Holy Saturday Traditions.

  • 22.08.2020

Characteristic - calendar numbers April 15, 2017.

  • The astrological symbol of people who were born on 15.4.17::››› Aries (from March 21 to April 20).
  • What is 2017 according to the Chinese calendar = ››› Red Fire Rooster.
  • The element of the symbol of the horoscope of Aries, born on 15.4.17. > Fire.
  • The patron planet of people happy birthday on this day of the week - Mars.
  • Today is week 15.
  • According to the calendar, this month April has 30 days.
  • Day length April 15 - 14 hours 06 minutes(the length of daylight hours is indicated - according to the Central European latitude of Moscow, Minsk, Kiev.).
  • The Mother See of Orthodox Easter is April 16.
  • According to the calendar, the season is spring.
  • According to the modern calendar > not a leap year.
  • It is better to wear colors according to the horoscope, for people with a date of birth April 15, 2017› Cyan, Coffee, Beige Red and Very Deep Reddish Purple.
  • Trees suitable for the combination of the horoscope sign Aries and 2017 according to the calendar of the eastern animal:::›› Willow and Cedar.
  • Stones - amulets, happy birthday for people today ›› Giddenite, Tanzanite.
  • Very best numbers for people with a date of birth April 15, 17 › Nine.
  • The most favorable days of the week for people born on April 15, 2017 ›› Wednesday and Sunday.
  • The true features of the soul, the zodiac sign of Aries, born on this number ››› indifferent and sensitive.

About those men who were born on the day of April 15th.

Even if you are sure that the men born in 2017, according to the eastern horoscope of animals - the Red Fire Rooster of the year, are wrong, do not try to prove it to him, otherwise he will become absolutely indifferent to everything that happens. He treats his wife's career quite calmly until it surpasses his own. In order to stay with him, you have to love what he is, agree with him, hate what he is.
A man according to the eastern calendar on 04/15/2017 of the year of birth - the Red Fire Rooster, reliable, when he is needed nearby, knows how to be the first to apologize, will not be stingy for you, will give enough money or compliments. It can flare up over a trifle, but it will quickly forget about this misunderstanding, which it will also require from you. When the children grow up, he will try to control them and dictate their future direction in life. During your illness, man 04/15/2017, will be the most caring nanny and will not leave you alone in the most difficult times for you. When parting, the only thing that can please you is that honest and straightforward, they will immediately let you know that the relationship is over.
When he really falls in love, he is faithful and honest with his soul mate. Traditionally, this is a macho image, which may not really appeal to intellectuals. A fiery man can become an excellent husband for life, but on condition that his wife appreciates and respects him as he deserves. Aries are primitive hunters. The typical Aries guy is fiercely competitive, honest, comes off as self-confident, takes the initiative and trusts others will follow. If your feelings are not mutual, then it is better not to start building a relationship. The most important thing is that at the birth of children, the role of a man on 15.4.17. birth, in the family did not become secondary.

Full information about women who were born today, 15.4.2017, according to the eastern calendar of animals, the year.

There are no barriers for them. Just a hint that you do not like her appearance, and she will try to do everything to conquer you with her makeup, hair, clothes. Female 15.4.2017 birth, will breastfeed in defense of her friend, but do not expect her to climb into your soul with questions. You will have to trust her, although you will be denied such trust.
Her chosen one must be a strong and independent man, with a sense of dignity and love for her, since there are few of them, often women about whom you can look at the calendar for April 15, 2017, live alone. Cheating partner will be a good reason for an instant break. Not every man is able to get along with a woman who is equal to him in strength of character, but, on top of that, who has a romantic nature. Women, if you look at the calendar on April 15, 2017 by month of birth, are always sure that no one else can do this job better and more conscientiously than them. They should be more flexible in evaluating men. These people are brave, strong and purposeful.

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Under the sign of the horoscope Aries, popular people were born:

Scientist Leonardo da Vinci, writer Korney Chukovsky, actor Eddie Murphy, artist Vincent Van Gogh and writer Hans Christian Andersen, Nikolai Gumilyov, scientist Rene Descartes, scientist Wilhelm Roentgen, actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, writer Nikolai Gogol, director Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen , director Francis Coppola, actor Steven Seagal, Garry Kasparov, singer Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.

Calendar for month April 2017 with days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Published on 15.04.17 10:33

April 15, 2017 is Great (Holy) Saturday. Also on this day, the International Day of the Circus, the International Day of Culture are celebrated, and Titus the Icebreaker is remembered in the folk calendar.

On April 15, cultural figures celebrate their holiday. The date was not chosen by chance: on April 15, 1935, an agreement was signed on the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments. Among professionals, it is known as the Roerich Pact.

On this day, exhibitions, expositions are opened, actions are organized. Most often, museums or galleries hold special events to draw attention to cultural issues. intkbbee heritage.

In 2008, at the initiative of public organizations in Russia, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, the International Movement was created to establish April 15 as the World Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace. And today this holiday is celebrated in different countries of the world.

What holiday is today, 04/15/2017: International Circus Day

A professional holiday today is also for a special category of artists - circus performers. International Circus Day was established at the initiative of the World Circus Federation, which is located in Monte Carlo. And the modern patroness of this difficult and beautiful genre is Princess Stephanie of Monaco.

For the first time, celebrations in his honor were held in 2010, and since then, every third Saturday in April, events dedicated to the circus have been held around the world.

The modern circus is clowning, acrobatics, tightrope walking, musical eccentricity, illusionism, pantomime, sideshow and much more.

There are thousands of circuses in the world, and a number of them are world famous. For example, one of the most ancient circus troupes in the world is the Chinese acrobatic circus "Paradise show from the Middle Kingdom", or the Canadian "Circus of the Sun" (Cirque du Soleil), the main advantage of which is that it is not just a separate circus organization, but is a huge circus corporation with offices in several countries around the world.

And in the French "Circus Fratellini" the main characters are clowns, and the famous American "Circus of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey" is considered one of the first in the process of modernizing the circus business.

The saint of this day is the Monk Titus the Wonderworker, who lived in the 9th century. The popular nickname Icebreaker for Titus came from the fact that by this day they expected that now the ice on the lakes and rivers would certainly open. Moreover, they watched how the ice breaks, guessing what will happen next. So, if the ice went to the bottom, they were waiting for a difficult year. But it was good if the water overflowed the banks, spilled, then the herbs would be good, with early mowing.

If the ice on Titus stubbornly held on, then good fishing in the spring was not expected. He spoke about herbs not only with an icebreaker, but with a quail, whose cry also foreshadowed a good harvest of bread. But so far, Titov's day was Beshlebitsy. The bins were all empty, and now more and more kvass was relied on for bread, about which they said: “Those who have nothing, but we have more than that”, “There was once every zhit on a shovel, but now they have lived - the legs have shriveled.

But, no matter how hard it became, no one encroached on the stock of grain left for sowing: "Starve yourself, but do not deprive the field of grain", "Sell the cow, and sow the field with good seed."

In contrast to the tillers, merchants were exceptionally cheerful on Titus, who believed that the “profit day” should be spent with noisy fun, so that the whole year would bring profit and good luck. Since all this happened during the days of Great Lent, the people put together a lot of funny sayings: “Our Titus has both pito and bito”, “Drunken Titus repeats psalms”, “Our Titus fornicates even in Lent”.

On April 15, 2017 Orthodox believers celebrate Holy Saturday. This is the last day before Easter, but it is dedicated to the memories of the burial of Jesus Christ, His stay in the tomb and descent into hell.

On this day, the Liturgy of Basil the Great is performed in churches, and in the evening the Acts of the Holy Apostles are read. Before midnight, the Midnight Office is held, during which the priests take the Shroud to the altar and place it on the throne.

At midnight, Matins begins, and the ministers of the Church change the dark clothes in which they went from Monday of Holy Week to light ones.

In the evening, Easter cakes, colored eggs and other festive treats are lit in churches.

On April 15, Orthodox Christians celebrate the last day of Holy Week. On this holiday, you should adhere to traditions in order to cleanse your heart and celebrate Holy Easter correctly.

Filled with awe and expectation, this day changes sorrow into joy in the hearts of people. These are the last hours of Great Lent, during which a person is preparing to unite with the Higher Power and gain God's grace. At this time, the end of the torment of Jesus and his resurrection. Happy Easter ahead.

Our ancestors celebrated Holy Saturday according to the rules that were determined by the church canon. However, there are many folk signs and rituals on this day so that luck does not move away from us. And the traditions that have come down to us from ancient times do not cease to help people find happiness and prosperity.

Holy Saturday Traditions

History says that in Rome at the time of Christ there was a rule that forbade removing people who had broken the law from crosses and gallows. They were left to be torn apart by animals and taught to the public. However, Joseph, the secret disciple of the Savior, obtained permission to remove the body of Jesus from the cross and bury him according to all customs. The Son of God predicted his resurrection while still alive. People saved the flesh of Christ by placing guards near the cave.

In the legends, Great Saturday is the day when the Savior is in hell. He frees the righteous and believers from the captivity of the Devil and shares the news with all the prisoners about the victory over death and the atonement for all sins. Eternal life begins, sanctified by God.

The description of the descent of the Holy Fire on Holy Saturday dates back to the fourth century. On this day, light came out of the Savior's tomb, proving the resurrection of his soul. It is a symbol of Jesus' victory over death. Until now, the rite of the descent of fire takes place in Jerusalem after the reading of the prayer. Tradition says that if people do not meet with the blessed flame, then terrible times will come.

Holy Saturday Traditions

On the evening of April 15, church services begin in honor of the Easter holiday, at which everyone must attend. If it so happened that you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple, then take the time to read the prayers in front of the icon of Jesus with a lit candle.

The tradition of coloring eggs, which originated with our ancestors, has survived to this day. Initially, the eggs were dyed exclusively red, but now you can use any shade and pattern to your taste. In order for the Higher powers to protect your home, it is better to give the first painted egg to the youngest member in the family.

Remember that Great Lent on Saturday is still ongoing, so all the treats that you prepare should not be eaten. And according to the old custom, there should be at least twelve dishes on the table.

Without the support of higher powers, those who are engaged in charitable deeds will never be left. Try your hand at embroidering icons. The holy face embroidered with your own hands will become a real decoration of your room, and the work that you spent on embroidery will be appreciated by the church. It was not for nothing that in ancient times wives embroidered icons when they sent their husbands to exploits: such an icon was considered the best amulet. You can purchase the kit and everything you need for embroidery right now if you follow this link.

At this time, you need to ask everyone for forgiveness: this applies not only to family members, but also to people with whom you are in contact throughout the day. Saturday is a holiday of kindness and mutual assistance. Do not turn away on this day from good deeds, do your best to help those who need it. On Holy Saturday, our ancestors prepared small gifts for loved ones to emphasize their importance in life.

Throughout Holy Week, any celebrations, weddings and fun are considered a sin, especially on Holy Saturday. A popular sign says that if the union of lovers is concluded on this day, then it will not be strong and long.

All people rush to consecrate the products that will be on the table on the Great Easter holiday. All dishes are brought in Easter baskets. It is known that you can consecrate one product at a time of whatever you want, and then combine it on the table with unsanctified products, and a special power will be transferred to them. So on your table all the dishes will become consecrated.

On Great Saturday, people have long filled their souls with joy and faith, refusing swear words and evil deeds, as well as drinking alcohol, fun, needlework, hunting and fishing.

The customs that have survived to our time will undoubtedly help to spend Holy Saturday this year in the way that befits God's laws. Protect yourself from lies, envy, resentment and forgive everyone who committed malicious acts against you. Only with a pure heart can one celebrate the sacred feast of Easter. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.04.2017 06:00

Holy Week is the last week of Lent before Easter. In this period...

PassionateaI am a week Great Saturday.

Rev. Titus the Wonderworker.

Calendar Notes:

In the morning- “God is the Lord”, praises with verses of the 17th kathisma, into three articles. According to the kathisma - "Angelic Cathedral" (the whole temple is incensed). According to the 9th song of the canon and the small litany - “Holy is the Lord our God” and immediately laudatory psalms (from the words “Every breath ...”) and stichera for praise. After singing the great doxology, the Holy Shroud is carried around the temple with the singing of the funeral "Holy God ...". Then “Wisdom, forgive me”, troparion “Good-looking Joseph…”. Troparion of prophecy. Prokeimenon, Parimia, Prokeimenon, Apostle, Alleluiarium and the Gospel (read before the Holy Shroud). After the Gospel - a litany: a full deep "Rzem all ..." and a petition (with a prayer of head bowing). Let Matins go: "For us for the sake of men ...". 1st hour.
On pictorial Blessed are read. Liturgy St. Basil the Great begins in the evening. Entrance with the Gospel. There is no prokimn, but the reading of 15 parimias begins immediately with the singing of choruses. Then a small litany, the exclamation "For Thou art holy ..." and then - the liturgy. Instead of the Trisagion - "They were baptized into Christ ...". After the Apostle, instead of “Alleluia”, “Rise, O God…” is sung. Priests at this time change into bright vestments. Instead of the Cherubim song - "Let all human flesh be silent ...". Worthy "Do not cry for Me, Mati ...". Let go of the liturgy: "Christ, our True God ...". After the dismissal, the troparia “Good-looking Joseph ...”, “Glory” - “When thou hast descended ...”, “And now” - “To the myrrh-bearing women ...” (vocal chant) are sung; a prayer for the blessing of bread and wine, but without mentioning wheat and oil.

midnight office“we sing in the cells, and we say the 9th kathisma” (Tipikon, ch. 49, “On the Holy and Great Friday of the evening”, 2nd “behold”). According to the 1st Trisagion - troparion, tone 2: "Good-looking Joseph ...". According to the 2nd Trisagion - the kontakion of the Triodion, tone 6: “Enclosing the abyss ...” (see on Great Saturday morning). “Lord, have mercy” (12), and let go (the prayer for the dead “Remember, Lord ...” is not pronounced).

Note. According to the Rule, Great Saturday Matins begins “at the 7th hour of the night,” i.e., in our opinion, around 1 o’clock in the morning (cf. Typikon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

Start matins usual (with "King of Heaven..."). Psalms 19 and 20 (during the psalms - the usual censing). Six Psalms. (Priest reads morning prayers.) Great litany.

Note. On Great Saturday - at Matins, Hours, Vespers, Liturgy - everything that is usually read on the sole, such as: litanies, the Apostle, the Gospel, entrance (as well as ambo) prayers - is said before the Shroud. The small and great entrances are also made in front of the Shroud. Communion of the laity and dismissal - on the pulpit.

On “God is the Lord” – troparion, tone 2: “Good-looking Joseph…”. “Glory” is a troparion, the voice is the same: “When thou hast descended…”, “And now” is a troparion, the voice is the same: “To myrrh-bearing women…”.

Note. “Therefore, the rector of the candle distributes to the brethren: and we begin to sing blamelessly with sweet singing. So, according to the verse. And the singer proclaims praises, in the voice of the 5th... Then the rector censes the whole church, and the brethren according to their rank” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

With the beginning of the singing of the troparia, the royal doors open, the clergy go to the Shroud. The primate distributes lighted candles to the celebrant. Candles are lit and all the upcoming ones. The primate with the deacon censes the Shroud around (thrice) and, according to tradition, complete the censing of the temple. Immediately after the end of the troparions, the singing of the Immaculate begins (in the 5th tone, and in the same tone - praises). According to the Rule, the entire 17th kathisma (with praises) should be sung, but usually the singers sing the first few verses with their praises, then only the psalm verses are sung, and the clergy read the praises. During the conciliar service, psalm verses can be sung by all clergy. There is also a practice according to which both psalm verses and praises are read. If the priest is alone, then the reader reads psalm verses, and the priest reads praises.

According to the 1st article, the litany is small. They exclaimed: “For bless Thy Name, and glorify Thy Kingdom, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages.”

With the beginning of the 2nd article, a small incense is performed. According to tradition, small incense is performed by a priest with a deacon.

Note. “And having shaken, he begins the 2nd article. Another face sings the refrain: It is worthy to eat the glory of Thee, the Life-Giver... The same priest censes only the first icons and faces” (Tipikon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

The second article is executed like the first. At the end of it - a small litany. Exclamation: “For Thou art holy, our God, even rest on the Throne of Glory Cherubim, and we send glory to Thee, with Thy Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Thy Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.”

At the beginning of the 3rd article, which, according to the Charter, is sung to the 3rd tone, there is a small incense.

Note. “And we begin the 3rd article, chanting to the rector” (Tipikon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

At the end of the 3rd article - Sunday troparia, sung after the Immaculate, tone 5: "Angelic Cathedral ..." (with the usual refrain: "Blessed be Thou, Lord ..."). At this time, according to tradition, a full incense of the entire temple is performed.

Small Litany. Exclamation: “For Thou art the King of the world, Christ our God, and we send glory to Thee, with Thy Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Thy Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.”

At the exclamation - Triodion sedalen, voice 1: "With a clean shroud ...". “Glory” - the same saddle, “And now” - in the saddle, the voice is the same: “The faces of the angels are horrified ...”.

Psalm 50. (The clergy go to the altar. The royal doors are closed. “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ ...” is not sung. The prayer: “Save, O God, Thy people ...” is not read.)

Canon of Great Saturday from Triodion, tone 6: “By the wave of the sea ...”, with irmos for 14 (irmos twice, troparia for 12). Choruses to the troparia: "Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee." Bible songs will not be chanted.

The brawl for each song is the irmos of the same canon.

Note. “There is a canon from the first ode to the sixth, the work of Mark the monk, Bishop of Idrunt: [Irmos, the work of the wife of a certain Cassia, named,] from the 6th ode to the end, the work of the lord Cosmas” (Typicon, Ch. 49, “Into the Holy and Holy Saturday).

According to the 3rd song - Triodion sedalen, voice 1: "Thy coffin, Savior ...". "Glory, and now" - the same saddle.

According to the 6th song - the kontakion of Triodi, tone 6: “Enclosing the abyss ...”, and ikos, the same voice: “Contain all ...”.

On the 9th song - the usual censing ("We do not sing the most honest").

According to the 9th song, “It is worthy to eat” is not sung. Instead of a lamp, it is sung in the 2nd voice: “Holy is the Lord our God ...”, with verses (three times).

Note. Before singing the great doxology (usually during the canon or laudatory stichera), the primate puts on all the priestly clothes (without reading the appropriate prayers).

"Every breath ..." and laudatory psalms.

On the praise of the stichera Triodi, tone 2 and tone 6 - 4. “Glory” - Triodi, tone 6: “Today is a secret ...”, “And now” - Theotokos, voice 2: “Blessed be Thou , Mother of God Virgin ... ".

The royal doors are opened for the singing of “And now” the laudatory stichera, and the clergy go out to the Shroud through the royal doors (the primate is in full vestments). The primate pronounces an exclamation for doxology before the Shroud.

Note. “Great praise. The rector also enters the holy altar with the priests and deacons, and puts on all the sacred garments, the priests only in robes: he goes out with the Gospel under the Shroud, the priest overseeing, the deacon censing. At that time, the ringing in all, coming to him with candles, and with two lamps: and both faces singing the Trisagion of the tomb. The hegumen comes before the holy royal door, and there he stands, waiting for the end of the Last Trisagion. To this end, the rector enters the royal doors with the Gospel, and lays the Gospel on the throne, the Shroud is on the prepared table, in the form of a coffin...” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”). “Great praise. The priest, however, will put on all the priestly clothes, and enter with the holy Gospel” (Lenten Triodion, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

In ancient times, there was also the following practice: during the singing of laudatory stichera, the Shroud was taken to the altar and placed on the throne. During the great doxology, the throne was incensed around three times and the Shroud was carried out through the northern gate to the procession. At the end of the procession, the Gospel was laid on the throne, and the Shroud on the prepared tomb; The gospel was read at the altar, and not in front of the Shroud, as is customary now everywhere (see: Bulgakov S.V. Table book of the clergyman. T. 1. S. 616).

Great praise is sung. The primate with the deacon censes three times around the Shroud. With the beginning of the singing of the Trisagion, all the clergy make three bows to the earth. Then they will raise the Shroud; the primate walks under the Shroud with a small Gospel on the head. If one priest serves, then he raises the Shroud and hands it over to the reverent laity, and he himself enters under the Shroud with the Gospel; or he himself carries the Shroud over his head, and gives the Gospel to the deacon. There is a procession around the temple. During the procession, “Holy God ...” is slowly sung, and there is a chime (from the big bell to the small ones, but not vice versa), and when the procession enters the temple, a short chime is made.

Upon entering the temple, the Shroud is brought to the royal gates. At the end of the singing, “Holy God…”, the primate proclaims, exalting the Gospel: “Wisdom, forgive,” and the Shroud is placed in the middle of the temple. Incense is performed around the Shroud (three times). At this time, the troparion Triodi, tone 2, is sung: “Good-looking Joseph…” (once). Further, the troparion of prophecy, tone 2: “Contain the ends ...”, “Glory, and now” - the same troparion. Deacon: "Let's go." The reader is the prokeimenon of the Triodion, tone 4: “Rise up, Lord, help us, and deliver us for Your name’s sake”; verse: “God, we heard our ears, and our fathers told us.” Deacon: Wisdom. Reader: "The Prophecies of the Ezekiel Reading." Deacon: "Let's go." And the reading of the parimia Triodi (Ezekiel). Deacon: "Let's go." Reader - Prokeimenon of the Apostle, tone 7: "Rise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted up, forget not Thy poor to the end"; verse: “Let us confess to Thee, O Lord, with all my heart; let us hear all Thy wonders.” Deacon: Wisdom. Apostle (composite; see in Triodion) - 1 Cor., 133 credits. (V, 6–8); Gal., 206 credits. (III, 13-14). Alleluia, tone 5: “Let God arise, and his enemies be scattered”; verse: “Like smoke disappears, let them disappear, like wax melts from the face of fire”; verse: “Thus let sinners perish at the presence of God, but let the righteous be glad.” Gospel - Matt. 114 (read, according to tradition, by the primate at the Shroud). Litanies: full deep - "Rzem all ...", and pleading - "Let's fulfill the morning ..." (with the prayer of head bowing), and so on according to custom.

The great dismissal is pronounced from the pulpit: “For us for the sake of people and for our salvation, the terrible Passion, and the Life-Giving Cross, and the free burial of the Flesh, good, Christ, our True God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy and save us and Humanitarian". After the dismissal, the singers sing for many years, then - the stichera of the Triodion for the kissing of the Shroud, tone 5: “Come, let us appease the ever-memorable Joseph ...”, and there is a kissing of the Shroud.

Note. “And there is kissing in the cloisters on the shroud of the position in the tomb. And where there is no shroud, they kiss the image. The singers sing the stichera, voice 5: Come, let's please: and the 1st hour” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”). “The first hour is sung in the porch” (Lenten Triodion, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

Hour 1st joins the matins and ends with a small leave.

Separately committed hours 3rd, 6th and 9th and are pictorial .

Note. “At the hour of the 4th day. The paraecclesiarch strikes the small beater. And having gathered together, let us eat hour 3, 6, and 9, together, simply, in the porch” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

Before the beginning of the hours, the clergy, according to tradition, perform entrance prayers (according to custom, before the Shroud), put on clothes and begin the proskomidia.

On the clock- troparion Triodi: "Good-looking Joseph...". Kontakion Triodi: "Enclosing the Abyss...".

Blessed "soon", without singing (as on Great Thursday). On "And now" - "I believe ...". "Relax, leave ...". According to the “Our Father” and the exclamation: “For yours is the Kingdom...” – Triodi’s kontakion: “Enclosing the Abyss…”, “Lord, have mercy” (12). Prayer: "All Holy Trinity ...". Priest (or deacon): "Wisdom." Singers: “It is worthy to eat ...” to the words: “and the Mother of our God” (inclusive). Priest: "Most Holy Theotokos, save us." Chorus: "The most honest Cherub ...". Priest: "Glory to Thee, Christ God...". Chorus: "Glory, and now", "Lord, have mercy" (three times), "Bless". Let the little one go: "Christ, the True God ...".

Vespers connects with Liturgy St. Basil the Great.

Note. According to the Rule, Vespers with the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great begins "about the hour of the 10th day", that is, in our opinion - about 4 o'clock in the afternoon (cf.: Typicon, ch. 49, "On Holy and Great Saturday evening").

Exclamation: "Blessed is the Kingdom ...". The usual beginning (with "King of Heaven..."), psalm 103 (the priest reads prayers of the lamp). Great Litany. There is no kathisma.

"Lord, I have cried," voice 1. At this time, the proskomidia ends, and the censing of the entire temple is performed.

Note. « Lord, call let's sing in voice 1st. The priest and the deacon, having departed, perform the proskomedia. And we put verses 8, and we sing verses of the Resurrection 4, tone 1: Evening our prayers: At the same time, the deacon is censing. And the Triodion are self-voiced 3, voice 8, on 4” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday Evening”). "Same, Lord, call, to the voice of the 1st. All the cloisters of the priests and deacons, I reach the verse, saying: They will fall into their nether: offering a bow, they depart, and put on these clothes, and perform proskomedia” (Lenten Triodion, “On Holy and Great Saturday Evening”).

On “Lord, I have called” the Triodion stichera for 8: Sunday, tone 1 - 4, and Great Saturday, tone 8 - 4 (the first stichera - twice). “Glory” – Triodi, tone 6: “Today…”, “And now” – dogmatist, tone 1: “Glory to the world…”.

Entrance with the Gospel (in front of the Shroud). "Light Quiet". There is no prokemin. The Royal Doors are closed, and the reading of 15 parimias of the Triodion immediately begins (according to tradition, before the Shroud).

Note. “Prokeimenon does not say: But abie priest, or deacon, Wisdom. And the reader begins reading the day of the Triodion according to their order. There are 15 readings of all” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday Evening”).

First, parimias 1–6 are read. At the end of the 6th parimia, in the words: “And the words are spoken,” the royal doors, according to tradition, are opened. The reader proclaims: “Let us sing to the Lord.” The singers sing in the 5th voice: “Gloriously, you have become famous.” The reader proclaims the following verses from the song of the prophet Moses, the singers in both faces after each verse sing: “Gloriously glorified.” After all the verses, the reader: "Glory ...". Singers: "Gloriously become famous." Reader: And now... Singers: "Gloriously become famous." And in conclusion, the reader himself sings: “Gloriously, you have become famous.” The Royal Doors are closed.

7–15 parimias are read. At the end of the 15th parimia, in the words: “Blessed be Thou in the firmament of heaven, and venerable, and exalted forever”, the royal doors, according to tradition, are opened, and the song of the three youths is sung (in the same order as it was performed according to 6- and parimia the song of the prophet Moses). It is sung: “Sing to the Lord and exalt unto the ages”; then the reader proclaims the verses of the song, and the singers sing to each verse: “Sing to the Lord and exalt Him forever.” To the verse “May the earth bless” one should sing: “Let him sing to the Lord and exalt Him forever.” After the verse “Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” we should sing: “Let us sing to the Lord, and we will exalt Him forever.” Then the reader: "And now." Singers: "Sing to the Lord and exalt Him forever." The last verse, according to tradition, is sung by the reader himself: “We praise, bless, we worship the Lord, singing and exalting throughout all ages.”

Little litany. Exclamation: “For Thou art holy, our God, and we give glory to Thee ...”. Instead of the Trisagion - "They were baptized into Christ ...".

Prokeimenon, voice 5: “Let all the earth worship You and sing to You, let them sing to Your name, O Most High”; verse: “Shout unto the Lord, all the earth, sing praises to his name.”

Apostle (read, according to tradition, before the Shroud) - Rom., credit. 91.

The alleluia is not sung, but the reader pronounces instead of “Alleluia”: “Seventh voice”, and proclaims (or sings) the verses of the 81st psalm: “Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for you will inherit in all the nations”; verse: “God is a hundred in the assembly of gods, among the gods he will judge”; verse: “How long will you judge iniquity, and will you accept the faces of sinners?”; verse: “Judge the orphan and the poor, justify the humble and the poor”; verse: “Take away the poor and the needy; deliver him out of the hand of the sinner”; verse: “Knowing not, understanding less, they walk in darkness”; verse: “Let all the foundations of the earth be moved. Az reh: you are bosi, and all the sons of the Most High, but you die like men and fall like one from princes. The singers sing the refrain: “Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for you have inherited in all the nations”, to each verse of this psalm.

During the singing of “Rise, O God…”, the royal doors are closed, and the veil is closed, the clergy change into white robes, and all the vestments in the church are replaced by light ones. The royal doors open for the reading of the Gospel.

Note. “When they sing: Resurrect, O God, judge the earth: Then the priests and deacons take off their black robes and put on white ones” (Lenten Triodion, “On Holy and Great Saturday Evening”). “Therefore, therefore, the priests and deacons are taken out of their clothes, and put on white clothes” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday Evening”).

Gospel (read by a deacon in front of the Shroud, and by a priest without a deacon - at the throne) - Matthew, credit. 115.

Instead of "Cherubic" - "Let all human flesh be silent ...".

The meritor is the irmos of the 9th song of the canon of Great Saturday: “Do not weep for Me, Mother…”.

Communion: "Rise as if sleeping, Lord, and rise again, save us."

After “Save, O God, Thy people…” we sing: “We have seen the True Light…”.

Let go of the Liturgy: “Christ, our True God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, as He is Good and Lover of mankind.” It is not necessary to pronounce Sunday leave: "Rise from the dead, Christ ...", because this does not correspond to the meaning of the Great Saturday service.

After the dismissal, the blessing of bread and wine is performed.

Note. “And let go. Then there is the usual blessing of bread and wine. The priest comes, having shaken them, and says the usual prayer of blessing: Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless the five loaves... And rekshe: Amen"(Typicon, ch. 49, "On Holy and Great Saturday evening").

The prepared table with bread and wine is delivered in front of the Shroud, at some distance from it, so that censing can be performed around it. According to a more common practice, the capital with bread is delivered on the salt. As usual, troparia are sung, tone 2: “Noble Joseph…”, “Glory” – “When thou hast descended…”, “And now” – “To myrrh-bearing women…”. A triple incense is performed around the table with bread, then it is proclaimed: “Let us pray to the Lord”, the singers: “Lord, have mercy”, and the priest reads prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, having blessed five loaves and satisfying five thousand, Himself bless this bread and wine, and multiply this in this city ( or in this weight or in this holy habitation) and in all your world, and sanctify those who eat from them. As You bless and sanctify everything, Christ our God, and we send glory to You, with Your Father without beginning, and the All-Holy, and the Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Singers: Amen.

The bread is broken up and distributed to the faithful.

On Great Saturday, food without vegetable oil and wine are allowed at the meal.

Note. “The ecclesiarch must be in danger, but when the liturgy ends, it will be the hour of the 2nd night.

After the dismissal, we leave the church for a meal, and each one sit down in our own place, with silence and reverence. And the cellar enters the abie and gives the brethren a single loaf of bread each: as if the prosphora were prepared for that, half a liter of loaves, moderated equal, and 6 figs, or dates, and one measure of a cup of wine. And if there is no wine, the brethren drink kvass from honey, or from wheat. Figs are found in the most numerous countries. But to us who eat, a great reading will be offered, in the Acts of the Saints an apostle from the beginning. The reader began to say, but the priest versed: Through the prayers of the holy apostles, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. And by Amine the reader of honor begins.

[After a holiday, we do not leave the church, but we sit in our places, and the cellarer enters and gives the brethren one piece of bread, and six figs, or dates, and one red wine each. But to us reclining, there is a great reading in the Acts of the Holy Apostles from the beginning (Lenten Triodion, “On Holy and Great Saturday Evening”).]

It is known that there is, as if in the testament of the saints the apostle, and in some cases the fathers, even before the curse, command to rebuke the faithful. The Holy 6th Council commands until midnight. The types of the Studian, Jerusalem, and Holy Mountains, until the end of the 3rd hour of the night, say to perform the service, and eat like that, nothing else, but bread, and vegetables, and little wine, as I remember. This is all we have combined, we will offer to the brethren who are with us in Christ, as if I had prophesied according to the patristic charter, as if it were a cup, when the sun sets, rivet, where it will be in time to let go.

After eating all the brethren, there is a reading in the same Acts of the holy apostles, as if prophesied. Let the head of the Church listen to this danger, and let the whole Acts be read to the end. To all the brethren who listen diligently, and let not a single one fall asleep to betray himself, fearing the filth of the tempter of the enemy: in such times and places, the enemy seeks to defile the negligent and sleepy monks. Readers change, and they honor even until the 4th hour of the night. And then the paraecclesiarch burns the whole kandila in place. And we take a blessing from the abbot, and when he comes out, he strikes the beater. And the reader makes the reading” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On the Holy and Great Saturday evening”, 2nd, 3rd and 4th “see”).

If the consecration of Easter cakes and Pasoch takes place before Bright Matins, then only the Sunday troparion of the 2nd tone should be sung: “When you descended to death ...”.

After cleaning the temple, "the great reading in the Acts of the Saints of the Apostles from the beginning" begins. Reader: "Bless the Acts of the saints, Father, read." Priest: "Through the prayers of the holy apostles, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us." Reader: "Amen," and the reading begins.

Good-looking Joseph ... ”(Lenten Triodion,“ On Holy and Great Saturday ”). “The abbot says: Wisdom, sorry. And the reader abie troparion Blessed Joseph... once” (Typicon, ch. 49, “On Holy and Great Saturday”).

According to the Lenten Triodion, the end of the troparion is repeated on "Glory".

The pictorials begin with "In Thy Kingdom...".

As usual, in front of the Shroud.

The exclamation “For Thou art holy, our God...” is pronounced at the Liturgy and when it is celebrated with Vespers. According to Fr. K. Nikolsky (see. his"A Guide to the Study of the Rule of Divine Services of the Orthodox Church", p. 388), in this case one should proclaim "Lord, save the pious ...". The order of pronunciation "Lord, save the pious ..." is the same as at the Liturgy, served without conjunction with Vespers. The priest, when there is no serving deacon, must himself pronounce the exclamation "Lord, save the pious and hear us" in the following edition. Priest - exclamation: "For Thou art holy, our God, and to Thee we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever." Face: Amen. Priest: "Lord, save the pious." Lik sings the same. Priest: "And hear us." Lik sings the same, and then sings "Holy God ...". (See: Definitions of the Holy Synod<о порядке возглашения «Господи, спаси благочестивыя...»>, meeting July 17, 1997 // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1997. No. 8. S. 15–16.)

The dressing of clergymen in bright clothes is a baptismal feature that has been preserved in modern worship from the ancient practice of Baptism on this day of the catechumens (as well as the apostolic and gospel readings of the Liturgy of Holy Saturday).

There is a practice to sing instead of “Videhom the True Light ...” the Sunday troparion, tone 2: “When you descended to death ...” (cf .: Follow-up of services on Saturday to Lazarus, Vay Week and Holy Week / Comp. E. Kustovsky, M., 2010, p. 300), however, the liturgical books do not give grounds for such a replacement.

Cm.: Uspensky N. D. Liturgical holidays // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy. M., 1963. No. 12. S. 52–69; Liturgical instructions for 1998. pp. 417–419.

Krasovulya is a drinking cup used in Greek monasteries, which holds ½ pound or more of a drink (one Russian pound is equal to 409.5 grams).

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation on 04/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the Moon on April 15, 2017

On the date 15.04.2017 v 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 19 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius ♐. Light percentage The moon is 85%. Sunrise moon at 23:52 and sunset at 07:42.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 19 lunar day from 22:52 04/14/2017 to 23:52 04/15/2017
  • 20 lunar day from 23:52 04/15/2017 until the next day

The influence of the moon on the wedding April 15, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius (+ )

Moon in sign Sagittarius. The basis of a strong and lasting alliance, concluded during the period of influence on the Moon of Sagittarius, as in all other marriages, will be trust.

Due to the fact that you will completely trust each other, you will be able to constantly improve, expand your horizons and interests. Marriage will become stronger every year, because you will develop and learn something new in each other.

In such a union there is a place for almost everything: religion, education, sports, philosophy, travel. Throughout your life you will accumulate pleasant memories. You will become best friends, happy people.

19 lunar day (− )

April 15, 2017 at 12:00 - 19 lunar day. The day is categorically not suitable for fateful and responsible events, especially for a marriage.

It is believed that it is on this day that a person concludes an agreement and takes the negative side of a partner as a companion. Relationships are likely to be on the verge of divorce and eventually come to a logical end.

Waning Moon (− )

The moon is in phase Waning moon. The third lunar phase is not the best time to get married. Energy begins to wane, and a wedding may seem wasteful and unnecessary to you, which can ruin your relationship with your partner. For this period, a quiet and modest registration is suitable.

Influence of the day of the week (− )

Day of the week - Saturday, not the best day to register a marriage. The influence of Saturn on this day can bring cruelty to the relationship of the spouses. Most likely, the relationship between the spouses will be tense and there is even a possibility of enmity and hatred. However, this day is perfect for a marriage of convenience.