Pyrolysis oven cleaning. Which oven cleaning is better - pyrolytic, catalytic or hydrolytic

  • 05.06.2019

The joy of the cooking process for many was overshadowed by the need to deal with cleaning up afterwards. Often you have to pull out grates, baking sheets, removable panels. If the fat is frozen, you must first soak, then scrub for a long time. It is especially difficult to put the oven in order after many favorite dishes: grilled duck, pork ribs ...

Total exists two main options: the first is known as catalytic, historically appeared earlier, is much more common. Pyrolytic is considered more modern and radical, gives better results, but has its own specifics.

Catalysis involves self-cleaning the back wall of the oven right during cooking. This happens due to the specific porous structure and a special coating. At a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius and above, the process of decomposition of food residues into water, fats and carbohydrates begins. Thanks to this, after cooking, the hostess only needs to wipe the surface with a cloth. Comfortable enough. However, not all manufacturers make side walls catalytic. And if you can additionally place an order here, then the door with inside still needs to be washed.

Besides, catalytic plates have an expiration date. And the more often you use them, the worse the effect will be. So one day the owners of an oven with catalysis will still come to the need to clean the contaminated surface on their own, without resorting to high technology. However, if you are not going to operate the model gradually, you will have enough for a long time. In addition, when buying an oven, no one bothers to immediately purchase additional plates so that you can replace them on your own when worn out. It is also worth noting that at the price of an oven with catalysis, the alternative is much more affordable. In addition, they are suitable for both gas and electric options.

Pyrolytic cleaning system

Pyrolysis as a means of cleaning dirt in the oven is based on a fairly simple principle: the model heats up to 500 degrees, all the dirt simply turns into ashes. Which will then be enough to simply sweep with a cloth or brush, in this case it is not necessary to clean the door. In general, the involvement of the owners is kept to a minimum. The oven after such cleaning will look like new. A big advantage was also the fact that for production they take only quality metal able to withstand repeated heating to such temperatures, and then cooling.

However, this progressive method has its downsides:

  • as you might guess, due to its nature, pyrolysis is completely unsuitable for gas ovens. Therefore, it is found exclusively in electric ones;
  • it makes sense to install cabinets with such a self-cleaning system in a house with high-quality wiring, because the load on the network in this case will be very large;
  • many owners claim that a strong burning smell is released when cleaning, so it may be wise to install a hood over the oven;
  • some models still have the problem of excessive heating of the outer side walls, so burns are possible.

There is a need to organize the distance between the oven and adjacent furniture. This problem can be solved, but additional expenses are required. What can be expensive: pyrolysis ovens are already among the most expensive.

After cooking many dishes, fat burns on the walls of the oven. Its removal requires a lot of effort and takes a large number of time.

Modern technologies allow solving this issue with the help of catalysis, pyrolysis and hydrolysis.

Is it profitable to buy an oven with a pyrolytic type of cleaning?

Many buyers are wondering what is the difference between pyrolytic and catalytic oven cleaning.

Pyrolysis is the breakdown of substances as a result of exposure to high temperatures. The remains of food are completely burned, turning into ashes and soot.

Such models have the highest cost compared to other types of food residue removal. On average, the price category exceeds the cost of other middle-class ovens by 2 times.

This is due to the quality of the material used in the decoration of the internal walls. Doors have additional protection against burns.

This type of cleaning is present only in electrical units. Pyrolysis is not economically viable due to high level energy consumption. When installing, it is important to consider that the voltage power cable should be equal to 6000 V.

The exception is ovens with 6th sense technology. Its essence lies in the fact that the device reacts to the concentration of carbon dioxide, which is released during combustion. When its level begins to decrease, the process stops.

Pyrolysis has its economic advantages. Such ovens serve for a long time without failing, do not require frequent replacement of expensive parts. Most of these models are equipped with a self-cleaning function, which significantly reduces the costs required to purchase detergent.

How to use?

How to use the pyrolysis oven:

  1. Remove the kitchen utensils that are in it, take out the baking sheets, grates.
  2. Select the required mode on the control panel based on the degree of contamination, press the "Start" button. When the temperature rises to 300 degrees, the door will be locked to prevent burns. It will be possible to open it again when the cleaning process is over: the temperature will begin to drop and reach 200 degrees.
  3. After cooling, remove the formed ash with a brush, then wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

With daily use oven pyrolysis is carried out at least once every 7 days.

Modern models are equipped with additional functions that will help facilitate the work with the device:

  • The presence of a filter that automatically turns on the cleaning process after 100 hours of operation.
  • Built-in sensor system that tells the hostess that it's time to remove dirt.
  • Step by step instructions for cleaning the oven, which is displayed on the digital display.

Evolution of pyrolysis and energy consumption

Ovens with pyrolysis appeared quite recently, but during this time they have evolved.

In early models, 3 types of cleaning were programmed:

Gradually, almost every manufacturer household appliances began to produce models, focusing on the needs of customers, and use a catalytic filter, which can quickly burn large pollution and save electricity consumption.

Some manufacturers produce ovens in which food is burned in several levels. This allows you not to heat the device to maximum temperatures.

About the quality of ovens with pyrolytic cleaning

Pyrolysis ovens are the highest quality appliances.

This is due to the fact that the high combustion temperature requires the appropriate quality of the material. For the manufacture of such devices, only the highest quality steel is used. The walls and bottom are covered with a special enamel that can withstand high temperatures.

The door glass is completely safe. This is achieved due to the presence of 3 or 4 tempered glasses. During operation, the door locks. The case is equipped with a cooling system, but it is important to consider that the temperature of the device can reach 100 degrees and above.

Important! The presence of children or pets near the appliance during the cleaning of the oven is unacceptable!

The unit is equipped with a safety system in case of fire. To do this, sensors are installed that record the indicators of the temperature regime and the concentration of carbon monoxide.

Some brands of ovens have filters that are located on the convector grate. Their task is to protect the fan from contamination.

Durable oven enamel can be cleaned with conventional non-abrasive detergents. This will help save energy costs.

Bad smell during pyrolysis

Among the few disadvantages of this type of cleaning, it should be noted bad smell. This is due to the fact that all residues burn to the ground at a temperature of 500 degrees, soot is formed.

During cleaning, it is imperative to turn on the hood and open the window wide in the kitchen. To solve this issue, you can attach a pipe to the hole in the rear wall of the device and bring it into the ventilation system.

With a catalytic filter, this problem should not arise. It is designed to work during the entire life of the device. Automatic filter cleaning occurs after every 100 hours of operation.

To reduce the odor level, cleaning should be carried out at least once a week, provided that the unit is used frequently.

Oven with catalysis: cooks and cleans

without human intervention.

The side surfaces of the device, the back wall and the upper part are covered with a special porous, slightly rough enamel with particles of a catalyst that absorbs and splits fat into carbon and water.

The process of removing food residues occurs when temperature regime from 140 to 220 degrees. Catalysis can be used in both gas and electric ovens.

How to use

The activation of cleaning occurs simultaneously with the start of the cooking process, which helps to significantly reduce energy costs. Splashes of fat immediately turn into ashes, which are simply removed with a rag.

The decomposition of dirt begins already at a temperature of 140 degrees. The maximum efficiency of the process is observed when the mark of 220 degrees is reached.

For catalysis to work, it is not necessary to enable any function on the control panel, since the whole procedure takes place automatically.

Benefits of catalytic cleaning

Catalysis has a number of undeniable advantages over other methods of cleaning the oven:

  • Use in electric and gas ovens.
  • Low energy costs. Cooking takes place at the same time as cleaning.
  • Long service life of devices - at least 5 years.
  • Affordable pricing policy. The cost of the oven does not depend on the presence of catalysis in it.
  • Easy replacement of panels in any service center.

Disadvantages of catalytic purification

Despite all the advantages, catalysis has its drawbacks:

  • The need to replace the panels after 300 hours of operation due to the loss of their cleaning properties.
  • The cost of the oven depends on the quality of the materials used.
  • The absence of enamel on the doors, the bottom of the device.
  • In case of heavy contamination, a second cleaning procedure is required.
  • The panel may stop functioning properly if sugar or milk comes into contact with it.

Features of hydrolysis oven cleaning

A distinctive feature of the method of removing food residues with steam is its versatility.

Hydrolysis is used in all types of ovens. This method is suitable not only for ovens, but also for microwave ovens.

It should be taken into account that the frequent use of hydrolysis causes corrosion of materials. To prevent this situation, you need to opt for models in which the coating is made using high-quality enamel.

Hot steam removal is only effective on fresh stains. To get rid of old food residues, you will need to thoroughly wash the appliance manually using cleaning products.

Fat accumulations fall into a bowl with hot water. If there is a small amount of dirt on the walls of the device, they can be easily removed. To ensure a safe, high-quality wash, a soft sponge or cloth is used.

What is hydrolysis and how does it happen

The essence of the method is that water is poured into a heat-resistant dish or oven tray in a volume of 0.5 liters. The liquid is heated at a temperature of 90 degrees. Hot steam softens all old dirt.

Some models use hydrolysis fluid instead of water. In addition, modern ovens are equipped with an activation function according to a timer, adjusting the intensity of cleaning, and the duration of the process.

After steam cleaning is completed, allow the unit to cool down. Further, the remaining dirt is removed manually. The oven should dry out with the door ajar for one hour.

Pros and cons of hydrolysis treatment

Several important factors can be attributed to the advantages of hydrolysis treatment:

  • Low cost and easy process.
  • Low level of electricity consumption.
  • Excluding the risk of burns.
  • There is no need to use aggressive hazardous cleaning agents.
  • The duration of cleaning takes 15-30 minutes.

The method also has a number of disadvantages:

  • The rest of the softened dirt is removed manually.
  • The method effectively removes only fresh contamination.
  • There is a possibility of damage to the internal coating of the unit.

Additional "bells and whistles"

Some modern models are equipped with additional "bells and whistles" in order to improve the hydrolysis cleaning system:

  • The "Cleaning" function consists in the use of special liquids for spraying. To do this, the device is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees. This indicator must be maintained for 15 minutes. After heating, a cleaning spray is applied to the surface. After the cycle is completed, the remaining fat and moisture are removed manually using a napkin.
  • The "Aqua clean" function is used at low temperatures. To activate the program, you need 0.5 liters of water. The optimum cleaning temperature is 50 degrees. The process takes exactly half an hour. After cleaning, the oven is wiped with a napkin and dried. The tray is placed back in the oven. In this case, the door must be open for at least one hour.

Pyrolysis, hydrolysis or catalysis - which is better?

Each type of cleaning has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When making a choice in favor of a particular technology, you should consider:

  • how often the device will be used;
  • what price segment is acceptable;
  • what should be the quality of the materials used;
  • whether full automation of the process is essential or minor manual cleaning is allowed;
  • what is the power of the electrical wiring;
  • Is there a powerful extractor at home?

The pyrolysis model is convenient if it is possible to purchase expensive equipment , a wire with a power of at least 600 W is installed, the kitchen is equipped with a powerful hood.

Hydrolysis does not require high costs electricity eliminates the possibility of burns. The method is quite simple and cost-effective, but additional handmade to remove the remnants of burnt fat.

If saving is a priority Money, then the best option would be gas stove with a catalytic type of removal of old contaminants, although this type of technique is less functional than electric ovens. Catalysis is suitable for frequent use of the stove and will greatly facilitate the process of removing old grease and stains.


To choose the type of oven cleaning, you should first weigh all the functional features of the ovens and decide on your needs.

The most modern and convenient development for the oven is the pyrolytic cleaning system. This function implies self-cleaning of the oven from dirt. This feature is present in electrical models ovens.

The cleaning system is produced by high temperature heating. This means that in the oven capsule there is a strong metal heater that heats the entire oven compartment over 460°. As a result, all food residues burn out and turn into ashes. As a result, it is enough to remove the remaining debris from the oven.

During burnout, an unpleasant smell of burning is created in the oven, but due to installed system filtration, it does not penetrate outside. The filter does not need to be cleaned or replaced, its shelf life is calculated for the entire period of operation of this equipment.

A pyrolysis oven is an advantage of more expensive electric ovens. They are made from crucible steel. The stove door has three-layer, in some cases four-layer heat-insulating glass.

A brief description of:

  • the pyrolysis function in ovens provides an ideal self-cleaning ability, as a result, you do not have to scrub or wash anything;
  • the process of cleaning the oven is carried out by a separate independent program;
  • during cleaning, the door of the electric oven is automatically locked and unlocked at the end of the process;
  • cleaning of the electric stove is carried out within 90-150 minutes.

How to use the pyrolysis function in the oven?

To properly use the pyrolytic cleaning function in the oven, you must:

  1. Before cleaning from the oven, be sure to remove all metal partitions.
  2. Turn on the oven self-cleaning button.
  3. After the process is completed, it is necessary to process from the inside all the walls of the oven.

Important! Use a damp cloth to remove dust and burnt residues. It is recommended to carry out this operation every 100 hours of oven operation.

Positive traits

The pyrolytic cleaning system has quite a few positive qualities. Compared to catalytic and hydrolysis technologies, this one is considered to be more efficient.

  1. No need to use detergents.
  2. Gets rid of the heaviest contaminants: fat, dairy products, burnt food and more.
  3. Cleaning is carried out for the entire interior of the oven. All hard-to-reach areas of the furnace chamber are cleaned.
  4. No additional expense for materials is required: the electric oven has all safety and ventilation systems.

Negative qualities

The pyrolysis function in the oven has whole line shortcomings. The most important of them is the high cost of the furnace. Also, an oven with this option does not save the user from additional cleaning, all residues are removed manually.

Unfortunately, the pyrolysis function is found only in electric ovens. The disadvantage of this is that this electronics eats up a lot of electricity. And since the pyrolysis option involves heating the oven to a high temperature, electricity will be spent at the maximum rate.

All internal items of the oven are cleaned by hand. Grids and trays must be removed during the cleaning period. And the last minus: the ventilation system does not always cope with its work. Extraneous odors can appear both during the self-cleaning period and after opening the oven.

Security measures

What can harm the pyrolysis system in the oven:

  1. Ventilation openings must not be blocked.
  2. Do not cover the walls of the oven with foil.
  3. It is forbidden to put the baking sheet on the bottom, this spoils the enamel of the oven.
  4. The oven must only be used for its intended purpose.

With a wide range of ovens to choose from, you'll be able to choose the right one for your kitchen. An oven with pyrolysis will simplify the life of any housewife.

We will not intrigue our readers with statements such as the real purpose of the oven - this is (then choose the option you like best):

  • a place for storing (manufacturing) perfumes;
  • the abode of spirits and the like.

Of course, this is nothing more than a joke. And the oven is a device with the more familiar everyday name “oven”.

According to the type of installation, cabinets for cooking under the influence of high temperatures are divided into two types:

  • Built into a gas, electric stove, stove, implying the use of other types of fuel (wood, coal, peat);
  • Freestanding kitchen appliance.

Oven functions and options

Like any modern household appliances, these cabinets are equipped with a large number of various options and functions:

  • Retractable pallets (lattices). A photo;
  • Temperature and time sensors that control the readiness of the dish and the time of its preparation;
  • Control schemes different in principle: mechanical, touch, combined;
  • Grill grates and skewer;
  • convection mode;
  • Auto ignition device (gas ovens);
  • Various protective devices;
  • Cooking programs (up to 70) and maintaining temperatures;
  • Bosch AER oven cleaning system.

The Bosch AER oven model, as well as the manufacturer of kitchen appliances and other household equipment - Bosch, we chose, taking into account reviews about pyrolysis ovens from consumers and professional specialists involved in preventive maintenance and repair of equipment of the named brand.

Pyrolysis in Bosch ovens (other manufacturers)

As such, there are three main types of oven cleaning to remove grease and other by-products from the cooking process.

  1. Catalytic cleaning of the internal surfaces of the oven. It is carried out due to the reaction between the special coating of the inner walls of the oven and its temperature (from 140 to 200 degrees).
  2. hydrolysis method cleaning works. Occurs as a result of vaporization from a mixture of water and detergents, by heating them to 50-90 degrees.
  3. Pyrolytic oven cleaning system.

Electric oven with pyrolysis model Bosch AER. The principle of operation of the cleaning system

A frequently asked question when choosing and buying an oven of any form of installation is: "What is pyrolysis, and how does it work?".

For people who know the ancient Greek language (quite a common thing), the answer is no secret. And for those who for some reason did not learn the language of the Hellenes (you see how it could come in handy), we explain. Feast is translated as "fire", liz - decay. Speaking in an accessible language, under the influence of high temperatures, up to 500 degrees, there is a breakdown of fatty contaminants.

After turning off the pyrolysis cleaning mode and cooling the oven, the user only needs to remove the remnants of heat treatment in the form of soot with a damp cloth. That is, the pyrolytic method for cleaning the Bosch electric oven is almost completely automatic.

The pyrolysis cleaning system is considered not only the most efficient and advanced, but, unfortunately for many users of this type of kitchen equipment, the most expensive one installed.

Features of the pyrolytic oven cleaning system

Home, and, alas, not best feature cleaning the walls of ovens lies in the narrow focus of this system. Pyrolytic cleaning is only possible in electric ovens. In gas devices, creating temperatures of 500 degrees is simply impossible.

Another, but already pleasant, detail of the device is the presence of an already built-in catalytic reusable filter.

The filter does not require preventive maintenance and is cleaned automatically at the rate of 1 cleaning per 100 hours of oven operation. The service life of this device corresponds to the warranty period for the operation of the oven itself.

Pros and cons of electric ovens

Positive qualities of pyrolysis cleaning of the oven:

  • Compared to alternative ways cleaning, pyrolysis is much more efficient;
  • Does not require additional installation and replacement of filters;
  • When using pyrolytic cleaning of the oven, there is no need to buy detergents (cleaners) and air fresheners from unpleasant odors;
  • Not only selective parts of the chamber surface are cleaned, as with other systems, but the entire chamber;
  • Saves time, money and nerves.


  • It is not installed when the device is supplied with gas;
  • Road;
  • Consumes a lot of electricity at the time of use;
  • During cleaning, unpleasant odors may occur;
  • Items used for cooking (trays, racks, etc.) need to be washed separately.

Which pyrolysis oven to choose?

First of all, we would advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • General installation dimensions of an electric oven with a pyrolysis cleaning system and the volume of the internal chamber;
  • Possibility of built-in installation;
  • The control method is the most suitable and convenient for you;
  • functionality of the oven. Do not get carried away with models equipped with the maximum number of options and functions. In reality, as a rule, no more than 5-6 programs are used. So don't overpay;
  • Energy efficiency and consumption class;
  • Oven door glazing;
  • System for ensuring the safe use of the oven;
  • Additional equipment;
  • External design;
  • Equipment manufacturer.

We hope that our article has answered all your questions regarding the electric oven, which will help you to further make right choice when buying it.

Pyrolytic cleaning is one of the methods available for automatic oven cleaning. After it, all the remnants of food in the oven turn into ash, which is easy to remove with a kitchen towel. How such cleaning is carried out and what are its features, we will consider further.

What does pyrolytic cleaning mean?

Pyrolysis is called chemical reaction, at which decomposition is carried out source material under the influence of high temperature. This happens due to the fact that the temperature effect generates energy that breaks intramolecular bonds and forms new compounds. Such a reaction occurs without any reagents, therefore it is also called thermal decomposition. It is this principle that underlies the pyrolytic cleaning of the oven.

It occurs at very high temperatures, sometimes they can reach 500 ° C. After such cleaning, even strong dirt on the walls of the oven burns out, turning into ash, which is easy to remove manually using wet wipes or sponge. To make the cleaning process safe, the models of such ovens are provided with door locks and protection from overheating.

Naturally, the use of high temperature overloads not only the household appliance itself, but also the power grid. So, you can’t do without a grounded outlet and a reinforced cable.

This cleaning method is the most effective, but also the toughest, it completely eliminates manual labor. It can only be found in electrical cabinets, since in gas counterparts it will be difficult to organize the heating of the oven to desired temperature.

How to carry out pyrolytic cleaning?

The whole principle boils down to the fact that when you turn on the cleansing program, the remnants of dirt and fat are burned. The process is carried out as follows:

  1. It is advisable to free the oven from trays and grates. Their cleaning is more effectively carried out manually or in dishwasher. However, this is an optional condition.
  2. Enable cleaning mode. At the same time, the oven door is automatically blocked, it can only be opened after the process is completed.
  3. Open door. This can be done when the oven temperature drops below 200°C.
  4. Clear internal surfaces oven with a pre-prepared damp cloth.
  5. Return the trays and grates to their places.

The cleaning process starts after manually turning on the household appliance, and can last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The time will depend on the degree of contamination of the inner walls. Most of the time is spent heating and cooling the cabinet.

The pyrolytic cleaning process is accompanied by bad smell. It is partially eliminated by a specially provided catalytic filter. It does not require special care - it does not need to be washed or changed. Its operation is designed for the entire life of the oven. The filter is cleaned automatically, which happens once every 100 hours of oven operation.

To completely avoid the spread of an unpleasant odor in the kitchen, the hood, turned on during the cleaning process at full power, will help.

Features of ovens with pyrolytic cleaning function

The case of ovens with such cleaning and their internal parts are made of high-quality steel, otherwise the household appliance would not withstand repeated exposure to high temperatures. The heat-resistant steel of such devices protects not only the oven itself from deformation, but also the one located next to it. kitchen furniture. A reinforced oven door with a tangential opening mechanism and built-in tempered glass also helps to withstand high temperatures.

Many pyrolytic oven models have several temperature limits. This helps to save electricity, because some of the residues of fat and organic contaminants that settle on the walls of the oven can be split even at lower temperatures. For example, they turn to ash at 300°C. It turns out that, even using pyrolytic cleaning, you can choose a gentle level.

Some models of such ovens have catalysts that can be used to determine the degree of contamination and not only choose the processing time for their inner walls, but also choose appropriate level cleaning. The display will then show the set time.

Weaknesses and strengths of pyrolysis

The main advantages of pyrolytic cleaning are as follows:

  • Cleaning is as efficient as possible. After it, even the most chronic fat stains are removed.
  • There is no need to use cleaning agents.
  • Pyrolytic ovens are made from quality materials capable of withstanding high temperatures.
  • Even after 5 years of operation, there is no need to replace the filter, bars and other parts.

Even despite all the effectiveness of pyrolysis, there are certain disadvantages:

  • The pyrolytic cleaning function raises the cost of the oven.
  • With rare cleaning, an unpleasant odor is formed, which is difficult to fight.
  • Cleaning consumes a lot of electricity.
  • An oven with pyrolysis has a temperature load on furniture, so when buying, you need to know exactly how much the walls heat up during cleaning. This is important because built-in furniture will not withstand temperatures over 70 degrees.

Video: Pyrolytic oven cleaning

You can watch the pyrolysis process in modern ovens on the video:

As you can see, pyrolytic cleaning greatly facilitates the work of the hostess. It is carried out automatically at high temperatures. It is better to set the oven to this mode while no one is in the kitchen, especially children, so that their curiosity does not lead to burns. The fact is that even though the oven door will be blocked during cleaning, it will get very hot. Moreover, the process will be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

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