What and how to wash stretch ceilings: matte, fabric, glossy? How and how to wash stretch ceilings, glossy, matte without streaks at home: methods, detergents. How and how to wash fabric stretch ceilings, satin, cotton? How to clean tk

  • 13.06.2019

As you probably know stretch ceiling There are two types, depending on their material, namely:

  • fabric
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

Fabric ones are more expensive, but at the same time they allow achieving aesthetic "seamlessness" over the entire tension surface.

The color possibilities of this type, compared to PVC, are slightly less. These ceilings are able to withstand and briefly hold water in case you are flooded by your neighbors. Their installation is somewhat reminiscent of stretching a huge canvas for drawing. True, after such "neighborly" water, stains will remain on the canvas, which can no longer be washed off and the ceiling will have to be completely changed. Alas.

PVC stretch ceilings, popularly film, are distinguished by the fact that they can be made in a wide variety of forms, textures, color solutions, and even simulate the daytime or starry sky. This is achieved due to high-quality photo printing on film and the competent arrangement of lighting elements under it.

All stretch fabrics are either matte or glossy. Each of them has its pros and cons, as well as different care needs. If you have not yet decided on the view, we recommend reading for the kitchen.

How often should you wash?

It is necessary to wash stretch ceilings, both glossy and matte only as they get dirty.

For example, small droplets of fat and moisture that form during cooking can settle on the kitchen ceiling.

This can happen even if you have a hood. Sometimes you can accidentally leave a stain when carelessly opening bottles of highly carbonated water or champagne.

In other rooms, the most common pollutant is ordinary dust, which especially loves to settle in corners, at the ends of levels and at joints. Naturally, in order to keep a glossy stretch ceiling clean and shiny, it needs to be lightly rubbed as often as possible.

At home, this is easy and simple to do, we will talk about this later.

What and how to wash?

1. Use only soft fabrics, fibers or sponges. No scratchy or hard brushes, as well as shedding rags or those with pile.

2. To eliminate grease stains, it is recommended dilute and lather in a bucket or basin a regular dishwashing detergent. Do not overdo it, only a small concentration is needed, the ceiling is not a frying pan.

3. To wash any glossy stretch ceilings at home, in 90% of cases it will be enough detergents for windows and mirrors.

The most convenient and economical will be a spray for washing glass surfaces. Due to the alcohol or ammonia contained in such sprays, the surface dries very quickly and, most importantly, everything is streak-free.

4. Anyway do not use any kind of abrasive powder, as well as those containing acetone. They absolutely ruin appearance surfaces. Therefore, before using a particular cleaner, please carefully read its composition.

Before you start cleaning:

1. The first thing to learn before washing is pressure control cloth, sponge or mop on the ceiling surface. It should be minimal, but at the same time sufficient to eliminate dust or stains. We recommend that you practice on some remote section of the ceiling to fill your hand.

2. If you have high ceilings, then you will need a stepladder and, most likely, a mop or sponge with a long handle. Make sure in advance that the stepladder is in good condition, does not stagger in all directions, and its height is enough to get to the canvas. The mop or other tool of your choice should be as light and as short as possible.

3. Remove rings, bracelets, Wrist Watch - you can touch a fragile surface with them and leave a scratch or dent.

Start cleaning the ceiling

So, how to wash stretch ceilings at home:

  1. 1 Move from one corner to another, or by sections, if you have a complex design;
  2. 2 If you use a window spray, just spray it two or three times and walk in a circular motion with a cloth or sponge;
  3. 3 For a streak-free result, reduce spray intensity and use soft paper;
  4. 4 When removing grease stains, moisten a rag in the previously diluted dishwashing detergent, wring it out well and also gently and not pressing hard, walk with light circles over the contaminated area.
  5. 5 If you want to remove the web from the corner, it is better to get there with a cloth in hand, and not use a vacuum cleaner, as it can damage the surface of the ceiling. The same goes for using a mop, broom, broom, etc.
  6. 6 With regular maintenance of matte stretch ceilings, when you just need to wipe off the dust, it is better not to wash them, but to use a slightly damp fiber, and in the case of glossy surfaces, just a dry cloth is enough.

For greater clarity, we present to you short video, which shows two options for how stretch ceilings are washed, is worth a look.

Stretch ceilings, especially glossy and especially in the kitchen, are quite demanding to maintain.

Their beauty and grace go hand in hand with fragility and the need to treat them with care. Concerning it is recommended to refrain from:

  • use of strongly heated lighting elements (halogen bulbs);
  • high indoor plants and flying pets (especially large parrots);
  • experiments with the rapid opening of champagne, etc.;
  • children's games with darts, as well as toys that shoot plastic bullets and balls.

We are sure that now you know everything about how to wash stretch ceilings at home so that there are no streaks and damage to the canvas.

Let's start with what a stretch ceiling is. So, Stretch ceiling is a unique material used for decoration, which perfectly combines practicality and sophistication.

Despite the assertion of some manufacturers that stretch ceilings do not need to be cleaned and washed at all, they still need to be washed from time to time. How and how to wash a stretch ceiling? The main material for the production of stretch ceilings is a special polyester fabric or PVC film. These are quite durable and resistant to various mechanical stress materials that can please you for many years. The main thing is to properly care for them, in particular cleaning and washing.

Starting washing the stretch ceiling, you should know that this is a very difficult task. Therefore, my stretch ceiling, after considering some important points. After all, improper washing of the tension material can lead to loss of color, clouding or deformation of the material.

Do not use on stretch ceilings detergents with abrasive particles: soda, powder, etc. Abrasive particles can permanently damage fabric or PVC film. Also, for washing stretch fabrics, it is forbidden to use detergents with any alkalis or acids.

There are two ways to care for a stretch ceiling: dry and wet cleaning. Dry cleaning is performed with a soft, dry cloth, which is rubbed on the ceiling with non-pressing, gentle movements.

Wet cleaning is carried out with a damp sponge using non-aggressive detergents. Some people ask if it is possible to wash stretch ceilings with brushes or a mop with a nozzle? It is strictly forbidden to wash the stretch ceiling with brushes with a scratching and piercing surface, as they can seriously damage the canvas, as well as with a mop. Regular cleaning or washing of ceilings will help keep them looking great, while stubborn dirt is very difficult to clean.

How to wash stretch ceilings?

How to wash a stretch ceiling in accordance with all the rules and what is required for this? To clean and wash the stretch ceiling, you will need:

soft napkins made of suede fabric or microfiber;
soft sponge;
vacuum cleaner with soft bristle brush head;
non-abrasive detergents.

Depending on the material of the stretch ceiling and the type of pollution, one or another method of cleaning and washing is used.
For example, to remove small dirt from a stretch ceiling: minor stains, dust, simply wipe the canvas with a damp and clean soft suede or microfiber cloth. After wet cleaning, wipe the cover with a dry cloth.

If the stretch ceiling is heavily soiled, more serious measures will have to be taken. If the ceiling after repair work heavily covered with dust, then a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment is used to clean it.
The brush must not touch the ceiling. It is best to drive it 2-3 centimeters from the canvas, otherwise the ceiling material may sag or be damaged.

Remove stains and other heavy soiling with a soft cloth or sponge using soapy water or detergent, then wipe dry with a dry soft cloth.

Wash the ceiling with soft circular motions, without pressure and pressure. If the ceiling is made of suede polyester fabric, then you need to clean it only with a soft dry brush, again without pressure, with gentle movements. To restore the shine of the glossy surface of the ceiling, wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in 10% ammonia or glass cleaner. After such restoration, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth.

How can stretch ceilings be washed?

Having figured out a little how and with what to wash a stretch ceiling, let's try to figure out how to wash stretch ceilings, that is, which detergents are best used for these purposes, and which ones should absolutely not be used. The best and safest detergent for a stretch fabric is a regular soap solution. To obtain a soap solution, it is enough to dilute a mild washing powder or planed laundry soap in warm water. Also suitable for washing ceilings is a window or dish cleaner. Before using the selected detergent for stretch ceilings, it must be checked for loyalty and safety to the ceiling material.

To do this, the detergent is applied to a small section of the stretch ceiling somewhere in an inconspicuous place. After some time, we check if the stain applied by the product does not leave marks and streaks, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

As for other detergents, there are products for sale today that are designed specifically for washing stretch ceilings, and which are more expensive than conventional detergents. But you should know that these "special" products are nothing more than a regular washing solution, although "universal". Therefore, when deciding how to wash stretch ceilings, give preference to soapy water or ordinary detergents, but not abrasive ones.

How to wash glossy ceilings?

Stretch ceilings are glossy or matte. To avoid streaks, it is best to wash glossy stretch ceilings with glass cleaners. But before washing the ceiling, the agent must be applied somewhere on the edge of the ceiling canvas and after a while check the reaction. To wash the glossy ceiling, use a soft suede or microfiber cloth, as well as special wipes for cleaning rooms. The reflective properties of glossy ceilings can also be improved with ammonia. After wiping the ceiling with a soft cloth moistened with ammonia, then wipe it dry with a dry suede or microfiber cloth.

The stretch ceiling is removed from building dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush nozzle. Stiff bristles with careless movement can scratch the glossy PVC film. The vacuum cleaner is turned on to the minimum or medium mode and, without touching the ceiling, drive the nozzle at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. In case of severe contamination, the ceiling is washed with a cleaning agent diluted according to the instructions, and then wiped dry with a clean, dry cloth.

How to wash matte ceilings?

The classic matte stretch ceiling most of all resembles a perfectly plastered surface. The material for such a ceiling is a canvas impregnated with polyurethane. The surface of matte ceilings is not subject to the appearance of cracks, scratches or dust settling, but they still need to be looked after from time to time. It is much easier to wash matte stretch ceilings than glossy ones, as there are no streaks left on them at all.


The maintenance of a matte ceiling mainly consists in cleaning it with water vapor, or washing it with a mild degreasing agent. After washing, the matte ceiling cloth is wiped dry with a soft cloth and polished.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings?

Fabric stretch ceilings are more fragile than PVC film stretch ceilings, so in order not to damage the canvas, fabric stretch ceilings should be washed carefully and carefully. When washing fabric ceilings, it is not recommended to use glass cleaners, since the dye that is part of some detergents can penetrate into the structure of the fabric and stain it in an undesirable color.

Also, you can not wash fabric ceilings in a circular motion - they will only create even more stains. Better to wash fabric ceiling hand movements back and forth. In case of severe contamination, a powder solution can be used. In order to avoid damage, you can not rub the same section of the fabric panel for a long time.

How to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

The surface of the stretch ceiling installed in the kitchen gets dirty most often, especially if there is no hood in the kitchen. This is facilitated by greasy soot, which is formed from cooking on gas stove. Street dust, which enters through an open window, as well as tobacco smoke (if there are smoking household members in the family), also contributes. It is necessary to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen in the same way as in other rooms, using non-abrasive detergents and soft rags, sponges or napkins.

After washing the ceiling with a detergent, it is washed clean water and wipe dry. To clean the stretch ceiling from soot, you don’t need to use any special detergents at all; for this purpose, a regular dishwashing detergent or ammonia solution is quite suitable.

Secrets of perfect cleanliness of stretch ceilings

1. so that there are no streaks left on the washed ceiling, when washing, make a minimum of circular movements. The best option is to move from left to right, if there is a seam on the canvas - along the seam, but not across it;
2. before washing glossy stretch ceilings or structures made of matte film or fabric, it is worth conducting a safety test. A drop of detergent is applied to a sponge, then they are rubbed onto an area that is invisible to the eyes. If after 5-10 min. after applying the composition, the color and texture of the ceiling will not change, feel free to start washing the entire surface;
3. Manufacturers of stretch ceilings recommend using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. The recommendation should be used only if the installation of the ceiling structure was carried out in compliance with the technology. When it is loosely fixed around the perimeter, the use of a vacuum cleaner can disrupt the geometry of the ceiling, which will result in costly repairs. If the pollution is limited to one or two cobwebs, it is better to carefully remove them with a rag or whisk without help. household appliances. A vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle should be used after repair, when you need to remove a thick layer of dust. It is important to remember that the nozzle during cleaning should not come into direct contact with the ceiling surface. She is driven at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling, so as not to damage or stretch the tension material.

How often should cleaning be done?

As a rule, in terms of cleaning, the housewives are divided into two types: the first wash the contaminated surfaces when they are already dirty, the second do it with perfect pedantic regularity, not allowing the dirt to accumulate. In the case of stretch ceilings, the second option is more suitable, since stubborn stains are quite difficult to wash off.

technical director NikoMax

No one is immune from flooding by neighbors from above or from roof leakage. When such an unpleasant incident happens in every sense, the ceiling suffers first of all. Plaster and paint turn yellow with an ugly stain, drywall swells. The situation is better with PVC stretch ceilings: water is collected in it, as in a bubble, which can simply be drained and no special repairs are needed. But with fabric ceilings, everything is not so simple - they do not retain water.

How to clean a fabric stretch ceiling after a leak, and in general, what care is needed for a fabric fabric?

General rules

It is necessary to care for stretch ceilings in the same way as for ordinary ones: brush off the dust, remove the cobwebs, and remove the dirt that has appeared. But due to the antistatic coating, these manipulations are carried out every 5-7 years or as they get dirty. In any case, before cleaning it is necessary to remove from your hands all decorations that can scratch the surface of the stretch ceiling. Also, do not use abrasive and caustic detergents, brushes with hard bristles. This can adversely affect the aesthetic appearance of the canvas. The best detergent is plain water with soap and microfiber. But, if there is no effect from it, only then they use the “heavy artillery” sponge, detergents, but not containing chlorine. In any case, before using this or that means, it is necessary to test it on the trimming of the canvas, which remained after the installation of the stretch ceiling.

Dust on the ceiling

Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. The power must be reduced so that the web is not attracted to the tube of the unit, the cobweb is also removed, it is not recommended to remove it with a broom, because you can accidentally rub it into upper layer fabric and dark spots will remain.

Spots on tensioner

As already mentioned, first we try to remove it with a soft cloth moistened with water. If it doesn’t work out, we use a special product for the care of stretch ceilings. If there are none at hand, try the "folk" methods. Dilute a little dish detergent or ordinary soap in water. This will help remove fingerprints or other mild dirt.

If the spots are more serious, try an alcohol solution. It is necessary to dilute 1 part of ammonia 10% in 9 parts of water, moisten the sponge and methodically wipe the dirty mark. This is usually sufficient. After washing, the ceiling is wiped clean with a clean, damp cloth, and then dried with a dry cloth. The material must be chosen without lint, such as microfiber, so that no unnecessary elements remain on the ceiling.

Rust on the fabric stretch ceiling after the flood

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to clean a stretch fabric ceiling after a leak, because rust eats into the entire thickness of the canvas. That is, simply wiping the stain from the surface will not teach. After the flood, you can try to wash the fabric stretch ceiling with the same ammonia or special tool, but the easiest way is to simply repaint the canvas or change the fabric. Fortunately, the base allows you to perform such manipulations up to 3 times. It is worth remembering that with each staining, you need to select a paint tone darker than the previous one. This will allow you to hide non-removable stains and refresh the interior of the room. Replacement of the D-Premium fabric stretch ceiling after flooding is carried out within 2-3 hours, without dust and dirt.

Nicomax customer service is always happy to help in difficult situations, contact!

During home general cleaning, housewives often ask themselves the question - how to wash the stretch ceiling without damaging the canvases, resulting in the original purity of the ceiling coverings.

Stretch ceiling coverings of different types

After the advent of stretch ceilings, a revolution occurred in the repair of coatings. They are easy to mount, no whitewash dirt is formed during installation, there is no need to take out heaps of garbage.

The canvases do not require careful maintenance, but over time they need to be cleaned, and some, for example, installed in the kitchen or bathroom, should be washed with water and special products.

Before washing the stretch ceiling, you should pay attention to what materials the coatings are made of. Existing coatings are of several types: fabric or PVC films. The most popular are PVC sheets - matte or glossy coatings.

Usually, a special antiseptic layer is applied to expensive canvases that can repel dust, so the care of stretch ceilings is reduced to minimal effort.

But in order for the coatings to serve for a long time, you need to pay attention to some of the nuances of caring for such canvases and understand whether stretch ceilings can be washed.

Where are stretch ceilings and types of pollution installed?

How often you need to wash stretch ceilings depends on where they are installed. So, canvases mounted in the kitchen, of course, get dirty faster than in other rooms. Drops of fat fall on them, soot settles. Condensation that forms during cooking exacerbates the picture.

On the coatings in the bathroom often forms limescale from water droplets and steam. If they are not removed in a timely manner, immediately after bathing, then over time it will be more and more difficult to do this.

In case there are children in the family - lovers of splashing during water procedures, it is worth considering installing a horizontal curtain while bathing them, which will undoubtedly protect the coating film.

If stretch fabrics are installed in the loggia of the apartment, then here you can simply periodically wipe the ceiling from dust with a dry rag or paper towels. This will have to be done quite often, since the loggia is a rather dusty place if the windows overlook the road with heavy traffic.

In residential areas where dirt and dust do not accumulate too much, it is enough to fan the canvas with a soft cloth or napkin during cleaning.

How often do you clean and wash stretch fabrics

The frequency of cleaning the ceiling largely depends on the location of its installation. Experts recommend performing the procedure at least a couple of times a year, and in some rooms more often.

So the kitchen ceilings big family, where cooking takes place almost every day more than once, it is worth washing every two to three months, using detergents. Otherwise, the surface will look sloppy, over time, yellow greasy spots form on it, which are difficult to remove.

In living rooms where the whole family usually gathers, the installation of glossy ceilings is quite acceptable. Here you can mount a multi-level structure, with designer lamps. It is quite acceptable to clean such coatings once or twice a year, during general cleaning.

Offices and bedrooms are most often decorated with matte or suede fabrics. There isn't much dirt here. In addition, if expensive materials are installed, with an antiseptic layer, it is enough to wipe paper towel or a gauze soft cloth a couple of times a year.

Children's rooms with mounted stretch ceilings should be washed as they get dirty. Anything can happen here. A child, while painting with paints, is able to wave a wet brush and leave splashes on all surfaces, sometimes you may have to wash the glue from the stretch ceiling. Fascinated by the game, he can launch a dart with a sucker, from which, in a favorable scenario, only a stain will remain.

Therefore, the nursery can be ranked among the places where the stretch ceiling will have to be washed not once or twice a year, but as it gets dirty.

In hallways, corridors and other utility rooms, it is enough to walk with a soft cloth over the entire surface, brushing off dust and cobwebs. There is no special pollution on these ceilings, so it is enough to clean during general cleaning.

Materials and Safety

Before washing the stretch ceiling, it is worth taking care of detergents, improvised materials and observing some safety rules when cleaning the canvases. For work you will need:

  • stable ladder or table;
  • microfiber cloths, foam sponges, paper towels, soft rags or gauze rags;
  • detergents suitable for cleaning PVC materials;
  • comfortable mops, without sharp corners in the design;
  • rubber gloves and comfortable, non-restricting clothing.

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove watches, bracelets, rings with stones and other jewelry from your hands so as not to damage the fragile canvas by negligence. Clothing also should not have accessories with sharp edges.

It is better to take a table for work, since the surface of the ceiling is large and it is not very convenient to do this from a stepladder.

If the household has a mop with a handle of sufficient length, then you can use it. But it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it would be without sharp corners and during operation, monitor the pressing force. Otherwise, the canvas can be scratched, which is irreparable on a glossy surface, or damaged.

By pressing hard on the surface of the coating material, it is easy to stretch, deform, so you should not use brute force. This applies both to working with a mop and when washing with a sponge or napkin.

It is also unacceptable to scrape dirty spots sharp objects such as a scraper, knife or scissors. Damage to the surface in one place will lead to the replacement of the entire blade.

If water or aqueous solutions of detergents are used when cleaning stretch fabrics, then before working in the room it is necessary to turn off the electricity, even if rubber gloves are used.

It is worth noting that it is more convenient to do all the work together. The assistant can give the right napkin or sponge in time, change the water or suggest a place where it has not yet been washed clean enough.

If you have any doubts that you can’t cope with the work of washing ceilings at home on your own, it is better to call specialists.

The use of detergents

Experts advise using products for washing stretch ceilings without streaks, only substances intended for this purpose. The main thing when cleaning surfaces is to use the composition for the surface of which it is intended:

  • existing polishes are perfect for glossy ceilings;
  • various aerosol compositions are selected individually for each type of surface (matte, glossy, fabric, color or patterned);
  • ready-made alcohol solutions are diluted according to the instructions.

Of course, they are more expensive than home-cooked ones, but they are substances that are safe for any ceiling materials. By applying them you can get the perfect surface.

If desired, the detergent composition can be prepared at home. The main and indispensable condition is not to use substances with abrasive components.

Otherwise, when preparing the solution, it is necessary to ask for advice from the masters involved in the installation of coatings in the premises. Or use a piece of material, which often remains after repair, and test the liquid on it, applying it for a while.

If the material has not deformed, has not changed the color or shade of the pattern, then the composition is applied over the entire surface.

Most often, liquid is taken for washing glasses or dishes. Moreover, using dishwashing compounds, it is worth noting that they must not only be diluted, but whipped into foam and already applied to the surface.

Alcoholic or vodka solutions remove dirt and various stains well. Alcohol is diluted at the rate of 1:10, it is quite enough to dilute vodka in half. You can also cook ammonia. There is no need to concentrate too much.

With such a solution, it is good to wash the stretch ceiling from soot in the kitchen. The same composition is prepared in case of smoking indoors, it helps to wash the surface of nicotine.

Rinse off all applied solutions warm water sponge and then wiped with a soft cloth, microfiber cloths or paper towels.

You should not experiment with substances containing various acids, acetone, soda, mustard and various washing powders, the composition of which is often unknown. As a result, using such means, you can get a rather deplorable result, which can lead to the replacement of the entire canvas.

When using chlorine bleaches on white film coatings, extreme care must be taken. First, if possible, consult with experts, but it is better not to use it at all, since the canvas can be damaged without restoration.

Glossy surfaces - how to wash properly

Glossy canvases are the most capricious part of the interior, so it is better to wash a glossy stretch ceiling with special sprays or aerosols purchased in stores. In extreme cases, you can use a mirror or glass cleaner. After all, gloss gives the same shine as mirror or glass surfaces.

In this case, it is necessary to prepare in advance a large number of soft cloths, microfiber cloths or short-haired towels.

Sprinkling the ceiling cloth two or three times, the liquid must be wiped off, but not in circular motions, but along the seam or wall, in a straight line, back and forth. After such cleaning, the entire surface is wiped dry. At the same time, it will turn out to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks.

To improve the mirror effect, at the final stage, the surface must be cleaned with a weak solution of ammonia and wiped with a soft paper towel, bringing gloss.

Before washing glossy ceiling, perhaps, after examining it, it is worth concluding that you can do with the usual wiping with a microfiber cloth. Often, such a procedure gives a satisfactory result, since in this case, without the use of a liquid, there are no streaks, and the mirror surface will shine again.

Perhaps for a correct understanding of how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling, watching a video will help someone.

Matte ceiling coatings and their care

Such canvases can be cleaned and washed without fear of leaving stains. They are simply not visible.

You can wash the matte stretch ceiling with plain warm water. In case of heavy soiling, it is recommended to bring a weak solution of dishwashing liquid or a composition for cleaning glasses and mirrors.

Use shavings of laundry soap with caution, as after drying, an unpleasant coating may appear on the surface. It is better, after applying this product, to rinse the ceiling several times with warm water.

In order to properly wash heavily soiled matte kitchen stretch surfaces, an ammonia solution is used. 100 g of ammonia is diluted in a liter of water. If the solution turned out to be highly concentrated and unpleasant to work with, water can be added.

After washing off all contaminants and greasy spots, the surface is washed with clean warm water and wiped dry with a napkin or soft cloth.

How to care for fabric surfaces

Fabric ceilings are a delicate coating, so they need to be cleaned with extreme care. Various detergent formulations they are used only with very strong pollution, which is quite rare at home, so it is better to do with the dry method.

The ceilings of fabric canvases consist of an interweaving of threads resembling a canvas, so it is better to use a regular brush with soft bristles that cannot damage the coating to clean them.

If, nevertheless, the pollution that has appeared is removed only by drastic measures, it is worth remembering that alcohol liquids and solutions containing dyes cannot be used. When removing stains, do not use hard brushes or washcloths.

It is better if it is a weak composition washing powder, while not an aqueous solution is applied to the surface, but the resulting foam.

With poor-quality materials, streaks may remain on the surface, which are problematic, and sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, before using a liquid cleaner, it is best to test the composition on a piece left after the repair or in a completely invisible place.

Unlike PVC film ceilings, fabric materials are not able to retain moisture for a long time during leaks. The microporous texture gradually begins to let moisture through, therefore, as soon as possible, you need to call specialists in the installation of this type of coating and remove the fabric to dry.

Washing the fabric stretch ceiling after a leak, when the water has already done its job, will not work, stains will be visible in any case. the best way will replace the entire canvas.

You can often hear that ceiling coverings can be cleaned with a steam mop.

However, such recommendations should be treated with caution. Steam is always a high temperature, and even apply hot water when washing PVC films, experts do not advise. This can deform the coating, sag the canvas and ruin the whole look of the room.

Therefore, before using the advice in practice, it is worth trying it out on a small and inconspicuous area or piece left after the repair. Otherwise, you will have to change the expensive coating.

Vacuuming can make it easier to dry dust off carpets, but be careful not to press the nozzle firmly against the surface. This can also lead to deformation of the canvas, and sometimes damage the structure.

In this case, it is better to turn on the device at a lower speed or hold the brush 2-3 cm from the ceiling, which is not always possible.

Perhaps the homemaker can design a soft nozzle that allows you to vacuum the surface without problems, and keep the vacuum cleaner extension at the same distance from the ceiling.

Having installed stretch ceilings once, you can enjoy smooth and clean surfaces for a long time, the main thing is to learn how to properly care for them.

Stretch ceilings have long gained popularity due to their smooth, even and shiny surface, which makes the interior of the room elegant and aesthetic. In addition, if necessary, it levels the ceiling, hides the flaws in the structure and hides the wiring.

Modern tension products are made from pvc film or polymer fabric. Such materials require compliance with the rules of care, otherwise the surface may deteriorate, lose its presentable appearance or even deform. In this article we will look at how to care for a stretch ceiling without harm to the product.

Stretch ceiling application

Stretch ceilings are distinguished by easy installation and a variety of geometric shapes. You can easily find products in the form of an arc or arch, cone and wave, two-level and multi-tiered structures. They can increase lighting and visually change the space by “pulling apart” the walls, “raising” or “lowering” the ceiling. This allows you to create any design and bring to life the most daring original ideas.

Stretch fabric with flawlessly flat surface will hide any cracks and irregularities. It does not require painting or whitewashing, does not fade, is highly durable and resistant to deformation. In addition, stretch ceilings save from flooding, as they are able to retain water. They can withstand the weight of liquid up to 100 liters!

Reliable and durable stretch ceilings are easy to maintain and do not require frequent washing. After all, they do not attract and practically do not collect dust. And what to do so that dust does not settle on furniture and other surfaces for longer, read. And then we’ll figure out in more detail how to properly organize the care of false ceilings different kind and from a variety of materials.

General rules for the care of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings in living rooms can be washed no more than once a year. Behind the ceilings in the kitchen and in bathroom more careful maintenance is required. In the first case, fat gradually accumulates on the surface and a thin layer of soot forms, even though Good work hoods. In addition, an unpleasant appearance appears on the kitchen ceiling. yellow coating, yellow spots and oil splashes.

In the bathroom, traces of drops and splashes of water remain on the ceilings, which are especially visible on the dark glossy canvas. Ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom should be washed at least once every six months. At the same time, it is recommended to immediately remove fresh stains on any surface, which appeared, for example, from splashes of food or champagne. In this case, the dirt can be easily removed with a regular dry cloth.

Before you wash or clean the ceiling, it is important to choose the right detergents. Use only gentle formulations or specialized care solutions. false ceiling, soft sponges and napkins, rags. To prevent the ceiling surface from being accidentally scratched, be sure to remove bracelets and rings from your hands during the procedure. It is better to wash products with gloves.

For washing, do not take abrasive detergents, solvents and aggressive compounds. It is not recommended to care for stretch ceilings with a mop or broom. They can scratch the surface or put pressure on the material, and the broom will also leave clouds of dust in the air. Better take a stepladder and gently wash the product with your hands with a cloth.

It is necessary to wash the stretch ceiling carefully and carefully using soft and smooth movements from left to right and back and forth. Ceiling seams are washed along. Do not use circular motions to avoid leaving soapy streaks. Do not rub the surface hard or apply pressure to the material, otherwise you may scratch the product or leave a dent.

Three ways to clean a false ceiling

  • Dry cleaning with a cloth or cloth with a soft short pile is the safest and most reliable way pvc film cleaning. Take microfiber, flannel or wool cloths. To care for fabric stretch ceilings, take a brush with a soft long pile;
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. It effectively eliminates accumulated dust and debris, removes cobwebs. But this procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to accidentally tear off or peel off the film. Therefore, choose the minimum operating mode or use a special washing nozzle;
  • Washing with water and detergents should be carried out once a year. To wash matte or, use a special polish or aerosol, soap solution or dishwashing detergent. Such products will easily wash off traces of glue and paint, tobacco smoke, dirt and grease. And to give gloss and shine, wipe the surface with ammonia or ordinary vodka.

How to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks

To clean glossy or matte PVC ceilings, first remove cobwebs and dust with a dry, soft cloth. In residential premises, the surface is wiped with a soft cloth dipped in clean water with temperatures up to 40 degrees. Do not make circular motions so as not to leave streaks! For a dirty ceiling and ceiling in the kitchen, in the bathroom, take a ceiling or dish detergent or prepare a soap solution.

To prepare a soapy solution, grate a piece of solid soap on a coarse grater and mix with water until a foam forms. Or mix water with liquid soap. Wipe the ceilings with your chosen product. To do this, move from left to right from one corner to another or in sections. After treatment, wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth and wipe dry.

At the end, the material can be wiped with a solution of ammonia or ordinary vodka. For a solution, mix ammonia and water in a ratio of 1 to 9 (10% ammonia). First wipe the film with a solution, and then polish with a dry cloth. This will bring back the shine and shine to the ceiling.

How to clean a fabric stretch ceiling

Fabric ceilings are a cross between a glossy and matte surface. Moreover, care for satin stretch ceilings is easier. They don't require wet cleaning and polishing. In addition, the surface can be cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner and water steam, a steam generator or a steam mop.

To remove difficult stains, use classic products for washing stretch ceilings or dishes. Also, pollution effectively removes 10% ammonia solution. Soak a soft sponge in the composition and gently wipe the contaminated area.

A steam generator or steam mop is great for removing greasy and burnt stains, scale, traces of oil and food. In addition, steam is used to clean various surfaces, including ceilings and walls, furniture and equipment. It is suitable for almost all materials except MDF panels. By the way, this method of cleaning is effective for ceramic tiles and seams between them. It eliminates dirt, debris, mold and mildew.

How to clean a stretch ceiling after a leak

In the event of a leak, flood or pipe break in the stretch ceiling, water accumulates inside, and it hangs down like a bubble. After this unpleasant event, you just need to carefully drain the water. After draining, when caring for stretch glossy and matte ceilings, there will be no problems. They do not require special cleaning and repair. After dismantling, the ceiling will look like new.

The greatest difficulty is the fabric ceiling, as it does not retain moisture. After leakage, rust remains on the surface, which penetrates deep into the material and spreads throughout the entire thickness of the web.

Doesn't help in this case. simple methods cleaning. But do not rush to replace the entire canvas. You can easily paint over a spot or paint an entire ceiling surface with acrylic paint. By the way, fabric ceilings can be painted up to five times.