Effective methods for removing old paint from walls. How to get old paint off walls How to get old paint off quickly

  • 23.06.2020

Often the beginning of the repair is complicated by the presence of an old layer of paint on the walls. To continue cosmetic procedures, you should carefully study all the nuances of how to remove the old oil paint from the walls. Otherwise, further ennoblement of the premises will be impossible, and all the efforts made will turn into a series of failures.

Before you wonder how to clean the walls of paint, you need to decide whether to get rid of it altogether. In most cases, the walls were covered with oil-based dyes. If the relief of the wall remains even, without chips, falling off pieces and bubbles, and further procedures are not associated, for example, with applying wallpaper or a primer, then you can paint over the old layer.

The modern dye market provides a lot of reliable options. Paints based on water, silicone or mixed with acrylic adhere well to the surface, providing a secure fit. But even with the use of quality materials, the entire overlapping process will go down the drain if the surface was uneven.

In cases where it is necessary to carry out surface leveling work using putty, removal of old paint from the walls is necessary. This fact is confirmed by the poor adhesion of primers to paint surfaces.

Oil paints are the most difficult to lag behind the surface, and therefore the technology of getting rid of them is the most time-consuming. The more layers that have been applied, the easier it will be to clean. Much also depends on the material on which the dye was placed. Removing oil paint from porous plaster will not create any special problems, but you will have to think hard about how to remove paint from concrete.

Cleaning the walls of old paint requires some training. First of all, to remove paint from the walls, you will need the following set of tools:

  • elements protecting the face and hands - a respirator, a mask / goggles, rubber gloves;
  • blowtorch, and preferably a special hair dryer used in construction;
  • sharp spatula, scraper, knife and chisel;
  • chemical liquid for removing old paint from the walls and a small brush, which is not a pity;
  • a large sharp object like an ax for cutting serifs;
  • electric drill, puncher and grinder;
  • nozzles for puncher and electric drill.

Paint removal methods

How to remove oil paint from walls? There are three ways you can remove old paint from walls. It can be removed through the use of chemical solutions, increased heat, well, or mechanical impact. It remains to choose the most suitable method for removing paint from the walls, and you can proceed.


How to remove oil paint from walls? First of all, you can try the chemical method, in which a special wash is used. How to remove paint from walls quickly and efficiently? Everything is much easier than it seems. You only need to apply the solution to the hated surface and go about your business.

Related article: Tips for flushing water-based paint from the ceiling

After a couple of hours, the chemical begins to act, and the paint softens. In the end, you just need to tear off the semi-soft substance. When using chemical washers, you can count on removing not only oil layers, they can also clean off acrylic paint.

But, despite the simplicity of the algorithm, this method has a number of disadvantages:

  • Chemical solutions are very expensive.
  • A huge concentration of toxins in solvents is obliged to dispose of waste by special disposal. Just flushing it down the toilet won't work.
  • Removing paint in this way will be accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor.
  • If the old paint is applied in many layers, you will have to repeat the washing process again and again. Removing paint with such a solution is possible only in one layer.

How to remove old paint without harm to health when using this method? Think safety! Work with chemical materials should be carried out only with full equipment in a respirator, goggles and gloves. Regardless of the additional protection, wash off the remnants of chemicals after the procedure.

The room must be well ventilated. Children, allergy sufferers and expectant mothers should stay away from the poisonous source.

If you are wondering how to wash off oil paint, then the modern market offers a huge range of raw materials. Some you can buy and some you can make yourself. For example, thanks to liquid glass the old dye is removed quite quickly - it covers the desired surface, which, when dried, is covered with a thin transparent film. Together with it, they easily peel off the old paint.

If the task arises, how to remove oil paint from the walls, you can resort to a home-made method. Paint remover is easy to make and does not require a large number components. This will require quicklime in the amount of 1.2 kilograms and half a kilogram of calcium, mixed with ordinary tap water and applied to the desired object. These components will quickly remove layers of unwanted dyes. After twelve hours, the cleaning of the old paint will go off with a bang.


How to remove old paint from walls with a thermal method? This can be done by heating the dye with a hair dryer to an amazing temperature. This method has been tested by more than one generation and will definitely not let you down.

The technology is very simple: I heated the paint with a hair dryer and took it off. Removing old oil paint will not be difficult, but it will take some time. When bubbles and bulges form on the surface under the influence of heat, the melted layer of paint is removed with a sharp spatula.

For the sake of exception, you can try using an iron through a layer of paper or newspaper. The iron is only suitable for a small thin layer, as it may not give a suitable temperature. Removing oil paint from walls with heat is great for areas near fragile materials.

Related article: What paints are suitable for painting foam?

However, this method also has its drawbacks. These include:

  • Limited space for heating.
  • Do not use hair dryer or blowtorch near wires or sockets, as well as various fusible materials.
  • You should be extremely careful, because at any time the paint can ignite.
  • When heated, oil paint will emit acrid fumes. Do not forget about a respirator and ventilation.

Don't even think about stripping lead paint off with heat! She has the highest toxicity. Vapors of such material instantly penetrate the body and cause irreparable damage.

On the video: removing old paint with a hairdryer.


How to remove old paint from walls mechanically? First you need to decide on the working tools that you have at home. This method is non-toxic, which makes it possible to clean kitchens, bathroom tiles and various indoor areas. It is divided into manual and mechanical with the use of electrically driven tools.

How to remove paint from walls manually? A method proven over the years will not require you to high costs. You just need to arm yourself with ordinary water and an ax.

First of all, serifs are applied with an ax along the plane of the paint, then it is wetted with water, which is better not to spare. Water should soak the surface for five minutes, after which the paint can be removed with an ax without any problems. They clean it with sharp movements, tilting the tool almost parallel to the wall surface.

For recesses and narrow places, as well as areas of sockets, baseboards and wires, a spatula or chisel is well suited.

Only such a tool should be wielded on a wooden surface. Since the active removal of paint will dull the tools, it is good to have sandpaper on hand, which can be used to sharpen a dull unit. The advantages include cost-effectiveness, safety (but with an ax it’s still more careful), and cleanliness. However, this is a long-term process that requires a considerable investment of physical strength.

How to remove paint from the walls in the bathroom and at the same time save your health, money and time? An electric drill or grinder will also help you with this. It should be said right away that when working with the latter, an incredible amount of dust is formed. After a minute of operation, the visibility of the room will be zero. This is very inconvenient both when working in the kitchen and in any other room. So that best tool for removing paint - this is a drill with nozzles that perfectly beats off layers of paint.

The attachments can be a special chain or a grinding wheel, even better if it is framed with a hard wire.

How to remove paint from the walls in the bathroom with large layers? For large buildups of paint, a nozzle with a chain is suitable, which will rotate and knock out pieces of dried paint. However, if you clear concrete tiles, this nozzle will not work, its field of work is not rough plaster.

The most versatile option is the grinding wheel. It is convenient for them to tear off any materials and dyes, suitable for all coatings. This method, like the one described above, will also help peel the paint off the walls in the bathroom.

How to quickly remove old paint from concrete? Concrete should be given special attention, since such a surface holds the paint best. Plus, the painter who painted such a wall most likely did it in good faith, hoping to put a layer of paint on for centuries.

Sooner or later, every owner of an apartment or his own house comes to the conclusion that it is time to make repairs. It does not matter if it is a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to create a new and more fresh interior, or it will be a serious project, including redevelopment and the use of unusual finishing materials, you may encounter a number of difficulties. Especially if you intend to do all the work yourself. One of the most commonplace problems is the removal of the old decorative coating. If the old layer of plaster sometimes itself begins to crumble and fall off in whole layers, and old wallpaper can move away from the walls in whole strips, then it will be much more difficult to cope with a layer of old paint. And before a certain type of finish, it must be removed without fail. To make this task easier, you need to know effective ways how to remove paint from a wall.

When should the old paint be removed and why?

It's no secret that 15-20 years ago they were beloved finishing materials all the builders had paint and paper wallpaper. Especially often you can find painted walls in the bathroom and toilet, in the kitchen or in the hallway. Builders with creativity to the point they often decorated the walls with flowers and boats. Unfortunately, such a print ceases to touch when it becomes necessary to get rid of it. It's one thing when the old paint is already peeled off and can be easily removed with a usually spatula. And it’s quite another when there are several layers, they are applied conscientiously and hold on with enviable strength. Assuming the full severity of future work, many give up and the thought creeps in: “ maybe well him?».

We hasten to please you - in some cases old paint really no problem for further finishing works. It all depends on their type:

What to consider when choosing a paint stripping method?

Before embarking on laborious and long work it is necessary to understand what we are dealing with and try to find a way that will nevertheless prove to be most effective at the lowest cost of labor and time. To do this, you need to pay attention to five determining factors:

And it’s best to “try it on the tooth” and on a small section of the wall try to remove a piece of paint with each of the methods in turn, starting with the simplest ones.

Mechanical methods of removing paint

Usually the first attempt is to remove the coating mechanically. It should be noted right away that these methods are the most time-consuming, but at the same time one of the most affordable. A variety of tools are used, ranging from the simplest. Before starting work, it is necessary, if possible, to free the room from furniture or cover surfaces with a film, which must remain clean and free of dust and paint particles. Let's consider in more detail.

No. 1. With a spatula

This is the very first tool with which there is a desire to scrape peeling paint. A spatula will definitely be found in almost any home. Advantage method lies in the complete absence of dust and the fact that it is possible to remove paint even in corners and other hard-to-reach places– around switches or sockets. To shortcomings include the relatively slow speed of work, the need to exert considerable effort and the inability to cover a large surface area in one approach. During operation, small particles of paint break off and can get into the eyes, thereby injuring them. Therefore, be sure to think about personal protective equipment. This rule applies to absolutely all methods of removing the old coating.

No. 2. At aid chisel and hammer

When you have reached a section of the wall where there are no cracks and blisters of paint and the spatula is already powerless, you can try to remove it with a chisel. It does not bend during operation, unlike a spatula, and if necessary, you can tap with a hammer on its handle. Periodically it is necessary to sharpen the tool. It will quickly dull from constant friction on a hard surface.

Number 3. With an ax or kirochki

This method is incredibly labor intensive. You will have to swing the ax for a long time, so we advise you to choose a tool that is not too heavy. However, it should not be too sharp. The essence of the method is to apply notches to the wall. The blows must be directed tangentially to the wall. The length of the notches can reach several centimeters, and they should be located at a distance of no more than 10 mm from each other. Only on such a surface will the putty or adhesive composition lie quite reliably. But the main flaw The method actually lies a little deeper. Think about how many blows to the wall you will have to inflict and understand that each of them will gradually violate the integrity of the base that you want to get rid of the hated paint. Not all walls can withstand such torture and remain strong and reliable.

No. 4. With a drill with various attachments

This way can be called optimal by the ratio of indicators of speed of work and safety. Plus, due to the fact that the drill is not the heaviest hand tool, hands during work will get tired much less. Safety is achieved due to the fact that the work is carried out at low speeds. Before you start, be sure to check the performance of the tools - if the wire is broken, if the cartridge is holding well, if the device sparks. In order not to be distracted by trifles, make sure that the cord is long enough to move freely along the entire length of the room, use an extension cord. Be sure to wear a protective mask, closed clothing and shoes, and a hat. Never leave sleeves unbuttoned or wear gloves. When working with resourceful tools, their use is unacceptable - the reliability of fixing the tool in your hand worsens and you simply cannot hold it. In the best case, the instrument itself will suffer if it falls, in the worst case, it will injure the performer.

Now you need to adjust the speed - turn on the drill without a nozzle and select the minimum mode. Now fasten the nozzle, tighten the cartridge well and get to work. It is necessary to touch the wall only with the surface of the nozzle and not move too fast. Most often, a metal brush is used. But in practice, it is less effective than a nozzle in the form of several connected chains of 3-4 links with a washer at the ends. In addition, sometimes the metal bristles come off and can dig into unprotected areas of the skin;

No. 5. With the help of a grinder

This method can be called the fastest and at the same time the most dangerous. Bulgarian refers to high-speed tools. In the absence of skills to work with it, you can be seriously injured. No one is immune from the destruction of the disk during operation, the fragments of which fly at incredible speed in different directions. The disadvantages include high level noise and lots of dust. Work is usually carried out using a wide range.

Summing up we can say that mechanical methods are suitable for removing absolutely any type of paint - both acrylic and oil. It’s just that some of them will need to be moistened periodically, and then also removed with a spatula, a metal brush or a power tool.

Thermal methods

Methods for removing an old layer of paint using elevated temperatures are also refer to extremely dangerous. When carrying out such work, it is necessary reliable protection and focus and, of course, experience with the tool below. There are three commonly used methods.

No. 6. We use a regular iron

For a coating that is no longer held in the most reliable way, the method of exposure to temperature is suitable with help ordinary iron. Through a sheet of thick foil, you can food, the desired area is well warmed up, and then the softened coating is removed with a spatula.

No. 7. We use a building hair dryer

Similarly, only much faster, you can "melt" the paint with help construction hairdryer, and then remove with the same spatula or other convenient scraper.

No. 8. Blowtorch method

Sometimes use a blowtorch. Or in other words, a burner that runs on kerosene or gasoline vapors. One liter of fuel is on average enough for continuous operation for 20-50 minutes. The flame must be brought as close as possible to the paint and carefully watched. When the paint begins to melt but not burn, you can scrape it off the wall.

All thermal methods are required accompanied by a sharp and unpleasant smell, which appears during the heating of the paint. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to work in unventilated areas. Also by no means it is forbidden heat places where electric wires pass or where there are wooden mortgages in the wall.

Chemical methods

Methods for removing old coatings using chemicals can be called least labor intensive. All you need to do is to carefully distribute the product on the surface, let it work on the paint for the recommended time, and then remove the softened coating.

No. 9. Ready-to-use paint stripper

The time interval is always indicated on the packaging, as well as the recommendations for use, which we advise you to follow in strict order.

  • All chemicals are caustic unpleasant odors and are very aggressive. Be sure to work with gloves and a respirator, and for the duration of the solution, it is better to leave the apartment altogether, opening the windows for ventilation;
  • Also, after finishing work, you can’t just take and pour the rest of the solution into the sewer. The chemicals are very corrosive and must be be disposed of properly. This is also mentioned on the packaging or in the instructions;
  • It can also scare price similar tools, but believe me, after you try to remove the paint with a spatula, ax or grinder and none of the above will give the desired result, you will not want to save. Often one liter of solution is enough to remove paint from the walls of a bathroom and toilet of standard sizes;
  • Pay attention to the fact that some compounds may be intended for use only on horizontal surfaces.

AT component dependencies basics ready-made compositions are:

  • Acid - based on hydrochloric or phosphoric acid;
  • Alkaline - based on salts of various origins;
  • Organic - which do not contain any salts or acids.

For removing old paint from stone surfaces most suitable are considered acid-free.

By release form solutions can be in the form:

It is not difficult to choose a composition for a certain type of paint. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a wash, it is better to buy universal solutions that are suitable for removing any type of paint. For example:

No. 10. How to make a wash with your own hands?

You can still try to save prepare a wash for paint on one's own:

Usually, the above methods do a good job of either removing a newly applied or dilapidated coating. For strong layers of paint, it is better to use ready-made, special washes.

Wash application technology

When the choice suitable means done, it's time to deal with the right technology his application:

That's all, your walls are ready for further transformation. If one of the above methods did not give the full effect, try combining it with other methods. By by and large they are all suitable for removing any kind of paint.

Removing old paint by hand from a wooden surface

Before painting any surface, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. It includes removing dirt, cobwebs, insects from the surface, as well as removing paint, sanding (for wood surfaces) and puttying.

The most important step is the removal of the surface coating. The left old paint contributes to the appearance of cracks, flaking of the new coating, and a violation of the aesthetic appearance. Consider the most common paint removal methods that you can use on the farm:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

The use of one of the methods depends on the type of paint applied, as well as on the material of the surface to be cleaned.

thermal method

Most effective for cleaning wooden surfaces from paint and varnish is considered a method heat treatment. With the help of a building hair dryer or burner, the old surface is heated to the melting point. The paint softens and peels off, after which it is easily peeled off with a hand trowel. The advantage of this method is that even thick layers of paint can be stripped quickly and efficiently.

The processing method is only suitable for wood, and in some cases for metal. It is ineffective for plastic, the latter begins to melt and deform at high temperatures. This method is of little use for the treatment of painted concrete, stone or plastered surfaces. A significant drawback is the release of volatile toxic substances when the paint is heated.

Chemical way to remove paint

You can also remove old paint with special tools, which include chemical solvents. They are produced for the removal of a specific coating and are based on acids, alkalis and organic polar substances, such as acetone or gasoline. There are also solvents universal composition, but their efficiency is lower.

After applying the solvent to the surface, it must be left for 15-60 minutes. The time depends on the type of old paint and the thickness of the applied layer. The required time of contact with the surface must be indicated on the packaging. During this time, the old paint will begin to soften and can be easily removed with a hand trowel.

Chemical method suitable for cleaning most surfaces:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic and linoleum;
  • MDF and glass.

The method of removing paint by mechanical action

To mechanical methods Paint stripping refers to cleaning with manual or electrical tools. The most common paint stripping tool large surfaces- this is a grinder or an angle grinder (angle grinder). If a grinder is used, instead of a disk, a special wire brush (brushing) is fixed on it. You can also use a drill with a metal nozzle. This method is suitable for stripping wood and metal from oil paints.

To clean concrete, stone, plastered walls from water-based paints use surface grinders with coarse grit sandpaper, with a grain size of 250-600 microns.

The manual method of removing paint with a spatula or scrapers is also referred to as mechanical methods. This process is quite long and laborious, but the most affordable. Removing the paint by hand will not give you a completely clean surface, so use it in combination with other methods, or as a final step. preparatory work. Advantage manual method- this is the ability to remove any paintwork.

Everyone who has ever encountered a problem knows how laborious it is to prepare the surface for subsequent finishing. It is especially difficult to remove the coating if the paint was applied in a thin layer, used quality material. As a rule, this stage takes place in the most protracted mode, since the dismantling of the old one does not make fundamental changes in the room and is difficult to perceive as a repair.

One of the most common questions asked when performing cosmetic repairs What is the best way to remove paint? There are many techniques to choose from based on what kind of paint was used, what surface it was applied to, and what kind of finish will be applied to the treated surface.

If the next step after processing is to cover the surface again with paint, then you should decide. Should it be removed in whole or in part.

Previously, the main paint for repairs was oil. If with such a paint composition the wall surface remains even, has no chips or cracks with bubbles, the next coat of paint can be applied over the old one. If there is damage to the surface in the form of a peeled off old layer, then partially, where the paint began to fly around, it must be removed.

Although all modern paints, regardless of what basis they are produced on, whether it is water-based or acrylic or silicone, have a high adhesion. But for any composition, an important condition is the presence flat surface. Therefore, if the wall is not even and is to be puttied, the old paint must be removed completely.

This is due to the fact that the putty has a low adhesion to paints and varnishes and can come off with subsequent layers. Oil-based paints are the hardest to peel off. The fewer layers were applied, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. A thick layer clears faster.


To carry out paint removal work, you may need the following tools and tools:

  • protective equipment for the skin of hands, face, eyes. It can be rubber gloves, construction glasses, a face mask;
  • knife, pointed spatula or chisel;
  • building hair dryer or blowtorch;
  • liquid with a special chemical composition for removing paint;
  • brush;
  • perforator or drill;

Paint stripping methods

When choosing the most optimal method for removing paint, you should first of all consider from which surface it will be removed. For example, thermal method not effective if the paint has been applied to putty or concrete.

There are three methods for removing paintwork. These are mechanical, thermal and chemical methods. It is possible to use each of them independently, without resorting to the services of specialists. In the photo you can see how to remove the old paint, depending on the method chosen.

mechanical method

advantage this method is the absence of toxicity during processing. It is good to use in closed spaces that are difficult to ventilate. For example, in the bathroom, kitchen. It can be used if there are children, pregnant women, pensioners in the apartment during the repair.

When choosing this method, you must first decide on the tools available at home. If special power tools are not available, then work can be done using conventional tools.

One of the most common and proven over the years manual processing methods is the method using an ax and water. This method is suitable for removing old paint with your own hands from walls, door jambs, doors.

With an ax, serifs are made in the course of applying the paint. Further, the wall is abundantly wetted with water. Within 10 minutes, water soaks into the space formed after the serifs, forming a small porosity for air to penetrate under the paint, to facilitate its removal.

At the end, with quick movements from top to bottom, it is cleaned off with an ax. The chisel is suitable in narrow areas or those requiring the greatest care, for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwiring, sockets.

Work can be done with a hammer and chisel. The scheme consists of hammer blows on a chisel, which is attached to the wall.

The mechanical method is the most economical and consumes the largest number physical strength and time.

To remove paint from the surface of the walls, for example, in the bathroom, you can use a drill or grinder. For these works it is better to have special nozzles. If they are not, then it is worth preparing for the fact that the whole room will be instantly covered in dust in the air. The most convenient nozzle is considered a grinding wheel.

Paint is best removed from concrete with a drill. For her, special nozzles are supplied for such work. The best paint remover is considered to be in the form of several interconnected chains.

chemical method

The chemical method will help to quickly remove the paint. A special solvent is used to carry out the work. It must be applied to the surface and allowed to soak for 15-20 minutes. After this time, repeat the procedure several times.

As a result, the paint will soften and can be easily removed with a few strokes of the spatula. The chemical method is more suitable for a surface that was painted no more than two years ago.

It should be remembered that the area of ​​penetration of evaporation from the solvent is very large. Such a method may not be harmless not only for the workers themselves, but also for the residents of neighboring apartments.

thermal method

This method is ideal for removing paint from floors. To carry out the work, a building hair dryer will be needed. This method is most effective for removing old paint from wood.

The technology is very simple. It is necessary to direct a hot stream of air to the surface area to be treated and wait until the paint begins to swell. Finally, clean the resulting mass with a conventional spatula.

mechanical way

One of the first thoughts that arises when looking at a layer of paint that needs to be removed is: “Yes, it will be the easiest to peel it off!”. And now the hands are already reaching for a grinder or a drill with grinding nozzles. We recommend not to rush and analyze the situation, because mechanical removal is not that inefficient, but it is not suitable for all products.

  • Can the product be taken outside? There will be an incredible amount of dust and flying off pieces of the coating, and if you start removing paint indoors, then you will have to start a major cleaning later. Plus, you will have to work in a respirator and glasses, which is also not very convenient.
  • Is there a thick layer of paint on the product? Previous generations did not stand on ceremony with oil paint: they were tired of the color - just cover the old layer with a new one. It turns out that on some Soviet doors accumulated layered cake of 4-5 layers of oil paint, each of which is much thicker than a layer acrylic paint which we are currently using. At mechanical removal With such a layer, you will score more than one skin without achieving the desired result, and this is not only insulting, but also quite expensive.
  • Is the product stationary? Removing varnish from the legs of a chair with a grinder is a good idea, but cleaning a window frame or skirting boards that you are not going to beat off the wall in this way is not very good - because of the risk of touching a wall or window with a grinding disc.
  • Is the surface of the product flat? If the product has depressions or protrusions, then mechanical way will not the best choice removing paint, as it will still remain in the joints and recesses.

It turns out that you can remove the paint by grinding if its layer is not thick and the surface is even, otherwise the efforts spent on removing the coating will not be worth the result that you get.

Sometimes for thin layers it is enough to rub the coating with a metal brush and sand it with sandpaper with a medium abrasive. If the surface area is small, then this is the best way to remove paint without special tools and substances.

Chemical method

Quite quickly and easily, chemical washes, which are sold in hardware stores, will help to remove the old layer of paint. Only they, of course, do not wash off the paint, but rather soften it, so you still have to work with a spatula. Typically, such a product is applied to the product with a brush or roller, left, depending on the type of product and instructions - usually for 20-40 minutes, and then the softened layer is pryed off and scraped off with a spatula. If the first time it was possible to get rid of only part of the paint, then the procedure is repeated, but the smallest residues can be cleaned with sandpaper.

It is important, when buying such a wash, to check with the seller or make sure for yourself that it is suitable for your type of material and paint. You can save yourself the hassle of looking for a specific washer for your type of paint by purchasing an all-purpose cleaner. Also, think in advance about whether you can leave the room for the duration of the wash and then ventilate it well or take the product outside. If yes, then you can take a regular solvent-based paint remover, if not, then it is better to give preference to more modern expensive odorless gel washes. That's just the absence of smell does not mean that they are not toxic: with any wash it is necessary to work with gloves, and the room must be ventilated.

From the experience of builders, we can say that cheap Russian-made washes do not do well with old oil paint if it is applied in several layers. with more expensive foreign analogues such a problem does not occur.

If you have, then you can not spend money on special washes at all: add a little water to it, dissolve soda, and then mix with ground oatmeal to get a paste. Apply the paste to the product, wait about an hour until bubbles form, remove the paint with a spatula, and then degrease the surface. Gloves and ventilation are also relevant for this method.

Do not use plastic containers and tools when working with a wash, as they may deteriorate from exposure to chemicals. Also, do not use washes if close to wooden product located plastic.

thermal method

The latter method is considered preferable for removing paint from wood, since it can be done quickly, easily, inexpensively and without harm to the product itself. It consists in heating the paint to a temperature at which it begins to correct and release gas. This will cause it to bubble, and it will be easy for you to peel off the old layer by prying these bubbles with a spatula. But what is the best way to do it?

Heating with an open flame, such as a burner, is not only dangerous, but will also have questionable results. Yes, the paint will start bubbling, but fire can lead to drying out of the wood, burnt spots on the product, or poor-quality subsequent painting due to resins released during the treatment with a burner.

It is better to use a hair dryer, but not a household one, but a construction one. Its heating is hundreds of times stronger, and the paint begins to lag behind the wood literally before our eyes: just have time to pry it with a spatula. Of course, it’s scary for an inexperienced person to work with such a hair dryer: if you accidentally point a stream of hot air at yourself, the case will 100% end in a hospital. But subject to all security measures, this method beats all the others! If you have a person willing to lend you a blow dryer for a day.

Strong heating, as well as chemical processing, is not allowed if the product has plastic parts that cannot be dismantled. Also, do not heat the wall with a hair dryer in areas where the wiring passes, as this can lead to damage to it.

Or maybe not remove the old layer at all?

Yes, it is often necessary to remove the old layer of paint, especially when the paint has begun to crack and peel off or when the surface has become very uneven and bumpy due to the multi-layering. But you don't have to go through the long and complicated process of stripping paint by choosing to cover with a new coat on top of the old one.

The surface will have to be prepared: the oil paint must be sanded, removing the bumps, then washed with an alkaline solution, such as soap, primed with an alkyd or synthetic primer, and then apply a new layer. If after grinding the surface is still not leveled, the product can be puttied before priming.

If you want to get a translucent effect with a translucent wood texture, then the paint will have to be removed, even if painting a new layer on top of it is quite possible.

You will need some skill in removing paint from wood, but once you figure it out once, you can easily repeat the procedure if necessary. How exactly you will remove the coating is up to you, but, you see, now you have plenty to choose from.