The most efficient roofing insulation. How to insulate the roof of a private house - which insulation to choose for insulation

  • 23.06.2020

To decide how to choose a roof insulation, which one is better to buy, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of insulation and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. No matter what the roofing will be: tiles, slate or other material, high-quality thermal insulation allows you to reduce heating costs and reduce heat loss.

High-quality thermal insulation reduces heating costs and reduces heat loss.

Types of insulation for the roof

There is a wide choice of materials for thermal insulation of a roof. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages that you need to keep in mind when choosing a roofing insulation. The most popular at the moment are:

  • polystyrene (polystyrene foam);
  • foamed glass;
  • basalt wool;
  • cellulose;
  • foam concrete.

There are other types of insulation, among them you can choose the most suitable for a particular case. It is worth considering in more detail the most popular types of materials.

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Properties of extruded polystyrene and expanded polystyrene

Extruded polystyrene foam is a relatively new material that is designed to insulate the roof, however, it is quite capable of competing with more traditional methods.

The advantages of this material include:

  • not big weight material;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low material cost;
  • high strength.

Significant disadvantages include a low rate of vapor permeability. Excess moisture will not go outside, which requires more funds to be allocated to improve the ventilation system. Flammability class is very low.

Expanded polystyrene is well suited for insulating not every type of roof; it is better to use it for insulating flat roofs or roofs with a simple configuration.

Currently, mineral wool is one of the most popular materials for thermal roof insulation.

Minvata fully meets all the requirements for materials for thermal insulation:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • low flammability index;
  • good soundproof qualities.

Material based on mineral insulation can last for a long time, up to 50 years, resistant to mechanical damage.

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Properties of fiberglass and foam concrete

Fiberglass insulation has almost the same characteristics as those from mineral wool. These two materials have only two important differences:

  • water absorption of mineral wool is much greater than that of ordinary;
  • low resistance to high temperatures.

The positive aspects of using materials include:

  • lightness of the material;
  • low sound absorption.

Foam concrete is a fairly new material, which includes a steam generator, concrete and a mixture of sand and cement. Thermal insulation is applied by spraying between the screed and the base. For installation, you will need special equipment that allows you to well process all the cracks, cracks and seams, which will help to avoid the appearance of "cold bridges".

Usually foam concrete is used in construction industrial buildings and residential skyscrapers. The material is lightweight, durable and fire resistant. The thermal conductivity of the material is quite high, so the foam concrete layer must be large enough, at least 50 cm.

The answer to the question of how best to insulate the roof of a house depends on the design of the roof itself. A pitched roof requires a different type of insulation than a flat one. There are differences for the roof of the attic. In addition to the special characteristics of the material, different types of roofing require various ways insulation installation.

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The choice of insulation for different types of roofs

Soft roofing, intended for long-term operation, has a special specificity.

Mineral wool is 100% environmentally friendly and easy to work with.

A soft roof is understood as various materials for covering the roof: polymer membranes, tiles, roofing material, mastic materials. Such a roof is a waterproof "carpet" laid on a solid base. Having laid a soft roof, you do not have to worry about waterproofing.

Insulation is laid outside or inside, in one or two layers. Most often, two-layer insulation is done in new houses, and one layer is laid during the repair or reconstruction of the building.

The requirement for a heater soft roof, just one thing: it must be durable in order to exclude the possibility of deformation. The insulation is attached to the roof with dowels or glued.

For a soft roof, almost any material can be used:

  • bulk: shale granules, crushed polystyrene foam;
  • rigid: foam plastic, mineral wool (plates);
  • soft rolls.

To insulate the pitched roof of a private house, you can use one of two options.

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Pitched roof insulation options

The first is for the attic floor. Suitable for those cases when the attic of the house is supposed to be used as a living space. The main requirement for attic insulation is water resistance. Well suited basalt insulation. Plates will not let moisture through. In addition, they are quite flexible and will not sag when the rafters dry.

But fiberglass, which is often used to insulate mansard roofs, is better not to use: over time, it will lose its shape and sag under its own weight. In addition, fiberglass is unstable to moisture.

If the attic is not supposed to be used, then which insulation to choose for installation is not so important: any insulation will do here. The main thing is that the room is constantly ventilated, and the insulation cake is formed correctly. Then the house will be protected from heat loss.

The choice of insulation for a flat roof of a private house largely depends on the degree of operation.

An unused roof can be insulated with any material that is suitable for the price. But if the roof is to be used, then the insulation must be approached more responsibly.

The best choice in this case is a hard insulation. It is recommended to use any of the following materials: Styrofoam or mineral wool. Due to the high combustibility of the material, the roof with polystyrene foam insulation must be protected with additional balls. But this material can withstand very high loads.

Mineral wool insulation should not be installed on a wooden roof.

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Various types of heaters

Depending on the shape, heat insulators are rolled or in the form of plates. Each of these types is suitable for a specific task. Decide which one fit better everything you need at the design stage.

Roll materials are used for pitched and flat roofs. Roll parameters, its length and width are determined by GOST.

The heat insulator is laid between the rafters as tightly as possible. If your area experiences very low temperatures during the winter, you can apply two layers of sealant.

If the roll compactor is made of mineral material, it is very important to take into account the correct installation, since all defects, even small ones, will sooner or later turn into serious problems.

The fiberglass roll seal must be dry. If moisture enters, its quality deteriorates, and in the future it will no longer retain heat in the room, which will require repairs with the involvement of specialists.

Tiled heat insulator is made of polymeric or mineral materials. The installed width of the slabs is 61 cm. The length can be different: from 50 cm to 10 m. The slabs must be laid in compliance with all operating rules.

For pitched roofs, as well as for flat roofs, there is a warming rule: the lathing step should be no more than 60 cm. The main thing in working with tile insulation is to securely and reliably fix it, and also protect it well from external factors (rain, dew). It is important to take into account the level of humidity in the room even at the design stage of construction work - this will help prevent premature deformation of the material.

If the installation is done correctly, then the material of the tile insulation itself is not so important: both foam plastic and glass wool are equally well suited.

Tiled insulation is more convenient to use when insulating private houses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is small. In this case, all roof insulation work can be done independently.

A poorly insulated roof is a source of great heat loss problems. Even when the rooms are well heated, a poorly insulated roof will cause discomfort.

Essentially speaking, you will spend more money for heating, but you won’t get comfort, because about 30% of heat loss occurs through the roof, and the outgoing heat will heat the atmosphere.

The roof is a source of great heat loss

Therefore, to solve these problems, people have questions, what is the best way to insulate the roof in the house? In this article, we will consider this issue in detail.

Material characteristics

Thermal insulation of the roof of a house or any element of a building, for example, insulation of a loggia, begins with the selection of materials that will meet certain requirements.

These requirements include features such as:

  • combustibility;
  • Density;
  • The ability to absorb water;
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient.

When choosing materials, it is necessary to pay attention to these characteristics. For example, a small coefficient of heat conductivity is an indicator of high insulating qualities.

Important. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the material. This indicates the ability of insulation to contain heat in the room.

Wide range of material applications

The ability to absorb water should also be low, because when moisture gets inside the insulation, it significantly reduces its performance, as well as the life of the insulation. If the material has a good indicator of water resistance, then no water is terrible for it.

Density characterizes the weight of one cubic meter of material and shows what load it can withstand.

The flammability index shows how much the insulation is exposed to fire. This is an important indicator of safety measures and is of great importance when insulating public buildings.

The answer to the question of which roofing insulation is better will be a material with minimal flammability, good strength, high resistance to moisture, and a low thermal insulation index. Such a material would be an ideal choice.

Thermal insulation products

There are many types of heaters on the domestic market, but if you want to perform high-quality roof insulation, then the choice is not so great.

  • Mineral wool heater. It is a fibrous product that is made from silicate-type melts extracted from various rocks. For sale to customers, it is supplied in the form of special plates and rolls. Mineral wool is produced by many manufacturers, the product itself differs in density and size.

Mineral wool heater. It is a fibrous product that is made from silicate-type melts extracted from various rocks. For sale to customers, it is supplied in the form of special plates and rolls. Mineral wool is produced by many manufacturers, the product itself differs in density and size.

The density itself is up to two hundred kilograms per cubic meter. The price of all work on roof insulation with mineral wool is not high and can be used for a budget version of insulation;

  • Glass wool. It is very similar in its performance to the previous material. It is made from the waste of the glass industry. It is produced in rolls and plates, and products from different manufacturers may differ in basic indicators.

The disadvantage is a health hazard during operation, therefore it is necessary that special clothing be used and that the installation instructions be followed. In essence, thermal insulation with glass wool solves problems with heat leakage into the atmosphere for a long time;

  • Styrofoam(for example, Penoplex insulation). It is a product related to gas-filled types of plastics. The structure of the material contains a large number of air bubbles. This product has high strength, therefore it is produced only in slabs.

Experts believe that this is the best insulation for the roof and use it to insulate almost all types of roofs. In addition to roofs, this material is used to isolate foundations, slopes, floors and other surfaces. When compared with other materials, its price is not so high. The material is easy to work with, and the insulation can be built with your own hands;

  • Extruded polystyrene foam for insulation. It is the next level of foam development. Unlike the latter, it is made by extrusion, which is why the name is sometimes called XPS.

polystyrene foam for insulation. It is the next level of foam development. Unlike the latter, it is made by extrusion, which is why the name is sometimes called XPS.

The composition of this material includes many closed cells, due to this, expanded polystyrene is little susceptible to liquids.

The cost of work on the insulation of the roof of XPS is acceptable and does not differ much from polystyrene, due to its positive qualities many experts prefer to use it when isolating various surfaces.

Comparative analysis of materials

All wool materials are distinguished by their ability to dampen airborne noise, which has a good effect on sound insulation performance. All analogues and foam plastics are deprived of this property. Due to this feature, these materials are periodically used for both sound insulation and thermal insulation.

It should be noted right away that mineral wool and similar products are very afraid of water. This is the main drawback of such products, when the insulation gets wet by only two percent of the total, the thermal insulation ability decreases by fifty percent. Therefore, those buildings in which glass wool and mineral wool are used must be covered with a waterproof and vapor barrier film.

Important. When buying mineral wool rolls, check the integrity of the packaging. Because moisture can enter through small holes and degrade the quality of the product.

It is quite possible that you yourself thought about the question of how best to insulate the roof of a house and came across such a characteristic as hydrophobicity (the ability of the material to repel water).

If we talk about wadded products, then this indicator is inappropriate, because hydrophobicity itself does not allow fibers to absorb water, but between the latter there is an air space where liquid can accumulate and lower thermal insulation performance. Therefore, for mineral wool there is no sense from this indicator, you need to pay attention only to moisture resistance.

You should be aware that styrofoam with derivatives does not resist combustion well. It is produced according to flammability classes and is divided into G4, G3, G2, G1. It is best to purchase category G1 insulation, because in the event of a fire, it will be sufficient to remove only the source of the flame and the XPS or foam sheet will stop burning. By themselves, these materials do not support combustion.

Important. Materials with a flammability class G4 have a cost of 50-70% less, but there is one significant disadvantage - when burned, they emit caustic substances and black smoke into the air.

High strength values ​​of materials, such as foam, are maintained only with the specified performance characteristics(humidity, temperature, etc.). Without observing these conditions, it is easy to break it, so when buying such heat insulators, you need to check the integrity of the plates well, because sellers can “slip” the marriage into the middle of the stack. It is better to check each sheet slowly, you have the right to do so.


In this article, we have reviewed with you the most used materials, described their characteristics and made brief analysis each of the materials. Now you should be clearly aware of which roof insulation is better, and what characteristics to pay attention to when buying.

The better to insulate the roof of the house, which roofing insulation is the best, do-it-yourself installation: instructions, photo and video tutorials, price

The better to insulate the roof of the house, which roofing insulation is the best, do-it-yourself installation: instructions, photo and video tutorials, price

How to insulate the roof of a private house - which insulation to choose for insulation

When making a choice, the better to insulate the roof of a private household, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of building materials, its technical characteristics, but also the nuances of installation work. You can lay the heat insulator yourself, but in some cases it is better to use the services of experienced roofers.

Rules for choosing a heater - the better to insulate

When choosing a heat-insulating material, first of all, pay attention to the type of roof, which can be pitched or flat. Features of the roof structure affect the requirements for insulation.

When choosing it, a number of parameters are analyzed:

  • thermal conductivity - the lower its indicator, the more effective the insulation will be;
  • long service life without loss of quality;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the ability to maintain the original parameters;
  • environmental friendliness - the insulation does not contain toxic substances;
  • frost resistance - in case of a drop temperature regime the thermal insulation material should not deteriorate performance properties;
  • specific gravity - preference should be given to heaters with low density, which will not weigh down the roof frame;
  • fire resistance;
  • soundproofing - is of great importance in the arrangement of "noisy" roofing, for example, from metal tiles.

When deciding on the question of how to insulate the roof of a private house, it is not advisable to make mistakes that affect the quality of thermal insulation work:

  1. Saving money on quality. Experts recommend purchasing insulation from manufacturers who have long proven themselves well.
  2. Laying a layer of insulation of insufficient thickness.
  3. Violation of the technology of installation work.

Mineral wool for the roof of a private house

When choosing how to insulate the roof from the inside of a private house, many prefer mineral wool. It is used in the arrangement of insulation of flat and pitched roofs. This material with a fibrous structure is produced from rock melts. In the building materials market, mineral wool is sold in the form of mats (plates) and rolled products. When making a choice, one should take into account its thickness and density.

Among the advantages of mineral wool:

  • high degree of thermal insulation;
  • incombustibility;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • parameter stability;
  • easy installation;
  • affordable price;
  • soundproofing;
  • absence of rodents and microorganisms.

Sufficiently rigid mineral fiber boards are used for external insulation flat roof structure. Mineral wool with a smaller thickness and density is used to insulate pitched roofs.

Insulation using this material requires the arrangement of hydro-, vapor barrier and ventilation gaps. These layers prevent moisture from collecting in the insulation. Otherwise, the heat-insulating qualities of mineral wool are reduced, and in rafter system decay processes begin.

glass wool

It is sold on the construction market in rolls and in the form of plates. This is an environmentally friendly insulation with good soundproofing qualities. When installing a heat-insulating layer using glass wool, roofers use protective clothing and special equipment and follow safety precautions so as not to harm their health.

Before insulating the roof in a private house with mineral wool, you need to select a vapor barrier material, and at the same time, glass wool slabs may already have a foil coating on the outside - its presence simplifies the installation of a heat-insulating layer.

Roof insulation with foam

This popular tile material is also called extruded polystyrene foam. It is used to insulate roofs. It is distinguished by high rates of thermal insulation, resistant to humid air.

Since the material does not absorb vapours, it can be laid directly on the waterproofing layer without creating an air gap. The combustibility and vapor impermeability of expanded polystyrene makes it unsuitable for arranging an insulated flat soft roof.

When insulating a pitched roof, tile foam is placed between the rafters in one layer. In this case, the edges of the material should be tightly adjacent to the wooden structures. Also, the joints of the plates must be treated with mounting foam and then glued reinforced tape on top.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam

The material is known among experts as a good choice for warming the roof of a private house, since it has a number of advantages:

  • low specific gravity;
  • waterproofing properties due to the presence of a clogged cell structure;
  • soundproofing qualities;
  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • biostability.

Polyurethane foam is produced in the form of plates with sufficient rigidity. It can also be applied by spraying. During operation, PPU boards retain their shape, they are easy to drill and cut. The products are mounted in the same way as they equip the thermal insulation of the roof using expanded polystyrene.

Despite the fact that polyurethane foam spraying is a recent technology, it has deservedly received recognition. The application of a heat-insulating layer is carried out using equipment, which is considered the main disadvantage of this method. Of the advantages of the sprayed polyurethane foam, it should be noted the high quality of the heat-insulating layer, since the coating turns out to be monolithic - the foaming composition fills all the cracks without exception.

The technology for insulating the roof of a private household using penoizol has much in common with the use of another material - sprayed polyurethane foam. According to the technical characteristics, it is similar to the foam. Of its advantages, it should be noted the combination of affordable price and good quality.

When looking for a solution, the cheaper it is to insulate the roof, it is penoizol that can be called such a material. The price for it is less than that of extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, basalt slabs. This polymer material is completely safe for human health.

Foaming equipment is used for spraying penoizol. It is necessary to bring the hose closer to the place of arrangement of insulation and fill the gap with foam. After hardening, the thermofoam will not have a harmful effect and will not weigh down the structure. Penoizol differs from sprayed polystyrene foam by a high degree of moisture absorption (almost 5%), therefore it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer.

This material is used when it is necessary to solve the problem of how to insulate the roof of a private house with a flat roof.

The use of foam material leads to the creation of a strong and durable roof insulation. Since foam concrete has a low density, it does not exert high loads on the supporting frame and retains heat well.

For laying foam concrete, a special mobile installation is used. As a result, the insulation layer should be 3-15 centimeters.

They are used in the arrangement of flat slopes. Expanded clay refers to the bulk type of insulation. It is placed either on floor slabs or on the outer surface of the roof. The heat insulator is compacted and covered with a screed, while the required slope of the slope should be observed in order to ensure the removal of atmospheric precipitation.

When using expanded clay, loads are significantly increased both on the foundation of the building and on roof structures. This nuance should be taken into account when drawing up project documentation for private house. The quality of such thermal insulation depends on compliance with the insulation technology.

foamed glass

Refers to environmentally friendly materials for warming the roof of the house. It has high thermal insulation performance. It is produced by foaming the glass mass with carbon.

As a result, foamed glass is resistant to deformation processes, moisture and steam, it is durable and non-combustible. This insulation is used for arranging thermal insulation on all types of roofs, regardless of what materials they are built from. When installing foamed glass, polymer acetate glue is used to ensure a high degree of adhesion.

The use of this insulation gives the soft roofing elasticity and allows it to be leveled. This is one of the best options for thermal insulation of flat roofs that are planned to be exploited.

For the manufacture of such insulation as ecowool, waste paper is used. This heat insulator is environmentally friendly with excellent sound and heat insulating properties. But, as you know, cellulose is a combustible material and rodents and microorganisms can damage it. For this reason, ecowool is treated with bioprotective compounds and fire retardants.

This material is lightweight and inexpensive. But the arrangement of the thermal insulation of the roof needs a special approach when it is required to mount ecowool between the rafters. Closed “boxes” are made of tiled materials, then a heater is blown into them, filling the gaps completely with it.

Of the shortcomings of the heat insulator, it should be noted the need to prepare for installation and use special equipment.


Long before the advent of modern thermal insulation materials sawdust, which is woodworking waste, was especially popular when it was necessary to insulate the roof of one's own house. They are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, but flammable, which must be taken into account when choosing an insulation option. In addition, rodents like to live in them, and sawdust is also subject to the process of decay.

This bulk material is not used to insulate the roof structure, but only the ceiling. Ecowool can be used in the same way. Having laid the sawdust in an even layer, the ceilings of residential premises are qualitatively insulated in their own homes.

In order to enhance the thermal insulation performance, sawdust is mixed with clay and the attic floor is treated. Their use is possible only on condition that the attic space will not be used.

The right choice of insulation and high-quality arrangement of the roofing pie allows you to provide a favorable microclimate for its residents throughout the year in private households, and save on heating in winter.

How to insulate the roof of a private house: insulation, what is better to insulate the roof from the inside, the cheaper it is, the choice of material

How to insulate the roof of a private house: insulation, what is better to insulate the roof from the inside, the cheaper it is, the choice of material

Which insulation is better for the roof: overview, types, features and reviews

What kind of insulation is better to insulate the roof - it's up to the developer to decide. But first, you should answer the question of why attic thermal insulation is required. You should refer to the structural features of the roof covering with a slope. The coating is a system including a plurality of layers.

Some developers, trying to save on material, cut one layer, which is a gross mistake. The fact is that heat always rushes up, and in the case of poor-quality insulation of the roof, the warm flow will go beyond it. For this reason, the consumption of electricity or gas for heating will become uneconomical.

The main criteria for heat-insulating substances

How to ensure high-quality thermal insulation? What is the best roof insulation? Any material for roof insulation must perform its function for many years and be safe for health.

The main properties of heaters include:

  • low level thermal conductivity;
  • high rate of water resistance;
  • biological stability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • no flammability.

How to identify a poorly insulated attic?

Determining a poorly insulated attic in winter is not difficult. If, at sub-zero temperatures, the snow on the roof begins to melt, this means that the thermal insulation was carried out poorly. The hot air helped melt the snow.

It should be noted that inadequate attic insulation will have a negative impact not only in winter, but also in summer time. The burning sun heats the roof covering to a high temperature, and heat begins to penetrate into the room.

Features of materials for roof insulation

Speaking about which insulation is best for the roof, pay attention to the level of thermal conductivity. This is the main indicator of the substance used for the roof. The lower its coefficient, the higher the quality of the material. Most of the thermal insulation materials used in modern construction have an indicator below 0.04 W / (m ° C).

Each insulating substance has a certain thickness coefficient, from the level of which the developer proceeds when choosing a material. Climatic features must be taken into account.

What is the best insulation for a mansard roof?

  • An important condition is the rigidity of the substance. Thanks to this indicator, the material will firmly adhere to the pitched roof and provide a quality fit to the rafters. If this rule is not observed, the roof becomes frosty and covered with icicles. This is due to the formation of "cold bridges".

But the index has negative side. The stiffer the material, the lower its level of thermal conductivity. When choosing a roofing material, you should find a middle ground. The durability of the structure depends on the level of quality of the insulating substance, as well as compliance with the basic rules for covering the house with a roof.

  • Water absorption is another very significant indicator. Moisture that accumulates in the substance has a negative effect on the ability to retain heat. For materials with a high level of water absorption, a waterproofing layer is required.
  • steam permeability. At a high rate, steam will be deposited on the material, which will also reduce the level of thermal insulation. In this case, the installation of a steam reservoir is required. With a low value, such a layer will not be needed.
  • The indicator of the volumetric weight of the insulation. Cubic meter substances can have a weight of 11 to 350 kg. The heavy substance makes the roof structure cumbersome. Such a roof is installed on the rafters and has increased rigidity. Lightweight materials are mounted in the frame and form a layer between the rafters and the crate.
  • What is the best insulation for the roof of the house? Of course, one that does not ignite or decays itself when ignited. This characteristic is not leading when choosing a material, since a large-scale fire can destroy everything. It affects not only flammable substances, but even brickwork and structures made of reinforced concrete or metal.
  • Sound isolation. Wool-based materials have a high soundproofing index. Foam products have a lower coefficient, but in combination these two substances give an excellent result. The noise of rain and wind will not reach the household.
  • What is the best insulation for the attic roof? When making a choice, you should pay attention to another important quality that is not indicated in any technical specification for the product. This is the degree of preservation of its form. During the operation of the material, geometric proportions must be unchanged. Due to the curvature of the heat-insulating material, gaps are formed at its joints. In this way, about half of the total heat is lost. Therefore, shape stability plays a huge role when buying.

The best substances for the roof: fiberglass and basalt-based wool

Insulation is often required for pitched roofs. What is the best material in this case to choose? The most popular is fiberglass and basalt-based wool in the form of slabs.

The basis of fiberglass is molten glass, and wool is basalt (molten stone). As a rule, phenol-formaldehyde resin is used to bond the fibers.

Basalt wool is produced in the form of slabs, mats and rolls. Due to the fibrous base, these insulators contain air, which prevents the penetration of heat or cold. The price per meter of glass mat is 220 rubles.

What is the best roof insulation? Reviews indicate that the advantage of basalt wool should include its rigidity. With the same stiffness index, the density of the substance is much higher than that of fiberglass. Also, the material has a high level of non-flammability, the limit of which reaches 1000 ° C and above. In glass wool, this characteristic is approximately twice as low. Its indicator is 650 ° C.

Unlike the installation of fiberglass, the installation of mineral wool does not require the use of special gloves and a respirator. The only drawback of a basalt product is its high cost. The price of basalt wool, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 375 to 1007 rubles. for packing. It includes 8-10 layers. Layers of different firms are marked by size.

Important information

A layer of heat-insulating material based on basalt or fiberglass wool must have a thickness of up to 200 mm. Standard plates have a thickness of 50-100 mm. Therefore, in order to overlap the seams, it is recommended to overlap them. This will ensure the solidity of the contour in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bclosure of the roof and gables, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Mauerlats.

Cons and pros of expanded polystyrene

The heat-shielding level of this substance exceeds the performance of wool-based heaters. Therefore, a layer of material based on expanded polystyrene will have a thinness. The advantages of the substance include a zero rate of water absorption and a high rate of rigidity and strength.

Special inclusions provide the substance with resistance against fire, but when ignited, the material releases toxic substances that pose a threat to health.

Expanded polystyrene-based heat insulators are not as popular as the substances described above. And there are reasons for this. Some advantages of the material, for example, its rigidity, can play a negative role under certain conditions.

Expanded polystyrene has a high degree of insulation efficiency in the form of a solid carpet of plates connected by means of grooves. This method of coating is optimal when used on roofs of a simple, gable and flat design. Expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture and can serve as a heater and waterproofing. For roofs that are complex in shape, this material is not suitable.

The disadvantage of the product is its attractiveness to mice and rats. The price of the material is from 150 to 800 rubles. per square meter.

Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam

What is the best insulation for the roof, polystyrene foam or its extruded counterpart? The latter type has high quality characteristics. It is an innovative roof covering with a uniform structure. It consists of sealed cells, the size of which is 0.1-0.2 mm. In order to manufacture it, polystyrene granules are mixed under high pressure with a foaming agent (a mixture of freon and carbon dioxide), after which the contents are squeezed out of the extruder. The material has a low level of thermal conductivity.

  • resistance to chemicals;
  • lack of moisture absorption;
  • high level of waterproofing strength, which prevents the growth of mold fungi.

When water enters, only the cells are filled. The water does not penetrate deeper.

Extruded polystyrene foam is environmentally friendly. Tests have shown that the material retains its technical specifications even after repeated freezing and thawing, which indicates its high degree of resistance to temperature changes. According to many experts, such a design can last at least half a century.

The material easily withstands the effects of alkalis, acids, chlorine, alcohol, alcohol-based dyes, cement, propane, butane, hydrocarbons, ammonia, saline solutions.

The cost of extruded material depends on its characteristics. On average, it ranges from 1106 to 1380 rubles. The package contains from 7 to 18 plates.

Environmentally friendly materials

What is the best roof insulation? Of course, on an environmentally friendly basis. Following extruded polystyrene foam, the line of materials safe for health is continued by ecological wool, which consists of more than one third of waste paper and wood. In addition to paper, straw and cork are included in the composition. Flame retardants are added to wood pulp. Therefore, when installing the roof covering, you should use a respirator. Ecological wool is the optimal material for roof insulation with a slope.

Its advantages include:

  • low level of heat conductivity (from 0.036-0.045 W/mK);
  • dense filling of the space between the rafters (no gaps remain);
  • absorption of condensate by cellulose fiber;
  • acceptable cost.

The price of the material is from 38 to 50 rubles. per kilogram.

Cotton insulation

Cotton-based roofing is environmentally friendly. Made in a factory from recycled denim. Laying plates and mats can be done by yourself without the use of protective equipment. This substance has a high degree of noise isolation, so it is often used in home theater equipment.

The disadvantage of the material is its high degree of flammability. For this reason, flame retardants are added to cotton during production. Cotton slabs are difficult to cut during installation, so installation takes a long time.

The price per package ranges from 385 to 1405 rubles. The package includes from 6 to 18 plates.

linen coating

It is also an environmentally friendly insulation that does not contain toxic substances. The material does not pose a health hazard and can be used in the construction of roofs in kindergartens, hospitals, clinics and schools.

The service life of the product is approximately 60 years. The product perfectly retains its characteristics, is not affected by mold fungus and insects. The heater does not ignite, does not emit toxic substances.

The price of the product ranges from 1200 to 1830 rubles. for packing.

What insulation for the roof (roof) is better? Reviews indicate that the best option is a material that is environmentally friendly, non-flammable, a high level of steam resistance and rigidity. Also, according to many developers, roll material does not leave waste, while the use of plates leaves a lot of unused material.


The article reviewed different kinds roof insulation materials. What is the best roof insulation? Glass wool and basalt fiberglass are especially widespread. Many developers prefer environmentally friendly materials. They have a high degree of effectiveness and are also safe for health.

Insulation for the roof (which is better and the price is indicated in this article) should be chosen not guided by the fame of the manufacturer, but paying attention to the safety of the material. The environmental friendliness of the heat-insulating material is the most important indicator.

Which insulation is better for the roof: overview, types, features and reviews

Preservation of heat in the house is one of the important conditions for comfortable living in it. To hold it, the walls, floor and, of course, the roof should be insulated. A poorly insulated roof can let in one-third of the warm air.

What insulation is best for the roof

The quality of building materials used in construction is, perhaps, the most important factor affecting comfort in the home. And choosing everything you need, carefully choose the materials for the roof.

What insulation is best for the roof

Regardless of the external coating - metal tiles, bitumen or slate - about good insulation roofs should be taken care of in advance (agree, it will be much more difficult to insulate a finished roof from the inside). To do this, approach the issue with all responsibility and knowledge of the matter, because the range of both domestic and foreign materials is quite wide, and it will be difficult for a theoretically “unsavvy” person to understand them.

About the choice of insulation and types of roofing

And now let's try to find out: which insulation is better for the roof? What should you be aware of when buying? Insulation must be chosen, first of all, by the type of roof.

In principle, the roof is:

And this is hardly a complete list, because roofs are also distinguished, for example, by roofing material or geometric shape. The most popular and practical is the gable roof - atmospheric precipitation does not remain on it, but flows down two planes under a slope without any obstacles.

The most popular and practical is the gable roof.

About selection criteria

To determine the best insulation, first understand the selection criteria. There are several of them.

    1. The selected insulation must be absolutely safe and even more non-toxic.
    2. It must have a long service life. At the same time, throughout the entire period, the material must retain its properties.
    3. The selected insulation must have good soundproofing properties. This is especially true for pitched roofs, which, as far as we know, are covered with "noisy" materials.
    4. The insulation must retain its geometric shape regardless of weather conditions, temperature, pressure, etc.
    5. A good insulation must be frost-resistant.
    6. Finally, ask about the specific gravity (not too big/small), and this is mainly influenced by the density.
    7. In addition, the thickness of the insulating material is also very important. To objectively determine this indicator, take into account the thermal conductivity and thermal resistance, as well as the climate of your area and the type of roof.

So, a good insulation is an environmentally friendly and lightweight material that does not burn and, of course, fits the roof structure.

About the types of heaters

About the types of heaters

The most common and heaters at the moment are:

Each of the materials has its own characteristics. Let's get acquainted with them.

Expanded clay is poured onto the outer part of the roof or overlapping slab. Then the material is compacted, fixed with a concrete screed and roofing material.

Note! This method of insulation can be resorted to only in cases where the load-bearing floor is designed for a large weight (and expanded clay together with a concrete screed weigh a lot).

Mineral wool

This material is rightfully considered one of the best, it is not combustible and does not absorb moisture. Mineral wool has excellent thermal and sound insulation parameters, as well as a good service life.

To insulate the roof with mineral wool, you must first install wooden frame and attach it with a mounting stapler (the frame must also be covered with a layer of waterproofing). For such waterproofing, you can use, for example, polyethylene. Mineral wool slabs are mounted between the partitions of the frame.

Foam glass

Foam glass is an environmentally friendly and versatile, however, rather expensive material.

For its manufacture, glass waste and carbon are foamed. Foamed glass is durable, moisture resistant, not subject to deformation, does not burn and long time retains thermal insulation properties.

Thanks to all these advantages, foamed glass can be used for all types of roofing. Regardless of the material used in the construction of the roof (be it concrete, metal or wood), it will effectively prevent heat loss in the house. If a soft roof was used, then with this insulation it will become even more elastic, since the foamed glass will also act as a leveling layer.

But the material still has one minus - poor adhesion. To improve it, use polymer cement glue during installation.


If anyone does not know, the little-known term "polystyrene foam" hides ordinary foam. This material occupies a separate place among the numerous roofing insulation. It has excellent thermal and sound insulation properties, but due to shortcomings (such as vapor tightness and flammability), it is not recommended at all to insulate a flat roof with polystyrene foam. If we are talking about extruded polystyrene foam, then it can only be used in well-ventilated rooms.

This material is mounted from the inside - foam plates are placed in one layer on a pre-installed waterproofing, observing the maximum fit. All joints are treated with mounting foam, which is covered with mounting tape.

Relatively "young" material, consisting of sand, cement and steam generator. Don't be fooled by the word "concrete" in the title. Yes, in terms of its strength, this material is really not inferior to concrete, but at the same time it weighs like foam. It does not load the supporting structure, so it is ideal for roof insulation. Foamed concrete is durable, non-flammable, non-toxic and vapor-tight, it provides absolute tightness and effectively retains heat in the room.

Note! You will not be able to insulate the roof with foam concrete on your own! The fact is that this procedure is carried out by specialists using a special portable unit.

The thickness of the material layer can vary from 3 to 15 cm, depending on specific conditions.

polyurethane foam

Fire safety, low cost, excellent thermal insulation characteristics - these are the main qualities of polyurethane foam. It is applied from the inside by means of a special installation, moreover, no gaps remain after that.

Polyurethane foam can be used to insulate any roof.

Ecowool - cellulose wadding

This material is also called eco-friendly cotton wool and is made from waste paper. It may seem that this circumstance does not fit into the concept of fire safety, but in fact it is not. In the production of cellulose, fire retardants are used, which make it non-combustible.

Also, the material is coated with antiseptics for biological stability - that is, to protect against rodents. As a result, an inexpensive, lightweight and environmentally friendly material with excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

So what is the best roofing insulation?

Considering what was said above, we can conclude: the best materials are polystyrene and mineral wool. If you choose from these two, then definitely mineral wool, preferably basalt, you can recognize it by its gray color (the usual color is yellow). Styrofoam can be considered, as it were, an economical version of mineral wool. In addition, if rodents are wound up in the house, then in any case they will wish to feast on such a heater.

A few words about flammability

Combustibility of roof insulation

If you still prefer foam, then do not forget that it does not resist combustion well.

It is better to buy a class G-1 insulation, because in this case, when ignited, it will only be enough to neutralize the source of fire in order to stop burning. Styrofoam itself burns very badly.

You are probably wondering what will happen if the roof is insulated with G-4 class material? Yes, sometimes such materials are much cheaper, but keep in mind: heaters with this flammability class in case of fire will emit black acrid smoke and even drops (also black and caustic).

Misconceptions and Common Mistakes

    1. When laying insulation between the floor rafters, carefully measure the plates to avoid the formation of cracks and gaps.
    2. Do not save on quality, because everyone knows how many times you have to pay the miser. It is better to give preference to "untwisted" and famous brands who have already proven themselves well.
    3. Leave gaps between the layers of the insulating "sandwich" in order for air to circulate.
    4. Buy material with a margin, otherwise the layer will be too thin.
    5. Remember: the effectiveness of preventing the penetration of cold and the release of heat depends on how many seams in the insulation.
    6. Choose the material carefully if you plan to insulate a flat roof with it. As already mentioned, it is better to buy basalt mineral wool (in extreme cases - foam concrete). In doing so, take into account design features, operating conditions and project documentation. If you plan to use the roof in the future for one purpose or another, then it is advisable to put it on an insulating material concrete screed(Of course, if the design holds).

As a conclusion

Comfort and, of course, warmth in your home will depend on the correct choice of material and whether the installation was carried out correctly.

What is the best insulation for the roof - instructions for choosing!

Find out which roofing insulation is best. The main types of roof insulation, selection criteria, common mistakes, photo + video.

The huge space under the roof of the house is now being turned not into a warehouse, but into a comfortable and spacious living space. But in order for the attic to be warm in winter and not hot in summer, it should be insulated in compliance with the technology. We will help you choose a budget-friendly, durable and easy-to-use heat insulator and familiarize you with the nuances of its use.

The building materials market offers many options for heat insulators, but sellers usually talk only about the merits of the material and rarely warn about the shortcomings. Therefore, it is important to understand which material and in what situation will be more preferable.

The effectiveness of heaters is very different: a more modern material can have ten times less thickness with the same heat-insulating ability

The “correct” insulation must meet the following requirements:

  • easy to install (since the roofs in our region are pitched, not flat, preference is given to materials that can be held on an inclined surface);
  • be safe in installation and use (for example, glass wool unpleasantly pricks during installation, and polystyrene releases carcinogens when heated);
  • do not support combustion (since the main roof structure is made of wood, the use of combustible insulation can lead to the rapid destruction of the house);
  • have a low weight (any heat insulator is an additional load on the roof structure, walls and foundation);
  • differ in small thickness (the larger the layer of heat insulator, the lower the ceiling height in the attic).

Styrofoam is one of the most popular heat insulators, as it is one of the cheapest. The slab material is convenient in transportation and installation, does not overload the roof structure, is completely unaffected by moisture, so it is not afraid of rot and mold.

Styrofoam is the best option for external insulation, so it is worth choosing if the roof of your house is flat. It will help to insulate the roof without losing internal space. If you bought the attic above your apartment in high-rise building, then you can increase its height from 2.2–2.3 to 2.5–2.6 m only by transferring the heat insulator to the outer layer. True, for this you will have to agree on similar work with other residents of the upper floor or with the management company.

This material is quite dense, it is not afraid of water, so builders use foam plastic for thermal insulation of floors. Expanded polystyrene plates are poured into the screed when arranging the floor in the attic.

You will have to spend a lot of building foam to process all the cracks

However, with internal insulation of the roof between the rafters, shortcomings of the foam are found:

  • the plates are not elastic, so there are gaps between them that must be blown out with mounting foam;
  • expanded polystyrene interferes with the ventilation of rafters and other wooden elements frame, which can lead to their destruction by rot or fungus;
  • foam plastic has a rather low degree of sound insulation, so if it is important for you to cut off unnecessary sounds, it is better to choose a less dense insulation;
  • if the material thickness is incorrectly calculated, the dew point is inside the insulated space and the heat-insulating cake begins to collapse;
  • modern polystyrene does not support combustion, but melts at high temperatures and releases toxic substances, so if a stove or fireplace pipe passes through the attic, it is better to isolate the space around it with another material.

In addition, polystyrene foam is unpleasant for many people to work with, because when cut and rubbed with hard surfaces, it makes repulsive sounds (a similar reaction is caused by the grinding of metal on glass).

Use foam plastic for external insulation of facades, roofs, ceilings and protect it from atmospheric influences. Only in such a situation, expanded polystyrene will provide reliable thermal insulation and will not show its shortcomings.

By the way, when equipping a green roof with grass and ornamental plants foam is used for thermal insulation, because it does not deform under the weight of subsequent layers of drainage and soil.

The green eco-friendly roof is not only beautiful, but also very warm, because there is foam under it

Roof insulation with foam

Penoplex from a chemical point of view is a new generation of foam. This material is produced in the form of rigid orange plates without visible granules. It differs from the usual polystyrene foam:

  • tenon-groove edge, which helps to join the plates without gaps, so the seams do not need to be foamed and then cut the foam;
  • higher density, due to which the roof increases resistance to snow loads;
  • homogeneity, due to which the plate does not crumble when cut;
  • lower thermal conductivity, which allows you to reliably isolate the slope with a 2-fold smaller layer of insulation and maintain the height of the ceiling in the attic.

From the older brother, penoplex inherited water and steam resistance, resistance to the influence of fungi and bacteria, the ability to serve for a long time and the absence of dust when cut. It can also be mounted in any weather and humidity level. It is allowed to install penoplex without insulating membranes.

In the roofing cake, when the roof is insulated with foam plastic, there may not be a hydro- and vapor barrier film

But despite all the efforts of the manufacturer to rid the material of combustibility, the polymer remains dangerous in a fire. Of course, it will not ignite by itself and will not burn without direct contact with fire, but the smoke released during melting can poison the residents of the house.

Video: foam roof insulation technology

Polyurethane foam is also a close relative of expanded polystyrene, but unlike the latter, it is not sold ready-made. The chemical reaction that forms the pimples of the polymer takes place already on your roof, so polyurethane foam is guaranteed to fill the smallest gaps between the rafters. In addition to providing a uniform seamless coating, the material has other advantages:

  • high heat, hydro and sound insulation without cold bridges with a moderately thick layer of material, which allows you to maintain the height of the ceiling (the final thickness is three times less than when using foam or cotton wool);
  • no need for additional work (installation of fasteners, battens), sufficient dedusting and priming of the surface;
  • fire safety (the material does not support combustion, does not melt at temperatures up to +220 ° C);
  • suitable for the northernmost regions (normal operating temperature up to -150 ° C);
  • not afraid of fungus and rot.

Experts note that if the material is protected from ultraviolet radiation, polyurethane foam insulation can last more than 30 years.

It is possible to insulate the roof with polyurethane foam not only inside, but also outside

What don't sellers say? For example, the fact that polyurethane foam should not be applied directly to the roofing material or the membrane adjacent to it. Since the foam adheres tightly to the base, it becomes impossible to equip the ventilation gap necessary for these materials, and the roof covering is slowly destroyed. Of course, it is possible to hem the slope with membrane-protected boards or OSB boards at a short distance from the main coating and apply foam to this sheathing. But such events will inevitably lead to a rise in the cost of the project, so some masters prefer not to mention the nuances when talking with homeowners.

Insulation with polyurethane foam is impossible without special equipment, so when comparing materials, consider the costs of the work of craftsmen. If you can do the laying of foam or cotton wool with your own hands, then you definitely won’t do the spraying of polyurethane foam yourself.

Considering all the requirements of the technology, polyurethane foam is very good choice for all types of houses and roofs, because it is not without reason that in Europe and the USA it is considered the most popular heat insulator.

Video: how polyurethane foam is sprayed

Roof insulation with mineral wool

In our region, mineral wool is most often used to insulate a pitched roof. One of its main advantages is ease of installation. The technology is so simple that with its help even one adult with a teenage assistant can warm the slope. But the mineral wool is different:

  • glass (glass wool). It is excellent for insulating heated elements (for example, chimneys and chimneys), as it can withstand heating up to 450 ° C. In addition, cotton wool isolates extraneous noise, quickly restores its shape after shock and vibration. One of the main drawbacks of glass wool is flowability. While working with it, the master runs the risk of inhaling a huge amount of tiny fragments of glass fibers, and when cotton gets on the skin, the hands and feet begin to itch and turn red (this is not an allergy, but micro-scratches). As a result, installation has to be done in overalls and a respirator, which makes the process long and uncomfortable;

    Glass wool emits tiny particles of fibers interspersed with glass, which unpleasantly scratch open skin areas.

  • stone (basalt wool). stone wool it is more resistant to moisture, does not cake so quickly and keeps its shape longer. Therefore, you can not be afraid that the heat insulator will eventually slide down the slope. In addition, you can install basalt wool without funds. personal protection, it is safe for health and practically does not cause itching.

    Basalt wool is easy to distinguish by the brown-brown color of long strands.

Both types of cotton wool are produced in the form of mats of several standard sizes and in rolls. If the roof is simple and it is possible to adjust the sheathing pitch (and cell size) to the parameters of the mat, it is best to use soft slabs that will themselves stay in the cells. For roofs with complex slopes, ledges and bay windows, it is better to buy rolled wool, although it will require additional fastening.

Mineral wool - an effective material, but capricious in use. In particular, it should be protected from moisture from above and steam from below, as well as provide natural ventilation. Such requirements will result in additional costs for hydro and vapor barriers, and the work will take longer due to the construction of another crate.

Do not save on insulation by violating the mineral wool installation technology. It is better to properly insulate with cheap cotton wool than to leave an expensive one without ventilation.

Those who ignore the rules, after the first autumn, can admire the wet, rotting insulation and unpleasant cold in the attic. And if the situation is not corrected, the rafters will also begin to rot over time.

Video: roof insulation with mineral wool

If you see soft snow-white insulation in the store, this is not know-how, but a variation of quartz sand mineral wool with acrylic binder. Studies have confirmed its safety for health, so it is with this kind of wool that it is recommended to insulate the attic if it is planned to make a children's room in it. In addition, white glass wool holds better when installed by surprise, does not smell and does not tend to dust, so its installation process is much easier than installing ordinary brown glass wool.

Quartz wool is most often produced in rolls and is the safest type of mineral wool for health.

Roof insulation with ecowool

An even safer and more natural analogue of mineral wool is cellulose ecowool. This material is available in slabs or as loose fibres, slightly reminiscent of down. Among the advantages of ecowool:

  • natural composition;
  • resistance to burning (class G2);
  • good resistance to decay, insects, rodents and fungi (treated with safe impregnants - borax or boric acid);
  • preservation of properties when wet;
  • high degree of thermal insulation (4 times higher than that of expanded clay);
  • environmental friendliness. Does not cause allergies during installation;
  • formation of a seamless layer of thermal insulation;
  • frost resistance.

Ecowool is produced in different modifications, while the higher its class, the more it looks like medical

Table: comparison of the characteristics of basalt and cellulose wool

Among the shortcomings of ecowool, one can single out only the need for equipment for ventilation of the material and the difficulty in installation. Cotton wool in the form of fluffy fibers is best sprayed with a blow molding machine, but if you have time and are not inclined to save on the amount of material, this can also be done manually. This is the only cotton wool that can be wetted for ease of installation.

Among the natural analogues of mineral wool, it is also possible to note teplolyon (plates made of flax fibers), but in terms of appearance, characteristics and features of installation, it does not differ much from mineral wool.

Roof insulation with expanded clay

Expanded clay (granules of foamed clay) attracts attention with such properties:

  • environmental friendliness (it consists entirely of mineral components without the addition of polymer resins and other popular binders);
  • resistance to mouse teeth (it simply does not attract the interest of rodents, which are happy to nest in mineral wool and polystyrene);
  • long service life (50–60 years for expanded clay is not the limit);
  • extremely low thermal conductivity (a layer of 10 cm of expanded clay insulates heat like 25 cm of timber or 100 cm of brick).

At the same time, the cost of the material is not sky-high, it is considered one of the most budgetary heaters.

It looks like a roof insulated with expanded clay in a section

  1. The slopes are hemmed from the inside (OSB, fiberboard, clapboard).
  2. A membrane is laid on top.
  3. A layer of expanded clay (14–16 cm) is poured on it and leveled.
  4. Lay waterproofing.
  5. Mount the crate, counter-lattice and roofing material.

It is almost impossible to qualitatively insulate a finished roof with expanded clay.

Expanded clay granules are fragile, try not to damage them during backfilling.

Foamed roof insulation

Among the rolled roofing insulation, fully polymeric ones are also offered, which look like a substrate for a laminate. In most cases this is:

  • penofol (foamed polyethylene) with a layer thickness of 3-10 mm, which can be supplied with one- and two-sided foil and adhesive layer;
  • penotherm (foamed polypropylene) 6–10 mm thick, with or without foil.

Products similar in properties and composition are also produced by the brands Izolon, Alufom, Polifom, Germaflex, Ecofol and others.

Foamed insulation is so thin that rolls for the entire roof can be brought in a passenger car

These materials are extremely thin, but in combination with foil they can provide reliable thermal insulation of the attic. Due to their low weight and small thickness, they are great for owners of older houses who are not ready to strengthen the structure of the roof and foundation. Foamed polymers are completely safe during installation, and thanks to the coating of pure aluminum, they are not able to emit any harmful substances. The material simultaneously serves as heat, moisture and sound insulation; no films or membranes need to be mounted with it. Penofol is also used when the ceiling height is critically low. To maintain the height of the attic, you can not even cover it with trim, the foil ceiling will look unusual and futuristic.

At the same time, penofol and penotherm can be used in combination with any other types of heaters, from mineral wool to fibrolite. Such a multi-layer cake will improve your thermal insulation several times, and foam insulation costs no more than a good waterproofing membrane.

When using penofol instead of a membrane, the effectiveness of mineral wool increases markedly

The only drawback of foamed heat insulators is low heat resistance, they begin to break down already when heated to 91 ° C.

Roof insulation with wood-fiber boards

Previously, ceilings and floors were insulated with a mixture of sawdust with the addition of cement. Fiberboard is a more modern variation of this technology, but it has been known for a long time. More than 40 factories producing this material worked in the USSR. Unlike chipboard, with which it is sometimes confused, fiberboard is not made of shavings, but of longer wood fibers (which resemble straw). In addition to them, the plates contain Portland cement and liquid glass, so this material is less combustible, heavier and is not afraid of moisture, like chipboard.

Fibrolite boards can serve both as a heater and as a base for finishing(paint or putty)

Now fiberboard is not considered a heater, it is more often used for sheathing the frame of a house, constructing partitions and a continuous roof sheathing. But at the same time, fibrolite boards have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, therefore they are used for insulation both on their own (usually in two layers with offset sheets), and in combination with softer insulation materials (mineral wool, ecowool). At the same time, it is suitable for all types of roofs (flat, single, gable, complex). Unlike other types of heat insulators, fiberboard can be puttied, painted and wallpapered, which greatly simplifies the finishing of the room.

A distinctive feature of these wood fiber boards is their excellent thermal stability. For example, mineral wool under a metal tile on a summer afternoon will heat up in 2 hours, and fibrolite will not change the temperature for 10 hours. The material is so thermally stable that it is possible to equip built-up roofs (roofing felt, bituminous tiles) on it using burners with an open flame.

What insulation is better to use for a private house

In private houses, roofs are usually pitched, so when insulating it is better to focus on soft materials, leaving polystyrene and polystyrene foam for external insulation of flat roofs. The final choice depends on the configuration of the roof and finishing material. For example:

When buying insulation, be sure to ask the consultant if the type you have chosen is suitable for the roof, since cotton wool, polystyrene foam, foam plastic and other materials for roofs, walls and ceilings differ in density, size, thickness of the plates and other characteristics. Do not be too lazy to read the information on the packaging - most manufacturers indicate the purpose of the material.

Video: testing different types of heaters

Insulation for the roof, for walls, thermal insulation of the house: price, which is better, buy cheap, choose - outside, inside

To decide how to choose a roof insulation, which one is better to buy, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of insulation and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. No matter what the roof covering will be: tiles, slate or other material, high-quality thermal insulation allows you to reduce heating costs and reduce heat loss.

Types of insulation for the roof

There is a wide choice of materials for thermal insulation of a roof. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages that you need to keep in mind when choosing a roofing insulation. The most popular at the moment are:

  • polystyrene (polystyrene foam);
  • foamed glass;
  • basalt wool;
  • cellulose;
  • foam concrete.

There are other types of insulation, among them you can choose the most suitable for a particular case. It is worth considering in more detail the most popular types of materials.

Properties of extruded polystyrene and expanded polystyrene

Extruded polystyrene foam is a relatively new material that is designed to insulate the roof, however, it is quite capable of competing with more traditional methods.

The advantages of this material include:

  • light weight of the material;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low material cost;
  • high strength.

Significant disadvantages include a low rate of vapor permeability. Excess moisture will not go outside, which requires more funds to be allocated to improve the ventilation system. Flammability class is very low.

Expanded polystyrene is well suited for insulating not every type of roof; it is better to use it for insulating flat roofs or roofs with a simple configuration.

Currently, mineral wool is one of the most popular materials for roof insulation.

Minvata fully meets all the requirements for materials for thermal insulation:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • low flammability index;
  • good soundproof qualities.

Material based on mineral insulation can last for a long time, up to 50 years, resistant to mechanical damage.

Properties of fiberglass and foam concrete

Fiberglass insulation has almost the same characteristics as mineral wool. These two materials have only two important differences:

  • water absorption of mineral wool is much greater than that of ordinary;
  • low resistance to high temperatures.

The positive aspects of using materials include:

  • lightness of the material;
  • low sound absorption.

Foam concrete is a fairly new material, which includes a steam generator, concrete and a mixture of sand and cement. Thermal insulation is applied by spraying between the screed and the base. For installation, you will need special equipment that allows you to well process all the cracks, cracks and seams, which will help to avoid the appearance of "cold bridges".

Typically, foam concrete is used in the construction of industrial buildings and residential skyscrapers. The material is lightweight, durable and fire resistant. The thermal conductivity of the material is quite high, so the foam concrete layer must be large enough, at least 50 cm.

The answer to the question of how best to insulate the roof of a house depends on the design of the roof itself. A pitched roof requires a different type of insulation than a flat one. There are differences for the roof of the attic. In addition to the special characteristics of the material, different types of roofs require different ways of installing insulation.

The choice of insulation for different types roofing

Soft roofing, intended for long-term operation, has a special specificity.

A soft roof is understood as various materials for covering the roof: polymer membranes, tiles, roofing material, mastic materials. Such a roof is a waterproof "carpet" laid on a solid base. Having laid a soft roof, you do not have to worry about waterproofing.

Insulation is laid outside or inside, in one or two layers. Most often, two-layer insulation is done in new houses, and one layer is laid during the repair or reconstruction of the building.

There is only one requirement for insulation for a soft roof: it must be durable in order to exclude the possibility of deformation. The insulation is attached to the roof with dowels or glued.

For a soft roof, almost any material can be used:

  • bulk: shale granules, crushed polystyrene foam;
  • rigid: foam plastic, mineral wool (plates);
  • soft rolls.

To insulate the pitched roof of a private house, you can use one of two options.

Pitched roof insulation options

The first is for the attic floor. Suitable for those cases when the attic of the house is supposed to be used as a living space. The main requirement for attic insulation is water resistance. Well suited basalt insulation. Plates will not let moisture through. In addition, they are quite flexible and will not sag when the rafters dry.

But fiberglass, which is often used to insulate mansard roofs, is better not to use: over time, it will lose its shape and sag under its own weight. In addition, fiberglass is unstable to moisture.

If the attic is not supposed to be used, then which insulation to choose for installation is not so important: any insulation will do here. The main thing is that the room is constantly ventilated, and the insulation cake is formed correctly. Then the house will be protected from heat loss.

The choice of insulation for a flat roof of a private house largely depends on the degree of operation.

An unused roof can be insulated with any material that is suitable for the price. But if the roof is to be used, then the insulation must be approached more responsibly.

The best choice in this case is a hard insulation. It is recommended to use any of the following materials: Styrofoam or mineral wool. Due to the high combustibility of the material, the roof with polystyrene foam insulation must be protected with additional balls. But this material can withstand very high loads.

Mineral wool insulation should not be installed on a wooden roof.

Various types of heaters

Depending on the shape, heat insulators are rolled or in the form of plates. Each of these types is suitable for a specific task. It is necessary at the design stage to decide which one is best suited.

Roll materials are used for pitched and flat roofs. Roll parameters, its length and width are determined by GOST.

The heat insulator is laid between the rafters as tightly as possible. If your area experiences very low temperatures during the winter, you can apply two layers of sealant.

If the roll compactor is made of mineral material, it is very important to take into account the correct installation, since all defects, even small ones, will sooner or later turn into serious problems.

The fiberglass roll seal must be dry. If moisture enters, its quality deteriorates, and in the future it will no longer retain heat in the room, which will require repairs with the involvement of specialists.

Tiled heat insulator is made of polymeric or mineral materials. The installed width of the slabs is 61 cm. The length can be different: from 50 cm to 10 m. The slabs must be laid in compliance with all operating rules.

For pitched roofs, as well as for flat roofs, there is a warming rule: the step of the lathing should be no more than 60 cm. The main thing in working with tile insulation is to securely and reliably fix it, and also protect it well from external factors (rain, dew). It is important to take into account the level of humidity in the room even at the design stage of construction work - this will help prevent premature deformation of the material.

If the installation is done correctly, then the material of the tile insulation itself is not so important: both foam plastic and glass wool are equally well suited.

Tiled insulation is more convenient to use when insulating private houses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is small. In this case, all roof insulation work can be done independently.

Characteristics of the roof insulation

It is necessary to choose which insulation for the roof is better, depending on the characteristics of the roof structure. Nevertheless, there are a number of criteria, following which you can facilitate the process of choosing a material.

1. Resistant to both low and high temperatures.

2. The ability to keep the shape: it depends on how the material will resist external loads.

3. Compliance with fire safety standards: the thermal insulator must have an appropriate document (certificate). In addition, in order not to ignite, the material must help to stop the fire.

4. High sound insulation.

5. Service life should not be less than 10 years.

6. Elasticity - the ability of a material to resist deformation, returning to its previous shape.

7. Density. The efficiency of heat storage depends on this parameter. If the density is insufficient, then the strength of the protective coating will be significantly reduced and damage will quickly appear.

8. Sufficient thickness and weight. These indicators are the most important, since a seal that is too thin and light will not be able to guarantee the protection of the house from heat loss. The optimal indicator of the thickness of the insulation material is calculated based on the indicator of heat transfer resistance multiplied by the thermal conductivity coefficient. The first parameter can be found in normative documents, it differs depending on the region. The second parameter is indicated on the packaging of the material.

9. Steam permeability and moisture absorption. Vapor permeability must be high enough, and moisture absorption low, so that moisture does not accumulate in the insulation layers. If these indicators are normal, the room will have an optimal level of humidity.

10. Thermal conductivity should be low. The lower this indicator, the better the insulating material copes with its task. The energy saving limit is 0.048 W/mK or less.

11. Insulation must comply with environmental standards. Manufacturers of quality products apply certificates confirming the fact of checking for compliance with all safety requirements.

The most important mistake is to select material for roof insulation, guided by only one indicator, for example, only thickness or vapor permeability.

Criteria for choosing material for insulation

When choosing how to insulate the roof in a house, you need to pay attention to the type of insulation, mechanical and thermal insulation characteristics.

But it often happens that some materials meet them only partially, and on some points they have serious shortcomings. In this case, it is worth focusing on the design features of the roof and decide whether these shortcomings are critical.

It is worth adding to the above that one of the most important qualities of a thermal insulator is its price. A few years ago mineral heaters were the cheapest. But the market is rapidly replenished with new modern materials, high quality of which is combined with an acceptable cost.

The most popular types of roof insulation, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the main criteria that an ideal material for thermal insulation must meet are considered. When choosing a heater, it is important to consider the following points: resistance to influences (biological, mechanical, physical), low water absorption and thermal conductivity, quality, strength of the roof structure. Since the service life of the material for roof insulation is quite high (10 years or more), it is important to consider its safety.

Roof insulation, regardless of its design, is currently considered quite an important event, since this ensures the creation of comfortable microclimatic conditions in the house. Insulation allows you to protect the interior of the house from the penetration of moisture and dampness, and properly performed work can reduce the cost of heating the house.

Many people wonder what is the benefit of roof insulation. In fact, the quality depends directly on what material was used. If you want high-quality material to be selected, and the work to be performed in accordance with the tasks, then in this case, pay attention to the following qualities:

  • You can create a living space in the attic;
  • The roof surface is protected from heat and overheating;
  • The house maintains an optimal level of humidity;
  • You can significantly save on heating the house and attic space;
  • Provides good sound insulation.

Thanks to these parameters, we can conclude that insulation material is simply necessary for the roof, but the most important thing among the entire range is to choose it correctly.

What are roof insulation?

Insulations allow you to keep warm in the winter season, and in the summer to create coolness and protection from overheating. From right choice and installation depends on the durability of the roof and ease of use, so you can not neglect the issue regarding the choice of insulation for the roof. According to their structure, there are two main types of insulation: fibrous and cellular.

Fibrous insulation

1) Glass wool - an affordable and common insulation material

Glass wool can cope with thermal insulation at the appropriate level, which is considered its important advantage. In fact, this is the main advantage, since there are more than enough disadvantages in this case. The fact is that the material is difficult to install, both on a pitched and on a straight roof. Glass wool can absorb moisture, so it can be easily deformed during use. And that is why, if possible, it is recommended to purchase other materials.

2) Spatula fiber for insulation - URSA

Spatula fiber has much better technical qualities compared to glass wool, and the resistance to moisture is an order of magnitude higher. The material can be used for both internal and external roof insulation. Such a heater, known as "URSA", is suitable for any roof structures, including pitched roofs.

3) Mineral wool slabs - basalt insulation

The slabs are based on basalt, which is heated and pressed to form dense slabs or mats. For basalt insulation, environmental cleanliness, thermal insulation and sound insulation of the roof are considered characteristic parameters. Among other things, this material is still simple in the installation process, due to which it was able to gain popularity among many users.

4) Cellulose insulation material

At 81% it consists of recycled cellulose, and all other percentages are the content of antiseptics and flame retardants in the composition. Thanks to this composition, the material perfectly retains biostability throughout the entire use. This type of insulation is distinguished by its ease and safety during operation, and when the material ignites, no toxic substances are released.

Cellular insulation materials

1) Practical extruded polystyrene foam

This material was able to positively establish itself in the market of heaters due to the base in the form of polymers. And today it is considered a very serious competitor for the usual materials, which are based on glass or mineral fiber.

2) Polyurethane foam - material for internal thermal insulation of the roof

Polyurethane foam has excellent resistance to the formation of various negative microorganisms, bacteria and mold. And the thermal insulation properties are at a fairly high level, and they remain for thirty years.

What insulation is best for a mansard roof?

Expanded polystyrene or basalt insulation to choose for the roof

Among the above types of thermal insulation, we single out basalt insulation and expanded polystyrene according to their practical properties. The first type is the most popular due to its excellent characteristics: incombustibility, environmental friendliness and tightness during installation.

In turn, the indisputable advantage of expanded polystyrene is the high moisture resistance of the material, which prolongs the life of the insulation. The disadvantage of this type of thermal insulation is the low level of tightness of the junction of polystyrene foam to wooden structure roofs. As practice shows, the use of sealant or polyurethane foam does not solve this problem much, since gaps may form over time due to the drying out of the tree, which leads to heat loss from the roof.

Basalt insulation is devoid of such a drawback, and during minor movements of the wooden structure it is able to tightly fill the resulting voids due to its "springing" effect. For the combination of the above reasons, thermal insulation based on mineral wool is best suited for warming residential attics and therefore so in demand among professional roofers.

Roof insulation thickness and thermal insulation calculation

What should be the minimum thickness of roof insulation? This question is asked by everyone who has ever thought about building an attic. Detailed information with formulas for calculation and generally accepted state standards can be found in SNiP II-3-79 "Construction Heat Engineering". In human language, we will briefly try to explain the technology for calculating the heat-insulating layer of the attic floor.

For a certain type of insulation, the thermal insulation layer is selected individually. In the case of the most popular insulation based on basalt mineral wool, the thickness should be not less than 200 mm. As the first layer, you can use a 100 mm thick insulation, then lay two more layers of 50 mm each with an overlap. Thus, all "cold bridges" are closed and the efficiency of thermal insulation is significantly increased.

Note that the thickness of the basalt insulation layer equal to 200 mm is necessary only for the central and northern regions, and is calculated based on the maximum negative temperature in this region. With such a thickness, the density of the insulation should be at least 30 kg / m3.

In other words, the size of the thermal insulation layer is affected by its density and ambient temperature.

Attic insulation technology

Attic insulation

Roof insulation is considered a rather serious undertaking, so there is no way to do without providing an appropriate approach. To cope with the tasks at a high level, you need to consider the following steps:

  • A waterproofing barrier is installed to exclude the possibility of moisture penetration;
  • The insulation material itself is laid;
  • Vapor barrier layer to create the required microclimate of the space;
  • And only after that it is possible to carry out the interior design of the mansard roof.

Please note that a ventilation gap is required, since this eliminates the likelihood of mold and dampness, since the structure will let air through.

Possible errors in roof insulation

Despite the fact that the process of roof insulation seems simple and understandable, with self-fulfillment certain errors may occur.

The most common mistake is the selection of the wrong size and thickness of the material, since all this can result in certain gaps and inconvenience when further use. Wet material must not be used as this may cause rust and rot spots on the surface of partitions and other surfaces. Proper implementation of each stage of roof insulation will allow you to perform all the work at a high level in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.