A beautiful combination of flowers in a bouquet. Basics of floristry: what flowers are combined? Similar color scheme

  • 30.05.2019

In a pair of colors, complementing each other, the main ones can be yellow, red, blue, and additional - orange, purple, green. Orange is obtained by mixing yellow and red; purple - from mixing blue and red; green - from mixing yellow and blue.

Favorable combination colors are obtained in floristry if plants with a primary color are combined with plants of an additional color: yellow with purple, red with green, blue with orange.

Besides of these combinations, combinations of shades are also harmonious in the transition of one color to another, for example, red - light red - pink - yellow-pink - orange; green - yellow-green - greenish-yellow - greenish-blue - greenish-gray.

White and black colors are neutral, however, they are widely used in landscaping and arranging, they are clearly visible from afar.

White gives an elegant festive look and softens the contrast of colors. Black - emphasizes the brightness of the color.

According to the laws of harmony in floristry, light-colored flowers always look better against a dark background, so flower beds and flower beds are more colorful if light-colored flowers are located around the perimeter, and dark-colored flowers in the center.

The harmony of the bouquet is necessary or arrangements of flowers with a place where they are placed. For example, a red carnation does not look good in a red vase. flower vase- one of important elements the composition you create, the impression made by the bouquet largely depends on it. For an arrangement of fresh cut flowers, the vase must hold water well.

Decorative containers for a composition of growing plants, on the contrary, they must have drainage or a hole for draining excess water. The material for the manufacture of vases can be wood, ceramics, wicker and straw, glass, porcelain, faience, clay, metals and alloys.

Can be used dishes, plates, salad bowls - any container that holds water, and for the garden - baskets, cast irons, car tires, tubs, stumps, etc.

Homemade vases are also suitable, made with twine, wire, stickers of various seeds, bamboo stalks, washcloths, shells.

You can make vases- coasters with special recesses and flower holders made from scraps of wooden trunks, stones, tuff, tinder fungi, glass blocks, metal, even a rubber hose, if you insert a wire into it for stability and roll it up in a knot so that the upper hole serves as a neck for water. You can write a separate book about making homemade vases, but for you, dear readers, this is a wide field of fantasy and handicraft skill.

Glass (crystal) vessels best used on formal occasions. Fragile, delicate flowers harmonize with them - freesia, irises, daylilies, early flowering snowdrops, daffodils.

silky surface have petals of roses, peony, carnations, sweet peas, lilies, irises, many fruit trees (apple, Japanese quince). Vessels made of glass, porcelain, glazed ceramics are suitable for them.

With a velvety surface petals are harmonized by unglazed ceramics and the soft natural surface of tree bark, tinder fungi. metal look has foliage of ficuses, camellias, anthurium, peperomia, and from garden plants- funkia, bergenia, periwinkle, hybrid iris, gladiolus, cattail.

Leaves These plants look spectacular in metal and porcelain vases. Petals of gladioli, cyclamen, lilies, tulips, orchids, irises, narcissus, lily of the valley have a "porcelain" surface.

Their beauty in floristry is most fully manifested in glass and porcelain vessels. This is how the skillful master of flower compositions and the wonderful teacher N.V. Naumova teaches us.

Bouquet arrangement originality depends on the material and how it is assembled.

Yes, small groups effectively combine flowers that have not only an attractive color, but also an exquisite shape, for example, daffodils, tulips, roses, carnations, irises, greenhouse orchids, poinsettias, gerberas. It is customary to collect annuals and biennials in large bouquets.

At the same time, they combine many low flowers and place them under high ones, although they look good on their own in rounded bouquets placed in small vases and are well suited for decorating a dining table.

In floristry, very important for flower arrangement in the house or garden background.
Indoors, a composition or bouquet will look good against the background of soft pastel colors - pervange (grayish blue), ivory (light cream). In the garden, the flower arrangement is advantageous against the background of the delicate greenery of the lawn, the water surface of the pool, when looking up - against the sky, or against the background of a wall of soft pastel color.

Often as a background in the garden, you can use a green wall of herbaceous or woody-shrub plants, forms of small architecture or stones. It is necessary to consider where the bouquet or composition will look best, depending on the location. Above eye level, ampelous, hanging plants and vines are placed; below - landscape compositions for home and garden.

Lighting is also important, in which a bouquet or composition is placed in a house or flower garden. In a dark room, more light should be given, and backlighting is often done in a garden or park so that the beauty of plants can be seen in the evening hours.

Stylish and original flower arrangements are traditionally considered one of the best gifts, as they are appropriate in almost any situation. But in order for the present to really bring only pleasant emotions, you should know which flowers are combined in a bouquet, and which, on the contrary, will look somewhat out of place. By remembering just a couple of simple features, you can present a really beautiful and stylish gift to your dear person.

Floristry requires extensive knowledge and combines elements of nature and art. Floristry can be divided into several sections depending on what kind of work will be done. Among the most popular we can highlight. Order flowers - wedding bouquets, flower accessories for the bride, decoration of the church hall of the wedding car, funeral floristry - bouquets and mourning wreaths, urn decorations with ashes, Christmas floristry - compositions for Advent, Christmas or Easter, communion floristry - bouquets and communion wreaths, random florists - personalized daily bouquets and other occasions. For a true florist, being a florist is a way of life.

Features of the combination of flowers in a bouquet

Everyone has long known that flowers have their own language, with which you can express your feelings and wishes to the recipient of the bouquet, but in order for the composition to turn out to be truly beautiful and elegant, it is necessary to take into account not only this. So, experienced florists identify several basic rules that must be followed when composing a bouquet. It is necessary to take into account:

To perform well in this profession, you must approach compositions that you are passionate about. However, this does not prevent us from constantly improving and gaining knowledge. A good florist should keep up with the latest trends and keep an eye on what is currently in vogue. In flora, as in other areas of art, there are changes and novelties that will make our work more interesting.

Floriculture is a way of life among flowers and other plants, their constant observation, their connection with them and their beauty. In the head of a real florist, new ideas appear for use in interior design. A wedding is an important event in the life of a young couple, so everyone can make everything perfect. This is why many couples care about the overall and consistent look of their floral arrangements on their wedding day. It is very important that the bride's bouquet, consisting of a flower in the groom's buttonhole and decorating the car, be stored in a similar climate, as this is the wedding hall.

  • plant species;
  • primary colors and shades;
  • the number of buds;
  • composition form;
  • the symbolism of each flower.

It is also important to consider who exactly the gift is intended for. For example, bouquets for women can be unusual, bright and colorful, while delicate flowers are more suitable for young girls. pastel shades. And of course, in almost any case, an excellent solution would be to choose roses, a wide range of colors that will allow you to compose a composition for any occasion. At the same time, if the present is intended for a man, then the best option would be the most concise compositions of solid colors of a saturated shade.

By circumstances of death loved one we mainly carry out traditional floristic forms such as. Funeral bunch, funeral bouquet on a flower, funeral bunch on a stand, Roman crown, tomb decoration, count decoration, farewell hall decoration. The most ancient rose cultures were established in Persia three thousand years ago. In addition to their decorative functions, flowers served many other roles; They were worshiped by the gods, they were a sign of recognition of the winners, a symbol of immortality, a symbol of love for a woman, a symbol of the birth of a child.

Secrets of experienced florists

by the most important nuance in the formation of bouquets is a verified color scheme. Florists use three main combination methods:

  • Contrasting colors - a combination of blue with orange, green with yellow, red with pale green and so on looks great. This decision makes the composition bright and optimistic, but the shades must be selected with care, as too sharp contrasts can make the bouquet unnatural.
  • Monochrome combination - in this case, buds of the same color are used, but in different shades, for example, from light to dark pink. Contrasting tones in this situation are not used, they are only valid when creating the background of the composition.
  • Multicolor composition - in this case, it is worth highlighting no more than two main tones, diluting them with secondary ones. So, the combination of yellow, blue and red looks good. In this case, it is better to give preference to colors of pastel shades.

It should also be borne in mind that a bouquet can be made up of flowers of the same variety and even one shade, and in order to make it look interesting and unusual, it is worth adding green sprigs as decorative elements. When compiling complex flower arrangements, florists often use snow-white buds - they perfectly soften contrasting combinations. At the same time, it is important to use unusual colors with care, for example, black-purple or maroon, they are best balanced with yellow or pink plants.

You can not ignore the smell and medicinal properties ; rose oil and rose water are favorites of the Romans. Of course, these flowers have been decorated in large numbers by chefs. Already at that time, many people were fascinated by the art of decorating rooms with flowers and composing beautiful plants. In subsequent eras came species and types of flowers grown mainly for interior decoration.

In the Middle Ages, used to decorate plants, they were quite common, found in meadows, near houses. Houses were usually decorated with herbs: prophecy, love, poison and evil. During the renaissance, flowers were planted in glass vessels, rich houses were decorated with flower garlands. Bouquets contained a large number of plants and were very complex.

When creating a bouquet, it is recommended to avoid the simultaneous combination of very bright and large flowers - in this situation, it is enough just to spoil the whole impression of the gift with one wrong choice. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that some flowers are completely incompatible and cannot exist with each other. For example, daffodils, carnations, lilies and hyacinths should never be combined in one composition with flowers of other species. The fact is that these beautiful and delicate-looking plants emit toxic substances, due to which the entire bouquet will wither very quickly.

Floristry in the style of baroque and classicism

The Baroque period is characterized by highly accentuated symmetry in composition, which was extremely rich and often pompous. The rococo floral compositions decorating the interior acquired lightness. Classical fashion, complex and even complex flower arrangements are celebrated in classicism. Neoclassicism returned to rich ornamentation.

Floral arrangements were very rich, often flowers were also combined with fruits. It was then that the favorite to this day was the type of bouquet that fit the hand, often a wedding in which the flowers were arranged radially and symmetrically. The Secession is a period of exceptional decoration. The motifs of favorite artists are plants, especially those that have smooth, wavy and sinuous lines.

You should also take care of a suitable background for the flower arrangement. As a rule, green leaves and twigs are used in this case - this is the most traditional and win-win shade, which also symbolizes peace, tranquility and hope. Green is an intermediate color, so it has many shades that can be successfully combined with almost any other plant. We can also choose other color solutions to create a background, but it is quite difficult for a non-professional to cope with them, so it is better to entrust this task to a florist. The best materials for background design, peony and fern leaves, as well as stalks of kochia and perennial chill are considered.

French romanticism was inspired by floral scents; In flower arrangements, attention was paid to this feature of plants. The flowers were arranged in rich vessels decorated with ornaments, ribbons, leaves, feathers and many other elements. English Romanticism preferred compositions that were very impressive, filled with many colors, heavy. Because of their size, they are often placed on a pedestal or pedestal. Flowers have also become a fashionable addition to a costume in the form of a pin or brooch.

Contemporary floristry flows

Florists' creativity was influenced by various cultures, such as the Japanese, but also by the rich European style. Floristry is developing dynamically, new technologies appear in bouquets. Florists create their own vision that influences floral fashion. Floristry is present in everyday life.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, then the choice of a gift should be entrusted to professionals. Experienced florists know perfectly well which flowers are combined in a bouquet, and they will make a beautiful composition for you, for example, from tulips - you can get more information on the Megacvet website. Do not be afraid to experiment when composing a flower arrangement, because often the most unexpected solutions turn out to be the best, just follow the rules above.

The rules of bouquets and floristry are repeatedly described in magazines and books around the world. In many countries there are florist shows that define new trends in this area. Many people want to study and learn the rules of flora. The Academy of Floristry is educational institution that needs this satisfaction.

Similar color scheme

Birthday or holiday? Christmas, Easter or Women's Day? Today we send special thoughts to loved ones, or we enjoy traditional flower-giving festivities, and even if any flower is received with pleasure, no matter the occasion, it doesn't hurt to know some references about flowers suitable for certain moments. We will always make a good impression, guaranteed!

Harmony of flowers: how to choose the right color scheme in a bouquet

It is hard to argue with the fact that all flowers are beautiful. Then why do we like some bouquets, while others do not even want to buy? It happens that even the most beautiful and exotic flowers do not form a complete, harmonious composition. And all from the fact that the color scheme is broken. Therefore, the concept of color balance is considered one of the most important in floristry.

Flowers for birthday or onmastic

In such cases, flower bouquets or flower pots make a good impression, regardless of type and color. To surprise, choose your favorite flower bouquet, and if you don't know what it is, you can choose a bouquet from different seasonal flowers.

Bouquets for a loved one

Giving flowers to a loved one is an ancient but always valid practice.

Although participation is no longer an end in itself, as it once was, the custom of giving flowers to the bride-to-be remained relevant. As a rule, delicate flowers are selected in warm shades: a rose in a combination of white and red or pink flowers, do not forget pink peony, violet or lilac. A flower gift is also suitable for a future mother-in-law.

The concept of the color wheel

In order to better navigate the space of colors, it is easy to create the desired shade in any color model, there is color circle , which was coined along with early color theories. The classic circle consists of eight sectors: 7 colors of the rainbow and purple. The color wheel has primary (red, yellow, green, blue) and intermediate colors (orange, cyan, violet and magenta), which are arranged alternately. When two primary colors are added together, a secondary color is obtained, which is located between them.

Bouquets for a fresh mother

In such a situation, any combination is suitable. It is important that the bouquet is tied with a silver or gold ribbon. We can enjoy the birth of a child by sending flowers to my mother. We choose discrete flowers without strong perfume, delicate flowers. good choice there will be a rose or tulips, and if we want to be original, we can choose lily of the valley, stink or daffodils.

On the occasion of graduation, it is obligatory to give flowers to graduates or graduates. Gorgeous flowers are chosen, perhaps in combination with the bay. Giving flowers to a man is not common. And men love to receive flowers. Choose bright flowers and a well-defined corolla.

The color wheel is divided into two halves: warm and cold. Warm colors are:

  • Red;
  • Orange;
  • yellow;
  • intermediate shades.

And colors are considered cold:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • green;
  • transitional (blue-violet, blue-green).

Four basic ways to combine colors in floristry

1. Contrasting colors

Contrasting colors in a bouquet involves using opposite colors or shades on the color wheel. For example, and, and green and so on. Now floristry is dominated by linear floral arrangements, composed in pure colors, in order to emphasize or highlight the color of a particular flower. The combination of contrasting colors makes the composition bright, vital, optimistic, but too sharp a contrast can make it unnatural. Therefore, be careful in choosing shades, try using pastel shades of contrasting shades - light purple with sky blue, or combine a light shade of one color with a dark contrasting one.

The celebration always proclaims the coming of spring, therefore the awakening to the nature of nature. In this case, we can give white and white hyacinths.

Bouquets for Valentine's Day

There are no flowers on Valentine's Day! It has become a tradition for men to give flowers to their loved ones, especially red roses, a symbol of love and passion. But women can make pleasant and original surprises: a carefully crafted bouquet will make him happy!

2. Similar color scheme

A similar combination of colors is the use of those colors (from two to four) that are in the neighborhood on the color wheel. The choice of plants with this combination of colors is much wider. And at the same time, it is not at all necessary to use pure colors, you can combine shades of different saturation. At what one of them can dominate over the others. Such a composition turns out to be calm, restrained, but at the same time incredibly charming.

3. Monochromatic color scheme

Bouquets are very delicate and charming, they are collected from flowers of the same color, but different shades. This combination is called monochromatic. You can pick up flowers for the composition with varying degrees of intensity of red, green, purple. Then all the transitions between shades will be smooth, not sharp and completely invisible. For example, a beautiful composition in the photo is made in green tones. To create it, they used greenish, white and many different varieties.

4. Polychromatic colors

The polychromatic combination of the color palette is also called rainbow, since in this case all parts of the color wheel are used. The most common example is a bouquet of flowers, which we will conditionally call "country". It is harvested in the summer from flowers that are currently growing in the garden, regardless of their size or color.

Giving a bouquet, few of us understand what it means. A symbolic meaning a bouquet of flowers in many situations has its own meaning. Correctly compiling a bouquet corresponding to a certain celebration is not an easy task. And you need to entrust it to true professionals. Indeed, for the correct preparation of a bouquet corresponding to a specific event or occasion, it is very important to take into account the combination various kinds colors, their color, shape, symbolic meaning and quantity.
Today, when composing bouquets, their symbolic meaning is by no means the main thing, the language of flowers has somewhat lost its relevance in modern world. The color of the bouquet is chosen according to the taste and preferences of the donor. Fashion is also of great importance when composing a bouquet. For example, if a few years ago it was customary to give natural long-legged roses not packed in any materials, today bouquets have the most diverse shapes and types. An important trend in the floral fashion of our time is the decoration of bouquets with beads and artificial pearls.

Every year, twice a year, florist exhibitions and world trends are held, where gurus in the world of floristry identify new trends in the world of floral fashion.
Today, for example, bright design of bouquets is considered in fashion, and the brighter the colors and their combination, the better. On the next year predict more restrained tones in floristry. These are pastel shades - blue, pink, light colors.
If we talk about the fashion for a certain type of flowers, then this year it is most relevant to use hydrangeas in flower arrangements. And in combination with roses, this flower looks the most advantageous. However, it is worth emphasizing the relevance of roses. These flowers, being the queens of the world of flowers, will never suffer from a lack of popularity. Due to its perfection, the rose flower always looks good in combination with various flowers and is a pleasant addition to any bouquet.

The combination of flowers in bouquets for different purposes

White color has always been considered a symbol of innocence, which is why it is the basis wedding bouquet. The bride's bouquet, according to tradition, should contain white flowers, which can be advantageously complemented by well-matched and harmonizing in color scheme flowers. A nice addition to a white wedding bouquet can be pink, pale yellow, light green and blue flowers. The main purpose of the wedding bouquet is to emphasize the youth, freshness and innocence of the bride. Therefore, bright shades of color, like red and burgundy, are not appropriate in a wedding bouquet.

If we talk about the types of flowers most often used in the preparation of wedding bouquets, then roses are in the lead in combination with lilies, or chrysanthemums with lisianthus (eustoma).

Also, another requirement for the preparation of a wedding bouquet is the combination of the latter with the floral design of the restaurant, cars, with bouquets of girlfriends, the groom's boutonniere.

Of course, flowers are not only given to women. Men's bouquets are also relevant, although the requirements for their compilation are more stringent and strict than when compiling bouquets intended for women.
The following are considered male flowers: roses, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, calla lilies of certain shades, among which green, yellow and mango-colored callas are the most popular when composing male bouquets.
It is relevant to use in the preparation of men's bouquets and anthuriums, yellow-red, dark cherry and green orchids. Legislators of floral fashion are not at all opposed to using exotic flowers as components of men's bouquets. These are such varieties of the flower world as proteas, leukosperums, strelitzia.
A prerequisite for composing a bouquet for a man is to avoid pastel shades, that is, the colors that are most often found in women's bouquets. Taboo for men's bouquet are pink, blue, light flowers.

When composing a bouquet for a man, not the last factor that plays a significant role in the design of a men's bouquet according to all the rules of floristry is its shape.
Usually, bouquets intended for men have an elongated shape, the entire bouquet is directed upwards, has a strict linear asymmetric or symmetrical shape. Such requirements come, first of all, from the fact that a man's bouquet should symbolize the masculine principle. These parameters can be achieved by the bouquet through the execution with the help of large flowers placed in the center of the bouquet and surrounded by smaller ones.

Most often, a large protea flower is placed in the center of a male bouquet. But no exception - the composition of a men's bouquet of smaller flowers, such as anthurium. If the bouquet consists of flower "little things", there must be a lot of it.

Speaking about the color of buds suitable for making a men's bouquet, it is worth noting that it must necessarily carry a symbol of energy and activity. That is why men's bouquets are made up of bright and saturated flowers. But even here you should not go too far, especially if the bouquet is made for a person you know well.
Show your individuality and take into account the character, tastes and habits of the addressee when composing a bouquet. After all, the image and profession can carry numerous differences in the preparation of men's bouquets. For example, for a creative nature, the composition and symbolism of a bouquet will have much greater value than for a businessman, who, for example, is much more important attention and prestige.

Bouquet for a business partner should be distinguished by the severity of lines and the absence of frills. It should be strict and bright. To this end, when composing a bouquet for a business partner, large flowers are used. Often such bouquets are made up of gladioli, roses or anthuriums. The intense and bright colors of the bouquet must necessarily emphasize its individuality, then the effect of its presentation will be simply amazing.
When combining and selecting flowers for making a business bouquet, it is very important to take into account the age of the person to whom it is intended. For example, delphiniums with roses are suitable for a young business partner, but a business partner in adulthood and occupying a higher position is more sympathetic to a bouquet of Grand Prix roses in the center, surrounded by amaranthus and papyrus.

If your business partner is still little known to you as an individual and personality, give him a win-win option - roses. These flowers will be appropriate in any situation and for any age category. From a huge variety of rosebuds, differing in shape, color and size, you can make a million and one business bouquet. Moreover, each of the composed pink bouquets will be individual and different from the other.
In addition, if you do not know your business partner well enough, to whom you should give flowers, you should not opt ​​for burgundy or pink rose bouquets. It is best to collect a bouquet of such varieties of roses as "Circus" or "Limbo". These breeds of roses are known for their rich color combinations. A bright and contrasting bouquet will look original and will surely attract attention, being remembered for a long time.

Why a bouquet? The answer to this question is quite simple and suggests itself. Business partners are quite often wealthy people, moreover, they are also unfamiliar. What to give such a person if not a bouquet of flowers, with which you can express any wish?
A yellow bouquet or a bouquet with yellow flowers will mean that you wish your partner wealth and prosperity. At a farewell meeting or before an upcoming trip, it would not be superfluous to regret him a good journey and successful conclusion of deals with the help of a bouquet, the elements of which will be coconut shells, symbolizing a boat.
Before drawing up a bouquet, so that as a result it has an original and unusual view, be sure to tell the florist about the characteristics of the person for whom the composition is being created, about his preferences and tastes, and about what you would like to say with your bouquet-message.

Combination of colors with decorative elements

It is not new for us to make bouquets with decorative elements and various decorating materials. For example, a tradition came to us from the West to add dry flowers or dried flowers to flower arrangements. A fairly common trend is the decoration and design of interiors, both home and office, with the help of phytodesign, in particular, dried flowers.

Compositions of dried flowers in most cases are created without the presence of fresh flowers at all. Such compositions, having the form of wreaths, balls, bouquets, are intended more for winter period and are considered winter. The first advantage of dried flower compositions is their long-term, maintenance-free use. Such a composition costs a little relative to the time of its use, but the room decorates just fine.

It is not a problem to create a composition of dried flowers on your own. Moreover, in our climate there is more than enough material for its creation. You can independently use collected and dried snags, ears, dry herbs, cones, Maple leaves and other natural material of unusual and interesting shape. And having collected in an unpretentious composition or arranging its elements in places suitable for this purpose, it is great to decorate the room with your own efforts.

When creating a composition of dried flowers, you can diversify it somewhat by bringing liveliness and versatility into staticness by adding freshly cut stems, leaves and flowers of plants. Most often, such compositions are more successful in the autumn, when there are most fruits and ears. At this time, nature provides great opportunities for your imagination to fly.
Dry ears of cereals are perfectly combined with bright yellow and orange autumn flowers, such as aster, chrysanthemum or rose. The presence of ears of corn in the composition symbolizes well-being, satiety at home, hearth, material well-being.
If you want to create an exotic autumn masterpiece, you can add a combination of fruits and fruits to the composition with autumn flowers, and also use tulips or hyacinths with ears.

Winter bouquets and compositions look good in combination with spruce twigs, nuts, cones, ears of corn and red and white flowers. If this is a Christmas composition, red, white and blue color. For example, if a flower arrangement contains a red candle, it will harmoniously look in combination with roses of a red hue or white color, cookies and nuts. Such a composition symbolizes the generosity of the Christmas evening and speaks of its owners as people with a generous, sincere and open soul.

It will not be superfluous to add such decorative elements as artificial butterflies, bees, dragonflies to summer compositions. They will remind us of the aroma of summer plants and the fragrance of a flowering meadow.

Bouquets with spring flowers such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, freesias symbolize the spirit of spring. Decorating such compositions with small decorative insects, such as bugs or snails, will only once again emphasize the riot of spring colors and the liveliness of the bouquet.

Such seasonal compositions, carrying the spirit of the times, are especially relevant and in great demand at the appropriate time of the year.

"Lonely" flowers

Single bouquets are often popular. Few people know that there are certain types of flowers, the gift of which in 90% out of a hundred looks more profitable in a single copy.
Carnation is one of these flowers. It is not combined with any other types of flowers, and therefore is used only separately. However, making a bouquet of only one type of flowers does not at all speak of its banality and ordinariness. A bouquet of carnations in the shape of a ball, decorated with any decorative element, such as a heart or a small decorative animal, will look great as a love confession. In addition, carnation is one of the few flowers that has an unusual shape of petals. Moreover, when creating compositions, florists often glue the petals of carnations, resulting in extraordinary flower arrangements.

They do not like neighborhoods and large, bright accent flowers, such as gerberas, amaryllis, callas. They look more impressive in single compositions. These flowers often win when composing a composition or a bouquet with just one large flower. An unusual approach to creating a men's bouquet consists of three amaryllis, fixed on a driftwood. Moreover, the composition has nothing more from the design and decorative elements.

Large, equally bright, and rather expressive flowers, which most often act as the center of a flower arrangement, are very poorly combined with each other.
These flowers include orchids, roses, lilies. Agree, if you consider each of these three colors separately, it will be difficult to choose the most attractive one. They are almost equally good. Therefore, you should not combine them in one bouquet. If you place these rival flowers in one composition, it will be deprived of a compositional center. The human eye will not perceive such a bouquet as a whole, but will only linger on its individual components.

If the center of the bouquet is an orchid, less conspicuous flowers, such as alstroemerias, will harmoniously look next to it. However, it is not necessary to arrange this aristocratic flower in a bouquet. One branch of an orchid presented as a gift, decorated, for example, with ruscus or other greenery, will look quite complete and majestic.

Only very experienced florists can adequately combine orchids, roses and lilies in one bouquet.
Any bouquet that causes admiration and attracts attention should consist of one accent, which is the center of the bouquet. It is roses, orchids or lilies that can bring brightness to a bouquet. However, their combination can lead to oversaturation, and such a bouquet will no longer be perceived as one composition. After all, the brightness and splendor of colors, expressed equally in each of the types of flowers, will equally attract attention. So it will not turn out to be an admirable and memorable composition.

There are also flowers that, due to their purely physical properties, do not combine well with each other. Breeders today are busy breeding flowers whose relationship to each other would be neutral. As a result of such developments, today it is possible to combine almost any flowers without fear that they will destroy each other. Yet the war of carnations, roses and lilies, which are in the same bouquet and placed in one vase, continues to this day.

Symbolic combination of colors

The symbolic combination of colors is a separate issue. which needs to be considered separately. Flowers have many meanings, and there are several interpretations of their combinations.
In the modern world, there are a huge number of variations on this theme, although at present the symbolic language of flowers is gradually losing its relevance. In the medieval ages, the allegorical language of flowers was more popular. But even today, the symbolic language of flowers has its own outlines, which are known to everyone based on the color of the petals of the buds. So, for example, white flowers mean innocence, yellow has regained its ancient meaning and from the color of betrayal turned into a symbol of wealth, red flowers, as before, mean passion and a declaration of love.

Amaryllis - means pride and emphasizes majestic beauty.

ASTRA - is a symbol of unhappy love, sadness and parting.

CLOVE with pink petals - means a long memory.

CLOVE white - is a symbol of innocence, pure and devoted first feeling of love. It also serves as a symbol of reconciliation between quarreling lovers.

CLOVE red - symbolizes a passionate feeling of love, admiration and passion for the addressee.

CLOVE yellow - is a symbol of contempt and disappointment in the once hot love feelings.

CLOVE striped or multi-colored - means the rejection of love, expresses coldness and rejection of love recognition.

GLADIOLUS - has always served as a symbol of carnal pleasures, was awarded as a sign of search mutual feeling, meant fidelity, sincerity, honor and long memory.

HORTENSION - symbolizes unrequited love, is a sign of coldness, indifference and inflexibility.

IRIS - symbolizes faith and hope for a better future, expresses friendly feelings and loyalty to friendly relations.

Callas white - are a symbol of sadness and express mourning.

LILY with snow-white petals - denotes innocence, purity and chastity, as well as admiration for virtue.

Yellow LILY - symbolizes pride, but it also has a hidden meaning, symbolizing pretense and falsehood. Very often, the symbolism of the yellow lily combines the following expression: "I want to make peace, but pride prevents me from taking the first step."

ORCHID - at all times was a flower of beauty and refinement, luxury and nobility, symbolizes deep respect.

ROSE unopened - symbolizes innocence and beauty. This is a sign of youth. So pink roses best to give to girls and young girls.

ROSE red - is a symbol of passionate love. Sometimes it can mean suffering from love. In general situations, when a red rose is given to colleagues and friends, it means respect, congratulations on success, the color of celebration and joy.

ROSE pink is freshness, spring, softness, youth and tenderness. Often in a bouquet, pink roses say: “trust me!”

ROSE white - denotes modesty, purity, innocence, chastity, admiration. It is a mystery, a riddle and silence.

ROSE yellow - has several meanings. It can symbolize separation and betrayal, it can mean jealousy and farewell, doubt about the sincerity of the addressee. Second value yellow rose- this is wealth, joy, the sun.

ROSE orange - means a holiday, fun, sun and admiration.

ROSE maroon or dark crimson is the emblem of mourning and sadness. Can denote coming passion and aging.

TULIP red - means recognition of the first passionate love, sincerity and expectation of reciprocity.

TULIP yellow - yellow means unrequited love and separation. Second value yellow tulip is sunshine, joy.

CHRYSANTHEM - a symbol of love, but also means sadness, can serve as a symbol of longevity, as well as a hint that the old love will never fade away.

It is noteworthy that the values ​​of color combinations are not always made up of the sum of the values ​​of each flower. Most often, the meaning of color combinations in a bouquet is predetermined. For example, a bouquet of chrysanthemums and orchids will witness your great joy that you experienced from meeting the addressee. White and red roses in one bouquet symbolize the unity of views, unanimity, union, long and lasting friendship. If a bouquet of red and white roses is well designed, then it will make it clear to the addressee, who does not even understand the symbolic language of flowers, what you wanted to tell him in this way.

Bouquet of yellow flowers may cause negative emotions, because many have heard that yellow symbolizes sadness, separation and sadness. However, they perfectly complement flower arrangements of a different color.

The maroon bouquet is somewhat gloomy, it is best to dilute it with other shades close to burgundy, such as scarlet, pink or peach.

Each of us has the right and may well actually compose his own message by ordering a bouquet of certain flowers.
Red, pink and peach roses will help to confess your love. A carnation will emphasize the masculinity of a loved one or your admiration for the intelligence and strength of a colleague. But do not be surprised at the disappointment that arose on the face of the addressee when you hand him a bouquet of hydrangeas with yellow carnations. Here, even those who do not know will understand your negative attitude.

The article was prepared based on the materials of the researchers of the Society of Florists of America

Experienced florists know what's best ornamental plants look not separately, but in combination with other species. However, it is important to know certain rules for competent combination different types flowers in a bouquet, because some of them simply do not "get along" with each other, as a result of which the floral arrangement fades very quickly.

The combination of colors in flower arrangements

The principle of combining fresh flowers in floristry is based on the characteristics of plants: they all release specific substances into the water, which can affect other elements of the bouquet both positively and negatively.

For example, they secrete a juice that is quite dense in structure, which swells in water and can clog the vessels of the stems of other plants. Therefore, you can put daffodils in a vase with other flowers no earlier than a day later: before that, it is better to keep them in a separate container so that most of the juice stands out.

Poorly compatible with other colors of orchids, mignonette, carnations, sweet pea and lilies of the valley (the latter are especially unfavorable for forget-me-nots, tulips and violets). "Aggressive" lily accelerates the withering of many wild flowers - cornflowers, poppies, daisies. And even a rose is not combined with all plants: its proximity to a carnation is especially bad for it. Moreover, roses of different varieties may be incompatible.

If we talk about a beautiful and correct combination of flowers in bouquets, according to the laws of floristry, it is worth remembering plants that increase the life of other elements of the composition, since the juice they secrete purifies water from bacteria. These plants include:

  • geranium;
  • branches of thuja and cypress (they are recommended to be added to bouquets of nasturtiums and tulips);
  • woodruff stalks and jasmine branches (added to lilies of the valley, they enhance the fragrance of flowers and prolong their freshness).

Also, some plants are simply "friends" with each other, mutually reinforcing the brightness of the petals - an example of this are bouquets of calceolaria and cyclamen (the former change from brown to red).

Thus, when composing a bouquet, it is worth avoiding a combination of antagonistic flowers, including plants that are “friendly” to each other in the composition.

Combination of roses with other flowers

The rose is rightly called the "queen of flowers" because it has elegant buds with perfectly shaped petals, and also has a delicate, very pleasant aroma. It is not surprising that roses are included in many floral compositions, wanting to emphasize and enhance the special beauty of these flowers.

We bring to your attention the most successful, the best combinations roses with other plants in one bouquet, taking into account the shades and varieties of the "queen of flowers".

So, with small flowers on low stems, delphiniums, aquilegia and daylilies look great. Large pink buds are in harmony with sophisticated irises. The combination of scarlet roses and tulips looks interesting in the bouquet. White roses look harmoniously with bluebells and violets. And to yellow and orange flowers, you can add doronicum, tansy and goldenrod.

Often found with chrysanthemums, lilies and callas, however, although such compositions look very elegant and attractive, they are unlikely to last more than a couple of days due to specific substances released into the water.

Combination of tulips with other flowers

First of all, with tulips you can create very beautiful, truly spring bouquets, complementing them with a variety of flowers - for example, mimosa branches or daffodils.

Bouquets with tulips and chrysanthemums or roses look unusual and festive, as their lush petals emphasize the laconic severity of the tulips themselves. A combination with lilies, callas and alstroemerias is also acceptable. However, it is important to remember that it is undesirable to overload the composition with alstroemerias with numerous decorative elements - a few branches of greenery will be enough.

A tandem of white tulips and blue or purple irises looks unusually beautiful: it turns out a visually abstract and very memorable composition. And, finally, a rather original combination with field bells (placed as a border of the composition) - such a bouquet looks especially gentle, romantic and feminine, and therefore it is often preferred to order it with home delivery on the day of the bride's wedding ceremony.

The combination of chrysanthemums with other flowers in a bouquet

Without a doubt, a bouquet with white, yellow, blue, red chrysanthemums in combination with other plants looks especially luxurious and solemn, and therefore it is perfect as a present for an anniversary. important event, birthday.

As a rule, they play a dominant role in the composition, while it is recommended to supplement them with only one type of other plants (for example, irises or lilies) and branches of greenery (gypsofoli, fern, asparagus). All flowers should be placed freely; plants with stems of different heights allow to give a bouquet more naturalness.

Concerning concrete examples, it looks very expressive with alstroemeria chrysanthemum - such a bouquet symbolizes joy and happiness, and also emphasizes the originality of the recipient and his creative nature. Very often, such compositions are given to young girls during their first date.

A bouquet with gerbera and chrysanthemum will look no less original due to the variety and brightness of the shades of the petals of the first, as well as the splendor of the Astrovs. This allows florists to create a wide variety of arrangements - both extravagant and romantic.

The specialists of our company are well aware of the principles of combination various colors in one bouquet. Therefore, when ordering a composition on our website, you can be sure: it will delight the recipient with a beautiful beauty for a long time. appearance and pleasant aroma. Please note: we offer delivery of orders throughout Moscow 24/7.

We are all used to classic bouquets of one type of flowers - bright scarlet roses, lush chrysanthemums, modest carnations - the so-called "mono-bouquets". But bouquets in which flowers of one type are adjacent to others are gaining more and more popularity. There can be two, three, four or even more types of flowers in such a motley bouquet. It is bright, attractive and unusual. But here the florist is in danger - different plants may be incompatible with each other.

What does this mean?

Certain types of plants tend to release certain toxic substances into the environment in which they are located (for example, into water). Flowers standing in a vase with such "harmful" counterparts can wither and die very quickly. In order for a bouquet of different types of flowers to please its owners and owners for a long time, you need to know the intricacies of combining different colors.

Let's discuss which plants can and even need to be combined in bouquets with other species, and which ones are absolutely not. Let's do this on the example of the main types of flowers, most often found in all floristic masterpieces.

Unfortunately, these classic and noble flowers do not tolerate the neighborhood with other types of flowers very badly. In order for cut roses to stand as long as possible, florists do not even recommend mixing different types of roses in one bouquet. The following plants are especially detrimental to roses:
lilies of the valley;

But a bouquet of roses and lilies looks amazingly beautiful, and will please the eye for a long time. These flowers have the property of mutually prolonging each other's freshness.


Narcissists, in full accordance with their name, prefer to be in splendid isolation. When cut, a specific “juice” begins to stand out from their cells, which is able to clog the pores of other plants, contributing to their premature death. Most flowers do not tolerate close proximity to daffodils, but the following are especially affected:

lilies of the valley;

If you really want to collect and present a bright composition with daffodils, they should not be added to the general bouquet immediately, but a day and a half after they were cut. During this time, dangerous mucus will practically lose its destructive properties for other plants.

Tulips are quite tender plants, and react extremely negatively to the presence nearby:

lilies of the valley.

Also, tulips will not feel good next to:


But there are also a number of plants that perfectly complement the bouquet of tulips and prolong its life. For example, a cypress branch will make the whole composition brighter and allow it to stand longer. Geranium or juniper will have a similar beneficial effect. It is also very good to add thuja to tulips - it will give freshness and vigor to the main flowers of the bouquet and will be able to feed them.

Like roses, carnations prefer to be alone in a bouquet. Bananas, apples and fruits of other plants, which emit a specific harmful gas, act most detrimentally on them. Under the influence of tobacco smoke, cloves will also die very quickly. In addition, do not place carnations in the same bouquet with:


lilies of the valley
Very tender and very sensitive, lilies of the valley do not tolerate the neighborhood with other plants. In no case do not add to a bouquet with lilies of the valley:

sweet pea;

At the same time, there is a small list of plants that can breathe into lilies of the valley. new life, feeding them with their neighborhood. A sprig of woodruff will prolong the expressive aroma and freshness of lilies of the valley. Geranium and jasmine will have the same effect.

Lilies look chic even on their own, and most often florists do not mix them with other plants. In addition, lilies will have a very bad effect on the following types colors:

But with noble roses, lilies coexist perfectly together. They do not interfere with each other at all, on the contrary, they complement each other wonderfully in such a mixed bouquet. We recommend combining lilies and roses only with decorative greenery, because other decorations may already be redundant.

Finally, you should be warned against placing the following plants in a bouquet with any flowers:

sea ​​buckthorn;
other fruits.

These plants can release a gas (ethylene) that is equally destructive to all kinds of flowers.