In a dream, choose a watch. According to Hasse's dream book, if you dreamed of a watch

  • 30.09.2019

Why can a watch dream? It all depends on how they look, where they are, what sounds they make. Dream Interpretations will tell you what your subconscious is signaling.

Eastern dream book

If in a dream you hear the ticking of a clock, get ready for the fact that the road to a well-established life will be long. When the clock itself is not visible, the goal is far away, but it occupies all your thoughts.

Why dream of a watch? You need to hurry up to make your dream come true.

If the clock has stopped, death awaits someone close.

Children's dream book

The clock speaks of consumption vitality. If the arrows move slowly, everything is going as it should. When they accelerate, the forces are wasted on something in vain. There is an urgent need to change priorities.

The ticking of a clock in a dream is the approach of an extreme situation that will require maximum concentration. Also, this sound can warn of a disease that already exists, but has not yet manifested itself.

Italian dream book

A watch in a dream most often indicates the presence of some kind of life framework, difficult conditions. The person seems to be in a cage that prevents him from moving freely.

They can also indicate circumstances that interfere with the performance of work, duty.

The presence of hours in dreams often indicates total control. Someone is forcing you to build your life in strict accordance with the norms accepted in society.

Family dream book

Why do financiers and stock market players dream about watches? To great success in work.

A broken, lost or donated watch is a sign of imminent trouble and good luck. If the glass cracked - watch your behavior in society, especially if there are a lot of people around you strangers about which nothing is known.

The watch you have stolen - you are trying to beat the competition using not the cleanest methods. If the watch was stolen from you, someone wants to tarnish your reputation.

The fight of the clock is bad news.

Modern dream book

If you regularly see a watch in a dream, you can count on the success of all your enterprises.

If a woman loses her watch, she will be sad because of domestic troubles.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

An old clock says that it's time to analyze the past life path. Perhaps the results will prompt you to understand the need for urgent change.

Wall clock - you miss all the most important things in life. Most likely, work takes up most of it, and there is no time left for family and yourself.

If in a dream a watch is on your hand, you often look at it, you have many enemies. Recently, they have become more active and are preparing an attack.

Trying to tell the time from a watch without hands or a dial is a hidden threat. A great tragedy is also possible, which will be very difficult to survive without the help of specialists.

Dream Interpretation "From, A to Z"

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream means imminent changes for the better.

The fight of the clock - on the contrary, bad events, you may be suspected of something bad. It will ruin your reputation, even if you can rebut the accusations.

Wristwatches portend a successful career development.

Wall - there are many lovers of slander and gossip around you.

Why dream of a gold watch? You will prevail over a strong and dexterous opponent.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The clock says that soon it will be time for new activities. It is possible to change jobs, places of residence, even outlooks on life.

Find a clock in a dream - adjust the time and events. You have been waiting for something for a very long time, but it still does not come.

Hourglass - you are afraid that life is passing too fast.

Cuckoo clock portends a long life. If they are broken, you need to change something so that it turns out to be broken and does not end prematurely.

A stopped clock is the departure of a loved one.

Dream interpretation wrist watch

People have long come to the conclusion that symbols from dreams are not without reason. The same symbols lead, in principle, to the same consequences.

Sometimes we dream, something out of the ordinary, sometimes completely ordinary things. It cannot be unequivocally said that the former will lead to large-scale, unique events in life, and the latter to small ones. At times, between what happens from dreams and reality, everything happens the other way around.

time keepers

Watches in a dream symbolize time, past, present and future, our life.

Such an observation made it possible to systematize information from dreams and create a dream book. But many people have dealt with this issue in different countries, and for more than one century, many dream books have accumulated.

dream interpreters

If you dreamed of a watch

Of course, the main interpretation is time, but each author brings his own unique interpretation, highlighting certain points.

Dream Interpretation of the Noblewoman Grishina

Grishina considered the watch from the perspective of the dreamer's actions:

  • to consider on the hand - to waste your life in vain;
  • break - to quarrels, family troubles, divorce;
  • start - experience excessive impatience;
  • broken - lose a thing, moment or person;
  • lose - literally lose a person, meeting, event;
  • to see a watch on your hand without hands - your time has already passed, retire, let people go.

Miller's dream book

The appearance of a watch in a dream is a sign of good luck on the stock exchange. I dreamed of a watch that you carefully consider, Miller's opinion is a waste of time, and at this time your enemies are taking concrete steps.

Broken - behave inappropriately, do not think about the consequences, while your environment, so, does not favor you much.

Male, for a woman, female for a man - put your loved one under attack, and wonder how this could happen.

Freud's dream book

She dreams that the constant establishment of a watch on her hand is a reward for work, work.

You dream for many hours - you want to do absolutely everything, grab any job, thereby wasting both your energy and your time.

I dreamed of broken ones - be softer, straightforwardness repels people.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Women's or men's watches

According to this dream book, seeing a clock in a dream, to the fact that you are reminded - time is running out, use it rationally.

Dream Interpretation Maya

The watch is dreaming - you are doing everything right, and most importantly on time.

A broken watch has a negative interpretation, if you are trying to fix it, it means that you are busy with the wrong thing.

Russian dream book

Watches are dreaming, no matter how simple or golden - spend too much time creating. You follow the time that goes by without a trace.

Family dream book

Seeing a watch is good luck in business. It is a dream that you are checking the time for a long time, luck will slip out of your hands, due to enterprising enemies.

Dreaming of a watch that was about to give to someone, or broken - start preparing for obstacles in your path.

The watch that was stolen is dreaming - the reputation is under threat, enemies will try to denigrate.

Lose Ladies Watch- to the chagrin in the family circle.

Aesop's dream book

If the clock was broken

Aesop believed that seeing a watch in a dream reminds you that no matter what you do, the passage of time cannot be stopped, everything has its end.

  • Seeing a broken, stopped clock is a bad event that will affect all households.
  • Buy - your carelessness will lead to collapse.
  • Repair - in reality you are trying to make amends for past mistakes.

Esoteric dream book

Wearing a watch on your hand - you use your time and opportunities very wisely. If they break down, you can’t make it on time, you’re always late, you don’t finish it.

It is a dream that you have lost your watch - you are exchanging for trifles, missing the most important thing.

Seeing expensive watches, but not paying special attention to them - your life is stable, but this is temporary.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Gold wrist watch - beware of relatives and friends, they can rob you.
  • Seeing a watch received as a gift - do not lie to yourself.
  • Find a watch - try to learn punctuality, your lateness makes others very angry. This is bad for your reputation.
  • I just dreamed of a watch - a measured life, calmness in the family.

Where does the watch come from

An important point - how did you get a watch in a dream? They gave you, you bought them, stole them, found them? To solve such dreams, every detail that we managed to remember is important.


If the watch was given

Dreaming of receiving a watch as a gift - a new acquaintance is ahead. The watch is beautiful, which means that the person you meet will be pleasant. Not pleasant, ugly - a person will only give you trouble, you will suffer from his tediousness.

Get an expensive watch with a precious bracelet - successful marriage. But if you dream that you lost them, then all your hopes will collapse like a house of cards.

The interpretation of sleep is such that if a stranger gives a wrist watch, it means that you will connect your life with some person. If a friend - most likely to parting. It is also important to remember the emotions from the dream, positive ones - they will mean that parting or meeting will do you good. Negative color of sleep - you will be very burdened, worry about this.

buy time

Why, I dreamed that you were going to buy a watch - you still have not learned to take control of difficult situation, too careless, too gullible.

Why, dream of a purchased watch - take life more seriously, do not waste it, it is already short.

Buying a watch is often a dream of insecure people. At the same time, the more expensive the accessory, for example gold, the more self-doubt.

Sometimes the dream book gives such an interpretation of such dreams. Why choose, try on a watch in a store - you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Perhaps such a dream reflects your too high demands, despite the fact that you are making a minimum of effort.

good find

  • Why did you dream of a wristwatch that you happened to lose first and then find - complete understanding with your spouse.
  • Why find a gold watch in a dream - to deception by loved ones.
  • Why find ordinary ones - mutual understanding in marriage.
  • Why see how someone you know managed to find a watch - to a good relationship with this person.
  • Why find a lot of hours - good luck in everything. But in some dream books a slightly different interpretation is given. This may be evidence that you want to be good to absolutely everyone, but this does not happen.

Not all that glitters is gold

If it was a gold watch

It would seem that finding a gold watch in a dream is a symbol of good luck, wealth. Unfortunately, after such dreams, where golden things appeared, you face the threat of being deceived or abandoned by your closest and dearest people. The symbolism is that you think that they are your gold, your wealth.


There are a lot of dreams about watch mechanisms, respectively, sleep scenarios as well. You can see broken, gold, white, green, too big. You can also watch how they were stolen.

What did the stolen watch dream about? Such accessories dream of the fact that your enemies are not asleep, they at least make up a plan for your collapse.

Seeing the loss of hours means that you are not striving for your goal, spraying yourself on everything around, losing the most important thing.

Summing up the plot of your dreams, you can derive several formulas.

In such a dream, about a clockwork, no matter what it was, manual, wall-mounted, cheap, expensive. The message of such dreams is to show you that time is not eternal, it is running out.

Sleep details, for example, where you managed to lose or find a watch. Appearance, for example, gold, iron rubber - already indicates the very essence of your wrong actions in life.

The main thing in a dream is attentiveness, try to get all possible information.

If in a dream you got rid of the watch, threw it away - there was a deliverance from internal taboos that constantly held you back and did not allow you to develop normally.

The clock symbolizes time. Therefore, when they appear in a dream, the soul becomes very anxious. Therefore, the question of why the clock is dreaming is of interest to many.

Deciphering a dream in which there was a clock is not always easy. To do this, you need to remember all the details of the plot seen. An important factor for the correct interpretation of sleep is the type of watch, as well as what actions were taken with time measuring devices.

The most indicative are dreams in which the clock was seen from the side and no actions were carried out with them.

Wall Clock

If you see in a dream Wall Clock, then this indicates that an event will happen in life that you have been waiting for a very long time. It can be, for example, a long-awaited meeting. Moreover, it is impossible to bring this moment closer by any actions, since in this case the event may not occur. You just need to be patient and wait.

Why dream of a watch?

A wristwatch seen on a hand or lying on a table portends little joys of life, without which life turns into existence and becomes very boring. After such a dream, your life will be filled with pleasant chores and worries that will make it complete.

Pocket watch - dream book

If you saw a pocket watch in a dream, then this indicates that you will be lucky in the near future, so you can safely take on any projects and undertakings. During this life period, you will not be haunted by failures in any area of ​​life.

Variety of watches - interpretation of sleep

To understand what the most dream of different watches remember their appearance. Such a dream can be interpreted as follows:
    A cuckoo clock portends peace and order in the family; A sundial indicates that you often make ghostly plans that are simply impossible to realize; An hourglass warns that in this life period you need to take care of friends and loved ones; A clock on the facade buildings promise you recognition of your achievements.

gold watch

Very often the question arises, why dream of a gold watch? In this case, the interpretation of dreams depends on your feelings in a dream and actions. If you try on a watch made of gold in a dream, this portends that you real life They will do you a favor and you will have to pay for it. And it may very well be that the retribution will be difficult for you. If you do not like the watch that you are trying on, then this is just a statement that in real life it is impossible to surprise you with anything. And if such a clock was stolen from you, then this means that in reality you will have to endure humiliation. A huge wall clock made of gold, seen in a dream - bad sign. It indicates that soon the world dyed for you dark tones and it may be related to the loss of a loved one.

Buying a watch

Buying watches in old dream books associated with rash spending in the real world or frivolous acts. Modern dream books interpret this action as a recommendation to start a new life. In addition, when you yourself buy a watch in a dream, you will soon start doing a new business that will change your life and bring something bright and exciting into it.

Get a watch as a gift

If you dream that you receive a watch as a gift, then this means that in reality you will receive a rare and profitable proposition. For a girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of a marriage proposal from a loved one. And a man, having seen such a dream, can count on promotion.

Another interpretation has a dream in which you give a watch. After such night dreams in real life, you can expect a new romantic adventure that will fill your soul with wonderful love feelings.

Find a watch - interpretation of dreams

Finding a watch in a dream is very good sign. It means that in life you can count on unexpected luck that will allow you to get closer to your goal.

break the clock

If in a dream you broke the clock:
    By chance, this portends losses; On purpose, then you are trying to get rid of something.

I dreamed of losing hours

If you lost a watch in a dream, then it is likely that in reality you will be late for an important meeting. Try to avoid this in real life. But such a dream can also be a harbinger of the fact that in your life you can globally miss something, which will lead to not very good life changes.

Why dream of starting a watch?

When you dream that you are winding your watch in your sleep, this indicates that you are very impatient in your own way. natural character Human. This makes it very difficult for you to cope with life's problems, since you always rush things. If you change and learn to be more patient, you will become a more successful person. The clock is a very complex and multifaceted symbol in a dream. They remind us in night dreams that time is running and it can't be stopped. Therefore, you need to enjoy life and accept it in all its manifestations.

Why dream of buying a watch? This subconscious in a dream warns that you need to hurry up or, on the contrary, come to terms with the inevitable. To decipher, the dream book recommends taking into account all the details.

Hurry up!

The interpretation of sleep is advised by the dream book to be done consistently and start with the type of product itself. Why dream that it happened to buy a watch? You obviously don't have time to do anything important.

Also, a watch in a dream reflects current duties and business obligations, boredom or, on the contrary, haste, domestic problems and worries.

To see a regularly running wrist watch - to an established and orderly rhythm of life. This is also a sign of successful career growth.


Dreamed of a golden watch? You will win the tacit competition and easily outperform your competitors.

In a dream, did you manage to acquire elite gold clocks? Do not rejoice, the dream book thinks that your closest friends or acquaintances can set you up.

If you bought a gold watch, and it turned out to be a fake, then you will meet a deceitful person wearing a mask of respectability and nobility.

Appreciate the time!

Had a dream that you bought wall clocks? The dream interpretation is sure that you absolutely do not value your own and other people's time.

In addition, in a dream, this is a sign of a fateful event that will bring a lot of opportunities and prospects.

Seeing wall clocks bought by someone else is an incident that will make serious adjustments to plans.

Decoding of other products

Why dream of buying a different kind of watch?

  • With a cuckoo - to a long life.
  • With a pendulum - pay attention to the heart.
  • On a chain - dreams will not come true.
  • Sandy - to the realization that time is inexorable.
  • Mechanical - too late.
  • Electronic - to a certain routine.
  • Dear ones - to a profitable marriage.
  • Cheap - to make a decision.

Luck or change?

It is also important to remember where exactly it happened to buy watches. If in a dream it was a company store or a specialized department, and the acquisition is quite expensive, then in real life all things will develop rapidly and successfully.

Had a dream that you had to buy a watch in a small shop? The dream interpretation thinks that you urgently need to make a choice and change something in life.

To see that a street vendor is offering a clear fake means that a dubious offer should be abandoned in the near future.

Show responsibility!

If for some reason you had to buy a new watch, completely unnecessary. That dream book believes that you are not able to withstand a difficult life situation because they are too careless and irresponsible.

Buying a new watch literally means that you should hurry things up or, on the contrary, be patient.

According to Miller

Why else dream of buying watch products? Mr. Miller assures that in a dream this is a sign of imminent profit, which will be associated with pleasant emotions.


Dreamed of buying a watch? Dream Interpretation believes that you will receive a valuable gift or surprise from fate itself.

What is seen by different sleepers often leads to the same thing in reality. Many do not know why a watch is dreaming of and seek to find the answer from one interpreter. Better contact a large number sources, and, having collected all the information, draw the right conclusion for yourself.

What is the meaning of sleep?

    Dream Interpretation N. Grishina

    Dreamed wrist watch very often are an indication of a circumstance related to lack of time.

    If the gift comes from a stranger, an unknown person, then a connection with a loved one is ahead. An acquaintance presents a watch in dreams - this is a quarrel and loneliness. There will be experiences, but they will be beneficial. Everything will be better than it was.

    Buy or choose

    If a person goes shopping in a dream, trying to buy a watch for himself, this characterizes him as weak-willed, unable to cope with the situation. He trusts not only friends, but also enemies.

    Purchased watches - a hint of frivolity life problems by the dreamer. It's time to understand that everything that comes, you can simply not have time for a lot.

    Buy a watch - such a dream often visits those who do not trust themselves, are afraid of their actions.

    If you dream that there is a fitting in the store, then this to receive a long-awaited gift. There is an opinion that similar dreams- reflect excessive demands with minimal effort on the part of the dreamer.

    Broken or broken

    The dreamer does not have to expect anything good from such a dream. So let's explain:

    • The broken clock is found and is kept by himself sleeping- sudden misfortune or a loved one.
    • The clock broke up into cogs and scattered in different directions- deceit on the part of a loved one.
    • Broken watch is in your pocket, bag or purse- to financial problems and large debts.
    • The clock does not have a dial, but it walks and for some reason the dreamer knows the time It's time to take matters into your own hands before the opportunity is missed.
    • Take an old broken watch from someone else's hands- get punished instead of someone. There is a risk of being framed in an unpleasant business.
    • Throw the unusable watch into the water or throw it away from you- get rid of bad thoughts and mental anxiety.

    Why do pocket watches dream?

    • Have them with you- Relationships in the family will be close to ideal.
    • Find- it's time to become more punctual and not annoy people over trifles.
    • Buy a gold watch to wear in your pocket- become a victim of robbery, where acquaintances will be involved.
    • stopped- a waste of time in courting the lady of the heart.
    • Make your own gift- to be deceived in dreams.
    • Break a pocket watch- to negative news.
    • Stop- to a friend.

    The main meaning of dreams with a clock comes down to the fact that you should not waste your time, and life should be reviewed and changed.