Effective ways to wash stretch glossy ceilings at home without streaks. How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

  • 14.06.2019

Every fourth modern renovation does not do without the installation of stretch ceilings. People decide to decorate the house with a decorative canvas and ... do not know what to do with it next. How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil it and leave no traces of dirt? So that this step does not become one of the most thoughtless actions in your life, be sure to study the issue of cleaning such a delicate surface - in general, stock up different means, time and patience!

Methods for cleaning the coating at home

With an eraser

You are lucky if your ceiling is matte, because in this case, an ordinary eraser left over from school days can handle especially stubborn stains. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will wipe a hole at the site of pollution.

Water + alcohol

If you do not have a special polish, just use a mild solution of warm water and not a large number alcohol / vodka (based on 1 liter of liquid 1 tablespoon of the drug). This is an excellent tool for removing stains after wet washing of the stretch fabric, which also saves from dust. And remember that abrasive, kerosene-containing and acetone-containing preparations are completely prohibited.

Ammonia hydrate

Dish detergent

It is quite possible to save a stretch ceiling from a layer of soot after cooking: it is enough to foam 1 teaspoon. l. kitchen detergent in a small container with heated water (the maximum allowable temperature is 35 degrees, higher is prohibited). It is important to achieve a thick lush foam, because it is she who will go into action, and not a concentrated solution.

Be sure to remove jewelry from your hands before the procedure so as not to damage the delicate canvas. Then take a fiberglass / flannel cloth or sponge, apply a little preparation to the ceiling with it and wipe it without strong pressure. Rinse off the rest clean water using another rag. Absorb moisture with soft paper towels.

soap solution

This is the most inexpensive and simple option, which has three interpretations:

  1. adding liquid soap without dye to water;
  2. dissolving toilet soap;
  3. rubbing laundry soap into shavings and whipping the liquid to foam.

Water in all cases should be warm. The concentration of the drug depends on your needs: when there are no heavily stubborn stains, you need a regular weak solution.

washing powder

You should choose a powder or stain remover for clothes that does not contain bleaching ingredients. It needs to be dissolved in such a way that there are no small grains left that can scratch the ceiling. If you are sure that you didn’t miss a single granule, you can treat stubborn problematic dirt with this product. Of course, for a simple wipe from settled dust, this technique is too harsh - use it as a last resort.


Of particular value for the stretch fabric here is the ammonia included in the preparation. That is, it makes sense to choose only those household chemicals that have ammonia on the label. Just spray it on and with a dry soft cloth go over the surface as you would with a normal wash. window glass or mirrors. This method is great for removing stains from glossy PVC film because the surface is shiny and streak-free. But with all the convenience of the technique, do not rush to immediately test it on the entire ceiling: for starters, it is better to process an inconspicuous piece to make sure that a particular product is safe.

ammonium chloride

You will need not the alcohol itself, but its 10% solution. With the use of this substance, it is worth wiping the faded canvases so that they take on an updated look. Just a few easy movements, and the stretch ceiling shines again.

Washing method for fabric

The peculiarity of this element of the interior is that it does not tolerate a very wide range of cleaning products. For example, some of the mentioned methods cannot be applied to it, in particular washing with glass solutions that eat into the structure of the fabric, subsequently changing its color due to coloring additives. In addition, such a surface does not tolerate circular movements when wiping with a rag. The result of inaccurate handling is noticeable stains, and getting rid of them is incredibly difficult.

Experts advise using water with the addition of washing powder / ammonia / soap / dish detergent, removing heavy dirt with direct movements. By the way, such a ceiling is not afraid of abrasives, and this is its plus. And it can also be gently vacuumed, getting rid of the cobwebs, which is strictly prohibited in relation to film products.

Professional store products


How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil it appearance? This is a modern cleaning product designed specifically for stretch fabrics. It is packaged in ergonomic bottles that have a spray nozzle, which greatly simplifies washing, because it is often necessary to wipe the surface in uncomfortable conditions from a table or stepladder. It is notable for its gentle but effective composition: it does not contain alkalis or caustic acids, it is safe for delicate materials and sensitive skin of the hands. Despite such a gentle effect, it copes with dirt perfectly.


Another popular professional aerosol product designed for ceiling coatings. Harmless and powerful, it removes soap smudges in the bathroom, and fat with settled soot, and stubborn traces of insects, and dusty stains. It is convenient to hold a bottle of a universal preparation in your hands during the cleaning process, which is also a huge plus.

Mister Muscle

It perfectly removes dirt on the tension sheets, including settled vapors due to cooking food. Washes any specific kitchen stains, and does not leave any unsightly marks. It is non-toxic and non-aggressive, making it suitable for all occasions.

LOC by Amway

A versatile tool that many owners love. It helps to quickly and easily clean delicate surfaces, even glossy textures, because it does not create streaks and gives the materials a special freshness and shine. Suitable for those who take care of their home and do not want unnecessary problems. Perhaps you should not overpay, but this is the price of comfortable cleaning and high-quality results.

Kare Noir

An innovative well-known product that copes with a wide range of contaminants. He can be trusted with a stretch fabric that needs careful and effective cleaning.

Other branded products

You can use special formulations recommended by the manufacturer specifically for your ceiling. Who, if not the manufacturer, needs to know what exactly is suitable for the surface he has created? If it is not possible to do this, choose any similar product sold in the store household chemicals. Just keep in mind the following conditions:

One of the newfangled design options for ceilings are stretch structures, represented by a wide variety of textures, compositions and colors. They fit perfectly into the style directions, emphasize the individuality and taste of the owners. To achieve the aesthetic beauty of a stretch ceiling for a long period of time, you can properly care for the surface, maintaining it in proper condition. Sometimes specialists from cleaning companies are invited for washing or cleaning, but this process is not so complicated, and you can do it yourself.

How to wash the ceiling

When it's time to put the ceiling in order, you should properly prepare for work, purchase the necessary accessories. Agree that the ceiling is washed quite rarely, so it’s better to spend money and buy high-quality cleaning and other accessories than risk damaging such a beautiful and expensive surface.

What supplies do you need for cleaning?

Depending on the type of dirt and the surface, you may need flannel rags, soft-bristled brushes, foam rubber sponges, dry cleaning wipes, a basin or bucket for diluting soap suds and, of course, a stepladder so that you can easily reach every corner of the surface .

If you just want to remove a layer of dust from the ceiling in the living room or clean it of sediment after repair, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but the nozzle must be chosen so that it does not damage the surface, for example, a very soft fleecy brush (we will look at tips on how to properly clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner).

Sometimes, to simplify cleaning, or in the case of very high ceilings, the owners resort to using a mop, winding a damp cloth around it. In the case of stretch fabrics, such a life hack is a risky undertaking, since one careless movement (strong emphasis, jerk) can damage the surface. Therefore, it is worth gaining strength, patience and holding manual work using the above accessories.

Choosing detergents

To wash the ceiling with high quality, it is better to use special compounds sold in a hardware store. The manufacturer or company that installed the design, as a rule, indicates what is best suited for a particular material. You can also use solutions for washing mirror surfaces and windows. Their advantage lies in the presence of ammonia, which will ensure the complete absence of stains after cleaning. Sometimes housewives make such a solution on their own, diluting ammonia with water (1:10).

The most simple and affordable way– application liquid formulations for washing dishes, but first you need to make sure that it does not contain abrasive substances or granular particles.

You can use a home-made solution: powder or finely chopped soap is diluted in water (it is better to refuse the household 72% soap, since it contains a lot of alkali). At the end of the washing procedure, everything should be treated with clean water, and then the moisture should be removed with napkins.

How to wash different surfaces

Considering the fact that stretch fabrics are made from various materials and have a variety of surfaces, each of them requires a separate approach. Next, we will consider the advice of experts, following which you can easily restore the primary beauty of the surface.

Washing a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

The glossy ceiling surface looks, of course, excellent and is found quite often in stylish modern interiors. Its main advantage lies in the shiny reflective surface, which creates incomparable effects, but only if it is spotlessly clean. The most important thing in cleaning a glossy ceiling is to carry out the work so that there is no trace left of stains, which are very noticeable on a shiny surface. First you need to wash the product with circular light movements without pressure. Then, to return the shine, it does not hurt to treat it with a 10% solution of ammonia, and in conclusion, once again walk with a dry cloth.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling

The matte surface has its advantages, in particular, the ability to bring peace and tranquility to any interior. It dampens any reflections and looks like a classic whitewash. The only caveat concerns the design of kitchen ceilings with such canvases - according to experts, soot and greasy spots, which may arise during the cooking process, is quite difficult to remove from a rough surface.

On matte ceilings, stains are much less noticeable, which somewhat simplifies the matter. However, cleaning must also be carried out carefully and efficiently. Use an ordinary soap (powder) solution, which is diluted in warm water (+30 ... + 40C). Here, side-to-side movements (from right to left and back) are preferred. If there is a joint of canvases in the design, then the seam must be washed along. Next, we also rinse the ceiling with water and wipe it.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings are often chosen when decorating luxurious interiors. They resemble in appearance decorative plaster, and the textured surface makes the ceiling visually absolutely even. Please note that not every fabric can boast of being waterproof, and it is better to clean them dry without using water, just with napkins or special soft brushes (there are models in stores for cleaning complex ceiling surfaces with curves and cornices).

A feature of the fabric tension surface is its fragility, so cleaning should be done with extreme caution. In no case should you rub in one place for a long time, trying to eliminate an old spot - this can lead to a change in the structure and loss of appearance. Such canvases should be wiped gently, without the use of force. It is better to avoid circular movements in favor of longitudinal ones, which will provide better cleaning fabrics.

How to eliminate pollution after a global repair

At the end repair work in the room or carrying out redevelopment with dismantling on ceiling panel a thick layer of dust may form, as well as the remains of a frozen ground solution. Dust is best removed with a vacuum cleaner, because wet cleaning of dusty places only complicates the process. It is also necessary to work with a vacuum cleaner carefully - its nozzle in the form of a soft brush should not touch the surface of the ceiling during operation, but be at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. In this case, you need to select the average suction mode. If you start to simply drive the nozzle along the tension web or set the high mode, you risk getting a sagging surface as a result, which will immediately lose its aesthetic value.

Another important point- removal of hardened primer. Do not try to scrape it off the surface - this will certainly lead to deformation. The area should be soaked with a soap or powder solution, left for some time to sour, and then, avoiding pressure, wipe with a damp cloth.

How to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is especially a room where pollution is often formed not only on the floor and walls, but also on the ceiling surfaces. As we have already said, matte suspended structures are not the most the best way, it is worth giving preference to a glossy surface, especially since it can create a visual effect of increasing space.

If you find outdated dirty stains from grease or soot, you do not need to try to eliminate them by thorough rubbing, it is better to moisten them with soapy water, allowing them to soak, and then wipe them with a damp sponge. Experts warn that using a soda solution, which is often used by housewives in cleaning the kitchen space, is highly discouraged, as it can negatively affect the aesthetic characteristics of the coating. When the local problem is eliminated, you can start washing the entire surface using the methods discussed above.

What Not to Do

Summing up, we can say that washing a stretch ceiling at home is not at all difficult if you follow the basic precautions, namely:

- Do not use abrasive solutions, especially those that include acetone - it can damage the material, ruining its appearance. It is best to test the product on a small poorly visible area before work;

- In no case is it allowed to use hard brushes, even in relation to very old dirt - they must be soaked and then washed using soft, gentle products;

- If you prefer cleaning with a mop, be extremely careful with sudden movements to avoid deformation of the cloth;

- All seams present on the ceiling surface must be processed not in circular motions or across, but exclusively along to avoid accumulation of dirt at the joints.

Be sure to take into account the properties of various canvases, choose the right accessories, cleaning products. You should also watch for the possible appearance of spots in certain places. Sometimes the cause may be soot or leaking pipes from the upper floors. The first thing to do is eliminate the potential threat.

Stretch ceilings - a magnificent modern finishing material, which is able to give even the most ordinary interior its zest, and proper operation and care will help preserve all the charm of the design for many years.

Caring for stretch glossy ceilings is, in principle, not complicated. The only difficulty is to achieve the absence of streaks after washing, because rubbing an elastic fabric that does not have a rigid base under it is problematic.

However, it is possible to cope with this task if you use the right tools and tools. Do you want to know how to do it? I will tell you about it.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

In general, it is necessary to wash stretch glossy canvases only if dirty or greasy spots, traces of condensation appear on them. If they have lost their original luster from dust accumulated on them, you can get by with dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

In living rooms, one such cleaning is usually enough every six months - a year. But the care of stretch ceilings in the kitchen, bathrooms or loggias requires the use special means to clean them from soot, grease or soap stains.

What means to use

When choosing detergents, exclude too aggressive, containing caustic acids, alkalis and solvents. Tools with abrasive inclusions are also not suitable - they can leave scratches on a glossy surface.

What we need are liquids and gels for removing fat and alcohol-containing formulations. From finished factory products to wash glossy ceilings possible by the following means:

Ready detergents Description and application

Special compositions for the care of stretch ceilings.

Available in the form of sprays. The instructions on the package describe how to use.

Glass cleaners containing alcohol.

They do not leave streaks, but use them in the same way as when washing windows.

Dishwashing liquids.

They are diluted in a small amount in water before use, otherwise the soapy solution will then be difficult to wash off without leaving traces.

Pay special attention to the first two positions. Both those and others consist of similar components. They include:

  • Isopropyl or ammonia diluted with distilled water;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • Various additives - flavors, dyes, etc.

Alcohol perfectly dissolves even the most difficult pollution. And if you need to wash the stretch ceiling, and suitable means not at hand, you can dilute 2 tablespoons in a liter of warm water. ammonia. Or use regular vodka.

This solution is good for shiny surfaces. In addition to the fact that it copes well with dirt, ammonia quickly evaporates, leaving no odors or marks behind. At the same time, restoring the gloss lost by the surface.

Therefore, when deciding how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks, preference should be given to alcohol-containing compounds. But for matte finishes, a regular glass cleaner or dishwashing liquid is also suitable.

How to wash

Even if abrasive powders are not recommended to be used as a detergent, then washing stretch ceilings with hard brushes and sponges is all the more impossible. Yes, and there is no need. The maximum set of tools that you may need includes:

  • Vacuum cleaner or mop to remove dust. In order not to accidentally tear the canvas and leave scratches on it, all the hard parts of the instrument are wrapped in a soft cloth.

  • Spray.
  • net cloth, which absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint on the surface. Flannel and microfiber will do.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

If you do not have the opportunity to use the services of cleaning companies, you can wash the ceiling with your own hands. Without leaving streaks and restoring its shine. This is done simply:

  • Dust removal. First, using a vacuum cleaner, mop or soft panicle, we remove dust and cobwebs from the ceiling. This task is best handled by a vacuum cleaner, which is convenient to clean the corners and places around the lamps. But the power of the unit should be small.

  • Applying detergent. If you prepare it yourself, use warm water, and pour the finished solution into a spray bottle. With it, wetting the surface is much more convenient than with a wet cloth.

  • Wet cleaning. After a few minutes, when the product has taken effect, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, rinsing it periodically in clean water. Pollution that is not removed from the first run, process again.
  • Drying. Follow the wet wipe with a dry cloth to dry the area immediately.

When using dishwashing detergent, it may take several passes with a damp cloth to avoid streaks. Therefore, it is better to leave such liquids as a last resort, if other means have not coped with the fat.

This work is quite laborious, but the price that cleaning services ask for such cleaning reconciles us with it. Moreover, it is necessary to wash the ceilings infrequently.

And one more tip: Try to clean during daylight hours. Under electric lighting, shadows and glare on a glossy surface can make it difficult to see stains.


Knowing how you can wash glossy ceilings and how to do it right, any hostess can do it quickly. It is unlikely that something of what was said remained incomprehensible, but if so, watch the video in this article. And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Glossy stretch coatings are made from a PVC film, which has absolute moisture resistance. Its main advantage is that it can be used in rooms with high level humidity. The product is not afraid of pollution, because it is allowed to wash it using various store and home detergents. However, after washing, streaks and stripes may appear on a glossy surface, so many housewives have a question about how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks.

There are several tools available for this task.

Cleaning the glossy stretch surface may be required in the following cases:

  1. In the kitchen, soot and grease settle on the coating, so you have to wash the ceiling coating regularly and you can’t do it with water alone, you will need synthetic detergents.
  2. Although PVC film does not attract dust, small particles still settle on the surface over time, so the ceiling has to be cleaned of this type of pollution. But since dry cleaning is enough to remove dust, the question of how to wash the coating without streaks is not worth it.
  3. Splashes from champagne and other liquids also need timely removal. Moreover, it is better to immediately remove fresh stains, so that in the future there was no question of how to wash the stretch ceiling from dried dirt.
  4. Fingerprints after mounting a stretch coating of a glossy film spoil the appearance, so they must be removed.
  5. Limescale and rusty stains after water has hit the surface are also easily washed off.
  6. Significantly spoil the appearance of the coating can be yellow or black plaque from tobacco smoke, traces of markers, which children often use for other purposes. Therefore, it is also desirable to clean them.

Ready-made products for washing stretch ceilings

Now let's talk about how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling using ready-made products. First of all, pay attention not to the price of the store composition, but to the content of components that are aggressive for PVC.

Important! It is forbidden to use products containing alkalis, abrasive particles, aggressive solvents, acids to wash the ceiling surface.

Gel and liquid detergents are ideal for these purposes. Solutions containing ammonia are especially good at removing stains. How much a particular product costs depends on its composition, manufacturer and purpose.

Solutions for the care of stretch ceilings

These are products that are specifically designed for washing glossy film coatings.

They contain:

  • Surfactants (surfactant additives);
  • isopropyl or other alcohol that is diluted with distilled water;
  • Excipients;
  • flavors.

These compounds are usually sold as sprays, which allows them to be conveniently dosed and evenly applied to the ceiling surface. Instructions for use of each solution are on the package. Usually the mixture is sprayed onto the ceiling at a short distance, and then polished to a shine with a dry rag.

Important! Due to the alcohol content, the mixture is good at eliminating stains on the surface of a glossy film.

Compositions for washing windows, mirrors and tiles

These compounds contain ammonia, which cleans any dirt well and does not leave stains on the surface. Mixes are usually sold in containers with sprayers, which makes them easier to use.

The principle of using these solutions is the same as for products specially designed for washing ceiling coverings made of tension material. They are sprayed onto the surface and wiped well with a soft cloth or rag.

Dishwashing liquids

Before use, these liquids are dissolved in some water. They contain surface-active additives, so they wash well any dirt, even grease and soot. The prepared solution is applied to the ceiling with a soft sponge. The surface is washed in a circular motion without pressure. After that, the film is washed with plain water to wash off the foam well, and then wiped thoroughly to give the ceiling a glossy sheen.

Home remedies for cleaning stretch PVC ceilings

If you don’t know how to wash stretch ceilings at home, then common home-made compounds that many housewives use to clean different surfaces will come to your rescue.

Attention! It is forbidden to use baking soda, mustard, acetone and other aggressive solvents to wash the stretch film ceiling. They can scratch, melt and permanently ruin the tension surface.

washing powder

Before using any washing powder must be well dissolved in a large amount of water so that no dense particles remain that can scratch the film. After that, the surface is washed with a soft sponge or cloth dipped in the prepared solution. Next, the coating is well washed with clean water to get rid of detergent residues, which, after drying, give stains. Further, without waiting for the ceiling to dry, the film is polished to a shine with a dry soft cloth.

Laundry soap

This tool helps housewives in many household chores.

For washing film panels, it is used as follows:

  1. A small piece of soap is rubbed on a grater to obtain small chips.
  2. Loose means is poured into a basin with water and mixed until the soap particles dissolve and a rich foam forms.
  3. A soft sponge is moistened in the prepared solution and the ceiling is washed in a circular motion.
  4. The surface is washed with plenty of clean water.
  5. The film is rubbed to a shine with a dry rag.


It is not necessary to buy ready-made formulations based on ammonia. You can cook them yourself. Pure alcohol is not used. A 10% aqueous solution is usually prepared. To do this, ammonia is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10.

The prepared liquid can be poured into a spray bottle for easy application to the surface, or you can use a regular rag or sponge for washing. The advantage of using ammonia is that after washing the ceiling does not need to be washed with clean water. It is enough to wipe it dry with a cloth, and it will shine like new.

Advice! After preparing a home remedy, it is better to try its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling surface, for example, in a corner behind furniture. Only after you are convinced of its safety, you can use the solution to wash the entire coating.

How to clean a fabric ceiling

Now let's talk about how to wash stretch ceilings made of polyester fabric. Unlike a film, the fabric coating does not tolerate direct contact with water as well, so it is recommended to clean it only with a dry method, for example, with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth.

Since fabric sheets are not installed in places with high humidity or in the kitchen, they usually do not need to be washed thoroughly. The only situation where the coating is heavily soiled and stained is flooding by neighbors from above. But it will not work to wash the surface, it can only be repainted with a water-based emulsion.

If you still need to wash fabric ceiling, then a soap solution is used for these purposes. The sponge is moistened in the liquid and squeezed well so as not to wet the coating much. The surface is gently wiped with a damp sponge and dried with a soft cloth.

What pollution on PVC ceilings cannot be washed

Washing stretch ceilings will be ineffective if the fabric surface is contaminated. Traces of rust on such coatings after the flood can be tried to be cleaned with greasy clay or a mixture of water and soda ash. But usually this is not very effective.

As for film coatings, it is useless to try to wash the following contaminants:

  • deeply ingrained traces of paint, ink or markers;
  • small burnt spots from matches or sparklers;
  • traces of tobacco smoke often eat deep into the structure of the material, therefore they are not washed off;
  • discolored spots after exposure to aggressive chemicals are also not removed;
  • sticky chewing gum, plasticine or adhesive tape requires intense friction for complete removal, which cannot be done in the case of glossy film coatings.

Tools for cleaning stretch ceilings

Before you clean the stretch ceiling, stock up on the following tools:

  1. Since you will have to work at a height, you will need a stepladder. It is much more convenient to use a table on which you can put a basin of detergent and tools next to you. So you do not have to constantly go down from the dais to take the right thing.
  2. To wash stubborn dirt on a woven fabric, you need a vacuum cleaner with a steamer. But for film products it can not be used.
  3. For dry cleaning, a vacuum cleaner with a special soft nozzle is used.
  4. It is convenient to clean the ceiling with a long-handled mop with a soft foam nozzle. That way you don't have to go upstairs.
  5. The spray gun makes it easier to apply liquids to the ceiling.
  6. Soft microfiber cloth, non-abrasive kitchen sponges or rags.
  7. Basin for water.

Now you know how to wash a stretch ceiling made of glossy PVC film or polyester fabric. Under the condition of careful handling and proper regular maintenance, the tension coating will serve you for many years while maintaining its original appearance.

Matte stretch ceilings are very popular. In order for them to serve for a long time, careful care and washing is necessary. Over time, various contaminants appear on the surface of the matte ceiling. To get rid of them, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of washing, as well as know what cleaning products you can wash them with.

Fundamental rules

Stretch matte ceilings are made of PVC film impregnated with polyurethane. Thanks to this impregnation, a special texture of the material is formed. Polyurethane is known as a dust repellent and waterproofing agent, which allows it not to accumulate a lot of dust.

If you perform wet cleaning without additional detergents 1 time in 3-5 months, you can achieve the original look.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the size and purpose of the room. The living room, hall and bedroom do not require constant maintenance and washing of ceilings, because difficult-to-remove pollution does not accumulate here. Stretch ceilings installed in kitchens and dining rooms are highly susceptible to pollution (grease stains, soot, condensate). Therefore, in such areas it is necessary to clean much more often. The same problem occurs in the bathroom, where mold or fungus sometimes forms from moisture.

Choice of detergents and tools

For proper care for stretch ceilings with a matte texture you will need:

  • a mop made of foam rubber, its handle should be short, so you can control the force of pressing on the ceiling;
  • soft sponges or napkins, for example, from microfiber;
  • soap solution;

  • water at room temperature;
  • ladder;
  • washing vacuum cleaner.

Before you start cleaning the ceiling at home, you need to decide on the choice of detergent and fixtures that are suitable for this. After all, granular cleaners (special powders) cannot be used for this kind of cleaning, they can ruin the entire appearance of the structure, even if they are diluted.

It is also forbidden to use active substances for cleansing. These include acids, solvents, alkalis. Before purchasing a cleaning product, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, which should not contain acetone. The best variation would be to use a special solution recommended by the manufacturer of the stretch matte ceiling. If there is no need to buy such a solution or it is not available in a household chemical store, you can use a soap solution or dishwashing detergent, as well as glass and mirror cleaners that can cope with this task.

Only before using such solutions, they must be checked for the presence of active substances in the composition.

Dry cleaning

For this type of cleaning, clean, dry tools made of soft, lint-free cloth are used. The aim is to remove minor contaminants such as dust, cobwebs, fresh stains and traces of condensation. If there is a web, it is enough to brush it off the coating.

For dry cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a foam nozzle. The distance from the vacuum cleaner to the ceiling must be at least 3 cm, do not touch the surface. This method is not suitable for ingrained contaminants. Dry cleaning is not required special efforts Therefore, it is mainly performed for prevention purposes.

Combined cleaning

This type of cleaning includes several types of cleaning. There is a consistent application of dry and wet methods. Combined cleaning consists of the following steps:

  • Dry wipe. Clean the ceiling surface with a soft dry cloth or sponge.
  • Moisturizing. Heat is applied to the stretch coating. pure water using a spray bottle or spray bottle. This method is mandatory if there are hard-to-remove dried dirt.
  • Impregnation of the fabric with chemical solutions. If the first two cleaning options are not enough to remove contaminants, detergents are used. They are applied to fabric or to contamination. After that, with gentle movements, the stubborn stain is removed.
  • Removal of soap solutions. With the help of warm water, the surface of the ceiling is rinsed.
  • Drying. The matte canvas is wiped dry with a dry cloth, you can also use a hair dryer. This procedure is necessary to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

In this way, the most difficult dirt that cannot be removed separately by dry or wet cleaning is eliminated.

Thanks to this combination, the surface of the ceiling remains in a perfectly clean condition for quite a long time.

Prohibited actions

Caring for matte surfaces requires a careful and careful attitude. There are prohibited products and working tools that can damage the matte canvas.

  1. standard abrasives. Their use is strictly prohibited. There is a risk of cracks. Such compositions emit sharp unpleasant odors that can lead to allergic reactions.
  2. Liquids containing acetone. They have a negative effect on the canvas, discoloring it and forming spots on the coating.
  3. Rigid fabrics and tools with pointed ends(mop without foam). Such materials can lead to deformation of the canvas (cracks, scratches, tears), up to the need to replace the structure.
  4. Application possible stain remover, but only if such a tool is tested on a small hidden area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling covering.
  5. Water temperature for cleaning the ceiling should not be more than 40 degrees.

How to wash without streaks?

The canvas of the matte ceiling is textured, for this reason it is recommended to use silk fabrics when cleaning such a coating. If you use a simple rag, there may be lint on the canvas.

Matte ceiling has an advantage over other types of stretch ceiling. It lies in the fact that after washing there are no streaks left.

To properly clean the ceiling from dirt, perform the following procedures:

  • If there is a cobweb in the corners, it is removed with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle.
  • When using a cleaning spray, it is necessary to spread it on small areas of the coating and immediately wipe gently with a soft cloth.
  • If a detergent was chosen for cleaning, then it must be diluted in a warm liquid until foam forms and applied to a soft cloth. The washing of the canvas is carried out with plastic movements from left to right from one corner to another. In no case should you rub in circles, otherwise stains may appear. To wash the matte surface, you can use alcohol-based glass cleaners.
  • If there is stubborn contamination on the coating, it is pre-soaked, and then carefully wiped with a wrung out cloth until completely eliminated. When using a large amount of detergent, rinse the coating with warm, clean water to rid it of chemical residues.
  • After all dirt has been removed from the matte canvas, dry cleaning is performed.

To wash the matte ceiling without streaks at home, it is recommended to use a pharmacy ammonia. It must be diluted in water in a ratio of 50 ml per 1 liter.