Water cannon pumps for wells if copper. Water jet pumps: what are they and why are they good? Water supply system "Chastotnik"

  • 04.03.2020

The Russian company "Dzhileks" produces equipment for the organization of water supply, heating and sewerage. Among the wide variety of products, a special place is occupied by pumps that pump water from underground wells, wells and open reservoirs. These products can be seen in large industrial and agricultural enterprises and in everyday life.

For example, a Gileks pump for a well will help organize the supply drinking water private house or cottage. There is also equipment that will raise water from a deep well, and if necessary, you can use it to irrigate gardens.

The main feature of the equipment of a young and rapidly developing company is the use modern technologies, simplicity, quality and reliability. All pumps are fully adapted to the harsh conditions of the Russian climate and water composition.

Pumps are less expensive than foreign analogues, many components and components are Gilex's own development. Along with this, high-tech parts supplied from other countries are widely used, which are distinguished by high-quality technical characteristics. The presence of reliable automation can protect devices from damage in emergency cases.

The range of products impresses with its breadth and areas of application:

  • drinking water pumps;
  • sewerage;
  • pumping other types of liquids;
  • irrigation of crop areas.

Dzhileks pumps for pumping water from a well

These units are mainly used for open water sources with a large area - wells, individual reservoirs and natural reservoirs. It is in such places that it is easier to pump water and place additional equipment in the form along with the pump. The electric motors of these pumps are protected from water ingress and contain a so-called cooling jacket. In private houses and cottages, they are used quite often.

The principle of operation of the float switch is simple - if the water level falls below a certain mark, then the float drops and opens the contacts of the pump motor. This ensures the safety of the product in such a situation.

Similar products are marked as follows - Water cannon PROF 55/35 A, where the first digit 55 indicates the flow rate, measured in liters per minute, and the second digit indicates the pressure, which is also measured in liters. The letter "A" means automatic, that is, the use of a float switch. Depending on the design and diameter of the casing, the parameters of the pump may be different.

Advantages of pumps for wells:

  • high efficiency;
  • reliability and durability;
  • low prices - from 7 to 11 thousand rubles, depending on the capacity;
  • the ability to pump water with sufficiently large impurities and sand particles;
  • the use of materials that do not impair the quality of drinking water.

Well pumps

They are centrifugal type devices with so-called "floating" impellers. They are used in deep sources of drinking water, and can also be used in wells. The case diameter of these products is 98 millimeters, made of high quality stainless steel, the electric motor is in an oil cup, which ensures its cooling and stability of operating parameters.

These units are used in wells with a depth of no more than 30 meters. They are powerful and high performance. There are pumps for marginal underground sources, where the amount of replenished water is small, and there are pumps for pumping large volumes of water.

Benefits of borehole water cannons Gileks:

  1. High efficiency, and hence good technical characteristics.
  2. Using the principle of centrifugal force is more beneficial not only in terms of pump efficiency, but also saves the well itself. For example, vibration products, in addition to great noise, create soil vibrations, which can lead to the destruction of the well and its tightening with sand.
  3. Ability to pump water with a high content of foreign particles.
  4. Profitability.
  5. Reliability and durability due to double protection of the product - from high water pressure and sealing of the electric motor.
  6. Ease of maintenance and operation.
  7. Prices are also very democratic - from 7 to 17 thousand rubles.

Water supply system "Chastotnik"

Submersible type pumps Dzhileks "Chastotnik" are designed to create an autonomous water supply with constant water pressure, mainly for residential buildings and dachas. And this is achieved by using a filling tank (hydraulic accumulator) with a control unit.

In fact, the principle of operation of these units resembles pumping station, with the only difference that it is used on the surface, and the submersible pump is at depth. At the top there is only a hydraulic accumulator and a control unit that controls and controls the operation of the electric motor, a system for maintaining a given level of water pressure.

Many people ask why this system is called a chastotnik. It's simple - in the control unit there is a frequency converter, the functions of which are to provide soft start electric motor and maintaining the required water pressure.

The submersible household pump "Vodomet" of the Gileks brand has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Creation of uninterrupted water supply.
  2. Profitability due to the use of a storage tank and a control unit.
  3. Durability and reliability.
  4. Low noise level unlike a conventional pumping station.
  5. Protection of the main parts and details from overloads in the electrical network.

Submersible pumps of the "Chastotnik" system can operate at a well depth of up to 30 meters. The letter "Ch" has been added to the product labeling. For example, the designation of a similar design is the Water Cannon PROF 115/95 H, here the first numbers indicate the water flow in liters per minute, and the second part indicates the amount of water pressure in meters.

The cost of these products ranges from 29 to 39 thousand rubles.

How to choose a Gilex pump

When choosing pumps for pumping water, a homeowner should consider the following factors:

  1. Depth, diameter of the well.
  2. The quality characteristics of drinking water, in particular, it is worth paying attention to the content of impurities of silt and sand. If they are more than normal, then any device of this type may fail prematurely.
  3. The state of the electrical network, especially the frequency and magnitude of power surges.
  4. And, of course, the price. However, choosing a cheaper model does not always mean its durability and reliability.

Some tips before buying a Gilex pump:

  1. Many homeowners do not always delve into the depth of the issue - it seems to them that they bought the unit, installed it, and it should work properly for decades. However, the pump is a device that runs on electric current, the instability of its parameters may cause damage or deterioration of performance. Therefore, knowing domestic electrical networks, you should take care of purchasing a voltage stabilizer, which, among other things, will save all other appliances that consume electricity in the house.
  2. You should not buy the most powerful pump, as this is not always economically feasible. In addition, if water is not collected in the well so quickly, that is, its low productivity, then this will not lead to anything good. Such a unit will quickly pump out the contents of the well, and then it will run idle - there is a possibility of its failure.
  3. The composition of the water also affects the performance of the Gilex pump, like any other similar device. On the forums you can often see negative reviews about Gilex pumps, often all the comments boil down to the fact that it fails due to the high content of iron, lime and sand impurities. Even if you install an expensive imported pump famous brand, then it will also fail without taking into account and analyzing the water content in the well. And for some reason, some people are accustomed to speak negatively about domestic products. And often they are not worse than foreign goods.

Therefore, only taking into account all the norms and requirements for pumping equipment will help you choose the best product that will last for many years.

They are submersible devices. They are multi-stage units, the operation of which is carried out through the use of centrifugal force.

Among the characteristic design features, which distinguishes the borehole pump Vodomet, can be distinguished:

  • powerful engine equipped efficient system cooling;
  • "floating" impellers;
  • connection of the power cable to the top cover of the product, so that it can be installed in wells with a small casing section;
  • built-in capacitor that allows you to use a three-core cable for connection.
Pump borehole water cannon It has a durable housing made of high quality stainless steel. It is not subject to corrosion, is resistant to mechanical stress and reliably protects internal mechanisms from breakdowns.

The isolation of the hydraulic and electrical parts from the immersion medium is carried out by mechanical seals, which increase the life of the unit.
Oil-filled engine driving deep pumps for the well Vodomet, differs in stability of working parameters.
It is equipped with a protective casing that prevents oil from penetrating the cable.

Depending on the modification, downhole pumps Vodomet can be equipped with:

  • automatic equipment that prevents the possibility of idling and protects against deformations.
  • a removable filter, which is installed in the intake part and does not allow sand and dirt to be sucked in.
All components and components in contact with the liquid are made of inert materials. They do not adversely affect the composition of drinking water and do not impair its taste.

Operational Benefits

The borehole pump Dzhileks Vodomet differs in reliability, simplicity in use and service. Its other benefits include:
  • High efficiency, providing good performance and other technical parameters.
  • The presence of protection in the form of a thermal protector, which protects the engine from overheating.
  • Long service life. The pump for the well Water Jet Dzhileks can be used for a long time in intensive mode due to the special arrangement of parts and the use of high-quality raw materials.
  • small size and weight, simplifying the transportation of the device. In addition, they help to reduce vibrations.

Pumps for water wells Vodomet are characterized by economical energy consumption and almost no noise during operation.
Cooling the motor with pumped water ensures trouble-free performance of the specified functions.
The relay, which protects against overheating, is placed outside the stator windings of the power mechanism. This makes it easier to diagnose breakdowns and carry out repairs.

Thanks to the use of "floating" impellers, Vodomet well pumps are not very sensitive to the composition of the pumped liquid and can be used to transport water with a high sand content.
Degree of protection IPX8 protects against ingress of moisture and is designed for operation in immersed state for more than 30 minutes.

Suggested range

Pumps for the well Vodomet are represented by several models. They differ in the nuances of design, technical characteristics and equipment.

The line of equipment includes devices that can be used:

  • for watering;
  • for sources with low debit;
  • for the organization of automatic supply.
The numbers in the marking indicate the amount of fluid consumed per minute and the maximum pressure.

Downhole pump Dzhileks Vodomet PROF - a classic downhole pump, with which it is very easy to organize a water supply system. It will need to purchase a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure switch and other components.

Borehole (well) pump Gilex Water Jet PROF A equipped with a float switch, which prevents operation without water. It turns off and on automatically.

well pump Water cannon "House" represents a more advanced version of the equipment, in terms of technical equipment.
It refers to automatic systems water supply and includes the following elements:

  • well pump Water jet with a wire for connecting to the electrical network;
  • storage tank with a robust steel body and a flexible synthetic rubber membrane;
  • three-pin fitting;
  • stop valves;
  • check valve, excluding the flow of fluid in the other direction.
Pressure control in the system is carried out using a control unit, which also allows you to determine the voltage and current in the network.
Using the remote control with a microprocessor, you can program desired parameters in the pipeline, depending on the operating conditions.

The Dom model is a modified water jet pump PROF, which has retained all the best properties of the basic products and is equipped with several additional functions. Among them:

  • protection against "dry running", voltage surges and overloads;
  • soft start, which reduces the likelihood of water hammer during commissioning and reduces stress.
Thanks to the installation of protective systems and the improvement of consumer properties, Dzhileks Vodomet Dom series borehole pumps are more convenient to use.

Application features

In order for the Vodomet downhole pump to retain its functionality for as long as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of use recommended by the manufacturer. According to them, you should:
  • apply for pumping medium, the temperature of which is from +1 °C to +35 °C and does not go beyond the specified limit;
  • avoid installation in sources where the distance to the day is less than 1 m;
  • exclude the pumping of liquid containing more than 2 kg / m 3 of sand in suspension;
  • do not allow borehole pumps Vodomet to use if a violation of the integrity of the wire is detected.
To save the power cord for a long time, do not use it to hang the product.

If you are going to use the Dzhileks Vodomet borehole pump for its intended purpose, you must first check the performance. To do this, it is connected to the power supply for a few seconds.

When using the Vodomet pump for wells, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a head that will close the top of the casing and protect it from foreign objects and groundwater.

To prevent freezing, it will be necessary to build a well with a cover, and lay the pipeline below the soil freezing level characteristic of the area.
In this case, the internal cross section of the pressure water supply should not be less than the same parameter of the inlet of the apparatus for water supply.

To hang the water jet borehole pump, you will need a steel cable that is pulled through the lugs in the cover. It must support the weight of the apparatus and the filled pipe.

During the first start-up, the possibility of getting a significant amount of sand should be taken into account. In such a situation, it is forbidden to turn off the unit: it is left to work until the source is “pumped” and there are no impurities.

Mounting example

A downhole pump, by definition, cannot be cheap. When working in a filter well, it is regularly exposed to particles of sand and silt, and water has to be delivered from artesian structures to a sufficiently high height.

In search of a reliable device at an affordable price, owners of private plots most often choose a water pump manufactured by Dzhileks. In this material, we will consider in detail the device and the principle of operation of the equipment, we will talk about the features of its selection and use.

Pumps "Vodomet" have a fairly wide range of applications. With their help, you can pump water from wells of various depths, as well as from wells and open reservoirs.

They perfectly cope with the autonomous water supply of a private house, are used for watering the site, garden, etc. In this case, the diameter of the well should be 100 mm or more.

The case is made of high quality stainless steel. The top point of the pump is sealed in such a way that during its operation sand and other contaminants do not enter the casing from above.

The pump motor is enclosed in a sealed glass filled with oil. This design eliminates Negative influence external factors and protects the engine from damage.

The design and dimensions of the “Vodomet” pump allow it to be installed in wells with a casing pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more

The device is oil-filled, asynchronous, the motor rotor is squirrel-cage, mounted on rolling bearings. The motor is partially protected from overheating by a thermal protector built into the stator winding. In addition, an additional cooling factor is water passing through a special annular gap left between the housing and the motor stator.

To balance the external and internal pressure of the engine, a special membrane is used. This allows the motor seal to be unloaded. As a result, the technical characteristics allow the use of the Vodomet pump at a depth of up to 30 meters. The top and bottom covers are arranged in such a way that all components of the device are in correct position about the central axis.

An important feature of the pump design is the presence of so-called “floating” impellers, which have the ability to run in. efficiency of traditional pumping equipment largely depends on the size of the gap that is formed between its moving and static parts.

The larger such a gap, the more internal fluid leakage occurs inside the device, and the lower its efficiency. During the operation of the pump, the moving elements are gradually erased, which increases the clearance, and the efficiency becomes even lower. The design of the "floating" impellers of the "Vodomet" pump gives them the ability to move in the axial direction.

Deciphering the markings of various models

The marking of the pump in the form of letter indices reflects the design features of individual models:

  • "BK"– the cable length of this model is 1 m.
  • "BUT"(automatic) - the presence of a float switch that prevents the situation of "dry running".
  • "PROF"– pumps for wells without an automatic shutdown system.
  • "M"(main) - equipped with a fitting that allows you to use the pump on the surface, as an element of the water supply system.
  • "HOUSE"- additionally equipped with components for the organization of automated water supply of a private house.
  • "H"– the presence of an electronic system automatic control pump.

Devices marked with the index “A” can be installed in wells or other structures where there is sufficient free space for mounting a float switch.

Vodomet pumps are submersible multi-stage devices of the Russian company Dzhileks, designed to provide autonomous water supply to houses and watering plots.

Production is located in Klimovsk, Moscow region.

Equipment Features

The equipment of this brand is a range of household appliances of various sizes and different capacities, so you can choose a model that will provide the required amount of water.

Advantages of submersible pumps:

  • work quietly;
  • are small in size;
  • do not "trouble up" water, unlike vibration ones;
  • small size;
  • low price;
  • high efficiency;
  • reviews of submersible pumps Vodomet are mostly positive - there are practically no negative ones, which is also a significant indicator;
  • the ability to work in water with a significant amount of sand or clay (from 2 to 5 kg / m 3).

Water pumps Vodomet, designed specifically for Russian operating conditions, are of two types:

  • wells;
  • borehole (deep).

What are their differences?

Pumps for wells Dzhileks Vodomet are designed for use in relatively shallow wells (8-10 m), tanks or open water.

A prerequisite for the operation of such a pump is the sufficient width of the reservoir so that not only the pump, but also the float switch can fit there.

The water cannon pump for the well has obvious benefits before the well:

  • larger ratio useful action, which means, ceteris paribus, the submersible water jet pump for wells will have a greater performance than the water jet pump for a well;
  • less sensitivity to dirty, "sandy" water;
  • the presence of a simple float switch, thanks to which there is no need to install protection against "dry" operation;
  • low price - from 9,000 to 13,000 rubles.

The submersible water pump for wells is smaller in size and is designed for extracting water from narrow (from 100 mm) and deep wells, lifting water from a considerable depth (usually the depth of wells is from 40 m).

The price of pumps for water jet wells is slightly higher than the price of well pumps - from 10,000 to 24,000 rubles.

About manufacturer's models

Submersible pumps Vodomet are available in several modifications, differing in power and other technical characteristics. Pumps for wells are marked as follows: pump Vodomet 55/35A, 55/50A, 55/75A, 150/30A, 150/45A, 150/60A.

Here, the letter "A" indicates that the pump is equipped with an automatic float switch.

Well pumps have the following designations: Water jet pump 40/50, 40/75, 60/32, 55/35, 55/50, 55/75, 55/90, 110/110, 115/115.

  • The first number indicates the pump's maximum outlet flow (l/min). This flow rate is determined with open taps and no resistance to water movement.
  • The second number is the maximum head (m), which develops the device with fully closed taps.

For example, the submersible pump Vodomet 60/32 delivers up to 60 liters of water per minute with a free spout, and when the water consumption taps are closed, it can create a pressure of up to 32 m. This unit costs almost 6800 rubles.

Based specifications, we can say that:

  • Water jet pumps with a maximum possible flow rate of 60 l/min will work most efficiently in water supply sources with a small flow rate (the amount of water that a source can give per unit time). In this case, the flow rate of the source must be no less than the performance of the pump, otherwise the pump may pump out all the water in the well (well), and begin to draw in silt or work “dry”, which can lead to its breakdown.In real conditions, a submersible pump Vodomet 60/52 at a price of about 8000 r can provide a consumption of 35-40 l / min (more than 2 m 3 / hour) - up to 4 consumer taps at the same time. The submersible pump Vodomet 60/72 at the price of 10,000 r will give a stronger pressure at the same flow rate. Thanks to this, with the help of such a pump it is possible to move water over a greater distance.
  • Pumps Vodomet with the highest flow rate of 115 l / min, provide for use in wells with medium and high flow rates, with a possible water flow rate of up to 65 l / min (about 4 m 3 / h). The submersible pump Vodomet 115/115 is one of the most powerful borehole pumps in the line. Its power is about 2200 kW, and the price is 16,000 rubles.
  • Pumps Vodomet with a flow rate of up to 150 l / minute are necessary for the water supply of large houses. Such pumps can only be used in wells with a high flow rate, and their use is advisable at high water flow rates - more than 4 m 3 / h.

More accurate data for selection is easy to calculate on your own. The required pressure of the pump is the sum of the values ​​of the required pressure in the taps of consumers, possible pressure losses in pipelines and the height difference between the source and consumers.

Roughly, the maximum pump head can be determined by measuring the distance from ground level to water level in a reservoir:

  • if the specified distance is less than 5 meters, then a pump with a head of up to 35 m is suitable. For example, a submersible pump Vodomet 55/35;
  • if the distance is from 5 to 25 m, then a device with a declared head of 40 or 50 m is suitable. For example, a submersible pump Vodomet 60/52;
  • if the distance is 25 - 45 m, you should choose a model with a head of 60 or 75 m. For example, a submersible pump Vodome 60/72;
  • if the distance is from 45 to 60 m, it is better to choose a device with a pressure of 90-150 m. For example, a submersible pump Vodomet 115/115.

Device Reviews

Water pumps Vodomet are very popular with owners of private houses and summer cottages, therefore, various reviews have been accumulated about pumps for wells Vodomet.

Since the submersible pump for the water jet well is not deprived of attention and there are enough reviews about it - let's give a few for an example.

Maxim Viktorovich, 41 years old, Podolsk:

I have had a submersible water pump for the fifth year. Installed in a well at a depth of 25 meters. It works and works, the pressure is normal, only sometimes there is not enough water for everyone.

At first, I thought that my sandy well would "kill" the Vodomet well pump in a couple of years. I don’t know about others, but everything suits me. I'm thinking of looking at a more powerful model.

Maria and Alexander Semenov, Kursk:

Considered different variants for supplying water to the country house. We chose between Ukrainian Aquarius and Russian Gileks. Aquarius, they say, is very sensitive to sand, a remote condenser is also inconvenient. In general, we settled on a submersible pump Vodomet 60/52.

It turned out that it gives 52 l / min only in ideal conditions, but in fact it comes out two times less. Nobody warned us about this. Would have known in advance — bought more powerful.

Mikhail Viktorovich, 61 years old, Ufa:

Reliable, good device. A submersible well pump Vodomet has been installed in the well for more than three years. It extracts water from eight meters and in a straight line about 35 meters more. Disadvantages - it is bad to connect through the RCD (often knocks out) and the cables are short.

About the device

The pump, completely immersed in water, works in very difficult conditions. Despite research, testing and the latest developments, these devices often fail. The causes of breakdowns are very diverse, but the main ones are:

  • installation and operation of the pump in violation of the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • voltage drops;
  • dirty, sandy water;
  • mechanical wear of parts of the mechanism - housing, blades.

In order for the Water Jet water pump to work properly for as long as possible, it must be installed correctly. So, when installing a pump in a well, it is necessary to mount it in casing pipe from inside diameter not less than 100 mm.

The upper part of the pipe is closed with a cap to prevent foreign objects from entering the well.

To prevent the device from freezing in winter, a closing well is installed above the well, and the main pipe to the house is buried in the ground below the freezing level. The pump is installed so that it is lowered into the water, but not closer than 1.5 m to the bottom of the reservoir.

The schematic diagram of connecting the Water Jet pump is no different from the nuances of installing any other pump for a well - tied to a cable, it sinks to the bottom of the well. Attached to the cable with staples power cable and a hose through which water will flow.

After the device is at the bottom, the cable should be firmly fixed at the top.

A big plus is that do-it-yourself repair of the Water Cannon pump is quite possible. For a successful repair, you will definitely need spare parts to replace the damaged ones.

If "guilty" - circuit diagram water jet pump - the capacitor may have failed. If the water from the tap began to flow worse, the filter may be clogged or the hose is damaged (and the water simply flows back into the well).

The internal structure, the procedure for disassembling and repairing the Water Jet pumps are indicated in each instruction for the device.

However, it should be noted that it is not recommended to engage in such work on your own - despite the simplicity of the design, its disassembly and assembly (especially) requires some experience.

Equipment overview (video)

We offer for sale submersible borehole pumps "Vodomet". Before you buy a pump, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its description and price.

Centrifugal multistage pump The “water cannon” with “floating” impellers, an electric motor “washed” by water and a built-in condenser is designed to supply water from wells with an internal diameter of 100 mm or more, as well as wells and open reservoirs for water supply to the house, watering the garden and vegetable garden. The pump can work in wells with high sand content.

Pumps "Vodomet" can be used: with control "by level" of filling the storage tank, with control "by level" of pumped water (automatic pumps with the index "A") and with an automatic control system "by pressure" (pumps with indices "DOM " and "H"). The source of water supply can be a well, a well or an open reservoir.


Parameter name










Maximum flow, l/min
Maximum head, m
Number of steps, pcs
Voltage, V
Consumed current, A
Power consumption, W
Capacitor capacity, uF
Cable length, m
Max. the size of the passed particles, mm
Maximum immersion depth, m

Flow characteristics

Pump WATERJET model

With pressure, m















Feed, l/min


Selecting a model of a submersible borehole pump Vodomet

Two numbers in its designation will help you choose the right pump model. The first number indicates the maximum flow rate in liters of water per minute at the outlet of the pump in the absence of resistance to water flow. The second number shows the maximum head in meters developed by the pump during dead end operation.

For example: the pump WATER JET 60/52, with a free spout, delivers 60 liters of water per minute (3.6 cubic meters per hour), and when cutting off the supply, i.e. with closed water taps, it develops a pressure of 52 meters (5.2 atm.). In the limit mode, the pump is practically not used. It is most often operated at the so-called "working point", with a nominal (50% of maximum) flow at a nominal (50% of maximum) head. However, you can choose a pump according to the maximum parameters.

VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow of 60, 115 and 150 liters of water per minute were developed on the basis of many years of analysis of average water consumption and the performance of water sources. VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow rate of 60 liters of water per minute are designed for water supply sources (well, well, etc.) with a small and medium flow rate and with an expected moderate flow rate (2-3 cubic meters per hour or 35 - 40 l / min, t .e. 3-4 taps) with nominal water flow.

VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow rate of 115 liters of water per minute are designed for water supply sources (well, well, etc.) with an average and increased flow rate and with an expected increased (3-4 cubic meters per hour or 50 - 65 l / min) nominal water consumption.

Pumps submersible water jet with a maximum flow rate of 150 liters of water per minute are intended for water supply sources (well, open reservoir, etc.) with a high flow rate and with an expected high (4-6 cubic meters per hour or 65 - 100 l / min) nominal water flow.

The maximum pump head should be selected depending on the vertical distance, from the ground surface to the static water level in the source:
- if this distance does not exceed 5 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 30-32 meters;
- if this distance is up to 25 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 45-52 meters;
- if this distance is from 25 to 45 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 60-75 meters;
- if this distance is from 45 to 60 meters, you need a pump with a head of 92-115 meters.

Submersible borehole pumps Water cannon are not equipped with a built-in non-return valve, therefore, in some cases, it is recommended to install a non-return valve on the pump outlet. For example, when a pump is operating in an automatic water supply system for a pressure-controlled pump, a check valve maintains pressure in the system, preventing water from flowing out. Moreover, the check valve should be installed in the pressure line near the pump, since in this case it protects the system from hydraulic shocks, preventing the formation of voids in the pipeline.

A valve installed above 7 meters from the surface of the water in the source cannot prevent the formation of voids in the pipeline, and this leads to water hammer at the moment the pump is turned on. However, the installation of a check valve directly at the outlet of the pump, with a slight deepening of the pump under water, can lead to the formation air lock in the pump and the water will not reach the first impeller, which will lead to "dry run" pump. Therefore, with a slight (up to one meter) deepening of the pump, the check valve should be installed at a distance of 1 to 7 meters from the pump.

In the case of using the pump for filling containers or watering, when periodically removing the pump from the source, the check valve should not be installed, since the hose filled with water is not light in weight. However, care must be taken in this case, otherwise, after turning off the pump, water flows back through the pump and the hose works like a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, a hose dropped to the ground during a backflow can cause the pump to clog.

Water jet pump device

The pump consists of a pump part and a wetted electric motor, located in a single housing made of high quality stainless steel. The components are centered in the housing by means of front and rear covers, as well as an intermediate support. The pump motor is oil-filled, sealed, asynchronous with a squirrel-cage rotor on rolling bearings. A thermal protector is built into the stator winding to protect the motor from overheating. The motor seal is unloaded, as the pressure inside and outside the motor is equalized by the membrane, the maximum submersion depth of the pump under water is 30 meters. The pump motor is cooled by the pumped water, so the pump must not be allowed to run when there is no flow.

Design feature "floating" pump impellers "Water cannon" is their running-in. It is known that the gap between the rotating and stationary parts of the hydraulic part of the pump is the cause of internal leakage in the pump, which reduces its efficiency. Therefore, ensuring small gaps in a traditional pump is a difficult technological task. During operation, these gaps increase, which, accordingly, reduces the already low efficiency of the pumping stage of a traditional pump.

In the "VODOMET" pump, the impellers are "floating", as they have the ability to move in the axial direction, clinging, under the action of working pressure, to the rear surface of the guide vane (diffuser) of the previous stage. In this case, the contact occurs along one of the two pairs of rubbing surfaces. In the first hours of operation, the plastic shoulder of the impeller in the cover of the guide vane (diffuser) is intensively worn, while electricity consumption increases somewhat and the flow-pressure characteristic decreases. This wear and tear results in "lapping" collar, providing "zero" gap. Then, unloading the first rubbing pair, the second pair of rubbing surfaces comes into contact. This is an anti-friction washer and a ceramic ring. Since the friction of these parts in water occurs without wear, and a "zero" gap has already formed in the zone of the sealing shoulder, the pump reaches the optimal operating mode. This mode is characterized by an increase in the flow-pressure characteristic and a decrease in electricity consumption.

All parts of the pump that come into contact with the pumped water are made of materials approved for contact with foodstuffs. In the rear cover of the pump with the outlet pipe, there are two lugs for fixing the cable. A water-resistant, hygienic cable of the required length exits from the rear cover of the pump, which reduces the risk of incorrect connection of the pump.

Pump with index "BK"- with cable length 1 m. Pump with index "BUT"(automatic) is equipped with a float switch that prevents the pump from running without water. Such a pump can be used in a well or other source that has enough space to use a float switch. An anti-friction sleeve is installed in the front cover of the pump, which serves as a support for the shaft of the pump part.
In the front cover submersible pump there are suction windows with a size of 1.5 x 1.5 mm, which prevent the penetration of large particles into the pump.
In the front cover of the pump with an index "M"(main) a fitting is mounted, which allows the pump to be used as a surface pump built into the water supply line.
it is completed with a hydraulic accumulator, a control panel and the necessary shut-off valves that allow you to assemble.
Pump with index "H"(frequency converter) equipped with electronic system automatic control, which provides a "soft start" of the pump, protection against "dry running"(from the operation of the pump without water consumption) and the exact maintenance of the specified pressure in the water supply system, regardless of the flow rate.