Unusual layouts. Unusual redevelopment House project series 1 447

  • 13.06.2019

1-447 - a series of residential buildings in the USSR, developed in the late 1950s. 1-447 is the most massive series of brick Khrushchev houses, which was built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, and modifications continued until the late 1970s. "Khrushchev" series 1-447 are recognizable by the outer walls of unlined brick, two rows of windows in the end sides (usually without balconies) and a rectangular body without corner sections and ledges.


Houses of multi-section type, from 2 to 8 sections in length, 4-section ones are most common. The house consists of end and ordinary sections.

The material of the walls is brick, most often white silicate, there are houses made of red brick. The plaster is missing. Some houses are painted or a combination of red and white brick for decor. Bearing walls - longitudinal outer and inner central, transverse inter-apartment and stairwell walls. Partitions are gypsum concrete, thickness - 80 mm; floors - multi-hollow reinforced concrete slabs 220 mm thick. The roof of most houses is hipped, covered with asbestos-cement slate or roofing iron. Gutters - outdoor drainpipes. There are also houses flat roof bituminous. Ceiling height 2.48 m. The first floor is usually residential. Balconies are available on all floors except the first. However, there are houses without balconies in corner apartments or without balconies at all.


Heating - central water, cold water supply - centralized, sewerage - centralized. Hot water supply - centralized or local: geysers, in the absence of gas supply - wood-burning water heaters (titans). With local hot water supply, the structure of the house provides for chimneys laid in the transverse inter-apartment walls and the walls of the stairwells. Ventilation - natural in the kitchen and bathroom. The apartments are equipped with a bathroom and a gas cooker. In areas without gas supply, wood-burning stoves or electric stoves (if there were powerful electrical networks) were installed.

There is no elevator or garbage chute.


The houses have one-, two- and three-room apartments. There are 4 apartments on the landing. In the end sections, a set of apartments is 3-1-2-1 or 1-2-2-2, in ordinary 3-2-1-3 or 2-3-2-2. However, in many houses shortened ordinary sections are used, which coincide with the end sections in terms of layout.

Rooms in 2- room apartments ah adjacent (exist rare variants improved layout, where there are 2 isolated rooms), in 3-room apartments there are two adjacent and one isolated. The checkpoint is the most a large room(living room) Bathroom combined in all apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Thanks to the brick walls, the houses of the 1-447 series are superior in terms of heat and sound insulation not only to panel Khrushchevs, but also to later ones. panel houses Soviet built. Ceilings made of thick hollow-core slabs also provide better sound insulation compared to solid slabs in prefabricated houses.
  2. The absence of load-bearing walls inside the apartment, ample opportunities for redevelopment.
  3. A multi-pitched hard roof has a longer service life (30-50 years) than a flat soft roof in panel Khrushchevs and later houses (10-15 years). The presence of an attic and coating with reflective materials (light slate, galvanized metal) do not allow the roof to overheat in summer, so it is relatively cool on the top floors of houses.
  4. Compared to other series of Khrushchev houses, there are balconies almost everywhere.
  5. Sufficient storage space available.
  6. Residential buildings of the 1-447 series, as a rule, are located in areas of the "middle belt" of cities with well-developed infrastructure and transport accessibility.
  7. The service life of houses of the 1-447 series significantly exceeds the service life of panel houses (including Khrushchev ones) and is at least 100 years.


  1. Connecting rooms in double and three-room apartments.
  2. Close hallway.
  3. Shared bathroom in all apartments. At the same time, in the bathroom you can place washing machine shallow depth.
  4. Like all Khrushchevs - the small size of the kitchen.
  5. Very small landings, even compared to some series of Khrushchevs.
  6. Most apartments face one side of the world.
  7. Shortage of three-room apartments. In many houses of the series, shortened ordinary sections are used, in which there are no three-room apartments.

Series 1-447 houses

Ochakovskoe highway

I-447С. "Second generation" of five-story houses of the I-447 series. The houses of these series can be recognized by the adjacent pairs of balconies at the ends of the building and from the side of the entrances to the entrance. There are many modifications of this series: from 1-447S-1 to 1-447S-54.

Series: 1-447C

House type: brick, large block

Manufacturer: Glavmospromstroymaterialy (MPSM, currently part of the Glavstroy corporation) The development of standard designs for residential buildings of the 1-447C series with an improved layout of apartments was started by the Giprogor Institute in 1963 on the basis of design assignments approved on May 21, 1963 by the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the USSR State Committee for Construction. Since 1964, the development of projects has been carried out by TsNIIEP housing.

Years of construction: 1963-1980s

Number of floors: 3 - 9

Number of rooms in apartments: 1, 2, 3, 4

Living quarters height: 2.48 m

Number of apartments per floor: 4

Number of sections (entrances): from 2

Type of sections (entrances): End (with a set of apartments on the floor 3-1-2-1, 1-2-2-2), ordinary (with a set of apartments on the floor 3-2-1-3, 2-3-2-2)

Section type: Houses of the 1-447 series can be either two-section or multi-section, mainly five floors, but there are also four-story buildings. The set of apartments is standard - 1, 2 and 3-room apartments, with a total area of ​​28 sq.m. to 57 sq.m.

Elevators: No

Stairs: without a common fire balcony.

Ventilation: natural exhaust, blocks in the kitchen and in the bathroom (bathroom)

Garbage disposal: No

Technical floor: The solution of the zero cycle is provided in three versions - without a basement, with a technical underground, with a basement

Technical buildings: No

Balconies: in all apartments, starting from the 2nd floor

Bathrooms: combined

Exterior walls: External walls - seven-slit or porous-perforated brick, 38-40 cm thick (in early houses - up to 51 cm, but, as a rule, they used low-quality silicate brick

Internal walls: The inner central longitudinal wall, inter-apartment walls and walls of stairwells 27 cm thick (in early houses - 38 cm).

Inter-apartment and inter-room carriers: Interior partitions- large-panel gypsum concrete 8 cm thick

Covers: Ceilings - reinforced concrete multi-hollow slabs 22 cm thick

Series 1-447 is present in absolutely all regions of Russia, in terms of prevalence among brick 5-story buildings of all periods, it occupies the 1st place. In various sections there may be 3 or 4 apartments on the landing. In the databases of some BTI 5-storey brick houses series 1-447 are erroneously listed as series I-511 houses (1-511)

Brick houses of the 1-447 series belong to the so-called Khrushchev houses. They were built from 1958 to 1970, there were 54 modifications of the houses of this series: from 1-447S-1 to 1-447S-54. The main characteristics of these houses:

The material of the walls is unlined red brick.

Number of floors - 3, 4, 5, the first floor is residential.

The shape is rectangular, at the ends there are 2 rows of windows without balconies. A balcony is provided in all apartments, except for the first floor.

The roof is 4 or 2 pitched.

Each site has 4 apartments.

Total (residential) area of ​​apartments: one-room 28-32 (15-20) m2, two-room 41-44 (28033) m2, three-room 40-57 (26-41) m2

Ceiling height - 2.5 m.

The structures of houses of this type are quite strong - according to the results of monitoring, wear is no more than 7%. Series 1-447 houses are not on the demolition plans. It is for this reason that balcony glazing in houses of the 1-447 series is a very relevant event, because it helps to protect, albeit small, a balcony from weather influences, and it is also possible to expand its area due to glazing with removal. A roof can be installed over the balcony of the upper floor (no restrictions).

How can I glaze the balcony in the house 1-447

The decision, what kind of balcony glazing can be in the houses of the 1-447 series - cold or warm, with or without removal, can only be made after a thorough examination of the condition of the balcony structures. There are the following options for glazing the balcony in the houses of the 1-447 series:

Cold glazing with aluminum profile. Our company offers very high quality Provedal cold glazing. This is the simplest and cheapest option. It includes the installation of a frame with sliding sashes with glass or a single glass unit, external and internal (at the request of the customer) parapet lining. A visor made of profiled sheet or polycarbonate is installed above the balcony of the upper floor. Since the aluminum frame is lightweight, no structural reinforcement is required. The cold glazing of the balcony in Khrushchev series 1-447 allows you to keep the temperature in winter time 10-15 degrees higher than outside. But at severe frosts the balcony will freeze.

Half glazing. Slidors and ARtek profiles are best suited for this purpose. The essence of this type is that the balcony is insulated along the parapet, floor and ceiling (if necessary) with penofol or penoplex and a “warm” frame with a single-chamber double-glazed window is installed. Heating is not provided. Such glazing of the balcony in the houses of the 1-447 series allows you to keep the temperature above zero in winter. At a cost, this option is slightly more expensive than the cold type.

Warm glazing provides for the strengthening of structures, high-quality insulation of the entire balcony, heating device (underfloor heating or removal of radiators). The frame is installed three- or five-chamber, double-glazed window - two-chamber energy-saving. This type of cost is the most expensive, but also the most effective. Suitable profiles: Slidors, Rehau, ARtek, KBE, MONTBLANC.

All types of glazing can be carried out with the removal: on the windowsill or slab. This allows you to increase the usable space of the balcony.

Price from 30 000 rub. Price from 28 000 rub. Price from 18 000 rub.

Single-chamber double-glazed window


Single-chamber double-glazed window

Sash: blind, tilt-and-turn, tilt


PVC panels, Wooden lining

low tide, canopy, window sill, installation

floor, ceiling, house walls, parapet

This all-Union series of brick five-story buildings has found distribution not only in all cities former USSR, but also in Moscow. A series of houses 1-447 continued from 1958 until 1980 in an already modified form. Based on a series of houses 1-447, several dozen modifications arose - from series 1-447C-1 to 1-447C-54. The changes affected primarily the number of storeys, equipping with elevators and updating the outer walls. Maybe that's why in terms of the demolition of houses of the 1-447 series, there is no particular excitement, with the exception of cases of reconstruction of entire districts.

The typical series of houses 1-447 is recognizable by the outer walls of unlined gray or red brick, two rows of windows at the ends of the house and a rectangular building.

Houses of the 1-447 series can be either two-section or multi-section, mainly five floors, but there are also four-story buildings. The set of apartments is standard - 1, 2 and 3-room apartments, with a total area of ​​28 sq. m to 57 sq. m. There are 4 apartments on the floor. The type of sections is different. End sections can have the following set of flats: 3-1-2-1 or 1-2-2-2. In ordinary sections there are apartments with the following number of rooms - 3-2-1-3 or 2-3-2-2. Part of the 2 and 3-room apartments of the 1-447 series is designed with adjacent rooms, with the exception of only corner apartments, in which all rooms are isolated.

The strength of the construction of houses of the 1-447 series is achieved due to the strength of the load-bearing walls - the outer, inner central longitudinal, transverse inter-apartment walls and the walls of the flights of stairs are made of brick. Multi-hollow reinforced concrete slabs were used as floors, interior partitions were made of large-panel gypsum board. The roof can be four-pitched (in earlier series of houses 1-447), later - with a two-pitched slope. Coating type - roofing material, slate and roofing iron.

In addition to structural strength, among the advantages of the 1-447 series houses is the isolation of rooms and the possibility of redevelopment of adjacent rooms into isolated ones. You can also change the configuration of the internal space due to the demolition of interior partitions. All apartments, except for the first floors, have balconies.

The disadvantages include the following, typical for five-story buildings:
. lack of an elevator and a garbage chute in low-rise versions
. small kitchen (6 sqm)
. combined bathroom
. low ceilings (2.5 m)
. small rooms

When conducting overhaul, houses of the 1-447 series are usually faced with plaster, if necessary, equipped with elevator units. Among the most common modified series, two stand out - the 1-447 series and the 1-447C series.

Structure and floor plan of the early versions of series 1-447

Multi-storey versions

There are also 9-story residential buildings of the 1-447C series (as well as hotels and hostels of this series). These are either "towers" with one or two entrances, or multi-section houses.

Modification of the series 1-447. The houses of these series can be recognized by the adjacent pairs of balconies at the ends of the building and from the side of the entrances to the entrance. Four-room apartments, 2-room and 3-room apartments appeared in the houses with a focus on 2 sides of the house (“vest”). Reduced number of adjoining rooms. In all apartments, except for one-room apartments, separate bathrooms with a longitudinally oriented bathroom, while the kitchen has become somewhat smaller. hallmark- a sloping wall between the bathroom and the hallway to increase the area of ​​the latter.

Series: 1-447S-37

House type: brick

Manufacturer: local building materials factories

Years of construction: 1963/1964-1970s

Number of floors: 3-5

Number of rooms in apartments: 1,2,3,4 room

Living quarters height: 2.48 m

Number of apartments per floor: 4, less often - 3

Number of sections (entrances): 2 to 8

Elevators: No

Ventilation: natural exhaust, blocks in the kitchen and in the bathroom (bathroom)

Garbage disposal: No

Balconies: available in all apartments except the 1st floor.

Bathrooms: separate, except for 1 apartment

Exterior walls: External walls - brick 38-40 cm thick (in some houses, low-quality silicate bricks were used). In some houses, the outer layer of the outer walls is made of brick blocks.

Bearing walls: Longitudinal external, longitudinal central inter-apartment, transverse inter-apartment, as well as walls of stairwells

Inter-apartment and inter-room carriers: Interior partitions - large concrete 8 cm thick

You can understand that this is not an ordinary "khrushchev", but its improved version, by the reduced number of balconies on the facade, and most importantly, by the paired balconies on the side of the entrances and a pair of balconies at the ends of the house.