Tattoo with the meaning of freedom and strength. Ancient symbols of freedom

  • 29.06.2020

The well-known Dutch tattoo artist Kim Rens, the owner of his own Papanatos studio in The Hague, arrived. We have been interested in him for a long time - one of the best in engraving style, connoisseur of Russian prison tattoo and the hero of the book Forever: The New Tattoo.

Kim Rance unlearned graphic designer, then worked in the most ordinary tattoo studio, then left there and opened his own tattoo shop in The Hague. Instead of the usual interview, we asked Kim Rens to compile a list of the ten main topics of modern tattoo (similar to classic symbols old school: rose, swallow and others) and briefly talk about each. We illustrated all the points in the material with the works of Rens himself.

Kim Rens

tattoo artist, owner of Papanatos studio

Papanatos is a funny word I heard in Spain a few years ago. This is a very old word used to call a fool and a loser, no one uses it anymore. I thought it was a good name for a tattoo studio - at least more interesting than all the traditional names. When people see a sign, they always ask what it means. And this is in my favor.

The main themes of the tattoo remain the same - love, death, and so on. They are simply given a new interpretation: I do more absurd things, add more humor and madness. Perhaps the main difference between today's tattoos is that design has begun to play the first role, everyone wants to make cute tattoos first of all, and the meaning plays a secondary role. For me personally, the meaning is completely unimportant and certainly not as important as it was for the tattoo artists of the past. Most of the time I draw what's in my head - sometimes it can just be random things that will look like this today and look different tomorrow.

The world of tattoos is becoming more artistic today and a tattoo is no longer just a tattoo - it becomes an artistic statement, it becomes an art and people take it as art. More and more tattoo artists have a background in the art environment. I think that's good - the tattoo will evolve and get better and better.

Skulls are very powerful things. She always makes a strong impression, talking about many different things - not necessarily about death, although sometimes about it too. In addition, the skull in most cases looks good - it's a beautiful shape.

I myself love graphic works. Very strong and clear lines. At the same time, you must always remember that it is almost impossible to make perfect lines in a tattoo - ideal in the understanding of a graphic designer.

Birds - used to make eagles more often, but today they prefer cute ones small birds. Birds are made, as before, as a symbol of freedom - they are always in a state of flight. Birds look good on skin too, plus the wings come in many shapes and you can make them anything you want - very minimalistic or very detailed. Owls are especially popular now.


The symbolism is what really matters. Such tattoos are very individual - it can be anything: a cross, a hippie sign or a single number that makes sense. There are more and more such tattoos, and they play an important role in all sorts of gangs and closed clubs.

The best tattoos, in my opinion, are absurd symbols, not very small, not very large, that people around think: why did you even get this tattoo? All sorts of strange details and themes make you think.

The mandala is a very powerful symbol. For most people, this is just a beautiful ornament, a nice symbol, but it also has a lot of meanings behind it. It means the ability to perceive life as it is.

Marine theme

The marine theme - ships, anchors, etc. - is as relevant as before. You can choose one of many styles for this theme, there are so many ways to present it correctly: you can fill an ordinary ship in the ocean, or you can make one that sinks or falls down - all this will mean very different things.

Religious symbols - I think there is no need to explain anything here. As for me, I like all this because religious images have their own aesthetics, which is very close to me - the style of old engravings. I myself work in the engraving style, and if we talk specifically about the Dutch specifics, then, probably, in our works, the lines are usually thinner, and the drawings are more detailed than, for example, by English and American masters.


There are simply too many of them. Most often people come to me for tigers and lions. They can be more traditional or more modern, ironic or absurd. Animals are exactly the same symbol as everything else. Behind each of them there is some meaning - usually strength or intelligence. People love symbols. And why they make so many beetles - I don’t know. They probably just look cute.

Usually not just letters, but phrases or statements. Previously, most often a single word or name was chosen for a tattoo, but now more and more people are making long sentences. Do beautiful tattoo from a long phrase, by the way, not so easy. In this picture, I put the image around the hand - and it worked. And to write words with a line on the chest would not be so beautiful, and, in my opinion, just boring.

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These symbols have survived dozens of generations, and people have endowed them with power and meaning for centuries. Sometimes, over time, the meaning of symbols changes - it becomes overgrown with associations and distorted beyond recognition. And perhaps this
a beautiful pendant on your pendant carries an unexpected sacred meaning.

website looked into the history of the most famous symbols.

The earliest references to the symbol date back to 4200 BC. Ouroboros has been popular in religion, magic, alchemy, mythology and psychology.

It represents creation and destruction, the cycle of life and death. The symbol was borrowed from the Egyptians by the ancient Greeks to denote things that have no beginning and no end. In Chinese philosophy, the yin and yang monad is associated with ouroboros. In Gnosticism, he is both good and evil.

It is believed that the yin-yang symbol originally came from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries. In China and Japan, yin-yang is considered the model of all things.

The original concept of "yin" - "shadow", and "yang" - "sunny slope of the mountain." Yin and yang is interpreted as a continuous interaction of contrasts. Polar forces complement each other, and each carries a piece of its opposite. Yin and yang is a peaceful struggle in which the final victory is impossible, since the end does not exist.

The earliest images were created in 2000 BC. The symbol is found in Asia, the Middle East and Egypt. The wheel was an attribute of the sun gods and personified the cyclical nature of life, rebirth and renewal. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the wheel symbolizes the cycle of Samsara, the course of change, fate and time.

Later, the concept of "Wheel of Fortune" appeared - a symbol of the variability of fate. The spokes of the wheel of Fortune carried successes and failures, endlessly replacing each other.

The first mention of the symbol is dated 1300 AD.
The wind rose was a symbol of a guiding star and a talisman for sailors.

In the XVIII-XX centuries, tattoos with this talisman were popular: it was believed that it would help the sailor on the way and in returning home. Also, the wind rose was depicted on maps, symbolizing the cardinal points.

Early five-pointed stars date back to 3500 BC.

The pentagram was considered a talisman against evil and dark forces. Merchants of the Ancient
Babylon depicted a star on the door to protect the goods from theft and damage. Pythagoras considered it mathematical perfection, since the pentagram is fraught with golden ratio. The stars were a symbol of intellectual omnipotence.

In early Christianity, the symbol of Jesus Christ was an inverted pentagram. But at the suggestion of Eliphas Levi is inverted five pointed star became a symbol of Satan.

Introverts are quite difficult people. This is not to say that they do not like people. They are just very selective. And therefore, such people need to be told in a special way about themselves. And, of course, one of the popular ways to express yourself is a tattoo.

Day.Az, with a link to Mashable, presents 25 perfect tattoos that will suit introverts.

Timshel is a famous quote from John Steinbeck's novel East of Eden. This Hebrew word means "you can" and symbolizes that a person always has the right to choose.

Notes. If music means more to you than just sound. Such tattoos can be done on the rib, behind the ear, on the neck.

Lines. Thickness is your personal choice. They symbolize a strong personality.

Dots. The ellipsis symbolizes eternity. Some do each point at special moments in their lives.

Little wave. Water is a symbol of purification and the beginning of a new one. Wash away all the bad things from life.

Symbols from alchemy. Ideal for those who feel connected to the earth elements.

Egyptian hieroglyphs. Depending on your desire, you can tell about something important using Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Border of a country or city. The outline of a country or city that has special meaning to you.

Roman numerals. It could be your date of birth or any other significant date in your life.

Rings. They are similar to Indian henna patterns and symbolize health and good luck.

Paper plane. Ideal for avid travelers. Symbolizes a creative and cheerful personality.

Heart impulse. Means life.

Needle and thread. Suitable for fashion lovers.

Constellation. Fans of Doctor Who and astronomy will find this tattoo perfect.

Cat. The silhouette of a cat is elegance.

Camera outline. You are an observer.

Wood. Shows a passion for nature and life.

Se la vie. From French, "this is life", can mean different things, depending on your vision.

carpe diem. A popular Latin expression means "seize the moment". You can also use "YOLO" - You Only Live Once (you only live once).

Paw print. Love to the animals.

The sun. A call to happiness and positivity.

Snowflakes. They have a very beautiful and interesting design. Associated with a unique and beautiful personality.

So it goes.
It translates as "such things" and means that life goes on. This is the author's commentary on someone's death in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5.

Little Prince. A famous image from the book "The Little Prince" by Exupery. Tattoo - optical illusion. Adults see a hat, and children see a snake that swallowed an elephant. A reminder to not take everything too seriously.

City skyline. Whether it's one city or a combination of several, this tattoo will keep your travels in mind.

What is a tattoo? For one it means close connection with a criminal past, and for another - just a nice picture, transferred to the skin by a skilled craftsman. Let's move away from stereotypes and let's not consider a tattoo as a stigma. Today, such drawings are firmly in vogue. Artistic tattoo

now regarded as a real art. Indeed, the creation of such a picture sometimes takes a lot of time, first-class materials, as well as the efforts of a master of the highest category.

Here are the most popular tattoos among modern personalities: bird, infinity sign, stars on the ankle or foot, Chinese style, dream catcher, stylized cats, etc. I must say that a rare person will decide on a really large-scale image. Most, alas, prefer monotonous and non-color sketches. And this sometimes turns the work of the master into a banal stamping of the same type of pictures. However, even the most simple tattoos(a bird, for example) can become a real masterpiece.

The most common place for such creativity is the wrist, shoulder blade or forearm. This tattoo is very popular among girls. They joyfully depict on the skin several black silhouettes of birds flying in a flock or one after another. But it can be much more interesting, because such a drawing carries a very deep and interesting meaning.

The image of a bird has always symbolized freedom, the flight of thought and spirit. The Egyptians put the departing soul of a person after his death into the image of a hawk. Vultures and crows are also a kind of personification of the gloomy side and dark mysticism. As you can see, not all such tattoos (a bird in this case can mean almost anything) carry a positive charge. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the sketch.

It is best to depict a specific bird. You can choose a realistic technique or add dark outlines so that the tattoo does not lose its brightness and clarity over time. But let the drawing be sure to be interesting and specific. Then it will immediately become purely individual.

Let's say you like Birds in this case should be very small, and small details are extremely difficult to draw. Therefore, stop your choice on one character. It will look much brighter and clearer. What bird to choose?

Stork - symbol eternal life and devotion of children to their parents. This noble bird has very strict and pleasant features. Therefore, her image is perfect as a tattoo.

Sparrow - sexual energy, sexual activity. In China, this lively bird carried a very specific meaning. Therefore, when making (a bird or someone else), be sure to first find out their true meaning. After all, this part of the body is almost always in sight.

If you want to decorate your body with positive drawings, then in this regard best tattoos- a dove, a swallow, and also a crane. Don't pretend to be a swan. In some interpretations, it means tragedy and even death. But the banal chicken in Africa has always been associated with a conductor in So this bird is not so simple as it seems at first glance. For a man the best choice becomes an eagle. This is a sign of honor, courage and pride. And the owl will get along well with a well-read and erudite personality.

The principle of the Universe - the Union of the Three. That is why this symbol in the form of three petaled lilies, tridents and in other forms is used in heraldry. This symbol- a graphic display of energy flows circulating in a spiral along the spine from top to bottom, connecting in the lower chakra and rushing up the spine in an altered state to the Spirit. This symbol not intended for play and experimentation due to its power and the vulnerability of the mage when using it. Even experienced...

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The view speaks of a large energy freedom and a slight separation of the energy-informational impulse, which strives not for stability, but for internal transformation or mutation. Symbol represents open system, which ... fragmentation and plurality to unity and indivisibility. Somewhat different in its image from all previous fourth, most ancient symbol. In its writing, it is similar to the letter "h" in the Theban alphabet (comparable to the Russian letter X: "Chronos...


Generates the Universal Whirlwind which, Transformation, helps a Man to reveal the essence of the Multidimensional Existence through the Light of Cognition ancient SVITOVIT. Basics - symbol the eternal relationship between Earthly Waters and Heavenly Fire. From this connection, new Pure ones are born ... a cult sign, symbolizing the desire for success, perfection, the intended achievement of the goal. Data symbol Orthodox designate the Old Believers system ancient rites by which communication with the Gods is achieved. NARAYANA - symbols of Heaven...

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