How to get rid of bugs in cereals. Effective and safe insect control methods

  • 17.06.2019
March 7, 2018
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Bugs in cereals and other products in the kitchen are an unpleasant surprise that causes many problems for housewives. In this article, we will figure out how to solve this problem with minimal cost time and effort and how to carry out prevention in order to exclude the appearance of bugs later.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals in a kitchen cabinet

To deal with the topic in detail, we will break it into several parts, you need to carefully study all the information below in order to understand what and how to do. Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to observe safety measures and do everything carefully.

Causes of pests

  • Cereals, flour and other products are stored in loosely closed containers. Many simply put open packages on the shelves and use them as needed. That is, insects have free access to all your stocks, and if several insects get into the kitchen, they will multiply very quickly in such conditions;

  • Old, withered furniture. For all its non-obviousness, this aspect greatly increases the likelihood that bugs will start in the locker, since they live and breed in the crevices of dried wood and in old furniture ideal conditions are created. To eliminate such problems, repair and change furniture in time;

  • Large stocks of cereals, flour and other products. You should not stock up on everything for a year in advance, the more products you have stacked, the higher the likelihood that one of the packages contains beetle larvae that will damage not only the contents of one package, but will eventually penetrate into the contents of other packs. All the savings turn into additional costs when you have to throw away half the supplies;

  • Acquisition of cereals by pests. Most often, it is very difficult to distinguish between eggs and larvae, however, carefully inspect the packages and try to buy those packages in which the contents are at least partially visible. If appearance causes suspicion or you see extraneous inclusions, it is better to refuse the purchase. Sometimes bugs are visible to the naked eye, as in the photo below, which is why transparent bags are preferable;

  • Mess in the lockers. If cereals and flour wake up on the shelves, cleaning is not carried out for a long time, then the risk of pests increases dramatically. It is necessary to clean the lockers in time and try to prevent spillage of bulk products.

Remember that pests eat not only flour and cereals. Other products need to be protected: pasta, biscuits and crackers, bakery products, various nuts, dried fruits, food concentrates.

Types of bugs in the kitchen

Most often, one of the following types of pests starts up in the kitchen:

Illustration Description
Mukoed surinamese. Small bugs with a body size of no more than 2 mm prefer cereals and are quickly bred in most bulk products that are stored in the kitchen. The bug is bred in grain drying complexes and elevators, it enters the house in bags with semolina, pasta or rice.

The tiny eggs laid by the pest cannot be seen with the naked eye, so it is impossible to fully guarantee the safety of the purchase.

The red flour-eater, as this bug is also called, eats not only cereals, but also crackers, dryers, dried fruits and much more.

flour beetle. These pests are much easier to detect, as their size reaches 4 mm. They live in cereal bags, bread bins and crevices in kitchen cabinets.

It feeds on almost all bulk products and multiplies very quickly if no measures are taken to eliminate it.

grinder beetle. Grows up to 3 mm and has different colours- from dark yellow to brown. In the kitchen, the so-called bread grinder starts up, which feeds on any cereals, dried fruits, and bakery products.

It breeds very actively and can occupy your lockers in just a week.

food moth. A relative of a pest that starts in wardrobes. Lepidoptera small size causes great damage to all bulk products in the kitchen. Moreover, the main problems are delivered not by small moths, but by their larvae - voracious caterpillars.

Folk remedies for getting rid of bugs in the kitchen

Remember the simple rule - the sooner you start pest control after discovery, the easier the job will be. You need to complete whole line important steps:

Illustration Description
All available bulk products are audited. Carefully remove the contents from the cabinets and carefully review all products that may contain pests.

It is important not to miss a single package, since a good effect can only be guaranteed if all insects are completely eliminated.

Estimated damage to products. There may be several scenarios for the development of events:
  • If there are few bugs, you can sift the products and steam them or freeze them in the freezer;
  • With a significant spread of insects, as in the photo, it is better to get rid of all affected products.
How to get rid of pests:
  • All bulk products with insects are hermetically packed in plastic bags;
  • They can not be put in the trash, you should immediately put all the products in the container.

    It’s better to play it safe and throw away all suspicious products, you won’t lose a lot of money, but you will significantly reduce the likelihood reappearance pests.

Thoroughly clean and wash cabinets. To do this, use the simplest disinfectant solution, which is easy to prepare: 1 tablespoon per liter of water.

All surfaces are wiped with the composition, after which it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of all cabinets.

If there are gaps inside, then they should be puttied special composition, as these are the places where pests most often live.

All products must be poured into sealed containers.. These can be glass jars or special plastic containers.

There should not be any packages, as these are potential places for pests to spread.

Prepare and place baits with boric acid or borax. They are located near cabinets, on window sills and countertops. The composition is poured onto pieces of cardboard or into jar lids.

It is important that the products are closed, as indicated above, so that pests do not enter them after they have tasted the bait.

Used to repel pests folk remedies :
  • Feverfew is a special type of chamomile, the smell of which is not tolerated by pests;
  • Carnation also repels insects, it is laid out in kitchen cabinets;
  • Bay leaf can be laid out near cereals, insects also do not like its smell;
  • Peeled garlic cloves reduce the likelihood of pests reappearing.

Let's figure out how to prepare the bait, everything is quite simple:

  • You will need boric acid or borax. These compounds are sold in hardware stores and are inexpensive. As for the release form, a powdered version is used to prepare a dry bait, and it is better to use a liquid form for a bait with honey;

  • The second component that will be used to remove pests is powdered sugar. It needs about the same amount as the first composition. Can buy ready-made version, but you can grind ordinary sugar, there is no difference;

  • Preparation is simple: the components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. After that, a little of the composition is poured into the lids, which are placed near the places where the pests were found. You can also put baits in the corners of the kitchen, as it is possible that insects have scattered around the room.

Prevention of the appearance of bugs

In order not to think about how to remove pests from kitchen cabinets, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Buy cereals only in transparent bags. Most often, a visual inspection gives an idea of ​​the quality of cereals, if there are a lot of impurities in the package, then most likely the product is not processed thoroughly enough. At the slightest suspicion, refuse to buy. Ideally, if you know which manufacturers' products are of high quality and constantly purchase only them;

Very often, pest larvae are found in cheap cereals that are put up for promotions.

  • All bulk items, as well as flour, pasta, dried fruits, etc. store in sealed containers. After purchase, unpack the package and pour into a container, then immediately close it tightly with a lid. Ideally, if the jars are transparent, then you can see the condition of the products and immediately notice any problems when they occur;

  • Do not store large amounts of flour and cereals. At room temperature, they begin to rot, which is why the likelihood of the appearance of bugs and moths increases tenfold. In addition, large volumes are difficult to control and most often the problem is detected already when it is impossible to save the products, and your savings turn into big costs;
  • Do not buy bulk products in large packages. The probability that there are pest larvae in a ten or twenty-kilogram bag is many times higher than in small packs. In addition, it is unlikely that you will find so many containers to hermetically pack the entire volume. And even if all the food in the kitchen is stored properly, an open bag will be a potential threat;
  • Maintain order in lockers. At least once a month, a general cleaning is carried out with the removal of all contents and wiping the walls with a disinfectant. Never put spilled cereals or flour in the cupboard, clean it right away and the likelihood of insects will decrease significantly. Try to arrange the products so that all of them can be seen and visual inspection can be carried out from time to time;
  • Troubleshoot furniture issues. It has already been written above that the cracks in the wood are ideal for pests, and they live and breed there. Fix all problems not only in lockers, but also on window sills and other elements.


Now you know about all the main pests that appear in the kitchen and can effectively deal with them. But it is better to carry out timely prevention in order not to solve such problems. The video tells Additional Information on the topic, and if you suddenly do not understand something - write questions in the comments.

March 7, 2018

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Why do bugs start in cereals, how to get rid of pests and which cereals are most susceptible to their effects? First of all, you need to understand that bugs start only where there is constant access to food. Insects are attracted to loose insects not only in open containers and bags, but also in loose form on shelves and in cabinets.

Cereals, pasta - a favorite delicacy not only for bugs, but also food moth. Insects also actively eat cereals, crackers, dried fruits, bread, they can be found in spices and food concentrates.

What kind of bugs are found in the kitchen and how do they get there?

It is not enough to discover that bugs have appeared in flour and cereals, damaging food at lightning speed. To pick up effective means to control pests, you need to clearly know what kind they belong to. There are several main types of bugs that damage bulk products:

  • bread grinder;
  • flour bug;
  • red flour eater;
  • food moth.

Bread grinders - miniature light brown bugs that can fly, most often settle in cereals, with great pleasure feast on bakery products, old medicinal herbs as well as tea and coffee. They enter the apartment with contaminated store products, as well as with animal feed.

flour bugs they settle in flour more often than in any other products; it is not uncommon to find them in bags with starch. Insects simply enter the boxes in the kitchen with bulk products, including packages with rye, rice flour, oatmeal and semolina. Infrequently, but you can see pests in dried fruits, in rice or buckwheat.

A feature of insects is the ability to reproduce rapidly. Female bugs camouflage their eggs in the crevices of furniture in the kitchen, in cereals, flour, on the shelves of cabinets. A new generation of pests quickly spread throughout the home in search of food sources.

Red common flour-eater in length no more than 2.5 mm. It most often enters the premises along with poor-quality animal feed. The pest's favorite food is cereals, grains, flour with an expired shelf life and a moisture content of not more than 15%. In order for the red flour-eater to stop spoiling food and multiplying in the kitchen, it is enough to block access to food sources.

Food moth starts in buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, rice, flour. A mature individual visually resembles a silver butterfly, reaches a length of 10 cm. Its appearance in the kitchen is associated with a violation of the rules for storing food, in addition, the insect enters the house through ventilation holes and open windows.

In addition to the fact that insects find their presence in semolina, millet and other cereals, in some cases, tea and cocoa, dried fruits, and pasta are also infected.

It is not difficult to identify pests in products - they leave behind a thin web woven from small yellow worms.

Prevention measures: how to prevent infection?

So that insects in cereals do not complicate life, requiring a series of operations to destroy them, you can follow simple recommendations regarding the prevention of their appearance. These include:

  • Heating the purchased cereals in the oven at a low temperature for half an hour.
  • Freezing bulk in the freezer during the day (dry ventilated packaging is used).
  • Dried fruits are treated with boiling water, followed by washing and storage exclusively in the refrigerator.
  • Careful inspection of purchased products (including vacuum packaging) with the disposal of cereals and flour with signs of infection.

Bulk should be stored in perforated polyethylene or glass closed containers. As an alternative, metal boxes, ecological bags made of natural linen are suitable.

One of the reasons why bugs start up in flour and cereals is non-compliance with the shelf life of products. To avoid creating favorable conditions for pests, it is worth buying cereals and other bulk products, as well as dried fruits, coffee and tea with a minimum supply.

It is believed that rice, semolina, flour and buckwheat can be stored for no more than six months, oatmeal and millet are stored for no more than 4 months due to their high fat content.

The record holder in terms of shelf life is polished rice. Many varieties after several years of storage become even better, acquiring additional taste qualities.

If, nevertheless, food contamination in the kitchen could not be avoided, there are several ways to get rid of bugs in cereals, flour and spices.

Disposal - a simple and reliable method

When there is neither the desire nor the ability to fight the growing population of harmful insects in bulk products in the kitchen, it is worth moving on to radical method- disposal of damaged cereals.

Packages, bags, containers with bugs are carefully packed in sealed cellophane and taken out of the house.

Places where contaminated products were stored (shelves, cabinets, mezzanines) are carefully treated with soda, vinegar or chlorine solution, followed by rinsing with clean water.

Thermal wrestling - what effect does it give?

If bugs are wound up in the croup, you can try to bring them out by raising the temperature to +50 degrees Celsius. We are talking about the treatment of containers with pests with boiling water or steam. The method is especially effective for removing pests in hard-to-reach places.

To free cereals and other bulk from insects, you can dry them in the oven at temperatures up to 70 degrees for half an hour, or achieve a result by placing infected foods in the freezer. Most bugs die at -15 degrees Celsius.

After the destruction of the larvae and bugs from the kitchen cabinet, shelves, it is important not to forget to process the surfaces, as well as all available cereals, nuts, and beans. As a result of this treatment, it will be possible to get rid of the remaining insects that simply float to the surface. However, given that insect-infested foods are unfit for consumption, it is easier to get rid of them by updating stocks with fresh cereals and flour.

Chemicals in the fight against pests

If bugs are wound up in the croup, what should I do when the previous methods above do not give the desired effect? In such cases, it makes sense to use chemicals. The active drugs are Karbafos and Antizhuk. The second one has a universal action, it helps to cope not only with kitchen bugs, but also with wood bugs that damage furniture, windows, laminate and parquet. It is necessary to use the drug with extreme caution, following the instructions.

Another Rogneda pesticide is a powerful antiseptic that allows you to dispose of a number of domestic insects, including flour eaters, weevils, cockroaches and ants.

You can also remove bugs in the kitchen with the help of the Lovin Fire Protection drug, which allows you to achieve a quick effect. The tool has high level toxicity, used in the absence of pets and children at home.

Working folk methods: which ones to choose?

Those who consider chemicals too dangerous, the disposal and destruction of insects by lowering or raising temperatures are not as effective, you should try to solve the problem with the help of folk remedies. Some of the recipes are below:

  • Table vinegar. All surfaces infected with a bug are treated with a vinegar-based aqueous solution, with the associated disposal of cereals and flour damaged by pests.
  • Bay leaf, pepper, garlic, sulfur. All these are products, the smell of which is afraid not only of flour bugs (the photo below will not make a mistake with the identification of pests), but other types of insects.
  • Antiseptics of natural origin - chamomile or calendula can also scare away pests.

An interesting option that allows, if not forever, then for a long time to forget what bugs are in cereals (a photo will help to correctly determine the type of each) is a trap based on boric acid.

The bait works on a simple principle: the bait attracts the insect. Hungry insects taste the poisoned treat, become infected with toxins and poison the rest of the colony.

To prepare the bait in a container, mix boric acid with powdered sugar, semolina, honey, syrup. The treat will attract pests only fresh. It is recommended to use traps in the absence of children and pets at home, placing them in the habitats of insects.

Beetles that settle in bulk products can cause allergic reaction. It is very dangerous for people suffering from this disease. Allergies lead to various complications: runny nose, cough and swelling.

What bugs can appear in the croup

  1. A bread grinder is a brown bug 3 mm long. Their habitat is in bakeries and bakeries. V simple apartments are rare, only if they were not listed with purchases. The bugs feed on bread crumbs, dried plants, dry paper, and animal food.
  2. The red flour beetle is a beetle that loves various cereals, flour and grain. The insect itself reaches a length of 2 mm, and its larvae are only 0.8 mm, it is very difficult to detect them in loose cereals. They reproduce at high humidity if the flour or grain is dried, then their appearance can be excluded. Beetles have a reddish-brown color. If the ventilation in the apartment is functioning normally, then the flour eaters will not stay in it for a long time. They can get into the house in low-quality wet raw materials.
  3. Hrushchak flour - has a red-brown color, reaches a length of 3 mm. It settles in flour of various varieties and types, wheat or semolina, oatmeal. It can also appear in stocks of dried fruits, rice or buckwheat. They can multiply not only in cereals, but also in dishes or kitchen furniture.
  4. The food moth is a small butterfly, about 10 mm long. For a week, this insect is able to lay up to 500 eggs, of which caterpillar larvae are born after. The moth does not touch the coupes, but its larvae feed on it. After a certain time, they turn into pupae, and then into butterflies, which begin to lay their offspring. Butterflies are very hard to find, and consequently, to destroy.
  5. Weevil - have a dark brown color with an elongated small proboscis. They have offspring up to 6 times a year. They live in flour, buckwheat, rice or pasta, legumes.

Reasons for the appearance of bugs

  1. Expired products. The expiration date can be seen on the package with cereals. But how to find out the expiration date for loose cereals and flour? There is normative terms storage of this type of products:
    • For oatmeal - 4 months.
    • For millet - 3 months.
    • For pasta, rice, buckwheat - 6 months.
    • For oatmeal - 7 months.
    • For rye and wheat flour - a year.
  2. Improper storage of cereals. The room should be well ventilated, the air should not stagnate and become humid. If there is a constantly high temperature and increased dampness in the kitchen, then the beetles will multiply rapidly when they appear. With a favorable environment for them, they can bring offspring every day.
  3. Bulk products are stored in open packages. Flour and all types of cereals must be stored only in closed jars. You can store them in their original packaging, only if it is not infected with bugs.
  4. When buying a product in a store.
  5. If the cereal was taken from neighbors.
  6. Bulk products were bought at the bazaar.

How to get rid of bugs

If the bugs were found in small quantities, then they did not have time to multiply and the products can be saved in the following ways:

  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and heat all the infected cereals.
  2. You can freeze bulk products in the freezer for a day.
  3. Insects can be lured out of legumes with salt water. They need to fill it in and wait a few minutes. They float to the surface. The beans dry out.
  4. If the pests hit the entire cereal, then it must be thrown out immediately.

When pests appear in cabinets, the following measures must be taken:

  1. All cereals are thrown away, and the surfaces themselves are washed with soapy water. When they dry, they should be treated with vinegar solution. It is done like this: 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water. This composition can also be filled with cracks.
  2. Banks for storing cereals should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap. and boil or pour over boiling water.
  3. If bulk products were stored in fabric bags, then they must be washed and rinsed in salt water, then dried.
  4. In cabinets from pests, many scatter feverfew, obtained from Caucasian chamomile. This drug is safe for humans, but deadly for beetles. Processing should be done periodically 1 time per week.
  5. On kitchen surfaces, you can also decompose the following composition: small cereals, borax and powdered sugar. All components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting product is laid out on pieces of paper. This composition will not harm people, but it will kill insects.
  6. Garlic, lavender or Bay leaf.

Is it possible to eat infected cereals

  1. If the beetles have just appeared, then the cereals are pierced in the oven at high temperature and they can be eaten.
  2. With a strong infection of cereals and flour, you can not cook food.
  3. Infected cereals can be boiled and fed to birds outside. They won't do any harm to them.
  4. The flour is sifted before use, all debris and bugs will remain in the sieve.

Prevention of the appearance

  1. Carefully study the expiration date when buying goods in a store.
  2. Examine the packaging to make sure there are no holes in it. through which insects could get into the cereal in a warehouse or production.
  3. Examine the contents if the package is transparent, for the presence of black or brown bugs or unusual impurities in the composition.
  4. There should be no lumps in the sold cereals, these may be bug pupae.
  5. Whole grains should not be crushed, this suggests that beetles have already fed on them.
  6. To determine if a cereal is good, they sniff it. The smell of a quality product is natural without impurities.
  7. If the products are bought in the market, then when you come home, you need to dry all purchased bulk goods or ignite them in the oven.
  8. All cereals and flour should be stored in closed containers.
  9. The kitchen area must be constantly ventilated.
  10. The hood must be on when cooking. so that moist air does not linger in the room.
  11. All storage containers should be cleaned periodically., treat with boiling water.
  12. In the old Soviet times clean, dry nails or steel wire were placed in bags with cereals and flour. This method can also be applied at home.
  13. At the bottom with a container for storage, you can put a bandage with a piece of salt wrapped in it.
  14. Bulk products should be stored apart from chemicals.
  15. If flour and cereals are stored in bags, then they need to be tied with a rope or pinned with a clothespin.
  16. A fertile environment for bugs is waste, or rather the availability of a trash can. Garbage must be taken out every day, and it must be stored in a container with disposable bags. The bucket should be covered with a lid. Try to throw garbage in the bucket, and not next to it.
  17. Bugs can also get into the cracks of kitchen furniture., so they must be treated with sealant or acrylic paint.
  18. Buying walnut sins, break one open and look inside, little pests can get out from there.
  19. No need to buy a large number of bulk products.
  20. Store-bought dried fruits and nuts best stored in the refrigerator.
  21. Periodically in the kitchen to prevent bugs general cleaning is done.

Why in production they do not monitor the quality of storage of bulk products

  1. Cereals and flour are not classified as perishable products, and therefore there is no normal control over their storage.
  2. Some manufacturers are not aware of this problem because this type of product is kept in stock for a short time.
  3. The cereal could have already been brought to the warehouse infected from another supplier or business partner.
  4. It is difficult to find the guilty subordinates in this problem.

How bugs appear in stores

  1. Products were delivered already with beetles from suppliers' warehouses.
  2. Appeared already in the supermarket due to dry air, unsanitary conditions.


  1. Beetles do not tolerate.
  2. Bright sunlight.
  3. dry air.
  4. Smells of garlic, cloves, bay leaf.
  5. Steel materials such as nails or coins.
  6. Clean and tidy hosts.
  7. High or low temperature.

Need to:

  1. Carefully choose bulk products in stores and markets.
  2. Maintain order in kitchen cabinets.
  3. Ventilate rooms as often as possible.
  4. Monitor the condition of the furniture so that cracks do not form in it.

My friend has been struggling with a sticky problem for a long time. In her locker with cereals, bugs constantly settle. In search of an answer to the question of how to get rid of bugs in croup, we decided to try all known methods. As the saying goes, in war all means are good.

Types of "unwanted new settlers"

The enemy must be known by sight! The choice of combat tactics depends on the characteristics of the insect. To get rid of some bugs in the croup, it is enough to deprive them of their usual living conditions, and they will die. Others can survive a nuclear war.

Image beetle species

bread grinder

Insect red, 3 mm long. Prefers bakery products, but will not refuse tea, buckwheat or rice.

Due to their ability to fly, bread grinders are difficult to hatch.

flour bug

Dark brown pests 4 mm long. They settle in all types of flour, oatmeal and semolina porridge. Flour bugs reproduce very quickly, laying eggs disguised as white grains.

food moth

It looks like a butterfly, it reaches 1 cm in length. Due to the dark color and the ability to fly, it is easy to disguise and hide.

It reproduces at a rapid pace, laying about 250 eggs per week. The hatched larvae spin a web that makes them easy to spot. The moth eats everything from flour to dried fruits.

Red flour eater

Red bug 2 mm long. Lives where it is warm and humid. It feeds on spoiled cereals and breeds up to 7 times a year. Without food and a suitable habitat, it dies.


Black insects reach 5 mm in length. Distinctive feature- long proboscis.

Absolutely unpretentious insects - they eat everything and settle everywhere. They can go without food for a long time.

Pest control

Beetles settle only where they feel good. Therefore, the first step in the war against pests is to deprive them of favorable living conditions. Get rid of dirt and dampness in your home.

Some insects will be frightened by ordinary hygiene. Against others, use special poisonous substances.

Chemicals: 4 effective drugs

Cockroaches are best poisoned. The same applies to beetles. Insects are the most unpretentious and hardy creatures on the planet. Accordingly, the fight against them requires a radical approach.

Remember that insect repellents are poisonous, so do not use them on the cereal or flour itself.

Image A drug

Means 1. "Antizhuk"

The substance actively fights all types of beetles without harming the treated surfaces.

The price is about 300-350 rubles.

Before use, read the instructions - the drug is toxic.

Means 2. "Karbofos"

A tool manufactured in various forms: liquid, tablets, powder, aerosol.

It is able not only to remove bugs, but also to prevent their further appearance.

It costs "Karbofos" about 150 rubles.

Remedy 3. Chalk "Mashenka"

It is enough to smear the corners in kitchen cabinets with chalk, and you will scare away pests for a long time.

For chalk, manufacturers ask from 20 to 25 rubles.

Remedy 4. "Lovin Fireproof"

Want to know how to get rid of bugs in cereals in a short time. Try this drug. It kills both the insect and its future offspring.

For high quality, you will have to pay about 2000 rudders.

Treat areas that are not accessible to animals - the poison affects all living beings equally.

Grandma's recipes:

When there are not too many "new settlers" in the house, or they periodically run to visit from a neighboring apartment, they need to show that they will feel bad in your home. I will tell you a few folk remedies that will ward off insects from your products.

If a large number of insects are wound up in the croup, throw it away completely along with the bag.

Image Recommendations

Recipe 1. Hitting temperatures.

Send the screened cereals or flour for a day in the freezer or warm up in the oven at 110 ° C for 10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Salt water

Ordinary salt will help get rid of bugs in peas or dried beans:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water.
  2. Pour water over the affected beans or peas.
  3. Wait for the bugs and grubs to emerge and fish them out.
  4. Drain the water and dry the product.

Recipe 3. Vinegar

A universal remedy with its pungent smell will scare away insects once and for all:

  1. Mix a liter of water and a tablespoon of vinegar.
  2. Thoroughly wipe all shelves in the kitchen cabinet, jars for storing cereals and dishes.

Recipe 4. Pungent smell

Insects do not tolerate strong odors. Arrange citrus peels, garlic, leaves in cabinets walnut, bay leaf, spices or nutmeg.

Recipe 5. Lavender

The aroma of this plant has a negative effect on nervous system insects. Put dried bunches or lavender oil on the shelves and the little brown bugs won't want to come back.

Analogues of the remedy are sprigs of wormwood and clove, basil, fir, chamomile or rosemary oils.

Recipe 6. Borax Balls

A multifunctional tool will be the best poison that you can cook with your own hands.

In addition to borax, you will need millet and powdered sugar - they will attract beetles:

  1. Grind millet in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and roll them into balls.
  3. Place the balls in the barn.

Wash and disinfect cabinet before use.

Recipe 7. Powder with borax

To prepare the powder, dry yeast, sugar and borax are useful:

Poison from bugs can be prepared at home. Take some flour, sugar and boric acid:

  1. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions.
  2. Scatter in insect habitats.


Avoiding the appearance of "unpleasant tenants" is quite simple. If you yourself do not know what to do, follow these tips:

  1. Keep your home clean.
  2. Store cereal in an airtight container.
  3. Ventilate the room.
  4. Store nuts and dried fruits in the refrigerator.
  5. Do not allow moisture to enter the cabinet.
  6. Regularly audit - get rid of the "delay".
  7. Keep dry plants on the shelves.

If you find bugs in the kitchen, then you can assume that your food supplies such as flour and cereals are at risk.

It will not be possible to completely remove insects with ordinary sifting, since the eggs of the bugs are so small that they easily seep into the holes of the sieve.

Today you will learn how to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals quickly and without the use of harmful chemicals.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: types of insects

Types of kitchen pests

Bread grinders, flour beetles, red flour eaters and food moths are most often planted in the house.

bread grinder

Bread grinders are small, light brown flying bugs. In size they reach 3 mm. These pests are attracted to dried bakery products, as well as coffee, tea, dried medicinal plants. They enter the apartment in packages with food and feed purchased for pets.

flour bug

Also, you can often see a flour bug in the kitchen cabinet. The length of the insect is about 4 mm. These red-brown pests are brought into the apartment in bags of flour or in bags of starch. It is not difficult for insects to penetrate into any boxes in which bulk products are located. They settle not only in wheat flour, but also in rye and rice flour, in hercules and semolina. Occasionally they can be seen in buckwheat, dried fruits and rice. Flour bugs multiply rapidly. They lay their eggs in cereals, flour, in the crevices of tables and cabinets. After hatching, the pests crawl around the house in search of suitable food.

Red flour eater

Red flour-eater - a bug 2.5 mm long. It enters the house with low quality pet food. The insect prefers to eat cereals, grains or spoiled flour, the moisture content of which exceeds 15%. If the pest does not find food suitable for itself, then it simply dies.

food moth

Food moth is another pest of flour and cereals in the kitchen. An adult insect looks like a gray butterfly up to 10 mm long. It appears in products as a result of their improper processing and storage. Moths also enter the kitchen through open windows or ventilation. It can often be seen in packages with pasta, in tea, cocoa, in a bag of dried fruits. On contaminated products, you will find thin webs and small yellow worms.

Many people are looking for the answer to the question of how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen. The fact is that all kinds of fungi and bacteria settle in products damaged by insects, which can cause allergies and even poisoning.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: methods of struggle

If there are bugs in your kitchen, they need to be removed immediately.

1. If the degree of damage food products insignificant, then there is no need to rush to throw them away. In this case, the cereal should be sifted with a sieve and heated in an oven at a temperature of 110 ° C.

2. Also, barn pests can be destroyed if you place the cereal in which the insects settled in the freezer for a day.

3. If you find bugs and larvae in beans or peas, you can get rid of them as follows. Pour the beans with salt water and leave for a few minutes. When the larvae and the insects themselves float to the surface, the water must be drained and the clean legumes dried.

4. It is better to throw away foods heavily damaged by pests, because by eating them, you can cause irreparable harm to health.

5. To forget about the bugs in the table or kitchen cabinet, first of all you need to get rid of the larvae and eggs of insects. All cabinets should be freed from products and wiped with a solution of vinegar. For one liter of water, it is enough to take one tablespoon of liquid. The slots of the drawers need to be filled with boiling water. Jars in which flour and cereals are stored should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap, and then doused hot water. If fabric bags were used to store food, then saline solution is suitable for processing them. Rinse is not necessary, then the bugs will not lay eggs in them again.

How to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals: folk remedies

Also, to combat harmful insects in the kitchen, you can use folk remedies:

1. Feverfew powder saves from flour bugs. This remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is necessary to process the shelves of cabinets once a week until the pests completely disappear.

2. Kitchen insects do not tolerate strong odors. Citrus peels, garlic, bay leaf and nutmeg will come to your rescue. Arrange these products in the corners of the cabinets after cleaning.

3. Fragrant lavender will help get rid of food moths. You can use both a small bouquet of these fragrant flowers wrapped in gauze, and essential oil lavender applied to cotton swabs.

4. In places where cereals and flour are stored, place cotton pads with aromatic oils of any of these plants: rosemary, geranium, cloves, basil or fir.

5. Sprigs of wormwood placed in kitchen cabinets will repel insects.

6. Insects will forget about your products if fresh walnut leaves with a specific smell are laid out in the corners of cabinets.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals with borax

Borax is a multifunctional tool that is widely used in everyday life. With it, you can not only perfectly clean the toilet, but also effectively fight mold, mice and kitchen bugs.

1. You can get rid of insects in the house by preparing balls according to a special recipe. According to the proven method, you will need the following ingredients:

Powdered sugar;

Millet needs to be ground in a coffee grinder. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and roll them into balls. Lockers must first be washed and disinfected. We spread the prepared balls in the corners. We update them from time to time.

2. Another mixture also helps against insects. For its preparation you will need:

Dry yeast;

The components should be finely ground, poured onto pieces of paper and spread out in those places in the kitchen where annoying insects have settled. As experience shows, after a while the pests will disappear.

These methods differ not only in efficiency, but also in safety. So, formulations with borax are harmless to pets and people.

How to get rid of bugs in croup: prevention

1. Keep in kitchen tables and cabinets perfect cleanliness.

2. Use an airtight container to store cereals and flour.

3. Do not purchase products "in reserve".

4. Check food supplies for insects from time to time.

5. You can also make canvas bags for food storage. Before use, they must be boiled for half an hour in a strong salt solution. Iron them when they dry. In these bags, insects will no longer start.

6. Since pests are most often brought into the house from the store, after buying the cereal, it is recommended to place it in the freezer for a day or warm it in the oven. Under the influence of temperatures, the larvae will die and will not be able to populate the kitchen.

7. To avoid the appearance of bugs in nuts and dried fruits, store them in the refrigerator.

8. Make sure that the kitchen area is regularly ventilated. Many insects are intolerant fresh air.

9. If you find insects or larvae in the purchased cereals, then it is best to throw away such a purchase immediately. For this reason, do not buy potentially dangerous products at a discounted price.

10. Ventilation openings in the apartment should be sealed in advance with a fine mesh.

11. It is advisable to put a clove of garlic in a container with cereals. It will not affect the taste of the products in any way.

12. Keep the sink surface and countertops in the kitchen always dry, as insects need a constant source of water.

13. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time.

14. Hide leftover food in the refrigerator.

15. Clean your kitchen regularly.

Insects in the kitchen are not a sentence. Now you know how to get rid of pesky pests that encroach on food supplies. Using simple tips, you will forever forget about such a misfortune as kitchen bugs.