How to decorate the interior walls of the garage. Finishing a garage from A to Z: basic information and nuances

  • 20.06.2020

Each car owner spends a significant part of the time in the garage, and the issue of comfortable pastime in this case becomes relevant. You can make your garage more comfortable with interior decoration walls. Read an overview of the characteristics of the types of inspection pit in the garage.

Skin features

Due to the specifics of the functional use of the premises, the finishing material for sheathing the walls of the garage from the inside must have a number of certain qualities and performance properties:

  • finishing material, first of all, should have not only decorative properties, but also perform the practical function of protecting the wall surface from various kinds of harmful influences, for example, from moisture or temperature changes;
  • the finishing material must be resistant to the effects of specific substances that are typical for the process of servicing and operating a vehicle (gasoline, engine oil, etc.);
  • finishing material must be refractory;
  • finishing material must be resistant to mechanical stress;
  • in the case when the garage is not heated, the finishing material must be resistant to sub-zero temperatures;
  • in addition, the finishing material should not absorb odors and accumulate various pollutants, and in case of contamination it should be easy to clean;
  • for finishing material should be characterized by a long service life without losing its original qualities.

How to sheathe the walls in the garage from the inside?

You can sheathe the walls in the garage from the inside with the following materials:

Each of these materials has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Plastering walls used to be the most popular way to finish garage walls from the inside. To date, plastering is not so often used, but is the most accessible way wall finishes for the price.

Gypsum board is in demand as a finishing material for walls, and garage rooms are no exception.

Advantages of using drywall sheet:

  • not a complicated process of attaching drywall sheets to a frame base, which does not require special skills, is distinguished by the speed of carrying out finishing works;
  • affordable price;
  • light weight material;
  • with the help of drywall, you can level the walls, as well as hide various communications under the drywall.

Advantages of using plastic panels:

  • light weight of the material allows you to quickly carry out work;
  • plastic panels, unlike drywall, are not at all afraid of moisture and have a longer service life;
  • plastic panels are easy to care for, just wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • prices for plastic panels are also very affordable.

Benefits of using OSB boards:

  • OSB boards have higher strength characteristics than drywall and plastic;
  • Due to a certain treatment with special substances during production, OSB boards are characterized by a fairly high resistance to moisture.

How to sheathe walls for warmth?

Unheated garages are not uncommon, and when decorating the walls of the garage, it is recommended to use all possible ways to keep the above-zero air temperature inside the garage for as long as possible. One of these methods is the use for wall cladding, under a decorative and finishing layer, thermal insulation material.

The most popular and affordable thermal insulation materials suitable for sheathing garage walls indoors:

  • Styrofoam;
  • penoplex;
  • expanded polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool.

To fix the heat-insulating material on the surface of the walls, you will first need to mount the crate. The crate can be made from wooden slats, and from metal profile. Keep in mind that when using wooden slats, they must be processed antiseptic composition, to prevent the formation of moldy fungi. In addition, before proceeding with the installation of the crate, waterproofing of the walls is mandatory. The heat-insulating layer is placed in the space between the rails, the insulation is attached, as a rule, on an adhesive base and mechanically by means of self-tapping screws with a wide cap.

The use of heat-insulating material in the process of wall cladding will significantly reduce heat losses.

What to sheathe?

One of the modern finishing materials, which is optimally suited for finishing the walls of an unheated garage, are sandwich panels, which are structurally a multi-layer sheet consisting of two outer layers that can be made of PVC, moisture-resistant plywood, wood-polymer materials and an inner thermal insulation layer.


A garage sheathed with wooden clapboard inside looks very impressive, but keep in mind that such a finishing material requires constant maintenance, that is, it is necessary to regularly treat the walls sheathed with wooden clapboard every two or three years with antiseptic and refractory penetrating primers.

The use of plastic panels for the interior walls of the garage is very popular, as plastic panels are distinguished by their long service life and ease of installation (garage can be sheathed in one day). The range of plastic panels presented on the building materials market will allow you to choose a finishing material for every taste.


When choosing a finishing material, one should focus, first of all, on design features garage (the area of ​​​​the garage room, is there heating), in addition, it is worth considering such a nuance as the susceptibility of the garage to flooding.

In addition to the main construction purposes- comfortable and safe storage of the car, - the garage performs other functions.

When troubleshooting and breakdowns of the machine, the room turns into workshop with all its attributes: heavy tools, bulky mechanisms, dismantled and spare units stained with engine oil.

The constant presence of flammable fuel in the vehicle tank and in spare canisters imposes increased fire-fighting requirements on materials. interior wall finishes, their resistance to toxic chemicals.

How to finish the walls in the garage inexpensively? Today, the choice of finishing materials is so great that we will focus only on some of the most budget materials for interior wall cladding.

At the same time, we keep in mind the key requirements for garage decoration: firmly, cheap, Beautiful.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining, the ultimate dream of a garage owner some 15-20 years ago, has long been eclipsed among modern plastic descendants.

How to finish the walls in the garage cheaply? Can tree. After all, this material is solid, durable and aesthetic. Polished panels made of precious woods adorn the interiors of palaces and the salons of expensive limousines. Traditionally, saunas and baths are sheathed with wood with low thermal conductivity - so as not to get burned on the walls.

But in the garage, where combustible substances are already in abundance, use wooden lining, and even impregnated with drying oil and varnish - extremely unreasonable. In such a room it will be dangerous not only to carry out, if necessary, any welding work, install a stove for heating, but even just smoke.

Timeless technology

However, modern types plastic linings, composite polymers and metal, traditionally continue to copy wooden planks and panels, although the pattern imitates both brick and stone.

After all, such a universal, time-tested form allows you to use the best quality inherent clapboard- it is easy to mount it on a crate made of wooden beams.

Another advantage of timeless technology - the crate allows conveniently install any insulation under the lining, hide cables, utility pipes, ventilation ducts.

All types of lining, despite differences in materials and profiles, are similar in the principle of installation: ridges and grooves at the ends of the panels allow them to be sheathed with walls without gaps. Each subsequent panel hides the fasteners of the previous one.

Metal lining

Such siding has all the benefits metal products- increased strength, durability, resistance to aggressive environments and temperature influences, incombustibility.

The disadvantages of the metal are also presented here, the main one is susceptibility to corrosion. Metal lining is made of aluminum and steel.


How to sheathe a garage inside cheaply? One of the options - durable corrugated board. These are profiled steel sheets with a protective polymer coating. Like lining, corrugated board can be fixed on a wooden crate. And the speed of installation will ensure the large size of the sheets.

Vinyl siding

Filling composition PVC panels(short for the term Polyvinyl Chloride) - non-combustible materials. The panel melts, but only smokes without the formation of an open flame. In a fire, such smoke is able to extinguish the fire that gave rise to it, displacing oxygen from the room air. But for human health, this toxic smoke dangerous.

However, garage owners are willing to buy PVC panels for finishing walls, both internal and external, not for experimenting with fire.

Wonderful vinyl siding meets our requirements "Durable, inexpensive, beautiful".

Moreover, it is waterproof, does not rot, does not warp due to temperature changes, is resistant to contact with garage chemicals, does not require painting and maintenance, and is washed from almost any contamination.

Serves such siding for decades.

PVC panels also exclude nostalgia for the good old lining. Volumetric imitation textures and shades of wood on the surface of the panels are indistinguishably realistic. Except they don't smell like pine...

IMPORTANT: Price plastic siding depends on color. The brighter and richer the color palette of the panels, the more expensive they are. This is due to the high cost of high-quality polymer dyes.


Installation of almost all existing various kinds of panels for finishing the walls of the garage is carried out according to a single simple technology for attaching panels to the crate. Choice of siding type and material decorative panels not quite simple installation affects, but only your preferences and financial opportunities.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, tools and fasteners, hand-finish garage walls one day you can too. Having tightened the last nut on the unit, which you have been fiddling with since the very morning, you are comfortably located in a battered armchair and tiredly unfolding into bags with lunch captured in the garage. Any minute a friend-neighbor will come up, and a conversation will flow.

During such hours of rest, the garage performs its most pleasant function as a club for motorists.

Your friends will be surprised and happy for you when they see the new wall cladding! And you, as an authoritative expert, will tell them about the features of the choice inexpensive materials finishes, their properties and other qualities - because now you know all this.

Many car enthusiasts spend most of their free time in the garage. In view of this, the interior decoration of the garage should create a working atmosphere, expand and visually brighten the room. Thanks to a wide range of building materials for decoration, you are given the opportunity to harmoniously equip the interior of the garage according to the possibilities and in accordance with personal preferences.

Of paramount importance is the strength of the walls, because most often they install hanging shelves and cabinets. In order for the interior decoration of the garage to be done at the proper level with your own hands, you should choose the right source material and follow the technology.

The choice of materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings in the garage

As you understand, aesthetic delights are not so important for a garage. Much greater value has the reliability of protection of the structure from negative destructive factors. Although, of course, it is better that the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling gives the structure a neat and complete look. appearance and the tone of the walls did not irritate the eyes.

Note! When choosing materials, experts recommend taking into account not only the ratio of price and quality, but also the conditions of the garage's strict operating regime - finishing materials must comply with human and vehicle safety requirements.

Before choosing a material for interior decoration, you should think about the fact that the garage is a storage place for toxic and flammable mixtures, fuel and lubricant compounds. Try to choose materials that would not succumb to mechanical and chemical stress, do not absorb dirt and odors, and are fireproof. It is highly desirable that fully finished walls be easy to clean from all sorts of contaminants.

As for the aesthetic characteristics of finishing materials, it all depends on your taste. Truth, experienced craftsmen do not recommend going to extremes, for example, copying a fashionable gloss, in which your garage will look more like a biological blinding white object. There are also such "craftsmen" who carry out too careless selection of finishing material. In this case, the garage becomes more like a barn, and not a place to store vehicles.

You can't go wrong if you opt for decorating the room in pleasant blue tones or with contours of geometric shapes on the walls. The garage also looks good with color transitions - from dark to light, and vice versa. Generally speaking, the internal arrangement of the garage is conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Floor filling.
  2. Carrying out wall decoration.
  3. Carrying out finishing work on the ceiling.

So let's deal with each of them separately.

Stage 1. Filling the floor

If your garage won't do viewing hole or a basement, then ordinary compacted soil may well act as a base floor. In this case, the concrete screed should be poured first.

Level the ground. To do this, you can add crushed stone and sand to those places where there is not enough soil to the desired level. Preliminarily set the beacons on the level and pull the cord. If you need the base under the screed to be higher, make the layer of backfill thicker.

Lay roofing material with an overlap on top of the sand cushion so that subsequently the moisture present in the concrete solution is not absorbed into the soil.

A reinforcing metal mesh should be laid on the resulting base. It will give the finished screed additional strength.

To get a high-quality concrete solution, cement, crushed stone and sand are needed in such a proportion - 1: 3: 2. As for water, it should be added so much that the resulting ready-made solution can be conveniently laid and compacted.

Well, if you manage to make the process of pouring the solution continuous. To pour a quality screed, you will need an extra pair of hands. Consider who can help you.

The finished concrete screed must have a thickness of at least ten centimeters. After the concrete has set, the surface must be thoroughly smoothed and left for 28 days so that the finished screed is completely hardened. Floor concreting is usually combined with a blind area around the entire perimeter of the garage. Such events are important, the blind area will protect the foundation of the garage from showers.

It may seem to you that the floor can be left in this form, but you should know that concrete tends to absorb moisture. Unintentionally spilled machine oil, for example, will leave a dark stain on the concrete surface. To avoid this, it is necessary to give the concrete surface a noble appearance. The most banal way is to cover the screed with marble chips. To do this, you need to make a solution from such components as cement m400, polyurethane and acrylic plasticizers, fine crumbs. The plasticizer will make the solution elastic and the surface of the screed smooth. The proportion in which this component must be added to the solution will be indicated on the package. Add the rest of the components in the following ratio: one part of cement accounts for half of the water and three parts of the fine fraction crumbs.

You can tile on the floor in the garage. This will require a level concrete screed, which must be pre-treated with a primer. Otherwise, the concrete will absorb moisture from the tile adhesive. An economical and sufficiently durable material for flooring in a garage is porcelain stoneware. If your financial possibilities are not too limited, then stick clinker tiles on the floor in the garage.

Maybe you need to insulate the floor in the garage, for example, if there is a basement under it? Then you can pour cement mortar loose insulation, and lay a reinforcing metal mesh on top of it. Tiles can be laid on such a layer of thermal insulation.

Stage 2. Wall cladding

The easiest finishing method brick walls garage - application plaster mortar. In such a simple way, you can even out bumps and protect the surface of the walls. An additional protective layer of paint can be applied over the plaster. This type of finish can also be used for wall cladding from the inside of foam blocks and aerated concrete. The main advantages of plastered walls include the fire resistance of the finished coating and the protection of the base of the wall from all kinds of damage.

Note! To finish the walls of the garage inside, it is better to use plaster and dyes intended for external work. This is due to the fact that only building materials not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity levels.

In plaster, like in any other facing material, has its drawbacks. Here it is worth noting the duration of the process, in addition, it is dirty and wet work. In order for you to get a smooth and durable surface the first time, you need to thoroughly learn the basic basics of how to plaster correctly. It is important to strictly adhere to the technology of applying each individual layer of plaster.

If you are not satisfied with the wall cladding with simple plaster, then you can choose another, more attractive, in your opinion, option. One of the best coatings for the walls of the garage - this is a ceramic tile. It has good strength, resistance to chemical and mechanical influences. The material, among other things, is fireproof and moisture resistant. The garage, the walls of which are finished with ceramic tiles, looks well-groomed, neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Note! Garage walls must be strong enough to withstand the extra heavy layer of finish. The surface should also be pre-plastered if it is very curved. If the curvature is insignificant, then it can be corrected with a layer of tile adhesive.

Ceramic tiles, of course, have their drawbacks, including, for example, the duration of the masonry process. In addition, if you do not know how to lay tiles yourself, hiring workers will cost you a penny. However, without rushing, you, in principle, will be able to cope with this process on your own.

Plastic panels and lining is also quite often used to finish the garage. The main advantage of this finishing material is the speed of installation. In addition, the price source material, compared with plaster and ceramic tiles, is negligible. There are also advantages in the installation process, because it passes almost without dust and without a drop of dirt.

Some experts agree that the facade lining, which is made of polyvinyl chloride, is best suited for a garage. This type of plastic is hygienic, fireproof and waterproof. To fix the panels, you must first make a metal or wooden crate, which should be screwed with self-tapping screws to the surface of the garage walls.

Note! Wooden crate is not the best way, because it can rot or rot over time, while the metal crate will serve properly for many years.

Facade lining or plastic panels are best suited for the interior decoration of metal garages. This material, in addition to its other advantages, also allows you to insulate the storage room for vehicles. So, you can place heat-insulating plate material between the garage frame and the clapboard.

Among the disadvantages of lining, weak strength and a significant narrowing of the space inside the garage, at least 8 centimeters, are highlighted. You will also have to monitor the location of the crate, because only on it you can then make fasteners for cabinets, shelves and mezzanines.

Stage 3. Finishing the ceiling

After finishing the walls from the inside, you should pay attention to the ceiling. At this stage, the most relevant materials for finishing the ceiling are plaster and PVC panels. Usually, the choice of material for finishing the ceiling is determined by the presence or absence of an overlap in the garage and the garage owner's own taste preferences.

If there is no overlap in your garage, then you can only keep warm by internal wall cladding. Often, motorists stop at finishing the ceiling with a clapboard. Why? Yes, because it is this material that is economical, aesthetic and easy to install. In addition, it is worth considering that the ceiling coating is not exposed, as a rule, to mechanical damage, as it happens with the walls of the room.

If you would like to clarify the details about a particular method of interior decoration, write comments to the article. Our experts will kindly answer all questions.


Garage door trim:


A metal garage performs many useful functions. Caring car owners put a car inside it for the winter, other people simply store the summer harvest, others equip the box for some kind of workshop. All these goals will be successfully achieved if the garage is well insulated from the inside.

The minimum temperature for such a room is -5 degrees; otherwise, the vegetables will rot, it will be cold to work there, and condensation will form on the car, causing rust. Therefore, it is desirable to insulate iron garage from the inside in order to effectively retain heat.

Suitable insulation materials

Significantly increase the temperature inside the metal garage can traditional materials and new items, the quality of which is tested only by a few. Examples good heaters are:

  • polystyrene (the most common material, characterized by low cost, ease of use);
  • penoizol (a liquid form of the above, with a durability of over 40 years, good water resistance, fire resistance);
  • astratek (another liquid insulation; a material applied with a 1 mm thick layer is comparable in quality to a five-centimeter layer of mineral wool);
  • polyurethane foam ( durable material with a minimum service life of 50 years);
  • mineral or basalt wool (soft, inexpensive insulation, second in demand after polystyrene).

The listed materials almost do not differ in quality, and the demand for one or another is usually due to the price. Therefore, polystyrene and mineral wool are considered the most popular.

Having decided on the choice of material for insulating the garage from the inside, you can proceed to the preparatory work.

Required Tools

It is advisable to insulate the garage in the warm season, but sometimes the situation forces you to perform work at sub-zero temperatures. Here there is a need to insulate the box quickly and reliably. To use time efficiently, the following equipment is prepared in advance:

  • electric drill;
  • mask and gloves (protective);
  • welding machine;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal scissors;
  • tape measure from 5 m;
  • staples and furniture stapler;
  • wooden blocks for horizontal cross members of the crate;
  • steel profile.

In the presence of the above, it's time to start insulating the garage from the inside.

Preparatory stage

With interior lining metal structures first of all, you need to take care of anti-corrosion treatment. To do this, you need to clean off the rust with a metal brush if it is present on the surfaces, if necessary, carry out patch repairs (of a specific small area), then paint the surface with a special anti-corrosion solution.

Sometimes the right question arises - how to insulate metal garage for a long time if the surface is processed? Second an important factor ensure comfortable conditions inside the garage is to create ventilation. It should take the air out of the garage, replacing it with fresh. Otherwise, the accumulation of gases will cause condensation, which will adversely affect the supporting structure of the garage, car or stored food.

After waiting for the complete drying of the applied anti-corrosion solution within 1-2 days, the insulation of the metal box from the inside begins. It is advisable to carry out the work in the following sequence - insulate the walls, then the ceiling, the gate with a gate, if necessary - the floor.

Insulation of the walls and ceiling of the garage

The process is considered on the example of basalt wool. This material has the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability (from 50 years);
  • affordability;
  • preservation of qualities with increasing humidity inside the garage;
  • comfort in working with the material;
  • mold resistance;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • incombustibility.

The sequence of internal wall cladding with mineral insulation is as follows:

  1. The location of the crate is determined, the amount of required material is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sheathed surface. For frame better fit steel profile, since the tree is destroyed faster when interacting with moisture. Also, the last material "leads" when slightly wet.
  2. Install vertical guides. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation, so that it straightens out and rationally occupies the space. To strengthen the structure, crossbars are placed horizontally every meter, which here can be wooden.
  3. The mounted crate is surrounded by a membrane or other waterproofing material. The joints are glued with adhesive tape, and the film is attached to the brackets (a furniture stapler will do).
  4. The insulation is placed inside the crate from the bottom up. There should be no gaps.
  5. A layer of vapor barrier material is applied over the insulation (roofing material, plastic film is suitable).
  6. The final stage is the sheathing of the crate. It is carried out with non-combustible material; an example is steel siding or drywall.

It is important to consider that when sheathing a garage, the space narrows from the inside. Insulation should not be too voluminous.

When sheathing with foam, you need to take into account some features of the material. It does not expand like cotton wool, so you do not need to make the distance between the frame guides 1-2 cm less. It is better to create a crate in blocks, the dimensions of which exactly repeat the dimensions of the foam. Walls in the presence of defects should be pre-aligned. It is also desirable to use an L-shaped profile, and fasten the insulation sheets to the glue.

Working with liquid materials will be inconvenient, so it is better to sheathe the top of the garage with foam. The method of fixation is similar to that previously considered, however, there is one caveat - you should take care of the absence of holes in the roof of the box. In the presence of these, welding will come to the rescue. As with walls, when insulating the ceiling, the foam layer is located between the hydro- and vapor barrier layer.

Entrance trim

Wall insulation will not be useful if cold air will come through the cracks entrance gate or gates. The situation is easily solved by using a rigid insulation like polystyrene foam. First, the gate is insulated, then a small Entrance door in them. The sequence is:

  1. The metal surface is treated with a protective mastic. Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of moisture, however, when opening the gate, drops of rain or snow can fall into the gaps between the material and the iron sheet. This should not be allowed.
  2. Fasten purlin profiles along the perimeter of the gate.
  3. Fix polystyrene plates on mounting glue, it is desirable to apply penofol (foil-based material) on top of them.
  4. Perform a wooden crate for mounting the cladding. Provide a distance between the future lining / drywall / other sheathing material and polystyrene foam of about 30 mm so that an air gap remains.
  5. Fix the lining on the crate.
  6. Perform similar actions with the gate.

Floor insulation

Sometimes there is a need to insulate the bottom of the garage. For example, if there are large gaps or the importance of the caisson (cellar). suitable material foam will become, on top of which a material is applied that prevents its destruction from human movement. Follow these steps:

  1. Level the surface, eliminate cracks and pits with putty.
  2. Prime the floor twice if it is concrete.
  3. Run a crate of steel profiles.
  4. Lay a layer of waterproofing.
  5. Apply glue, put foam on top of it, press it to the floor.
  6. Screed the floor with a special solution. Extra granules are added to increase strength.

Performing the operations described above will achieve the maintenance of an optimal microclimate inside the garage. Even a beginner is able to master the process, and the result will be the safety of a car, provisions or other items of value stored inside the box.

Surely it will not be a mistake to say that for any car owner, a garage is a necessity. At the same time, it will serve not only as a haven for the car itself, but also for the owner himself, because it is so important for a person to have his own corner where you can retire or just read in silence, because at home it may not be very convenient to do. That is why the garage should not only be a solid building capable of protecting the car from criminal encroachments and the vagaries of nature, but also be quite comfortable and aesthetically attractive, without losing its functionality.

In this regard, the walls of the garage cannot be left in the form in which they will be after construction, so you need to think about how to sheathe the garage inside.

General requirements for finishing

Answering the question posed above, it should be noted that there are a lot of materials suitable for interior decoration of garage walls, a number of general requirements that must be fulfilled.

  • Mechanical stability. First of all, it must be taken into account that during the operation of the garage, significant mechanical loads will be exerted on the walls, so the material used for wall decoration must have sufficient strength to withstand them. We are talking about both resistance to impacts of solid objects, and punching.
  • Resistance to chemicals. When working in a garage, a wide variety of chemicals from gasoline to oils and acids are likely to get on the walls, so it is extremely important to choose a material that can withstand their effects. In addition, the walls will constantly get dirty, so chemical cleaning agents will be used to clean them, which, in terms of their destructive effect on the surface, will probably not yield to the most active reagents. This circumstance must also be taken into account.
  • Ease of maintenance. As mentioned above, the walls of the garage will get dirty, so, among other qualities, the material for their decoration should be easy to clean. In other words, it should be easy to clean and at the same time require a minimum of additional protective measures such as frequent painting or varnishing.
  • Aesthetics. In addition to everything else, it should be said that the coating of the walls of the garage from the inside should be visually attractive. Still, this is a home for a car, and a lot can be said about a person’s attitude to things about himself.
  • Resistant to temperature changes. If we are not talking about a garage built into the building of the house and having a heating system that is the same with it, then quite significant temperature fluctuations can occur indoors, especially during the cold season. Therefore, the wall decoration material must have sufficient resistance to these differences, that is, not deform or warp. In addition, temperature changes are most often accompanied by the formation of condensate, so the material must be resistant to moisture.

The above requirements for garage wall finishing materials can be considered general, the rest can be determined depending on personal taste, economic or other considerations.

Ceramic tile

As one of the most suitable materials for decorating the walls of a garage, ceramic tiles can be distinguished. She has all the necessary operational characteristics.

  • Strength. To finish the walls of the garage, you can use tiles designed for floor covering. It has the best strength characteristics.
  • Fortitude. It implies the resistance of the material not only to temperature extremes and moisture, but also to contact with chemicals.
  • Ease of maintenance. Ceramic tile it is easy to clean and is not afraid of moisture, which makes caring for it quite simple.
  • Versatility. Due to the abundance of colors, you can choose matching tiles for any room.

It is also worth saying a few words about the fact that this material is quite expensive. This is worth considering. In addition, if there are no necessary skills for installing tiles on walls, then you will have to turn to the services of specialists, which also involves certain costs. Although, if there is a desire, then you can master the technology in a few days.


The lining differs in simplicity of installation and attractive appearance. Installation takes place on top of a pre-mounted crate, which allows you to lay an additional layer of heat and vapor barrier. However, it should be borne in mind that this material needs additional processing, as it is sensitive to moisture and is prone to absorbing substances.

Note! If lining boards are processed special formulations, then this material becomes quite suitable for wall cladding in the garage.

Plastic panels

Thinking about how to sheathe the walls in the garage, one should not forget about plastic panels. They are easy to install and maintain, and they have an attractive appearance. Resistant to moisture and chemicals, and they are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.

Note! Plastic panels have low mechanical strength, which must be taken into account when considering this material as a wall finish in a garage.

Wooden panels

As another material used for finishing the walls of the garage, we can mention chipboard and fiberboard panels. They are easy to install and perform well. At the same time, as in the case of lining and other wood-based materials, they require additional processing with special compounds that prevent pollution or moisture absorption.

In conclusion, the topic can be noted that there are enough materials for finishing the garage. a large number of. You need to decide how best to sheathe the walls yourself. Tastes, financial possibilities and basic assembly skills are different for everyone. But, as a preparation option, you can use photo and video materials presented for review on the Internet.



This video will tell you about the plaster walls in the garage: