Star of chaos tattoo. What does a five-pointed star tattoo mean?

  • 29.06.2020

Today, among the younger generation, you can meet a huge number of people who have tattoos on their bodies. Different images can carry different symbols, personify life cycles, processes, and so on. Very often people choose the image of stars as a tattoo. But what does this mean? Let's figure it out.

star symbol

A star as a tattoo is quite a popular phenomenon. The meaning of the star tattoo depends, first of all, on the variety of the latter, as well as on its location. Such drawings are in demand among both men and women, as they are easy to perform and quite beautiful. Very often, a star is applied as the first tattoo.

In fact, the star has ancient meaning, it can be found in different religions and cultures, but it is not tied to them, so this symbol is universal.

Stars in ancient cultures

The star is a symbol of eternity, high ideals. In ancient times, it was believed that each person has his own star, which is born and dies with him. This connected the fate of man with the astral body, and this marked the beginning of the development of the science of astrology.

The star is a symbol of plurality, order. But the deep meaning of this image depends on the shape, number of angles and color.

Number of corners

The meaning of the triangular star tattoo is displayed in the Bible. This symbol represents the All-Seeing Eye, the Providence of the Lord. The quadrangular star is a symbol of light, it indicates the right path and is associated with the cross, while the five-pointed one represents the image of a man from the Cosmos and acts as a talisman. AT ancient egypt it denoted the ascent to the beginning and was used as a hieroglyph, which was present in such words as "teacher", "enlightenment" and so on. The meaning of the tattoo "star inverted" speaks of black magic and evil spirits.

The six-winged star of David, or the seal of Solomon, (two intersecting triangles of blue color) was a talisman, translated from Hebrew meant "God-protector". This symbol was previously used to protect against evil and represented the primacy of God over the entire universe. It is generally accepted that this image arose after the victory of David over Goliath, after which he became the king of Israel. The white six-winged star (Bethlehem) personifies the Nativity of Christ, and the heptagonal one - the East, the mystical side of man, his perfection. The octagonal star is a symbol of the cross (double four-pointed star), abundance, and the nine-winged one is the stability that everyone aspires to. It is also an image of the nine worlds and good health. The twelve-pointed star is an image of perfection.

The meaning of the star tattoo in some variations

The starfish has long been used as a talisman against the water element, so it was mainly made by sailors. A falling star means something an important event in a person's life, future changes. Magic and miracles, the fulfillment of desires displays a star located in any constellation or next to the crescent. Masons, on the other hand, believed that a star burning in a flame personifies the mystical center, the energy of the Universe.

Location of the tattoo

The meaning of a star tattoo on the arm, namely on the wrist, is a symbol of lesbians. And if a woman places it on another part of the body, it can act as an accessory or a simple decoration in order to attract attention.

In the thieves' world, a hexagonal star, called the "Wind Rose", is placed on the forearm under the "shoulder straps". Its carrier must have thieves' concepts. Also often jailers put stars on their elbows. This means that the person "will not give a hand to the cop." A star tattoo on the knees has the following meaning: a person will never obey the law and will not kneel before him. If the image is applied to the collarbone, this indicates that its carrier is an authoritative recidivist thief.

Today, the most popular place for tattooing is the shoulder. This is very beneficial, because such images can be hidden under clothing, they do not fade in the sun. Since this part of the body has a pronounced contour, stars on the shoulders can turn out to be very beautiful. A tattoo, the meaning of which is expressed in a symbol of power, luck and self-sufficiency, looks advantageous on the shoulder.

A tattoo today can be applied to various parts of the body and act as an ornament, or it can carry a certain semantic load. When choosing this or that image, you need to get acquainted with the information about what it is, because today the same tattoo can have several meanings. A star, no matter how many angles it has, always represents infinity and the Universe. Since ancient times, it has been considered a good sign bringing good luck. In the case when it has clear bold contours and enough bright color, this may indicate that the star is a common symbol of beauty. Be that as it may, the twinkling of the stars has always agitated the human soul, evoked dreams, awakening secret desires. All this has led to the fact that the star today represents a dream and hope.

Star tattoo - meaning

Depicting a star on your body has recently become very popular, since this drawing is distinguished by its simplicity of execution, extraordinary beauty and mystery. In a general sense, the meaning of a star tattoo is the personification of luck, good luck. It is able to give a person strength, inspire, increase his creative potential. But the symbolism of such a tattoo is ambiguous, and first of all it will depend on the version in which it is depicted, as well as on its location.

What does a star tattoo mean?

The number of angles of a star on a tattoo can tell you what this night celestial body symbolizes on the human body. So, the triangular star was also mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, such an image is directly related to religion. It is the personification of the All-seeing eye and the Lord's providences.

A star with four corners is the image of a cross. It is believed that she is able to give a person decisiveness and in difficult times can indicate a way out of a difficult situation. The five-pointed star, also known as the pentagram, is a kind of amulet that can protect its owner from evil thoughts and evil spirits. However, the inverted pentagram is a symbol of the teachings of Satanism.

The meaning of the star of David tattoo, which has 6 angles, has religious meaning: she speaks of the supremacy of the Lord over the entire universe. She will protect her master from earthly evil, become a kind of talisman that brings good luck and luck. Septogram - a star with seven corners symbolizes man as a perfect being. The night luminary, which has eight corners, is a symbol of abundance. A star with nine ends speaks of the desire for stability and harmony.

A star tattoo located on the shoulder means that with its help a person wants to show his self-sufficiency, luck. Usually, on this part of the body, such a tattoo depicts power-hungry personalities, endowed with leadership qualities.

Of particular importance is the tattoo star of Russia, personifying the unity of the body, spirit and human soul. It combines the feminine and masculine, the birth of a new life. The Star of Russia is a symbol of the Slavic nation, uniting divine forces with everything that is on earth.

The second name of the star of Russia is the star of Svarog, the tattoo of which also acts as a talisman. Having such an attribute on the body acquires spiritual strength and protection of God. Boundless freedom, faith, a sense of justice and honor - that's all that this tattoo symbolizes.

pentagram tattoo meaning

Actually, pentagram tattoo meaning can change depending on the personal qualities of the owner and the meaning that he put into it, but at the same time, the symbol itself has an impressive history that cannot be discarded even in the context of a tattoo. In addition to information about the meaning of a pentagram tattoo, within the framework of our site you will find everything you need in order to make an unusual tattoo with such a pattern:

  • Pentagram tattoo photo
  • Sketches and pictures for a pentagram tattoo

Pentagram tattoo meaning and meaning in modern times

The pentagram is one of the most ancient, mysterious and still unknown signs. The pentagram carries the greatest meaning. This is physical endurance and stability. Courage, intuition, intelligence. Luck, excellence, prosperity and leadership.

It is found in so many religions, in so many peoples, with so many meanings, both positive and negative. Frightening and alluring, repulsive and attractive, good and evil. When making a pentagram tattoo, there is complete freedom of choice, what you believe in, how you perceive this symbolism, what meaning you put into it. There are no restrictions, this symbol is equally suitable for both a woman and a man, there is no meaning on which part of the body the pentagram is displayed. Its power, its strength, its meaning, in fact, is what you believe in. Consider the general knowledge that has come down to us regarding this designation.

What does a pentagram tattoo mean?

Pentagram, pentad, pentacle (from the Greek. "pentagonal mark") - a symbol of magic, and at the same time protection from evil spirits. It was used by both white magicians and dark ones. Different religions and peoples interpreted this sign in their own way. The sign itself displays a five-pointed star. Highly importance has the fact how exactly the star itself is located and designated. If the fifth point looks up, it reflects goodness. If, however, two points look up, then, accordingly, evil. More than others, this symbol, nevertheless, was common among Europeans, however, in other cultures, its presence is also tracked. About four thousand years ago, this sign appeared in Mesopotamia, according to scientists. It is also assumed that the star itself meant the trajectory of the planet Venus. It is also called the "flaming star", referring to the Freemasons. Also, the five-pointed star was a symbol of the sky among the Egyptians and Sumerians. One of the first to have this sign is the Pythagoreans (a trend that arose in the 6th-4th centuries BC and got its name thanks to its ancestor Pythagoras). The star symbolized eternal youth and health. Personifying both the spiritualization of life itself and nature in general. Although in many times and in many cultures it was a distinctive and identifying sign. There is also the concept of Christians that the star of the pentagram itself symbolizes the five wounds of Christ, (on the arms and legs), and either on the side or on the forehead from the crown of thorns. There is another designation in Christianity, where two of the five limbs mean the nature of Christ (human and divine), and three of them mean the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the pentagram was often associated with the image of a person. The fifth point was the head, the other four were the limbs.

In the opposite arrangement, the association was a devil, where the two upper tips are ears or horns, and the lower one is a goat's beard. Thus, the inverted pentagram is a symbol of the underworld.

In addition, the pentagram is compared with giving a person five senses, the presence of five elements, or with the very apple of knowledge that Eve plucked in the Garden of Eden.

There is a legend that initially, the symbol of the pentagram was an apple, a storehouse of knowledge, a sacred fruit, hidden from humanity and belonging to the goddess Kore. If we cut an ordinary apple not along, but across, then we will really see a display of a five-pointed star similar to a pentagram. In other meanings, each of the angles implies the elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Spirit. The circle that unites the points of the star carries the meaning of God and Light, reflecting and commanding all the elements at the same time.

In order to be in trend, a pentagram tattoo can be emphasized by silver earrings in Moscow, which can be purchased at a good price via the Internet.

Devil pentagram. Pentagram "star in a circle" - meaning

Drawings consisting of figures and signs have been used since time immemorial. Who first came up with a pentagram depicting an equilateral five-pointed star is unknown. This sign is found in the tombs of the pharaohs and on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to the 4th millennium BC. It is not easy to trace the path of the pentagram from those ancient years to the present day. She then went into the shadows, then again loudly declared herself. Now this sign is at the peak of popularity. The inverted pentagram of the devil is used by Satanists for their dark deeds, and the correct one is used by Christians to protect themselves from these same Satanists. What is the essence and attraction of this sign?

The word "pentagram" has Greek roots. "Pente" (πέντε) in Greek is five, and "gram" (γραμμή) is a line. This sign came to Hellas from Mesopotamia. There, the five-pointed star was powerful protective amulet. They believed in her strength so much that they even painted on the doors of houses and shops. The rulers of ancient Babylon associated the star with strength and power and depicted it on their seals. However, there is a version that the pentagram originally belonged not to the Sumerians, but to the goddess Kore. Its sacred fruit was an apple, which contained the Great secret of the universe, and which should not have become the property of man. It was this forbidden fruit that the cunning devil slipped into Eve. Cut the apple across - and you will see a small five-pointed star there. Who knows, perhaps this legend of the pentagram is the most reliable? After all, it is not for nothing that as long as humanity exists, it is looking for this “apple of knowledge” so much.

Pentagram and "divine section"

The pentagram conquered the famous Pythagoras with the ideality of its proportions, corresponding to the golden, or divine, section, which has a mass of mathematical and magical properties. According to him built Egyptian pyramids, tombs of pharaohs, figures of gods and goddesses. Pythagoras saw mathematical perfection in this sign. There is an opinion that it was he who called it a pentagram. The scientist and his brotherhood of Pythagoreans associated the corners of the pentagram with the five elements. Earth, physical strength and stability (bottom left corner), fire, courage and courage (lower right corner), air, mind, talents (top left corner), water, emotions, foresight (top right corner), ether, spirit and its higher destination (upper corner). In an inverted form, their star meant the universal chaos from which our world arose. Darkness then was in the five shelters (corners) and was considered the source of wisdom. This inverted image, now called nothing more than a "satanic pentagram", is considered the most ancient.

The meaning of the pentagram among other peoples

The Jews associated the pentagram with the Pentateuch presented to Moses by God himself. Ancient philosophers, Orpheists, Egyptians - members of the "Keepers of the Secret" group, Templars, ancient Gnostics, who had a special idea of ​​​​the world, are also associated with a five-pointed star. Their common symbol is the pentagram. They painted it on their coats of arms, shields and seals. Since almost all of these organizations were shrouded in a veil of secrecy, their signs and symbols received a certain element of mysticism. For example, the pentagram "star in a circle." The meaning of this symbol was translated as the silence of the initiates. Not only protective forces were attributed to him, but also the ability to give power, invincibility, power. The pentagram was depicted on their seals by Alexander the Great and Constantine I, the Roman emperor, and on his shield by the nephew of the glorious King Arthur. For a knight, the star meant courage, nobility, piety, chastity and courtesy.

Pentagram and Christianity

For Christians in Europe, the five-pointed star has always been a symbol of goodness and health. They associated her with five human feelings, five fingers on the hand, five wounds of Christ, five joys of St. Mary, which her divine son delivered to her. It was also the most important symbol of the fact that Christ is the Son of God, but has a human nature.

And only Torquemada, who laid the foundation for the most terrible, unprecedented in scale and cruelty of the Inquisition, saw something satanic in the five-pointed star. The Church forbade this good sign. Now it was regarded as a pentagram of the devil.

Seal of the legendary King Solomon

According to the Bible, the great and mystical King Solomon lived a long time ago, who in an incomprehensible way managed to reconcile and unite two irreconcilable states - Israel and Judea - into one. It is believed that God himself appointed Solomon to reign, endowing him with a mass of talents. From his father David, he received a special sign - a six-pointed star, made up of two regular triangles superimposed on each other. Solomon placed this star on his seals and ring, which, according to legend, gave him power over spirits. Now some depict this seal with eight rays, and some with twelve. All these signs are called the "seal of Solomon" and are used in the occult. So, special symbols fit into the center of the twelve-ray star, whereby the pentacle enhances talents and opportunities. The medieval magicians were also very interested in the seal of Solomon, only they depicted a star not with six, but with five rays. Perhaps the use of the pentacle in magic prompted Torquemada to call it that way: “devil's pentagram”, or “witch's leg”.

Five-pointed star and the occult

Another symbolism of the pentagram was adopted by the occultists of the Renaissance. They connected her with the microcosm. This word also has Greek roots. μικρός in Greek means "small", and κόσμος means "people" or "Universe". They began to inscribe the figure of a man in the star, linking it with the Pythagorean five elements. Now the pentacle has acquired material significance as a result of the work of the spiritual principle. The occultists depicted the pentagram "star in a circle." The meaning of the circle was defined as the unity of all five elements, as well as a sacred mystical place where the spirit controls the other four elements. The beginning of the connection of the pentagram with the microcosm was laid by Cornelius Agrippa, the most famous magician of the 16th century. Therefore, some call this sign the "Pentacle of Agrippa." Often the name of IHShVH, the divine savior in occultism, and in particular in Kabbalah, is written above the tops of the rays.

When did the inverted pentagram first become a symbol of Satanism?

The five-pointed equilateral star has been used by many peoples, secret societies and movements for thousands of years. They called it so - "the pentagram of the devil" - in the 18th century with light hand Frenchman Eliphas Levy. At first he was a clergyman. Subsequently, he became interested in the occult, left his abbey and devoted himself entirely to mysticism. He published several books on magic and rituals. For one of them he even served time in prison. Answering the question of what the pentagram means, Levi stated that it contains the dominance of the spirit, helps to subdue angels, demons and phantoms, you just need to be able to handle it. Whoever masters this knowledge will be able to see infinity. In a book of practical magic called The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic, he wrote that an inverted pentagram frames the head of the goat of Mendes. I don't want to disappoint the worshipers of Satan, but the unfortunate exiled goat Mendes existed only in the fantasies of the Roman Church. But there was a god of Mendes. It is known to many egyptian god Amon Ra with the head of a ram. Clever Levi, of course, knew this and, inventing the satanic symbol of the pentagram, most likely created a trap for the uninitiated.

Symbol of modern Satanists

Levy's idea was supported by the American Anton LaVey. For many years he was a priest in the Church of Satan he created and promoted Satanism in every possible way, in particular, he conducted satanic weddings, funerals, and even baptized his daughter Zina according to satanic rites. He created his own teaching, combining the ideas of magic and the occult, wrote the Satanic Bible and many articles. The pentagram of the devil became the symbol of his church. The photo clearly shows what this sign looks like, which Satanists call the seal of Baphomet. The satanic god Baphomet is depicted as a goat with large horns and wings behind his back. For the first time, the troubadour Gavaudan wrote about him in the 12th century. The inquisitors believed that the Templars worshiped Baphomet, for which many of them were burned. LaVey made the sign world-famous by appearing on television and acting in films about the devil. In one of them he played high priest, in the other - Satan himself.

Pentagram - protection from dark forces

Satanists use their symbol to subdue the forces of evil. All other pentagrams protect from these forces. For the sign to work, you need to draw it with one continuous line clockwise. It is believed that there should not be a single gap in the outline of the pentagram. Demons and evil spirits that have entered such a gap will be very difficult to neutralize. An example of this is Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust. In addition to hard surfaces, pentagrams for protection are drawn in the air, visually imagining this image and mentally, as it were, enclosing themselves inside. Only those who have a powerful imagination can do it correctly. A lot of people wear a pentagram-amulet as a medallion, both with one beam up and with two. Such pentagrams became satanic only at the suggestion of Levi. Previously, they denoted the descent of Christ on our mortal earth. Confirmation of this is the icons of Andrei Rublev, stained-glass windows and frescoes in many cathedrals.

Currently, there are three types of pentagrams - personal, protective and with signs of the planets. Personal ones are compiled taking into account the date of birth, the names of the guardian angels and the sign of the planets under which they were lucky to be born. Such a pentagram helps to establish close connection with a guardian angel and a patron angel.

Pentagrams with the signs of the planets help to achieve the fulfillment of any desire, to achieve the goal. These pentacles are also composed individually.

Pentacles of protection are the most ancient. They were also made by our ancestors as amulets. The protective pentagram helps in a specific situation, for example, while traveling or for recovery.

For any pentagram to start working, it must be activated by performing special rituals. That's what white magicians say. True or not, everyone can check personally.

The meaning of the tattoo?

what does the five pointed star mean? and who can take off the tattoo with a star)

the star is a symbol of the spirit, a light shining in the darkness. A star rarely has a single meaning. Supports the forces of the spirit, opposing the forces of darkness. The most common five-pointed star. In ancient times, among the Egyptians, it meant “ascent to the beginning” and formed part of such words as “enlighten”, “teacher”, “educate” and others.
The reason for applying this or that tattoo is often explained quite simply: the person did not like the predator itself, but the skillfully executed picture of the tattoo, he was tempted by the skill of the tattoo artist and the beauty of the animal. It's just that the choice was made according to an aesthetic principle, and not according to any other.

This is how many people choose to get a tattoo lately.

A few decades ago, the tattoo was associated mainly with those who served in the army or served a prison sentence. Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with a tattoo - teenagers, and people of quite respectable age, both men and women, decorate their bodies with various drawings. One of the popular tattoo elements is a five-pointed star with the same or different lengths of rays; it can also be used as an independent drawing. What could such a tattoo mean?

The general meaning of a tattoo in the form of a five-pointed star

In general, the star has traditionally been present in various cultures as a symbol that reminds humanity of the infinity and incomprehensibility of the universe. Thus, a tattoo depicting a five-pointed star in a broad sense is the personification of the cosmos. Like heavenly bodies, a person whose body has such a pattern wants to appear bright, beautiful, mysterious and inaccessible.

Another meaning of a tattoo in the form of a star with five rays is the inseparable unity of man and the universe. In some religions, such a star depicted on the body is considered a kind of conductor that allows a person to accumulate pure energy received from space.

Tattoo in the form of a five-pointed star as a way to gain magical abilities

Since ancient times, the vast majority of priests and shamans in various cultures have certainly had a tattoo in the form of a star on their bodies, often along with a tattoo depicting a wolf. It is generally accepted that such images contribute to gaining a connection with the other world and allow you to constantly develop your magical abilities. That is why shamans who wanted to enlist the support of their dead ancestors applied tattoos in the form of a five-pointed star on their skin; in some cases, their bodies bore numerous such designs.

The modern meaning of a tattoo in the form of a five-pointed star

Nowadays, such a tattoo is a symbol that denotes the desire of its owner for an easy and fun life, his unwillingness to overcome all sorts of hardships. Such tattoos are very popular with young people, whose main priorities are fun, expensive things and cars. Therefore, before applying such a pattern to her body, a young lady should think about whether she wants others to perceive her as a windy and frivolous person.

The star is considered an ancient sign, this symbol embodies the most beautiful meanings. The tattoo with the image of an eight-pointed star is relevant among women and men. People have always been attracted to the beautiful and high inaccessible starry skies in the sky. Since that time, the star has become a symbol of superiority, protection and constancy.

Symbolism of the eight-pointed star tattoo

The symbol of eight rays of a star in numerology is interpreted as a symbol of infinity. It is the eight-pointed star that personifies the endless circular motion in space.

Getting a tattoo doesn't take long. There are a huge number of images of a star, each with its own meaning. In many religions, the star is one of the most ancient symbols. The star fills a person with inspiration, triumph and good luck. It is important to note that this drawing does not refer to a particular religion.

The eight-pointed star is called the octogram. This drawing symbolizes abundance, wealth, success. This is a single star that was allowed into Orthodox symbolism. In Orthodoxy, the number eight denotes the next century, namely eternal life. Very often this figure can be seen on the icons. In paganism, this is the Star of Svarog, this symbol means energy, virgin light.

Getting star tattoos has become very popular. This drawing is simple in execution, but has its own mystery and attractiveness. The symbol can give the tattoo wearer inspiration, strength and creativity. But the symbolism can also be ambiguous. It depends on the version and location.

The meaning of the eight-pointed star tattoo on the zone

In prison, the eight-pointed star is a symbol of the thief-authority. Most often, such a tattoo is applied under the collarbone. Today there is a large number of variants of thieves' stars. If there are lines inside the ends of the star, then this means that the owner of the tattoo is a military man. The ability to decipher tattoos correctly will help you learn a lot about a person - his origin, habits, beliefs, and so on.

Zeke, who has a tattoo in the form of an eight-pointed star, belongs to the elite of the criminal world. Other elements can be drawn inside the octogram. The most common:

  • and the swastika means that a person considers himself free.
  • Skull and crossbones is my home zone. Also, such an element can mean - everything for me, but nothing from me.
  • The image of the king - the monarchy.

The popularity of tattoos on the body came to us in the late 70s of the twentieth century. Only at that time, tattoos were made by people who were in places not so remote, or by girls of easy virtue ... is that so?

In general, for the first time in the history of mankind, tattoos appeared before our era during nomadic-tribal life. Each tribe, with the help of paint from natural materials, had a drawing applied, which meant belonging to a certain tribe.

After that, the development of body painting, like tattoos, was born in eastern countries where Buddhism flourished. And this epoch-making development of body painting with tattoos began in 539 AD and has come in our time to the present day under the guise of henna painting.

Today in India there is a traditional painting of the body of the bride before the wedding, and there is even a belief that each drawing, hieroglyph carries its own energy and charge for life. A great contribution to the development of the art of tattooing was made by the Middle Ages, when a brand was applied to the body of a delinquent person with the help of a red-hot iron. This badge was worn by:

  • seriously ill people who could infect others;
  • outcasts, from whom all people have turned away for some reason, external or social;
  • as well as prostitutes who lived in brothels and destroyed the values ​​of the concept of love and family.

From the Middle Ages came stereotypes about tattoos in Soviet time, but the 21st century refutes the view that only people who have been in prison or prostitutes can wear a tattoo. Thanks to Buddhist henna paintings, the art of tattooing has taken on a new life.

India told the whole world the fact that in order not to be disappointed in tattoos and not to reduce them, you first need to make a temporary henna painting, and then, if a person gets used to this painting, you can make a real tattoo that will remain for life. After all, a tattoo in Buddhism is not a stigma, but a symbol of a lifestyle.

Modern tattoos, like Indian henna paintings, have their own meanings, each drawing has its own meaning.. In India, there are sacred books that describe the correct course of applying a tattoo, as well as the meaning of each element of the picture. The star is especially popular in tattoos lately. It has several meanings.

A tattoo in the form of a star attracts special luck and luck, as a person with this tattoo is accompanied by a lucky star throughout his life. And it is also believed that a tattoo in the form of a star connects a person with the sky and cosmic energy. It is worth noting that many celebrities have star tattoos.

According to the exact definition in Buddhism, the six-pointed star is a hexagram. It carries the meaning of the most important values ​​in life: family, health, children, well-being, peace and life itself.

The five-pointed star, that is, the pentagram, is combined into four elements: fire, air, earth and water, as well as into a tree, which is a symbol of life. There are tattoos in the form of a seven-pointed star, which means the cycle weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday starts again. In any case, a star is always a positive sign.

Meaning for guys

For guys, tattoos in the form of a star are less common than for girls, but nevertheless, the star carries its own special meaning. According to the meaning of the six-pointed star on the shoulders, it combines the combinations of the wisdom of love, the truth of humility, sympathy and unity.

The correct direction of the star should be distinguished: if it looks up, then this is a sign of materialism, and if the direction of the star is directed downward, this figure means spiritual development.

Most guys prefer to make a small star, which means the symbol of the power of King Solomon, David and Goleath. Stories given mean a symbolic shield from troubles and ailments that may occur in life. The Star of King David denotes unity with the sacred energy that protects and patronizes. In men, star tattoos are most often found on the knees, shoulders and wrist..


For girls, a star tattoo is more popular than for men, but men prefer a single star most of all, while women love a scattering of stars on their shoulders and feet. The number of stars on the shoulders can indicate the number of loved ones in life, or it can mean the main things and values ​​\u200b\u200bof life.

The six-pointed star on the shoulder of women carries the connection: beauty-trust-harmony-love-truth and peace.

Symbolically, a star for women can carry meaning star of bethlehem, as a symbol of life and an accompanying star of good luck.

On the "zone"

In the zone, they often make a star on their knees. The star on the knees of the prisoners denotes obedience and repentance, a request to fate for mercy, as the star brings good luck. Prisoners often have a star on both knees. And also if a star is found on the knees of prisoners, then this means special self-respect and honor in this living environment.

Often on my knees I stuff an eight-pointed star with a swastika, which means unity with the world of prisoners. They stuff a star not only on their knees, but also on their shoulders.

Remember the most important rule - a tattoo remains for life and it carries its own special energy that will accompany you throughout your life.