How to calculate how many radiator sections you need. Calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators

  • 20.06.2020

At long stay In the house, many people are faced with the need to replace the heating system. Some apartment owners at some point decide to replace a worn-out heating radiator. In order for a warm atmosphere to be provided in the house after the necessary measures have been taken, it is necessary to correctly approach the task of calculating the heating for the house by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on this. To ensure this, you need to correctly calculate the number of sections of installed radiators. In this case, heat transfer from them will be optimal.

If the number of sections is insufficient, then the necessary heating of the room will never occur. And due to the insufficient number of sections in the radiator, a large heat consumption will occur, which will negatively affect the budget of the apartment owner. You can determine the need for a particular room for heating if you make simple calculations. And in order for them to seem accurate, in their implementation it is necessary to take into account whole line additional options.

Simple area calculations

In order to correctly calculate heating radiators for a particular room, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The easiest way - focus on plumbing standards, according to which for heating 1 sq. m. requires 100 watts of heating radiator power. It should not be forgotten that this method can be used for rooms in which the ceiling height is standard, that is, it varies from 2.5 to 2.7 meters. Performing calculations using this method allows you to get somewhat overestimated results. In addition, when using it, the following features are not taken into account:

  • the number of windows and the type of packages installed in the room;
  • the number of external walls located in the room;
  • wall materials and their thickness;
  • type and thickness of insulation used.

The heat that radiators must provide to create a comfortable atmosphere in the room: in order to obtain optimal calculations, it is necessary to take the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and multiply it by the heat output of the radiator.

Radiator calculation example

Let's say if the room has an area of ​​18 square meters. m., then it will require a battery with a capacity of 1800 watts.

18 sq. m x 100 W = 1800 W.

Received the result must be divided by the amount of heat, which is emitted by one section of the heating radiator within an hour. If the product passport indicates that this figure is 170 W, then further calculations will be as follows:

1800W / 170W = 10.59.

The result must be rounded to the nearest integer. As a result, we get 11. This means that in a room with such an area, the best solution would be to install a heating radiator with eleven sections.

It should be said that this method is only suitable for rooms that receive heat from a centralized main, where a coolant with a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius circulates.

There is another way that surpasses the previous ones in its simplicity. It can be used to calculate the amount of heating in the apartments of panel houses. When using it, it is taken into account that one section is able to heat an area of ​​1.8 sq. m., that is, when performing calculations, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be divided by 1.8. If the room has an area of ​​25 sq. m., then to ensure optimal heating, 14 sections in the radiator will be required.

25 sq. m / 1.8 sq. m. = 13.89.

However, this method of calculation has one nuance. It cannot be used for devices of low and high power. That is, for those radiators in which the output of one section varies in the range from 120 to 200 watts.

Heating calculation method for rooms with high ceilings

If the ceilings in the room have a height of more than 3 meters, then the use of the above methods does not make it possible to correctly calculate the need for heating. In such cases, it is necessary to use a formula that takes into account the volume of the room. In accordance with the SNiP standards, 41 watts of heat is required to heat one cubic meter of room volume.

Radiator calculation example

Based on this, to heat a room whose area is 24 sq. m., and the ceiling height is at least 3 meters, the calculations will be as follows:

24 sq. m x 3 m = 72 cu. m. As a result, we get the total volume of the room.

72 cu. m x 41 W = 2952 W. The result obtained is the total power of the radiator, which will provide optimal heating of the room.

Now it is necessary to calculate the number of sections in the battery for a room of this size. In the event that the passport for the product indicates that the heat transfer of one section is 180 W, in the calculations it is necessary to divide the total battery power by this number.

As a result, we get 16.4. Then the result must be rounded. As a result, we have 17 sections. Batteries with so many sections are enough to create a warm atmosphere in a 72 m 3 room. Having performed simple calculations, we obtain the data we need.

Extra options

After completing the calculation, correct the result taking into account the characteristics of the room. They should be taken into account as follows:

  • for a room that is a corner room with one window, when calculating, an additional 20% must be added to the received battery power;
  • if the room has two windows, then an upward adjustment of 30% should be made;
  • in cases where the radiator is installed in a niche under the window, its heat transfer is somewhat reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to add 5% to its power;
  • in a room with windows facing north, an additional 10% must be added to the battery power;
  • decorating the battery in your room with a special screen, you should know that it steals a certain amount of thermal energy from the radiator. Therefore, it is additionally necessary to add 15% to the radiator.

Specificity and other features

In the room for which the heating demand is calculated, there may be other specifics. The following indicators become important:

Climate zones

Everyone knows that each climate zone has its own heating needs. Therefore, when developing a project, it is necessary to take into account these indicators.

Each climate zone have their own coefficients to be used in calculations.

For central Russia, this coefficient is 1. Therefore, it is not used in calculations.

In the northern and eastern regions of the country, the coefficient is 1.6.

In the southern part of the country, this figure varies from 0.7 to 0.9.

When performing calculations, it is necessary to multiply the thermal power by this coefficient. And then divide the result by the heat transfer of one section.


The calculation of indoor heating is very important to ensure a warm atmosphere in the home in winter time. There are usually no big difficulties with performing calculations. That's why each owner can implement them independently without resorting to the services of specialists. It is enough to find the formulas that are used for calculations.

In this case you can save on the purchase of a radiator, as you will be spared the need to pay for unnecessary sections. By installing them in the kitchen or in the living room, a comfortable atmosphere will reign in your home. If you are unsure of the accuracy of your calculations, because of which you will not select the best option, then you should contact the professionals. They will make the calculations correctly, and then they will qualitatively install new heating radiators or competently install the heating system.

How to calculate heating radiators so that the temperature in the apartment is extremely comfortable is a question that arises for everyone who decides to repair. Too few sections will not fully warm up the room, and an excess will only entail too much spending on public Utilities. So, what needs to be considered in order to correctly calculate the dimensions of the batteries?

Preliminary preparation

What must be considered to calculate the power of a heating radiator per room:

  • define temperature regime and potential thermal losses;
  • develop optimal technical solutions;
  • determine the type thermal equipment;
  • establish financial and thermal criteria;
  • consider reliability and technical specifications heating appliances;
  • draw up heat pipe diagrams and the location of batteries for each room;

Without the help of experts and additional programs it is quite difficult to calculate the number of sections of heating radiators. In order for the calculation to be most accurate, one cannot do without a thermal imager or programs specially installed for this.

What happens if the calculations are done incorrectly? The main consequence is a lower temperature in the rooms, and consequently, the operating conditions will not correspond to the desired. Too powerful heating devices will lead to excessive spending both on the devices themselves and their installation, and on utilities.

Self calculations

You can roughly calculate what the battery power should be using only a tape measure to measure the length and width of the walls and a calculator. But the accuracy of such calculations is extremely low. The error will be 15-20%, but this is quite acceptable.

Calculations depending on the type of heating devices

When choosing a model, keep in mind that thermal power depends on the material from which they are made. Methods for calculating the size of sectional batteries do not differ, but the results will come out different. There are averages. They should be guided by, choosing the optimal number of heating devices. Power of heaters with sections of 50 cm:

  • aluminum batteries - 190 W;
  • bimetallic - 185 W;
  • cast iron heating devices - 145 W;

  • aluminum - 1.9-2 sq.m.;
  • aluminum and steel - 1.8 sq.m.;
  • cast iron - 1.4-1.5 square meters;

Here is an example of calculating the number of sections aluminum radiators heating. Let's say that the dimensions of the room are 16 square meters. It turns out that a room of this size needs 16m2 / 2m2 = 8 pcs. By the same principle, count for cast iron or bimetallic appliances. It is only important to know exactly the norm - the above parameters are correct for models with a height of 0.5 meters.

At the moment, models from 20 to 60 cm are produced. Accordingly, the area that the section can heat will differ. The smallest models are curb ones, 20 cm high. If you decide to purchase a thermal unit custom sizes, then the calculation formula will have to be adjusted. Look for the necessary data in the data sheet.

When making adjustments, it should be borne in mind that the size of the batteries directly affects heat transfer. Therefore, the smaller the height with the same width, the smaller the area, and with them the power. For correct calculations, find the ratio of the heights of the selected model and the standard one, and use the data obtained to correct the result.

Let's say you have chosen models with a height of 40 cm. In this case, the calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators per room area will look like this:

  • we will use the previous calculations: 16m2 / 2m2 = 8 pieces;
  • calculate the coefficient 50cm / 40cm = 1.25;
  • correct the calculations according to the main formula - 8pcs * 1.25 \u003d 10 pcs.

The calculation of the number of heating radiators by volume begins, first of all, with the collection of the necessary information. What parameters need to be taken into account:

  • Housing area.
  • Ceiling height.
  • The number and area of ​​door and window openings.
  • Temperature conditions outside the window during the heating season.

The norms and rules established for the power of heating parts regulate the minimum allowable indicator per square meter. apartment meter - 100 watts. The calculation of heating radiators by the volume of the room will be more accurate than the one in which only the length and width are taken as the basis. The final results are adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of a particular room. This is done by multiplying by the adjustment factor.

When calculating the power of heating appliances, the average ceiling height is taken - 3 m. For apartments with a ceiling of 2.5 meters, this coefficient will be 2.5m / 3m = 0.83, for apartments with high ceilings of 3.85 meters - 3.85m / 3m = 1.28. Corner rooms will require additional adjustments. The final data is multiplied by 1.8.

The calculation of the number of sections of the heating radiator by the volume of the room should be carried out with adjustments if there is one window in the room big size or several windows at once (factor 1.8).

The bottom connection will also require you to make your own adjustments. In this case, the coefficient will be 1.1.

In areas with extreme weather, where winter temperatures reach record lows, capacity must be doubled.

Plastic double-glazed windows, on the contrary, will require a downward adjustment, a coefficient of 0.8 is taken as the basis.

In the above data, average values ​​are given, since they were not additionally taken into account:

  • thickness and material of walls and ceilings;
  • glazing area;
  • flooring material;
  • the presence or absence of insulation on the floor;
  • curtains and curtains in window openings.

Additional options for more accurate calculations

An accurate calculation of the number of heating radiators per area will not do without data from technical documents. This is important in order to more accurately determine the value of heat loss. The best way to determine the level of heat loss is with a thermal imager. The device will quickly determine the coldest areas in the room.

Everything would be much easier if each apartment was built according to a standard layout, but this is far from being the case. Each house or city apartment has its own characteristics. Taking into account many characteristics (the number of window and doorways, wall heights, housing area, etc.) the question naturally arises: how to calculate the number of heating radiators?

The peculiarities of the exact technique are that more coefficients are needed for calculations. One of the important values ​​to calculate is the amount of heat. The formula is different from the previous ones and looks like this: CT \u003d 100 W / m2 * P * K1 * K2 * K3 * K4 * K5 * K6 * K7.

More about each value:

  • CT - the amount of heat that is needed for heating.
  • P - the dimensions of the room m2.
  • K1 - the value of this coefficient takes into account the quality of window glazing: double - 1.27; plastic windows with double glazing - 1.0; with triple - 0.85.
  • K2 - coefficient taking into account the level of thermal insulation characteristics of walls: low - 1.27; good (for example, two-layer brickwork) - 1.0; high - 0.85.
  • K3 - this value takes into account the ratio of the areas of window openings and floors: 50% - 1.2; 40% - 1.1; 30% - 1.0; 20% - 0.9; 10% - 0.8.
  • K4 - coefficient depending on the average temperature indicators of air in the winter season: - 35 ° С - 1.5; - 25 ° С - 1.3; - 20 ° С - 1.1; - 15 ° С - 0.9; -10 ° С - 0.7.
  • K5 depends on the number of external walls of the building, the data of this coefficient are as follows: one - 1.1; two - 1.2; three - 1.3; four - 1.4.
  • K6 is calculated based on the type of premises located on the floor above: attic - 1.0; heated attic room - 0.9; heated apartment - 0.8.
  • K7 - the last of the correction values ​​\u200b\u200band depends on the height of the ceiling: 2.5 m - 1.0; 3.0 m - 1.05; 3.5 m - 1.1; 4.0 m - 1.15; 4.5 m - 1.2.

The described calculation of heating battery sections by area is the most accurate, since it takes into account much more nuances. The number obtained during these calculations is divided by the heat transfer value. The final result is rounded up to an integer.

Temperature adjustment

The data sheet of the heater indicates the maximum power. For example, if the water temperature in the heating pipeline is 90°C during supply and 70°C in reverse mode, the apartment will be +20°C. Such parameters are usually denoted as follows: 90/70/20, but the most common powers in modern apartments- 75/65/20 and 55/45/20.

For a correct calculation, you must first calculate the temperature difference - this is the difference between the temperature of the battery itself and the air in the apartment. Please note that the average value between the flow and return temperatures is taken for calculations.

How to calculate the number of sections of aluminum radiators, taking into account the above parameters? For a better understanding of the issue, calculations will be made for aluminum batteries in two modes: high temperature and low temperature (calculation for standard models with a height of 50 cm). The dimensions of the room are the same - 16 sq. m.

One section of an aluminum radiator in the 90/70/20 mode heats 2 square meters. Therefore, to fully heat the room, you will need 16m2 / 2m2 = 8 pcs. When calculating the size of batteries for the 55/45/20 mode, you first need to calculate the temperature difference. So, the formulas for both systems are:

  • 90/70/20 - (90+70)/2-20 = 60°С;
  • 55/45/20 - (55+45)/2-20 = 30°C.

Therefore, at low-temperature conditions, it is necessary to increase the size of the heaters by 2 times. Given this example, in a room of 16 sq. meters need 16 aluminum sections. Please note that for cast iron appliances you will need 22 sections for the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and for the same temperature systems. Such a battery will turn out to be too large and massive, so cast iron is least suitable for low-temperature structures.

Using this formula, you can easily calculate how many sections of radiators are needed per room, taking into account the desired temperature regime. In order for the apartment to be + 25 ° C in winter, simply change the temperature data in the heat head formula, and substitute the resulting coefficient into the formula for calculating the size of the batteries. Suppose, with parameters 90/70/25, the coefficient will be as follows: (90 + 70) / 2 - 25 \u003d 55 ° С.

If you do not want to spend time calculating heating radiators, you can use online calculators or special programs installed on your computer.

How to use the online calculator

Calculate how many sections of heating radiators per sq. you will need a meter, you can use special calculators that will calculate everything in the blink of an eye. Such programs can be found on the official websites of some manufacturers. These calculators are easy to use. Just enter all the relevant data in the fields and you will instantly receive the exact result. To calculate how many sections of heating radiators you need for square meter, you need to enter data (power, temperature, etc.) for each room separately. If the rooms are not separated by doors, add up their total dimensions, and the heat will spread through both rooms.

Design heating system includes such an important step as the calculation of heating radiators by area using a calculator or manually. It helps to calculate the number of sections needed to heat a particular room. A variety of parameters are taken, ranging from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises to the characteristics of insulation. The correctness of the calculations will depend on:

  • uniform heating of rooms;
  • comfortable temperature in the bedrooms;
  • lack of cold places in the household.

Let's see how heating radiators are calculated and what is taken into account in the calculations.

Thermal power of heating radiators

The calculation of heating radiators for a private house begins with the choice of the devices themselves. The assortment for consumers includes cast iron, steel, aluminum and bimetallic models, which differ in their thermal power (heat transfer). Some of them heat better, and some worse - here you should focus on the number of sections and the size of the batteries. Let's see what kind of thermal power these or those structures have.

Bimetal radiators

Sectional bimetallic radiators are made of two components - steel and aluminum. Their internal base consists of durable steel that can withstand high pressure, resistant to water hammer and aggressive coolant. An aluminum "jacket" is applied over the steel core by injection molding. It is she who is responsible for the high heat transfer. As a result, we get a kind of sandwich that is resistant to any negative influences and is characterized by a decent thermal power.

The heat transfer of bimetallic radiators depends on the center distance and on the specific model chosen. For example, devices from Rifar boast a thermal power of up to 204 W with a center distance of 500 mm. Similar models, but with a center distance of 350 mm, differ in a thermal power of 136 watts. For small radiators with a center distance of 200 mm, the heat output is 104 watts.

The heat output of bimetallic radiators from other manufacturers may differ downwards (on average 180-190 W with a distance between the axes of 500 mm). For example, the maximum thermal power of batteries from Global is 185 W per section with a distance between the axes of 500 mm.

Aluminum radiators

The thermal power of aluminum devices is practically no different from the heat transfer of bimetallic models. On average, it is about 180-190 W per section with a distance between the axles of 500 mm. The maximum figure reaches 210 W, but you need to take into account the high cost of such models. Let's give more accurate data on the example of Rifar:

  • center distance 350 mm - heat transfer 139 W;
  • center distance 500 mm - heat transfer 183 W;
  • center distance 350 mm (with bottom connection) - heat dissipation 153 watts.

For products from other manufacturers, this parameter may differ in one direction or another.

Aluminum appliances are focused on use as part of individual heating systems. They are made in a simple but attractive design, are characterized by high heat transfer and operate at pressures up to 12-16 atm. They are not suitable for installation in centralized heating systems due to the lack of resistance to aggressive coolant and water hammer.

Designing a heating system in your own household? We advise you to purchase aluminum batteries for this - they will provide high-quality heating with their minimum dimensions.

Steel plate radiators

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators have a sectional design. Therefore, using them, it is customary to take into account the heat transfer of one section. In the case of non-separable steel radiators, the heat transfer of the entire device is taken into account at certain dimensions. For example, the heat output of a two-row Kermi FTV-22 radiator with a bottom connection 200 mm high and 1100 mm wide is 1010 W. If we take the panel steel radiator Buderus Logatrend VK-Profil 22-500-900, then its heat output will be 1644 watts.

When calculating the heating radiators of a private house, it is necessary to record the calculated heat output for each room. Based on the received data, necessary equipment. When choosing steel radiators, pay attention to their rows - for the same dimensions, three-row models have greater heat dissipation than their single-row counterparts.

Steel radiators, both panel and tubular, can be used in private houses and apartments - they can withstand pressure up to 10-15 atm and are resistant to aggressive coolant.

Cast iron radiators

The heat output of cast iron radiators is 120-150 W, depending on the distance between the axles. For some models, this figure reaches 180 W and even more. Cast iron batteries can operate at coolant pressures up to 10 bar, resisting destructive corrosion well. They are used both in private houses and in apartments (not counting new buildings, where steel and bimetallic models predominate).

When choosing cast-iron batteries for heating your own home, it is necessary to take into account the heat transfer of one section - based on this, batteries are purchased with one or another number of sections. For example, for cast iron batteries MS-140-500 with a center distance of 500 mm, the heat transfer is 175 W. The power of models with a center distance of 300 mm is 120 watts.

Cast iron is well suited for installation in private homes, pleasing with a long service life, high heat capacity and good heat dissipation. But you need to consider their disadvantages:

  • big weight - 10 sections with a center distance of 500 mm weigh more than 70 kg;
  • inconvenience in installation - this drawback smoothly follows from the previous one;
  • large inertia - contributes to too long warm-up and extra costs for heat generation.

Despite some disadvantages, they are still in demand.

Calculation by area

A simple table for calculating the power of a radiator for heating a room of a certain area.

How is the heating battery calculated per square meter of heated area? First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters taken into account in the calculations, which include:

  • thermal power for heating 1 sq. m - 100 W;
  • standard ceiling height - 2.7 m;
  • one outer wall.

Based on such data, the thermal power required to heat a room of 10 sq. m, is 1000 watts. The received power is divided by the heat transfer of one section - as a result, we obtain the required number of sections (or we select a suitable steel panel or tubular radiator).

For the southernmost and coldest northern regions, additional coefficients are applied, both increasing and decreasing - we will talk about them later.

simple calculation

Table for calculating the required number of sections, depending on the area of ​​​​the heated room and the power of one section.

Calculating the number of heating battery sections using a calculator gives good results. Let's give the simplest example for heating a room of 10 square meters. m - if the room is not angular and double-glazed windows are installed in it, the required thermal power will be 1000 W. If we want to install aluminum batteries with a heat dissipation of 180 W, we need 6 sections - just divide the power received by the heat dissipation of one section.

Accordingly, if you buy radiators with a heat output of one section of 200 W, then the number of sections will be 5 pcs. Will there be high ceilings up to 3.5 m in the room? Then the number of sections will increase to 6 pcs. There are two in the room external walls(corner room)? In this case, you need to add another section.

You also need to take into account the margin for thermal power in case of too cold winter- it is 10-20% of the calculated.

You can find out information about the heat transfer of batteries from their passport data. For example, the calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators is based on the heat transfer of one section. The same applies to bimetallic radiators (and cast iron ones, although they are non-separable). When using steel radiators, the nameplate power of the entire device is taken (we gave examples above).

Very accurate calculation

Above, we gave as an example a very simple calculation of the number of heating batteries per area. It does not take into account many factors, such as the quality of the thermal insulation of the walls, the type of glazing, the minimum outside temperature, and many others. Using simplified calculations, we can make mistakes, as a result of which some rooms turn out to be cold, and some too hot. The temperature can be corrected using stopcocks, but it is best to foresee everything in advance - if only for the sake of saving materials.

If during the construction of your house you have given worthy of attention its insulation, then in the future you will save a lot on heating.

How is the exact calculation of the number of heating radiators in a private house made? We will take into account the decreasing and increasing coefficients. Let's start with glazing. If single windows are installed in the house, we use a coefficient of 1.27. For double glazing, the coefficient does not apply (in fact, it is 1.0). If the house has triple glazing, we apply a reduction factor of 0.85.

Are the walls in the house lined with two bricks or is insulation provided in their design? Then we apply the coefficient 1.0. If you provide additional thermal insulation, you can safely use a reduction factor of 0.85 - heating costs will decrease. If there is no thermal insulation, we apply a multiplying factor of 1.27.

Note that heating a home with single windows and poor thermal insulation results in a large heat (and money) loss.

When calculating the number of heating batteries per area, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfloors and windows. Ideally, this ratio is 30% - in this case, we use a coefficient of 1.0. If you like large windows, and the ratio is 40%, you should apply a factor of 1.1, and at a ratio of 50% you need to multiply the power by a factor of 1.2. If the ratio is 10% or 20%, we apply reduction factors of 0.8 or 0.9.

Ceiling height is an equally important parameter. Here we use the following coefficients:

Table for calculating the number of sections depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the height of the ceilings.

  • up to 2.7 m - 1.0;
  • from 2.7 to 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • from 3.5 to 4.5 m - 1.2.

Is there an attic behind the ceiling or another living room? And here we apply additional coefficients. If there is a heated attic upstairs (or with insulation), we multiply the power by 0.9, and if the dwelling is by 0.8. Is there an ordinary unheated attic behind the ceiling? We apply a coefficient of 1.0 (or simply do not take it into account).

After the ceilings, let's take up the walls - here are the coefficients:

  • one outer wall - 1,1;
  • two outer walls (corner room) - 1.2;
  • three outer walls (the last room in an elongated house, hut) - 1.3;
  • four outer walls (one-room house, outbuilding) - 1.4.

The average air temperature during the coldest period is also taken into account. winter period(same regional coefficient):

  • cold to -35 ° C - 1.5 (a very large margin that allows you not to freeze);
  • frosts down to -25 ° C - 1.3 (suitable for Siberia);
  • temperature down to –20 °C – 1.1 ( middle lane Russia);
  • temperature up to -15 ° C - 0.9;
  • temperature down to -10 °C - 0.7.

The last two coefficients are used in hot southern regions. But even here it is customary to leave a solid supply in case of cold weather or especially for heat-loving people..

Having received the final thermal power necessary for heating the selected room, it should be divided by the heat transfer of one section. As a result, we will get the required number of sections and will be able to go to the store. Please note that these calculations assume a base heating power of 100 W per 1 sq. m.

If you are afraid of making mistakes in the calculations, seek help from specialized specialists. They will perform the most accurate calculations and calculate the heat output required for heating.


The correct calculation of sections of heating radiators is a rather important task for every homeowner. If an insufficient number of sections is used, the room will not warm up during the winter cold, and the purchase and operation of too large radiators will entail unreasonably high heating costs.

For standard rooms, you can use the simplest calculations, but sometimes it becomes necessary to take into account various nuances in order to get the most accurate result.

To perform calculations, you need to know certain parameters

  • Dimensions of the room to be heated;
  • Type of battery, material of its manufacture;
  • The power of each section or whole battery, depending on its type;
  • The maximum allowable number of sections ;

According to the material of manufacture, radiators are divided as follows:

  • Steel. These radiators have thin walls and a very elegant design, but they are not popular due to numerous shortcomings. These include low heat capacity, rapid heating and cooling. During hydraulic shocks, leaks often occur at the joints, and cheap models quickly rust and do not last long. Usually they are solid, not divided into sections, the power of steel batteries is indicated in the passport.
  • Cast iron radiators are familiar to every person since childhood, this is a traditional material from which they make durable and have excellent technical specifications batteries. Each section of a Soviet-era cast-iron accordion produced a heat output of 160 watts. This is a prefabricated structure, the number of sections in it is not limited by anything. Available in both modern and vintage designs. Cast iron perfectly retains heat, is not subject to corrosion, abrasive wear, and is compatible with any heat carriers.
  • Aluminum batteries are light, modern, have a high heat dissipation, due to their advantages, they are becoming increasingly popular with buyers. The heat transfer of one section reaches 200 W, they are also produced in one-piece structures. Of the minuses, oxygen corrosion can be noted, but this problem is solved with the help of anodic oxidation of the metal.
  • Bimetal radiators consist of internal collectors and an external heat exchanger. Inner part made of steel, and the outer one is made of aluminum. High performance heat dissipation, up to 200 W, combined with excellent wear resistance. The relative minus of these batteries is the high price compared to other types.

Radiator materials differ in their characteristics, which affects the calculations

How to calculate the number of sections of heating radiators for a room

There are several ways to make calculations, each of which uses certain parameters.

By room area

A preliminary calculation can be made, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for which radiators are purchased. This is a very simple calculation and is suitable for rooms with low ceilings (2.40-2.60m). According to building codes for heating, you will need 100 W of thermal power per square meter of the room.

We calculate the amount of heat that will be needed for the entire room. To do this, we multiply the area by 100 W, i.e. for a room of 20 square meters. m, the estimated thermal power will be 2,000 W (20 sq. M * 100 W) or 2 kW.

The correct calculation of heating radiators is necessary to guarantee sufficient heat in the house.

This result must be divided by the heat output of one section, specified by the manufacturer. For example, if it is equal to 170 W, then in our case the required number of radiator sections will be: 2,000 W / 170 W = 11.76, i.e. 12, since the result should be rounded up to a whole number. Rounding is usually done up, but for rooms where heat loss is below average, such as a kitchen, it can be rounded down.

Be sure to take into account possible heat losses depending on the specific situation. Of course, a room with a balcony or located in the corner of a building loses heat faster. In this case, you should increase the value of the calculated heat output for the room by 20%. It is worth increasing the calculations by about 15-20% if you plan to hide the radiators behind the screen or mount them in a niche.

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The fields are filled out incorrectly. Please fill in all fields correctly to calculate the number of sections

By volume

More accurate data can be obtained if the sections of heating radiators are calculated taking into account the height of the ceiling, i.e., by the volume of the room. The principle here is about the same as in the previous case. First, the total heat demand is calculated, then the number of radiator sections is calculated.

If the radiator is hidden by a screen, it is necessary to increase the need for thermal energy in the room by 15-20%.

According to the recommendations of SNIP for heating each cubic meter of a dwelling in panel house 41 W of thermal power is required. Multiplying the area of ​​​​the room by the height of the ceiling, we get the total volume, which we multiply by this standard value. For apartments with modern double-glazed windows and external insulation, less heat will be needed, only 34 W per cubic meter.

For example, let's calculate the required amount of heat for a room of 20 square meters. m with a ceiling height of 3 meters. The volume of the room will be 60 cubic meters. m (20 sq. m * 3 m). The calculated thermal power in this case will be equal to 2,460 W (60 cubic meters * 41 W).

And how to calculate the number of heating radiators? To do this, you need to divide the data obtained by the heat transfer of one section specified by the manufacturer. If we take, as in the previous example, 170 W, then the room will need: 2,460 W / 170 W = 14.47, i.e. 15 radiator sections.

Manufacturers tend to indicate overestimated heat transfer rates of their products, assuming that the temperature of the coolant in the system will be maximum. In real conditions, this requirement is rarely met, so you should focus on the minimum heat transfer rates of one section, which are reflected in the product passport. This will make the calculations more realistic and accurate.

If the room is not standard

Unfortunately, not every apartment can be considered standard. This is even more true for private residential buildings. How to make calculations taking into account the individual conditions of their operation? To do this, you need to take into account many different factors.

When calculating the number of heating sections, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling, the number and size of windows, the presence of wall insulation, etc.

The peculiarity of this method is that when calculating the required amount of heat, a number of coefficients are used that take into account the characteristics of a particular room that can affect its ability to store or release heat energy.

The calculation formula looks like this:

CT=100 W/sq. m* P*K1*K2*K3*K4*K5*K6*K7, where

KT - the amount of heat required for a particular room;
P is the area of ​​the room, sq. m;
K1 - coefficient taking into account the glazing of window openings:

  • for windows with ordinary double glazing - 1.27;
  • for windows with double glazing - 1.0;
  • for windows with triple glazing - 0.85.

K2 - coefficient of thermal insulation of walls:

  • low degree of thermal insulation - 1.27;
  • good thermal insulation (laying in two bricks or a layer of insulation) - 1.0;
  • high degree of thermal insulation - 0.85.

K3 - the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and the floor in the room:

  • 50% - 1,2;
  • 40% - 1,1;
  • 30% - 1,0;
  • 20% - 0,9;
  • 10% - 0,8.

K4 is a coefficient that takes into account the average air temperature in the coldest week of the year:

  • for -35 degrees - 1.5;
  • for -25 degrees - 1.3;
  • for -20 degrees - 1.1;
  • for -15 degrees - 0.9;
  • for -10 degrees - 0.7.

K5 - adjusts the need for heat, taking into account the number of external walls:

  • one wall - 1.1;
  • two walls - 1.2;
  • three walls - 1.3;
  • four walls - 1.4.

K6 - accounting for the type of room that is located above:

  • cold attic - 1.0;
  • heated attic - 0.9;
  • heated dwelling - 0.8

K7 - coefficient taking into account the height of the ceilings:

  • at 2.5 m - 1.0;
  • at 3.0 m - 1.05;
  • at 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • at 4.0 m - 1.15;
  • at 4.5 m - 1.2.

It remains to divide the result obtained by the heat transfer value of one section of the radiator and round the result to an integer.

Expert opinion

Viktor Kaploukhiy

Thanks to my versatile hobbies, I write on various topics, but my favorite ones are engineering, technology and construction.

When installing new heating radiators, you can focus on how efficient the old heating system was. If her work suited you, then the heat transfer was optimal - these data should be based on calculations. First of all, you need to find on the Web the value of the thermal efficiency of one section of the radiator that needs to be replaced. By multiplying the found value by the number of cells that the used battery consisted of, they obtain data on the amount of thermal energy that was enough for a comfortable stay. It is enough to divide the result obtained by the heat transfer of the new section (this information is indicated in technical passport per product) and you will get accurate information on how many cells you will need to install a radiator with the same thermal efficiency. If earlier the heating could not cope with heating the room, or vice versa, it was necessary to open the windows due to constant heat, then the heat transfer of the new radiator is corrected by adding or reducing the number of sections.

For example, you previously had a common cast iron battery MS-140 of 8 sections, which pleased with its warmth, but did not suit the aesthetic side. Paying tribute to fashion, you decided to replace it with a branded bimetallic radiator, assembled from separate sections with a heat output of 200 W each. The nameplate power of a used thermal device is 160 W, however, over time, deposits appeared on its walls, which reduce heat transfer by 10-15%. Therefore, the real heat transfer of one section of the old radiator is about 140 W, and its total thermal power is 140 * 8 = 1120 W. We divide this number by the heat transfer of one bimetallic cell and get the number of sections of the new radiator: 1120 / 200 = 5.6 pcs. As you can see for yourself, in order to keep the heat dissipation of the system at the same level, a bimetallic radiator of 6 sections will be enough.

How to take into account the effective power

When determining the parameters of the heating system or its individual circuit, one of the most important parameters, namely the heat head, should not be discounted. It often happens that the calculations are done correctly, and the boiler heats up well, but somehow it doesn’t add up with the heat in the house. One of the reasons for the decrease in thermal efficiency may be the temperature regime of the coolant. The thing is that most manufacturers indicate the power value for a pressure of 60 ° C, which takes place in high-temperature systems with a coolant temperature of 80-90 ° C. In practice, it often turns out that the temperature in the heating circuits is in the range of 40-70 ° C, which means that the value of the temperature difference does not rise above 30-50 ° C. For this reason, the heat transfer values ​​obtained in the previous sections should be multiplied by the actual head, and then the resulting number should be divided by the value indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet. Of course, the figure obtained as a result of these calculations will be lower than that which was obtained when calculating according to the above formulas.

It remains to calculate the actual temperature difference. It can be found in tables on the Web, or you can calculate it yourself using the formula ΔT = ½ x (Tn + Tk) - Tvn). In it, Tn is the initial temperature of the water at the inlet to the battery, Tk is the final temperature of the water at the outlet of the radiator, Tvn is the ambient temperature. If we substitute the values ​​​​Tn = 90 ° С (the high-temperature heating system mentioned above), Тk = 70 ° С and Тvn = 20 ° С (room temperature) into this formula, then it is easy to understand why the manufacturer focuses on this value of thermal pressure. . Substituting these numbers into the formula for ΔT, we just get the “standard” value of 60 ° C.

Taking into account not the passport, but the real power of the thermal equipment, it is possible to calculate the system parameters with an allowable error. All that remains to be done is to make a correction of 10-15% in case of abnormally low temperatures and provide for the possibility of manual or automatic adjustment in the design of the heating system. In the first case, experts recommend putting ball valves on the bypass and the coolant supply branch to the radiator, and in the second case, installing thermostatic heads on the radiators. They will allow you to install the most comfortable temperature in every room, without letting the heat out into the street.

How to correct calculation results

When calculating the number of sections, heat loss must also be taken into account. In a house, heat can escape in a fairly significant amount through walls and junctions, floors and basements, windows, roofs, and a natural ventilation system.

Moreover, you can save money if you insulate the slopes of windows and doors or a loggia by removing 1-2 sections, heated towel rails and a stove in the kitchen also allow you to remove one section of the radiator. Use of the fireplace and system warm floors, proper insulation of walls and floors will minimize heat loss and also reduce the size of the battery.

Heat loss must be taken into account when calculating

The number of sections may vary depending on the mode of operation of the heating system, as well as on the location of the batteries and the connection of the system to the heating circuit.

Used in private homes heating system, this system is more efficient than the centralized one, which is used in apartment buildings.

The method of connecting radiators also affects the heat transfer performance. The diagonal method, when water is supplied from above, is considered the most economical, and the side connection creates a loss of 22%.

The number of sections may depend on the mode of the heating system and the method of connecting radiators

For single pipe systems, the final result is also subject to correction. If two-pipe radiators receive a coolant of the same temperature, then a single-pipe system works differently, and each subsequent section receives cooled water. In this case, first a calculation is made for a two-pipe system, and then the number of sections is increased, taking into account heat losses.

The calculation scheme for a single-pipe heating system is presented below.

In the case of a single-pipe system, successive sections receive cooled water

If we have 15 kW at the input, then 12 kW remains at the output, which means 3 kW is lost.

For a room with six batteries, the loss will average about 20%, making it necessary to add two sections per battery. The last battery in this calculation should be huge; to solve the problem, they use the installation of shut-off valves and connection through a bypass to regulate heat transfer.

Some manufacturers offer an easier way to get an answer. On their sites you can find a handy calculator specifically designed to do these calculations. To use the program, you need to enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, after which the exact result will be displayed. Or you can use a special program.

Such a calculation of the number of heating radiators includes almost all the nuances and is based on a fairly accurate determination of the room's need for thermal energy.

Adjustments allow you to save on the purchase of extra sections and payment of heating bills, provide for many years an economical and efficient work heating systems, and also allow you to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere of warmth in a house or apartment.

The calculation of the number of radiators or a specific calculation for heat sources is associated with the maximum heat loss of the room. Based on this value, the calculation of a steel heating radiator by area is focused on the heaters themselves and their location in order to correctly compensate for the heat level.

Several methods. And the simplest of them will give relative results. In most cases, this is sufficient.

steel radiator for home

This is one of the most simple ways to calculate a specific value for heating, more precisely for compensation. Calculate the value, starting from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment or house where they plan to install radiators. Nothing complicated: the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the rooms is known in advance, and the specific value for heat consumption is determined by SNiPs:

  1. The average climatic zone for a dwelling implies heating 1 square meter at 70-100 watts.
  2. Where the temperature falls below 60 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to spend from 150 to 220 watts per meter.

For your information! It is easy to calculate heating radiators according to these standards or using a calculator.

But they also take into account power reserves, which cannot be dispensed with. A large overrun is not welcome, because with a large amount of final power, the number of radiators in the room increases. When the apartment is connected to the central heating lines, then any overrun is not critical, because each user pays a fixed cost.

However, with individual heating, everything is serious, because any overspending is a payment for the heat carriers themselves and their work. Paying more is stupid, especially since the set temperature is usually not maintained accurately.

Having calculated the exact need for square meters on the calculator, it is easy to find out how many sections to buy. Because any heating device emits a specific amount of heat. These data are registered in the passport. They do this: they calculate a specific figure for heat and divide by the power of the radiators. The result of this calculation gives a figure for the number of purchased sections to restore heat loss in winter.

Let's take a look at simple example: let's say that only 1600 watts are needed, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200beach section of 170 watts. Let's do this: share common values at 1600 by 170. It turns out that you need to buy 9.5 radiators. Rounding can be done in any direction, this is at the discretion of the owner. Usually rounded down in those rooms where there are additional sources heat, for example, in kitchens. And in a big way they count on rooms with balconies or big windows. They also practice some margin of power next to bare walls or in corner rooms.

Nothing complicated, but remember about the height of the ceilings - this value is not always standard. It also affects construction material the same windows or walls. Therefore, the calculation of heating radiators by area for any room is usually approximate. It is more convenient to use a calculator that takes into account adjustments for specific building materials and area features.

Do I need to adjust the preliminary calculations?

Approximate calculations necessarily require adjustments. This is necessary to obtain concrete results, taking into account all factors. The latter have an effect on heat loss in a smaller or larger direction:

  • wall material;
  • the quality of the insulation;
  • window areas and their glazing;
  • the number of walls facing the street.

To take into account all these factors, coefficients have been invented that are clearly written in good calculators. They are simply multiplied among themselves, more precisely, they align the initial value according to the heat loss of the building.

Heat loss in %

Let's start with windows. As a rule, it is these components that consume from 14 to 30% of heat loss. The exact figures are related to the size and actual insulation. And if so, then the calculation is based on two coefficients:

  1. Window area to floor area:
  • 10% odds 0.8
  • 20% odds 0.9
  • 30% odds 1.0
  • 40% odds 1.1
  • 50% odds 1.2
  1. For glazing:
  • Three-chamber double-glazed windows multiplied by 0.85
  • Double glazing multiplied by 1.0
  • Wooden double frames are best multiplied by 1.27 or 1.3

For walls and roofing consider the degree of material and insulation. It turns out that there are also two quantities for calculation:

Thermal insulation.

  • Brick wall standard thickness- is the norm. The coefficient is equal to one.
  • Walls of insufficient thickness are multiplied by 1.27.
  • Good walls with a layer of insulation of 10 centimeters or more are multiplied by 0.8.

Outer wall:

  • Indoor spaces without heat loss are multiplied by one.
  • One for the entire area is multiplied by 1.1.
  • Two for the entire area multiplied by 1.2.
  • Etc.

More about calculations of steel radiators

Steel panel radiator is relatively new device for space heating. Distinctive feature only in the fact that it is steel structures that are smaller in size, and the heat transfer coefficient is much higher. Moreover, the system may consist of several panels made of corrugated metal (fins). It turns out that the panels (and there can be 1, 2 or 3 of them) are plates that pass the coolant inside the system.

To calculate the power precisely by area, you need to know the types of steel radiators. There are 5 in total. Let's start with the most powerful:

  1. Three-panel. Significant dimensions due to three panels to which the fins are attached (designation 33).
  2. Two-panel. They already have two plates (designation 22).
  3. Double-panel with one plate (designation 21).
  4. Single panel radiator also with single fins. Weak power, low weight and the same dimensions (designation 11).
  5. Panel and coolant (designation 10).

Types of steel radiators

It is easier to determine the power for such types of devices by area, but not a square meter, but a cubic meter is taken into account. According to SNiP, the data is as follows:

  1. A brickwork room per 1 cubic meter requires 34 watts.
  2. A panel house for 1 cubic meter already requires 41 watts.

Panel house with dimensions of 3.2 by 3.5 meters, where the ceilings are exactly 3 meters. We calculate according to the formula 3.2, multiply by 3.5, we get 33.6 cubic meters. And we already multiply this value by the norms for panel house(41). We get 1378 watts.

For a more accurate calculation, they already use a calculator, into which they enter into the above (approximate) value and data on the characteristics of the climate and the building itself.

About other factors affecting the calculation

Any manufacturer of steel radiators always specifies them maximum power. Here's what it looks like:

  1. High temperature mode. The coolant itself is heated to 90 degrees Celsius.
  2. processing mode. The maximum is 70 degrees Celsius (value 90/70).

In practice, any heating systems are not heated to the maximum, and the actual temperature regime or power has the following parameters:

  1. 75.65.20
  2. 55.45.20

For a competent calculation, it is desirable to know the temperature differences of the system itself. More specifically, they calculate the difference between the heater and the air temperature. Where the degrees of the heaters themselves are taken as the arithmetic average from supply to processing.

Even when planning or calculating for radiators, the connection of the liquid supply is taken into account. In practice, there are only 2 types:

  • Unilateral. Works at maximum with the top feed (97%).
  • Bilateral. Also, maximum heat transfer at the top connection (100%).


Finding or choosing a specific radiator is not so difficult. Much harder to do correct calculation depending on the type of connection, correct location devices. Plus, they always use a calculator where you need to enter the features of your building or a new apartment.