How much do designers earn per month? How much do good designers in Russia earn

  • 31.07.2019

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Currently, the profession of a designer is considered relevant, as a talented and experienced specialist can create a unique project, whether it is a redesign in the interior of an apartment, landscape design or when creating clothes.

To become a true professional, it is not enough just to graduate from college or courses; modern employers require higher education. After all, this specialist must show the skills of the artist, designer and foreman all rolled into one. So how much does a designer make different areas? Is the work of such a unique employee with similar professional qualities valued?

Graphic and web designer salary

On average, the salary of a web designer in Russia from 25 to 75 thousand rubles. How much a web designer earns in the end is influenced by the following factors:

  • having a good portfolio with many pages. The client must evaluate the work and therefore the portfolio must be of high quality. If it is absent, then you will not be able to earn a lot of money;
  • prices for services. It is necessary to choose the best prices so that they are low for the client, and the work is adequately paid. There will be many customers for a low price, but you won’t have to work for a long time, in this case, because low pay will soon get bored. Too high price for services will scare away customers, respectively, there will be few orders, which means that earnings will be meager;
  • working hours. The more a specialist spends at a computer, the more he will have wages per day, week and month.

How much does an interior designer earn

Interior designers most often work in a design studio, and here their salary depends on experience and seniority.

Beginners in this field will earn no more than 20,000 rubles in the regions, and in the capital - up to 40,000 rubles. Experienced Specialist and higher education is valued more and is already being offered from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

If a specialist works for himself and leads one project, the salary of such an interior designer will be more than 100,000 rubles. If his work is structured in this way, then he suggests:

  • more ideas;
  • he has the opportunity to concentrate on the realization of the original idea;
  • exercises control over their own works.

This allows him not to work at night and not be torn between numerous customers. Of great importance in this area of ​​design art is the fame of the name of a specialist. If his name is heard by people, then he will have many clients who will recommend such a designer to their friends and relatives.

What is the salary of a landscape designer

The profession of a landscape designer is valued on a par with an interior designer. It can be noted that such a position is a little more prestigious, since this type of design refers to architecture. Currently, many families are trying to move to live outside the city, or at least buy country house to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city summer time of the year. Therefore, the services of a landscape designer are popular.

How much a landscape designer earns is mainly influenced by the territorial place of his work. In the regions such a specialist will receive a salary in the amount of 30,000 rubles. In Moscow and Moscow region the rate is doubled to about 60,000 rubles. If this specialist is well versed in g radio engineering, geodesy, ecology and water supply, then the price for his services may increase up to 80,000 rubles.

If a landscape designer is creating one project, not 3 or 4 at the same time, then his salary will be more than 100,000 rubles. In this case, he must create not only Beautiful design in the courtyard of the house, but also to make a garden with fruit trees, as well as winter Garden, which will delight the owners of the house in the cold season.

How much does a fashion designer earn

If this specialist has talent and loves to work, then his work will be appreciated. The size wages will depend on the prestige of the company in which the specialist works. For example, in the largest firm in the city of Moscow, the salary of a clothing designer can vary from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles.

In the regions, the income of such a specialist will be less. The level of earnings of a clothing designer depends on the size of the settlement and the larger the city, the greater the income of the creator of stylish and fashionable outfits.

A fashion designer must have a good reputation, the only way he can create a name for himself and increase his salary at times. Everyone knows that in this area there are stellar specialists with high salaries, but they are few.

What is the salary of the design profession abroad

Before going abroad to get a job as a designer, you need to learn the language of the country where you plan to travel to earn money. If a specialist knows the language, then he will be valued and receive high wages. If the company is prestigious, and the specialist does not have knowledge of the language, then you will have to hire for the first time if the salary justifies such expenses.

Graphic designers and web designers, for example, in America receive $37,000 to $103,000 depending on work experience. A creative director can earn up to $170,000 per month. Australian designer the interior also has decent income, which is $40,000 to $105,000.

Advertising agencies in the capitals of many countries pay designers the most. So, an employee with a short work experience will receive from 326 to 590 dollars per hour. Compared to our standard of living, such incomes are considered very high, and for those countries this is quite a normal salary for an employee who has graduated from a university and has talent and work experience.

Let's summarize:

  1. A graphic and web designer is very popular if he has work experience. The salary of such an employee can reach from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles.
  2. The profession of an interior designer is considered prestigious, and the salary of such a specialist can range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the availability of talent, the presence of an “earned” name and work experience.
  3. A landscape designer working on a single project can earn a lot of money. It all depends on his desire to work, creating a unique design.
  4. Stylish and beautiful clothes can only be created by a talented person, and only he will be popular in the fashion industry. Only a few in this field become stars and receive large incomes.
  5. Abroad, designers receive income several times higher. They must have excellent skills in this area and be talented masters of their craft.

We also invite you to watch a video on how to become a designer:

The salary of designers varies depending on the direction, skills and education, location. For example, a landscape design specialist gets 120,000, and an interior designer - 100,000. A beginner can get about 15,000, and the job will be profitable only if you have experience, in this case, the salary can be 150,000 rubles or even more, it already depends from specialization.

For this specialist, the following knowledge and skills are important:

  • fundamentals of ecology and botany;
  • principles of geodesy, construction;
  • Knowledge of Corel Draw, Photoshop and others.

The starting salary in some regions ranges from 20 to 30,000 rubles per project. Closer to Moscow, you can take 60,000.

But, sadly, not everyone manages to find a job with a high salary, first of all, this is due to the high competition in the labor market. A freshman with a recent college or college graduate shouldn't expect to earn more than $30,000 a month.

To earn good money you need experience starting from 3 years.

Interior designer

Interior design work is in demand and well paid, no less than the work of an architect, for example. The work of interior designers usually consists of:

  • project development;
  • drawing up drawings;
  • sketching;
  • online consultations;
  • decoration;
  • control over the entire process of creating an interior;
  • calculation of the material and its cost.

Again, work experience is of great importance, so a less experienced designer has an income of no more than 25,000, in Moscow the amount reaches 38,000.

Those who have completed more than a dozen successful projects can earn up to 100,000 per month. Payment by region is shown below:

Game designer

Since games became popular, the need for people who can create the game world, fantastic animals and creatures has increased. You need to have knowledge of computer graphics and understand the motion industry. Pay will depend on experience and region.

The average salary in Russia is 45,000, for a senior specialist - 80,000.

Also, the specifics of the game designer's actions will affect the income. For example, an illustrator receives from 60,000 to 120,000, and a layout designer from 40,000 to 80,000. While a 3D designer's salary ranges from 50,000 to 150,000.

Salary of game designers in 2018:

The profession is in demand, but not so relevant for some regions. For example, in the Vladimir region, such specialists are not required at all. Education and knowledge will not be enough, talent and taste are needed here.

If the designer works in a small studio, then the earnings will be no more than 30,000 rubles per month.

In larger firms, according to average statistics, the salary reaches 100,000.

Now let’s take a closer look at how much fashion designers earn:

Web designers

These include and graphic designers who do not have to go to the office, so most professionals in this field work remotely.

Web designers develop websites, accounts for various companies and even large firms. Their earnings will depend on the client base, experience, education and portfolio.

The advantage for graphic designers will be the ability to create miui.

The salary will vary from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the order. For example, you can make an avatar for 500 rubles, and a larger project, a landing page, already costs 1,500-3,000.


This is the calling card of any designer. Here is what information is placed in the portfolio:

  • illustrations of previously completed projects;
  • mandatory job description;
  • resume, where experience, education, reviews are indicated;
  • personal information about yourself.

Almost all designers can go freelancing, vacancies can be found on special exchanges or in social networks, on job search sites via the Internet. But we advise you to remember that it is better for beginners to take less paid jobs in order to gain the necessary experience.

Depending on the request of the customer, the amount of payment can be from 500 to 3,000 per project.

For many, it will be preferable to work in an office, with a fixed schedule and rest 2 times a year. Which, of course, will be different from freelancing, where the designer works on a free schedule remotely. In the office, payment can reach from 40,000 to 100,000 per month.

Payment abroad

If a designer knows a foreign language like a native one, he can try himself on foreign exchange sites. In the US, design specialists are more valuable, and earnings are an order of magnitude higher.

The salary of a designer abroad is $300-600 per hour.

Knowing all the basics and understanding what industry the designer works in, you can plan your income, which will depend on some factors:

  • availability of higher education;
  • knowledge of the principles of work;
  • design skill;
  • freehand drawing;
  • knowledge of programs and the ability to work with them.

Recall that the earnings of any designer will depend on experience, talent, education. A young specialist in this sense will not be so lucky, since he has not developed a client base, has not thought out his own style. If a beginner works in an office, then he is unlikely to be entrusted with a large project, again, due to lack of experience.

Choosing a profession is a very responsible matter. If a person is creative, most often he prefers the profession of a designer. One of the most popular areas in this case is the interior designer.

Project price

After the future profession is determined, the question remains - how much does an interior designer earn on average per month? There is no unequivocal answer to it, because everything depends on the designer's experience, awareness, education, and where without recommendations?

But, nevertheless, approximate figures exist, so let's figure out what the average salary of an interior designer is. On average, an experienced designer can have about 60 thousand rubles a month. By the way, the average figure may vary depending on the region, and, of course, on work experience. On average, novice specialists in Moscow earn up to 40 thousand rubles a month, and in Nizhny Novgorod - 20,000 rubles.

Interior designer is more than an exciting and creative profession. A truly talented person will not only be able to realize himself in it, but even gain world fame, and, accordingly, high fees. Of course, all this will require years of hard work, but the result is worth it.

If you, a resident of Moscow, are concerned about the question of how much interior designers earn in Moscow. We will answer it - novice specialists up to 40,000 rubles, designers with more than three years of experience - approximately 60 thousand rubles, and, professionals with more than five years of practice behind them, have an average of 80 thousand.

What affects the cost of a project?

Important, and at the same time interesting is the fact that a huge number of factors affect the final cost of the project, namely:

  • The complexity of the project - it all depends on the style that the customer wants to get in the end result. After all, creating a project in the baroque style will take much more time than creating a project in a minimalist design. Accordingly, in the first case, the cost will increase.
  • Creation of the project itself. This stage includes the creation of drawings, the design of utilities, the creation of a 3D model of the premises, as well as the site visit.
  • Special wishes of the customer. Unusual projects it is always interesting and exciting, but often they require additional financial investments.
  • Property location. If the customer lives in Ukraine, but he really likes the projects of an interior designer, say from St. Petersburg, then he may well turn to him. Many specialists practice creating projects at a distance, but, of course, these conditions will affect the cost of work.
  • The price is also affected by the number of square meters.
  • An important criterion is also the room itself, namely where it is located, in a new building or an old building, in a cottage or apartment.

Looking at all the factors listed above, it is difficult to answer unequivocally how much the project will cost, and how much the interior designer receives for the project. But, approximate figures have already been named earlier. By the way, interesting fact, the most expensive project was created in Moscow. The designer eventually received about 130,000 rubles for it.

Rates in arbitrary units?

The work of an interior designer is bright and unpredictable. Rates change regularly, it's hard to keep track of them and tell what the salary of an interior designer is. It all depends on work experience, and, of course, the desire of the specialist to work.

Most modern professionals prefer to work in conventional units. Thus, depending on the complexity of the work, they set the price for one square meter. It varies from 30 c.u. and higher (on average up to 100 USD). Of course, the factors listed above also affect the final cost of the project.

Dream work

Get a job prestigious job very difficult. Usually, in a company, the competition for one place is about eight people per vacancy. But, if a person is truly gifted, he can definitely get a job.

But, do not forget that most often, working in a company, you receive not only a stable salary, but also a percentage of the transaction. However, you can also work for yourself. Then you will definitely receive the entire cost of the project. But, do not forget that projects can be irregular, and not every person is ready to hire a specialist without experience. And, nevertheless, before you go into "free swimming" it is worth accumulating a certain length of service and work experience.

The most important thing in any business is to enjoy what you do. It is quite possible that you will not become a world-famous designer, but, nevertheless, good fees and creative freedom are definitely provided to you.

Summing up the results, we can say how much an interior designer earns in Russia, and what factors influence the earnings themselves.

Thus, the salary of an interior designer varies from 40,000 rubles to 80,000 rubles in Moscow. Thus, a novice specialist receives about 38,000 rubles a month, a designer with three years of experience can receive 20,000 rubles more, that is, 60 thousand rubles. If you are an experienced specialist, you can receive from 80,000 rubles and more per month. In Moscow and other large cities, the figure differs significantly due to the fact that the original design is more in demand here. All the above figures are earnings that you can get by working in a company, but if you work for yourself, then your fees can be many times higher.

In most cases, the salary depends on the designer himself, his skill and ability to feel, and most importantly, to understand not only what exactly the customer wants, but also to delve into his psychology, the designer must clearly understand the nature of his client, because he creates a room just for him.

AT Everyday life Every day we are faced with the results of the creativity of designers. it outdoor advertising, printing products, stylish clothes and creative concepts in the landscape. Therefore, what is the salary of a designer is an interesting and relevant issue. First of all, payment for the results of an artist's work depends on the area of ​​application of his knowledge and qualifications in the relevant field. Monthly income increases in proportion to experience and professional skills. For beginners who cannot boast of an extensive portfolio, the average salary of a designer reaches 40,000 rubles in federal cities and 25,000 in the regions.

Designer salary

The highest salary for a designer is in Moscow - on average, it is 50 thousand rubles a month. You can count on a salary of 40 thousand in St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. In other regions, the average salary of a designer in Russia at the end of 2016 is 35 thousand rubles. It should be noted that young specialists and graduates prefer to work at a fixed rate. Performance individual projects can bring higher profits, however, given the many nuances, it will be more objective to consider salaries in companies.

The profession of a designer is also important, the salary in which depends on the specifics of the field of employment. Highly paid specialists in landscape design and environmental designers are also in the highest demand. Second place goes to interior design. Web designers get relatively less, with the exception of animators. The creators of stylish clothes are paid on average about 30 thousand.

interior designer salary

In the direction of an interior designer, the salary in Russia depends on the prestige of the company, the talent and reputation of the employee, and the complexity of the projects. Given the specifics, it is difficult to voice the exact amount that an interior designer receives - the average salary in general is about 40 thousand, but in fact the income varies from 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month. Newcomers in the regions are offered a minimum salary of 20 thousand, while the salary of an interior designer in Moscow, subject to his experience, can exceed 80 thousand.

When working on their own projects, a specialist can receive even more, especially in major cities, however, this requires an excellent reputation, creative ideas, author's style and focus on the result. The work is structured in such a way that with the qualitative implementation of the project, there is a high probability of receiving a more paid order, so the income of a responsible specialist is constantly growing.

Web (web) designer salary

In Russia, the average salary of a web (web) designer varies from 25 to 75 thousand, depending on the region and area of ​​employment. The work experience, the presence of a portfolio, the optimal price of services and the speed of work affect the payment for work.

A specialist needs to present himself correctly, request a project cost that will suit customers and be profitable, and also work as productively as possible.

Compared to foreign colleagues, in Russia a graphic designer receives a much lower salary in all areas. The only exception is motion design, that is, the development of graphic animations, the price for which is one of the highest on the image market.

landscape designer salary

A very specific direction is a landscape designer - a profession in which the salary is quite easily predictable. Having the same specifics as interior design, landscape development is a long-term work on single projects. Most of the work is carried out in the summer, so the specialist does not need to deal with a variety of orders, concentrating on a particular landscape. This profession is considered very prestigious, since it partially relates to architecture.

The average salary of a landscape designer in the regions is about 30 thousand rubles a month. The salary of a landscape designer in Moscow is usually 2 times higher and amounts to 60 thousand. Specific areas such as geodesy, water supply, urban planning and ecology in the capital can bring more than 80 thousand every month.

According to the process of work, the services of a landscape designer can be divided into 2 types. The above salaries are given for cases where a specialist is engaged in one line of activity. When fulfilling a large order on a site, including diverse services, for example, architectural and gardening, the cost of one project often exceeds 100 thousand rubles.

clothing designer salary

Separately, the direction of the designer should be considered. clothes - profession, the salary in which is slightly lower than in other areas - about 30 thousand rubles a month. Despite the prestige of the work, big income in this area, only a few eminent fashion designers receive. If you look at the average salary of a fashion designer, then even the largest Moscow firms do not pay specialists more than 80 thousand per month. In the field of fashion design, the talent of a designer is crucial, as well as a reputation that will allow you to find a job in a large firm in a federal city. Only in this case, the income will be above average.

The profession of a designer is one of the most popular in recent times in Russia. Many designers have the ability to take orders remotely and work from home.

We will try to figure out in which areas design services are most in demand now and how much designers in Russia receive.

How much do interior designers earn?

An interior designer is considered a very popular profession not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Interior designers earn almost as much as architects. According to statistics, more than half of all interior designers in Russia are young people under 35 years old. The vast majority of them (80%) are women.

Despite the fact that this profession is considered creative, it also has a technical side. The designer's responsibilities include:

  • project design development;
  • creation of a 3D drawing;
  • choice of stylistic direction;
  • preparation and calculation of estimates;
  • procurement of materials on site with the customer;
  • development of author's interior items, including the creation of sketches;
  • control over finishing works;
  • decoration services.

Becoming a sought-after interior designer is not easy, it is not enough to undergo special training and gain experience. We need regular customers, participation in specialized exhibitions, recommendations, etc. How much an interior designer earns will largely depend on the number of orders he completes per year.

A good specialist needs to have many qualities: to be able to find mutual language with customers, show patience loyalty, and in some cases, even seek compromises. On the other hand, the profession involves control over the construction team. Therefore, the designer must also have managerial skills: be able to control the implementation finishing works at all stages, to ensure that each type of work is carried out efficiently and on time.

Answer the question of how much an interior designer earns per month, you can only talk about the approximate level of wages. A huge number of factors influence the average salary of a designer:

  • availability of special higher education;
  • skills in working with special programs AutoCAD and the like;
  • quality portfolio;
  • work experience;
  • reputation;
  • region of residence;
  • well-known name or brand.

The average salary in large cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) is much higher than in the periphery and amounts to more than 40,000 rubles per month. The average level of wages in the cities of Russia:

Moscow 40-165
St. Petersburg 55-135
Volgograd 40
Voronezh 40-125
Yekaterinburg 35-55
Kazan 40-85
Krasnodar 35-85
Krasnoyarsk 20-60
Krasnoyarsk 45
Nizhny Novgorod 45-105
Novosibirsk 40-100
Rostov-on-Don 20-65

How much does a fashion designer earn

Fashion designer is one of the most relevant professions in the last few years. To become a specialist in this field, it is not enough to receive professional training and gain experience. A sought-after fashion designer must have innate talent and taste.

The earnings of a clothing designer in large cities when working for hire is from 80,000 rubles. Specialists with higher education and more than 3 years of experience in their specialty in Moscow and St. Petersburg can count on this level of salary.

In the regions, of course, we are not talking about such salaries. In other cities of Russia, clothing designers receive much less. In most cases, we are talking about a salary slightly above the average for the region. However, exceptional specialists who are famous receive an order of magnitude more.

If the fashion designer has famous name, has won specialized competitions more than once, participates in fashion shows, then we are talking about a brand and its own brand of clothing. clothing famous designers costs much more, many of them have own production and company stores.

If we talk about specialists who work in companies for hire, then the average level of salaries in Russia is:

City Salary in thousands of rubles per month
Moscow 40-165
St. Petersburg 40-90
Voronezh 45
Yekaterinburg 60-80
Kazan 35-50
Krasnodar 60-85
Krasnoyarsk 40-60
Krasnoyarsk 45
Nizhny Novgorod 40-50
Novosibirsk 55
Rostov-on-Don 40-85

How much does a graphic designer earn

Graphic designers very often work from home. This profession allows you to work remotely and many take orders on the so-called "freelance exchanges". In this case, we cannot talk about some kind of official salary or stable income. The size of the monthly earnings of a graphic designer will depend only on his diligence and professionalism.

How much a graphic designer receives per month will depend on the number of orders he takes and completes. If we talk about a certain average level that graphic designers can count on, then average income from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles per month.

Professionals with experience and constantly receiving large orders receive much more. On average, their income is from 100,000 rubles per month. At the same time, we are not talking about working with a normalized 8-hour working day, but about working on a specific order. You can stretch the work for 6 months, or you can work seven days a week, take large orders and earn 150,000 rubles a month or more.

Many firms are looking for graphic design specialists in their staff. Very often we are talking about regular work about regular remote work. Thus, a specialist can expect to receive a salary once a month and have permanent employment. However, there are some nuances here, in this case you will have to do some kind of monotonous, not interesting work: develop packaging design, layouts, etc.

How Much Do Web Designers Get?

Another highly demanded profession is web design. A web designer is a technical specialist. Typically, most web designers work from home on a remote job. All orders are accepted through special exchanges on the Internet. In this, the profession of a web designer is similar to the profession of a graphic designer discussed above. However, here we are talking about the development of sites and applications. Recently, these services have been in high demand.

Many users and companies want to get their own website. Therefore, web designers can receive consistently high incomes of 30,000 rubles per month and more. If you wish, you can get a permanent job in a web design studio. Many firms hire specialists to fulfill customer orders. At the same time, a web designer can also be on the staff, but receive orders remotely and work sitting at home according to their own schedule.

The advantages of this profession are obvious, but there are also disadvantages. Working remotely, it is not always possible to receive orders regularly. Therefore, we are not talking about stable either. On the other hand, a web designer is not tied to one place and can work in any part of the world, having a computer and the Internet at hand. This makes the profession of a web designer very popular and in demand among young people.

How much does a landscape designer earn?

You can work as a landscape designer with a secondary special education behind you. To do this, you need to get a diploma in architecture and design. Too many job applicants landscape design additionally complete specialized specialized courses. However, the chances of getting a good salary and getting a job Good work more among specialists with higher education.

Despite the fact that this segment is very competitive, many young people strive to master this specialty. Young professionals who have just graduated from colleges and institutes can receive from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles a month. The highest wages are in large cities: in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other cities of Russia, landscape designers with little experience receive less: from 15,000 rubles per month.

It's not enough to get a good job professional education and have the skill to use special programs: Corel Draw, Photoshop, AutoCad, etc. It is also necessary to know building codes, urban planning standards, environmental standards, landscape design standards, as well as the basics of botany, soil science and ornamental gardening.

The average age of an applicant for this profession is 27 years. As you can see, this profession has recently gained popularity in Russia. You can get a job as a landscape designer in almost all cities of Russia. But we are talking about very small salaries. A young specialist can count on a salary of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles per month. Higher salary offers landscape designers with more than 3 years of experience in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Here you can count on a salary of 30-35 thousand rubles a month.