How often to wash the stretch ceiling. What pollution on PVC ceilings cannot be washed

  • 14.06.2019

main feature modern materials for cosmetic repairs– their refined appearance with maximum durability and ease of care. Some manufacturers of stretch ceilings claim that their products do not require cleaning and washing. We can say that they are frankly cunning. Indeed, over time, on any coating, the layer of which is becoming thicker. Therefore, from time to time, they need to be washed.

According to the material from which they are made, stretch ceiling subdivided into:

  1. PVC. This is the most common type of ceiling, which is used in 90 out of 100% of cases;
  2. fabric. This type of material is covered with a special polyurethane film. It has many advantages, including significant resistance to temperature and moisture.

All materials are resistant to mechanical stress, retain their basic qualities and appearance for many years.

In order for the ceilings to serve you as long as possible, you need to properly care for them.

First you need to note that washing stretch ceilings is not simple task as it may seem. Indeed, the incorrect use of preparations for processing and devices can lead to a violation of the integrity of the coating, loss of color, gloss and deformation of the canvas.

Never use materials containing abrasive particles for processing ceilings. They leave small scratches on the surface, which significantly impair the appearance of the coating. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to wash ceilings with acidic or alkaline liquids.

There are two types of stretch ceiling cleaning:

  1. Dry cleaning should be carried out using a soft cloth, it is driven over the coating in circular motions, without pressure.
  2. Wet cleaning is a more complex process. In this case, you need to get an absolutely clean surface, without stripes and streaks. Do wet cleaning preferably with a sponge and detergents.

Do not use coarse brushes for cleaning and washing ceilings. abrasive materials. Also, avoid using mops and brooms.

Stretch ceilings: wash correctly

Ceiling cleaning is a complex process that requires not only certain knowledge, but also extreme caution. After all, with an ordinary stool you will not reach the surface of the ceiling, so you will have to use a barricade of tables and chairs or a ladder-ladder. Last option the safest and most convenient. So, to get started, prepare the following devices, tools and materials:

  • Staircase (preferably a stepladder). From an ordinary ladder that you attach to the wall, it will be impossible to reach the middle of the ceiling;
  • Clean, dry microfiber or suede cloths;
  • Wide sponge (20*20 cm). A small sponge will be inconvenient to wipe the coating. In addition, you can scratch the ceiling with your nails;
  • Vacuum cleaner with a device for cleaning delicate surfaces;
  • Detergent with a neutral pH balance.

The method of washing ceilings is selected depending on the fabric (cloth) from which the coating is made.

To remove dust and stains from the surface, wipe it with a damp cloth. Be sure to wipe the wet surface with a dry cloth (lint-free).

To remove a large layer of dust, it is necessary to clean the main layer of dirt with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. You can not touch the ceiling itself, the pipe of the vacuum cleaner with a brush should be 2-3 centimeters from it. Otherwise, the fabric will warp or crack.

It is necessary to wash the surface of the material with careful circular movements, without pressing on it.

Polyester ceilings are wiped with a dry cloth, without pressure.

The glossy shiny surface is wiped with materials that do not leave lint. A glass cleaner (alcohol-based) or ammonia (10%) is applied to the cloth. After that, the entire surface is treated with a dry microfiber cloth.

Means for washing stretch ceilings

The simplest and reliable means for processing stretch ceilings - a solution of liquid (colorless) or soap shavings. To do this, grate 0.5 bar of laundry soap and dissolve it in a bucket of warm water. Let the mixture brew for 30 minutes, and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Soap can be replaced with washing gels.

It is best to use the preparations recommended by the manufacturers. Manufacturers of ceiling coverings prudently produce and recommend using for each type special composition. It should be noted that special means, for the most part, consist of the same components that we use at home every day. However, for each type of ceiling, they contain additives that allow you not to leave stains and streaks on the surface.

If you are still in doubt, use ordinary laundry soap and prepare the composition described above.

Glossy ceilings: how to wash correctly?

In order not to disturb the appearance and gloss of a glossy ceiling, use the right substances to process it. Better than others, window cleaners cope with this problem. However, before applying, be sure to test it on a small piece of the surface (in the corner). Spray a drop of the solution onto a cloth and let it sit for 5 minutes. If during this period of time the canvas has not changed color, is not deformed or cloudy, you can use the substance to wash the entire surface of the ceiling.

In order not to tear, scratch, or damage the delicate fabric of the ceiling covering, use soft materials. Cleaning wipes for indoors, which you can buy at a hardware store, are great.

The brightness and gloss of glossy ceilings will return ammonia. It is applied to a rag, which is used to process the coating in stages. Each area is wiped dry with a rag.

From dust after repair glossy ceilings cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. As described above, the ceiling covering must not be touched with a vacuum cleaner. You will damage the delicate canvas.

To clean ceilings with special products, carefully read the instructions on the package. Strictly follow the rules for using the substance, do not exceed the indicated dosage.

Matte ceilings: how to wash correctly?

At first glance at the matte ceiling, you can see that it is more like a plastered surface. For the manufacture of this kind of canvases, polyurethane is used.

This surface does not attract a large number of dust, and it is difficult to get it dirty. However, sometimes it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of even the most ideal ceiling. Washing matte ceilings is not as complicated as the previous one. As a rule, steam cleaners or ordinary cloths with a degreaser are used for washing.

After processing, the coating is wiped with a dry cloth.

Fabric ceiling coverings: how to wash correctly?

A fabric ceiling covering is much more reliable and durable than a synthetic one. However, in the care of this canvas is much more difficult. They must be washed very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the coating, and not disturb the appearance.

It is not advisable to use a glass cleaner for processing fabric sheets. As a rule, they contain dyes that get on the fabric, impregnate it, and leave unwanted color and streaks.

Rub dust and dirt in a circular motion, and you can not wash the ceiling in this way. So you just smear the dirt on the surface. It is better to move your hand with a cloth in one direction (your own), as if raking up dust.

If the canvas is heavily soiled, use a gel solution with water. Just test the tool before working on small plot ceiling in the corner of the room.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen: how to clean?

In this room, all surfaces are subject to rapid contamination. This is especially true for those kitchens where the hood does not work. The causes of pollution are smoke, soot, fat residues that form as a result of cooking. In addition, tobacco smoke is also becoming one of the causes of plaque that appears on kitchen ceilings.

Washing suspended ceiling surfaces in the kitchen is no different from the same process in other rooms of the house. Do not use abrasive substances and materials; you need to wash the ceiling with extreme caution and accuracy.

As a rule, in this room, the ceilings are washed with a cloth, which is moistened with soapy water, and then wiped with a dry cloth.

Washing stretch coatings is often not desirable. To avoid this complicated and stressful procedure, follow these tips:

  • For the bathroom, use a special horizontal curtain that will prevent splashes from flying across the surface of the ceiling and leaving stains and streaks on it;
  • In the kitchen, it is desirable to install a powerful hood over the stove;
  • Ridiculous advice, but in the halls, as a rule, you have to wipe off traces of champagne. Therefore, try to be careful with this sparkling wine;
  • In children's rooms, make sure that your beloved child does not get to such a beautiful and creative surface with felt-tip pens.

In conclusion, it must be said that any ceiling is not a floor that needs to be washed and cleaned often. Therefore, it is much easier to follow this surface. As a rule, ceiling coverings should be washed no more than once every six months. Do not focus on expensive preparations from manufacturers, use improvised means, and your ceiling will again become clean and fresh.

January 14, 2014, 11:20

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Previously, cobwebs were removed from the ceilings, brushes, brooms and wet rags were walked over them. Today, many have glossy stretch ceilings that require special care and adherence to the established washing algorithm. It is not necessary to invite a team of washers to the house, the online magazine site will tell you how and with what to wash stretch ceilings (glossy) without streaks.

Dust flies in from the street through open windows and doors, and smoke from cigarettes and soot from their kitchen can also get on the ceiling

Although the manufacturers promise that the maintenance of the structure will be easy due to the impregnation of the canvas with a water and dirt-repellent agent, after a while the owners of the apartment notice that the gloss does not shine as before, and the dust is noticeable.

Small children can contrive and even be able to leave a mark on the ceiling from a felt-tip pen, sprinkle juice or sweet tea on the ceiling. In the kitchen, the ceilings get dirty mainly due to the cooking process, even despite the presence of a working hood.

How often do you need to wash stretch glossy ceilings

There are hostesses who do not wait for the formation of dirt, but regularly clean. And there is a type of housewives who begin to clean up as they get dirty. In the first case, especially in the kitchen, this will save a lot of time, since it is not easy to remove hardened fat from the ceiling. But in general, glossy stretch ceilings can be washed as they get dirty. Do not rely on the hood: the nimble dirt will still find a way to leave its mark.

How to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks - tools and accessories

If you don’t know how stretch ceilings are washed, we will tell you some tricks. We cross out from the list everything scratching, hard, shedding and fleecy. What remains is soft fabric, fiber and sponges.

You will need warm water, a bucket, detergent and a stepladder. Why not a mop? Because it is very easy to damage your favorite glossy finish with one awkward movement. But, nevertheless, many housewives run the risk of damaging the coating and use the mop, controlling the pressure. Pressure control will prevent damage.

A vacuum cleaner is also a dubious companion, even for dusting. Therefore, you will have to look for a stepladder if the ceiling is high, or a suitable chair if the room has a small height. The water temperature should not be hot - the material may soften and deform. A temperature of 25-35°C is considered normal.

Detergents for stretch ceilings

How and how to wash stretch glossy ceilings - a topical issue, first of all, we will study safe means. With the right method and following the process algorithm, the result will be excellent. First, find out how to wash the gloss on the ceiling.

How to wash a stretch ceiling from harmless household chemicals

So that the work is not wasted, you need to know how to wash the stretch ceiling without streaks.

Mr. Proper, Fairy, Myth, Biolan - all of them will gently wash off pollution. An excellent tool for washing stretch ceilings without streaks are alcohol-containing liquids and sprays.

Important! We are talking only about the glossy ceiling. If the ceiling in another room is matte, the advice to use alcohol-based solutions does not apply!

In any solution, you can add a little ammonia. There are products designed specifically for washing stretch gloss.

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What means can not be washed stretch ceilings

There are people who even after good advice and recommendations are eager to conduct their own experiment. It is better not to experiment with a stretch glossy ceiling. They have already been carried out and, as a result, they have deduced what cannot be used when washing a glossy coating:

  • forget about abrasives: powders, soda, hard brushes. No, if there is a great desire to see scratches on the ceiling or even damage the canvas - it's a master's business;
  • no acetone products. They can be used if you really want to discolor the surface and turn it into something unsightly;
  • it’s even ridiculous to talk about alkalis and acids - compositions containing such aggressive substances are not solid!

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How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

We learned how to clean a glossy stretch ceiling, now we will tell you how to do it right.

How to properly wash a stretch ceiling - an algorithm of actions

The algorithm of direct actions and rules is as follows:

Subject to the algorithm of actions, the coating will become clean and remain intact.

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks with a low degree of pollution

Let's figure out the better to wash stretch ceilings if they are not very dirty. Most often, it is enough to walk with a dry or slightly damp cloth over the entire surface.

How to wash stretch ceilings at home with heavy pollution

How to clean stretch ceilings with heavy pollution and how to do it? By following all the conditions of the algorithm and using a special cleaner for ceilings or glass, you can easily and quickly get a clean and shiny finish.

Most housewives do not know how to wash stretch ceilings correctly: they are simply afraid of damaging the vinyl or textile canvas. If you follow the basic rules that the cleaning service specialists adhere to, you don’t have to worry about this.

Can stretch ceilings be washed?

The superiority of such canvases over others finishing materials obviously: they do not crack and do not turn yellow. Unfortunately, during operation, they can become soiled with stains from soot, tobacco deposits, and any drinks - for example, champagne during the New Year celebration. Before deciding how to care for a stretch ceiling, you need to understand whether it can be washed. Wet cleaning, although it should not be frequent, is still one of the manipulations that allow you to extend the service life of both welded and seamless fabrics.

How to wash stretch ceilings at home?

As a material for their manufacture, either PVC film or fabric is used. It is initially impregnated with a composition that prevents heavy accumulation of dust, but wet care for stretch ceilings will still be relevant. The main recommendations for its implementation will be:

  1. Use at least two rags: one should have a short pile, the second should be long. The first is suitable for dry cleaning, the second for wet cleaning.
  2. Preparing a warm aqueous solution with detergent. Household chemicals poorly soluble in cold water.
  3. Careful handling ceiling lights any type - the wires must not come into contact with liquids.

Caring for fabric stretch ceilings

Textile coverings from cobwebs can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle in the form of a long-haired brush. Care also consists in removing stains by wet cleaning. It will be useful during its implementation to follow these tips:

  1. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove. No need to wait until it dries and is completely absorbed into the fabric.
  2. The stain must first be blotted with a paper towel to remove most of the contamination.
  3. Pollution is cleaned by moving from the edges to the center - this technique will help to avoid an increase in the area of ​​the stain.

Soaring stretch ceiling - care

This design is made exclusively of PVC film and fastened with a harpoon mount. Even knowing how to care for a stretch ceiling with one level, it is difficult to imagine how to remove dust from a two-level canvas. You can do this in one of two ways:

  1. With a vacuum cleaner. They can remove the cobwebs, but you need to use the device as carefully as possible so as not to tear the surface and not harm the LED cord located between the levels.
  2. With a rag. She can wipe hard-to-reach areas of the connection of two different levels.

Caring for ceiling lights

If the lamps are mounted below the canvas, then they are washed like any other lighting fixtures - with a flannel cloth and soapy water. Recessed luminaires have a different mounting format: given this feature, it is immediately difficult to understand how to properly wash stretch ceilings without damaging the lighting system. The lamp care algorithm should be as follows:

  1. Luminaires are removed from the mounting flange - carefully so as not to damage the mounting ring.
  2. They are wiped with a dry, clean cloth lightly dampened with glass cleaner.
  3. The lamps are screwed back into the ring.

How to care for stretch ceilings in the kitchen?

The areas of the canvas located above the stove, oven and work surface are often the victims of stains from hot oil, grease and other food products. Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to wash stretch ceilings in the kitchen, because it is difficult to put up with pollution: they are very noticeable on light material, the frequent replacement of which is unprofitable in financial plan. To care for stretch ceilings in this room will come in handy:

  1. Soft bristled brush. In general, it is not recommended to use them when cleaning, so as not to inadvertently damage the coating, but with stubborn stains there is no other way.
  2. Salt. It can be mixed with ammonia or soapy water to remove yellow stains.
  3. White. How to wash stretch ceilings of bright colors with it is not worth telling: the bleaching agent will harm the pigment. But the snow-white canvas can be wiped with a mixture of water and this laundry detergent.

How can stretch ceilings be washed?

Both PVC film and fabric are very capricious in care, so it is easy to damage it with too much pressure when washing or with the working tool used. Before washing stretch ceilings, you need to remove all bracelets and rings so as not to leave scratches on the coating. For wet cleaning, a sponge and water are recommended, in which an active detergent composition is dissolved. So that it does not harm the ceiling, it should not contain components such as:

  1. abrasive substances. They leave microcracks on the surface: even simple soda can cause irreparable damage.
  2. Acetone. Any detergent for stretch ceilings created on its basis cannot be used, because it melts film coatings.
  3. Bleachers. Dangerous for painted surfaces: they will cope with yellowness, but they will adversely affect the intensity of the pigment and the pattern applied to it.

What means to wash stretch ceilings?

Safe detergent formulations can be purchased at the store or prepared at home. There are several correct answers to the question of how you can wash the stretch ceiling:

  1. Gel or dish cream. Household chemicals for washing dishes can easily deal with dirt like grease or yellow stains from tobacco. A small amount of the product must be diluted in a bucket of warm water and foamed with a sponge.
  2. Soapy water. Shavings diluted in water or liquid hand soap are also suitable for this role.
  3. Ammonium chloride. You can stop using soap by adding a little ammonium hydroxide solution to the water.

How to wash stretch ceilings without streaks?

If there are no patterns on the canvas, then after cleaning, traces of the sponge and cleaning solution may be noticeable on a plain fabric. Experienced housewives, regularly washing the stretch ceiling, they know that there are two ways to avoid the appearance of such stains:

  1. Replace the sponge with a flannel rag or any other soft cloth. It should not consist solely of synthetic threads, because they do not absorb moisture well.
  2. Avoid aqueous solutions. Surfaces are best washed with a spray for cleaning mirrors and glass surfaces based on alcohol, which dries almost instantly.

How often to wash stretch ceilings?

The regularity of wet cleaning depends not only on the appearance of sudden pollution, but also on the price category of the material used during the repair. Having decided what care will be and how to wash stretch ceilings, it is worth adhering to the opinion of experienced specialists:

  1. Inexpensive Chinese variants from PVC film are rarely impregnated with antistatic, so they attract dust more actively. It will be necessary to carry out hygienic cleaning once every 3-4 months.
  2. Premium models made of fabric fabrics are treated with a special composition, so you will have to wash such stretch ceilings as silk and satin no more than once every six months.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

In this article we will talk about how to wash glossy without streaks at home. At first glance, this is a fairly simple question, but there are nuances behind it, such as right choice detergents, appliances and the washing technique itself. But in most cases, after getting acquainted with the information, the housewives or their husbands do not have problems with cleaning.

What materials are used for stretch ceilings

Multi-level glossy stretch ceiling

All stretch ceilings are divided into fabric and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The latter are distinguished not only by a huge variety colors, but also the effect of the shine of the cloth, that is, they can be:

  1. matte;
  2. satin;
  3. glossy.

But apart from appearance or the structure of the film, there are a few more nuances, for example, seam and seamless ceilings. And they can also be multi-level, that is, PVC is pulled over, as in the top photo.

Care for PVC film is identical, regardless of color, patterns or gloss on the surface, as the material is the same, whether matte, satin or glossy stretch ceilings. Some owners of seam cloths are upset, they say, dirt can clog into the seam, but this is a delusion. When welding two parts of a PVC canvas, the seam is practically invisible and can be distinguished only upon very careful examination. This suggests that when tensioned, the plane turns out to be absolutely smooth and no clogging of the seam as such threatens.

Is regular care needed?

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings is a simple matter

Do you need a maintenance schedule for PVC ceilings? Here you can answer simple example: the apartment is cleaned either in their free time, or in case of urgent need, for example, after a party. are no exception, so they are washed as needed, as they get dirty.

This need arises in several cases:

  • Dust from the street gets into the house or apartment through open windows and this cannot be avoided in any room, since it must be ventilated at least from time to time.
  • - steam from hot water rises and condensation collects on the ceiling. Even if you wipe these droplets after each wash, salts and alkalis will still linger on the PVC film. Perhaps this is the most inconvenient substance for cleaning, so here you need to make sure that plaque does not form.
  • Constant smoking in the room - tobacco smoke, as everyone knows, contains not only gaseous, but also solid substances that need to settle somewhere, and since they are warm, they naturally rise up and stick to the ceiling. Smokers know what the filter of a smoked cigarette looks like.
  • . There is already a whole range of substances that can be on stretched film. These are salts and alkalis from steam, residual substances from the combustion of gas and smoke from burning food, and if they smoke there, then sediment from solid particles of unburned tobacco is added. Even if there is a powerful hood above the hob, this practically does not change the situation.

At first glance, the list is quite impressive and this is true, but this does not mean at all that you need to call a specialist for washing. With the care of PVC stretch ceilings in any room, any woman or man who can climb on a chair or stool will do an excellent job.

What to do before washing

Vacuum cleaning of stretch ceilings

And now, attention! Every hostess is really very interested in how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home. Indeed, the stains remaining after washing on all smooth surfaces very unpleasant and main reason this is the most common dust (rarely a supersaturated washing solution). In a humid environment, the powders soak and turn into dirt that cannot be completely removed from the first pass.

It can be everywhere - even in the bathroom, despite the fact that this is a room with high humidity and protected from street dust. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself - before washing, you need to clean the surface of dust. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner, soft brush, broom or just a dry cloth.

The most suitable detergents

Detergents and tools for the maintenance of PVC stretch ceilings

If we talk about tools, then there are few of them - this is an ordinary dish sponge (foam rubber) and soft napkins. You can also use scraps of soft fabrics that absorb moisture well, such as soft wool, fiber or bike. Extension cords are also used for high ceilings, but here you can’t really dream up too much - it can be a mop or paint roller on a long handle.

There are much more detergents, for example, from modern branded ones you can list such as:

  1. edel weiss;
  2. Sofitto (Vran);
  3. Altezza;
  4. aron;
  5. new life;
  6. clan style;
  7. Premiere.

But these are only special tools, and even then only a small fraction of them, and in fact they most often use improvised means, most of which, as usual, are in every home. These are detergents for windows and mirrors, a spray for washing glass surfaces, liquid formulations for washing dishes or just laundry soap, from which you can make a soap solution.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to use any detergents that contain abrasive substances (this includes dry washing powders, soda) and acetone-containing compounds. It is also highly undesirable to use dish brushes or hard hair brushes, even in small areas. This applies not only to glossy, but also to matte surfaces.

Before you start washing stretch ceilings made of PVC film, you should learn at least four rules:

  • Stretch fabric, it's not ceramic tile, which can be pressed where necessary! Control the pressure on the surface! In this case, the film should only slightly (by 1-3 mm) sag.
  • In the event that the ceilings are high and you have to use a stepladder, it must be checked for stability. In no case do not assemble a multi-story structure from chairs or stools - this can cause serious harm to your health!
  • If there are rings with stones on your hands (sizes do not matter), remove them - it is very easy to scratch the surface with stones and this cannot be corrected later.
  • Do not try to smoke in the work process - smoke that gets into your eye can distract you and you simply lose your balance and fall from your makeshift elevation.

Getting to the main part of the cleaning - my ceiling

Now let's figure out how to properly wash stretch ceilings different means, although in general there is no fundamental difference. Let's start with branded drugs - there are all dosages and The right way application is indicated by the manufacturer on the container, but these are only dosages, and everything else is completely identical.

Preparing the cleaning solution

After dusting the ceiling, you can start washing, but first you need to prepare a solution, unless, of course, you have purchased any branded drug. Consider the commonly available detergents that you mentioned above - they are all diluted in the same way, in warm water until foam appears. Just do not forget that this is not washing water and there should be very little foam, approximately, as in the top photo. There is one more nuance - the liquid on the surface will dry faster and there will be no streaks if you add a little ethyl or ammonia to it, about 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Note. If there is too much foam in the water, then you will have to wash again, since technically, you will not be able to collect all the soap solution in one pass. This measure is sometimes used, but only if the ceiling is too dirty (this is an exception to the rule, not a cleaning feature).

Video clip with tips on cleaning PVC stretch ceilings

  • Set up a couple of stools or a table so that one elevation is for you and the other for a container of water. However, for those who want to do fitness at the same time as cleaning, one elevation is enough - the container will remain on the floor.
  • If someone wants to help you wash - do not refuse. At least one person can move stools from place to place and you won't have to jump to the floor as often.
  • Start work from any corner (not from the middle, and even more so, not from the center). Move from one corner to another, but do not try to capture a lot at once - calculate your height, arm length and the height of your "pedestal". The same applies when using a mop or paint roller with an extension.
  • If this is a kitchen where there are grease stains, then first wash these places with the same solution, without worrying about streaks, and then start washing from the very beginning, as mentioned in paragraph No. 3.
  • For multi-level curly ceilings, a mop or a paint roller with an extension will not work, as there are many roundings and sharp corners that can only be reached by hand. If you neglect this rule, then small areas will remain unwashed, and this will negate all the work.
  • If you notice that the water is too soapy, dilute it so you don't have to go over the PVC again to remove the soapy streaks.
    In the event that you have a sufficiently adult assistant, he can wipe the surface after you with a semi-dry clean cloth.

A warning! On a stretch ceiling, there must be suspended or built-in lighting fixtures, and you have to work with a wet sponge or napkin. If you are not completely sure of the sufficient insulation of the fixtures, then it is better to clean during the day with the dif-automats or RCDs turned off (de-energize the ceiling).

Consequences of bad washing

Semi-dry cleaning of PVC stretch ceiling

Everyone is familiar with this saying: “And there is a hole in the old woman,” so even experienced craftsmen can make mistakes, not to mention housewives or their husbands. There are at least five mistakes or errors that are sometimes made when washing PVC stretch ceilings, which result in:

  1. scratches;
  2. abrasion;
  3. breaks;
  4. the film coating fades;
  5. divorce remains.

If the first three situations are irreparable, in any case, the restoration cannot be one hundred percent, then the last two (tarnishing and stains) can be corrected.

Tarnishing may appear as a result of the use of detergents with a high content of alkalis, and not over the entire stretch area, but only in places. It will not be possible to get rid of such spots quickly, it will take at least a few weeks. As you understand, the product was chosen unsuccessfully, so either buy some special preparation for washing stretch PVC ceilings (some of them were mentioned above), or use ordinary laundry soap, making it a light soapy solution. Wipe these stains with a soft kitchen towel, wool, flannelette or fiber 2-3 times a week. As a result, you will completely restore the original shine.

If there are stains left, then there are two ways and it all depends on the nature of the stains - they can be mud or chemical (detergent residues). In the first case, you need to re-wash the ceiling, but at the same time rinse the tool (rag or sponge) more often. In the second case, it is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth - the result will be visible immediately, so you can determine how often you need to rinse the cloth.

Video: Removing streaks - quick and easy


As you can see, it is not difficult to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home, if at the same time you show a little patience and care. As a rule, a correctly chosen or self-made detergent gives a 100% effect, but this is not particularly difficult.

Let's start with what a stretch ceiling is. So, Stretch ceiling is a unique material used for decoration, which perfectly combines practicality and sophistication.

Despite the assertion of some manufacturers that stretch ceilings do not need to be cleaned and washed at all, they still need to be washed from time to time. How and how to wash a stretch ceiling? The main material for the production of stretch ceilings is a special polyester fabric or PVC film. These are quite durable and resistant to various mechanical stress materials that can please you for many years. The main thing is to properly care for them, in particular cleaning and washing.

Starting washing the stretch ceiling, you should know that this is a very difficult task. Therefore, my stretch ceiling, after considering some important points. After all, improper washing of the tension material can lead to loss of color, clouding or deformation of the material.

Do not use detergents with abrasive particles: soda, powder, etc. to wash stretch ceilings. Abrasive particles can permanently damage fabric or PVC film. Also, for washing stretch fabrics, it is forbidden to use detergents with any alkalis or acids.

There are two ways to care for a stretch ceiling: dry and wet cleaning. Dry cleaning is performed with a soft, dry cloth, which is rubbed on the ceiling with non-pressing, gentle movements.

Wet cleaning is carried out with a damp sponge using non-aggressive detergents. Some people ask if stretch ceilings can be washed with brushes or a mop with a nozzle? It is strictly forbidden to wash the stretch ceiling with brushes with a scratching and piercing surface, as they can seriously damage the canvas, as well as with a mop. Regular cleaning or washing of ceilings will help keep them looking great, while stubborn dirt is very difficult to clean.

How to wash stretch ceilings?

How to wash a stretch ceiling in accordance with all the rules and what is required for this? To clean and wash the stretch ceiling, you will need:

soft napkins made of suede fabric or microfiber;
soft sponge;
vacuum cleaner with soft bristle brush head;
non-abrasive detergents.

Depending on the material of the stretch ceiling and the type of pollution, one or another method of cleaning and washing is used.
For example, to remove small dirt from a stretch ceiling: minor stains, dust, simply wipe the canvas with a damp and clean soft suede or microfiber cloth. After wet cleaning, wipe the cover with a dry cloth.

If the stretch ceiling is heavily soiled, more serious measures will have to be taken. If the ceiling after repair work heavily covered with dust, then a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment is used to clean it.
The brush must not touch the ceiling. It is best to drive it 2-3 centimeters from the canvas, otherwise the ceiling material may sag or be damaged.

Remove stains and other heavy soiling with a soft cloth or sponge using soapy water or detergent and then wipe dry with a soft, dry cloth.

Wash the ceiling with soft circular motions, without pressure and pressure. If the ceiling is made of suede polyester fabric, then you need to clean it only with a soft dry brush, again without pressure, with gentle movements. To restore the shine of the glossy surface of the ceiling, wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in 10% ammonia or glass cleaner. After such restoration, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth.

How can stretch ceilings be washed?

Having figured out a little how and with what to wash a stretch ceiling, let's try to figure out how to wash stretch ceilings, that is, which detergents are best used for these purposes, and which ones should absolutely not be used. The best and safest detergent for a stretch fabric is a regular soap solution. To obtain a soapy solution, it is enough to dilute a mild washing powder or planed laundry soap in warm water. Also suitable for washing ceilings is a window or dish cleaner. Before using the selected detergent for stretch ceilings, it must be checked for loyalty and safety to the ceiling material.

To do this, the detergent is applied to a small section of the stretch ceiling somewhere in an inconspicuous place. After some time, we check if the stain applied by the product does not leave marks and streaks, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

As for other detergents, there are products for sale today that are designed specifically for washing stretch ceilings, and which are more expensive than conventional detergents. But you should know that these "special" products are nothing more than a regular washing solution, although "universal". Therefore, when deciding how to wash stretch ceilings, give preference to soapy water or ordinary detergents, but not abrasive ones.

How to wash glossy ceilings?

Stretch ceilings are glossy or matte. To avoid streaks, it is best to wash glossy stretch ceilings with glass cleaners. But before washing the ceiling, the agent must be applied somewhere on the edge of the ceiling canvas and after a while check the reaction. To wash the glossy ceiling, use a soft suede or microfiber cloth, as well as special wipes for cleaning rooms. The reflective properties of glossy ceilings can also be improved with ammonia. After wiping the ceiling with a soft cloth moistened with ammonia, then wipe it dry with a dry suede or microfiber cloth.

The stretch ceiling is removed from building dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush nozzle. Stiff bristles with careless movement can scratch the glossy pvc film. The vacuum cleaner is turned on to the minimum or medium mode and, without touching the ceiling, drive the nozzle at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. In case of severe contamination, the ceiling is washed with a cleaning agent diluted according to the instructions, and then wiped dry with a clean, dry cloth.

How to wash matte ceilings?

The classic matte stretch ceiling most of all resembles a perfectly plastered surface. The material for such a ceiling is a canvas impregnated with polyurethane. The surface of matte ceilings is not subject to the appearance of cracks, scratches or dust settling, but they still need to be looked after from time to time. It is much easier to wash matte stretch ceilings than glossy ones, as there are no streaks left on them at all.


Care frosted ceiling mainly consists in cleaning it with water vapor, or washing it with a mild degreasing agent. After washing, the matte ceiling cloth is wiped dry with a soft cloth and polished.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings?

Fabric stretch ceilings are more fragile than PVC film stretch ceilings, so in order not to damage the canvas, fabric stretch ceilings should be washed carefully and carefully. When washing fabric ceilings, it is not recommended to use glass cleaners, since the dye that is part of some detergents can penetrate into the structure of the fabric and stain it in an undesirable color.

Also cannot be washed. fabric ceilings in circular motions - they will only create more divorces. It is better to wash the fabric ceiling with hand movements back and forth. In case of severe contamination, a powder solution can be used. In order to avoid damage, you can not rub the same section of the fabric panel for a long time.

How to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

The surface of the stretch ceiling installed in the kitchen gets dirty most often, especially if there is no hood in the kitchen. This is facilitated by greasy soot, which is formed from cooking on gas stove. Street dust that enters through an open window, as well as tobacco smoke (if there are smoking households in the family), also contributes. It is necessary to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen in the same way as in other rooms, using non-abrasive detergents and soft rags, sponges or napkins.

After washing the ceiling with a detergent, it is washed clean water and wipe dry. To clean the stretch ceiling from soot, you don’t need to use any special detergents at all; for this purpose, a regular dishwashing detergent or ammonia solution is quite suitable.

Secrets of perfect cleanliness of stretch ceilings

1. so that there are no streaks left on the washed ceiling, when washing, make a minimum of circular movements. The best option is to move from left to right, if there is a seam on the canvas - along the seam, but not across it;
2. before washing glossy stretch ceilings or structures made of matte film or fabric, it is worth conducting a safety test. A drop of detergent is applied to a sponge, then they are rubbed onto an area that is invisible to the eyes. If after 5-10 min. after applying the composition, the color and texture of the ceiling will not change, feel free to start washing the entire surface;
3. Manufacturers of stretch ceilings recommend using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. The recommendation should be used only if the installation ceiling structure carried out with the observance of technology. When it is loosely fixed around the perimeter, the use of a vacuum cleaner can disrupt the geometry of the ceiling, which will result in costly repairs. If the pollution is limited to one or two cobwebs, it is better to carefully remove them with a rag or whisk without help. household appliances. A vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle should be used after repair, when you need to remove a thick layer of dust. It is important to remember that the nozzle during cleaning should not come into direct contact with the ceiling surface. She is driven at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling, so as not to damage or stretch the tension material.

How often should cleaning be done?

As a rule, in terms of cleaning, the housewives are divided into two types: the first wash the contaminated surfaces when they are already dirty, the second do it with perfect pedantic regularity, not allowing the dirt to accumulate. In the case of stretch ceilings, the second option is more suitable, since stubborn stains are quite difficult to wash off.