How to poison cockroaches with the help of a specialist. Removing cockroaches: fast, efficient, reliable

  • 17.06.2019

Cockroaches have settled on our planet already 400 million years ago. Researchers of antiquity report that it was at this time that the first mention of them was found. Over the entire period of their evolution, they have changed their appearance and form new varieties.

By the way, these domestic insects have more than 5,000 species.

To get rid of cockroaches, you need to figure out where they come from. Basically, they start up where they are poorly cleaned. You can get rid of these pests with the help of dichlorvos, boric acid, folk remedies. You can also use professional cockroach control products. Read more about all this in the article below.

Cockroaches are representatives of arthropods that do not have a complete cycle of metamorphosis, that is, in the stage of development from a larva to a mature insect, they do not pass into the "pupa" stage. Thus, these beetles develop as follows: first, the female lays eggs, then larvae hatch from them, from

Red cockroach (Prussian)

which, in the future, an adult insect grows.

Let's consider the stages in more detail:

  • Each egg from the clutch is in a special leather shell called an ootheca. It completely protects future cockroaches from water and ingress of toxic substances. Within 3-4 weeks, the eggs develop in a favorable environment, after which they pass into the stage of the larva, already perfectly adapted to independent life.
  • A cockroach larva is called a nymph; outwardly, it practically does not differ from an adult, the only thing is that it is smaller in size.
  • Adult individuals, which are called adults, have a lighter color compared to larvae, they feed, by the way, on the same thing, and their behavior is similar. Sexually mature cockroaches have reproductive organs, as well as wings, but they practically do not use them.

Cockroaches live from about 3-4 months to 3-4 years. From the stage of the larva, which lasts for them from 1.5-2 months, they pass into the imago stage, in which they live their entire "conscious" life.

The breeding process of cockroaches occurs as follows: sexually mature females secrete a special fluid that attracts males who participate in mating using the genital plate located in the lower abdomen. After seclusion, the partners part, and after a while, the female lays in the ootheca. Then they wear it on their body for a week, after which they place it in a safe place.

What do cockroaches eat?

Cockroaches are omnivorous insects. They can eat like organic matter, all kinds of food leftovers, crumbs, drops of liquid, and inorganic such as nylon. These

Black cockroaches

arthropods are able to digest synthetic materials due to the large number of bacteria and enzymes that are in their digestive system involved in the breakdown.

Where do cockroaches come from?

Probably everyone who wondered how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment thought about why they appeared. Let's figure it out. Cockroaches, just like people, want to feel protected, so they choose for resettlement those rooms in which there is a lot of food, there is access to water, as well as many corners and cracks.

Your home will be a great habitat for cockroaches if you rarely do dry and wet cleaning, leave food particles in the kitchen and on various surfaces in your apartment or house, as well as leaving food uncovered and rarely taking out the trash.

Also, cockroaches can get into your house in other ways, we highlight the main ones, for example:

  • from neighbors' apartments through sockets, cracks and crevices;
  • you brought them from guests or from the store;
  • with the help of items that you gave to friends or acquaintances.

Thus, before proceeding to the description of the question of how to get rid of cockroaches forever, and find out which remedy for cockroaches is the most effective, I would like to note that they can appear in the cleanest room, where they are constantly monitored and in order. It should be borne in mind that they live not only in the kitchen, bath or places where they eat. Any corner of your apartment is suitable for cockroaches.

It is also worth remembering that these bugs are capable of carrying various microbes, as well as a huge number of infections. Microscopic worm eggs are able to cling to their paws, and then, when the insect moves, remain on the surfaces of cutlery, plates and food and enter the human body. Also, they can leave chitin scales from their body, which can cause allergy attacks.

If you find these arthropods in your home, then immediately find a remedy for cockroaches. Today there are a great many of them. The better to poison cockroaches in an apartment, everyone decides for himself, but we describe the most popular ways.

Getting rid of cockroaches forever

We already know a lot about the life and reproduction of cockroaches, we also know big number ways to get rid of them. Folk methods are known, as well as a rating of products sold in stores that help to remove cockroaches forever, while absolutely harmless to people and animals. How to poison cockroaches in an apartment, we'll talk further.

Many scientists, and even ordinary housewives, often argue about how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment, because this is usually not a one-time event, but a whole range of actions aimed at improving the sanitary condition of the premises. Consider some of the most popular cockroach remedies in

Currently, dichlorvos is quite safe for humans.


For many years, a huge number of housewives, faced with the appearance of unpleasant arthropods, believe that dichlorvos is the most the best remedy from cockroaches. From the time of the USSR, it could be purchased without problems in household chemical stores and, moreover, it always had an affordable price. Nowadays, there are many varieties of dichlorvos, which, in fact, have nothing similar to that Soviet "cockroach exterminator".

The basis of the Soviet dichlorvos was an organophosphate insecticide, this substance emitted toxic fumes that were harmful not only to cockroaches, but also to all residents of the apartment, including animals and humans.

With time chemical industry, which did not stand still, developed more gentle types of dichlorvos containing pyrethroids at their core. They are considered more effective, their action lasts much longer, does not have a sharp bad smell, and most importantly, baiting cockroaches with their help is completely safe for people and pets.

In order to qualitatively poison cockroaches, you must first of all understand how dichlorvos affects them. Its active substances, pyrethroids, are capable of exerting a paralytic effect on nervous system beetles, which then die. After spraying, particles of the substance settle on the surfaces where cockroaches crawl, on their chitinous cover, and in places of accumulation they are able to get through the spiracles.

Thus, Dichlorvos aerosol is one of the effective remedies for cockroaches if insects have appeared in your apartment. recently. It also allows you to get rid of them in one procedure with

Boric acid is effective against many pests

its correct implementation. If your apartment is heavily infested, then it may be necessary to re-etch the cockroaches in your apartment.

Boric acid

Many homeowners believe that boric acid- most effective remedy, which is able to eradicate cockroaches from your apartment. It is very popular because of its availability, versatility, and efficiency. Efficient and easy to handle boric acid is the most famous poison from cockroaches and other insects that interfere with a carefree life. At the same time, its use has both positive and negative sides.

So, boric acid consists of small grains, reminiscent of extra salt. It does not smell at all, it can be purchased at the pharmacy in powder form.

Boric acid is an excellent poison from cockroaches, its poison, when it enters the body of an insect, affects its nervous system, primarily irritating the peripheral nerve, the insect paralyzes, and then it dies. Thus, it is necessary to force the arthropods to eat the poison. Boric acid is an effective remedy for cockroaches, but only when it enters their digestive system, so the main task is to get the beetles to eat the poison. There are folk remedies, including boric acid, which help get rid of cockroaches. simple means at home, without resorting to pest control.

How to properly poison and destroy cockroaches with boric acid

Our grandmothers mixed boric powder bought at a pharmacy with eggs, cereals or other products so that the insect would eat the bait, which contains poison.

You can make your own cockroach trap

Nowadays, mixing food and boric acid is not necessary at all, just sprinkle the powder in those places where cockroaches are most likely to be found. For example, near the trash can, under or near the sink, and near the stove. Particles of poison that have stuck to the paws of an insect will fall with it into its dwelling, and there, with the help of its jaws, the cockroach will try to clean them and, accordingly, will swallow the poison.

Thus, with the help of boric acid, you can poison the cockroaches in the apartment on your own, and those that do not eat the poison will simply leave.

Boric acid is the best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, which is practically not dangerous to either people or animals, while it is an excellent antiseptic.

Folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches

Before you decide which way to use in the fight against these arthropods, you should know how best to get rid of the invasion of cockroaches with folk methods.

It is worth knowing that almost all insects do not like pungent odors, so if you are fighting them, or are afraid that they will enter your home, then wet cleaning surfaces, add half a bubble to the water ammonia.

Also, if you are looking for a way to effectively get rid of cockroaches, then remember: they are very afraid of the cold. In order for arthropods to stop feeling comfortable in your house and not to multiply, you should lower the temperature in the room to +7 degrees, and in order for cockroaches to die completely, you need the temperature to drop below zero and stand for at least 2-3 hours.

Professional cockroach control

If you are faced with the question: how to get cockroaches out of the apartment forever and you do not want to use folk remedies such as boric acid and dichlorvos, then you can choose other effective remedies. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • insecticidal gel and will help get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever, thanks to its pleasant smell, which is very popular with insects. They are much more attractive, even than bread crumbs. The most popular gels - face, Storm, Globall. Their price ranges from 70-200 rubles.

They are practically safe for humans and pets.

Gels should be applied in small drops, which are at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. They can also be perfectly removed with a damp cloth, as they do not contain fat in their composition. If you want to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever without removing the tenants from it, then insecticidal gels are what you need.

In an apartment heavily infested with cockroaches, the use of crayons is pointless, but if you know that your neighbors have them and periodically want to settle with you, then the crayons will scare them away perfectly.

The most famous of the crayons is called " Masha", It has been known for 10 years. At present, a lot of varieties of crayons are already known, but their action is similar and not always effective.

Prevention of the appearance of cockroaches

How to poison cockroaches

Among the huge selection of funds from cockroaches, you should remember a few rules for dealing with them.

First, they can adapt to poisons, sprays and powders. Secondly, before bullying, thoroughly clean the apartment and close up cracks and crevices. Thirdly, remove children and pets from the premises for a while. And, fourthly, remember, no matter how good and expensive the poison for cockroaches is, if, after persecuting insects, you do not maintain the sanitary condition of the premises, your uninvited "tenants" will return to you in speed.

It is difficult to poison cockroaches because of the quick adaptation of cockroaches to weak poisons, which are used primarily to kill insects. Cockroaches are so tenacious that they can survive nuclear war and adapt to high level radiation that would kill other inhabitants.

Cockroaches belong to the order of insects, of which there are more than 5 thousand species. The name of cockroaches comes from the word tar-aqan in translation, it means escaping, and since a cockroach can run at a speed of 20 centimeters per second, such a name is quite justified. In some eastern countries there is a game called cockroach racing, in which cockroaches are used for races.

If cockroaches are wound up in the house, then it will not be possible to starve them, because they are omnivores and can use wallpaper, leather, wood, and even glue. The only weakness of the carriers of the infection is water; cockroaches will not live long without liquid.

Cockroaches are the most common carriers of infections, so it is necessary to poison cockroaches as soon as they see the first pest so that they do not have time to multiply. Cockroaches cause not only a feeling of disgust, but also allergic reactions, and many other diseases.

There are those who are kept as pets, but this is quite rare in our country. You can use cockroaches as food for fish or inhabitants of the terrarium.

What is the best way to get rid of cockroaches

Cockroaches are very tenacious and easily adapt to poison, so before you start poisoning cockroaches, you should carefully remove food debris from the house, find the location of pests, and block access to water. If you live in an apartment or hostel, it is better to poison cockroaches at the same time as your neighbors in order to get rid of annoying insects for a long time.

They easily penetrate into cracks and small openings, and if you poison the cockroaches at home, they will move to the neighbors, and after a while they can return. If you cannot cope with the invasion of cockroaches on your own or you have little free time, you can call. Many companies offer services to eliminate insects in the shortest possible time.

What poison cockroaches?

  • Aerosols;
  • Traps for cockroaches;
  • Crayons, gels, powders;
  • Folk ways.

Aerosols - an effective insect repellent, Reid and Master 250 have earned a good reputation. To use an aerosol from cockroaches, it should be cleaned in rooms where pest control is planned. After preparing the room, you should take care of your own safety, you can not inhale the aerosol, so get a breathing mask in advance.

After treatment, the room should be ventilated for several hours, detailed information can be found on the insecticide jar. After complete ventilation, thoroughly wash the room with warm water.

Traps for cockroaches - quite effective and easy to use tool. The principle of action is to infect one cockroach that has fallen into a trap. The chemical acts slowly and the Prussian has time to infect his relatives, and those others. It is enough to get a few insects into the trap to completely get rid of these pests.

Traps include a small piece of cardboard covered with a sticky substance when hit, on which the cockroach sticks tightly and dies of starvation or from poisonous substances added to the adhesive substance.

The advantage of traps is ease of installation, no unpleasant odor and quick effect, and small size allow you to stick a trap in an inconspicuous place.

Crayons and powders - crayons do an excellent job with the task, it is necessary to draw stripes on inside furniture and wait for the results. Crayons are often used as a safety net after disinsection of the premises so that cockroaches do not return to the apartment.

Gels from cockroaches are used according to the same principle as crayons, applied to a dry surface where the Prussians live and left for a month, after which the procedure can be repeated.

Powders from cockroaches should be poured into the corners, in places where the largest number of cockroaches is observed. The powder is designed for long periods and can be left so that cockroaches do not return to your home.

Folk ways to deal with cockroaches - one of the most effective methods boric acid is used to control cockroaches. Boric acid can be diluted in water and put on the sink after wiping it dry and removing all the liquid from the table and nearby. Cockroaches can last more than a month without food, but they need water all the time, so they will drink and poison themselves.

Poisoned balls can be prepared from boiled yolk and boric acid, they should be mixed and rolled into small balls, and then spread out in places where cockroaches accumulate. It has no smell and taste, so cockroaches, without suspecting, use poison. Boric acid balls should be renewed after a month and make sure that your pets do not eat cockroach poison.

Less spread means:

  • Feverfew, a powder made from chamomile flowers, is scattered on the floor, where insects are often found.
  • Borax - similar to boric acid, is used as a component for making Prusak bait.
  • Pungent odors - cockroaches do not like some plants that smell strongly (geraniums). You can put several pots of geraniums on the windowsill and wipe the window sill, add turpentine or kerosene to the water while mopping.

Disinsection services

This method is suitable for people who want to quickly get rid of pests without wasting their time acquiring and testing various methods. It is better to leave cockroach poisoning to professionals who use fairly expensive equipment, and necessary fixtures to get the job done as quickly as possible. Many companies offer warranties on their work. Experts will tell you what to do to avoid the return of the Prussians and how much to ventilate the room so that the effects of chemicals stop and you can return to the room.

How to avoid re-invasion of cockroaches

After getting rid of insects, you should not rejoice if you ignore the order in your home, they may return soon. To avoid the reappearance of pests, you should remove the crumbs from the table and wipe the sink dry. It is necessary to change the poison several times and draw small lines again.

Faced such a terrible problem as the appearance of cockroaches. These unpleasant insects appear suddenly quickly, but it is very difficult to get such uninvited guests out. How to get rid of cockroaches forever with folk remedies or chemical poisons, we will tell in this article.

Can cockroaches be useful?!

I would like to note that cockroaches, it turns out, are not our enemies at all, but on the contrary - helpers! They are forced to eat up the remnants of our food, saving us from the appearance of dangerous infections and bacteria caused by spoiled foods. But the saddest thing is that, helping to "clean up", they themselves can be sources of various diseases. And in general, there is little pleasant when insects that cause disgusting feelings scurry around the house. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will find a person who would treat them with gratitude. Of course, with their appearance in the house, everyone thinks about how to get rid of domestic cockroaches.

What to do when they are already there?

There are a lot of ways to expel uninvited "guests", ranging from modern chemical aerosols, gels, crayons, etc. to old grandmother's recipes. This article will show you how to get rid of

First of all, put things in order in the house: carefully sweep or vacuum the floor, the joints between the cushions of the sofas, soft chairs. Then, with a good disinfectant, wash all the problem areas in the apartment, paying special attention to the kitchen.

If you add to the detergent ammonia, then you will do even better - cockroaches cannot stand it.

It is worth saying a few words about store-bought means of getting rid of cockroaches.

Let's go shopping

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches using chemicals? There are a wide variety of gels, aerosols and others on the shelves of hardware stores:

  • Traps. Plastic boxes with poison inside. They are attached with Velcro and poison cockroaches.
  • Gel. It is applied with a syringe in places of the greatest accumulation of insects.
  • Crayons. Looks like regular children's drawing crayons. They process skirting boards, walls, cracks.
  • Aerosols. Sprayed in problem areas of the apartment, especially in the kitchen and in the toilet.

But not everyone buys newfangled chemicals because it is not at all The best way get rid of cockroaches. After all, they all contain poison, which means they are harmful not only to these insects, but also to the person himself. Vapors of chemicals have a negative effect on our body, weakening the immune system and making it impossible to resist various infections. And if there are small children or animals in the house, then this method becomes completely dangerous. Toddlers crawling on the floor can accidentally put their fingers in their mouths and thereby get severe poisoning. But cats and dogs of small breeds are waiting for a completely sad fate: when washing, they lick their paws and wool, on which traces of pesticides may remain. And then many of them die. In addition, such funds have a sharp bad smell, which can cause allergies in sensitive people. In addition, many consumers note that cockroaches disappear only for a while, and then reappear, or they simply become smaller.

So, you have cockroaches. How to get rid of them without using any means of modern "chemistry"? And here there is only one solution - to use something more sparing. For example, folk ways to get rid of cockroaches can help you.

Temperature effect

Cockroaches are insanely afraid of the cold. If the temperature in the room drops to 5 degrees, then the life of your insects will be in danger. They will hide wherever possible and look for a warmer shelter. Of course, this method is not entirely suitable for apartments, because it threatens to break the pipes of the fuel system, but for summer cottages, houses with furnace heating may well be used. Open all windows and doors and ventilate the room for several hours. Of course, the temperature outside should be minus. And the result will not keep you waiting.

Homemade cockroach traps

Store-bought traps that use chemicals may well be replaced by homemade traps. Only the principle of influence they have is completely different. On a strip of adhesive tape or ordinary cardboard, you need to drop glue, and next to it - droplets of honey or jam as bait. Putting such traps is worth in places of the greatest accumulation of cockroaches. They will come to the sweet bait, but they will not be destined to leave from there, most likely they will stick and will not be able to escape.

Also, the trap can be made in another way. To do this, you need a small glass jar, lubricated inside with oil. It is necessary to put something edible in it, some add beer. Then uninvited guests they will climb inside for a treat, but thanks to the slippery oil, they will not be able to crawl out. And if these methods do not help, how to get rid of cockroaches? Effective method Still, there is, however, you have to learn how to conduct experiments.

No water - no cockroaches

Everyone knows that these annoying insects can live for a very long time without food, but water is the source of life for them. What is most surprising, the liquid is even a poison neutralizer for them! If a cockroach ate poison, but managed to drink it well with water, then its chances of continuing life are very high. By the way, if you stepped on him or slightly crushed him, then he will also remain alive: the restorative ability of his body can only be envied! Therefore, starting the fight with your mustachioed enemy, start by depriving him of the most valuable thing - water. Try to dry all wet corners of your home, and wipe the sink with a rag. Even if after that they do not completely disappear, they will certainly weaken, and it will be easier to defeat them by another method.

Boric acid to the rescue

Another favorite method of dealing with cockroaches is the use of boric acid. This is also a kind of poison, but it is not harmful to the human body. But for small pets it can be fatal, so you need to know the rules on how to get rid of

Loose powder of this acid is laid out around the apartment where there is most moisture. After all, as you know, without water, cockroaches will not live long.

The principle of the effect of boric acid is as follows: the insect eats this poison and cannot drink water. But just a cockroach will not eat powder - it's tasteless, but mixed with food - very much nothing. Therefore, acid is mixed with food according to various recipes. Most often, ingredients such as an egg, boiled potatoes, boric acid and a little oil are useful for preparing poison.

Mash all these ingredients with a fork and mix into a dense porridge. The egg will hold the mass together, and the potatoes and butter will be a tasty bait. Now you should roll small balls from this dough and scatter them where your uninvited "friends" most often like to be. Smelling the smell of food, the cockroach will come to him. As soon as the insects eat such a mixture, they will begin to die one by one. The rest will not live where their brothers die, and will quickly run away.

Now you already know how to get rid of it, but this is not the whole list of methods.

Harsh odors are not for them

One of distinctive features of our baleen insects is orientation in space by smell. But if they are deceived and interrupted by the familiar aroma by which they find food and water, then they will have no choice but to leave your house and look for something more suitable. An essential oil can be such an agent.

These oils are obtained from many plants. Now we will tell you in more detail how to get rid of cockroaches. Funds from essential oils applied with a cotton swab, and to treat a large surface they are added to water. First of all, they lubricate those areas where cockroaches like to visit most often. They are usually found near water.

Treat the bathroom, pipes, faucets most intensively. On those areas that cannot be lubricated, put a swab or cloth soaked in pure oil.

Do not forget about the trash can - it contains the largest accumulation of food residues.

But this method is good for those who do not react to the strong smells of essential oils. In large quantities, they can adversely affect your well-being, causing a headache.

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches with borax

Any remedy for annoying mustachioed insects has its negative sides. Anything that can be harmful to a child. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before using anything. Another good way to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies is borax. This is also a powder with which to prepare a poisonous "menu".

You will need not a large number of powdered sugar or granulated sugar, vanillin and starch. All this is mixed to a thick mass, divided into pieces and laid out in favorite places for cockroaches. Vanillin perfectly attracts the attention of mustachios to the poisoned bait. This method is very similar to the boric acid method, and borax can also be added to egg and potato slurry.

Try to carefully process the toilet and kitchen. Lay out the resulting lumps everywhere: between cabinets, under the sink, near the trash can. The more poisonous delicacies cockroaches taste, the higher the chances of getting rid of them forever.

Say "No" to cockroaches!

We have described quite a few universal poisons and how to get rid of cockroaches. Feedback from those who have used these methods is mostly positive. Of course, folk methods may not be as effective as purchased chemicals, but their main advantage is relative safety for humans. Do not panic if you see cockroaches in your home. There are no invincibles! Being savvy, you will cope with this trouble in the shortest possible time, knowing how to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies.

At the moment, there are a fairly large number of various methods that will make the destruction of "uninvited" guests very successful business. In this article, we will analyze how to poison cockroaches at home is best to get rid of pests once and for all.

First, we propose to deal with the reasons, after which it will be possible to declare war on them.

Is it possible to carry out pest control at home correctly, without the intervention of specialized teams or the use of strong chemicals? Yes! Below is a list of the most available funds for an independent solution to the problem with cockroaches in an apartment or a private house.

Traditional means

You should start with very popular insecticides in the form of aerosols. The modern market offers its consumer a large list of excellent sprays that qualitatively destroy pests in almost any room.

The advantages of such aerosols are obvious:

  • Ease of use;
  • High efficiency;
  • Relatively affordable price;
  • Great variety on the market.

When once again the question arises of how to poison cockroaches in an apartment on your own, it is these aerosols that come to mind first.

The most popular and effective representatives of this product group are:

  • Raptor;
  • raid;
  • GETT;
  • Delia and others.

The main thing in this case is to pick up a spray and start using it actively. It is advisable to persecute cockroaches in protective gloves to minimize negative impact on the skin. The only disadvantage of such pest control is the relatively rapid consumption of the corresponding aerosol. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to change the cylinders.

Factory "chips"

If a person does not know what is the best way to poison cockroaches in an apartment or house, then he should use some factory tools.

The most popular include:

  • Various gels (for example,);
  • Poisoned baits;
  • Traps for cockroaches and other analogues.

All these devices can help get rid of cockroaches forever. The main thing is to follow the instructions for their use. Basically, it is necessary to place poisoned products and traps in places where the Prussians are potentially most concentrated.

Thus, it will be possible to cause maximum damage to the pest colonies. The manufacturers of the respective substances are about the same as the sprays, so the average consumer should not have any problems purchasing a cockroach remedy.

How to poison cockroaches at home according to folk recipes?

But what to do if there is no desire to use a variety of "chemistry" - how to poison cockroaches in an apartment? Despite all the effectiveness, ease of use and safety of all modern cockroach sprays, many people try to avoid these products. They give preference to those who practiced many years ago.

The most justified folk remedies at the moment remain:

  • . This method is especially popular among students who do not want to spend a lot of money, but want to forget about the cockroach problem forever. By itself, boric acid is a powerful nerve poison for insects. However, they need to eat it. The substance has no smell, but looks like a regular white powder. In this form, it does not attract the Prussians, so boric acid is added to specially prepared balls and "cakes". To create them, improvised products are used. Most often it is flour, sugar, chicken eggs, boiled potatoes and the like. The main thing is to create something like dough and make poisonous baits. It is necessary to arrange poison in places of potential accumulation of cockroaches. A similar end result can be achieved by simply sprinkling boric acid along baseboards, near a trash can or toilet. When it gets on the paws of insects, the poison then penetrates the digestive tract. The cockroach, cleaning its legs, swallows the crystals of the substance.
  • Use of deterrents. The most popular in this case is ammonia. It has a powerful scent that repels cockroaches. It is added to water while washing floors. Such cleaning helps to reduce the pest population. However, not by destroying them, but by scaring them away. Cockroaches can run away to any nearby premises. That is why neighbors are often not happy with such a “gift” from other residents of the house.
  • Turpentine and kerosene are repellents that are rarely used. The fact is that their smell can make not only insects run away, but also people. However, this method remains really effective.

As you can see, to solve the problem of how to poison cockroaches, a person always has a lot of options. The main thing is to choose the most suitable in a particular case. If there is no desire or no result from all attempts made, you can call a specialized team. An insecticidal service will be able to eradicate cockroaches in any room, however, it will cost accordingly.

Electrical appliances in the fight against the Prussians

In addition to traditional sprays and folk methods of dealing with cockroaches, there is also whole line electric, which demonstrate good end results. On the modern market you can find a huge number of different devices, however, not all of them are effective.

Conventionally, all of them should be divided into:

  1. Fumigators;
  2. Devices generating ultrasound;
  3. Electromagnetic repellers.

The first group consists of small devices for home use. The mechanism of action of fumigators is to heat the appropriate insecticide and evaporate it. Thus, it is possible to cover enough large space. Exist different models using different preparations against cockroaches. Nevertheless, the idea is the same - along with smoke, poisonous gas for insects spreads through the apartment or house, gradually destroying the pests.

Ultrasonic repellers are presented on the market with a large number of different models. The mechanism of action of these devices is based on the generation of high frequency sound, which should scare away cockroaches. In practice, it is clear that the effectiveness of such a struggle very often wishes for the best, therefore, it is not always worth trusting colorful advertising for the home extermination of the Prussians. In addition, the price of such devices often "bites".

Electromagnetic repellers are somewhat reminiscent of ultrasonic counterparts. They often look almost the same, only the mechanism of action is slightly different. In this case, the main emphasis is on generating a strong electromagnetic field, which affects the nervous system of cockroaches and causes them a number of discomfort forcing them to leave their homes. Such devices also have a number of disadvantages and are unlikely to ever be able to completely displace classical insecticides from the market.

Or the apartment can be quite varied. What kind of method of destruction or scaring off the Prussians a person chooses depends only on himself and his financial capabilities.

The results of using the fumigator can be seen in this video:

There are more than one hundred thousand species of them on the planet, but only one, popularly referred to as the Prusak (red cockroach), is capable of harming a person. The Prussians very quickly adapt to any living conditions, they are absolutely omnivorous, they breed well. The appearance of a pair of Prussians in the apartment means that soon you will encounter a whole cockroach civilization that has taken apartment house. How to eradicate cockroaches in a house where many families live? This process is difficult, but quite feasible.

Why do cockroaches need to be destroyed, and immediately after they settle in an apartment or house? Prussians carry many diseases on their paws. This includes dysentery, hepatitis, and tuberculosis. And according to the latest data, the red "brothers" have bacteria that contribute to the development of stomach cancer.

We poison cockroaches together
Whichever method you choose to kill cockroaches, make sure that it does not harm your children and pets. Hide funds away hard-to-reach places. Having decided to destroy the Prussians, try to temporarily remove your pets from your house or apartment, which can eat a poisoned cockroach and become seriously ill.

  1. The best way to remove the Prussians from the house is to call a special service from the city center for hygiene and epidemiology to carry out a comprehensive treatment of the entire house. The products used by disinfectants do not have a strong odor, but they last a long time. But to call SES employees, you need to get the consent of the neighbors. And then you can forget about the Prussians for several years.
  2. To eradicate cockroaches for a short period of time, reducing their population, special crayons will help. Circle the "routes" of the movement of cockroaches with them.
  3. Commercially available cockroach gels are also effective. Apply them to walls, skirting boards, back walls of furniture. Please note that such a gel must be distributed throughout all the rooms in the apartment, and not just in the kitchen and bathroom, where most Prussians live. The only negative: such a tool has a limited duration, so cockroaches, having disappeared, can come again. Use the gel regularly to keep cockroaches from coming back.
  4. Boric acid helps from folk remedies. Mix it with egg yolk and boiled potatoes, make small balls, put it near all the cracks, baseboards, preferably throughout the apartment. You may not be able to eradicate the cockroaches in the apartment completely, but significantly reduce their numbers.
  5. Bait traps are another interesting method of dealing with cockroaches. Put the leftover food (cheese, bacon, sausage) in a jar wrapped in cloth or paper (so that it is convenient for cockroaches to get in) and wait for your uninvited guests to get in there to feast on. It will take a long time to get rid of the Prussians by this method.

    Cockroaches love the smell ground coffee, so you can place jars half-filled with water with one glass of coffee in the places where they are most concentrated. After the Prussians get into "conclusion", pour coffee with cockroaches into the toilet and flush thoroughly.

  6. When buying special aerosols from cockroaches, always follow the instructions clearly so as not to harm yourself. Now there are a lot of similar products on sale, they differ in the country of origin and price, consult with a sales assistant, which one will destroy cockroaches faster.
  7. Means for garden and garden pests can also eradicate cockroaches from an apartment. Take just one ampoule, dilute it in a glass of water and apply to all places of movement of nimble Prussians.
  8. Cockroaches, both red and black, do not like the smell of ammonia. Add a few drops to a bucket and clean your floors more often.
  9. One of the most harmless remedies is pyrethrum powder (Caucasian chamomile). Purchase it at a pharmacy along with a rubber bulb, gently spray it in places where Prussians accumulate. Borax powder mixed with powdered sugar produces a similar effect.
  10. Extreme method of extermination of cockroaches. If the malicious Prussians settled in a private house with stove heating, stop heating the house in winter, stay with relatives or friends for a few days. As soon as the temperature in the house is -7 degrees, all cockroaches will die.
How to prevent the re-invasion of the Prussians: prevention
More than anything, cockroaches hate cleanliness. Therefore, in apartments where asocial elements live, who do not bother to put things in order, cockroaches feel great. As soon as you got rid of the Prussians with poisons or folk ways, put the apartment in order. No buckets with a lot of garbage, especially in the heat! I wash dishes with leftover food immediately after eating; it is absolutely impossible to leave them in the sink at night! Get your kitchen and bathroom faucets in order so they don't leak. Cockroaches can't live long without water.