How to plant a strawberry mustache. Strawberry

  • 17.06.2019

There is always a lot to do in the garden. Planting, watering, weeding, processing. All operations must be completed in due time, otherwise good harvest not see. A like and why this operation is necessary, we learn from the article.

Why do you need to transplant strawberries?

Answering this question, gardeners will give several reasons:

  1. Garden strawberries have a growth feature- the bush actively develops the first 2-3 years. Further, strawberries begin to "age" and the yield drops sharply.
  2. If you do not transplant a bush, then it will “get sick”. For 2-3 years, pathogens and pests that are detrimental to strawberries accumulate in the soil.
  3. Each year, the buds from which the mustache grows rise higher up the stem. Because of this, the bush ceases to actively bloom and the berries become smaller.

The main reason why strawberries need to be transplanted is a noticeable yield loss in the fourth and subsequent years of plant growth in one place.

This procedure is carried out both with remontant or reusable, and with disposable varieties. Transplantation allows you to renew and rejuvenate strawberries.

You can not transplant the old bush. In this case, the procedure will not bring the desired result. Each time it is necessary to update the plantation with new plants. It is better to perform this operation once every 2-3 years.

When is the best time to plant strawberries?

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Transplant methods

Before planting, you need to prepare the site. has its own characteristics and preferences. To get a good harvest, you need a certain soil, a seating pattern, fertilizers and other nuances.

Strawberries have small roots. For this reason, it is not necessary to place the plant deep. When planting, use a small spatula. With its help, a hole is made, up to 15 centimeters deep. A strawberry sprout is placed in it.

Landing pattern

It is important to choose the right distance between strawberry bushes. The illumination of the plant depends on this factor. If the sun's rays hit all the bushes evenly, then the ripening of the berries will be friendly. In addition, the "security" of the plant with all the necessary nutrients and moisture depends on the distance between the bushes.

To achieve this goal, a suitable seating scheme is selected:

For better illumination, strawberries are planted along the east-west line. In this case, the sun's rays evenly penetrate to each plant.

Transplant actions

It is impossible to plant strawberries simply by moving one bush to a new place. When performing the procedure, additional work is done, without which it is impossible to achieve good survival.

What fertilizers to apply?

First of all, prepare the soil - it needs to be fed. In order for the planted to take root, top dressing is applied to the soil.

For each square meter plot:

When fertilizing, I dig the bed shallowly for even distribution. A day before planting strawberries, the soil is well shed.

Do I need to trim the leaves and tops?

Moving a plant to a new location is stressful. The bush needs strength and nutrients to adapt. To facilitate this task, it is desirable to reduce the size of the plant. Dried and damaged leaves are necessarily removed. The mustache is also removed. No more than 3-5 green leaves remain on the bush. In this case, the plant will lose less moisture and take root better in a new place.

What to process?

When planting strawberries, the plant becomes weak. To cope with pests and diseases, it must be disinfected.

To do this, gardeners use folk recipe- prepare a remedy from tomato tops:

A decoction of tomato tops also helps with powdery mildew. And also the tool increases the chance for better adaptation and resistance to winter cold.

Processing is carried out using special means. Apply agrochemicals "Fitop" or "Fitosporin". One tablespoon of the product, diluted in a bucket of water, is enough for 2 square meters. m. landing. Agrochemicals improve the chances of a good harvest next year.

Mulching beds

To improve adaptation and reduce their troubles in caring for planted strawberries, gardeners resort to tricks. Today, planting a plant with the use of covering material is very popular.


  1. Spunbond. Modern black agrofibre. Service life is 4 years;
  2. Film is used instead of fabric. When choosing a material, pay attention to its thickness and tensile strength.

The second option is cheaper. Spunbond lasts longer, is stronger and does not harm the soil.

Used for mulch agrofibre or black film. In this case, the plants growing under the material will not receive sunlight. This will keep the weeds from growing. And also the black surface heats up better.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Caring for transplanted strawberries

After planting young plants in a new place, the first 15 days are required to carefully monitor the condition of the bushes.

If everything is done correctly, then in 1-2 weeks the roots will be strengthened in a new place. After 1 month, it will already be seen whether the plant has taken root or not.

Difficulties after transplant - how to cope?

Planting strawberries is a simple task. At correct execution all the recommendations of the plant take root well. But there are also troubles. You need to know how to deal with them.

If strawberries turn red after transplantation?

Strawberries can turn red for a number of reasons:

If transplanted strawberries wither?

There are several reasons why strawberries can wither:

  1. Lack or excess of moisture. The soil, especially after transplanting, should be constantly moist. But strawberries do not tolerate stagnant water;
  2. Little sun. It is necessary to plant strawberries where it will not be in the shade;
  3. "Attack" of pests or fungi. Chemical agents are used here;
  4. Lack of phosphorus or potassium. The situation is easily corrected by fertilizing.

If you choose the wrong place, it is impossible to help. Will have to replant again. In other cases, problems can be dealt with.

Video: how to rejuvenate strawberries?


When planting strawberries in the country, different methods are used. The bush of the plant is easily divided into horns. In another method, sprouts are obtained from mustaches. It is important to plant the plant correctly. First of all, choose a sunny, flood-free area with non-acidic soil.

Further, fertilize and plant plants in accordance with the chosen scheme. After transplanted, you need to care for strawberries according to certain rules. If you do everything right and on time, then a good harvest will please you already for next year.

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries (except that it can compete here). It is valued for its excellent taste, excellent aroma, beneficial features and the most delicious compote, which is obtained from it.

It is not surprising that many gardeners and gardeners are trying to grow it on their plots in summer time, and in winter - in greenhouses. However, not everyone is able to shoot big harvest because this culture is finicky. It is difficult for novice gardeners to grow this queen of berries and create all the conditions for abundant fruiting.

To understand all this, you should use the tips that will be useful at all stages of growing strawberries.

The main mistakes when growing strawberries

  1. Too dense and frequent planting. Strawberries grow quite well and planting bushes too often will interfere with development.
  2. Not cutting the "antennae". Many gardeners prefer not to cut the so-called mustaches of strawberry bushes, as it grows with their help. But this is quite bad for the crop. Sprawling strawberries less strength and substances spends on the formation of berries. So if your goal is precisely the berry itself, then these very mustaches should be trimmed from time to time
  3. Landing in a place that is illuminated by the sun all day. Even though strawberries are a sun-loving berry and need plenty of it, too much exposure to the sun can cause desiccation and sunburn. Provide either partly shade plant or a special shelter-canopy.

For every summer resident it will be interesting to know what is happening in the world. Catalog of services that are provided in the most various fields life will be very interesting

SHIELD BLUEBERRY Shield (or tall) blueberry is the most common blueberry variety cultivated in household farms. Berries


Planting strawberries is one of the most important technologies for organizing a fruit and berry plot in the country or near your own home. This tasty and healthy berry just asks for a plot, and growing it does not seem to be something very difficult. To provide oneself with such vitamins is within the power of any person, at least a little familiar with the cultivation of the land.

When is the best time to plant?

With all the simplicity of obtaining berry abundance, a serious approach to growing plants is required, and the correct and timely planting of strawberries is the key to a future harvest. The technology of this operation has its own subtleties and features, and at the first attempt to implement it, it is worth considering the advice and wishes of experienced gardeners who have been growing berries for several years and who know how to plant strawberries correctly.

Strawberry or garden strawberry is considered a rather labor-intensive crop, and planting and caring for it require the implementation of certain rules for preparing the soil, watering, fertilizing, etc. The solution to the question of how to properly grow strawberries depends largely on climate zone and berry varieties.

You can plant strawberries in spring and autumn. In areas open to the wind and located in a climatic region with a predominance of cold winters with little snow, it is better to move the planting time to spring, when young seedlings have time to get stronger over the summer and will be able to withstand frost. In most areas, preference is given to autumn planting subject to favorable weather.

Spring planting of strawberries is carried out as early as possible, but subject to complete thawing and warming up of the soil after winter. In the regions middle lane In Russia, the period from April 15 to May 5 is considered optimal, but, of course, taking into account real weather. At the same time, it should be remembered that late-planted seedlings develop slowly and may die. In the southern regions, planting can be carried out starting from the first decade of March.

Autumn planting (summer-autumn) is carried out from July 25 to September 5, and in the southern regions it can last until the last decade of October. An important condition for the start of this event is the presence of precipitation. It is pointless to plant a plant in dry weather, it is also impractical to plant seedlings at high air temperatures. Most Better conditions for landing - cloudy or rainy weather. Late autumn planting can lead to the death of the berry due to the rapid onset of frost on the soil. Autumn planting is considered the most profitable way also because by the time the strawberries are planted, its predecessors, early vegetables, will already be harvested.

Site selection and preparation

The future harvest depends on how the right place for the beds is chosen and the soil is prepared for planting. It is necessary to choose a place in advance and taking into account the following recommendations. The site for placing the berry must be flat; it is not recommended to make beds on slopes and in ravines. You can arrange a site in a lowland, but with good illumination and the exclusion of flooding by flood waters. It is undesirable to land on the south side, since in spring the snow melts faster here, which will cause waterlogging of the soil. The site must be protected from strong wind. An important condition is that strawberries should not be planted in the same place for more than 4 years in a row. It is best to plant 2-3 years, and then change the place.

In terms of composition, chernozem, loamy and sandy soil, as well as dark gray forest land are most suitable for growing strawberries. The berry bears fruit much worse on light gray, peaty, clayey, sandy and soddy-podzolic soil. The optimal acidity of the soil is pH in the range of 5-6.5. Occurrence level ground water should be at least 50 cm, and freezing of the soil to -7-8 ° C at a depth of less than 20 cm can lead to freezing of the roots.

Preparing the soil for planting involves, first of all, thorough cleaning of weeds and debris. It is best if land is allocated for the berry plant, where garlic, onions, legumes or root crops were previously grown. It is important to remove pest larvae from the soil. With a planned planting, the following technology for combating larvae is recommended: in the spring, the site is sown with green manure (lupine), which can be mowed by August, and after that the beds are processed special composition(for example, "Roundup", about 3 liters per 1 hectare).

Ways to plant strawberries

When strawberries are grown, they can be planted in several ways. They have various rules planting, preparing beds and care:

  1. Planting with individual bushes is characterized by separate planting of bushes with the exception of their interlacing, which ensures good ventilation and easy maintenance of each plant (frequent loosening, mulching, weed removal); as a result - large berries. Strawberry sockets are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, and mustaches are constantly removed to avoid weaving. The main disadvantage of this method is the increased complexity.
  2. Row planting is the most common way to grow strawberries. With this method of planting strawberries, it is important proper preparation beds - planting is carried out with a distance between rows of about 40 cm. The method can be implemented in two ways: single-line and two-line planting. In the first variant, seedlings are planted in a garden bed in one row (row) with a distance between bushes of 15-20 cm. A two-line variant is more common, when plants are planted in two rows on each bed. The preparation of beds for strawberries provides for the following scheme: the distance between the bushes is about 20 cm, between the lines - 30 cm, between the centers of the beds - about 70 cm.
  3. The nesting method is implemented by forming strawberry nests in the form of one central bush and six located around. Planting scheme: distance between plants in a nest - 6-8 cm, between nests in one row - 30 cm, between rows of nests - 40 cm. The advantage of the method is the possibility of planting more bushes.
  4. The carpet method is the easiest option for planting strawberries, but is rarely used due to the gradual decrease in the size of the berries. The essence of the method: the bushes are planted on a flat area, and the whiskers are not removed, which makes it possible to grow naturally.

seedling preparation

Seedlings should be planted as soon as possible. If necessary, it can be stored for 2-3 days only in the form buried in the ground with constant maintenance of humidity, in a cool place. For better survival of the acquired seedlings, it is recommended to dip its roots in a clay mash before planting - an aqueous solution of orange clay in a creamy consistency. More modern methods are also used - the roots are soaked in water with the addition of a growth biostimulant. Experienced summer residents also use a folk recipe - garlic infusion (200 ml of saturated infusion per 10 liters of water).

Before planting, seedlings must be carefully sorted, removing weak and diseased shoots. Seedling roots should be shortened to a length of 8-10 cm. Seedlings with the following parameters are recognized as the most suitable: root collar diameter - at least 6 mm, root length - at least 7 cm, root system - fibrous. When planting, sprouts are selected with 4-5 leaves, an intact apical bud and juicy root hairs. white color 3-4 cm long.

Landing technology

How to plant strawberries? First, a wide hole is made at the landing site with a depth of 15-18 cm. A nutrient mixture is prepared from the earth removed from the hole: earth, manure and compost (1 bucket each) with the addition of ash (2 cups). At the bottom of each hole, a small mound is made from this mixture. Then the seedlings are lowered into the hole so that the upper bud (heart or dew point) is located exactly at the level of the ground surface. The hole is covered with earth with a simultaneous slight compaction by hands. It is very important that the location of the apical bud relative to the ground is preserved.

Planted seedlings must be well watered - 0.5 liters per bush, and such watering should be provided within 9-10 days after planting. After planting strawberries, it must be mulched, for which needles are best suited, but you can use straw, dry grass or foliage, sawdust. After 13-15 days, it is advisable to carry out the first top dressing - an infusion of biohumus, bird droppings or herbal.

How to water strawberries

The most important element of strawberry care is the provision of watering. The following main methods are used: watering from a watering can for small beds; watering with a hose in the presence of water supply; well or borehole irrigation in the absence of running water; drip irrigation system for supplying water directly to the root; sprinkling method; watering in the furrows between the beds.

What to plant after strawberries?

Correct fit and growing strawberries provides excellent fruit, but there is one important nuance- after the plant remains quite depleted land.

This feature of the berry, firstly, limits its planting in one place for a maximum period of 4-5 years, and secondly, it leads to the problem that it can be planted after strawberries. The best option is garlic, which has an antimicrobial effect on the soil. On the empty beds or in the gap between the garlic beds, you can grow various greens - parsley, celery, etc.

In this article, we will consider current issues related to planting, transplanting and caring for strawberries.

When is it better to plant and transplant strawberries: in spring, summer or autumn, at what time?

Experienced gardeners know all the secrets of growing strawberries, so every year they get a rich harvest of fragrant berries from their beds. The material in this article will be useful for beginners or those who are just planning to grow strawberries.

This berry, although quite common, requires attention and special care. As well as fertilizing the soil, protecting against pests and bacteria, and many other tricks. But if you do everything right, you can enjoy the taste of strawberries grown by yourself.

First of all, it is important to remember that it is necessary to transplant strawberries once every 3-4 years. This period is the most optimal for a good harvest.

After this period, strawberries begin, as the people say, "degenerate". You yourself can notice that after 3-4 years the strawberry bush becomes weak, the berries are getting smaller, and their number also does not please with abundance.

Strawberries need to be transplanted every 3-4 years

Can you transplant strawberries? in early spring both autumn and summer. The weather should be warm outside.

Important: Plant strawberries on a warm overcast day in the evening. Then the plants will take root better.

  • As far as timing is concerned, autumn planting preferably completed by the end of September. If the climate allows, then you can wait until October.
  • spring planting it is desirable to finish before flowering. It's about April. At this time, active vegetation occurs, the bush will grow and take root.
  • rule summer planting: Strawberries are transplanted after fruiting. Approximate planting dates July-August.

Planting dates for strawberries in spring, summer and autumn

Soil preparation for planting, transplanting strawberries

Before planting or transplanting strawberries, you should carefully prepare the ground:

  1. Dig up the area.
  2. Apply fertilizer no later than 7-10 days before planting.
  3. Level the soil, break up the lumps of dirt.

Suitable as a fertilizer:

  • Litter
  • Humus
  • Compost

Important: Organic fertilizer is applied to the soil at the rate of 1 bucket per 1m².

Also used for strawberry yield superphosphate and potassium sulfate(60 and 30 gr per 1 m², respectively).

You can fertilize the soil with complex fertilizer, which can be purchased at a specialized store. Ask the seller to tell you which better fit just for strawberries.

Preparing the soil for transplanting strawberries

Important: When planting strawberries in the same place, it is recommended to "treat" the soil. This is done to prevent bacteria, pests.

This is done as follows:

  • Pour the area with a solution of soda ash (200 g of soda is taken for a 10 l bucket of water).
  • After 2-3 days, the soil should be disinfected with a solution of manganese (add 2-3 g of manganese per 10 l bucket of water).

This procedure must be done before planting strawberries.

Video: Preparing the soil for planting strawberries

After what crops is it better to plant strawberries?

Important: When planting strawberries, crop rotation rules should be taken into account.

Crop rotation- this is the correct alternation of crops in the garden, contributing to good yields.

If potatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and cabbage were the predecessors of strawberries, then do not expect a good harvest.

It is useful to plant strawberries after parsley, legumes and cereals.

Is it possible to plant strawberries after garlic and onions?

Important: Onions and garlic are the best precursors for strawberries.

Ripe strawberries

Planting and transplanting strawberries in the summer, in August with a mustache: ways, step by step instructions

The mustache propagation method is one of the most commonly used when planting strawberries. Why is this method good?

Sometimes a good variety of strawberries is expensive, and it turns out to buy several bushes good variety. Subsequently, from these few bushes with the help of a mustache, you can grow a whole plantation of strawberries.

To grow a bed of good, high-grade strawberries, it will take a long time to observe the whiskers and select the very best uterine whiskers.

Mustache breeding

It is done like this:

  1. In the first year, plant bushes and trim all mustaches, harvest the first crop of berries, identify the best and strongest bushes.
  2. After the harvest, that is, the end of summer-beginning of autumn, collect all the selected mother bushes, plant them in a separate area. In the spring, when the time for buds comes, cut off all the buds, but leave the antennae.
  3. Leave the largest mustache, small ones can be removed.
  4. Leave the whiskers to grow freely until June. Around this time, young rosettes will appear on the mustache.
  5. These young sockets should be dug a little into the loose earth and watered.
  6. Now you need to wait up to three weeks until the young seedlings grow.
  7. Shorten the ends of the mustache during this period, they also need to be watered, loosen the soil, hill up.
  8. 2 weeks before transplantation, cut off the mustache from the mother bush. Now the young bushes have switched to their own root nutrition.
  9. Now young bushes can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Important: If you plant strawberries in the summer, then over the winter it will take root well, gain strength, and next year you will already harvest your first crop.

The structure of the strawberry bush

What mustache from strawberries should be planted?

If your goal is to grow good strawberries, you need to choose the right mustache.

Mustaches need the strongest, growing from good quality bushes. The rest of the whiskers, which appear gradually on the bush, must be cut off so that they do not take strength from the mother bush.

Video: How to collect planting material - a mustache?

Planting and transplanting strawberries in the fall with a mustache and dividing the bush: methods, step by step instructions

Important: Young bushes should be planted during autumn planting before September 15th. Landing later threatens to freeze the bushes.

How to transplant strawberries with a mustache has already been described above. Let's try to deal with such a method as dividing a bush.

The division of the bush is considered by some to be an emergency method of propagating strawberries. It is advisable to use it in such cases:

  1. When there are not enough seedlings to propagate strawberries in the garden.
  2. When strawberries have no or little mustache (for example, remontant strawberries).
  3. When the strawberry is already producing small fruits and it needs a transplant.

At the end of the season, from one point of growth, young plant there are many points of growth. This large bush can be divided into many small ones. Select the roots that are the strongest and most solid. Leaves should not be affected.

  • Clean the roots of old strawberry bushes of brown dead parts. Leave only the part of the plant with live roots.
  • In order for the new bush to become stronger, it should be spudded. Only the growth point (heart) cannot be covered, otherwise the bush will die.
  • If the weather is hot, then shade the planted bushes with straw, grass, make a canopy and water daily until the bushes take root.

IMPORTANT: When propagating strawberries by dividing the bush, if propagated shortly after harvest, you will get a decent harvest from the transplanted bush the next summer. When breeding with a mustache, such a result cannot be achieved the next year.

Division of a strawberry bush

Planting strawberries in August, autumn on agrofibre: methods, step by step instructions

Important: Agrofibre is a breathable material that is used to cover the garden bed, and then seedlings are planted. Thanks to agrofibre, labor costs are reduced and productivity is increased.

Advantages planting strawberries on agrofiber:

  • Protects strawberries from weeds;
  • Dirt falls on the berries less during rain;
  • Protection of berries from pests;
  • After watering, moisture is stored under the agrofibre;
  • Under agrofibre, strawberries will painlessly survive frosts.

For planting strawberries, black agrofibre with a density of 60 g / m² is most often used. Before you buy agrofibre, calculate the size of the beds.

This is what agrofibre looks like

How to plant strawberries on agrofibre:

  1. Prepare the soil as described above.
  2. Lay agrofiber on the bed.
  3. Fasten the agrofibre along the edges with bricks, then on each side with wire studs.
  4. Then with a knife you need to outline the landing sites of the bushes.
  5. The cuts must be made crosswise.
  6. Wrap the edges of the cuts inward, plant a strawberry bush shallowly.
  7. After planting all the bushes, the bed should be watered from a hose with irrigation.

Important: To have access to the beds, put a board on the agrofibre, thus making a path. Thanks to such a path, the agrofibre will not deteriorate.

Video: Planting strawberries on agrofibre

How to water strawberries after planting?

After transplanting, strawberries need watering. However, you should not overdo it in this matter. From an excess of moisture, the roots will begin to rot. Also, water should not fall on the outlet, otherwise the bush will die.

For manual watering, it is better to take warm settled water. In warm weather, it is enough to water strawberries once a week early in the morning. When the rainy season begins, no additional watering is needed.

During the flowering period, strawberries especially need watering. Irrigation rate is approximately 10 l / m². When strawberries bloom, you need to use drip irrigation of the soil.

Important: You can not water strawberries little by little and often. Such actions can lead to fungal diseases.

Drip irrigation of strawberries

What can be planted next to strawberries?

Good neighbors for strawberries are the following crops:

  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Salad
  • Radish
  • Beet
  • Beans

How to feed strawberries in August, in the fall after transplantation?

For fertility, strawberries should be fed. It is necessary to apply both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers:

  1. Humus
  2. Compost
  3. chicken manure

From mineral fertilizers for the growth and harvest of strawberries, you need:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

Nitrogen fertilizers are responsible for the red color of the berry. Potassium - affect taste properties. If the ends of the leaves turn brown, this indicates a lack of potassium.

Important: Strawberries should be fed in several stages. The first time before planting during tillage. The second time - after the harvest. The last time you should fertilize in the fall.

Some believe that properly prepared soil before planting (transplanting) does not require feeding for about 3 years.

Nevertheless, most experts advise fertilizing strawberries, the yield and taste of berries depend on this.

After harvesting, plants need top dressing to restore strength in the form of complex mineral fertilizers.

Top dressing strawberries

Autumn top dressing should be completed before mid-September. You can feed mullein, chicken manure. Fertilizers are not used in pure form, but diluted in water. If you feed strawberries with pure litter, the plants will simply “burn out”.

Important: Fertilizers should be applied between the rows of strawberry bushes or under the bush, but not on the leaves. The aisles are covered with cow humus, thus forming a mulch for top dressing for several years.

Dilute litter or humus with water in the following proportion: 1 part of humus per 10 liters of water. Be sure to let this mixture brew for at least a day. Then you can add a glass of wood ash and 20 g of potash fertilizers to the solution.

Strawberries are a delicate fruit. At correct transplant, care and feeding, you will be able to harvest a good harvest from your beds for many years.

Video: How to feed strawberries?

Strawberries are the queen of berries! Every gardener looks forward to her harvest. For the successful cultivation of strawberries, it is necessary to choose the right seedlings, variety, plot, follow the planting technology and be ready for pest control.

Rules for planting strawberries - choosing a place and soil

Strawberries grow best on black earth, sandy or loamy soil, on southwestern slopes and dark forest soils. On light gray, clayey, peaty, soddy-podzolic or sandy soils, the strawberry crop will be much worse.

Strawberry planting rules - site preparation

Wireworm, strawberry nematode, Colorado potato beetle and other pests love such a delicacy as strawberries. Before planting strawberries, check the area for the presence of larvae. In the spring, after the snow dries up, all the remains of vegetation are collected and burned. If you find a lot of larvae - treat the soil with ammonia water, they die from it. In October, plow the ground to a depth of 30 centimeters. In spring, the earth is harrowed and cultivated to a depth of 15 centimeters.

Rules for planting strawberries - we determine the quality of seedlings

Seedling good quality must have a root neck with a diameter of at least six millimeters, and the root system is whiter than seven centimeters. On 1 bush there should be 3-5 leaves, whole apical soil and juicy white roots 3-5 centimeters long.

Strawberry seedlings, either locally selected or obtained externally, should be planted as soon as possible. If you are forced to reschedule planting, then seedlings can be stored for up to 3 days in the cellar, while the roots should be wrapped in a wet cloth.

Ways to plant strawberries - planting in rows

Bushes in this case are planted at a distance of 15 centimeters in 1 row. In the aisles, a strip 40 centimeters wide should be left for free access to plantings. When planting, the soil must be loosened, removing weeds and mustaches.

Advantages of the method: strawberries planted in rows grow well and bear fruit for 5-6 years.
Disadvantages of the method: labor-intensive planting process, weed control, mustache trimming, mulching, frequent loosening of the soil.

Methods for planting strawberries - planting free-standing bushes

Strawberries are planted one bush at a distance of 40-60 centimeters. Whiskers should be removed regularly. This is done so that the bushes develop intensively and bear fruit abundantly.
Advantages of the method: the fruits grow large, it saves planting material, minimizes the likelihood of putrefactive diseases.
Disadvantages of the method: the same as the first.

Ways to plant strawberries - carpet planting

This is the cheapest and easiest way to land. In this case, the whiskers of the bushes do not break off, which makes it possible for the berry to grow over the entire available area.

Thanks to this compacted method of placing bushes, a special microclimate is formed in the surface layer. This allows you to restrain the growth of weeds and retain moisture.
Advantages of the method: this is a very convenient way for those who rarely visit the country. Berries practically do not need watering, loosening and fertilizing due to natural mulching.
Disadvantages of the method: the berries will shrink over time.

Ways to plant strawberries - planting nests

Technology this method is to plant 6 more bushes around one plant at a distance of 5-7 centimeters. As a result, it should be regular hexagon. The distance between nests in one row should not be less than 25 centimeters.
Advantages of the method: it is planted much more plants than with the above methods, which provides a large yield.
Disadvantages of the method: a lot of planting material is needed.

After a while, gardeners begin to understand the issues of growing strawberries, and they themselves give advice to inexperienced summer residents. Planting strawberries should be treated as responsibly as possible. It will not be superfluous to talk with experienced amateur gardeners and re-read special literature. Please note that only with strict observance of agricultural practices can one hope for a good harvest.