What helps a person find his calling. Looking for the right level of abstraction

  • 24.09.2019
Do you know what mistake the vast majority of people make who cannot find their calling in life? They ask the wrong questions. They ask: "How can I make money?", "How can I become rich?", "How can I start a business?" Do you know why these questions are wrong? Because in them people shift the focus from themselves to money. They are not thinking about how to find their calling in life, but only about how to earn enough money so that they can do what they want. With such a statement of the problem, they do not even get the idea that it can be combined. Asking how to earn a lot of money, they are looking for ways to earn this very money by the means that they know and which can fit into their usual scheme and correspond to their moral standards.

Looking for these very "paths", they do not take into account their desires (addictions, hobbies, hobbies). And what do you get as a result? Delayed mine. Since there will still come a moment when they clearly understand that they do not want to do what brings them money. And then thoughts appear that everything is wrong: the wrong system, the wrong organization, the wrong product, the wrong people, etc.

Most people either do not understand what they really want, or do not want to honestly admit to themselves what they want for various reasons.

But there is not a single person in the world without any abilities that he can be proud of, the ability to produce, give birth to something new and beautiful, enrich existence. There is not a single person who would come into this world empty.

Everyone needs to find their true calling in life...

We list a number of criteria that will help identify and determine your vocation:

1. Do you feel the desire to do something? I want is the most powerful law of life. If we really want something, we always achieve it. Nothing and no one can stop Wanna.

2. Do you feel interested in anything? Listen to yourself. We feel no interest in what is not ours. A strong pull, a passion, an interest so strong that it's hard to stop what you're doing - these are all ways in which life pushes people towards their destiny.

3. Do you experience pleasure in what you do? When a person does something that is connected with his talents, he experiences pleasure simply from the process itself.

4. Do you see positive results of the activities you are doing? The tree itself is judged by its fruit. For example, from chicken eggs ostriches do not hatch, and apples do not grow on pine trees. Each essence naturally and easily gives birth to what is inherent in it from the inside.

Simply put, if we do something well, there is a product, a fruit, a result - this indicates what kind of “tree” we are after all, and what kind of abilities we have - what our calling is for in this life .

5. From this follows naturalness. Everything that we get naturally, easily and naturally, is an indicator of our innate abilities and talents.

6. This is necessarily manifested by External evidence. A pear or an apple tree does not need to prove to everyone who they are, their fruits are already visible to everyone. People see ours and can appreciate them.

7. Do you feel the thirst for Progress? If we want to grow and develop in any direction, this indicates the talents associated with this direction. In what is alien to us, progress does not interest us. And if circumstances nevertheless force us to do this, then we resist unnecessary loads and requirements.

Artists set a great example for us - they are passionately in love with their profession, the highest award for them is

Imagine your perfect day. Bright sunny morning, you wake up in a great mood and ... What's next? Are you going to work? What do you do?

You may have heard the stories of famous musicians, artists, and other people who spend their whole lives doing exactly what brings them pleasure. They have found their calling in life. I am sure you also want to find this knowledge and live "the life of your dreams."

To be honest, it's not difficult. You just need to spend a little time, listen to your desires and aspirations. Imagine you are a pirate looking for a treasure. Your calling is a treasure just waiting to be found.

The path of finding yourself is different from choosing a profession. Finding a job has more to do with how to earn money, pay for services, buy things, objects and food. Finding yourself is finding a life purpose.

For some, calling is a career, a profession. And for someone it is a way of self-expression, a lifestyle.

To find your calling, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

Why should you look for a calling in life?

You want to improve the quality of your life, right? You want to bring more colors, taste, fullness into it. You want to jump out of bed every day and enjoy the new day like a child.

Your life goal will become for you exactly that kick that will push you to exploits. Your goal may be related to something that will help make a mark on history or change the situation in some area for the better. But everyone has their own reason. Before you set out on a misty sea of ​​searching for the meaning of life, anchor yourself on the hard surface of your causes. To find them, just answer yourself the following question:

Why do you want to find the meaning of life?

Write down everything that comes to your mind. Even the most absurd ones.

Tools to help you find your calling in life

Before you go on a big trip, it is important for you to make sure that all tools and materials are in working order. You need:

  • Pen;
  • Paper;
  • The reason that makes you look for yourself.

Are you ready, let's go!

Write on your sheet a few travel safety tips.. This is important because it will prepare you for possible wrong thoughts and will not let you go astray.

So, write down:

  1. I am ready to work on myself and efforts that will help me find the meaning of my life;
  2. I know my goal may not be obvious, but I'm willing to take the time to find it;
  3. I believe that finding my life is quite real;
  4. I understand that the purpose of my life may lead to some radical (positive) changes;
  5. I know that my life's purpose will give me the strength and ability to shape my own destiny.

Congratulations, you have now done more to find the purpose of your life than 80% of humanity does. Now you are ready to go on an adventure and find out how to find yourself.

Defeat the inner dragons

When you first venture into uncharted waters, you feel inner resistance and sometimes fear of the unknown. This happens often in the life of every person. Think back to your first day at work, your first day at university, or your first exams and first love. Do you agree? Every time it's a thrill.

And all because our comfort zone is protected by a dragon - beliefs. He may be trying to stop you. May say that you are crazy trying to find your calling and purpose in life. And why do you need it? And life was just as good ... And another million.

He may try to knock you off your feet, assuring you will never find what you are looking for. Or you are not worthy of the goal. You must remember that this inner voice actually more afraid than you. Its main purpose is to keep you comfortable. To defeat this dragon, you need to understand what is happening. As soon as you fix such thoughts, begin to understand their cause, they immediately lose their power. So light up and take a good look at this dragon.

Then draw your action sword. Do what you think is right, contrary to beliefs. Just try. When the thought “Why do I need this? I’m fine as it is,” just ignore her and keep looking.

Questions to help you find yourself

Now that you know what it's for and how to handle any challenge, it's time to get off the beaten path. The shore has already disappeared from sight, and all you have to do is continue on your journey in the ocean of your soul.

So, to get started, ask yourself questions and write down the answers on paper:

  1. If you had unlimited financial resources, what would you do?
  2. Describe your ideal day. In the smallest details. What are you doing? Where? When? With whom? Etc.
  3. What lights you up?
  4. What do you like to do?

You must give the most complete answer. Don't be afraid to dig deep. Write down everything that comes to mind. Give yourself some time to think about each answer, don't rush. Turn off your filters and record even your wildest fantasies. The best answers will come when you stop criticizing yourself.

After you have formed, get ready for a small storm. You will need to take a little memory walk back to your childhood. When you were little, your life experience was more lively, playful, simple. Your whims set the direction of actions and life. You did not ask yourself deep questions: “Why am I doing this?”, “What will they think of me?” and “What will it look like?”.

We all had things that we loved to do when we were kids, but then abandoned them in favor of practicality or the opinion of others. Therefore, we plunge a little into children's wisdom.

Write down the answers to these questions:

  1. What brought you joy as a child?
  2. What did you do when you lost track of time?
  3. What did your parents forbid?
  4. What did you love before the world forced you to give it up in favor of practicality?

Keep your thoughts open. Write down everything you remember. You can look at your childhood photos to travel back in time a little. You can even draw what you remember.

Building your purpose in life

Now that you have not been afraid of a storm wind and a strong current, another shore has appeared on the horizon. There is very little left before him. On the last leg of the journey, you need to cross out all the random answers and find common themes.

Turn on your sober filter and review all your responses. You will be able to highlight the common ideas that are in the two lists. Maybe as a child you dreamed of being a writer and today writing the text of the contract ignites you? Then perhaps writing a book that will change the lives of hundreds of people could be your goal.

Or did you like stories about campaigns, and in every free minute did you study textbooks in geography and biology? Then you could take people on excursions and give them an indescribable experience.

Don't worry if you can't find a connection right away. Think about the lists before bed - let the subconscious mind help you.

If you did everything right, you will soon find the calling of your life. You will feel the force that will push you out of bed every morning and fill every day with bright colors.

Was it helpful? Like and I will share with you the tricks that will help turn your life's work into a profitable business.

If you have already found your meaning in life and want your favorite business to bring you income, read these materials:

- this article will help you choose a life's work that can bring good income;

- this material will help you understand the intricacies of doing business in in social networks first time;

— this article will add confidence and help you avoid common mistakes.

They will help you do everything right and avoid the first mistakes.

A source: lyved.com/body_soul/
Translation: Balezin Dmitry

Understand your purpose in life, to understand why you appeared on Earth, sometimes it is as difficult as putting together a puzzle, the particles of which are scattered all over the world. Some people never collect this puzzle into a single picture, as they often lack the patience and desire. Or perhaps they are unnecessarily afraid of this ...

However, the five pieces of the puzzle called "my purpose in life", which you need to complete the whole picture, is pretty easy to find.

Here are the pieces that need to be put together

1. Identify your talents and passions

This is probably the simplest and the usual way identifying your calling in life. So start with it.

Following your talents and passions will lead you to contentment, happiness, and even allow you to earn a “bread” (and possibly much more). It doesn't matter if your talent is innate or acquired. You have a talent and it was given to you for a purpose.

To discover your talent and discover your passions, consider the following:

What makes you cry with joy?
What makes you smile?
What, according to the sincere statements of other people, are you really good at?
What makes you laugh?
What makes you stay up all night because you just can't stop?

2. Look into your past

Sometimes it's hard to remember your past. There are many such events that I would like to erase from my memory. However, that would be stupid. Instead, we must use our past to move forward in order to make sense of our present position.

A look into your past, with an attempt to determine your destiny, also consists of some pieces of the puzzle:

In what circumstances were you born?
Perhaps you were born into poverty. Then your destiny could be to get out of poverty and lead others out of it, by your own example.

What are the biggest mistakes your parents made? With which negative traits their characters they fought?

Did they behave abusively, perhaps they were addicted to alcohol, or were they addicted to any other destructive behavior patterns? If so, then your goal may be to break (not continue) this vicious cycle. You must break with this and become an example for others.

In what endeavor did you fail?

Failure or failure should not become something permanent for you. They only exist to separate those who really want something from others. If a certain setback affects you that much, then your life's calling is to get back in the game and, using a new approach, win this time.

Who influenced you the most (in a positive way)?

Was he/she your teacher? An actor? By the author? Director? President? Local hero? If they have changed your life, then perhaps you should continue their mission?

3. There are three callings that unite us all

1. Be as happy as possible;
2. Live the way you want;
3. Change the lives of others;
4. Leave the world behind a little better than that as he was when we were born

And I say yes to all those negative people... Yes, not everyone realizes these callings, but everyone could.

4. Be open to multiple destinations

Many of us have several purposes in life, but often we still have one main life mission and several smaller reasons for existence. Perhaps someone's calling is to be a great parent, but at the same time they can change the world in their own way.

However, it also happens that several destinations merge into one, more significant one. I was often told that I was good at writing and that I should think about turning this ability into a career, but I constantly "refused" this. However, one of my desires has always been the desire to change the world. So one day, I just decided to combine the two and change the world through my writing.

Our vocation may also depend very much on age. Usually, our goals are very materialistic when we are young, but they stop being so when we get older.

All of this leads me to think about the fifth piece of the puzzle.

5. Find out what your calling is TODAY

What is the meaning of your being on Earth today is much more important than the goal that you must fulfill later in your life. Today - guaranteed, tomorrow - no.

We wait for the perfect moment, but it doesn't exist. Concentrate on your calling today…tomorrow, next month, at the very least next year. Life flows now, not tomorrow.

Copyright © 2008 Dmitry Balezin

A vocation is a passion, an obsession, it is what makes us burn, it can become one of the meanings of your life. And after a person finds his calling, his life will never be the same. It is divided into "before and after". That's right, and it's not a joke!

Van Gogh got up every day at 5 am, and by the end of the day he had a completed painting. During his short creative life, the artist created more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings. Incredible productivity, right?

Leo Tolstoy, during the period of his literary work, left a legacy in the form of more than 270 works of literary creativity. Mozart created music everywhere, even in the midst of a noisy party, he could compose music on an ordinary paper napkin. And imagine if all of the above became "engineers". We would lose a serious part of the world cultural heritage.

What if Leo Tolstoy, Coco Chanel or Van Gogh doze in us? And we lock them in a cage with a sign "accountant", "engineer" or "lawyer". How to find your calling at work?


Looking for what brings us pleasure.

" What do you like to do? What do you like to do?" Calling should be fun. Write a list of 30 activities that you enjoy doing. Don't think, just write whatever comes to mind. Brainstorming is announced! Can the following questions help you?

"What did you like to do as a child, as a teenager?" During this period, especially during early childhood, we most often do not need to be someone, we do not need to earn money and think about how we will survive. All this is done for us by our parents. And it was at this moment that we did what we loved, what we liked. Remember who you wanted to be as a child. You can involve your family - they will surely remember something interesting about your childhood hobbies.

"What can't you not do?" Do you look through magazines and always dress stunningly, give advice to your girlfriends on how to behave with a man, endlessly photograph everything and everyone, read a lot or are you a desperate music lover? At this stage, you can already think about: how can I stop this as a profession? Don't forget to write it down, it's very important.

"What do you want to learn?" This question is a lifeline for those who have difficulty with the previous two. If it happened that "adult life" blocked all the ways to retreat - it does not matter. It's never too late to learn. Write at least 5 points of what you would definitely like to learn. And your task in the near future is to choose training courses for yourself. And please don't think: what am I going to do with it? What if it's not a calling? And if you work for unloved job under 60?

“What do you absolutely dislike doing?” This list will also be extremely helpful. Your task is not to break yourself for the sake of work, but to understand your characteristics and choose a calling taking into account your unique qualities and character traits. Do you feel the difference?

Decide what works well

"What am I good at?" Best of all, no worse than others, better than some, and so on. What are you really good at? Call on the help of your relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and do not let them out of your hands until they name 5 things that you do well.

Finding an area of ​​interest

Granite of what science do you gnaw at regular intervals? It can be anything: special literature, educational events, forums, biographies, films, programs, special magazines. Observe yourself during the week, what sources of information do you use most often and what is this information about? This will help you understand your calling and how to find yourself in adulthood.

We exclude the influence of the monetary factor

Money is not a strong enough motivation that will keep us in a business that we are not interested in for a long time. Therefore, we take pens and a notebook, and answer the question: “What would I do if I had enough money?” Of course, for a couple of weeks we would just lie in bed and do nothing, but gradually boredom would begin to overcome us. Therefore, try to imagine yourself in a similar situation and be sure to write down at least 10 activities of your carefree life.

We shape and select possible calling options

After our fruitful analysis, you should have a pile of scribbled paper in front of you. If not, go back to step # 1, as further movement is pointless for you. The next task is to give shape to desires. Namely, to understand in what area you can realize yourself. The result will be a list of professions in front of you. Brainstorming continues!

For example, if you have a pronounced penchant for the fashion industry, you can be a columnist, journalist, designer, open a store or an online store, make a blog.

You need to feel the profession

All you can do to understand is to try. At least once, immerse yourself in your intended calling. You may have 1000 and 1 guess, but the reality may be different. Dreaming about a calling and working are two completely different things. The most important thing is that you feel good in the process of work. Part of the unpleasant routine can then be transferred to other people. How to join a new team.


To be truly successful in your calling, your product and service must have customers. Without unnecessary talk, modesty - post the products of your creativity on the network, demonstrating yourself. It is likely that one of your acquaintances, friends or colleagues will ask: “Can I do this? And I want too!”

How to find your calling in the profession: dealing with objections

The next block is for the doubters. We begin to work with objections and inhibitory mechanisms.

"I'm not making money from this." Reflect on the question “In the world, does anyone make money on this? Is anyone getting an income that will be enough?” If someone is already making money, then you can too.

“I have many years to change something.” A grandiose delusion inherent in people of all ages. We would forever lose one of the trendsetters, Christina Dior, because he only started working as a womenswear designer at the age of 42. Or Van Gogh only at the age of 27 began to take painting lessons and then could no longer stop in his work. So age is not a barrier.

“I don’t have the necessary skills and professional education.” Sphere additional education now offers a huge number of courses on a variety of topics. In a short time, you may well get the necessary skills. And the best education is practice. Therefore, even if you decide to get additional education, immediately start working.

"I'm afraid to start over." Find your duty notebook, divide the sheet of paper into two columns. Now we will describe your future in 50 years, no joke! On the left, describe how you see your future, if you still haven’t decided to change something and go to meet your calling. On the right, try to imagine what your life will be like if you find your calling. Which option do you like best?

It's never too late to take a step towards your calling, just imagine how different your life will be. A vocation is not a magical treasure buried in the impenetrable jungle of the unconscious. This is what lies on the surface. And your task is simply to understand how to find your calling.

Text: Anastasia Zaloga

A feeling of confusion can arise both at the age of 20 and at 50. At one moment you suddenly realize that I can’t go on like this. We know how lacking support is in this difficult period, so we have compiled a selection of tips from the best books on self-development. Learn how to find your calling and take the first step towards your life's work.

Don't look for a calling

The search for a vocation can begin ... by giving up the idea of ​​​​finding a life's work! Don't waste years on soul-searching and looking for the one right answer - the real calling, encoded somewhere in the depths of your mind. Otherwise, you risk getting lost in this maze for a long time.

To take the first step, you do not need to know exactly "it or not it." The first step is simply to get closer to something, something that is interesting to you. Elena Rezanova, author of Never Ever, calls this active approximation. Go to study, try something, learn more about something, go beyond the usual sphere of habitation, join interesting professional parties.

It doesn't take a big decision to do this. You don't have to drop anything. And you don't have to choose one direction.

Exit "never" mode

Once upon a time there was a boy, he dreamed of becoming an astronaut (director, stuntman, doctor, captain ...), he graduated from school, entered the university, found a decent job ... and nothing more interesting happened to him. Sad story, right?

Don't put off your dreams.

But at any stage of delay, we can decide to stop this scenario.

look around

The dreams of people tormented by work are often similar: travel, hermitage, laptops under palm trees ... These pictures are in the air, and we pick them up like a virus. We are trying to look for ourselves away from the place where we lost.

But to change your life, it is not necessary to go to distant places. Look around. Where in your field are the most solved? What haven't you tried? Why was this case chosen?

Expand your circle of interests

It happens when you absolutely do not like the work and you need to start looking for other options. But what if you don't have any interests and don't know what you want? In this case, you will have to be a researcher and discoverer.

Do some reconnaissance: what else happens? At least once a week, immerse yourself in a new topic: listen to various lectures on the Internet, go to trainings and master classes, view information. Start with some educational sites. Try everything in a row, because you do not yet know which area may interest you. At this stage, you do not need to choose the business of a lifetime. Your task is to emerge from the professional tunnel and expand your horizons as much as possible.

Exploration will take from three months to a year. Of course, you want changes right now, but you have to wait a bit. When you have a list of alternative activities, you can choose what you are really interested in.

Remember childhood

In the first years of your life, your true nature manifested itself especially brightly and directly, the author of the book “Between Need and Want” El Luna is sure. Try to remember what you were like as a child: a dreamer or a pragmatist, a loner or the soul of a company? How did you spend your holidays? What did you want to be when you grow up?

Talk to one of your relatives, look through old photo albums - you may find some important, long-forgotten information about your "I". At an early age, we dreamed without regard to fashion, someone's bad experience or financial situation.

In children's plans, not yet subject to "censorship", there is something that we lack so much in reality: a clear, sincere desire to do something.

Thus, in the past, one can see the initial impulse of our vocation and apply this knowledge in the present.

Start with any small action

One guy decided to overcome “action paralysis” and began to brush his teeth thoroughly in the mornings and evenings, says Larisa Parfentyeva, author of the 100 Ways to Change Your Life dilogy. By the time he made this decision, his life had already hit rock bottom: a broken business and a broken family.

Books will also help to overcome the paralysis of action.

Exercise, meditate, read a book in the morning, or at least make your bed. One small disciplined action can change everything.

Do an exercise from Barbara Sher

It would seem that we should all know what we have a talent for. But it's not. Remember how many times you reveled or admired: a giraffe, a scarlet color, big car, fresh wind - and noticed that others do not share your impulse? Not surprising. Everything that makes us happy points to a hidden talent.

What do you like - matching colors, playing with dogs, learning new cultures? It is not necessary to become a designer, dog breeder or ethnologist. But when you understand what attracts you to these professions, it will be easier to find an occupation for your soul.

Take a notebook and do the exercise from Barbara Sher from the book It's About Time! .

1. Take a look at the three stages of your life: childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Write down everything that you liked: stroking a cat, listening to fairy tales, the feeling of freedom.

3. Now go through the notes and write down everything that caught your eye. You will soon see that everything that you have loved, that you have ever been drawn to, has a very strong personal motive behind it.

What is this all for? Believe me, the fulfillment of a dream heals the soul much more successfully than its analysis.

Choose a partner

Do not grab a rag and do not sort things. No need to kill the whole weekend for general cleaning. Just go to your desk and put away all important documents in a safe place: passport, driver's license, tax return. If there are old magazines and drafts on the table, throw them away or let them lie on the same place. Don't try to organize your photos or books. You can put them in a box. It doesn't matter if they are in albums or on the shelves - you always know where to find them. Make a commitment to throw away 10 items every month. Soon you will feel that your house has become lighter and more spacious, and there is more free time.