The best lawn grass for summer cottages. Do-it-yourself lawn: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow

  • 02.06.2019

With the development of the private sector, more and more people are trying to somehow embellish the area near their homes. Many, of course, do not pay due attention to this, not trying to stand out among their neighbors. But there is also a group of people who believe that a well-decorated lawn is a reason to be proud of themselves and the territory that surrounds them. In this regard, the question arises: which lawn grass is the best?

The answer to this question is not so simple. After all, grass is different from grass, and where one species can grow, another will never take root. What grass is the best for a particular lawn, let's try to figure it out in this article.

What kind of grass is best for parterre lawn?

Parterre lawn is a lawn that is decorative in the front part of the site. For this option, the most the best choice- These are grass varieties that grow with good tillering and are relatively short. Red fescue and bluegrass are best suited.

red fescue

Best of all, this variety is suitable for parterre type lawns. This plant is a winter type cereal. Its roots grow shallowly into the ground and form a good turf.

The main stems reach a length of 70-100 cm, depending on the growing conditions. Grows especially well in fertile loamy soils. Her distinguishing feature- this is an increased moisture and frost resistance. The grass tolerates frost well and can grow even in excessively moist soil.

A pertinent question is: how long will it take for the lawn to bloom if it is planted with just such a grass? In the first and second years after sowing, you should not expect that this variety will begin to grow actively. This process occurs only by the third year of grass life.

In addition to this variety, there is also grass such as meadow bluegrass, which is also well suited for parterre lawn.

Bluegrass meadow

This grass variety is a winter cereal. To date, there are more than a dozen of its varieties. They vary in height and width of the leaves.

Such a plant is well suited for this type of lawn. It forms an excellent turf, which is very difficult to break with your hands. It grows in height by about 30-60 cm. The leaves are wide, shiny below. These advantages make it possible to use bluegrass as a lawn grass.

The plant grows well on loamy fertile soils.

It tolerates moisture and frost well, as it is a winter cereal.

If we talk about how much this grass grows, then in the first year it develops very slowly and you can not expect a chic lawn. The peak of development and growth is the second and third years of flowering. Mature grass will be pleasing to the eye for about 20-25 years from the moment of maturation.

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What is suitable for an ordinary park lawn?

Such lawns are characterized by a large crowd of people. Therefore, they are subject to more stringent requirements. Not all varieties of herbs are suitable for them.

Basically, it is not advisable to plant any particular variety, it is better to use grass mixtures that help achieve the desired effect. Along with the options already listed, other varieties are used. For example, white and common bent grass, sheep fescue, common bluegrass and others.

It is worth considering in more detail exactly the white bentgrass, because it is it that is mainly used in most grass mixtures for lawns.

White bent

It is a perennial low grass. Its appearance largely depends on where it grows, in what environmental conditions. The root system of the plant is well branched and penetrates perfectly and densely. upper layer soil. The stems of this grass reach a height of 80-120 cm.

Best of all, this variety grows on loamy and sandy loamy fertile soils. It withstands cold snaps and trampling well, but is whimsical about heat. Now you can tell a little about how much the variety grows.

In the first year of flowering, the grass develops very quickly. In the second year, it already begins to bush. The variety is worth about 8-10 years. It's relative good term in order to use this grass to form a lawn.

Grass mixtures for a park lawn can be very diverse.

The most common is a mixture that contains the following seeds: white bent grass (30%), sheep fescue (20%), common bluegrass (20%), perennial ryegrass (30%). Of course, this is not the only option, there are many others, but this is the most popular and widely used.

What is best for a meadow lawn

Even more stringent requirements are imposed on the park lawn in terms of durability, durability and beauty. Basically, it is characterized by the presence of bluegrass.

This plant is one of the most unpretentious and frost-resistant, so for this type of lawn it is the best option. Bluegrass tolerates high humidity well and is practically unpretentious to weather conditions.

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The best options for play and sports turf

These types of lawn are characterized by the presence of not only resistant grass, but also good drainage for withdrawal excess water. The following grass varieties are used: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. O last version worth discussing in more detail.

perennial ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is a low-growing perennial grass. Its height reaches 50-60 cm. It grows well on loamy soils of medium humidity. Poorly tolerates snowless winters and late frosts.

It should be regularly fertilized. This leads to the fact that the variety begins to develop rapidly.

Thus, it is possible to draw some conclusions from all of the above. The most important thing that became clear from the article is that not all grasses are equally suitable for a particular type of lawn. What is good for an ordinary domestic ground floor turns out to be detrimental to a sports or meadow ground.

It has also been shown that grasses of the same type are mainly used to form lawns, which, when planted, form a strong turf. This is something without which the lawn basically cannot exist.

  1. The best varieties of lawn grass cereals, which have a winter appearance, turned out to be the best. After all, they are preserved not only in summer, but also in winter. For our latitudes, this is very important, because our summer is almost equal in duration to winter.
  2. Another important factor when choosing is the tolerance of various soils. If we talk about the central part of Russia, then loamy soils, of medium fertility, prevail here, therefore, when choosing, it is worth emphasizing that the variety fits specific conditions.
  3. Another factor to consider when choosing lawn vegetation is the length of time the variety grows. Many of the herbs return to their normal form only after a certain period of time.

It may take not a month or two, but several years. Sometimes there is no time to wait so much, so it is better to select actively growing options.

Do not forget about grass mixtures at. They are very effective when it comes to increased trampling. The characteristics of the different species seem to complement each other.

In this case, the shortcomings are smoothed out. This is very effective and is now being actively implemented and applied.

Do not forget that some crops require top dressing. This stimulates their growth and development, and this is very important for the speedy formation of the lawn.

Of course, now you can not only from seeds, but also to buy ready-made. After all, the turf of the listed varieties is not subject to rupture. This makes it very easy and convenient to transport. But still, it is always better to do something with your own hands.

In an effort to save time and money, many homeowners try to create a lawn from existing vegetation. But no matter how much effort is invested, in such a situation it is not possible to achieve either evenness of the coating, or its softness and durability.

What is the secret of special grass mixtures for lawns, the sowing of which ensures friendly seedlings and the formation of a dense green carpet that preserves its beauty for several years without much trouble? Obviously, the answer lies in the selection of plants and the quality of grass seeds for the lawn, as well as in proper care of the surface. How to approach the choice of plant species, and what properties such herbs should have, read in this article.

Necessary qualities of grass for a lawn

Better than other crops, cereal plants withstand the loads experienced by the lawn. They are unpretentious, multiply not only by sowing, but also vegetatively, they easily tolerate a haircut, and with proper care they grow quickly and create an even grass cover.

But of the whole mass of cereals, not all are suitable for sowing on a green lawn. In order to be part of the grass mixture for the lawn, the plant must meet a number of requirements:

  1. First of all, attention is paid to the decorative qualities of the grass, its softness and ability to retain the brightness of the color for a long time.
  2. In conditions middle lane the frost resistance of the culture is extremely important.
  3. The best lawn grasses form an extensive root system that provides nutrition and development for plants in any type of soil.
  4. Plants for creating a lawn should easily tolerate manual mowing or recover quickly after it.

The composition of specialized mixtures is dominated by perennial grasses for the lawn, which means that a year after sowing, the owner of the site will not have to renew the cover.

The best species in one season form a dense turf, and the renewal of the cover is due to the formation of new shoots from existing plants.

This lawn takes care of itself. The roots of grasses are so intertwined that they do not allow weed species to break through, and new rosettes quickly appear in place of dead rosettes. In addition, the lawn, which is well-chosen, pleasant and safe to walk on, painlessly endures adverse weather conditions and intensive use.

When choosing grass seeds for a lawn, be sure to consider:

  • purpose of the created coverage;
  • climatic features of lawn use;
  • local natural factors, e.g. light conditions, soil type, location ground water and even landing area.

Today, grass mixtures for lawns include about two dozen plant species. But not all of them can withstand Russian operating conditions.

Types of perennial grasses for the lawn

Most often, varieties of bluegrass, bent grass and fescue are chosen as a sowing crop. In the mixtures of major manufacturers, one can see ryegrass, hybrid grasses specially created for use on lawns, as well as other grasses that provide green cover with special qualities.

How to choose from the existing variety for giving the grass for the lawn, which would decorate the site for many years?

Among lawn grasses, meadow bluegrass is the leader in popularity. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm, and during the flowering period 80 cm. In Russia, the culture is easy to detect not only on the lawn, but also in the wild, and the grass:

  • prefers soil rich in humus;
  • forms a powerful root system;
  • not afraid of intensive walking on the green cover;
  • starts vegetation early;
  • easily resists heat;
  • quickly recovers after mowing.

This perennial grass for lawns has its drawback. In full force, the bluegrass-based coating manifests itself only a year after sowing.

If bluegrass is listed among the grass seeds for the lawn, this means that the green cover will not be affected by summer heat, will withstand shading and will not lose its decorative effect after a long period of rains.

Like bluegrass different kinds fescue are unpretentious cereal plants found everywhere in natural conditions. As a lawn grass, frost-resistant and drought-resistant red fescue is often used. The plant does not differ in growth rate, but feels great even on nutrient-poor soils.

At the dacha, such an affordable and extremely unpretentious meadow timothy grass in the care may well become grass for the lawn. The grass, characteristic of many regions of the northern hemisphere, reaches a height of 30–80 cm, quickly forms elastic rosettes pleasant to the touch, is inexpensive and very attractive.

The bent grass is famous for the density of the formed coating and the ability to tolerate low mowing. The grass has a beautiful color, easily gets along with other types of cereals and is stable in a wide variety of weather conditions.

Before sowing grass for a lawn, you should carefully consider its properties. In mixtures of foreign manufacturers, cultures are often found that are not able to provide the effect that they show at home.

An example is pasture ryegrass, which sometimes cannot withstand Russian winters and dies at temperatures below -15 °C and insufficient snow cover. As a result, already in the second season, the lush cover after sowing noticeably thins out.

Do not confuse meadow bluegrass with its one-year relative. Fast growing lawn grass propagated only by seeds. In the first year, such a lawn will actively turn green, but with regular mowing, it will not give offspring and will lose its beauty after wintering. And such common grasses as sheep's fescue, soddy pike and team hedgehog change some time after sowing, forming noticeable bumps on a flat lawn.

Sowing a single crop or grass mixture for a lawn?

Because all plants except positive qualities, there is and weak sides, then to create a high-quality green cover of the site, grass mixtures for lawns are more often used, which, depending on the purpose and sowing conditions, can be divided into:

  • on rapidly ascending, that is, allowing for a minimum time to get a new cover or restore the lost one;
  • on shade-tolerant, without loss of decorativeness and cover density, transferring cultivation in the shade;
  • drought-resistant, remaining attractive and fresh in conditions of bright sunlight and the lack of the proper amount of moisture.

In universal lawn seed mixtures, the creators are trying to combine all of the above qualities and give the gardener the opportunity to get a decent result in any conditions.

Therefore, in order to preserve the external attractiveness and evenness of the cover, it is necessary, although infrequently mowed. Only such varieties of lawn as meadow and Mauritanian are not subject to mowing, where cereals, perennial and annual flowering crops are found in free growth.

For plants to show themselves with better side, lawn seeds must have high germination, and sowing is carried out evenly and in compliance with accepted agricultural practices. Proper selection of the mixture allows you to emphasize the merits of individual plants and level their shortcomings so that the resulting lawn will be more even and beautiful in any weather, on any soil and with minimal maintenance.

Each owner country house dreams of having a green lawn in front of his house. She is able to decorate any courtyard. In addition, the green cover is quite practical, because a piece of land covered with thick green grass, can be used for recreation and games.

However, create beautiful lawn not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Even if the owner takes care of the green carpet, he is not always pleased with his beauty. In some places, bald spots may appear that occur after harsh winters.

The main mistake when creating a lawn

It must be said that problems with lawns, as a rule, occur mainly in those people who have chosen the wrong grass mixture. When choosing lawn grass, a person usually pays attention only to what type of lawn it is intended for - for sports or parterre.

The last owners country houses interested in the types of grass for the lawn, which are part of the mixture. And a lot of people don't even look at it. For most people, this information means little. But it is very important, since a large number of different mixtures are imported into our country from the European continent and not all fit for the conditions of the Russian climate.

In Europe, the climate is milder and the criteria for selecting grass for a lawn are completely different. We have severe climatic conditions, therefore, higher requirements must be imposed on grass mixtures used to create a lawn.

If the grass purchased to create a lawn does not have frost resistance, then it won't survive the winter, and in the spring you will already have to deal with the restoration of damaged areas of the lawn.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to approach the selection of grass for the lawn with all seriousness and carefully select herbal seeds. It is worth considering only those that are adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. How to choose the right lawn grass so that the lawn does not suffer from the Russian climate - this will be discussed in this article.

lawn grass requirements

No matter what lawn the grass is used for, it will always should be perennial, since the lawn is created for several years, and it makes no sense to create it from plants that have a short lifespan.

It is best to use grass seeds to form a lawn, which belong to the group of cereals. And all because they are more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of our country. But it is not worth using all the cultures included in this group, but only those that meet certain requirements:

  • Frost resistant.
  • They have good external decorative qualities - the height of the cover, juicy green color with uniform germination.
  • The ability to develop a strong root system that does not collapse under the influence of ground movement and is able to grow on soils with high compaction.
  • The speed of building up the cover after mowing.
  • Ability to reproduce vegetatively. This is due to the fact that the constant mowing of the lawn does not provide an opportunity for propagation by seeds.

Herbs most adapted to Russian climatic conditions

If you look at all the grass seeds that are offered for lawns in stores, then with all their diversity you can find only three plants that meet all of the above criteria. This trio includes: thin bent grass, red fescue, meadow bluegrass.

These plants belong to the group short-rhizome cereals. They are united by the similarity of the properties that are inherent in them.

  1. They are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, even frosts in late autumn or early spring months will not lead to their death. The root system of these plants is able to withstand extremely low temperatures.
  2. In the process of growth, these plants form a high-density turf, through which it is simply impossible for weeds to break through. When growing such a herb on one square meter about 30 thousand shoots are concentrated.
  3. Another advantage of this "trinity" is the ability to withstand frequent mowing.
  4. They reproduce well vegetatively, so they are excellent for lawn formation.

All of the above advantages allow us to say that with proper care, the lawn can be used for decades without the need for overseeding.

If you decide to arrange a lawn on your site, then, of course, you will need purchase the right herbal mixture to create a lawn. Coming to the store for lawn grass seeds, attention should be paid to those mixtures that have the highest percentage of these particular cereals in their composition.

Sometimes the names of these cereals that are part of the mixtures are written in Latin. Therefore, before going to the store, you should find out how these seeds sound in Latin, so that later you can quickly find the right herbal mixture.

In Latin, these herbs sound like this:

  • agrostis tenuis - thin bent is indicated;
  • the name of meadow bluegrass is poa pratensis;
  • The name festuca rubra in Latin is red fescue.

Types of lawn grasses and the nuances of choice

As part of the mixtures, there are often low-growing grasses that are adapted to certain growing conditions. They cannot be called universal crops, however, in some places they are recommended for planting.

One of these cultures is oak bluegrass. The plant has as its main advantage a high ability to grow in the shade. This allows it to be grown garden plants, as well as in the locations of buildings.

Light gets there in a minimal amount, but, nevertheless, this does not prevent the lawn grass from growing and creating a green carpet. By planting this culture, you can save the lawn from bald spots, as well as from a pale cover. True, you should know that with growth, this grass is not able to form a dense root system.

Therefore, you should not often walk on the lawn, which is formed by this grass. Also follows avoid frequent mowing, otherwise it will negatively affect the appearance of the lawn.

swamp bluegrass

If the site is dominated by soil with high humidity, then in this case you can plant a marsh bluegrass. This culture is able to form a beautiful green cover. As it grows, it forms strong root system.

The life span of this plant is short, so frequent sifting is necessary. This plant can be combined with another - lawn culture bent white, which grows quite well in moist soil.

However, in comparison with bluegrass, its decorative properties are lower. If we talk about the lifespan, then usually it is eight years.

bent dog

As for the parterre lawn, which is generally not recommended for walking, you can use dog bent grass for its cultivation. This herb belongs to the group of herbs with high decorative properties, which is due to its emerald color, as well as blades of small thickness and delicate to the touch.

Often a lawn formed by such grass called velvet because from a distance it looks like an expensive fabric. However, despite these advantages, the dog bent has certain disadvantages.

One of them is the capriciousness of this plant. The lifespan of a bent dog is only five years. She has weak roots and this grass grows extremely slowly, while it is unstable to trampling.

Meadow fescue

If you want to have a beautiful lawn on the site, which will have an aesthetic appearance, do not want to wait a long time for the grass to germinate and form it, then you need to choose a mixture that includes meadow fescue.

Having planted this grass, in two months you can get in front of your house beautiful green cover. Among all cereal crops for a lawn, this grass is one of the fastest growing.

It is suitable for pure use. to create a temporary lawn, which is planned to be used in one place for no more than four years. The lawn will not last longer, since this grass has a short lifespan.

Lawn grasses unsuitable for the Russian climate

As part of lawn herbal plants from Europe, there are herbs that are not recommended to be planted in our country due to the severity of the climate. They are designed for mild conditions so they die fairly quickly.

These herbs include perennial ryegrass, which grows quite well, has high decorative properties and forms a dense cover in the process of its development.

However, after the first winter, most of the grass dies, resulting in large patches that appear on the lawn. AT European countries This herb is widely used. A lawn created from this grass can exist for eight years.

Often in mixtures offered in stores, annual bluegrass is found as an additional component. main feature This herb lies in its unpretentiousness, as well as high growth rates.

However, there is one drawback this plant. It lies in the fact that this grass propagates by seeds, and at cold temperatures this is simply impossible. On the next year the grass does not produce offspring, which leads to the active growth of weeds.

Two more herbs that should not be planted in the Russian climate - soddy pike and sheep's fescue. They have many advantages, but still have disadvantages. Growing a lawn from these herbs, over time, from an even green carpet, it turns into a cover with a predominance of green mounds.

Many owners of country houses want to have a green lawn in front of the house. You can create it on your own. However, to get a good lawn, you need put in a lot of effort. And it's not just the need for constant care of the green carpet.

No less important proper selection of grass. If you do not pay attention to this moment, then the result will disappoint you. Not everything for lawn grass is suitable for the harsh climate of our country.

You should be aware of this, therefore, when choosing herbal lawn mixtures, preference should be given to those that contain crops, resistant to low temperatures, and can form a dense green cover.

Considering this point when choosing lawn grass, after landing, you can get a beautiful carpet in front of your house in a short time, which will become the main decoration of your site.

There is a lot of trouble with your lawn: does the grass look not as decorative as on the package with seeds, freezes in places, turns yellow, thins and overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn better fit for you, and which varieties are better to choose, we will tell today.

Lawn seed selection rules

Grass on the lawn should be perennial, hardy to frost and fast growing. These are important conditions for an ideal lawn, but not the most important. We list the main factors for buying seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are better to choose in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • good development root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • The ability to vegetative reproduction;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

should not be neglected and general rules choice of lawn grass: expiration date of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer's warranties, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

For the lawn, it is best to use cereals. They have good system roots, give uniform green shoots, help control weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after shearing. Most often, such varieties of grasses are sown as meadow bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass belongs to the elite varieties of herbs. It looks very beautiful in any place free from landings. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral dressings.

Herb mixes

  • Universal Blend. The herbs in this mixture are fast germination, hardy, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports grades. It is a type of cereal mixtures for playgrounds, stadiums and places for outdoor activities.
  • Blends for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for a lawn not only in appearance, but also in terms of climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant grass varieties.
  • Mixes of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose from ready-made herb mixes or mix flowers and grasses that can take turns blooming all summer long. For a neat bright meadow lawn, low-growing greens are suitable, and you can decorate a plot in a rural style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite lawn compound. Although a mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, it appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any places free from planting.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Bluegrass meadow. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this herb slowly take root. Bluegrass is an excellent base for grass mixtures. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds, and grows well with other grasses.

Bluegrass is the best base for a mixture of lawn grasses. The variety is unpretentious, gives friendly shoots and can grow on poor soils.

Bluegrass meadow is a fast-growing grass, the seedlings of which you will see before other crops. It looks bright and very decorative.

2. Polevitsa. The dark rich green of the thin bent grass looks good on any lawn. This grass withstands frequent mowing, cold winters and removes weeds over time.

The thin bent grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze and has a rich green color

3. ryegrass. This grass can be found in lawn grass mixtures. It has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form, it can be sown only in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has medium width leaves. This variety sprouts very amicably, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. More often you can find ryegrass in the composition of elite grass mixtures.

4. Fescue. Fescue is an ideal grass for the lawn that does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of forbs. Within a month, the fescue gives thick shoots and is ready for a haircut.

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of forbs. Its juicy seedlings appear quickly and fill the lawn with dense greenery.

The most common lawn grass questions

Our experts will answer the most frequently asked questions of beginner gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?

Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, have small roots and look much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly, and improve its decorative appearance after each new cut.

2. How many years does lawn grass grow?

Lawn grasses are perennials. decorative look seedlings will be accepted within 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for the green lawn, cut it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for more than one year.

Green shoots of ryegrass will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn of pure ryegrass can only be annual

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single seed variety?

You can choose a monoculture (one variety of grass) or a mixture of several types. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, sites and ornamental lawns. Such grass, although it gives a rich decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb blends are more stable, produce uniform greens, and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform seedlings?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. A manual seeder will help to sow the seeds of cereals on the lawn evenly. If you do not have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may produce bald spots that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care, it tolerates the sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters well.

Ready-made grass in a roll is a very convenient option for a quick lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price.

sown lawn - great way remove weeds and decorate your site profitably. The green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now it remains only to decide which lawn grass will grow on your site.

In order for the lawn to please with its beauty all summer long, you need to choose good seeds

Types of lawns and their properties

The lawn differs from ordinary ground cover plants. We list its main properties:

  • the grass should cover the soil with a dense layer during growth;
  • it is important that in the sown area you do not have to regularly hide bald spots by sowing new grass;
  • plants are required to create a dense layer of turf, which will exclude the growth of weeds;
  • the grass should look neat and make you want to walk on it without shoes.

Grass growing conditions

Having dealt with the basic properties of herbs, you should think about which lawn is better to plant in the country. Experts recommend proceeding from the illumination of the site, as well as from its purpose. Gardening stores offer many seed mixes that include different varieties of plants. If you decide to use a ready-made composition, you should be aware that the mixtures may be different. We list the main types:

  1. Seeds for fast germination. Green grass will cover the entire area in a short time.
  2. Seeds that grow well only in lighted places.
  3. Plants that love shade. This type of mixture is best chosen for planting in the garden near trees or on the shady side of the site.
  4. Universal composition. Such mixtures feel great in any conditions and will quickly cover any prepared area with a green carpet.

Purpose of the green carpet

Before sowing a lawn, it is necessary to determine its purpose.

Next, you should think about the planned function of the site on which the lawn will be grown. It can be a lawn to decorate the courtyard, or a playground for children's games. It is important to study the instructions on the packaging with the mixture, which indicate under what conditions it is better to plant this variety.

For the playground, you can plant a sports lawn. In such a mixture there are seeds of plants that are not afraid of active trampling. It is this mixture of herbs that can withstand a significant load, while not losing its neat appearance, and “bald spots” will not appear on it. The composition of the seeds includes varieties of hard and elastic plants.

It is important that the playground mix does not contain plant seeds with flowers (clover). This is fraught with the fact that wasps and bees will tend to the lawn, which is not very good when there are children on the site. A child can step on a wasp or touch it with his hands.

Moorish or meadow set is a picturesque forbs. Such a lawn will bloom during the summer, and flowers with bright colors will enliven monochromatic greenery. It is easy to create a Moorish lawn with your own hands, picking up plant seeds so that the flowers replace each other all summer.

You can also buy ready mix. It is advisable to mow such grass regularly in order to get rid of dried plants, and to give new ones the opportunity to see the sun. At the same time, you should not walk on the grass, otherwise it will lose its appearance. Meadow grasses help to create a rustic feel and make the site picturesque.

In the meadow lawn there are many types of grasses and flowers that replace each other during the summer

Popular Grass Varieties

There is an opinion that the best lawn is obtained from grass of one variety. Most often, in practice, grass mixtures are planted. In any case, in order to understand the properties of the future coating, it is necessary to study the characteristics of herbs. Consider the most popular cultures that are currently used:

  • ryegrass English or perennial;
  • fescue (festuca) red;
  • bluegrass (Poa) meadow;
  • filiform bent grass (Agrostis capillaris).

ryegrass english

Perennial ryegrass is a very popular cereal among landscape designers. Those who prefer English lawn know that ryegrass is the basis of this mixture. This plant is sensitive to lack of moisture and should be watered regularly. Feels good on dense, heavy types of soil. Due to its qualities, ryegrass requires systematic care. It is important that when mowing, the length of the remaining stems is at least 20-25 cm. This plant is relevant for the lawn, because it has undoubted advantages:

  1. Ryegrass sprouts quickly and well covers the entire sown surface with a dense layer of grass. Well rooted right in the year of sowing. The grass is resilient and quite soft.
  2. It does not lend itself to trampling, and after a load it quickly recovers and takes on a fresh look.
  3. Does not allow weeds to take up free space.

Perennial ryegrass has excellent characteristics and is used in turf mixtures

However, before choosing ryegrass, you should consider its features. We list the most significant:

  1. This cereal does not like temperature changes. If the winter is snowless, it is likely that bald patches will appear on the ryegrass site.
  2. Poor resistance to fungal infections. In particularly humid places, ryegrass can be affected by mold.
  3. We have already said that this plant does not tolerate irregular watering. If the summer is sunny and rains are rare, the ryegrass may die.

Most often, ryegrass is added to mixtures for sports fields, it helps the coating withstand significant loads. It is also used in compositions intended for the regeneration of damaged lawns.

Red fescue is unpretentious, drought resistant

Fescue is the most versatile crop and is added to most mixes. In this case, the plant can be of three varieties: hairy with short rhizomes, fescue without rhizomes and red long-leaved fescue.

This plant is especially popular due to the following qualities. We list the most prominent:

  1. Fescue is unpretentious and undemanding to care. Its ability to regenerate is medium - the plant withstands a certain load, but is inferior in resistance to some other varieties.
  2. Fescue grows evenly, takes root quite quickly.
  3. This grass can easily withstand dry summers. Fescue withers a little under the scorching sun, but very quickly gains strength after watering.

To use the qualities of the plant to the fullest, you should take into account the characteristics of each variety. For example, species of fescue with dense roots fill gaps in the grass layer well. However, they do not produce dense turf. In this regard, these varieties are used in mixtures for parks, landscapes, most often on dry soil.

Long-leaved fescue belongs to rhizomatous-loose bush grasses. Its roots form a dense turf, as they can densely germinate in several directions at once. Due to this feature, this variety is used as a base in the best mixtures for ornamental and Mauritanian lawns.

Bluegrass has an excellent ability to form dense growth, which has medium elasticity. In addition, the turf is not susceptible to damage, as it is quickly regenerated. This property is due to underground processes that instantly fill empty areas on the soil surface.

However, bluegrass also has disadvantages. The main ones are:

  • slow germination after sowing, sometimes it takes him a month;
  • this plant has poor resistance to diseases that can quickly destroy an entire crop.

Meadow grass meadow covers the soil with a dense, even layer of overgrowth

Bluegrass is certainly used in mixtures for sports turf. This culture compacts the top layer of the coating, while at the same time increasing its resistance to stress. Since the bluegrass regenerates well, it quickly closes the damaged areas. Its seeds are also added to the mixture for the Mauritanian lawn, which is the easiest to create with your own hands. There are elite varieties of this grass, their feature is narrow leaves. These types of plants are mainly used in mixtures for ornamental lawns.

The main property of the filamentous bent is the inability to withstand significant loads. To increase the resistance to trampling, it is recommended to mow the bent grass, leaving the length of the stems 5-10 cm. The second disadvantage can be called slow germination, sometimes the bent grass begins to grow only a month after sowing. In addition, grass grows rather slowly, especially at the beginning. The field needs to be watered systematically, maintaining high level moisture. Lawns in which this plant occupies a significant proportion often form turf felt. You can fight it by cutting through the top layer of turf.

The filiform bent has the following advantages. The main advantage is the beautiful and dense layer of greenery that forms on the surface. Another undoubted advantage is the ability of grass to grow on dry soils in which there are few nutrients.

Filamentous bent grass can grow on poor soils, but is easily trampled

The bentgrass is commonly used in golf turf mixes. The best decorative mixtures almost always contain bent grass and red fescue.

Secondary Lawn Grass Types

We talked about the most popular herbs that are used for lawns. However, other plants are also used, which are often added to lawn mixtures. If the composition of the mixture is selected independently, it is worth buying plant seeds that have good frost resistance and do not require too complicated care. However, most lawn grasses below have their own characteristics that you should be aware of.

This plant is suitable for those who do not want to cut the grass often. The grass produces shoots that creep along the ground, after which they take root. It turns out a grassy carpet of bright color, which quickly fills with itself all the free areas. The disadvantage of such a lawn is that the shoots are lighter than the main lawn, which makes the color of the area uneven, too colorful.

The shoot-bearing bent grass forms an even grassy carpet that does not need to be cut often.

Different types of bluegrass

Bluegrass comes in different varieties: narrow-leaved, oaky, marsh. All of them are often used in lawn mixtures, but each variety has its own characteristics:

  1. Bolotny loves moist soils, so it can be sown in areas without drainage. This plant forms a dense cover, with a dense root system, it can be mowed regularly. The marsh bluegrass lives only 4-5 years, after which it must be sown.
  2. Dubravny (also called upland) loves shade, so it is sown near trees with a branched crown, in the shade of a house, near a fence. In contrast to the marsh, the oak bluegrass has a weaker root system. In this regard, it will not withstand frequent mowing, and also weakens from a significant load.
  3. The narrow-leaved or flattened bluegrass grows quickly and fills any area well. The disadvantage is the short life span - such grass will please the owner for no more than 5-6 years. Also, uneven coloring is considered to be its special property; therefore, bluegrass angustifolia is not used. professional designers. The flattened bluegrass produces shoots of increased rigidity, which does not allow you to enjoy a soft rug. This type of lawn is only good for decorative purposes.

A noticeable advantage of this type of grass is its rapid germination - two months after sowing, the lawn is completely ready. Meadow fescue can be used as a temporary cover as it only lives for 4-5 years.

Often it is used as an addition to the main type of lawn - due to its rapid growth, fescue fills any piece of land. The disadvantage of grass is a weak root system - fescue is afraid of the load, so it is not often used as the main one.

Meadow fescue will please with good germination

bent dog

Dog bent grass is a grass that has excellent decorative qualities. It has a bright emerald color, and its leaves have a velvety surface. A weak root system, as well as a short lifespan, do not allow the use of dog fescue as a cover for sports or playgrounds. At the same time, this grass is often grown to create Moorish and parterre, that is, decorative lawns.

This grass is not often used as a lawn. Clover loves sunny areas, and usually does not take root in the shade. Resistant to trampling, it improves soil quality. The disadvantage is uneven coloring. In addition, clover is a well-known honey plant. Its flowers produce a lot of sweet nectar, attracting bees to them. In this regard, clover is not planted where there are children.

White clover will quickly fill the lawn, but it is not recommended to use it on the playground

DIY clover lawn

Despite the shortcomings, white clover can be a good surface for any site. In order for this grass to perform the functions of a lawn, it must be planted according to the rules. Competent site preparation, selection of seeds and timely care will allow you to get a spectacular and presentable green lawn near the house. This plant has obvious advantages:

  • a strong root system will displace any weed from its environment;
  • excellent decorative effect;
  • a dense carpet of green leaves will completely cover any area;
  • clover stems do not grow tall, which means that a haircut is not required;
  • grows well without special care - plants do not need to be watered often, or fed;
  • clover is not so easy to trample - it is very resistant to stress;
  • good growth rate;
  • the plant provides saturation of the soil with nitrogen, which makes it more fertile;
  • clover can be planted on any land with a variety of terrain.

It is important to know that clover coating also has disadvantages. The following nuances should be taken into account:

  • if other flowers are planted nearby, clover will block their living space;
  • sometimes the grass growth rate is too high - clover quickly absorbs a new area;
  • the plant retains moisture, which can make the surface of the site quite slippery.

Clover must be grown in a well-lit area.

Instructions for planting clover

Next, we will tell you how to plant clover in the country with your own hands. This plant is quite unpretentious, it does not require systematic watering, top dressing. However, to obtain a uniform coating, several conditions must be observed. First, you need to choose the right place. It can be a sunny area, or partial shade. Secondly, clover should be sown at the end of spring. Next, you need to do this.