Golden bronze measures of struggle. How to get rid of golden bronze

  • 14.06.2019

Bronzovka golden - a large beetle with a beautiful body color: the chitinous coating has an emerald green color with a metallic tint. It's hard to believe, but this beautiful insect is a malicious garden pest that mercilessly destroys the ovary fruit trees. In order not to be left without a crop, gardeners have come up with several methods of dealing with the beetle.

Description of the insect

Golden bronze belongs to the order Coleoptera, the genus Cetonia (this name is translated from ancient Greek as "metal beetle"). The length of the body of the insect is 1.3–2.3 cm, the width is 0.8–1.2 cm, its chitinous coating is covered with small hairs, the color changes depending on the angle at which sunlight falls on the body. Mostly the color of chitin is bright green, at a certain angle a copper, purple, mother-of-pearl or golden tint appears.

You can often hear how the bronzovka is called the May green beetle. The name is incorrect, since insects belong to different kinds. In addition to different colors, they have a different behavior, different design of aircraft.

Within the species of the bronze beetle, seven subspecies were found, each of which differs in habitat and color. But all beetles have common feature- Metallic shiny tint of the body.

Golden bronze is common in Eurasia, feels great in the forest and forest-steppe zones, in well-lit areas. This species of Coleoptera does not settle in mountainous areas, in the steppe zone.

Bronzovki are clumsy insects, they are active only in warm sunny weather. The rest of the time, the beetles sit motionless on bushes and trees, when they fall to the ground they become numb, then they cannot roll over and take off for a long time. When it gets cold, insects fall to the ground and burrow into it.

Bronze reproduces and develops as follows:

Harm bronzovka for the garden

Large emerald beetles can cause significant harm: they feed on flowers and ovaries fruit trees and shrubs. Insects gnaw out the reproductive organs of plants - pistils and stamens of flowers. Experienced gardeners immediately determine that bronze has visited the plants: individual flowers fade, and when they are examined, the absence of centers is found.

Also, bronzes can attack young shoots of peonies, corn, grapes, roses, damage the fruits of cherries, raspberries, grapes and mulberries. Beetles eat and wild plants: their "menu" includes plantain, elderberry, clover, yarrow, tansy.

Scientists do not consider green beetles too dangerous for the garden, substantiating their opinion by the fact that most of the beetles leave their pupae by mid-summer, when fruit trees and shrubs have already faded. Therefore, there are no developed insect control measures that would be approved by experts.

But gardeners do not agree with the opinion of scientists and annually come up with new methods of dealing with a handsome pest.

Fighting methods

All existing methods of dealing with green bronze are the inventions of amateur gardeners who do not want to endure the invasion uninvited guests. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to combine several methods of insect control.

To destroy bronzes in the garden and in the garden, the following methods are used.

Mechanical methods. This is the most safe method getting rid of bronzovok, which consists in the manual collection of insects. This is very easy to do due to the behavior of beetles: in cool weather, they become inactive, they are easy to collect by hand. It is most convenient to collect bronzes in the morning, when they climb flowers in anticipation of the warm sun: insects are removed by hand one at a time and placed in a jar of kerosene. If the invasion of pests is massive, they can be shaken off the branches onto the litter.

The second way to collect bronzes is with the use of a lamp. It is turned on in the garden with the advent of darkness, a jar of kerosene is placed under it. Bronzes flock to the light and immediately fall into the jar. The disadvantage of this method is that many other insects will flock to the light.

Folk ways. To scare away bronzes from plants, spraying with onion infusion is carried out. To prepare it, take a liter jar of onion peel, pour two liters hot water temperature 40−50°C, insist two days. Then the infusion is filtered, another 4 liters of water are added, and used for spraying. In order for the infusion to better adhere to plants and serve as a longer protection against green beetles, 10 g of liquid soap is added to it.

Spraying with a solution of ash is also carried out: a tablespoon of wood ash is added to 5 liters of water, mixed, insisted for two days. Add a teaspoon of liquid soap to the solution.

Chemical method. Here they use means for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle: Regent, Colorado, Bankol and others. The preparations are diluted in water, guided by the instructions, then the ground is watered with a solution near trees and bushes. They do this in the evening, just before sunset, so that the beetles, burrowing into the ground at night, are poisoned.

To prevent the reproduction of bronzovok on personal plot recommended:

Many gardeners still do not know what the beautiful emerald green beetle is called, what danger it poses to the garden and vegetable garden. If you do not take action, bronzovka can pretty spoil the future harvest.

The bronzovka beetle does not mean a specific type of insect, but denotes a subfamily belonging to the family of beetles, in which there are more than 4000 species. Most bronzes are residents of the tropics. At least 33 species of these beetles live in Russia. The family includes not only bronzes, but also. This family also includes one of the main pests. Agriculture – .

Beetles get their name from the metallic sheen of their shells. But not always the beetles of this subfamily can be identified at a glance. Some have plain black carapace without a hint of metallic sheen. The most recognizable is the golden bronze - the most common and numerous species in Eurasia. Some Eurasian species:

  • golden;
  • smooth;
  • smelly;
  • hairy;
  • marble;
  • copper.

Bronzovka Shamil - rare view, endemic of intramountainous Dagestan.

General characteristics of beetles

The body is short. The back line is almost straight. The transitions from the back to the sides are rounded. The head is small, directed downward and forward. This family is called lamellar because of the special structure of the antennae, which, if necessary, the insect unfolds into a fan of plates.


The flight speed of bronze beetles is much higher than that of other flying beetles.

Such success in bronzes is due to the special structure of the elytra: there are small cutouts on the sides between the abdomen and the rigid plate. Through them, insects release translucent brown wings. The elytra remain folded and do not inhibit the bronze. Other beetles are forced to open their elytra, which stick up and to the sides in flight and greatly interfere with flight.


The color of bronzes is very diverse. Not always these beetles have a beautiful color. Even within the same species and habitat, bronzes can vary greatly in color.

On a note!

Sometimes the coloring is formed by special highlights that completely cover the main background. Color can be with a metallic sheen and without it.

With a metallic sheen, that is, shiny, bold-shiny and matte-shiny:

  • green with various shades - the most common in the group;
  • blue;
  • copper red;
  • purple;
  • purple;
  • bronze;
  • black with a metallic sheen.

In beetles without a metallic sheen, the color can be:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • brown;
  • red in different shades;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • white with an olive or gray tint.

On a note!

All members of the family have feature: light spots, shaped like the edges of scales.

The spots may be:

  • yellowish;
  • clay yellow;
  • white;
  • pink.

They are located on the elytra, pronotum, underside of the abdomen and upper part of the hind legs. The spots may be different sizes and forms. Sometimes these markings merge, covering most of the beetle's body. Most often this happens on the elytra.

golden bronze

Another official name for the beetle is the common bronze beetle. Sometimes it is called the green Maybug. The name is completely wrong, since these two species differ not only in color, but also in structure, as well as the time of summer. If we compare the bronze beetle with the May one in the photo of the beetle, removing the insects from above and behind, it will be clear that the May abdomen is much longer than the elytra and has a sharp posterior tip. The elytra of the May is ribbed and directed at a greater angle to the ground than that of the Bronze.

Golden bronze - a small beetle. Among Russian Coleoptera there are much larger specimens. But you can't call her small either. The body length of the golden bronze is 13-23 mm, with a width of 8-12 mm.

On a note!

Golden bronze has many color variations. The only common feature: it is a beetle with a shiny metallic coloration. You can even meet a blue beetle.

Color variations

Basic color options:

  • The upper body is copper-purple with a metallic sheen. The bottom is black with a purple sheen.
  • Black without shine.
  • "Regular" emerald beetle, but there are no scales on the back, only two spots are present.
  • Iridescent beetle. The pronotum and head are emerald green with a golden sheen. When illuminated from the side, the reflection is dark blue. The wings are green. When light falls from the side - violet-brown. There are no white spots.
  • Elytra, pronotum and head green or golden green. The beetle is covered with bristles.
  • On the main background there are large and numerous white spots, which often merge into transverse wavy lines.
  • The back and legs are golden red or golden green. There is a strong copper-red tint.
  • Dark purple coloration. There are characteristic white spots on the elytra. There are no spots on the abdomen and pronotum.
  • The top is copper-red or copper-brown, the bottom is bronze-green. Many spots on the elytra.
  • Above the coloration is dark bronze or dark bronze-green. Bottom is black.
  • Scutellum, pronotum and head dark copper-red. Elytra black-green. The bottom part is black.
  • Olive green color without spots.
  • The upper side is dark purple with characteristic spots, the lower side is dark red with a strong purple sheen.
  • The back is golden green. May be copper red.
  • The upper part is green or golden green, the lower part is green.
  • The top of the beetle is green, the back of the abdomen is purple-red, the thoracic side is purple.
  • Upperparts golden green or copper red, without spots.
  • Dark blue back with a green tint. There are white spots on the wings.
  • The back is bright blue, the chest is black-blue, blue-green, blue.

Bronzovkas are very "democratic" in their coloring. In addition to those listed, there are about a dozen different variations.

On a note!

Another mother-of-pearl green beetle, the mint leaf beetle, is sometimes confused with bronze. This green bug is 2 times smaller than the bronze and has a convex shell shape. It eats the leaves of essential oil plants and does much more harm than bronzovka. But it belongs to a different family.


Golden bronzes are common throughout the Eurasian continent. They are not found only in the mountains and deserts. They eat bronze flower cores. They have a wide menu, they are able to damage the flowers of cultivated and wild plants. Very often they can be found on roses, where they climb into the very core. But bronzes are not capable of causing serious harm to the garden.


Gardeners do not like these insects, as they believe that the larva of the bronze beetle eats the roots. horticultural crops. In fact, the plants are harmed, similar to the offspring of bronzes.

Bronzoviki are very light and heat-loving creatures. They are active during the day in hot sunny weather. On cloudy days, bronzes are apathetic. They sit almost motionless on the cores of flowers and do not try to fly. In rainy and cold weather they hide in shelter:

  • under rosettes of flowers;
  • in bedding on the ground;
  • under plant roots.

At night, the beetles also descend to the ground.

The similarity between bronze beetles and May brown beetles is the time of summer. Bronzovki are thermophilic and the time of their life depends on the climate in the region. In the northern regions, beetles only appear in June, while in the southern years, bronze starts from mid-May.

The period of development of the beetle from egg to adult can take from several months to a year, depending on when the eggs were laid. If the insect has managed to develop before the adult stage by autumn, the adult overwinters in shelters and wakes up much earlier than the main summer time of this species.

What does the bronze beetle eat?

What bronze is not like the May beetle is the food base. The May beetle damages the leaves of bushes and trees. Bronzovka eats the core of flowers. The larva of the May beetle (Khrushch) feeds on the roots of living plants. Bronze - rotting organic matter.

The insect eats the flowers of plants from 31 families. The list includes rosaceous, mulberry, umbrella, dogwood, ranunculus and many other families.


All larval stages of lamellar beetles are similar to each other. And the larvae of representatives of this subfamily are also so similar that it is often difficult to understand the types of insects not only from the description, but also from the photo. In order not to remember the signs that distinguish one C-shaped larva from another, gardeners prefer to fight all at once. Measures to combat the bronze beetle have not been developed, since it cannot cause serious harm to the crop. The summer of these shiny green beetles begins after the flowering of fruit trees. Only individual individuals that emerged from hibernation before the bulk of the bronzes can damage the flowers.

On a note!

Some types of bronzes in Russia are under state protection.

The larvae of these beetles process organic matter more than earthworms. As a result, the benefits of the larvae are greater than the harm from adults. And given that three species are protected, it is easier to separate different types larvae.

The table clearly demonstrates the differences between the larvae of the bronze and the May beetle:

Eats decaying organic matterEats living plant roots
Body covered with bristlesThe body is smooth
Paws short, non-functionalPaws are long, tenacious, enabling rapid movement
Body of the same diameter along the entire lengthThe body is strongly thickened in the caudal region.
The head is small, inconspicuous compared to the diameter of the body.The head is huge compared to the bronze. The diameter of the head is equal to the diameter of the body
Mandibles are small, weakPowerful mandibles of the gnawing type

At home, only those who are not afraid of worms and insects can understand the larvae. The rest just kill everyone in a row.

On a note!

You can save the future harvest by manually collecting adult bronzes.

Very similar to one of the variants of the golden bronze beetle is a smooth bronze beetle, listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. This species prefers old forests and parks, where there are a lot of rotten trees.

Distributed in Southern Europe. In Russia, in the north, the border of the range passes through Kaliningrad, Voronezh, Samara. In the south - across the border with Ukraine to Orenburg.

This beetle with a green shiny back is larger than its “relative”. Its body length is up to 3 cm. There are no white marks on the elytra and cephalothorax. Elytra cast either golden or copper-red sheen. Legs and underside of the body with a bluish tinge.


An analogue of a golden bronze with a green shell, decorated with white marks. In marble, a greenish tint of the shell is often found. The body size is slightly larger: up to 27 mm.

Distributed throughout Eurasia, except for the mountain forests of the Caucasus and Crimea. Prefers lowland forests. Settles on old trees. The species is numerous, but insects are found singly. These beetles are active from June to August in the European part of Russia and from mid-May to mid-August in Ukraine.

The life cycle in warm regions takes 1 year, in the northern regions - 2 years. The eggs of the female are laid in old tree stumps.

Bronzovka Shamil

Little-studied endemic of Intramountainous Dagestan. Until 1981, it was listed as an extinct species. Color dark bronze green. The upper part of the body is matte, the lower part is shiny. Body length 2 cm.

They are found on various plants. The larvae develop in the soil, feeding on detritus.


Other names: speckled deer or fetid deer. A small shiny black beetle. Body size up to 13 mm. There are many small white spots on the elytra. The body is covered with thick white bristles. Lives in warm regions, including in the south of Russia.

A pest of agriculture, as the larvae eat the roots of plants. Imago feeds on pollen. Summer starts from May.


The beetle is 8-13 mm in size. The color is black, matte, with yellowish or white spots. The pattern of spots is very variable. The bristles on the body are of two colors: white and gray. The underside is covered with dense light hairs. Adults eat buds and flowers, larvae eat rotting organic matter. Shaggy bronze is one of the.


The view is very similar in appearance and size to a smooth bronze. The sizes match too. Body length 1.6-2.5 cm. Elytra and pronotum green with a golden sheen. The head, lower body and paws are black with a purple tint.

Lives in Southern Europe. Found in Cairo. In Russia, this species is absent.

Genus Goliathus

Or goliath beetles. The largest representatives of the bronze subfamily. The weight of the beetle can reach 100 g, and the body size is 11.6 cm.


The largest species of the genus, Goliathus regius, is twice the size of a mouse.

Large green beetles of the species Mecynorrhina torquata are not much inferior in size to Goliathus regius. The length of the male can reach 8.5 cm.

The main color of the representatives of the genus is black with white spots. Sometimes white color more in color than black.

Goliaths are inhabitants of Central and Southeast Africa. They do not meet in Russia. If on Russian territory such a beetle was discovered, which means that he escaped from someone from the terrarium.

A bright beetle called "green bronze" is a typical representative of the category of forest insects. He loves sunny edges, often migrates to gardens, orchards. Penetrating into residential buildings, feeds indoor plants. Sometimes the damage is significant. That is why the bronze has to be fought.

Bronzovka small green

Features of the anatomy and vital activity of bronzers

Bronzovka belongs to the family of lamellar beetles. The subfamily includes 5 subspecies, individuals of which differ in appearance and range. The green beetle is similar to the May beetle, with which it is sometimes confused.

Distinctive features of the insect:

  • green with a metallic overflow color, which makes bronzes very noticeable, beautiful;
  • medium-sized, elongated forward and slightly tilted back head, wide, oblong body;
  • the nature of the flight - the rigid wings of the bronze remain folded in the process of flights, and the transparent thin ones at this time are released through the side recesses.

Interesting! Despite the impressive size of the body (varies from 18 to 20 mm), these beetles are quite free and easily feel themselves in the air.

The departure period starts in May and lasts 2-4 months. Observed increased activity in dry heat. On cloudy days, the beetles sit motionless on the branches. At night, they prefer to burrow into the ground.

The females are smaller in size than the males. Females lay their eggs in anthills, compost or manure heaps, dilapidated softwood. The larvae differ in large parameters, they are thick and large. There is a molt twice. Movement is carried out on the back, because they do not have claws.

How do bronzers damage plants?

Colorful shiny beetles are gluttonous. Bronzovka green after implementation on garden plot, a garden or a house, proceeds to active damage to the flora growing there.

Beetles eat:

  • inflorescences of fruit and berry crops;
  • decorative flowers;
  • fruits of various fruit specimens;
  • cabbage, carrot ovaries, seeds;
  • beet leaves, etc.

Important! The bugs are able to mercilessly eat away the stamens and pistils that are hidden inside the inflorescences. As a result, pollination, seed maturation and crop fruiting are at risk.

Decorative variants of plants, when damaged by bronze, cease to perform a decorating function. They become faded, lose their pleasant aroma.

Principles of struggle

There is no absolutely exact data on which effect the green bronze is most susceptible to. Until recently, the beetle did not pose a significant threat to gardens or orchards at all.

Many summer residents are convinced that this type of insect cannot cause large-scale damage to plantings due to a rather late summer - the plants have time to bloom by this period.

Advice! Although adults devour the plants, the fight against them must begin with the destruction of the larvae.

Large larvae of bronzes inhabit rotten trees, humus heaps. If you get rid of spoiled wood in a timely manner, clean the area from fallen leaves, then the risk of an adult harmful “insect neighbor” appearing in the garden and in the beds is reduced several times.

Important! At the same time, environmentalists are sounding the alarm, since bronzes are under the threat of extinction. Conservationists recommend resorting to the destruction of bugs only in extreme cases.

There are several ways to get rid of green bugs. The techniques are not fundamentally different from those used to eliminate other similar pests.

mechanical way. Manual removal of bronzes is carried out. The action is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. a plant filled with a beetle is abundantly sprinkled with cold water (green bronze loses activity and dexterity from the cold);
  2. spread an oilcloth under a tree, shake off the branches - the insects will fall off. From low ornamental plants you can collect bugs manually:
  3. after collecting, the beetles are placed in a vessel filled with kerosene liquid.

The technique is not very efficient. New bugs fly to the place of the dead bronzes. But the method is used by those people who are opposed to spraying fruit plants with aggressive chemicals. Also used mechanical method during the period of active flowering of plants.

Folk recipes. The method attracts with its safety for humans. The plants on which the May green beetle settled are treated with various herbal decoctions. They repel the pest, for example, solutions from dandelions, tansy, wormwood. Beetles do not like garlic, onions, horseradish, because they can also be actively used.

Chemical way. The essence of the technique consists in applying various chemicals or applying pesticides to the soil to bring out wintering or roosting individuals.

Attention! It is forbidden to spray flowering trees with pesticides: this way you can destroy beneficial insects engaged in garden pollination. In this case, there is a chance of being completely left without a crop.

The following means are used:

  1. "Medvetoks" - bury the drug to a depth of 3 - 5 cm into the soil, closer to the dark time of the day, when the green bronze begins to hide in the ground at night. The drug will destroy the bronze, but will not harm the beneficial beetles.
  2. "Bazudin", "Thunder" or "Initiation" - they are brought into dunghills to destroy the larvae.
  3. "Liquid" smoke - the crown is sprayed (you can use a solution of green soap).

Important! Before use, carefully read the instructions. Be sure to follow the dosage, take measures personal protection from chemicals.

To preventive methods can be attributed to plowing the soil immediately after winter period- so you can get rid of hibernating bugs, prevent their active reproduction in the future.

You can view the beetles and learn how to deal with them here:

Big green bronzovka Cetonischema aeruginosa (Drury, 1770) Order Coleoptera Coleoptera family Cetoniidae

Status in Russia and adjacent regions. Entered in . Protected in the Belgorod, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Rostov and Saratov regions.


The European part of Russia from the forest zone to the northern steppe, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Europe (except for the north), Asia Minor. In the Voronezh region known from Novousmansky, Verkhnekhavsky, Ostrogozhsky, Borisoglebsky districts and Voronezh.


Dimensions 2329 mm. The top is metallic-shiny, golden-green, sometimes with a copper tint. Lateral margin of pronotum completely carinated. Process of mesothorax naked. Elytra without longitudinal impressions.

Features of biology and ecology.

It is displayed in old deciduous trees (willow, pear, oak, etc.). Keeps mainly crowns of trees. It feeds on the flowing juice and fruits.

Number and tendencies of its change. At all points it is represented by single specimens.

limiting factors. Cutting down old trees.

Security measures taken and required. It is required to preserve the plantations of old trees, the creation of protected areas in the habitats of the species.

Sources of information: Skuf'in, 1978; Yemets, 1978, 1980; Negrobov S. O., 1998a, 2000b; Cadaster... 2005. Compiled by: S. O. Negrobov, E. E. Bilomar; scanography: S. O. Negrobov.

Larvae of the bronze beetle and larvae of the May beetle, what is the difference? I did not know. I think that many do not know, but the May beetle larva is an enemy, and the bronze larva is a friend.

If there is not enough grass, then I mulch with old foliage. Constantly, especially when harvesting potatoes, I found such larvae, in in large numbers but they didn't touch the potatoes. The entomologist was right!

All the larvae that I found, I used to give to the birds.

Time has passed.

In the fall of 2014, my son and I were putting compost into boxes. (For what - it is written). The son paid attention to good quality compost. And, surprisingly, the best compost was where the larvae swarmed! It wasn't even compost anymore! Most of all, it looked like granulated black soil! We selected the larvae by hand and gave them to the birds.

Another year has passed. In the autumn of 2015, my son's girlfriend helped me to shift the compost. This time, she noticed that where there are many larvae excellent quality compost! And I remembered the words of my son last year ....

So, young people notice everything when they want to! And I? Sclerosis, you need to write down ...

We selected the larvae and poured them into a box with fresh compost (the box was filled in 2015). I don't know if they will survive there in the winter or not, but I hope they will. Starting in the spring, I will launch bronze larvae there.

Bronzovka larvae are not enemies.

On close examination compost heap we noticed that earthworms live en masse in the lower layer, apparently they feed there. But bronze larvae can be found in any layer of compost. They perfectly process plant residues. After processing by larvae, the compost looks like granulated coffee, only black. If the larva gets on the bed (I didn’t notice it, or the beetle laid eggs), then the larva does not touch the roots of plants, tubers, the larva feeds on mulch and produces compost right on the bed.

To confirm - the Internet:

“... The bronze larva eats continuously and turns dead leaves and stalks already destroyed by rotting into powder. The veins would have remained intact for a long time in rotting leaves. The larva also eats these slowly decaying remains: with strong jaws, it splits them into fibers, and then gnaws. In her intestines, they turn into dough, quite suitable for fertilizing the soil. One of the most active manufacturers of black soil is the bronze larva ”(Jean-Henri Fabre“ The Life of Insects. Stories of an Entomologist ”).

“.... Bronzovka larvae are often found in compost. They are very similar to Khrushchev, you will not immediately find the difference. When the larva enters the garden, it, of course, can damage the plantings if there is no food familiar to it. But the larvae of the beetle do not belong to the "scavengers": they prefer to eat fresh plants ... "

How to distinguish the larvae of the bronze from the larvae of the May beetle?

Let's see how the beetle larvae differ. This photo is taken from the Internet.

Bronze larva. Pay attention to the legs. They are short.

Now the larva of the cockchafer. Photo from the Internet.

“………..The way of movement of the larvae of the bronze looks very strange, and I do not know of similar cases among other insects. Its legs, albeit short, are no worse than those of many other larvae. But she never uses them and moves on her back. Only on the back, never otherwise! With the help of worm-like movements, resting the hairs of the back on the ground, it moves with its abdomen up, and its legs dangle in the air. Seeing such gymnastics for the first time, he will think that the larva has inadvertently tipped over and is beating, trying to roll over. He puts her back up, but the larva stubbornly turns over and continues to crawl up belly.
This mode of movement is so characteristic of her that even an inexperienced eye can easily recognize a bronze larva from it alone………” (Jean-Henri Fabre “The Life of Insects. Stories of an Entomologist”).

In this photo from the Internet, two different larvae.

On the right is the larva of the bronze, on the left is the larva of the May beetle. The larvae have different not only legs. The head of the May beetle larva is larger, and the jaws are larger and stronger.

I hope now it will be more clear to me and you, where is a friend and where is an enemy. In the autumn of 2016 I will try to take a photo and video of the compost processed by the larvae of the bronze.

You can watch a video of the 2016 compost produced by bronze larvae, as well as find out what a bear larva looks like, in the detailed article " Larvae in the compost. Larvae of the bear, bronze, May beetle. —

I will answer your questions in the comments.