How to paint cast iron batteries. Which paint for radiators is better to choose How to paint heating radiators correctly

  • 29.08.2019

Heating batteries, like it or not, are very often an integral element of the interior of the premises, which means that they need a certain decoration and regular maintenance. In order for heating radiators to look neat, to serve trouble-free for as long as possible, and the paint layer to hold on them reliably, without cracking and peeling, despite high temperatures, it is necessary to use special heat-resistant paints and varnishes for these purposes.

Which paint for radiators is better to choose - this question arises for all homeowners who decide to upgrade old heating appliances or are preparing to install new ones purchased unpainted. To understand what you need to pay attention to when buying a paintwork material, you need to consider the requirements for them.

What criteria must meet the paint for heating radiators

Compositions for painting radiators and heating pipes are somewhat different in their parameters from conventional paints, therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with their main physical, technical and operational characteristics, which experts recommend paying special attention to.

  • First of all, the paint must be safe for the residents of the apartment or house, that is, it must not emit toxic fumes during the entire period of operation. Therefore, when buying, it is necessary to study the composition of the paint and its compliance with accepted standards and norms. Imported paint from European manufacturers whose brands in large assortment presented on Russian market, must comply with European standards, and domestic products must comply with the norms of the current GOST. If the package contains a link not to standards, but to some mysterious specifications ( specifications), then this can be considered an “amateur” of the manufacturer, and it is better to immediately refuse such paint - its compliance with safety standards is not guaranteed in any way.
  • The heat resistance of the paint should not be lower than +80 degrees, otherwise it may crack, peel off or turn yellow. Moreover, this indicator should be considered the minimum allowable - it is better if it is even higher.
  • It is desirable that the paint composition be quick-drying - this factor will significantly speed up the work, since the paint is usually applied in two layers.
  • The anti-corrosion properties of the paint will protect the surface of the radiators from external aggressive influences. This is usually taken into account in the production of compositions for coating metal surfaces.
  • Some paints emit a sharp unpleasant odor until completely solidified - they can be chosen only for those rooms that can be thoroughly ventilated.
  • Moisture resistance for radiator paint is necessary to be able to carry out unhindered wet cleaning using detergents.
  • The thermal conductivity of the paint layer must be high enough, otherwise it will reduce heat transfer from heating devices.

Types of compounds used for painting appliances and pipes of the heating system

For painting radiators and pipes of the heating circuit, paints are produced on different bases. Each of them has its positive and negative sides, and they must also be kept in mind so that these moments are not unexpected.

Varieties by base and component composition

So, heat-resistant paints can be oil, alkyd, water-dispersion (acrylic or silicone) and powder.

Oil paints

They are made on the basis of various organic oils, and not so long ago it was practically no alternative for painting radiators. Such paints have a high hiding power, creating a dense and durable layer on the surface of the batteries, resistant to various mechanical stresses and well withstanding high temperatures.

However, in our time they have been practically abandoned, since many other compositions have appeared that are devoid of significant drawbacks inherent in oil paints:

  • These paints have a rather unpleasant specific smell, which not only accompanies the process of painting and drying surfaces, but can also appear during the operation of the batteries, with very strong heating of the radiators.
  • The density of the layer formed on the radiators significantly reduces the useful heat transfer of the sections.
  • There is a certain difficulty in applying the composition on such a basis - unlike other paints, it is difficult to apply an oil paint in a perfectly even layer.
  • When applying too thick a layer, the paint may begin to crack and peel off during the operation of heating devices.
  • Over time, surfaces lose their luster and begin to turn yellow.
  • The oil-based paint coating does not preserve the metal well enough from corrosive processes and quite often you can see rust that has appeared on the surface of the batteries.
  • Oil paint is characterized by the longest period of complete drying, and when applied it is very difficult to avoid smudges.

In a word, numerous shortcomings clearly outweigh the advantages (the main of which is affordable cost). It is difficult to call such paint a good option for heating radiators.

Alkyd enamels for radiators

Alkyd-based heat-resistant paints consist of a dispersion of pigments and special additives mixed in pentaphthalic or glyptal varnish. They are quite popular, as they have a number of advantages that allow you to reliably protect the surface of radiators from external negative influences, as well as give them a neat and aesthetic appearance. appearance.

Almost all heat-resistant alkyd enamels perfectly withstand the highest temperatures that even theoretically can occur in the heating circuit - this operating parameter, as a rule, is indicated on the product packaging. The surface painted by them has perfect smoothness and even gloss, the paint layer does not turn yellow and does not peel off over time.

Alpina radiator enamel prices

Enamel for Alpina radiators

Alkyd enamels have a fairly high wear resistance, are produced in various colors, which allows, if desired, to choose desired color under the general interior of the room.

However, despite the listed advantages, such compositions also have their drawbacks:

  • Alkyd-based paints, which include white spirit, have an unpleasant pungent odor. It persists not only for several days after staining, but can even appear at first if the radiators are heated too much;
  • Enough long time waiting for each of the layers to dry can increase the period of painting work to several days.

Alkyd enamels are also available in the form of aerosols. However, one cannot fail to say that covering batteries in this way is not so simple as it might seem at first glance.

Acrylic heat-resistant enamels

This type of paint and varnish composition is widely used for painting elements of heating systems, since the dried layer makes the surface perfectly smooth and even, even outwardly resembling plastic. Acrylic paints are practically odorless, both during the painting process and during the operation of the heating system.

When purchasing acrylic paint, you must first study the packaging, paying attention to the manufacturer and the purpose of the composition. Particular attention is paid to the temperature that the paint can withstand, since not all acrylic coatings are designed even for 80 ºС, not to mention higher values.

Acrylic paints dry quickly - the time for their setting and complete drying is indicated in the instructions for use, and can be from ten minutes to an hour and a half for the first stage, and five hours until one layer is completely ready. In order for the coating to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to protect the painted batteries from moisture on them during the entire drying period.

Acrylic solutions of paints have a consistency of medium density of sour cream, they do not spread, and practically do not leave smudges. The paint must be applied to the cleaned primed surface in two layers, otherwise the desired effect will not work. A significant disadvantage of acrylic compositions can be considered their low resistance to external mechanical influences, including abrasive loading.

Silicone paints for metal

High-quality silicone compounds have the ability to maintain their characteristics even when heated to critically high temperatures, so the paint based on it will withstand any heat that can be in the heating system. Paints are made on the basis of silicone resin, which is kneaded with organic or aqueous solvents. After the applied layer dries, it acquires a semi-matt sheen.

The silicone compound can be applied to an unprepared metal surface. It is resistant to mechanical stress, to abrasion load, and therefore is very durable.

The only significant drawback of this radiator paint option is its high price, so it is not as popular among consumers as compared to other formulations.

Powder paints

This type of paint consists of a special pigment powder and special binding additives. It can be called the most durable and durable coating for heating radiators, but it will not work to apply it in an apartment.

An obstacle to self-painting with a powder composition is the technology itself, that is, the creation of the necessary conditions for this process:

  • Firstly, you need special equipment with which the paint will be sprayed onto the surface of the radiator, but it is very expensive.
  • Secondly, a source of precisely calibrated constant voltage is needed to apply the composition - the powder is given a positive charge, and the surface to be coated is negatively charged.
  • Thirdly, painting should be carried out in a special chamber, where, after applying the composition, certain temperature regime. To ensure the process of polymerization of the applied powder dye, the surface of the radiator must be heated to a temperature of +170 to 350 degrees (the specific value depends on the characteristics of the composition).

It is clear that it is absolutely impossible to achieve such conditions at home, therefore this type of coloring is most often produced under production conditions. If you want to paint your radiators with a powder composition, you can find a car repair shop that specializes in bodywork, and which is equipped with a set of equipment for painting cars using this technology.

Prices for enamel for Tex radiators

Tex Radiator Enamel

Matte and glossy paint

Heat-resistant paint, like any other, is also divided into glossy and matte. Which one to choose - it will directly depend on the quality of the surface of the radiators.

So, for example, for old-style cast-iron batteries (MC-140 type) with rough outer walls, it is best to use gloss paints- their shine will slightly hide the uneven surfaces. In addition, the glossy layer is easier to clean from the contaminants formed on them and remains in its original clean form longer.

Matte paint, on the contrary, will emphasize the flaws in the surface of the radiator. In addition, it will not hide the porosity of the surface, which for this reason will be more susceptible to contamination. Therefore, if white matte paint is chosen for cast-iron batteries, then it will quickly acquire a gray tint. It is problematic to wash the matte surface, and it will be possible to get rid of the unpleasant gray color only with a new stain.

For perfectly smooth surfaces of modern heating radiators, any option is acceptable in terms of the degree of gloss of the paint.

One more nuance. Sometimes manufacturers add fine chalk to the paint to achieve a dull effect. However, what is good for walls and ceilings is absolutely unacceptable for the metal surfaces of radiators. If this ingredient is indicated in the component composition of the paint, then it is better to refuse such an acquisition, since the painted surface of the battery will turn yellow over time, and quickly enough. The best option matte paint there will be a composition that includes titanium dioxide in its composition, since it will not change its original color throughout the entire period of operation.

A brief overview of popular compositions for painting radiators

Of course, any homeowner, when starting a repair, wants to do it once and for all, so as not to return to the problem of painting radiators in a year or two. This means that it would be advisable to purchase a high-quality specialized composition, even if its price will be slightly higher than conventional paint.

The table below presents some famous brands most commonly used paint formulations based on alkyd and acrylic, with brief description their characteristic features. Perhaps this information will help determine the choice of the optimal material.

Company, logoIllustration - factory packaging of the compositionThe main characteristics of the paint
"TEX" (Russia)
This enamel for radiators is made on an acrylic basis. It is intended for painting pipes of the heating system and batteries.
The paint is recommended for use in living rooms, its harmlessness is also evidenced by the fact that it is certified for use in medical and preventive and children's institutions.
Since the paint is universal, it can be used not only on batteries, but also on other pre-prepared and primed materials such as wood, concrete or brick. In addition, the paint fits well on surfaces previously painted with acrylic and alkyd enamels.
The colorful composition has no unpleasant odors and is absolutely fireproof.
semi-gloss acrylic paint it is produced in white color, but it can be tinted with Prof-Tex color pigment, which is added to the paint, in an amount of not more than 10% of the total mass, and depending on the desired tone of the shade.
The main characteristics of this acrylic enamel:
- Density of the solution: 1.1÷1.2 kg/l.
- Composition consumption: 1 liter per 8÷10 m², provided that the surface is painted in one layer and depending on its absorbency and application method.
The heat resistance of this type of paint solution is 75÷80 ºС, short-term heating up to +120 ºС is allowed.
The paint can be applied to warm radiators, with a temperature not exceeding 45 ºС.
The solution is resistant to detergents without abrasive constituents.
The dry coat has abrasion resistance class 1 according to ISO 11998/DIN EN 13300, whereby it withstands 10,000 brush strokes.
The paint is packaged in metal containers of 400÷800 ml.
The approximate price for a 400-gram jar is 115÷200 rubles.
This enamel is designed specifically for coating heating appliances. Consists of alkyd resin, various additives, titanium dioxide and white spirit.
The solution forms a reliable durable coating on cast-iron and steel radiators, as well as heating circuit pipes. Suitable for surfaces previously spray-painted or manually and has a high hiding power.
Paint Specifications:
- Heat resistance of the coating is up to 120 ºС.
- Paint consumption: 1 liter per 14 m².
- Density of the solution: 1.20 g per 1 cm³.
The paint is produced in white and forms a glossy non-yellowing layer on the surface of the batteries.
The time for complete drying of the enamel at an air humidity of 65% and a temperature of 20 degrees is 24 hours.
The paint is applied to a rust-free, primed and dried surface.
Products are packaged in metal cans with a volume of 0.75 and 2.5 liters, its average price, respectively, is 550 and 1450 ÷ 1650 rubles.
"Śnieżka" (Poland)
This paint is made on an acrylic basis, packaged in metal cans of 0.4 and 0.75 liters, and it is intended for protective decorative coating elements of the heating circuit.
Paint consumption is 1 liter per 10 m², application is recommended in two layers.
Heat resistance of dried layers - 80 ºС.
The paint is produced in white, but it can be given any shade by adding pigments designed for acrylic-based paints.
The drying time of one layer at a temperature above +10 degrees is one hour.
The price of a 0.4-liter jar can be 220-320 rubles
DULUX (Great Britain)
This type of paint is positioned as an option for radiators and furniture. It is produced on a water basis from an acrylic copolymer dispersion.
When applied and dried, the solution forms a glossy layer on the surface. The composition is excellent for painting new and previously painted wood and metal surfaces.
The base on which the paint will be applied is recommended to be primed - this layer will create good adhesion between the mortar and the surface to be painted.
In addition to wood and metal, the paint is also suitable for mineral surfaces - this is plaster, concrete and brick, and in fact, the solution can be called universal.
The colorful composition is easily applied without smudges and splashing, and after drying, an elastic, resistant to temperature and humidity changes layer is formed on the surface.
Dyed products dry quickly, do not have bad smell, the coating does not change color under the influence of elevated temperatures, that is White color does not turn yellow, and other shades do not fade.
Other paint characteristics:
- Density of the composition: 1.28 kg/l;
- Paint consumption: 1 kg per 10 m²;
- Heat resistance of the paint layer reaches + 90 ºС.
The paint mortar is produced in a semi-gloss and glossy version, which allows you to choose the one that is more suitable for a particular surface.
The paint goes on sale in metal containers with a volume of 2.5 liters, the average cost of production is 2000÷2050 rubles.
Belinka (Slovenia)
Heat-resistant paint for protective and decorative coating of radiators and other elements of the heating circuit.
The solution consists of high quality modified alkyd resin, fillers, pigments, additives and organic solvents. The paint, thanks to high-quality components, does not change color and original glossy sheen throughout the entire period of operation.
Enamel "Belinka Email Radiator" is used to cover old and new products installed in the circuit of the heating system. The composition is applied to a dry surface cleaned of dust, dirt and rust. If it is planned to paint new batteries, or completely cleaned of old paint, then it is recommended to prime them before applying this solution.
When applying two layers of paint composition, the second should be applied only a day after the first has completely dried.
One liter of paint is enough for 3÷5 m².
The solution is packaged in jars with a volume of 0.75 liters, and its average cost is 480 rubles.
"Alpina" (Germany)
This enamel is intended for painting cast iron, copper, aluminum and steel radiators and all other parts of the heating system, as it has high heat resistance (up to +100 degrees) and good adhesion to any metal surfaces.
The solution includes alkyd resin, mineral fillers, titanium dioxide, white spirit, their proportions comply with European norms and standards.
The colorful composition is produced in white, and if desired, can be tinted in one of the selected shades.
The paint creates an excellent protective glossy, scratch-resistant coating on the radiators.
The solution is usually applied in two layers, the second of them after the previous one has completely dried, after about 8-10 hours.
Coloring is recommended to be done at a temperature of at least + 20 degrees and air humidity of 65%.
The paint is applied to cleaned and degreased surfaces.
The consumption of this paint per 1m² is 90÷120 ml per one layer, the drying time of which is 3÷5 hours.
The cost of a can of 0.75 liters is 530 ÷ 760, and a bucket of 2.5 liters is 1890 ÷ 2050 rubles.
"Lacra" is a heat-resistant acrylic enamel used to protect and tidy priors and pipes of heating systems. The versatility of the composition also allows it to be used on wood, concrete and brick surfaces, and one package will be enough to solve several problems.
The paint has high heat resistance, so the coating can be used at temperatures up to +100 ºС.
Radiators coated with this paint do not lose their chosen color and glossy surface during the entire period of operation.
Enamel, if necessary, is diluted with water, but not more than 5% of the total volume.
Batteries can be coated in one or two layers, the second of which is applied after the first has completely dried.
The paint goes on sale in containers of 0.9 or 2.4 liters. The price of this paint is 540÷640 rubles for a 2.4 liter plastic bucket.
The KUDO company produces enamel spray for painting heating radiators.
White paint is marked KU-5101 and is made on an alkyd basis. It has good hiding power, is quite economical, easy to use, suitable for old, painted radiators, as well as for new or completely cleaned of old paint.
After applying the composition to the surface, it dries completely after 6÷8 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.
The paint does not lose its original luster during operation and does not fade.
The coating steadfastly withstands the heating temperature of the batteries up to +80 degrees.
The weight of the balloon is 0.36 kg, and the price can vary from 155 to 240 rubles.
KUDO produces not only white spray paint, but also silver, and if desired, and suitable design interior, you can choose a second, more original version.

The information presented above leads to the conclusion that there is no shortage of high-quality paint compositions for heating radiators. In the assortment of stores you can find products from well-known manufacturers, and it is best to choose it, as such materials have passed the test of time and have earned their popularity due to their impeccable quality and durability. Of course, branded products have a higher price, but it's better to pay once and forget about it. repair work ah for several years than to spend money, time and effort on painting appliances and circuits of the heating system every year.

How much paint does it take to paint a radiator?

Paint manufacturers always indicate its average consumption. It would seem that everything is simple. But this is if you paint, for example, the front surface of a panel heating radiator: it will not be difficult to determine the required area there. Another thing is if you have to paint sectional cast-iron "accordions".

V technical specifications heating radiators often indicate their total area - if desired, this parameter can also be found on the Internet. But in order not to force the reader to waste time on this, a special calculator has been compiled that will help to carry out calculations very quickly and accurately.

  • The calculator takes into account the parameters of the most common cast-iron radiators of the MS and FM series of various modifications. In addition, it is possible to simultaneously take into account the additional consumption of material, if it is also planned to paint the supply and return pipes suitable for the radiator.
  • Paint costs for the calculation are taken averaged, by type - oil, alkyd PF, acrylic and silicone. Despite some differences between different brands of coatings, the approximate consumption is still at about the same level. This takes into account the condition that the staining is done in white.
  • Different manufacturers do not have unity in measuring consumption - volumetric values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated in ml / m² (or vice versa, m² / l), or by weight (kg / m²). It is still more objective to judge by weight equivalent (as is customary in construction planning), since the volume of any paint can be increased by adding a solvent, but its hiding power will not increase from this - it depends precisely on the mass of the material. Therefore, for a unified approach, the final value will be given exactly in kilograms - on the factory packaging of paints, in addition to volume, the net weight of the packaged paint must also be indicated.

If you do not live in an African hut or an old hut with furnace heating, then your house probably has batteries. And this means that sooner or later there will be a need to paint them. This process must be approached with all responsibility, because a careless look of heating batteries can ruin any interior - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

First you need to decide on the choice of paint. If you are an adherent of traditional solutions, then most likely your choice will be the classic white or silver color. However, modern designers offer not to limit their imagination and select color scheme for the battery, in harmony with general design premises. It can be gentle pastel colors that repeat the color of the walls of the bedroom; bright floral motifs for a children's room or a light, unobtrusive pattern for a living room.

You should be aware that not every type of paint is suitable for covering the battery. The paint must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to high temperatures (up to 80 ° C);
  • do not release toxic substances into the air;
  • protect the surface of the battery from corrosion;
  • do not change its appearance and do not flake off.

Several types of paints satisfy these conditions: acrylic enamel, water-dispersion emulsion, alkyd and oil paint. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, alkyd paint provides the consumer with a wide range of colors to choose from. It lays evenly and beautifully on the painted surface and has high wear resistance. Unfortunately, this paint has a specific smell, which often appears after drying - when the battery is heated. Acrylic enamel also has a sharp, unpleasant smell of solvent. However, after complete drying (this process takes several days), it disappears. It leaves a beautiful glossy sheen that lasts for a long time. Water-dispersion paints dry quickly and do not have a strong smell. When buying such paint, you should pay attention to the presence of the marking “for heating batteries”.

Having decided on the choice of paint, we proceed to the most difficult and time-consuming part of the work - preparing the batteries for painting. At this stage, it is necessary to remove the old paint and get rid of rust (if it appeared on the battery during operation). Thoroughly wipe the radiators with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. To facilitate the process of removing old paint, you can use the following technique: thoroughly treat the batteries with any washing solution and cover with a film (it is important to remember that the solution is applied to a dry surface). After some time, namely, an hour and a half, the paint is simply removed with a spatula or grinder. Some home craftsmen use a metal brush attached to a drill for this purpose.

When carrying out repair work, do not forget about your health - protect your hands with construction gloves, and your airways with a respirator.

The next step is to level the painted surface. Using sandpaper, carefully clean the batteries, paying special attention to the places where rust has formed - it must be removed completely. The prepared surface is degreased with a slightly alkaline solution and coated with an anti-corrosion primer. You should be aware that many modern paints contain a primer and rust protection elements in their composition. You can find out about this from the marking on the bank. When using this paint, pre-treatment of the battery is not required.

Your radiators are now ready to be painted. It is important to remember that paint can only be applied to cold batteries. Otherwise, all the efforts you spent on cleaning the surface will be in vain - the paint will not lay down evenly, it may become covered with bubbles or inhomogeneous spots. Therefore, to work with batteries, choose the time between heating seasons. If possible, it is recommended to first disconnect the battery from the pipes - this will greatly facilitate the painting process. Do not forget to take care of the safety of the floor - cover it with newspapers, unnecessary paper or cellophane.

The most convenient way is to spray paint from a spray gun or a special spray can. By performing simple manipulations described in the instructions for using the paint can, you can achieve its even application on the entire surface of the radiator, including hard-to-reach places.

Also, soft brushes and small-diameter foam rollers are used to paint heating batteries. It is advisable to start painting from the least accessible surfaces, using brushes with curved handles. It is convenient to apply paint on the front side of the battery with a roller. To avoid smudges, you should start painting radiators from above, gradually descending to their lower part. Make sure that the paint is distributed in a thin, even layer, this will ensure an even color over the entire surface. After the first coat has been applied, allow the batteries to dry well. Then cover them with a second coat of paint, following the same recommendations.

Thus, with a little effort and skill, you can turn your old battery into a worthy new piece of furniture.

You have cast-iron radiators installed in your apartment, which are famous for their thermal conductivity. True, the only thing that depresses is their appearance (especially if they were installed several decades ago). Replacing such radiators is a very laborious and costly task, and there is no particular need to replace them. Batteries work well and heat well. To give them a new and beautiful appearance, their appearance can be improved, for example, by simply repainting. You ask: how to paint cast iron batteries?

It is worth noting that the cost of paint will also differ significantly from the price of conventional enamels. Therefore, in order not to overpay for paint products, you just need to calculate the required amount. Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties and nuances of painting work for cast iron radiators.

Preparatory work

Beautiful cast iron batteries can't look perfect in a niche that needs a makeover. Therefore, the first step is to determine the amount of work that needs to be done. First of all, carefully inspect the place under the windowsill where the batteries are installed. Small repair not prevent? Then be sure to include it in the list of works, and of course the direct painting of the radiators themselves.

We calculate the necessary materials based on the amount of work required. They include:

  1. high-quality repair of the niche in which the batteries are installed.
  2. painting cast iron radiators.

Very important: painting cast iron batteries should be done at a time when heating season already ended. Do not paint hot radiators. The point is also that when repairing a niche and the batteries themselves, it is desirable to remove them from the wall, and this requires a mandatory disconnection from the central heating system.

If this is not possible, and for some reason you cannot wait until the heating season ends, then you will have to spend a little more effort on repair and painting work. In particular, the paint you purchase for cast iron radiators must have high temperature performance.

Preparing the battery for painting

  • The first step is to carefully remove the old paint, which has probably already cracked and turned yellow. To remove the old layer of paint, you can use a brush with metal bristles, coarse sandpaper or a spatula.
  • When choosing a paint, pay attention to the fact that it must withstand elevated temperatures. If you ignore this requirement, you risk getting a very undesirable effect. Some enamels or paints lose their color when exposed to high temperatures. Thus, it is possible to get an unsightly yellow battery at the very beginning of the heating season instead of an ideal crystal white radiator.

  • Carefully choose the brushes with which you are going to paint cast iron radiators. Don't buy too cheap brushes. Very often they begin to “shed” during painting work, leaving ugly villi on the painted surface. Be sure to purchase a special curved brush. It will help you paint over hard-to-reach places in the battery.

Cast iron radiators are painted in two layers. There is no need to do more, because then it is very difficult to make the paint lay down in an even layer, without streaks. Be sure to dilute the paint material if it is too thick. But if you buy a special paint, then its consistency is normal and does not require additional dilution.

If you are unsure if you thinned the paint material correctly, try painting a small area of ​​the battery. So you can determine the consistency you need. What can be used to dilute the paint is usually indicated on the paint can itself.

After the first layer of paint has dried, it is recommended to lightly process it with sandpaper (fine). This allows the second coat to be applied more evenly and improves adhesion between coats.

Window sill repair

Painting a window sill niche is also required to start with preparatory work. The first step is to completely remove the old layer of plaster. Sometimes it also happens that there are significant cracks in the niche. They will need to be carefully sealed.

To do this, remove poorly adhering plaster in places of cracks. If the cracks are deep and go into the wall, they are sealed with ordinary cement mortar. Other work can be continued only after the cement has completely dried.

Small cracks can be easily eliminated using a special primer. It allows you to strengthen the base and in the future to avoid cracks and chips. After the primer has dried, it is desirable to apply a layer of finishing plaster. Its fine texture easily lays down, making the surface even. Now you can proceed directly to coloring.

The painting of cast-iron radiators begins with the painting work of the place of their further installation, that is, the window sill niche. So, the base of the wall is prepared, you can start painting. When choosing a paint, also remember to prefer those materials that can withstand high temperatures without losing their color. The fact is that being next to heating radiators, the wall can get very hot, so we choose resistant paint materials.

If you decide to decorate the wall with tiles or tiles, try to imagine in advance how it will look with radiators. This type of finish is very demanding on matching colors and surfaces. The best option is to finish the wall with paint or decorative plaster. Be sure to consider the color of the batteries. In order to avoid colored blunders, it is undesirable to make a colored niche. Neutral white is probably the best choice, especially if you are going to paint the battery in a color that accentuates the interior of your room.

Finishing touch

The last step is the direct decoration of the heating radiator. Many are wondering how to decorate a cast-iron battery. All it takes is a little imagination. To make the battery unusual will help its painting in an unusual color.

For example, on radiators in a children's room, you can draw funny cartoon characters using templates. You can come up with a relief pattern and paint over it with a different color. Let's look at some of the options in more detail.

To create a relief pattern on the battery, you will need paper flagella. They can be wound from napkins, the paper should be thin. Make as many paper blanks as you need for the pattern. It is advisable to lay out the entire drawing first on the windowsill.

Currently, the design of objects with the effect of "old times" is very relevant. If your interior allows, you can, for example, paint over the radiator with black paint and use a sponge with gold or bronze paint to apply light strokes. The effect is amazing.

If you don’t want to suffer and draw different patterns, you can use decorative screens. There are standard options for protective screens, there are unique models with beautiful openwork inserts. The colors are varied. In any case, you can choose the option that suits you best. This way you can make beautiful cast iron radiators with ease.

Wooden screens look very nice. If your battery is not located under the window, then the top of the screen can be used by placing beautiful photo frames and figurines on it. Just do not put flowers, they will be too hot there. Such screens may in addition be provided with small drawers on one or each side of the screen.

Ideal solution for small rooms: a beautiful screen that effectively hides the battery, plus a convenient shelf and bedside table in which you can store any things. It should be noted that the use of protective screens practically does not affect the thermal effect of the batteries.

Heating appliances are installed in almost every apartment. If the apartment has just been bought, the happy homeowners have a lot of questions related to the repair. For example, how to paint a heating battery and what color?

What is a heating battery?

  1. Firstly is a heating element that creates the necessary comfortable temperature in room;
  2. Secondly- This is a metal device subject to corrosive processes;
  3. Thirdly- this is an element that, one way or another, catches the eye. And this means that it must be properly designed.

Having completed all the activities for installing the heating system in the apartment, many are wondering what paint to paint the radiators with? After all, you don't want to be like everyone else. In this case, you need to understand what needs to be done to independently complete the task.

Our article will discuss how and how to update the heating battery, as well as how to do the work yourself.

Choice of colors

Usually heating equipment is painted in the most boring colors:

  • green,
  • blue,
  • yellow, etc.

These colors are not at all pleasing to the eyes of some people. On the contrary, they repel with their primitive design.

What color to paint the radiators is up to you. But, when choosing a paint for updating heating appliances, it is better to focus on light, less conspicuous colors. For example, white or slightly grayish tint.

ON A NOTE! In order to understand how to paint batteries in an original way, it is best to focus on a pre-compiled design project. But in any case, you need to remember that appliances painted in light colors reflect heat well! Therefore, it is advisable to use light shades as the design of the radiator.

Choosing materials

The choice of materials for updating heating appliances with your own hands must be approached with a certain degree of responsibility. For painting radiators and radiators, it is necessary to select the appropriate materials, given that heating devices are exposed to a huge range of temperature differences. ().

In general, submissions must meet the following criteria:

  • Excellent resistance to temperature fluctuations (heat resistance);
  • High degree of tenacity of paints and varnishes with a processed base;
  • Protection of metal of a heating element from influence of rigid corrosive processes.

Consider which materials meet the above requirements:

  • Oil based materials- a relic of the past. Still produced and used in some cases. May be suitable for updating the surface of radiators or other elements. But in any case, they are already quite outdated, as they are being replaced by more high-tech compounds.
  • Alkyd based formulations– when exposed to temperatures above 90°C, they retain their structure perfectly. Strong enough to adhere to the base. Less susceptible to mechanical stress, but have an unpleasant specific odor. The price of the material is relatively high.

  • Compositions on acrylic, water-dispersion basis- immediately seize after application. They practically do not have a particularly noticeable, unpleasant odor. Suitable for indoor work.
  • Acrylic based formulations with the addition of chemical solvents. It is possible to apply on a previously unprimed base (which is not recommended), High performance moisture resistance and preservation of the original color. They have a glossy finish. Perfect for this kind of work.
  • You can also apply fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil. Or alternatively, Zinga conductive paint may be suitable. These types of materials are excellent for protecting metal elements from corrosion processes and temperature extremes.

As you can see, choose necessary material easy, given the rich assortment.

We paint the battery ourselves

Carrying out measures for painting a particular surface, it must first be prepared. And heaters are no exception.

Preparing the surface of the batteries

The instructions for preparing the battery before painting are as follows:

  1. Removing old peeling paintwork with a building hair dryer and hard;
  2. Thorough cleaning of the surface with sandpaper (coarse-grained);
  3. Removing dust after work performed with a regular rag or vacuum cleaner;
  4. Surface priming with special heat-resistant compounds designed for such purposes.

We hope you understand how to prepare the battery for painting. Let's move on to painting.

For work, you will need the paint itself and a brush, or an electric spray gun. You should also prepare a clean rag and gloves. Apply paint in thin layers at least twice. Moreover, each layer must be thoroughly dried.

If work is carried out on hot radiators, then you need to paint very quickly, as there is a possibility of instant setting of the material. However, it is very desirable to paint this surface in unheated times.

TIP: When doing work, do not forget to ventilate the room by opening the window vents and turning on the air conditioner. If work is carried out, for example, in the bathroom, turn on the hood and open the doors.

If it is possible to update the heating element without removing it from its place and without disassembling, then all work can be greatly simplified for you.

What to Consider

Note that painting aluminum radiators modern samples, originally painted in the factory, is not the best option. The thing is that at the factory, paint is applied to heating devices in a certain way using special equipment, which allows the spraying method to evenly cover the surface of the heating element with a thin, especially durable film, which in turn ensures uniform heat transfer.

And in the case of self-applying paint to the surface of the radiator, one way or another, you will violate the heat-conducting characteristics of the heating element.

TIP: The best way to paint radiators is by spraying with electric spray guns. These devices allow you to apply a thin layer of material, while painting over hard-to-reach places between the rib plates and leaving no sagging or smudges of the material.


Now you know how to properly paint radiators in an apartment. A painted old heater will practically not differ from a new one if the technology for performing work with self-updating is followed ().

To finally resolve this issue, as an alternative, we suggest watching the video in this article.

Full painting of heating pipes is quite complex issue, periodically arising before the owners of housing. Batteries and pipelines are painted in several cases - when connecting new devices to the circuit, when updating the look of unpresentable old batteries, and during overhaul heating systems. It is important to carry out painting work competently and thoroughly. This will give a chance to give the batteries an aesthetic appearance without breaking them. functional characteristics and maintain the nominal heat output of heating devices.

Knowing how to paint a heating battery, the owner will be able to save money on the purchase of new heating appliances, because with the help of paint that is in harmony with the interior of the room, you can give the old cast-iron battery an aesthetic look. Before you paint radiators, you need to visit a hardware store and purchase the equipment necessary for painting. It is required for accurate and even distribution of paint, cleaning the battery and preventing smudges.

The minimum set of equipment is represented by the following set of tools:

Preparatory stage

Before armed with a brush and paint, the owner must prepare the surface of the battery. In the case of painting a new battery, the range of work is to remove dust and dirt from the surface. But if we are talking about painting an old radiator that has been used in a heating circuit for many years, then you need to know how to remove old paint from radiators and prepare the surface for applying a new layer of enamel.

First, the owner will have to clean the surface of dirt and dust with a rag and a hard brush with a long handle. Do-it-yourself high-quality painting of heating radiators provides for the removal of dust from hard-to-reach places, so it is important to thoroughly clean not only outer surface, and the areas between the sections, as well as the back side of the radiators.

If the radiator was previously painted with several layers of enamel, then it is important to understand how to remove the paint from and not damage the design of the heater. A chemical remover based on acetone and fatty acids can be used to remove paint. When carrying out work, it is important to observe safety measures - use a respirator and ventilate the room well. After applying the wash, remove the old layer of paint with a plastic or metal scraper.

Before you paint the heating pipes in the apartment, it is important not only to remove the paint from the radiator, but to give the surface of the heater the most even texture without chips and cracks.

This is a necessary condition for the new layer of enamel to lie without flaws and smudges. At this stage of work, the master will need sandpaper. With its help, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the radiators and remove the remnants of the old paint, which, due to the complex chemical composition, may not completely dissolve during the flushing process.

Using sandpaper, it is important not to overdo it. Too much force may damage the integrity of the outer layer of the batteries. Therefore, the work should be carried out carefully. After cleaning the radiator, its surface is covered with a primer. The quality of the primer is of great importance, so it is better to give preference to products from trusted brands.

If the old layer of paint does not have cracks and flaws, then you can apply a new layer of enamel on the old paint.
In this case, the surface is preliminarily cleaned of contaminants and degreased with a solvent.

Paint selection

The owner of the house should make a decision about which paint is better to paint heating radiators after studying the characteristics of paint and varnish products available on the market. At the moment, dozens of paints are sold in any hardware store, differing in composition, properties and price. Therefore, the answer to the question: how to paint heating batteries can have several options.

The following types of paints are considered the most popular:

  1. water-dispersion acrylic enamel;
  2. solvent-based acrylic paint;
  3. alkyd enamel.

High-quality radiator painting technique

Knowing how to properly paint radiators, the owner will select the optimal brushes, the size of which will allow work to be carried out even in hard-to-reach places. Instead of brushes, a spray gun or spray can can also be used to spread the enamel more evenly.

Some owners do not know how to paint radiators with their own hands correctly and decide to apply enamel only on the front side. Although this solution will save time and money on consumables, it will cause a lot of problems in the long run.

Unpainted sections of pipes will be subject to corrosion, which will lead to the failure of expensive heating devices.

During the direct painting of sections, smudges, uneven layers and stains should be avoided. It is recommended to first apply enamel on the internal elements of the radiators, then move on to the side, and complete the work with a uniform application of paint on the front side.

Painting radiators is a laborious process, but very important. Knowing how to paint heating pipes and heaters, the owner will be able to extend the life of the house heating system and make it look aesthetically pleasing. After painting, radiators should not be used in the heating system until the enamel is completely dry.