How to process sow thistle in the garden. How to get rid of thistle in the garden, on the site

  • 15.06.2019

HOW TO FIGHT WITH SOMPTY IN THE GARDEN Sow thistle is a garden weed that causes a lot of trouble for summer residents and amateur gardeners. Along with wheatgrass, he instantly attacks the garden, covering the seedlings from the sun's rays and preventing the roots of garden crops from strengthening in the garden. It takes a lot of time and effort to fight this weed. But if you have patience, it's quite real. What does thistle look like? The stem of this weed is straight and thick, and there are also prickly hairs on the stem. If you do not get rid of thistle in time, then it can grow up to a meter in length. Sow thistle flowers are yellow, and the plant itself belongs to the category of aster. Roots reach a minimum of 15 cm in length. The rhizome is rather brittle, if some part of the root remains in the ground, the plant can quickly regenerate and grow again in the same place. Due to the large length of the root, it is very difficult to pull out thistle without damaging the garden bed and the plants that are located near it. The weed adapts to any climatic conditions and even the most unattractive at first glance soil. How to deal with adversity? The sooner the destruction of this plant begins, the better. Until the stem is strong, and the root is not so firmly planted in the ground, it is easy to pull out and prevent reappearance weed. Weed control will take a lot of time and effort, but it's worth it.  Weeding or digging is a very labor-intensive way to deal with this weed. It is better to pull out the weed while it is still young and not strong. Sow thistle needs to be uprooted, and then weed the bed again to make sure that no parts of the root are left in the ground.  Spraying with kerosene. Because of its good volatility, kerosene does not harm horticultural crops, but sow thistle does not tolerate it and quickly dies when sprayed. This process is less labor intensive than weeding, so it is more attractive to gardeners.  Herbicides. This is an extreme measure of control, since the herbicide is a chemical. When applying, care must be taken not to allow this substance to come into contact with other plants or the soil. For 10 liters of water you will need 180 grams of herbicide. Only the leaves of the weed are sprayed, but in no case the soil. The herbicide destroys the root by entering it through the leaves and stem.  Also, a remedy such as "Hurricane" has a detrimental effect on weeds. It will quickly and effectively destroy the hated weeds.  If the weed has already bloomed, then it is very important not to let it seed and spread deep into the garden. In this case, cut the weed at the base and remove the flowers away from the garden.  Sowing green manure will improve the soil. Cultivated plants will get stronger and will be able to fight back weeds.  You can fight this weed with peas. After the peas are ripe, the pods should be removed, and the wattle fences should be left near the weeds. Next, everything should be covered with newspapers and sprinkled with tops and foliage. The process of rotting peas will cause the growth of beneficial bacteria in the soil, which will prevent the emergence of new weeds. It is very useful to dig up the ground in late autumn, carefully choosing the roots of thistle so that next year it will not be able to attack the garden in large numbers. It is best to burn the dug up sow thistle to ensure that it does not reappear. Positive traits sow thistle Of course, in nature, nothing happens just like that. And sow thistle is not intended only to harm cultivated plants. Euphorbia plants are good food for livestock, so herbivores love them very much. If there is livestock, then thistle can be used as top dressing. Thistle is also used in cooking for soups and salads, and also in traditional medicine as a purgative and laxative.

04 09.18

How to deal with thistle in the garden?


Absolutely all summer residents are constantly faced with such a problem as the appearance of weeds. Sow thistle is the least favorite weed that is difficult to get rid of, because after each watering it grows again and again.

It is very difficult to permanently remove such a weed, the sow thistle root is very long and powerful, there are many lateral roots that give new shoots. The fight against this pest should be regular and comprehensive. This article will tell you exactly how to properly deal with thistle in the garden.

Harm and benefits of thistle

In the garden or in the garden, thistle is definitely a pest, which means it must be disposed of. Thistle has a powerful and long root, so the weed takes up a lot of space and does not allow planted plants to develop normally. Also, thanks to the root system, thistle sucks out all vitamins, minerals and other useful substances from the soil, because of this cultivated plants suffer from their shortage, the fruits grow small, and the yield leaves much to be desired.

If sow thistle grows outside the garden or vegetable garden, then it can be useful. Such a weed is excellent as feed for cattle. Sometimes people eat sow thistle, adding it to various dishes.

Sow thistle also has a number medicinal properties. A variety of infusions are prepared from it, which help fight worms, stop the blood. Also, infusions have an antiseptic effect and are recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Effective ways to deal with thistle

In order for the entire garden not to be overgrown with thistle, it is necessary to regularly and carefully remove the weed even in the initial stage of its growth.

In autumn, after the crop is harvested, it is necessary to carefully dig up the garden and remove all the roots of thistle. In no case should you leave the roots in the garden, they can germinate on next year.
After the earth is dug up, it should be leveled. The sow thistle seeds remaining on the soil surface will freeze in winter, which means that the number of weeds next year will be much less.

Weeding the garden should begin in early spring. Sow thistle must be removed while it is still very young and its root is not strong. Because after a while the weed will get stronger and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

Weeding should be regular. It must be done at least once every two weeks. This will help to avoid the ripening of seeds on the bushes and eventually lead to the death of the weed.

An effective way is also considered a special agrofilm, which covers the garden. Thanks to her, the garden remains clean, as weeds die from the lack of direct ultraviolet rays and oxygen.

Also, special chemicals can be used to combat thistle. Such products can be easily purchased in special stores for gardeners and gardeners.
For chemical treatment of the garden, herbicides such as Tornado, Arsenal, Roundup are used. It is necessary to carry out the processing of the garden in good weather, since rain is undesirable for a day after processing. This method perfectly fights weeds, but has a huge disadvantage. After tillage, it is impossible to plant it with vegetables and crops for at least a year.

Folk remedies for the fight against thistle

  • Kerosene. An excellent remedy for the fight against thistle. With a solution of kerosene, it is necessary to carefully spray the weed bushes so as not to get on vegetable crops. Usually such sprayings give a positive result after the first spraying.
  • Soil mulching is also good option fight against thistle. A thick layer of mulch does not allow the weed to grow through it, thanks to this, the sow thistle does not develop, does not grow, and soon dies.
  • Thistle categorically does not tolerate wheat. So great way to get rid of this weed is wheat. It must be planted in areas where sow thistle actively grows, because of the planted grain crop, the weed will soon die completely.
  • Ammonia or ammonia. A solution of these funds helps to completely destroy the weed, destroying even a powerful root system. It is enough just to spray the weed with a solution of ammonia or ammonia.

Every gardener faces a number of problems every year. Where to get soil for the site, what plantings to do in the new year, how to get rid of weeds? By the way, the last problem in this squeak is becoming more acute every year, because weeds tend to strengthen and multiply. And the less attention the gardener pays to fighting them, the more they will grow until they fill the entire area. A rare gardener will be able to boast that on his personal plot sow thistle does not grow.

Sow thistle is a difficult weed

Sow thistle is a special genus of the Compositae family. According to average estimates, this genus contains from seventy to eighty species. Weeds widely known among gardeners are field sow thistle and garden sow thistle. With these two "enemies" suburban plantings you need to fight in a timely manner, because they have a significant advantage - a powerful root system. The main root rod is able to go half a meter deep, but the horizontal roots extend to a meter or more in width. By the way, the root system is not durable. However, this fact is only beneficial for thistle, because even the smallest fragments are ready to take root in the ground and form new shoots.

The sow thistle stem is straight, the upper part can be bare or glandular-hairy. The leaves of the weed are distinguished by wonderful rounded ears located at their base. The upper leaves of the plant are entire. Very often, gardeners identify thistle by the large and incredibly beautiful baskets that make up the inflorescences of the plant. Thistle flowering begins in July and ends in September. If by this time the gardener does not take action, then a fly of white simple hairs, which is surprisingly easily separated from the achene, will flood the entire garden. And next year for garden plot there will be no place left where the sow-thistle has not taken root.

It is with this hard-to-remove weed that gardeners and gardeners annually wage an unequal battle. Effective Methods, as well as a titanic reserve of patience will help summer residents to remove thistle and forget about this plant for a long time!

Effective ways to deal with thistle

1. Weeding

This method is one of the safest and most effective. It is very, very difficult to stop the growth of thistle in the garden. Regular removal of the first signs of a weed in the garden will stop the growth and spread of this grass by 70-80%. As we mentioned above, the plant is especially dangerous at the time of flowering. In addition, thistle root retains its viability for two weeks after the removal of the ground part. Therefore, after weeding, it is necessary to completely remove the remnants of the weed root system from the soil.

2. Chemicals

In "neglected" vegetable gardens, where sow thistle took over cultural plantings, it is simply impossible to do without the use of chemicals. The herbicide of continuous action "Roundup" effectively fights thistle. The dosage is indicated on each package with the product. For best results, treatment is best done in the evening. It is desirable that the day before and after it does not rain. Despite the manufacturer's safety guarantee, during the procedure, it is still worth carefully protecting the skin from possible herbicide ingress. Over the next two days, it is better to keep pets away from the treatment site. This will avoid poisoning dogs and cats. An excellent alternative to "Roundup" will be the herbicide "Arsenal" and other analogues.

3. Mulching

This method is one of the easiest. Applying mulch (such as sawdust) will make it difficult for weeds to germinate. If thistle still manages to break through the protective layer, it should be immediately removed and thrown into compost heap.

4. Sowing green manure

Green manures are plants that are grown to improve soil structure. Legumes are best suited for combating thistle. For example, peas are very often used as green manure. It is sown in the place where it was noticed last year a large number of weed grass. When the pea crop is harvested, the legume lashes, together with the sow thistle shoots, are bent to the ground and covered with some kind of material: film, newspaper, etc. After a while, green manure and thistle will rot, leaving behind a perfectly clean area.


Start weed control by mulching the soil (mulch is loose bedding between plants). This will help you significantly reduce weed growth. First, carefully loosen the earth; then spread the mulch in an even layer. Its thickness should be greater when using light material, less when using heavy mulch. For example, 3 cm is crushed bark and sawdust; and 7-8 cm - needles and grass. No need to make bedding at the very stems, especially compact it at the root - the plants can rot.

Use different raw materials for garden mulching, depending on the type of planted plants.
Young (without!) torn out weeds and cut grass, well dried. They are often used in vegetable gardens.
Stepchildren are placed under the bushes and.
Sawdust and bark are recommended for garden trees and shrubs.
The needles of Christmas trees and pines are laid under.

Rip out weeds with roots, especially if the vegetable is still weak and there is a risk of damaging its roots. Even if you use a hoe, weeds can only be weeded next to a cultivated sprout! Carefully loosen the aisles with a hoe. Weeding should be repeated as weeds grow. Do not wait for them to give seeds - the whole garden will become clogged.

Try herbicides, substances used to kill weeds. They destroy the roots of perennial plants, which greatly facilitates garden work. Use chemicals with caution, carefully following the instructions and prescribed dosages. "Chemical weeding" will help to bring even a site overgrown with weeds or bindweed into proper form.

Choose the right herbicide! In order not to harm cultural plantings, amateur gardeners are advised to choose special composition selective action: it destroys weeds but not vegetables. Spray the leaves of the weeds with the herbicide solution; 3 hours after treatment, do not water the beds and do not weed the aisles.


Dig up a very weedy area by winter, without rolling the ground down - so the weed seeds will remain on top, and most of them will die. Some gardeners, after picking vegetables, put compost on the beds and loosen the soil with a flat cutter (a device for non-moldboard cultivation). You can water the ground with bio-fertilizer (such as "Baikal EM1"), which kills pathogenic microorganisms.


  • Awesome tips on how to get rid of easily, simply and permanently

Weeds cause a lot of trouble to summer residents. It seems that all measures have been taken to combat them, and the site seems clean and well-groomed. But after the first rain, the beds are again subjected to an “attack” of weeds. Thistle is considered one of the most tenacious. It has a highly developed root that penetrates up to 4 m deep. In addition, it is enough to cut the root into several parts, and a new stem will soon appear from each.

You will need

  • - shovel;
  • - drugs for the destruction of weeds.


Regular weeding is effective in controlling weeds. If you remove the sow thistle in time, when it just appears from the ground, then over time the site will be cleared. When removed sow thistle from the ground, its root breaks off and part remains at a depth, but the plant will take up to 2 weeks to recover. If weeding is repeated as new shoots appear, then gradually the weed will weaken and die. Naturally, this method is difficult and lengthy, using it for one year from sow thistle don't get rid of.

Do not allow flowering, and even more so do not let thistle seed drop. If you are dealing with a neglected overgrown area, then make a non-moldboard digging of the soil for the winter. In this case, the seeds will remain on the surface and may germinate late. And then, while sow thistle a powerful root system has not formed, the weed must be weeded out. It should be remembered that not all seeds germinate, but can be stored in the ground for several years. Therefore, with sow thistle it is necessary in a complex manner.

Use the biological feature of the development of this plant in the fight against it. If you dig up the soil, removing the aerial part sow thistle and, if possible, parts of the rhizome, then short segments will still remain in the ground. They will give a new sprout, but will not immediately form underground shoots. That is why it is important to make a few more digs of the site, with a new thorough removal of the roots. sow thistle. This method is laborious, but the most effective.

And finally, use chemicals to kill weeds. On sale there is a sufficient variety of drugs. But remember that other plants will die along with the weeds. It will be possible to use the site only after a few months, when the chemical will decompose in the soil.


When using a chemical treatment of the area, take precautions - wear a respirator and rubber gloves.


  • Sow thistle species

weeds interfere normal growth cultivated plants, shading them and taking some of the nutrients. To rid your site of unwanted vegetation, you need to work a little.


The second way is even easier - to pull out if the weeds have already sprouted with cultivated plants. At the same time, systematicity is necessary, and it is necessary to weed on moist ground, so it is easier to pull out the roots of weeds. Weekly weeding is the way to kill most types of weeds.

The most tenacious and malicious weeds have powerful perennial roots, which can only be removed by complete digging. Naturally, with manual selection of rhizomes. At the same time, you cannot dig with a shovel. She cuts the roots and makes two weeds out of one. You need to dig the bed with a pitchfork, carefully choosing the roots. In no case should the dug up earth be left open. Either you need plants on it right away, or cover it with a film or roofing material pressed to the ground.

It must also be remembered that planting plants reduces the number of weeds compared to planting. Also, there will be fewer weeds in the beds if you change the planting sites of vegetable crops every year. Plants should be planted as close as possible to each other, leaving room exclusively for growth and development.

Mulching is effective in weed control. In any case, you should try to get rid of the weeds in June, before they have produced seeds and dropped them into the ground.

But first you need to assess the quality of the weed as a whole. Weeds are useful in food or as medicinal plants, they can serve as fertilizers, improve the properties of garden compost.

If you ask a summer resident what the main problem worries him in the garden, he will answer: "Weeds! So that they were empty ..." And indeed, many spend the lion's share of time fighting these annoying, ubiquitous, indestructible plants. And how many hours would be freed up for rest and doing what you love, if not for them! And they will not be if you use simple tips. What are weeds? These are plants that have grown in the wrong place... And since these are plants, we remember from the course of botany that their main need is light. And our task is to deprive them of the opportunity to be in the light.


One of the ways to combat weed grass is considered to be covering ridges or even fairly large areas with a continuous covering material that does not transmit light. This method is used in case of severe clogging of the site with perennial rhizomatous weeds: wheatgrass, dandelions, nettles, thistle, yarrow, horsetail.

How to do it? Such a light insulator can be: multilayer sheets of newspapers, magazines, cardboard, old carpets and rugs, hardboard, roofing material, linoleum, black synthetic covering materials (polyethylene film, spunbond, agrospan, geotextiles). They are spread out in the fall or in the spring with an overlap to exclude even a slight hit of light. Branches, boards, stones are thrown from above in order to avoid drift by the wind.
In time, such a shelter should last at least a season, i.e. from spring to spring. Only in this case, the rhizomes will die, having lost nutrients.
The next year, having removed the shelter, you will see the land absolutely clear of vegetation. But do not flatter yourself, the rhizomes died in the ground, but thousands of seeds survived and they will vigorously begin to grow as soon as the sun's rays touch them.
But they also have control.

To deprive weeds of the opportunity to germinate, deprive them of light as well. But how to do this, because cultivated plants need to develop, they need light?

For this, there is mulching of row spacings, i.e. covering a strip of land from row to row with some material. Just as in the first case, you can use newspaper sheets, black agrospan. However, in practice, materials are used that are not lacking in the country house - mowed lawn grass, chopped weeds, sawdust, straw, peat.

A layer of mulch not only inhibits the development of weeds (it is dark under it), but also perfectly retains moisture in the soil, which is especially important for dry summers and southern regions.

This method allows you to additionally use the free areas of the beds and prevent weeds from developing on them.

The real problem is weeds in the lawn. And the solution to the problem is proper preparation soil for seeding lawn grass.

As most summer residents do: they brought soil, leveled it and immediately sowed grass. By the end of summer, the grass is not visible behind the eared weeds ...

How to proceed? Do not rush to seed lawn grass. Water the area under the lawn properly, wait until the bulk of the weeds germinate and treat them with a herbicide (weed control drug). In a month, you can already sow a lawn in this place and be sure that there will be no such huge dominance of weeds.


If you are using for mulching lawn grass, let her dry a little outside the garden. Otherwise, the juicy mass may become moldy right in the aisle.

When mulching with weeds, cut the tufts into several pieces and remove the seed pods, otherwise you will further exacerbate the problem.

Useful advice

An alternative to a herbicide can be a conventional table vinegar(70%). The plant treated with a spray gun will soon die along with the rhizome. However, be careful in use: make sure that the product does not get on the skin or in the eyes.


  • Own experience.

Every gardener knows that weeds are very harmful and that it is very difficult to stop their growth. The most common weed is sow thistle, it is able to spread more than 6 thousand seeds with the help of wind. There is no way to get rid of weeding here, since its roots, after being plucked, are able to grow anew due to the adnexal bud. To completely get rid of such a weed, there are several ways.


Regular weeding land plot at least for a short time, but it will allow you to get rid of it and will not give the opportunity for the emergence of new flowers. It's better to do in early spring, as at this time the plant is very weak. In autumn, careful weeding is not important, because sow thistle seeds do not tolerate cold well, but it is still better to get rid of the upper part of the plant, preventing its seeds from penetrating into the ground. This method is very effective, but requires a lot of effort and time.

To get rid of weeds, you can also plant rapeseed or legumes. After the crop is harvested, the shoots must be crushed to the ground along with thistle, which will later lead to rotting of the plants and hinder the growth of weeds.

Exists chemical method getting rid of weeds, however, it is advisable to use it only in case of emergency. It is necessary to treat plants with herbicides only in combination with water, using a brush, so as not to harm them in the future. useful plants nearby, and, of course, yourself.


In addition to harm, sow thistle also has useful qualities, it is used in cooking, in the preparation of salads, and its roots can even be boiled and eaten. It is also good in medicine, with its help they treat various diseases, for example, beriberi, jaundice or hemorrhoids.

Unfortunately, there is no one universal way how to destroy all types of weeds at the same time, so often the fight against weeds becomes painful and long. But there are many tried and tested methods that will certainly help you!

Any summer resident and gardener inevitably faces the problem of weeds that grow on the site. Weed control for each of them begins with the choice of the most effective method.

Long-term methods for getting rid of harmful plants on the site

Many gardeners assign one of the main roles to digging the earth in spring and autumn. If you are looking for a way to get rid of weeds effectively, then this is what you need. V autumn period, after harvesting, try to dig as deep as possible, about 30 cm. At the same time, carefully collect the weed roots, so you will complicate the task of new germination in the spring. If you repeat this procedure for several years, then weed grass will become much less.

If you are tired of weeding weeds on the site every weekend in the summer, then you can apply a method that speeds up the process. In the area that is most dotted with weeds, plant peas. When you harvest from it, the pea stalks will need to be buried in the ground on the same bed. Sow seeds in this place in the middle of autumn winter wheat and rye, as thick as possible. Level the soil with a rake.

In the spring, the seedlings will germinate, and by mid-summer they will turn into a green carpet that will not allow weeds to grow. With the onset of autumn, dig the site with a pitchfork, also digging the stems into the soil. If you want to find a way to get rid of weeds forever, then mark this method for yourself too. Of course, it is quite long, but it will bring a double benefit to the garden. Firstly, the soil will be able to rest, and secondly, you will effectively get rid of weeds!

Many experienced gardeners know how to destroy weeds naturally and enough fast way. The entire area is covered with a certain flooring, which prevents the penetration of sunlight. Accordingly, it does not allow weeds to germinate.

To do this, use thick cardboard, black film, special black covering material, straw, sawdust, needles, and so on. In order for weed control to be more effective, combine several methods. For example, cover the soil with any, even a transparent film, and cover it with straw or any other mulch on top.

Black agrofibre is considered an effective material. It can pass water and air, but not the sun's rays. But before trying this method for the first time, weed the weeds thoroughly in advance and only then cover the soil. In this case, the coating must be well fixed. For these purposes, you can use stones or bricks, which are laid out around the entire perimeter.

How to get rid of weeds folk remedies

Today, there are many chemicals that allow you to destroy weeds. But before their advent, people knew with weeds other than weeding. Check out some of the ways you should apply the spot method:

  • salt. Her beds are strewn;

  • vinegar. They are carefully sprayed with weeds;

  • herbicidal soap. Prepared from equal parts salt, vinegar and grated laundry soap, also used in the beds;

  • blowtorch;

  • feed grain, soda for sprinkling beds;

  • alcohol. In a ratio of 1:10 with water, you need to spray the beds, a month before planting.

It is also worth noting that weeds can bring not only harm, but also benefit. They can serve as compost fertilizer. To do this, it is best to dry and burn them, and after rotting, scatter them around the site.

To get a relatively clean garden in the spring, you need to try very hard in the fall. When preparing the site for wintering, in no case should weeds be left. Therefore, before you start digging up the plots, you need to remove all the remaining sprouts with a chopper. Digging a garden is better with a pitchfork, not a shovel, because. they pull all the stems and roots to the surface. It is also necessary to collect the remains of weeds and carry them away from the beds in order to prevent re-germination in the spring. Experienced gardeners advise digging up the soil after the temperature drops to zero so that the roots and seeds remaining on the surface die from frost.

May-June are considered the optimal time for primary weeding, since along with the planted cultivated plants, most of the weeds also germinate. Weeding the garden in late spring and early summer, you can remove almost all unnecessary growth. It's no secret that weeding the garden is better after heavy rain or abundant watering, then the grass will pull out better and the chance to leave roots deep in the ground is reduced to zero.

To avoid endless routine weeding, some summer residents use covering material similar to polyethylene. They cover the plot, make holes for planting plants and plant. It is especially convenient to use the material on strawberries, wild strawberries and other perennial crops.

The use of green manure- Another way to rid the site of weeds. Clover, mustard, oats, etc. are classified as green manure; they are sown on land free from seedlings. Growing in a dense carpet, they do not allow weeds to break through and saturate the soil with nitrogen.

If the site was not ennobled on time and now it smells of all kinds of weeds, they are used chemicals to kill grass. They are presented in a wide range in specialized stores. Using such preparations, one should not forget that, along with weeds, they also destroy cultivated plants, plus they deplete the top fertile soil layer.

Ways to deal with weeds:

mechanical method (weeding by hand or digging)

This is the most time consuming method, but it is very effective. If from spring until the end of the season in this way to fight weeds, the effect will definitely be.

The most important thing with this method is to prevent the seeds from getting into the beds. If it didn’t work out, remove weeds during germination and put them in compost. Remember that some of them can ripen seeds even when completely dry - this is the secret of their vitality. You can also dig up the soil two weeks before planting and close the beds with foil. Weeds will germinate quickly, and their young shoots can simply be uprooted or removed with a rake. There will be much fewer of them in this garden.

Also pay attention to weeding near the fence - it is from there that weed seeds fly. And no matter how you fight them, they will grow again and again.

chemical method (herbicide treatment)

It helps to destroy weeds forever, although it is not completely environmentally friendly. To make this method completely safe, it is important to study the instructions for each herbicide and follow it exactly. At the very least, crop plants must be protected from any herbicide, otherwise they will also die.

It is important to understand that herbicides are sprayed on green plants, not soil, so the seeds can germinate again. If you decide to use this method, carefully study the issue.

biological method (weed growth retardation)

It is designed to prevent weeds from growing, to weaken them so that they "die voluntarily." One of effective ways- mulching. It helps to retain moisture and looseness of the soil, and contributes to the fact that weed seeds die right in the ground without germinating.

You can mulch with cardboard, newspapers soaked in water, or organic mulch: sawdust, needles, straw, hay, tree bark, thin branches, or grass clippings. At the end of the season, the mulch is collected and burned.

You can apply the method of dense planting: plant cultivated plants as densely as possible. Then they will not let the weeds germinate.

You also need to rotate crops, because next to some plants, weeds simply do not grow.

Another rule: plant crops better seedlings so that their seeds and young shoots are not clogged with stronger and more aggressive weeds.

Despite the fact that this plant belongs to the Astrov family, not a single summer resident wants to see sow thistle on their plots.

This weed is so pernicious that for many, all weekends are spent just fighting it. Therefore, the topic of how to get rid of thistle is quite relevant.

Externally pretty flower with oblong prickly serrated leaves and inflorescences yellow color at the top of a straight stem has a fairly powerful root system. It is in it that all the power of the sow thistle. Growing up to 1 m deep, the plant is firmly rooted in the ground.

The method of propagation of thistle is vegetative, by root offspring. Quickly "spreading" over the site, the weed very easily occupies a vast territory. Despite the fact that garden sow thistle belongs to annuals, it is difficult to eradicate.

This plant is so ubiquitous that it has captured almost all continents (except that it avoids regions with permafrost). The condition of the soil for thistle does not matter - weed will take root anywhere. Therefore, an urgent question arises: how to get rid of thistle in the garden?

How to deal with this scourge?

Not a single gardener has yet given up on this problem. Sow thistle must be dealt with with emergency measures, weakening its root system. Only in this way can you achieve a complete retreat of the plant from the garden, getting rid of the weed forever.

There are several ways to remove thistle in the garden: using chemicals, using folk recipes or by removing it mechanically. But each method is suitable for specific cases.

How to remove sow thistle with chemical agent? Herbicides are recommended for weed control.. But they are good only on still uncultivated areas, i.e. until the garden was planted there. After all, influencing destructively on the weed, the chemical partially poisons the ground and those vegetables that will grow there.

After spraying the area, you will have to wait some time for the herbicides to wear off.. But this remedy is effective. And since it is quite poisonous, when working with the herbicide, precautions must be taken.

What if the garden is already operating? Solving in this case the problem of how to destroy thistle, it is better to use folk methods:

  • The most effective so far is spraying thistle with kerosene. If the work is carried out carefully, there will be no harm to vegetable crops, and the weed will die very quickly;
  • Sometimes summer residents use the landing around the perimeter of the beds of annual flowers "Jolly Fellows". For some reason, sow thistle does not seek to “be friends” with them. But the reason for this has not yet been scientifically proven;
  • As a weed control agent siderates can also be used(lupine, alfalfa, nettle, rye, peas, etc.). After waiting for the fertilizer plants to germinate, they are covered with cardboard and left to rot until spring. Not a single weed will survive in such a greenhouse, and the land will be enriched with rotted grass.

The mechanical method of struggle includes the following:

Digging the land - it must be done in the fall, after harvesting . Digging should be deep enough so that the sow thistle root is completely pulled out. All weeds are harvested from the site by hand and taken to the compost heap. It is not necessary to loosen the earth after digging, so that the seeds that the sow thistle scattered do not go deep and take root. Remaining on the surface during the winter, they will freeze;

Weeding the garden is carried out regularly with an interval of 2 weeks . That is how much time is needed for the roots of thistle to restore strength. If you do not miss the timing of weeding, you can eventually deplete the weed completely;

Manual removal of thistle is advisable to carry out if the individuals are still quite young . As soon as the "pest" appeared on the site, it must immediately be pulled out. It will not be difficult to do this - the sow thistle root during this period has not yet “matured” and has not gone deep into the ground.

Recently, more and more often they resort to sheltering beds with agrofilm. It has slots for the growth of vegetable crops and does not allow weeds to germinate. But first, of course, one should carry out at least mechanical struggle with weeds.

Sow thistle - a harmful plant?

If you come to the dacha from time to time and do not pay much attention to the weeds, you can simply “score” on the harvest. Sow thistle is a fairly strong aggressor, and will take over the situation very quickly. Conquering territories for itself, the weed will simply destroy vegetable crops.

And since the plant needs strength for such rapid reproduction, it will draw them from the ground. Another sow thistle damage - depletion of land.

Can weed be useful?

Nature does not create anything just like that. Everything that grows on earth has its own purpose, and, therefore, value. So this sow thistle can be not only a harmful plant, but also be beneficial.

Those who keep cattle know that milkweeds are good food for herbivores. garden sow thistle just to those and applies.

And yellow baskets of thistle flowers attract bees. So this one the weed is a honey plant.
In some villages, sow thistle is still used for cooking (along with nettles and dandelions). The leaves, previously soaked in brine, are used to prepare salads and cabbage soup. Sow thistle roots are also nutritious, resembling Jerusalem artichoke in taste.

Sow thistle is also used in folk medicine as a laxative and choleretic agent.. It also helps in the development breast milk in those who are nursing.

  • Sow thistle is used to remove helminths (worms) from the body, treat hemorrhoids and gout.
  • Externally, sow thistle sheets (crushed) are applied to the wound to stop bleeding.
  • Young shoots of thistle are included in vitamin dietary fees.