Birthday August 23rd. "border guards" lion and maiden

  • 02.07.2020

The zodiac sign of those born on August 23 is Virgo. Such people are strong in spirit and confident in their abilities. They are energetic, proactive, ambitious and persistent. Realize the most daring ideas. With their heads held high, they meet new obstacles in their path and steadfastly endure difficulties. Quickly adapt to any conditions. have a flexible mind and advanced logic, thanks to which it is easy to get out of different life labyrinths.

Birthdays of this day behave with others sincerely, politely and friendly. They are sociable, generous and possess good feeling humor. They know how to defuse the situation. They feel free and liberated in a congenial environment. Here they reveal their true qualities and completely relax. For the rest, they prefer to remain secretive and mysterious.

Characteristics of women born on August 23

These are loyal, polite and tactful individuals. They have an attractive appearance, developed mentally and spiritually. They lead an active lifestyle and do not refuse everything new.

Such women are interesting to men and society. They know how to intrigue and bewitch. In relationships with members of the opposite sex, they are inventive and original. They know how to warm up interest even in long-term relationships. They become good spouses and mothers, but they do not know how to fully devote themselves to family life. They do not tolerate absolute immersion in household chores.

Characteristics of men born on August 23

These are cheerful, romantic and charming personalities. They are friendly, gallant and sociable. With women, they are assertive and decisive. They do not stand aside, but always actively act and go ahead.

Such men are generous suitors and seductive lovers. For the sake of the lady of the heart, they do things and are ready for desperate steps.

love horoscope

Those born on this day are caring and attentive in close relationships. They treat their chosen one with tenderness and respect and are ready for a lot for him. The only thing they can not come to terms with is the infringement of personal space. They are independent and independent, so the impact on their lifestyle is perceived with hostility. The horoscope advises their partner to approach this issue wisely in order to avoid emotional detachment and disagreements.

Such women and men honor family values and value domestic traditions. They believe that a happy family union should have a good financial base and strong family ties. For the sake of the well-being of the family, they make any concessions. Treasure their beloved and do not infringe on their rights. Keep the sacrament personal life and do not let strangers into their innermost. They love children and make great parents.


Born on August 23, Virgos have a high chance of a happy relationship with representatives of their zodiac sign, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio. Badly combined with Aries and Sagittarius.

The most suitable partner for those born on August 23

For love and marriage, people born on such days are best suited:

January: 6, 13, 18, 29
February: 1, 4, 12, 26
March: 2, 4, 13, 26, 30
April: 1, 8, 18
May: 7, 13, 20, 26, 28
June: 7, 11, 13, 26
July: 4, 5, 15
August: 3, 4, 11, 19, 22, 25
September: 13, 14, 18, 23, 29
October: 2, 9, 12, 17, 26
November: 6, 21, 23, 26, 27
December: 13, 15, 24

business horoscope

The birthday people of this day are ambitious and purposeful. They are trying their best to get to the top. Diligence, perseverance and responsibility help them achieve success in their professional activities. They often occupy high positions, become competent leaders. Woo career development in any professional field thanks to a developed mind and business acumen.

The ability to find mutual language with the younger generation and an innate craving for new knowledge push such people into science and teaching. They find their application and reach heights in literary creativity, the entertainment industry, trade and publishing. An original view of life and the world allows you to achieve success in creative activity. From them are obtained good designers, fashion designers, artists and artists.

Health Horoscope

Born on August 23, Virgos have good physical health. They have a strong body and are able to withstand any ailments. However, their mental health is vulnerable. They are overly secretive, tend to suppress emotions and accumulate negativity. They are suspicious and vulnerable, although outwardly they remain cool. The horoscope advises them to splash out their emotions, not to get hung up on negative points and avoid conflict situations. This will avoid nervous shocks, stress and depression.

See things realistically

When faced with problems, pay attention to what is happening around you. Do not immerse yourself completely in the situation, so as not to aggravate your situation.

Don't rely on chance

Use your abilities to achieve goals. Make an effort, and the return will not keep you waiting.

Learn to control your energy

Learn to direct your indefatigable energy in the right direction. This will help you achieve success in life.

The zodiac sign of people born on August 23: Virgo. The sun on this day is usually at 1° Virgo. Behavior type: mutable. Astrological element: earth. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope of those born on August 23

Character according to the horoscope

Often they try to stay away, so they give the impression of selfish natures. In fact, they are simply focused on themselves and their interests.

Personalities are strong, domineering and completely focused on their goals, to achieve which they often use simple and effective ways, especially without ceremony.

Despite the fact that they try to be autonomous in both business and personal relationships, and also that their behavior often becomes too aggressive, their main slogan is “live and let live”, at least as long as no one interferes with them .

Their need for love and feelings is embodied in altruistic deeds. This is also explained by the fact that they want to be as useful to society as possible.

It is important that those born on this day as teenagers learn to constructively manage their energy, directing it in the right direction.

love according to the horoscope

The desire for strong emotions encourages those born on this day to communicate with people who excite such emotions, original and extravagant, like themselves, or with understandable, simple ones, next to whom you can completely relax.

Career by horoscope

Making great strides in sports career, playing any sport, thanks to the aggressiveness and high motivation that make them competitive.

August 23rd Tarot Card: High Priest

Figure Name: Great Hierophant, High Priest.

Image of the figure: a great priest with a beard gives a blessing to his two ministers. The beard is a symbol of old age and wisdom.

Symbol: faith and knowledge that come to a person from outside - through some person standing on a higher level spiritual development.

Meanings: loyalty, honesty, respect, intolerance.

Analogies: Astrology: Jupiter; Health: tendency to obesity and baldness; Professions: military, teacher, librarian.

Planet of those born on August 23

Mercury (2+3=5): corresponds to intellectual perception, consciousness, communication and rapid movement.

Birthday number August 23

Number 2: Indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 - individuals with pronounced sensitivity, need to be stimulated and protected. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.

Number 3: synthesis. It gives a person efficiency, organizational skills, promises luck and happiness.


Nervous tick, acne.


Athlete, researcher, animator.


Concreteness, calmness, depth of nature.


Egocentrism, coldness, restlessness.

Everyone who appeared to the world on the first day of the first decade of Virgos is distinguished by tremendous willpower and perseverance in achieving their plans. Those born on August 23 know what they deserve and invariably strive only for the best. Steadfastness and majestic calmness will become the main features of all those who were born on August 23, your zodiac sign is Virgo, which characterizes you as decisive, strong-willed and incredibly purposeful people who always bring their grandiose plans to life. It is impossible to take you by surprise or confuse you, you solve any issue with lightning speed and flawlessly. Such people amazingly combine a realistic view of the world and cold calculation with inexhaustible optimism and friendliness.

It is very difficult to establish harmonious relations with others for those who were born on August 23: the zodiac sign makes them very self-sufficient and focused primarily on achieving their personal interests, which they used to put above all else. However, they are so independent and strong that this does not bother them much. They will never know financial problems: driven by the desire to provide maximum comfort and prosperity, they will be ready to work tirelessly.

The logical thinking and analytical abilities of Virgos, who were born on August 23, are developed at their very best. high level. They strive to understand everything that surrounds them, from their own children's toys to the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress. And there is not a single area of ​​application of human strength, skills and knowledge in which they could not prove themselves the best way. The sign of the zodiac of people born on August 23 gives great ambition and ambition, they strive to be the first in everything, to occupy invariably leadership positions. It should be noted that their aspirations are always justified, they are endowed with really huge potential and know how to properly manage it. Such persons instantly gain authority due to their active nature and phenomenal organizational skills.

At the same time, those born on August 23 are endowed with a sensitive heart and a broad soul, they tend to experience the highest and noblest feelings. Having sincerely fallen in love, they become even stronger and better, all their positive qualities are manifested in them with even greater force and the negative is neutralized. It is important for them to direct their unbridled energy into a constructive channel, to use competitive aspirations as an incentive, for example, for grandiose sporting achievements. As a rule, they make friends only with people close to themselves in spirit, who are personalities of the same scale. Such relationships help their self-improvement and finding inner harmony.

Zodiac sign August 23 - Leo

Those born on August 23 often give the impression of aloof and cold people. With their indifference to earthly affairs, over-absorption in their own needs and interests, they may seem egoists to others. In fact, they are not so much selfish as purposeful. If they want to achieve something in life, being distracted by trifles is not in their rules.

Being active natures, they usually infect those around them with their energy, forcing others to pull themselves up to their level. Many of them are consummate experts in various ways accumulation of material wealth. Having a commercial streak, however, they are not satisfied with simply making money; they are much more attracted to issues related to organizing a business. The means they use to achieve their goals are most often straightforward, but that is how they achieve greatest success. However, this does not mean at all that the only possible way to solve the problems that arise for them is aggressiveness. On the contrary, those born on this day at least try to act in full accordance with the principle: “Live yourself and let live”, which, of course, suits those who are part of their team.

Those born on August 23 often have extraordinary technical abilities. As children, to the dismay of their parents, they took apart even the most durable-looking toys in a matter of minutes to see what was inside them. The experience gained was not wasted. Whatever profession they choose for themselves, it will not be difficult for them to fix any thing that is out of order. They are able to focus their inner mental power on the material world in which they are so involved. However, they have rather possessive tendencies both in relation to things and in relation to people who are part of their close environment. This usually annoys others and creates serious communication problems.

People of this day are not necessarily extroverts. Sometimes they prefer to be left alone, but such withdrawal periods never last too long. Being altruists by nature, they are open to love, which can change them beyond recognition. Those born on August 23 need to learn how to control and constructively direct their frantic energy, preferably in their adolescence. The competitive and aggressive spirit of these people can be well sublimated in sports, where they usually achieve noticeable success. Love for thrills usually makes those born on this day related to strong-willed natures, free spirits, independent of other people's opinions. Friendship with such people allows them to relax and finally find themselves.

Love and Compatibility

You are interesting and versatile person and like to communicate with different people. However, your inherent anxiety and tension can cause indecision in a relationship. In a state of love, you are often idealistic and ready for self-sacrifice.

But sometimes, after an overly stormy start to a relationship and enthusiasm, you show prudence or coldness and indifference. You may be interested in partners who know how to sympathize and believe in your abilities.

Work and Career

You are extremely gifted and able to achieve success in many professions, but try to avoid monotonous activities. With the ability to communicate with people, you can succeed in teaching, sales, writing, publishing, or the entertainment industry. A penchant for precision can lead to engineering, science, or arts and crafts.

Practicality helps to succeed in banking, real estate transactions or dealing with other people's money. Regardless of the chosen activity, those born on August 23 are distinguished by a penchant for excellence and a desire to do their job well.

Health and Disease

People born on August 23 are distinguished by their ability to behave calmly and calmly in any situation, however, suppressed negative emotions often hide under this mask, which have not found their way out and become the cause of a mental breakdown in the future. Therefore, in the behavior of these individuals, moments of increased excitability and loss of self-control may alternate with long periods of patience and endurance.

Suppressed emotions often lead to various illnesses, so these natures sometimes need a psychoanalyst's consultation. In nutrition, they are advised to limit the intake of sugar and foods that can cause allergies. People born on August 23 can practice various types sports that will help them improve their health and give them the opportunity to splash out emotions.

Be sensitive, diplomatic towards others, respect their feelings. Learn to be more restrained, tolerant. Do not allow aggressive attitude towards others. Learn to give more than take. Maintain your human form in all situations. Do not put yourself above other people and do not inflate your self-esteem.

Sign fire, refers to fixed(constant) square.

  • 1st decade: July 23 - August 2.
    Born from 23 to 28 July - border guards to Cancer, the sign of Water.
  • 2nd decade: August 3 - August 12. These are representatives of the pure Leo sign.
  • 3rd decade: August 13 - August 23.
    Born from August 18 to 23 - border guards to Virgo, the sign of the Earth.

Ruler of the sign: Sun, neuter planet.

He looked good-natured, but his claws were long and his teeth were so numerous that Alice knew at once that he was not to be trifled with.

Have you ever met people who, with a condescending and regal air, take for granted the courtesy shown to them? If yes, then it is none other than Leo.

The lion is known to be the king of animals. Therefore, his namesake claims a similar position among the rest of the signs of the Zodiac. In the behavior of Leo, exceptional mobility and regal laziness were intertwined.

Among the Lions, you almost never meet an introvert. All Lions are expansive, proud of themselves, full of self-esteem. Try not to give them due attention, respect, try to infringe them at least a little in something, and instead of a lazy, affectionate kitten, a proud and terrible beast with a rearing mane will appear in front of you and a thunderous roar will be heard!

In all Leos, a desire to rule is noticeable; they look down on mere mortals, as it were. The speech of the Lions is as leisurely as their movements. Leos love to be the center of attention.

Lions (considering themselves the smartest) are very fond of teaching everyone and everything. And in general, it seems that the Lions have perfectly learned to understand the complexities and ups and downs of someone else's life, but they just can't figure out their own. But try to tell them about it, and you will see how terribly they will be offended by you.

If you flatter them, they will become your best friends. Flattery does not affect any of the signs of the Zodiac as strongly as Leo. Vanity is their Achilles heel.

Leos are extremely sensitive to what others think of them. Not better way to win the favor of Leo than to praise his wisdom and insight or a fashionable sweater put on him, He will accept both compliments with equal pleasure.

Leos are shrewd and quick-witted; they will never waste time on groundless projects and plans.

Leo does not think of his existence without love; his whole life revolves around her. He either just got married, or is going to do it next week, or is passionately in love, or just broke up with his love. Depending on the state of his love affairs, he either shines like the sun or is heartbroken, as if he is going to die tomorrow. And this phrase is not an exaggeration.

When Leo breaks up with his beloved or wife, his pride is so wounded that it seems that he has come to an end. But, to everyone's pleasure, everything ends happily. Leo soon either reconciles with his wife (lover), or finds a new one and is happy again. There are a myriad of such reconciliations - quarrels in the life of Leo. That is why among the Lions you will hardly meet bachelors or old maids.

Leo, being a strong nature, does not like to be dependent and rely on anyone. On the contrary, he loves when people depend on him. Sometimes, however, he grumbles that he has to do too much, while the others just sit and stare into his mouth. In fact, this situation suits him extremely. Try to offer him your help, and he will immediately reject it with indignation, but if you ask him for help, he will gladly do for you whatever you ask. Doing good deeds is in his blood.

Leo handles money very freely, sometimes even too much. Thanks to this, he repeatedly finds himself on the verge of bankruptcy, but always finds a way to improve his affairs. Leo loves everything first-class, luxurious and expensive. He can spend a fortune on pleasure and entertainment. Leo loves to make grand gestures and never refuses those who ask him for a loan. And how can a king refuse something to his subjects?

Lions never have a “golden mean” in anything. If they work, no one can keep up with them. If they walk, then the whole city or at least a quarter knows about it. If they love, then selflessly. And if laziness attacks them, then they will not lift a finger, even if an earthquake occurs. In addition, Lions have amazing ability delegate tedious, boring tasks to others, taking part only in those that will obviously turn out for them with loud fame, recognition and so on.

Before a real test, Leo will never back down and save others; heroism is in his nature.

The lion is an extremely reliable friend, but a formidable opponent. He is a creative, active, strong, noble and bright personality. The metal of Leo is gold, and the stone that brings him happiness is topaz.

Leo never bows his head under the blows of fate, firmly believing that the sun will always illuminate his path with a golden glow.

About the sign of Leo from Sergei Vronsky

Specificity of Leo

born July 24 and 25- people are restrained, in control of themselves in different circumstances, demanding both to themselves and to others, not forgiving mistakes, delusions. In professional life, at work, they enjoy recognition and respect, authority. The nature is noble, sympathetic, always inspiring confidence, but it happens that despotism is also manifested in their character. In communicating with others, they appreciate and understand humor, are capable of a reasonable and consistent arrangement of life, momentary weaknesses are not for them.

born from July 26 to August 3- people are kind and benevolent, affable and courteous, loyal and devoted in friendship. They don't need much to be happy. They appreciate what they have, are content with what they have. They have enviable inner peace and rare optimism. Loneliness has a depressing effect on them, they need a circle of relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances. In work, they are very disorderly, they treat subordinates harshly and strictly, not only in the sphere of love and intimacy - here they are hot and uninhibited.

born from 4 to 13 August- people are generous and noble, capable of compassion and mercy, very condescending to the mistakes of others. They can be both Chrysostom and good draftsmen. But often in life they are hindered by self-conceit and arrogance, which is fraught with self-deception, mistakes and delusions, sometimes irreparable.

Often for them bouts of hysteria, whims, quirks, loss of self-confidence. Due to their great whimsicalness and excessive choosiness, they can lose friends, and loneliness for them is the hardest torture. In relationships with others, increased susceptibility and impressionability often interfere, and in the sphere of love and intimacy they rarely feel satisfied, although for their partners in love, marriage or a common cause, these “lions” serve as a reliable support, especially in difficult moments of life. Many of them have organizational and artistic abilities, love for philosophy and the humanities.

born from 14 to 23 August can count on success in business and enterprises. They are helped in many ways by such character traits as, for example, self-confidence and determination, diligence and efficiency, and leadership talent. They may also have the ability to be creative, especially for music and the stage. Great intelligibility, expectation and search for extraordinary idealistic love, which remains a utopia, most often lead to the fact that they quite late acquire a partner in love and marriage, a home and a family.

So, a short summary:

The character is imperious, the temperament is passionate, the nature is gifted, rich. Feelings are the main driving force here. He tries to subdue other people to his will. "Leo" always and constantly desires to sparkle and reign both at home and in society. Everyone can count on his help.

They are restless and often even rebellious. They dream of glory and honors, titles and awards, great deeds and popularity. An excess of vanity, lack of tact and psychological instinct often lead them to mistakes, plunge them into delusions. They very easily fall into various traps, traps, and, mainly, because of their infantilism, naivety and self-confidence at the same time.

By their nature, they are more artists than scientists, they need constant praise, approval, applause. Of course, you can convince them, but only with the help of clear logical constructions and convincing arguments. Violence against them, coercion, as well as submission to them are highly contraindicated.

Here you can talk about strong desire to the opposite sex, because in the "lions" feelings rule over the mind.

They are very compassionate and are always ready to become guardians, trustees, patrons, to help the weak and unfortunate, the needy. At the same time, their promises and solutions are not always reliable. As friends and buddies they are faithful, but as spouses - not always. Not skimping on hospitality, feasting, night drinking, they often die in poverty and poverty.

Communicating with them, first of all, you need to praise them every now and then - and for good ideas, suggestions, and for the ability to work, for views and opinions, for the original point of view. Don't forget to praise them as well. appearance or something similar. In business conversations with the “lions”, directness and pressure, specificity and efficiency are required, that is, “chopping straight from the shoulder” what needs to be said to them, to be achieved from them.

They do not like comments addressed to them. They can be both strict and harsh, sometimes even vulgar, banal and rude, although in fact they are very good-natured and benevolent, well understanding and knowing their business, their work, their misfortune and the misfortune of other people.

Appearing for the first time in any society, the Lions assume that everyone else seems to be dim silhouettes against their background. So show them that their appearance made an impression on you. The lion needs to be in the spotlight, recognized as one of a kind and inaccessible. Let him know that you have never met such a man (or woman).

Flattery is obligatory, and in in large numbers. Leos have an unlimited need for praise. Never push them off the center of the stage. Always give them space to display their regal splendor. Oh, how they will appreciate if you say that you are dependent on them and even that your happiness, your life is subject to their royal whim.

Doesn't this mean going too far? Perhaps with someone else. Never with Leo. He takes it simply as confirmation of the fact.

If this behavior makes you feel stupid, then refine it to the point that everyone is comfortable with. But never deny Leo approval and flattery. Leo can't live without it.

If you are sure that in a dispute with Leo the truth is on your side, and you cannot give in, then turn to the last resort - Leo's sense of humor. Those born under this sign really love to laugh, although you should never laugh at them.

When dating, don't count the small things. If you're courting a Leo woman, don't even look in your wallet. She admires extravagance and believes that the best is hardly good for her. Don't show up at her door in a beat-up subcompact. She prefers prestigious cars. She has a flaunting weakness for luxury and a deep, hidden conviction that she belongs to high society. If you are thinking about a gift, then it must be a sensation. Give her something that will make her go theatrically. Fox boa or long, wide red velvet cloak with a hood. Her favorite gem- ruby.

If you are courting a Leo man, let's have well-arranged dinners where he will be the guest of honor - the attractive star of the evening. Can't you afford it? Then invite him to friends, where he will be appreciated and praised. Keep the conversation around him and his accomplishments. That's all Leo really needs, and it doesn't come cheap.

When the Great Moment comes, meet it in the Lion's bedroom. It will be worthy of a king or queen. If not allowed in the bedroom, try to provide best room in the best hotel (the more chic, the greater the success). Remember, Leo needs scenery for the show, take care of it. Don't be stingy and do stupid things.

Final Steps: How to End a Relationship with a Leo

How to break the connection? No problems. If you have carefully read all the previous, then you know how. But just in case, I'll remind you.

  • Talk about yourself, monopolize the conversation, contradict the Lions; when they start talking about their difficulties or giving an opinion, yawn.
  • Forget to wish them a happy birthday, the anniversary of your first meeting, etc. Send them a postcard in these cases with an inscription like: "Better late than never!"
  • Don't bother reminding them that they are great.
  • Criticize their clothes, friends, apartment furnishings.
  • Constantly let them know that your career, your social life and your sexual desires are of paramount importance.
  • Dress casually, drive around the house in everything very, very old, torn and dirty. And don't bother changing your "outfit" if you have to go somewhere together.
  • If you are going to the cinema, then let it be a third-rate pornographic film in a movie theater in the back.
  • Comment animatedly on love scenes, hinting that Leo has a lot to learn.
  • Let the Lions know that there is nothing new and surprising in their sexual prowess for you.
  • Provoke their jealousy.
  • Be stingy.
  • Make fun of their vanity.

Very quickly, the Lion will leave you and go to play the king (or queen) in some other part of the jungle.

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Born August 23: the meaning of the birthday

Everyone who appeared to the world on the first day of the first decade of Virgos is distinguished by tremendous willpower and perseverance in achieving their plans.

They know what they deserve and invariably strive only for the best.

Steadfastness and majestic calmness will become the main features of all those who were born on August 23, your zodiac sign is Virgo, which characterizes you as decisive, strong-willed and incredibly purposeful people who always bring their grandiose plans to life.

It is impossible to take you by surprise or confuse you, you solve any issue with lightning speed and flawlessly.

Such people amazingly combine a realistic view of the world and cold calculation with inexhaustible optimism and friendliness.

It is very difficult to establish harmonious relations with others for those who were born on August 23: the zodiac sign makes them very self-sufficient and focused primarily on achieving their personal interests, which they used to put above all else. However, they are so independent and strong that this does not bother them much.

They will never know financial problems: driven by the desire to provide maximum comfort and prosperity, they will be ready to work tirelessly.

The logical thinking and analytical abilities of Virgos, who were born on August 23, are developed at the highest level. They strive to understand everything that surrounds them, from their own children's toys to the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress.

And there is not a single area of ​​application of human strength, skills and knowledge in which they could not prove themselves in the best possible way.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

August 23: Virgo influence

Enormous ambition and ambition endows zodiac sign of people born on august 23, they strive to be the first in everything, to occupy invariably leadership positions. It should be noted that their aspirations are always justified, they are endowed with really huge potential and know how to properly manage it.

At the same time, those born on August 23 are endowed with a sensitive heart and a broad soul, they tend to experience the highest and noblest feelings. Having sincerely fallen in love, they become even stronger and better, all their positive qualities are manifested in them with even greater force and the negative is neutralized.

It is important for them to direct their unbridled energy into a constructive channel, to use competitive aspirations as an incentive, for example, for grandiose sporting achievements.

As a rule, they make friends only with people close to themselves in spirit, who are personalities of the same scale. Such relationships help their self-improvement and finding inner harmony.