How to fix a leak in a pipe: basic methods. How to close a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe - reliable and proven methods How to close a leak in a casing pipe

  • 20.06.2020

The article presents various methods for eliminating leaks in water pipes oh, and also describes how to repair pipes on your own. You will learn about what repair compounds are, whether there are ways to stop a pipe break. The article will talk about the simplest and most affordable options for pipe restoration.

Everyone who at least once in his life has encountered the problem of a breakthrough or leak of pipes knows that this trouble, in case of confusion, can cause flooding and other unpleasant consequences. If at this moment to act decisively, the consequences can be avoided.

First of all, you should turn off the water or drains, get rid of the water in the pipe to the maximum. If the water still continues to flow, we offer several ways to repair it.

emergency glue

The correct name for this composition is an emergency metal polymer. It consists of a two-component epoxy adhesive and metal dust. More precisely, the dust is already mixed with the resin, it remains to add the hardener at the right time. With this composition, you can close up a pipe in which the flow goes by gravity.

It should be noted that such a composition only works at a minimum pressure. There is also a composition "SILTEK V-37 Hydroplug" for sealing leaks in concrete and asbestos pipes.

Methods that provide connection or clamping of metal parts with threaded rods are called "cold" or metalwork. They pass without application:

Accordingly, these methods have a huge advantage over the others, because they provide the result without the slightest loss of quality (!) When working during a leak or a breakthrough. More precisely, the result will be the same both in the presence of water and in a dry area.

self-tapping screw

This universal assistant will come in handy here as well. If a hole of small diameter (1-4 mm) has formed in the pipe, a galvanized screw with a press washer can be screwed into it. If at the same time there is an automobile (aircraft) washer with rubber gasket- there will be no leaks for a long time, perhaps several years. But a hook will appear inside the pipe, on which a blockage may form over time. This method is good because it allows you to eliminate emergency leaks even under pressure.


This is the most effective method"cold" repair, which, with high-quality performance, becomes a permanent element of the system. A properly made collar can cover a hole or crack up to 1/3 of the circumference. This is especially true for cast iron sewers.

If your sewer pipes have a high degree of wear, keep a few blanks ready for the clamp. This is a strip of metal (galvanized, preferably thicker) with drilled holes at the ends. Try the strip on the pipe to find out the size of the clamp. The "kit" includes a rubber pad (flap) and a bolt with a nut and washers. If a leak occurs, simply install the flap in this place and clamp it with a clamp.

The same applies to water pipes. An ordinary worm clamp (or rather a few) is reliable and fast way eliminate leaks in any pipe with a diameter of up to 50 mm, regardless of the material.

You can also use the tubing holder as a flap clamp. Its rubber lip holds pressure very well.

Finally, there are special clamps for pipe repair. They have a twin rod of two screws and a rubberized contact surface. Even professionals use such devices if they have to fix leaks on worn pipes that will soon be replaced. The use of welding in such cases is impractical.

Soldering polypropylene (PPR)

Almost everything has been said about the soldering of PPR pipes, but few people know about soldering during a leak. If it happens that water oozes out of the pipe, it will not be possible to solder it with high quality. To do this quickly, without waiting for the water to drain completely, insert mashed bread into the pipe - as much as you can fit. Then, acting quickly and accurately, the ball valve should be soldered in the standard way. By the time the bread is soaked from the water, the spike will have cooled down. Then the loose cork will be washed with water pressure.

The following methods will only work if the leak is completely stopped.

Mounting tape

Reinforced metallized tape will help in sealing a burst (thawed) pipe. For repair, it is necessary to clean and dry the area of ​​​​the breakthrough well. Then degrease.

Attention! The better the stripping, the more securely the adhesive tape will stick.

Then wrap the tape as tightly as possible on the pipe, blocking the breakthrough. A pipe sealed in this way holds pressure up to 2.5 bar for years.

Video - how to fix a pipe with mounting tape

In the same way, you can glue other things - a barrel, a ladle, a flask.

Epoxy or bitumen

The defect site can be repeatedly coated with an epoxy compound or a bituminous primer (ideally, hot bitumen). Apply the next layer on the cooled and hardened previous one. Before work, clean and degrease the surface. Suitable as a temporary repair for sewer pipes (especially at joints).


The method is good for sewer pipes with a diameter of 50 mm. In principle, a patch can repair damage of any size, even more than 1/3 of the circumference. The operation can be carried out in situ, but the pipe must be dry.

Operating procedure:

  1. Pick up and cut a patch from the same pipe. It should cover the defect by 15-20 mm.
  2. Clean and degrease the damaged area and patch.
  3. Apply any type of adhesive for plastic to the contact surfaces - epoxy, hot melt, superglue, polyurethane (cold welding).
  4. Apply patch and tape tightly.
  5. After drying, remove the tape.

This method is also used for steel pipes, but instead of glue and adhesive tape, electric welding is used.

Butt joint

It is impossible to say exactly when and where this technique may come in handy, but it is better to know about it than not to know. Plastic bottles are made from shrinkable plastic and it retains its properties when it falls into our hands as a container. This can be used to advantage to strengthen the butt joint - by itself it is usually very weak.

To do this, two PPR pipes or fragments of pipes to be connected should be well joined. Then coat with one of the adhesives:

  • polyurethane
  • hot glue
  • epoxy

Apply the adhesive generously also to the adjacent section of the pipe. After that, until the glue has hardened, put on a “sleeve” of plastic bottle and heat with a building hair dryer until the plastic wraps around the pipe. It works best with hot glue - it is welded into the pipe and the shell. The process is shown schematically in the video.

Video - how to solder a pipe

A sudden burst of a pipe can cause complete damage to a room and even an apartment. The floors and furniture will swell, the upholstery will deteriorate, the electronics will fail, and you can not even talk about the bill that the neighbors below will put up. These may be the consequences of an inattentive attitude to pipes under pressure. Therefore, any trouble is easier and better to prevent than to correct.

There are several ways to help fix this problem. The choice of method for repairing the system is influenced by the size of the defect, the strength of the pipeline and the presence of longitudinal cracks, as well as chipping.

If your pipe joints are leaking, follow these steps:

  • turn off the sewage system during repair work;
  • dry the pipe joints with a rag or hair dryer;
  • remove cement from joints;
  • caulk the gap between the nozzles with linen plumbing winding;
  • make a solution of police cement and PVA glue;
  • coat the crack at the junction with a solution, there should be several layers;
  • do not use the sewer for a day.

Instead of a solution of police cement and PVA glue, you can use a special silicone sealant, then you will have to not use the sewage system for only three hours. You can also use baby clay, epoxy, raw rubber, or waterproof glue to lubricate the joints.

If a crack in cast iron sewer pipe, then it is imperative to talk with the neighbors in order to implement a comprehensive repair and avoid further breakdowns in the sewage system.

You can close the crack with:

  • - eliminates leaks in small holes (important: use only short wooden wedges, as long ones will create obstacles inside the fittings), drive in this chop at the breakage point, then wrap the pipeline with gauze and impregnate with epoxy;
  • several layers of gauze - wrap the pipeline with gauze, if the leakage is small, soak the gauze epoxy resin or cement, apply gauze to the problem area, completely wrapping it to the state of a cocoon, wait a day until the cement dries;
  • use a rubber bandage to temporarily fix the breakage, be sure to make 20 tight turns over the bandage with copper or aluminum wire;
  • a special clamp to stop any leaks (note: for nozzles with a diameter of 5 cm you will need a clamp, which will cost up to $ 8), wrap a gasket around the hole, cover the rubber with a clamp and tighten it;
  • - it helps if the hole is very large, cut the rubber gasket to the size of the coupling, put it on and tighten it.

If a longitudinal crack or a small chip has formed, then it will be more difficult to repair them.

If the breakdown is in the exhaust pipe of the riser, then the reason for this situation is the icing of the inside of the pipe during the cold season. Simply put, the pipeline froze internally due to the expansion of the frozen water. To fix this problem, use a sealant. You will need:

  1. Widen the crack by making a recess for the sealant.
  2. Degrease the damaged area.
  3. Dry the broken area.
  4. Apply silicone sealant.
  5. Thermally insulate the pipeline in order to avoid further breakdowns, the formation of longitudinal cracks and chips.

If your home feels harsh bad smell then more decisive action will be required. In order to eliminate chips, use a special two-component adhesive (“cold welding”). Spread the leak with this glue, let it harden well, then sand it.

Pipes, especially metal ones - "living" in old houses, are often "naughty" - they leak. As you understand, this is a kind of signal that the time has come to change communications. They usually try to combine such a step with repairs, and this is logical. But what to do when repairs for financial or some other reasons are not included in your immediate plans? Naturally, try to correct the situation, at least for a while - before the start of repairs or the arrival of a plumber, so that the house does not remain dehydrated. You may be surprised, but you can fix leaking pipes under pressure with your own hands. Do you want to know how?!

Breakage of a threaded connection

So, how to fix a leak in a pipe under pressure at the attachment points of the system elements?

The easiest way, often, by the way, helping: simply tighten the fitting using special key.

The failure of pipes knocks us out of the usual rhythm of life

Didn't help, do you see that water is still flowing from under the connection? This means that there is little pull-up, the tow has worn out. What to do under such circumstances? On the contrary, unscrew the fitting - up to half. Remove the old tow, clean the threads, wind a new one. Just act with lightning speed, because the pressure in the pipes can provoke a break in the connection, and, consequently, a flood.

It happens that neither tightening nor changing the tow can save the fitting. This happens if the thread of the part is damaged. Then you can’t do without an “operation” - you need to cut out the overhang and mount a new one. It is better to entrust this matter to the specialized service, and while she is driving, wrap the place of the leak with raw rubber, tightening the “bandage” tightly. If you feel confident in the role of a plumber, then change it yourself, just do not forget to turn off the water or ask the Housing Office to do it.

Worth paying attention! Leak in place threaded connection can be prevented if it is plentiful (in several layers) to paint over the places of transitions and surges.

Most often, the failure of the fitting leads to a leak.

Pipe repair

And now we will consider how to eliminate a leak in a pipe with water, and before that - the causes of such a disaster. Most often a crack / breakdown in engineering networks contribute to the abundant accumulation of condensate on the pipes, as well as the current wandering through the structures. All this happens due to improper care of communications. But if an oversight led to a breakdown, then, according to by and large, the reason no longer matters - it needs to be repaired, right?

Ready to roll up your sleeves? Then let's start!


The easiest and most reliable way to restore the health of the water supply is to use a special clamp, which is sold in abundance in construction markets and plumbing stores. Naturally, it is worth purchasing them in advance, moreover, the stock should be from clamps different sizes to patch up any pipe in the house. They are cheap, so you definitely won't go bankrupt buying emergency plumbing supplies.

The clamp is a rubberized pad with a pair of rods, consisting of a pair of screws. For self repair- it’s better not to come up with, and professionals often use this “magic wand” - to “revive” even the oldest pipes, at least until they are completely replaced.

There are no stocks, but full of different building materials? Make your own collar. Cut a strip from thick metal, and an overlay from rubber. Arm yourself with washers, nuts, bolts and “heal” the pipe with your own hands.

Worth paying attention! The clamp is suitable for stopping a leak due to damage that does not occupy more than 30% of the pipe circumference.

This is how the “wound” on the pipe looks like after putting on the clamp

self-tapping screws

Homeowner's Helper No. 1 - a self-tapping screw, useful for flood protection. But only if the crack does not exceed 4 mm in size.

So, how to fix a leak in a pressure pipe with a self-tapping screw? Find a galvanized, unused screw and a press washer to it ( perfect option- aircraft part equipped with a rubber gasket). Screw the self-tapping screw into the pipe and forget about the damage for a while (up to 3 years).


If the hole is small - the water does not spout, then you can try to cement the pipe. In addition to cement, you will also need a bandage (usual - medical).

If possible, the water should be turned off, otherwise the solution may not harden. Dilute the cement with water in some kind of bowl, mix the mixture thoroughly. Cut the bandage into pieces of about 25 cm each (be guided so that the material is enough to wrap the pipe twice). Soak the pieces cement mixture and wrap it around the pipe one by one. Coat the “dressing” on top with plenty of the remaining solution. Leave the "cocoon" alone for a day, letting it dry thoroughly. The patch can even be painted on top. For a while, the design will help you avoid major network repairs.

emergency glue

Manufacturers offer a ready-made composition, or rather, components that need to be mixed to make pipe glue. In the construction language, the mixture is called an emergency metal polymer. The kit includes metal dust mixed with resin and a hardener. Before repairing the pipe, they just need to be thoroughly mixed, and the glue is ready.

A couple of spoons of glue, and the leak is fixed

Repairing a plastic pipeline

Such networks rarely leak, if this happens, then, as a rule, the fitting is the culprit of the accident. Sometimes it is enough to tighten it, moreover, this can be done without turning off the water - directly under pressure. However, do not overtighten the part, otherwise the plastic will burst, and you will be guaranteed trouble.

If the pipe nevertheless bursts, then you will have to sweat thoroughly, however, in this case, you can do everything yourself, however, you will have to run around and look for tools and equipment.

So, you have to replace the fragment plastic construction that leaked. If the pipes are polypropylene, then classical soldering will be enough, which can be done using a polyfus (a special model of a soldering iron). Is your network made of metal-plastic? Then you have to make inserts on the thread. However, sometimes - with a little damage, sometimes it is enough to wrap it with insulating tape (just choose a fresh one so that the material stretches and does not tear) or treated with special glue (polyurethane, epoxy, thermal compound).

Worth paying attention! Can't find a soldering iron? Use the so-called "handicraft welding". The technology involves sealing the crack with the material of the pipeline itself. To do this, a red-hot nail should be applied to the hole (with proper skill, you can heat up the leak with a conventional lighter). The material will become pliable, so patching the hole is not difficult.

Ordinary duct tape can save your house from flooding

Elimination of leaks in the heating system

The heating network has its own differences: in the pipes there is always hot water, therefore, cracks should be repaired using a special technology. For work, imagine, you only need a bandage and salt (usual - cooking).

So, a hole - like a wound, you simply bandage it, generously sprinkling each layer with salt. What is the "focus"? Salt, getting into the cracks, simply clogs them - better than other glue. Sometimes, when the cracks are completely microscopic, it is enough just to sprinkle the “wound” with salt.

If the leak is impressive, use the same clamp or turn off the special service by first inserting a wood / fabric plug into the hole so that the battery does not turn into a fountain.

If you can’t solve the problem on your own, but the water stays, urgently call the masters

So you have learned how to fix leaking pipes under pressure, which means that the flood does not threaten your house.

Video: ways to fix water leaks

How to cover up the joints of sewer pipes if cracks, open holes or fistulas have formed on it? The answer to this question depends on the amount of damage and the strength of the material from which the pipe is made.

  • drive a short wooden wedge into the pipe;
  • wrap the pipeline with gauze, which must first be impregnated with epoxy;
  • wrap the pipe using a rubber bandage, which must then be tightened using copper or aluminum wire;
  • put a special clamp - the most durable option.

If no big crack, then it is necessary:

  1. Expand the crack with a "v"-shaped recess, which will be the place to fill with sealant.
  2. Degrease the crack.
  3. Dry the crack.
  4. Coat the crack with a special solution of silicone, polymer cement, and sealant.

If a large crack has formed on the pipe due to temperature changes in the pipeline, then it is necessary:

  1. Use " cold welding” (two-component adhesive) to cover the crack. After the weld has cured, it will look polished.
  2. Wrap the pipeline using gauze impregnated with epoxy.

With a small crack at the junction of the pipeline, you do not need to worry too much, as there will not be a large water leak. But if you feel the appearance of an unpleasant rotten smell in the house, and if it comes from cracks and chips, then it is already necessary to apply more stringent measures.

If you see fistulas on the riser through which water leaks, start by burning with your neighbors in order to repair the sewer together.

Please note, if you live on the first or second floor, and you have water squeezed out through the fistula, be sure to contact the plumber, as plastic pipes may need to be replaced.

In order not to think about how to cover up the joints of sewer pipes, regularly monitor them.

Though cast iron pipes as part of in-house engineering systems are considered obsolete compared to plastic pipes, today you can still find cast iron pipelines in the sewerage device.

As a rule, residents of houses where cast-iron pipelines operate to drain household waste water regularly face the problem of leaks. The fact of a violation of the tightness of the pipes can be determined by the fetid smell from the bathroom or the basement where the communications pass.

Cast iron sewer pipes can leak for a variety of reasons. Leaks are localized at the joints and connections of pipes to each other, at the sections of the pipeline at an angle, as well as at the junctions with engineering equipment(collectors, viewing windows) and sanitary products (toilet, bath, shower).

It is easiest to eliminate such leaks using improvised materials and tools. The situation is more complicated when the leak arose due to the formation of a fistula or crack. In this case, it will be necessary to seal the site, and if the repair is inappropriate, to do a complete or partial replacement of the cast-iron pipeline.

Causes of leakage of cast iron pipes, depending on the location:

  • natural wear and tear maximum term operation (relevant for houses of old construction);
  • metal corrosion upon contact with air;
  • errors in the design of the pipeline (the formation of an ice plug inside is most often due to the proximity to the freezing line of the soil during underground laying);
  • errors in installation, insufficient sealing of joints;
  • careless operation, blows and other rough mechanical impact;
  • factory marriage (rare).

Attention! Even a small damage, from which water flows drop by drop, requires prompt measures to restore the integrity of the pipe. Unlike cast iron batteries and heating risers, holes and cracks in sewer pipes do not tend to spontaneously tighten. Left to chance, the problem will worsen for some time and may end in an emergency.

Repair methods

Repairing a leaking sewer pipe different ways, the choice of which depends on the location of the leak, the size of the hole or crack.