At what temperature can strawberries be transplanted in the fall. When to transplant strawberries

  • 04.03.2020

To rejuvenate strawberry bushes, restore the ability of plants to bear fruit, or simply expand the garden, a strawberry transplant was invented to a new place. It is important to carry out the procedure correctly and at the right time. We will talk about when to transplant strawberries to a new place and how to do it in this article.

If you are determined to get a good harvest, transplanting strawberries to a new place should be part of the mandatory garden care. Usually the plant is planted once every three years. The first four years (maybe less, depending on the variety) strawberries grow strongly, after which the yield drops. In order for the plant to again begin to please with an abundance of fruits, it is necessary to transplant strawberries. Such a procedure will refresh the plantings. After transplanting, the strawberries will again bear fruit well. In addition, for several years, a lot of bacteria and pests have accumulated in the soil where the plants “lived”, so the transplant will benefit the strawberries.

When to transplant and plant strawberries

Before embarking on a plan, every farmer wonders when to transplant strawberries to a new place. Do not carry out the procedure under the scorching sun. The best transplant time is evening. It is best to build an awning for young shoots.

It is very important to take into account weather phenomena so that the plants take root well. You can transplant strawberries only in cool weather, when the air temperature does not exceed 20⁰С.

As for the time of year, the only season when strawberries should not be transplanted is winter. Spring, summer and autumn are considered suitable times. In all these cases, strawberry transplantation is equally successful.

Transplanting strawberries in the spring allows plants to take root over the summer, while the fruits appear only on next year. Planting strawberries in the summer is done after fruiting. And transplanting strawberries in the fall - great way harvest next summer.

Also in the question of when to transplant strawberries, it is worth considering the climatic features of the territory in which you grow them. Precipitation, the duration of the warm seasons, the time of the first cold weather - all this must be taken into account. In order for a berry to grow well, it needs certain temperature and humidity. Young plants should take root.

Transplant in the spring

When warm weather has settled on the street, and the bushes have come to life, a spring strawberry transplant will come in handy. Transplanted plants, subject to regular watering and protection from the aggressive sun, will quickly take root in a new place. It is important that the cold does not return, otherwise you will not get a harvest.

The timing of strawberry transplantation in the spring depends on the climatic characteristics of the region and the plant variety. Early varieties in warm regions transplanted in early April. However, if your area is characterized by a cool or unstable spring, it is better to wait until May. It is necessary to conduct an event before flowering begins. A berry transplanted in the spring is carefully looked after: watered and fed regularly.

How to transplant

At the first stage, the dead are removed for winter period, diseased and weak plants. Next, the transplanted plants are dug up with the roots. After that, wide and deep pits are prepared for planting. Sand is poured at the bottom of each of them with a ten-centimeter layer. During planting, they carefully monitor the "heart" of the plant; it should not be too deep or raised above the surface.

The soil is slightly tamped, and slightly loosened on top. If you decide to transplant strawberries in the spring, then you need to fertilize it for the first time two weeks after the procedure.

What to feed in spring

In addition to how to properly plant strawberries, in order to get a crop, you need to know how to take care of it further. An important part of care is top dressing. Strawberries are advised to feed three times a year: in early spring(in April), before flowering, at the end of fruiting.

The first feeding can be carried out with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Organics include: chicken manure, ash, manure, humus. Organic fertilizers are laid out under the bushes or applied as aqueous solutions. You should be careful with chicken manure, because of the large amount of nitrogen, its high concentration can harm the roots of the plant.

Inorganic fertilizers should contain potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium. You must strictly follow the instructions on the package. In an agricultural store, at your request, they can pick up the fertilizer that is optimal for your strawberry variety.

Summer transplant

The season when planting strawberries in order to expand the beds is best in summer. The same time is suitable for rejuvenating plantings and planting young rosettes. In summer, strawberries can be planted after fruiting. The specific time depends on which month a certain variety produces a crop. The best time for the procedure is July - August.

Several mother shoots are left on the bushes, the excess ones are cut off. Plants are diligently fertilized, strong sockets are planted from the mother bush. A new place for strawberries is prepared in advance. The rotted manure is brought in and digging is carried out. After the second digging, strawberries can be planted. It is important that the roots of the seedlings do not dry out. When the strawberries are transplanted, it remains only to follow the basic rules for care and prepare the plant for winter in time.

autumn planting

According to experienced gardeners, the time when it is better to transplant strawberries is autumn. This is the rainy season, so you don't have to worry about watering the "young." best month when it is most convenient to transplant garden strawberries is September, sometimes mid-October. Before winter, the plant has time to grow leaves and take root properly. With warming, young bushes begin to grow actively and bring the first harvest.

Transplant technology

A lot has already been written about how to properly transplant strawberries. There are a number of basic rules that must be followed in order for plants to give good harvest. It is best to choose the piece of land on which legumes, garlic, carrots, radishes, and beets used to grow. It is also good to plant strawberries after green manure plants.

But after tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and cabbage, you should not plant strawberries. If you do not have the opportunity to transfer your plantings to a site with suitable predecessors for the berry, you should disinfect the soil with fungicides.

Loose, slightly acidic soils should be selected for strawberries. The soil is prepared in advance, rotted compost is introduced. For one square meter leaves a bucket of fertilizer. Organics is the only thing worth feeding strawberries at this stage. Water the bed well the night before. Holes are dug just before planting. Between the bushes leave 20-15 cm, and between the rows - half a meter.

When propagating strawberries, remember that the plant reproduces by young rosettes, and some varieties by dividing the bush. For the procedure, only strong bushes are needed, with a root lobe of at least 5 cm in length and 4-5 leaves.

Before planting, the roots of the plant are lowered into hot water for 15 minutes. The water temperature should be around 50 degrees. Then for 10 minutes cold water. If it is not possible to immediately transplant, then the roots of the plant are wrapped with a wet rag and on top - cling film. After transplanting, you need to mulch.

If you use a two-line planting pattern, the distance between the bushes will be approximately 25 cm, and between the lines - 40 cm, with a bed width of 80 cm.

Remontant strawberry transplant

Often gardeners have questions related to transplanting remontant strawberries. After all, you don’t have to worry about strawberries when you can transplant them and propagate them with rosettes (mustache). But remontant strawberries propagate by dividing the bush, shoots or seeds.

The bush should be divided in the spring, after fruiting. Strong bushes dig up and clean their roots from the ground. The plant is divided with a knife, making sure not to damage the heart. At the same time, the transplanted part must have roots and at least three leaves. Last year's brown roots are removed, leaving white ones up to 7 cm long.

Small-fruited varieties are planted in a permanent place according to the scheme of 20x30 cm, and large-fruited varieties - 80x30 cm. Seedlings of remontant strawberries love light very much, but they do not tolerate excess moisture.

If you want to move old bushes to a new place, and not just expand the garden, keep in mind that this procedure is carried out every two years. It is better to spend it in September. At this time, it is still warm outside, and the plants will have time to take root before the cold weather. When transplanting, try not to bury the heart in the ground. In general, transplanting strawberries is almost as easy as transplanting strawberries. Repair strawberries can be planted in the ground for the summer, and in pots for the winter.

When to transplant strawberries? This question is asked by many gardeners who decide to plant a sweet berry. Despite the unambiguity of the question, the answers to it may be different.

What is suitable for transplantation

It is better to transplant strawberries that have reached the age of two. Such bushes have already developed their leaf and root systems to the maximum, but have not yet begun to age.

One-year-olds can also be transplanted, but only those that have grown out of the mustache. It is advisable to take only the bush that grows from the very first mustache. Such specimens usually have a well-developed root system, which increases the chance of a good start in a new place.

Strawberries need to be replanted every 3-4 years, since it bears fruit well on plantations only up to 5 years, after which it first reduces the yield, and then the plantation completely degenerates. For this reason, strawberries are often transplanted not in individual bushes, but in large quantities - in whole plantations.

How to transplant strawberries (video)

Optimal transplant timing: when in spring, in August, in autumn

In order to understand when to transplant strawberries, you need to know what you expect from this process. You can transplant bushes throughout the growing season. The main thing is to plant in warm enough soil so that the roots can develop. The timing of the first fruiting also depends on the timing of planting.

Transplantation in different time periods has its own characteristics.

  • Transplanting strawberries in the spring. This season, you should try to transplant as early as possible - as soon as the earth warms up by about 10 cm. It is more difficult to transplant strawberries in spring than in other periods. This is due to the risks of late frosts and the weak activity of transplanted plants. For this reason, it is necessary to decide when to start transplanting in the spring, taking into account regional characteristics. The limiting spring factor is not only the risk of frost, but also the likelihood strong winds which reduce the comfort of temperature and humidity. Try to choose calm cloudy weather with light rain for transplantation. Before you start replanting strawberries in the spring, you need to abundantly water those bushes that are supposed to be dug up, as well as the place of future planting. Bushes weakened during the winter are fed even before planting. They are kept for 20-30 minutes in a pre-prepared solution, which includes clay and manure.

  • Summer activities. When is the best time to transplant berries in summer? The answer to this question is unequivocal - in the period from July to August. The advantages of the summer and autumn period are that at this time there are already young bushes that have sprouted from the mustache. They have not yet taken deep roots, so transplanting strawberries will not be laborious - it will be enough to pry a bush with a small clod of earth and dig it in another place. There is only one drawback here - the roots of this young plant weak, so there is a risk of his death. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly prepare the ground, make a hole around each bush, and water regularly until the strawberries take root. So that after watering a crust does not form on the soil, it is necessary to constantly loosen.
  • Autumn transplant. Autumn is best time for transplanting strawberry bushes. In autumn it is already cool and there is more moisture, which reduces the laboriousness of the process and increases the survival rate of the bushes.

It is especially good to transplant strawberries in the fall. This is due to the fact that it blooms and bears fruit early, so replanting it in the spring may not result in a crop this year.

It is better to transplant strawberries in autumn from the end of August to the end of September. However, these numbers are averages. In different climatic regions, this interval may be longer or shorter. It is best to focus on the timing of the usual onset of the first frost. In order for the plant to have time to take root, you need to plant it 20 days before the first frost.

However, even in the fall, doubts may arise about when it is better to transplant strawberries. It would seem that cool autumn does not impose restrictions on the time of transplantation. And during this period it is better to adhere to the principle of cloudy weather and the afternoon.

Basic transplant rules

The basic rules, nuances and technological methods for transplanting strawberry bushes are clearly shown in the attached video. Here we give only the main principles and rules.

  • Do not dig up strawberries ahead of time, as the root hairs become weathered and dry out. Even overexposure of bushes in a plastic bag or in a vessel with water negatively affects the root system.
  • Some guides on how to properly transplant strawberries and strawberries advise cutting the roots and shaking off the earth from them. The rationale for this advice is ambiguous. Both of these procedures lead to severe damage to the roots, especially the root hairs, which break with the removed clods of earth. All this reduces the survivability of the planted bushes.
  • When transplanting bushes with a large number of leaves, or even more so with flowers, you need to remove the flowers and part of the leaves, leaving 3-4 leaves. This will reduce the intensity of water evaporation, which is extremely important for damaged roots.
  • After many plants have been transplanted at once, mulching with leaves, sawdust or peat should be carried out. This will avoid the need to frequently water the updated beds. Especially plentiful mulching should be carried out during the autumn transplant.

Strawberries: feeding and care (video)

  • It is necessary to plant bushes taking into account their growth. The gap between the rows of strawberries should be approximately 40-50 cm, between the bushes - no more than 30 cm. The width of the bed itself should not be more than 80-90 cm.
  • If you plant strawberries with a mustache, then try to select only those specimens that are closest to the mother bush.

Reviews and comments

  • Anyutka 25.05.2016

    I tried replanting strawberries in August. Yes, it already bears fruit in the spring, but during the winter more than half of the bushes disappear, not much takes root. I prefer to transplant strawberries in the spring: this way you can see how many have taken root, you can plant instead of the missing ones. Usually berries are in the same season on transplanted bushes, however, not many. But over the summer, the bushes grow and give an excellent harvest the next summer.

    Love 23.09.2019

    Good day! Share your experience or thoughts. I want to dig up strawberries, plant them in takanchiks for the winter, and plant them in fertilized soil in the spring. What is your opinion, will it be good? the site is not large, it is not possible to transplant to a new place, and, I think, it is too late already in the winter, so as not to die.

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  • When the fruits begin to shrink, but we still like the variety, we think about how to transplant the old strawberries. What bushes can be left? How to deal with obsolete bushes? Is it possible to transplant strawberries to the old place? All these issues, of course, require attention.

    How to determine that it is time to rejuvenate strawberries

    How to transplant old strawberries to a new place

    The former place is a taboo for new varieties, as well as for planting from your own whiskers. For them, it is necessary to allocate an exceptionally “fresh” garden area, where strawberries have never grown before. Or use crop rotation, and let the garden "rest" for 4 years.

    Land preparation should be given special attention. It should be light and contain a lot of humus. If the soil is too clayey, it will have to be loosened. In addition, we recommend making rotted plants for planting. Of course, the area for garden strawberries should be well lit. In a shady place, it can also give a good harvest, but such conditions will negatively affect its sugar content. So it’s better to still find a place under the sun for strawberries, so that later you can collect full buckets of large, and most importantly, delicious berries. We hope that our recommendations on how to transplant old strawberries to a new place will be useful to you.

    The size and quality of the strawberry crop depends on the variety of the berry and the observance of the agricultural technology for growing it on the site. garden strawberry does not like to stay in one place for a long time, and starting from the third year, stops the formation of a rosette, reduces the number of peduncles, which affects the yield. In order for the renewal of the berry plantation to be successful, it is important to know when it is better to transplant strawberries to a new place: in autumn or spring.

    Why you need to transplant strawberries to a new place in the fall

    The process of transplanting strawberries has two goals: renewal of plants and a change in the place where they are grown. The peculiarity of this perennial plant is that from the third year of vegetation, the outlet begins to age dramatically.

    Gardeners love strawberries for active and long-term fruiting.

    The change in the site for growing berries is due to the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the soil.

    Autumn transplantation is preferable for the following reasons:

    1. Well-rooted plants in late autumn lay many flower stalks during wintering, and in the next season they begin to actively bear fruit. During a spring transplant, the plant spends its energy on rooting, so it forms significantly fewer berries.
    2. Autumn weather is preferable for better rooting of young rosettes. Plants take root quickly during cool autumn days. In addition, the bushes do not have to be watered often because the moisture in the soil lasts longer and the likelihood of rain in autumn is greater than in spring.
    3. In autumn, a wide variety of choices planting material and its price is lower than during the spring rush of summer residents. If the gardener decides to change the variety grown on the site, he can choose the most profitable option for himself.
    4. Transplanting in the fall is also more profitable in terms of physical costs. Work can be carried out slowly, since urgent cases on the site in the fall are much less than in the spring.

    Transplant dates

    It is impossible to answer the question of when it is better to transplant strawberries to a new place in the fall. It all depends on the weather and climatic conditions.

    It is the autumn transplant that contributes to the yield

    You should focus on the following indicators:

    • climatic conditions of the region;
    • the microclimate of the site;
    • weather;
    • quality of planting material;
    • ways to propagate berries.

    It is better to transplant sockets at a temperature of 15 to 23 ° C, with sufficient soil moisture.

    Optimal timing transfers in different regions are as follows:

    1. The middle zone of Russia and the Moscow region - from mid-August to the end of September.
    2. Southern regions - from early September to mid-October.
    3. Northern regions and the Urals - from the beginning of June to the end of July.

    IMPORTANT. Times are subject to change depending on weather conditions. If frosts are planned, it is worth hurrying with a transplant, otherwise the seedlings will not have time to take root.

    Selection and preparation of a site for landing

    The best place for growing strawberries is the southwestern part of the site with a slight slope to prevent moisture stagnation. Occurrence ground water the site should be no higher than 80 cm. A slight elevation will protect the roots from decay, which may appear in early spring after the snow melts.

    Weather conditions set certain requirements for the rules of transplanting, watering, pruning plants

    The selected site should be sunny, but not blown by strong through winds. A sufficient amount of sun will allow you to get not only large berries in in large numbers but also make them sweeter.

    Soil preparation

    Strawberry prefers fertile soil 5.7–6.2 pH. Peat and sandy soils are not suitable for the plant.

    Proper selection of fertilizers, timely digging and loosening can create all the conditions for rapid growth and ripening of berries.

    The best strawberry predecessors:

    • radish;
    • carrot;
    • legumes;
    • garlic;
    • greens: parsley, dill;
    • beet.
    • solanaceous, especially potatoes;
    • cabbage;
    • cucumbers.

    ADVICE. In the spring, it is advisable to plant the area chosen for strawberries with onions or garlic, or sow green manure: lupins, cereals.

    A bed for strawberries is deeply dug up. 70 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt are added to the soil per 1 square meter. After preparation, the site is left for 10–14 days for the soil to settle.

    For disinfection, experienced gardeners advise treating the site with an antiseptic solution: add 3 tbsp to 10 liters of water. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. ash, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.

    Video: Strawberry transplant to a new place

    Transplant technology: step by step instructions with photos

    Features of reproduction of remontant varieties

    Unlike ordinary varieties, remontant strawberries do not give mustaches - air shoots. Therefore, seating is carried out by dividing an adult bush.

    socket remontant variety dug out of the soil. It consists of a central lignified root, to which young shoots are attached. The bush is divided into several parts so that in each there are personal roots 5–7 centimeters long.

    Remontant - the ability to repeatedly bloom and bear fruit

    Old leaves and remaining flower stalks are removed from the separated process. If they are left on the outlet, the plant will lose strength and take root too slowly. The root is dipped in Fitosporin-M for 2 hours. This technique will protect the plant from fungus and fill the roots with vitality. After this time, the sockets are planted according to the technology described above.

    Plant care after transplantation and top dressing for the winter

    Young rosettes need help to settle down. To do this, they are regularly watered, treated for pests, loosen the soil, remove weeds. If there is no rain, in the first 10 days, watering is carried out every other day. Then the frequency is reduced.

    If whiskers begin to form on transplanted plants, they are immediately removed so that the outlet does not waste power. If frost threatens, strawberries are covered with a covering material.

    When transplanting strawberries and preparing them for winter, they pay special attention to top dressing. At this time, the main nutrients of the plant are phosphorus and potassium.

    Experts advise feeding the bushes with the following compositions to feed rooting rosettes:

    1. Wood ash. It has the optimal content of phosphorus, potassium, and also contains calcium, boron, zinc, iodine and copper. It makes no sense to pour dry matter onto the soil, since the nutrition of the roots in this case will be limited. An infusion is prepared for top dressing: 300 g of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water and left for 4 days. You need to fertilize each bush with a liter of infusion.
    2. Superphosphate. Fertilizer is poured with boiling water for a day, during the infusion, the solution is periodically stirred. After infusion, a liter of infusion is poured under each bush.
    3. Combined mix. For 10 liters of water, take 20 g of nitroammophoska, 30 g of potassium sulfate, 250 g of wood ash. The components insist for a day, then spend 500 ml under each bush.

    IMPORTANT. Top dressing is applied only to moist soil so that the fertilizer does not burn the roots.

    Subject to the technology of transplanting strawberries in the fall, the plant takes root well over the winter. In the spring it will give a rich harvest.

    A big harvest of strawberries is a real reward for a gardener for all his work. Experienced gardeners know that abundant fruiting of berries occurs in the second and third year of transplantation. If this procedure is not carried out, the berries will be crushed, and the culture itself will degenerate in a few years. In this article, we will tell you how strawberries are transplanted in the fall.

    Strawberry is a perennial plant from the Rosaceae family, which begins to grow from the beginning of spring until the ripening of the last fruits. The amount of harvest directly depends on the place you choose to plant. Everyone knows the fact that strawberries begin to shrink over the years. To avoid this, it needs to be rejuvenated every 3-4 years.

    Many are wondering when it is better to transplant strawberries so that they adapt faster. Experienced gardeners say that the best time to transplant is autumn. This is because, thanks to frequent rains, crop care at this time is minimized. Also, the rains will help the young seedlings to take root properly, as the soil is supported at this time. high level humidity.

    The best transplant time is September. In warm regions, this procedure can be postponed until October. Even in this case, young seedlings will have time to build up leaf mass for a successful winter.

    Thanks to the transplantation of strawberries in the fall, the bushes will bloom next spring and will delight you with a small harvest. Of course, the fruiting will not be as large as that of two- and three-year-old rosettes, but the berries will grow good. With a spring transplant, you can not wait for the crop.

    How to transplant strawberries in autumn

    Strawberries must be transplanted, adhering to all the rules. When choosing a landing site, preparing planting material and carrying out the transplant process itself, there are many nuances that should be taken into account. But first things first.

    How to choose a place to land

    First you need to choose a place for planting young bushes and prepare the soil. This issue must be approached with all responsibility. Plant health and the future harvest depend on the place allotted for the beds. When choosing a place, you need to remember about crop rotation. For strawberries, good predecessors will be:

    • garlic;
    • parsley;
    • legumes;
    • radish;
    • leaf salad;
    • carrot;
    • beet;
    • green manure.

    These crops will prepare the soil well for future strawberry plantings. However, do not forget about the plants, after which you should not plant. These include cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes. If strawberries are planted in their place of growth, then the risk of infection with verticillium wilt increases significantly.

    The plot for the beds should be located in a well-lit and calm place. If on your territory it is impossible to transfer the landing to another, more favorable place, then you need to disinfect the soil. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides.

    How to prepare the soil

    Strawberry bushes are quite unpretentious to the ground, but they grow and bear fruit best on looser soils with a slightly acidic reaction. Before transplanting, it is necessary to prepare the bed - dig and fertilize. At this point, by fertilizing the land, strawberries can be provided with all the necessary nutrients for several seasons to come. During the transplant, you can make:

    • rotted compost;
    • humus;
    • chicken manure.

    Fertilizer consumption is as follows: 1 bucket of top dressing per 1 sq. m. beds.

    The day before transplanting, the bed should be well watered. Holes should be formed immediately before planting the bushes. The distance between rows should be at least 50 cm, between plants - 20-25 cm. Such a planting scheme will ensure the most complete development of strawberries. Bushes can be planted not only in beds, but also in a carpet, as well as in a checkerboard pattern. Choose your landing method.

    Selecting seedlings for transplanting

    In August, after harvesting, strawberries begin to throw out tendrils with young rosettes. This time is considered the most optimal for the selection of seedlings. In addition, the plant can be propagated by dividing the bush. But in this case, only young bushes that have grown in the summer are suitable.

    Rooting tendrils can be left directly on the beds, but some gardeners prefer to root them in prepared separate containers. So, the autumn strawberry transplant will be carried out more efficiently. In addition, it will be possible to grow seedlings in the winter.

    When 4-5 leaves appear on a new outlet, it becomes a full-fledged bush that needs to be planted from the mother. Before transplanting, the lower leaves must be removed from the young bush. Due to this, the strawberry root system will spend less strength for the nutrition of green mass. This will lead to a more harmonious development of the strawberry bush.

    It should be remembered that only the first 2 tendrils should take root from each bush. All the rest can be removed, otherwise the seedlings will be weak and small.

    Only those plants that have a well-developed root system are suitable for planting. The root lobe should not exceed 5 cm in length. Old bushes are not suitable for transplantation - they still will not bring the expected results. Remember that the bushes need to be dug up before planting, it is better to do this with an earthen clod together. If it is not possible to transplant on the same day, then wrap the roots with a wet rag and place in a plastic bag.


    Many are interested in how to properly transplant strawberries in the fall, because the yield depends on it. For transplanting, it is better to choose a cloudy day, so that later you do not need to shade the beds.

    The transfer instructions are as follows:

    1. After you have dug the holes, fill them with water.
    2. Dip the roots of the bushes in a mixture of water, clay and manure. This will greatly speed up their survival.
    3. Place seedlings with a lump of earth in the holes.
    4. Cover the bushes with earth, lightly tamp with your palms and pour again.
    5. Mulch the soil with straw or sawdust.

    With further proper care, the seedlings will take root and the next season will yield a crop in a new place.


    After the strawberry transplant is completed, the following care activities should be carried out:

    • after watering, loosen the soil between the rows;
    • after a week, check the survival rate of the plants. If there are dead bushes, then others can be planted in their place;
    • after a month, loosen the soil again to a depth of 3-4 cm;
    • if the weather is dry in autumn, then water the strawberries every week. For her, only settled and sun-warmed water is suitable;
    • if the planted bushes began to bloom, then the flower stalks must be removed;
    • with the onset of frost, insulate the beds with coniferous branches;
    • in the spring, as soon as the ground warms up, remove the mulch.

    It must be remembered that strawberries are a very delicate plant that needs to be looked after. all year round. One of the most important events in this matter is strawberry transplantation. It should be carried out every 3-4 years, it is better to do this in the autumn. The work of the gardener will be justified, because in such a simple way you can significantly increase the yield. And strawberries, as you know, are considered one of the most delicious and healthy garden berries.