easter is considered the strictest day of fasting: you can not eat until the evening and clean the house. Also at this time it is not advisable to laugh, rejoice and have fun - this is a day of great sorrow. You must not sleep until Saturday morning, otherwise misfortune will overtake you.

Holy Week 2018: signs before Easter

On Maundy Thursday, they clean, wash, wash everything in the house. Starting from Thursday, nothing is given or taken out of the house until Easter. On Friday sweep the corners with a rag. According to the signs, this rag helped to get rid of lower back pain, if you tie yourself with it. With the same rag they wiped their feet in the bath after washing, so that their feet would not hurt. The ash taken from the oven on the Friday before Easter helped to cure alcoholism, black shaking, the evil eye and death anguish.

On Friday, they look out the window, noting who they will see first of all: if a man, then to well-being for three months. If a person falls ill at this time, he will quickly recover. Any problem is easily solved.

If you see an old woman, then there will be a series of three months of failure and illness. And if you see a young woman first, you will live these three months without problems. If you are lucky, and the family will appear first before your eyes - this is to peace in your family, to the reconciliation of those who are in a quarrel.

According to signs, a dog - to longing, a cat - to profit, birds - to a new acquaintance and good news, a disabled person - to the death of a loved one.

Of course, everything preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs, must be finished before Bright Sunday. On Easter morning, they wash themselves with water left from Maundy Thursday. It is good to put a silver little thing or a spoon in it, you can use a coin. Such washing will bring beauty and wealth.

If a girl cannot get married in any way, then you need to give the towel with which she wiped herself on Maundy Thursday, along with krashenka and Easter cake, to those who beg. Then the desired marriage should take place quickly.

What to do on Holy Week

On Holy Week, it is desirable to renounce the human fuss and plunge into the expectation of a great holiday. These days there is the most strict fast, which is customary to observe. It is necessary to put the house and soul in order, to finish all the work that has been started. If you have repairs, then try to deal with it before Thursday.

Cleaning, painting, and reciting prayers are activities best done on a Monday.
On Tuesday, it is best to put things in order: wash, iron, disassemble.
In the middle of the week, it is advisable to visit the church and prepare everything for the festive table.
On Thursday preparations for Easter begin. Water on this day brings cleansing from sins, so you should wash yourself. Therefore, this Thursday is called "Clean". You can light a candle brought from the temple: it will protect the house from troubles and misfortunes.
On Friday, you need to devote a day to remembering the passions of Christ and pray hard.
On Saturday, it is advisable to get up early and prepare treats for Easter.
Sunday is the day of the service, which begins at midnight. Orthodox believers go to church for worship.