How to plant seedlings in peat pots. Peat pots for seedlings: how to choose a good one and how to apply? How to grow tomatoes in peat pots

  • 17.06.2019

Russia is the only country in the world that has eight climatic zones (the United States has five zones). These temperature features have to be taken into account when growing agricultural crops. So to get good harvest, many crops need to be planted only in seedlings.

In addition to climate and weather conditions, even for the southern territories of Russia, it is necessary to take into account the biological characteristics of many annuals and plant them with seedlings:

  • Plants (cultures) with a long (juvenile period);
  • Vegetable crops, the growing season of which requires planting seedlings;
  • Early maturing crops, but they are planted with seedlings for an early harvest.

Growing seedlings requires special attention and strict adherence to the norms necessary for fast and high-quality seed germination. It is equally important to properly plant seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. To avoid possible problems when transporting transplanting seedlings, use separate forms for each plant. This also allows you to avoid the procedure of diving seedlings.

It is important to remember a simple formula. What kind of seedlings you will have - such will be the future harvest.

The main external signs of quality seedlings:

  • Developed and healthy root system;
  • Strong and powerful stem;
  • Leaves are vibrantly colored.

Modern gardeners and farmers have an excellent opportunity to grow seedlings in peat pots. This technology combines two necessary elements - a pot as a container and peat as an environmentally friendly fertilizer.

The advantage of using peat pots for growing seedlings.

This container represents molds (cups) different kind, but the most popular are peat pots pressed in a dry way from peat raw materials. They are strong and light in weight, making them versatile in agricultural technology.

Main advantages of peat packaging:

  • They do not have toxic elements, unlike plastic containers;
  • Ecological cleanliness and absence of heavy metals;
  • Absence of pathogenic flora and weeds.

You should, when choosing a peat container, pay attention to the walls of the pot (thickness is not less than 1.2-1.6 mm), they should provide the necessary strength and decay time in the soil of 30-35 days. For every type of plant there is your required pot size. This must be taken into account. The market is represented by a wide variety of peat containers (pots).

The structure of the peat material tends to dry out, this must be controlled when using pots. Try to avoid overflowing water when watering seedlings, thereby you will prevent the appearance of mold. There should be enough water to prevent the extinction of the root system.

Consider processes of water evaporation from peat containers, as this entails a decrease in the temperature in the pot.

  1. If you make several punctures in the walls before planting seeds in a pot (peat container), you will greatly facilitate the development of the plant's root system.
  2. To obtain high quality seedlings in a shorter ripening time, it is enough to impregnate each container (cup, pot) with fertilizers containing the necessary trace elements. In addition to accelerating the growth of seedlings, you thereby accelerate the decay of the pot in the ground.

What will you get as a result of using peat containers (pots) when growing seedlings:

  1. Maximum seed germination - average germination of 95-100%.
  2. Optimal balance of nutrients (organic and mineral content).
  3. Rapid growth of healthy plants.
  4. Ideal air humidity and its optimal supply to the plant.
  5. Your plants will be protected in the most reliable way from the penetration of pests and pathogenic bacteria.
  6. Maximum survival of plants after planting in the ground without damage and stress.
  7. Transportation of plants over a long distance without loss of moisture and mechanical damage root system.

Users of peat containers are sometimes offended by manufacturers, not having achieved the desired results.

In most cases, this can be due to several reasons. You did not purchase peat containers (pots) but a fake (pressed cardboard cups). Unfortunately this is happening. Second, you didn't follow technological process seedling cultivation.

Let's summarize briefly.

If you strictly follow all the rules for growing seedlings in peat pots, the results will only pleasantly surprise you. You will get strong, very "live" seedlings with a developed root system.

You can easily transport and drop off on time at your convenience. It will not dry out, will quickly take root and give an excellent harvest. A peat container will serve as an excellent eco-friendly fertilizer.

In order to enjoy vegetables in the summer, already in the winter you need to start preparing for the summer season and, first of all, you should grow good seedlings. Avid summer residents think about the future harvest all year round and acquire peat pots for seedlings much earlier and do it even in autumn.

Why are peat shop pots convenient that even the most ardent conservative gardeners switch to them? How much work you need to invest in a garden on the windowsill in order to get a decent seedling of vegetables and flowers, so you don’t want to buy an unnecessary or low-quality thing. Today on the agenda is how to choose the right pots for seedlings from peat and how to use this novelty.

What is a peat container?

Peat pots for seedlings different sizes suitable not only for sowing seeds for future seedlings, but also save an experienced gardener from the need to replant seedlings, make its transportation to the summer cottage more convenient and practically safe.

Manufacturers supply the consumer market with many interesting devices and equipment for summer residents and gardeners. Not so long ago, peat pots for growing seedlings appeared and immediately fell in love with many, let's get acquainted with them.

They are very successful due to many indicators. One of them is light weight each container, the ability to grow one sprout in a separate container. Also, the comfort of summer residents is given by the varied size of such products.

Attention! In the ground, a peat pot almost completely decomposes in 25-35 days, and at the same time, it somehow additionally fertilizes the soil. First of all, it is worth forking out for such peat pots when growing eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins or zucchini, since seedlings of these vegetable crops does not tolerate transplant very well.

How to use peat pots for growing seedlings?

Peat pots for seedlings are considered environmentally friendly containers - they are 70% peat and 30% wood. These are more expensive than plastic ones, and they can only be used once.

How to sow seeds in a peat container

  • Before laying the soil in containers, they must be soaked in a solution with mineral and organic fertilizers. Then they must dry. It is also recommended to make several small holes in them, especially at the bottom of the container or at the bottom.
  • It is not very tight to put soil in cups: the soil must remain airy for normal development root system.
  • After filling the container with soil, seeds are planted in it. Each seed is placed in a separate glass. Planting is carried out in accordance with the timing of sowing a particular crop. The depth of immersion of seeds is also taken into account.
  • After planting seeds for seedlings in peat pots, it is advisable to cover them with foil.
  • In the process of growing seedlings, containers must be moved apart from each other. Such measures are taken to prevent the interweaving of the root systems of plants that are in close proximity.

Attention! Peat pots for seedlings are available in various sizes and shapes. Thanks to this, you can choose a glass required size, with considering individual features each vegetable or flower crop.

How seedlings are transplanted from a peat pot into the ground:

  • Since the seedlings are planted in open ground along with the pot, it is necessary to speed up the process of disintegration of the container. To do this, 1-2 days before planting, seedlings in peat pots must be watered abundantly.
  • Landing peat cups descend into the prepared soil 2-3 cm lower than the soil level.

Pros and cons of peat cups

The advantages of using them are obvious:

  • The material from which these products are made is environmentally friendly, which has a beneficial effect on the young root system.
  • Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out directly in this container. This avoids injury to the roots.
  • After decay, peat pots turn into fertilizer.
  • In the composition of such containers there are no seeds of weeds and microorganisms.
  • Due to its ability to accumulate moisture, during transportation, the soil in which the seedlings grow does not dry out.

Important! When purchasing this novelty for you, you should pay attention to the packaging and the manufacturer. This will allow you to buy a quality product from peat, and not a cardboard cup. The cardboard is denser and pressed, and the original peat pot is quite fragile and has pores.

Apart from positive feedback and characteristics, peat pots for seedlings have some disadvantages:

  • As mentioned earlier, many unscrupulous manufacturers use pressed cardboard instead of peat. Since the density of such cardboard is much greater than the density of peat, the young root system cannot grow through the pot. That is why it is recommended to make tears at the bottom of the pot.
  • Peat pots dry out quickly, and the process of controlling soil moisture with seedlings becomes problematic. In this case, the root system may die due to drought. At the same time, excess moisture will lead to the formation of mold. It can develop both on the walls of peat containers and on the soil. The quality of seedlings will decrease.
  • The young root system does not tolerate cold well. The temperature decreases as a result of the evaporation of a large volume of liquid coming out of such a container.

Based on the above, we can conclude that peat pots for growing seedlings have both advantages and disadvantages. Yes, it is more convenient with them, but for family budget expensive, so everyone decides for himself what is best and more comfortable for him.

) for seedlings are very convenient to use. Many prefer peat pots over other seedling containers.

Some folk craftsmen make such products on their own. The raw material is a mixture of equal parts of well-decomposed humus and peat. Liquid mullein is added to the mass (for viscosity and enrichment with nutrients), pressed using special molds, and dried. But most summer residents prefer to buy goods in stores.


It would seem that peat pots are a simple commodity, but here, too, quality is of paramount importance. Initially, such containers were conceived as peat-humus and they left the conveyor just like that. In pursuit of simplification and reduction in the cost of production, they were replaced simply with peat. The advantages and disadvantages of such pots depend on the quality of the raw materials and their processing. Finally, analogues appeared from cheap cardboard (from recycled materials), which are still called " peat pots"; they require special handling.

Positive properties

Containers made of peat or cardboard:

  • Environmentally friendly,
  • not too expensive for the price,
  • light in weight,
  • opaque - it means that greenish algae do not grow on the walls from the inside,
  • disposable - therefore do not require washing, disinfection, subsequent storage,
  • when planting seedlings, an earthen clod with feeding roots is preserved.

High Quality Benefits

Not every gardener can offhand distinguish a good product from a paper and cardboard surrogate. As a rule, high-quality peat cups are slightly more expensive, smooth, have a thicker wall, a darkish color and a slightly porous structure. They have a lot of advantages.

1. Due to the porous structure of the material, the roots breathe and do not rot.

2. When watering, excess water flows freely, without stagnation.

3. Easy to water through the pan (water is absorbed from the bottom up).

4. Rot and mold do not form on the walls of the pots from the outside and from the inside.

5. After planting seedlings in the ground, its roots freely pass through the bottom and walls.

6. Tanks quickly decompose in the soil.

Features of second-rate pot products

Cups made of cardboard or poorly processed peat are also suitable for seedlings, you just need to take into account some of the nuances. Paper can quickly get wet and lose strength, distort its shape, and become moldy. Walls with a dense structure and smooth surface, poorly pass air and water, and decompose in the ground for a long time. Therefore, if there are doubts about the quality of the proposed peat pots, we take measures:

  • We don't buy large containers.
  • in the bottoms we make sure to make good holes for the outflow of excess moisture,
  • for filling we use only a very loose, easily permeable substrate,
  • when planting seedlings in the ground, cut off the bottom or tear the walls of the pot!!!

Most of the negative reviews after using peat pots are due precisely to the fact that the roots of planted plants cannot break out into the open for a long time, beyond the walls, and growth and development are retarded.

Variety of sizes and shapes

Seedling pots are produced both in the traditional round shape and square (which is convenient for a denser arrangement and a little space saving). The largest, as a rule, have a diameter and height of about 10 cm, and a volume of half a liter. The smallest - 5 cm, 50 ml. In this range, many containers of intermediate sizes are produced; you can choose the best option. Rectangular and square dishes are sometimes made connected in the form of cassettes (according to the principle of cells for transporting eggs). If necessary, they can be separated by cutting off with a sharp knife or scissors.

The purpose of peat pots for seedlings of any plants

In small and medium-sized cups, seedlings of annual flowers are prepared, which have medium-sized seeds, form a compact, fibrous root system, and slowly develop in the initial phase of growth. Sow ageratums, asters, bacopas, marigolds, verbenas, gatzanias, annual dahlias, fragrant tobacco, iberis, levkoi, lobelia, snapdragons, mesembryantemums, mimulus, nemesia, osteosperma, petunias and calibrachoa, purslane, salvia, drummond phlox, celosia, cineraria , zinnias, eustoma, etc. They do the same with biennials and perennials - violas, carnations, geleniums, delphiniums, bells, daisies, shavings, primroses, daisies, evening primroses, etc.

Using pots of different sizes


In a small amount of land, indoor balsams, begonias, gloxinias, pelargoniums, and cyclamens successfully pass the initial stage of development. In small containers, seedlings of strawberries are obtained from seeds - small-fruited, large-fruited, remontant. From vegetables in such a dish, seedlings of the root and petiole celery, fennel, basils, head salads.


Such dimensions are convenient for annuals with large seeds - for example, datur and nasturtium. A relatively large amount of seedling substrate is needed for amaranths, ornamental cabbages, cleomas, kosmey, kokhiya, scabioses. This also applies to loaches - dolichos (hyacinth beans), sweet pea, morning glory, kobei, thunbergia, annual hops, decorative pumpkin and beans. Peat pots for growing seedlings of vegetable cabbage, watermelons and melons, potatoes (from botanical seeds) should not be too large or very small. Containers for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, berry physalis are taken a little larger.


Extremely good for producing powerful planting material tomatoes. Peppers, eggplant, vegetable physalis, edible nightshade require the same (or slightly smaller) volume. A large clod of earth is necessary for edible and decorative varieties sunflower and corn.

In peat pots, not only seeds are sown and seedlings dive, they are used for rooting and growing cuttings (for example, chrysanthemums, petunias, pelargoniums, roses, etc.), bulbous and rhizomatous crops, shrubs.

Operation of peat products

1. Peat pots must be placed on sturdy stands.

2. A small layer of sphagnum moss or coconut fiber can be placed on the bottom of the pallet (to prevent drying out or rotting).

3. seedling soil must be reliable, light and at the same time moisture-intensive - quickly (without stagnation) pass excess water, but dry slowly. Looseness is given by sand (without impurities of cement and dust), small additions of hydrogel or crushed coconut fiber retain moisture.

4. The containers are completely filled with a slightly moistened substrate; after watering, the soil settles a little (it is possible to pour it if the plants stretch out).

5. Dust-like and very small seeds are sown superficially, small ones are lightly sprinkled with light soil, medium and large ones are placed in holes and covered with soil.

6. Low lighting and dampness are contraindicated for peat containers with seedlings (mold and rot may develop). For prevention, the outer walls of the pots can be sprayed with fungicidal solutions (HOM, potassium permanganate, phytosporin).

7. Wet cups continuously evaporate moisture and cool the root system; it is harmful in sudden temperature changes or constant cold, so it is necessary to maintain moderate heat.

8. Sunshine and excessive heat require frequent watering. This can cause seedlings to stretch, as with a lack of light. (Special preparations are capable of slowing down the growth of the aerial part and strengthening the root system - regulators Athlete, Stopprost, etc.)

9. On the eve of the day of planting in a permanent place, excessive watering should be carried out to soften the peat (cardboard) well.

Glasses with seedlings are installed in soil pits of similar size without excessive deepening of the root system. Elongated specimens are placed under the surface of the ridge obliquely, at an angle. Good watering is required for close contact of the walls of the dishes with moist soil.

Choosing the right seedling pots is a science. Especially now, when all sorts of variations of these simple, but important and necessary garden tools have appeared on the market. An experienced summer resident knows perfectly well what is better to grow this or that variety. fruit crop, but what about a newcomer to the world of gardening? Of course, to study what pots for seedlings are, what are the pros and cons of each type.

These pots can be purchased at any store, even if it does not have a gardening focus. They are made of plastic and can be of two types - with a round and square section. Sizes range from very tiny (about 50 ml) to quite large (1 liter or more). There are also large plastic pots, but they are no longer intended for growing seedlings - rather, only for indoor flowers or landscape design.

The ease of use of the pot often depends on its shape. According to gardeners, it is more convenient to fill with soil round pots, but square ones can be placed on the window more compactly. The disadvantages of square products also include the fact that it is not very convenient to take out a plant together with a clod of earth from them: if a round pot can be “crumpled” with your fingers, and a clod of soil will come out immediately, then it is more difficult to squeeze a plastic one, especially if it is made of dense and high-quality plastic.

On a note! To make life easier for gardeners, they often began to make round inserts at the bottom of the pots that help push the earth along with the plant out of the pot.

Plastic pots for seedlings usually have drainage holes, although the cheaper the container, the more likely it is that you will have to make holes in the bottom yourself.

Very often, seedling pots are sold as a set, and they come with a pallet that will protect the window sills from moisture flowing from them.

So, here are the benefits of using this type of seedling container:

  • plastic pots are optimal for growing absolutely any kind of crops;
  • they well retain the necessary moisture in the right amount;
  • can be used for several seasons in a row, as they are durable;
  • perfectly protect the root system of plants from damage;
  • they are very easy to store.

Disadvantages of plastic pots:

  • non-compact and take up a lot of space;
  • it is not always possible to carefully remove a lump with roots during planting seedlings;
  • are quite expensive and will cost a round sum if purchased in large quantities.

Below is a table that will allow you to choose the required pot size for a particular type of plant.

Table. Selection of plastic pots for seedlings.

By the way, the following recommendations will help determine the size of the pots.

  1. For growing seedlings of crops that definitely need a pick, use pots of the smallest volume - 50 ml.
  2. For small crops that grow without picking, pots of 100-200 ml are suitable
  3. Pots of 500 ml and more are suitable for tall and large crops that grow for a long period of time and develop powerful roots.

On a note! When choosing a pot, remember to consider diameter and height, not just volume. This is important for proper root formation.

peat pots

Outwardly, the walls of these pots resemble thick cardboard, but they consist of more than 70% of natural natural peat. And the rest of the pot is, by the way, just paper.

Main advantage peat pots- this is the absence of the need to take out seedling bushes for planting in the ground directly from the pot. To do this, simply dig a hole of the required size in the garden and place the pots there without removing the seedlings from it. Gradually, the peat will rot, turning into a nutritious fertilizer, and the seedlings will grow into a beautiful and strong plant.

Peat pots are ideal for growing fussy crops - usually cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, and others. And using them is extremely simple: just fill it with soil, shed it, place the seeds, put it on a pallet and that's it. Further work on growing seedlings proceeds as usual.

Peat pots come in various sizes and, like plastic ones, come in two shapes - round and square in section. However, here the form does not play a special role, since it is no longer necessary to shake the seedlings with the ground out of the container. Unless you should take into account the free space on the sunny windowsill - square pots can be arranged more compactly.

Advantages of peat pots:

  • convenient to use;
  • allow once again not to injure the plants with picks and not to extract them during planting in the ground;
  • are themselves nutritious fertilizers;
  • are made from environmentally friendly materials.

Disadvantages of peat tanks:

  • quickly become limp from water, so you need to water the plants in them moderately;
  • if the pots are dried out, then the soil in them may become too dense for plants;
  • when buying, there is a high risk of running into low-quality goods, which will contain only pressed cardboard;
  • Excessive watering can lead not only to dehydration of containers, but also to moldy walls of pots and soil.

Peat tablets for seedlings - how to use

A peat tablet is a compacted peat washer, small in diameter and height. Before the production of this type of packaging, peat is enriched with microelements useful for seed germination and seedling development. Read more.

How to use peat pots? Everything is simple.

Step 1. Select the peat pots of the required size and process them. To do this, soak them for a short time in a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers, and then dry them.

Step 2 Make drainage holes at the bottom, place expanded clay there.

Step 3 Fill the pots with potting soil, but not too tightly to create the cavities needed for successful root development. Spill the soil.

Step 4 Plant crop seeds, each in a separate cup.

Step 5 Cover the pots with plastic and place in a warm room. Then wait for the shoots and continue to care for the seedlings, watering it moderately.

Step 6 While the seedlings are growing, you will increase the distance between the pots standing on the pallet so that the branches and leaves of the plants do not interfere with each other.

Step 7 When the seedling grows, transplant it into the ground on garden plot as described above, without removing from the pots. Place containers 2-3 cm below soil level.

homemade pots

Many gardeners are unwilling to spend money and purchase ready-made pots for seedlings in the store. With perseverance and fanaticism, they collect various containers or look for new ways to make containers for growing crops. And often they are right - why spend money on something that you can do with your own hands?

There are a huge number of ways and master classes for creating containers for seedlings, and a variety of materials can be used.

Table. Materials for making pots for seedlings with your own hands.

MaterialAdvantages and disadvantages

Pretty much the same as store-bought plastic pots, only free, since you still get yogurt, sour cream, etc. from the store. The product is eaten, and the jar is washed, drainage holes are made in it and it is removed before planting the seedlings. Neat, with smooth edges, safe and convenient, these containers can be used for many years. The only disadvantage can be small size, and sometimes molding of the soil.

It turns out that many people make pots for seedlings from plastic bags. This material has a lot of advantages - it is easily accessible, cheap, and making pots from it is very simple. You can cut pieces of polyethylene and tie their lower part with a thread, make holes for drainage. You can take whole small bags - and the pots are ready. Disadvantages: the material does not hold its shape well (especially large sizes) and can provoke molding of the soil.

Both plastic bottles and plastic cups for drinks are practically free and easily accessible pots for seedlings. They are durable and can be used for more than one season. And if plastic bottles still have to be cut with scissors, then cups are almost ready-made containers. It is enough to make drainage holes and you can use it. And taking out a clod of earth with a plant is as easy as shelling pears - just slightly wrinkle the walls of the glass and the soil will come out by itself. There are practically no shortcomings by gardeners. The main thing is to take care of the accumulation or purchase of this material in time. By the way, plastic cups are much cheaper than special pots for seedlings. True, they are not very large. And one more minus - the edges plastic bottles where the scissors “walked” can be sharp.

Easily and simply turn into containers for seedlings - just cut off one of their parts (top or bottom) and make drainage holes. Tetrapacks do not leak, do not sag, soft enough to easily and simply remove the bush from them. You get them for free (you buy juices and fermented milk products, don't you?), you just have to wash the boxes and store them until spring. Minus - fragility.

An elementary and simple option for making pots for seedlings. It is enough to put such tubes on a pallet, fill it with soil - and you can plant seeds. But such containers are suitable only for plants that need picking, or those that do not grow too much, since the tubes are small. By the way, take seedlings out of the container before planting on suburban area optional - this can be done together with the tuba. Gradually she will rot.

Video - Polyethylene seedling pots

The main advantage of such homemade pots is the absence of costs, since containers can be safely accumulated over winter period by buying basic necessities. The most important thing is not to forget to make drainage holes in such containers.

Advice! Holes for water drainage are easier and more convenient to make with an ordinary thick nail. It must be well heated over a fire (for example, in a candle flame) and with a sharp end, melt holes in the bottom of the container. Be careful - hold the nail with pliers, as the metal heats up very quickly (you can burn yourself).

Unusual pots for seedlings

Pots for seedlings can be made from very unusual materials. Gardeners are creative people, and they can’t come up with anything to make their work easier and provide plants with proper care. Consider three types of unusual seedling pots - one made from eggshells, the second from aluminum cans, and the third from newspapers.

Pots from aluminum cans

A good option for those who are fond of carbonated drinks in cans of 0.33 liters. This material is not afraid of rust, durable, strong enough. It is convenient to rewind such jars in several pieces with tape between each other - you get a kind of aluminum "cassettes".

Step 1. Use scissors or a knife to cut off the bottom of the jars.

Step 2 Cover the neck opening with the remaining tongue, but not tightly.

Step 3 Place a little eggshell or expanded clay on the bottom of the resulting container for drainage.

Step 4 Make gauze bags, place them in containers and fill with soil.

Step 5 Sow seeds and grow seedlings.

Step 6 Take out the grown seedlings from the containers with a gauze bag and plant them in the ground with it.

Egg shell pots

A very interesting way. It is convenient because in the future the plants, together with the shell, are planted in the ground - you do not have to dive and take them out of the "tanks". A "pot" will serve as additional fertilizer

Step 1. Take egg shells and make a small hole in the bottom of each with a needle.

Step 2 Fill them halfway with soil.

Step 3 Plant the seeds and cover them with soil.

Step 4 Put the filled "pots" on the egg cell and grow the seedlings (as usual).