How to transplant seedlings in peat pots. peat pots

  • 13.06.2019

Many have heard of peat pots designed for growing seedlings, rooting cuttings, but not everyone dares to use them.

Some treat them with distrust. For other growers peat pots turned out to be a real find. They are made from peat with the addition of wood or cardboard.

To reduce the acidity of peat, chalk or lime is added to the mixture (in some cases).

Benefits of peat pots

  • High-quality peat cups are durable, so they are resistant to soaking, severe deformation during the entire period of growing seedlings.
  • There are peat bogs of various sizes, which allows you to grow seedlings of various crops, while the roots will develop well.
  • In their manufacture, mineral fertilizers can be added, which subsequently serve as additional nutrition for seedlings.

Disadvantages of peat pots

Given all the disadvantages, the costs may not be justified. However, knowing some tricks, peat cups can be successfully used to grow seedlings of flowers and vegetables, such as marigolds, physiostegia.

For example, to make the moisture evaporate more slowly, the pots can be wrapped in polyethylene.

The containers can be used to grow plants with strong root systems, such as petunias, surfinias, etc. When planted in the ground, the roots will be able to break through the walls.

When planting in the ground, the cups should be completely buried in the soil (which will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture), before that, small holes can be made in the walls, then the roots can develop freely.

Before landing in open ground seedlings are watered abundantly. Some flower growers deliberately soak the pots, then take out the seedlings and plant them in the ground together with an earthen clod.

How to use peat pots?

The process of growing seedlings of any plant at home is not an easy task and requires compliance with all necessary conditions which are acceptable for seed germination. A lot of owners of summer cottages and household plots make considerable efforts to grow strong and hardy plants, which subsequently give excellent harvests and beautiful flowers. Read the article:

Video: Yeast, beer - fertilizer, fertilizing vegetables and flowers. Grandfather's feeding methods

Planting plants with seedlings shortens the period of vegetative growth in open soil and brings the harvesting period closer at times. Seedlings are especially applicable in cold territorial climatic zones, where the summer period is much shorter compared to warm regions.

Video: Peat pots for seedlings are dangerous! Sharing experience

Especially important point during sowing is the choice of a vessel that should not be too deep and heavy, but at the same time roomy and comfortable for carrying and transporting. A professional gardener always prefers to grow seedlings in individual molds in order to avoid them diving.

Video: How to plant seedlings of cucumbers from peat pots

A completely new product has appeared on the market for summer residents - peat pots for seedlings, which are a convenient container for growing them. Comfort is an acceptable property for the owner himself land plot, peat is applicable more in order to create optimal right conditions for the development of shoots and compliance with minimal damage to the root system when planting them in open ground.

Video: WATERING seedlings with broth. INVENTION FOR WATERING delicate seedlings of flowers and vegetables

Peat containers can have a completely different look - round, square, in the form of cups and solid sectional forms of pots, with the possibility of piece or block use, having completely different parameters of diameter and depth: 100 * 100mm, 90 * 90 mm, 80 * 80 mm, 70*70mm, 60*60mm, 50*50mm, with wall thickness from 1.5mm to 2.5mm.

High-quality peat containers are sold in packaged form in order to comply with proper storage standards and prevent premature soaking.

Many vegetable crops it is impossible to cultivate and get a bountiful harvest without growing them from seedlings. To improve the development of plants, many summer residents buy peat pots for seedlings. How to use them? We invite you to find out the answer to this question from the article.

Peat cups for seedlings

Peat cups - how to use?

Such containers are made from peat (50-70%) and various impurities (50-30%) - cardboard, wood. When choosing cups, you should not buy too cheap options. Often they contain a large percentage of additives and much less peat. The best ratio is 70% peat and 30% paper.

Peat cups for plantings are an environmentally friendly "home". It contains no harmful microflora, weed seeds, pathogens. Cups have a different volume (from 0.05 to 0.5 l), shape and light weight. For well-made products, the wall thickness should not be less than 1.5 millimeters, after planting in open ground, they should easily decompose (no more than 30 days).

TO positive qualities Such containers include:

  • Due to the porous structure, they provide good penetration of air and water to the roots.
  • When transplanted into open ground, plants adapt more easily, their roots easily penetrate through the bottom and walls of the pots.
  • Peat containers have sufficient density and resistance to minor mechanical damage.
  • When decomposed in the soil, the cups serve as a fertilizer, as peat improves the quality of the soil and is an ecological material.

The main disadvantage when using pots is that the seedlings require frequent watering, due to the rapid drying of the soil. In order for the seedlings to grow and develop well, the seeds must be sown in peat cups correctly. Some pots are sold as a single tray with cells. Before use, they must be cut into separate containers, soaked in a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers and dried well. Small holes should be made at the bottom of the cups, and eggshells can be put on the bottom as a drainage layer.

Planting seeds in peat cups

The containers are filled with slightly moist soil, having slightly crushed it. The soil is not completely poured, 10-15 millimeters from the edge should be left.

You can plant seeds, bulbs, sprouts after picking in them.

How to use peat pots for seedlings

Before sowing, it is useful to water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Pots are placed in a tray. Seedlings need to be watered regularly, maintaining constant soil moisture. It is important to ensure that the cups do not dry out. To prevent this, you can wrap each container on the outside cling film. As the seedlings grow, the peat pots need to be spaced more freely so that the seedlings are not crowded and can get more light.

In peat containers, you can grow seedlings of any plants, especially those with a fragile and delicate root system (cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes). Since peat increases the acidity of the soil, these pots are recommended for crops that prefer neutral or acidic soil.

So, now you know everything about peat cups for seedlings - how to use or how to sow seeds in them. When purchasing cups, their size (depth, diameter) should be selected depending on the type of seedlings grown. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of products. If the cups are of poor quality, and there are more impurities than peat, this can interfere with the development of the root system of crops, which cannot break through the walls of the containers. Such pots do not decompose well in the soil. Quality can be determined by touching them. The material of peat pots is more fragile and porous, while in containers with a large number of additives it is dense and compressed.

Gardeners prefer to use peat pots. The main element in the composition peat pots is peat, auxiliary elements are cardboard, wood.

The highest quality pots are those that are at least 70% peat. The right pots are very loose, so they perfectly pass air to the root system of plants, which contributes to the active growth of strong seedlings.

The loose structure of the products allows the roots to break through their walls with minimal effort. After planting the seedlings in the ground, the pots dissolve quite quickly - 33-38 days.

The density of cups, in which a lot of cellulose (cardboard) is added, does not have such advantages, so there is a big risk that the plants will develop poorly, and after planting in the soil they may even die.

A quality peat pot should contain at least 70% peat

Before as buy peat pots Be sure to familiarize yourself with their composition, so as not to spend money on low-quality goods.

Advantages of peat pots

    Absolute environmental friendliness of products - they do not contain toxic substances harmful to humans and the environment.

    The composition of the material used for the manufacture of cups does not contain pathogenic microflora that contributes to the development of various diseases. Also in the mixture for the manufacture of peat products there are no weed seeds.

    Seedlings planted in this way are more likely to quickly take root in a new place.

    accelerated process survival rate guarantees an early and high harvest. Harvest dates come earlier by 14-21 days, and the amount of the crop increases by about a third.

    When the pot is completely dissolved in the ground, it turns out to be beautiful, which feeds the plants for less than three months.

Disadvantages of peat pots

Despite a significant number of advantages, peat products have some disadvantages.

    The soil often dries out due to the fact that the loose structure of the cup absorbs all the water and it quickly evaporates from it. The plant "freezes" due to the fact that, during evaporation, the soil cools. If you do not make timely watering, the seedlings will grow poorly or may even die.

    To prevent the soil from drying out, the pot is watered excessively, which provokes the development of mold.

    There are frequent cases when, after the pot is planted in the ground, it does not dissolve, thereby capturing the roots - later they cannot get all the necessary substances from the soil and slowly die.

Excessive watering can lead to the formation of mold on pots

How to use peat pots?

A gardener who first decided to try a similar container for growing seedlings has a very obvious question - how to plant in peat pots?

Peat cups must first be soaked in a mixture of organic and mineral dressings, and then dried thoroughly. In order for the roots to surely be able to break through the walls of the container, it is recommended to make small holes over the entire surface of the pot. An ordinary clerical hole punch will do an excellent job with this task.

Purchased soil or a soil mixture made by yourself must be poured into cups. Please note that the soil should be loose and airy, so you can not carefully compact it.

Seeds are planted in pots according to the required timing, as well as the depth recommended for planting the selected plant. Watering is best done with a spray bottle or a small watering can.

In order for the plants to enter quickly and amicably, the container is covered with a polyethylene film and placed in a warm place, while the temperature ranges from 20 to 25C. Two days before planting the seedlings on the site, the pots should be watered abundantly in order to speed up the process of their dissolution in the soil.

Before moving young plants to the site, they must certainly be hardened, otherwise they will react painfully to sudden changes in environment. Five days before planting, the seedlings are taken out into the street and gradually increase the time they are in the fresh air.

Most gardeners grow in peat pots tomatoes and pepper. In cups, you can grow chestnut crops, or even bushes (raspberries, gooseberries, roses).

In the photo, tomato seedlings in peat pots

According to peat pot reviews in order to successfully grow seedlings in such a container, you need to get used to it a little: often, but in small quantities.

Most amateur gardeners praise the cultivation of seedlings cucumbers in peat pots, because in this way it is possible to sow seeds earlier than usual and as a result to get a harvest in the shortest possible time.

Types of peat pots

peat pots may be square or round. Pots are made individually or in the form of sections (a certain number of cups interconnected).

In diameter, pots can have different sizes: 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm, 9cm, 10cm. The height of the container coincides with its diameter - for example, 5 cm wide and 5 cm high.

The photo shows a variety of peat pots

The size peat pots is selected depending on which plants are planned to be planted. The wall thickness varies in the range of 1.5-2.5 mm. Packed peat containers must have a label with the composition.

peat pots it is advisable to buy in specialized stores in order to secure yourself from the purchase of low-quality goods. Price of peat pots depends on the size and on their type (pieces, blocks). The minimum cost is from 10-15 rubles apiece.

How to make a peat pot?

For creating peat pots for seedlings First of all, you need to prepare a solution with the correct consistency. Here are a few recipes for the mixture: mix peat, sod land and mullein in a ratio of 7: 2: 1, combine 60 peat and 20% humus soil, 15% sod land and 5% mullein. The components are diluted with water to a relatively thick state.

After preparing the mixture, it is best to use a stainless steel container, which during reusable will not corrode.

You need to take a glass with a removable bottom and pour a little mixture there, then with the help of the second part of the equipment - a pusher of a slightly smaller diameter than the container, displace the excess mixture from the mold.

The contents are carefully rammed with a pusher, after which it is removed, and the glass is left for a while so that the contents dry out a little. At the end of production, peat cups are dried outdoors under the sun or in a heated oven.

To make good pots, it may take some time to correct mistakes: add certain components, increase the drying time of finished products.

Each summer resident begins his season by growing seedlings. On the territory of our country, heat-loving and late-ripening crops are grown through seedlings. In most regions, it is simply impossible to get a crop without first growing seedlings. In this article we will tell you about such an item as a peat cup. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages, tell you how to use them.

Peat cups for seedlings have appeared on sale relatively recently. They appeared in garden stores about 20 years ago. Since then, they have been very actively in demand. Their demand is justified by ease of use and inexpensive price. However, not all gardeners have managed to appreciate these products.

Peat cups are small pots of a cubic, trapezoidal or rounded shape. They are made from peat. The concept behind these products is very simple. When transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, the plants do not need to be removed from the container. Thus, the roots are not damaged, and the seedlings take root very well in a new place. After transplanting into the ground, the peat cup decomposes and serves as additional fertilizer for the plant.

Peat improves soil fertility. It is very actively used by gardeners for the preparation of various soil mixtures, especially for growing seedlings.

In fact, peat cups consist of tench peat by 50-70%. The remaining impurities are cellulose (paper) and humus. They are made by pressing into special forms.

High-quality cups differ from low-quality cups in that they contain a high content of peat and little paper pulp. They usually cost a little more. Such pots are looser, they pass air much better, dissolve faster in the ground (29-35 days). Peat cups with poor quality, it would be much more correct to call paper. Since half of them consist of compressed paper. In terms of structure, they are quite dense. Oxygen to the roots is supplied quite poorly. They take a long time to decompose in the ground.

Large selection in stores peat cups which differ in shape and size. The sizes of containers range from 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter.

What seedlings are suitable for peat pots.

Peat cups are versatile containers and are suitable for almost any plant. Their main value lies in the fact that when they enter the soil and are exposed to moisture, the cups begin to dissolve in the ground and serve as a good fertilizer.

Peat cups are best used for plants that have fragile roots. These cultures include:

  • Eggplant.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.

Peat increases the acidity of the soil. Therefore, it is rational to use peat cups for plants that prefer neutral or acidic soil.

Peat pots are not suitable for plants such as:

  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Salad.
  • Onion and garlic.

Many novice gardeners are wondering - How to use peat cups? The process of planting seeds for seedlings in peat tablets extremely simple. First of all, you need to make a small hole in the bottom of the cup. At the bottom, it is best to pour a small layer of crushed eggshells. In this way you will ensure a very good drainage. There will be no stagnation of water in the glass.

Then we pour nutrient soil into the pot. We pour warm water. Then we plant the seeds. The soil must be clean. Before planting, it must be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After planting, it is advisable to treat the peat cups with an antifungal solution.


Peat cups have a very a large number of advantages compared to other seedling containers. The main plus of peat pots is their environmental friendliness, they decompose in natural conditions. When transplanting, the root system is not damaged.

Planting seeds in peat is very convenient, and transplanting plants into a permanent place is even more convenient.

Through the walls of the peat container, the plant has the ability to "breathe".

When decomposed, peat pots fertilize the soil. Productivity increases.


The main disadvantage of peat cups is that their loose walls absorb water very well, and moisture evaporates very quickly from the outer layer. As a result, seedlings have to be watered frequently. Remember this - seedlings in peat cups need to be watered much more often than in plastic ones.


Video about peat cups:

Each summer season begins with the cultivation of seedlings. Everyone understands why this is being done - you can significantly increase the growing season and get not only an earlier, but also a much larger harvest. On the territory of our country there are regions in which heat-loving vegetables cannot be grown in any other way.

As the first stage of development passes, so the subsequent ones will continue - this is the law of nature. To improve the development of plants, many gardeners and gardeners use peat pots. How to use these little helpers? Should I buy them for growing seedlings? Consider the pros and cons of such glasses.

What are they made of?

Before you buy peat pots for seedlings, find out what they are made of. Such devices are made from peat, to which cardboard or wood is added. Most of all, gardeners praise cups with a ratio of the main substance of 70% and additives of 30%. Beware of low-quality goods, it happens that unscrupulous manufacturers increase the percentage of impurities, or even use only cheap cardboard. Before you buy agricultural machinery, read what is written on the package.

Environmental justifications

Peat products have many advantages over their counterparts made of plastic, paper or ceramics. For plants, this will be a real environmentally friendly home. The peat used for the manufacture of containers for growing seedlings does not contain pathogenic microflora, there are no weed seeds. In such products, the content of harmful toxic substances, such as heavy metals, benzopyrene residues and pesticides, is significantly lower. The concentration of such substances will be several times lower than the permissible agriculture norms for growing plants and crops. Peat, light in weight, is safe for use, it does not contain pathogens of various diseases of vegetable and flower crops.

When choosing peat pots for growing seedlings, carefully inspect them. For good quality products, the wall thickness should be one to one and a half millimeters. Such walls will be strong enough to last the entire period of plant development, but at the same time, the roots of the seedlings will be able to develop unhindered. After planting in the soil, a quality pot will begin to quickly disintegrate, thereby facilitating the work of harvesting the fields. The decay period for quality products lasts approximately 27-32 days.

Peat pots for seedlings. Pros of using

  1. Due to the porous walls, the best air-water regime of the root layer is provided. During planting in the ground, plants freely take root through the walls and bottom.
  2. Such containers do not contain pathogens and toxic substances, while they have high mechanical strength both in wet and dry conditions.
  3. When planting seedlings together with a pot in the ground, the survival rate reaches almost 100%. Later, when decomposed, the pot will serve as fertilizer.
  4. Due to the accelerated survival of seedlings, an earlier harvest is harvested, mainly for this, seedlings are planted in peat pots.

How to use? General requirements for the use of peat pots

  1. The containers are filled with preliminarily slightly moistened nutrient soil, slightly crushed. After that, it starts in peat pots. You can sow bulbs, cuttings or seedlings.
  2. Place prepared cups on pallets, pesos, polyethylene film, gravel or soil layer.
  3. Seedlings should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist.
  4. We must not allow the peat pots to dry out. How to use them correctly? Wrap each unit with foil - this will help prevent drying out. Otherwise, the salt contained in the ground may crystallize and, in concentrated form, pose a danger to tender seedlings.
  5. When the plants begin to grow, the pots should be spaced more freely to increase light and aeration. In addition, with a more spacious arrangement, the interweaving of the root systems of neighboring plants is prevented.
  6. Growing seedlings in peat pots ends with planting in the ground. You do not need to dig up the plants, plant them directly with the old container.

Seedlings of zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplants, squash

Seedlings of these crops do not like transplantation. In order for the plants to take root, take peat pots for growing. How to use them? What size would be preferable?

For seedlings of cucumbers intended for planting in protected ground, pots with a diameter of 11 cm are suitable. The cultivation period is approximately 30 days. How to plant in peat pots? One germinated seed is sown in one cup.

If you have to plant vegetables in open ground, then for seedlings of zucchini, squash and cucumbers, you should choose containers with a diameter of 8 cm, for pumpkin better fit 11 cm and planted one in each pot. Planting depth 1 cm. Cucumbers can be planted 2 pieces in one container.

On average, pumpkin seedlings will be ready in 20 days, and other vegetables in a month. You can calculate yourself optimal timing landing.

Ready pots are placed on pallets close to each other, watered thoroughly and left in a warm place where the temperature is maintained at 25-30 degrees until germination. When yellow-green sprouts appear, the temperature should be reduced to 20-22 degrees. Such temperature regime supported 2-3 days.


Watering cucumber seedlings warm water heated to 25-30 degrees. If there is cold watering, the plants can get sick or even die.


To prevent plant diseases after transplanting into the ground, they are hardened - 7-10 days before planting - the premises are often ventilated, the temperature is reduced to 15 degrees, and watered less often.

Landing in open ground

Prepared plants are planted in the soil directly in pots. Some gardeners break cups before planting or pull out seedlings along with an earthen clod. That's how you can do it too. However, gardeners who used peat pots to grow seedlings leave the following planting reviews - they believe that it is better to make holes in the containers beforehand. Decaying, the cups will nourish the plant, helping to get a big harvest.

cabbage seedling

In March, cabbage is sown in special boxes. After the appearance of seedlings, they swoop down, and planting in peat pots begins. Cups with a diameter of about 7 cm are suitable. You can use round specimens or peat blocks, in which there are 6 cells at once. At the end of April, you can start landing in

lettuce seedling

Lettuce seedlings for planting in protected ground are prepared by picking seedlings into pots. Suitable pots measuring 50x50 mm or, as they are also called, peat cells. In about a month, the seedlings will be ready for planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

The roots of many plants can penetrate the bottom and walls of peat cups. However, most gardeners do not wait for this - they are guided by the size of the aerial part of the seedlings.

Experienced gardeners say that if you immerse peat pots in before planting warm water until the release of air bubbles from the walls stops, then the soaked walls and bottom will not create obstacles and will be easily processed by soil inhabitants.

Disadvantages of peat pots

  1. Not all plants tolerate the acidic environment that is inherent in peat. Some manufacturers add special mineral fertilizers to the products, as well as lime and chalk, which reduce acidity.
  2. Requires frequent watering.
  3. Evaporating from the surface of the pots, the water greatly cools the soil, as a result, the root system develops much worse.
  4. Some plants cannot break through the peat walls, they have to be taken out of the containers when transplanting.
  5. Often mold appears on low-quality pots, the walls are destroyed
  6. The high cost of peat cups, especially when growing large volumes of seedlings.

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous manufacturers give out pots made from ordinary cardboard as high-quality peat products. Gardeners complain that sometimes in the fall, when digging up a plot, they find undecomposed pots with the remains of roots.

Choosing the right seedling pots is a science. Especially now, when all sorts of variations of these simple, but important and necessary garden tools have appeared on the market. An experienced summer resident knows perfectly well what is better to grow this or that variety. fruit crop, but what about a newcomer to the world of gardening? Of course, to study what pots for seedlings are, what are the pros and cons of each type.

These pots can be purchased at any store, even if it does not have a gardening focus. They are made of plastic and can be of two types - with a round and square section. Sizes range from very tiny (about 50 ml) to quite large (1 liter or more). There are also large plastic pots, but they are no longer intended for growing seedlings - rather, only for indoor flowers or landscape design.

The ease of use of the pot often depends on its shape. According to gardeners, it is more convenient to fill with soil round pots, but square ones can be placed on the window more compactly. The disadvantages of square products also include the fact that it is not very convenient to take out a plant along with a clod of earth from them: if a round pot can be “crumpled” with your fingers, and a clod of soil will come out immediately, then it is more difficult to squeeze a plastic one, especially if it is made of dense and high-quality plastic.

On a note! To make life easier for gardeners, they often began to make round inserts at the bottom of the pots that help push the earth along with the plant out of the pot.

Plastic seedling pots usually have drainage holes, although the cheaper the container, the more likely it is that you will have to make holes at the bottom yourself.

Very often, seedling pots are sold as a set, and they come with a pallet that will protect the window sills from moisture flowing from them.

So, here are the benefits of using this type of seedling container:

  • plastic pots are optimal for growing absolutely any kind of crops;
  • they well retain the necessary moisture in the right amount;
  • can be used for several seasons in a row, as they are durable;
  • perfectly protect the root system of plants from damage;
  • they are very easy to store.

Disadvantages of plastic pots:

  • non-compact and take up a lot of space;
  • it is not always possible to carefully remove a lump with roots during planting seedlings;
  • are quite expensive and will cost a round sum if purchased in large quantities.

Below is a table that will allow you to choose the required pot size for a particular type of plant.

Table. Selection of plastic pots for seedlings.

By the way, the following recommendations will help determine the size of the pots.

  1. For growing seedlings of crops that definitely need a pick, use pots of the smallest volume - 50 ml.
  2. For small crops that grow without picking, pots of 100-200 ml are suitable
  3. Pots of 500 ml and more are suitable for tall and large crops that grow for a long period of time and develop powerful roots.

On a note! When choosing a pot, remember to consider diameter and height, not just volume. This is important for proper root formation.

peat pots

Outwardly, the walls of these pots resemble thick cardboard, but they consist of more than 70% of natural natural peat. And the rest of the pot is, by the way, just paper.

The main advantage of peat pots is the absence of the need to take out seedling bushes for planting in the ground directly from the pot. To do this, simply dig a hole required size in the garden and place the pot there without removing the seedlings from it. Gradually, the peat will rot, turning into a nutritious fertilizer, and the seedlings will grow into a beautiful and strong plant.

Peat pots are ideal for growing fussy crops - usually cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, and others. And using them is extremely simple: just fill it with soil, shed it, place the seeds, put it on a pallet and that's it. Further work on growing seedlings proceeds as usual.

Peat pots come in various sizes and, like plastic ones, come in two shapes - round and square in section. However, here the form does not play a special role, since it is no longer necessary to shake the seedlings with the ground out of the container. Unless you should take into account the free space on the sunny windowsill - square pots can be arranged more compactly.

Advantages of peat pots:

  • convenient to use;
  • allow once again not to injure the plants with picks and not to extract them during planting in the ground;
  • are themselves nutritious fertilizers;
  • are made from environmentally friendly materials.

Disadvantages of peat tanks:

  • quickly become limp from water, so you need to water the plants in them moderately;
  • if the pots are dried out, then the soil in them may become too dense for plants;
  • when buying, there is a high risk of running into low-quality goods, which will contain only pressed cardboard;
  • Excessive watering can lead not only to dehydration of containers, but also to moldy walls of pots and soil.

Peat tablets for seedlings - how to use

A peat tablet is a compacted peat washer, small in diameter and height. Before the production of this type of packaging, peat is enriched with microelements useful for seed germination and seedling development. Read more.

How to use peat pots? Everything is simple.

Step 1. Select the peat pots of the required size and process them. To do this, soak them for a short time in a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers, and then dry them.

Step 2 Make drainage holes at the bottom, place expanded clay there.

Step 3 Fill the pots with potting soil, but not too tightly to create the cavities needed for successful root development. Spill the soil.

Step 4 Plant crop seeds, each in a separate cup.

Step 5 Cover the pots with plastic and place in a warm room. Then wait for the shoots and continue to care for the seedlings, watering it moderately.

Step 6 While the seedlings are growing, you will increase the distance between the pots standing on the pallet so that the branches and leaves of the plants do not interfere with each other.

Step 7 When the seedling grows, transplant it into the ground on garden plot as described above, without removing from the pots. Place containers 2-3 cm below soil level.

homemade pots

Many gardeners are unwilling to spend money and purchase ready-made pots for seedlings in the store. With perseverance and fanaticism, they collect various containers or look for new ways to make containers for growing crops. And often they are right - why spend money on something that you can do with your own hands?

There are a huge number of ways and master classes for creating containers for seedlings, and a variety of materials can be used.

Table. Materials for making pots for seedlings with your own hands.

MaterialAdvantages and disadvantages

Pretty much the same as store-bought plastic pots, only free, since you still get yogurt, sour cream, etc. from the store. The product is eaten, and the jar is washed, drainage holes are made in it and it is removed before planting the seedlings. Neat, with smooth edges, safe and convenient, these containers can be used for many years. The only disadvantage can be small size, and sometimes molding of the soil.

It turns out that many people make pots for seedlings from plastic bags. This material has a lot of advantages - it is easily accessible, cheap, and making pots from it is very simple. You can cut pieces of polyethylene and tie their lower part with a thread, make holes for drainage. You can take whole small bags - and the pots are ready. Disadvantages: the material does not hold its shape well (especially large sizes) and can provoke molding of the soil.
What plastic bottles, what plastic cups for drinks are practically free and easily accessible pots for seedlings. They are durable and can be used for more than one season. And if plastic bottles still have to be cut with scissors, then cups are almost ready-made containers. It is enough to make drainage holes and you can use it. And taking out a clod of earth with a plant is as easy as shelling pears - just slightly wrinkle the walls of the glass and the soil will come out by itself. There are practically no shortcomings by gardeners. The main thing is to take care of the accumulation or purchase of this material in time. By the way, plastic cups are much cheaper than special pots for seedlings. True, they are not very large. And one more minus - the edges plastic bottles where the scissors “walked” can be sharp.

Easily and simply turn into containers for seedlings - just cut off one of their parts (top or bottom) and make drainage holes. Tetrapacks do not leak, do not sag, soft enough to easily and simply remove the bush from them. You get them for free (you buy juices and fermented milk products, don't you?), you just have to wash the boxes and store them until spring. Minus - fragility.

An elementary and simple option for making pots for seedlings. It is enough to put such tubes on a pallet, fill it with soil - and you can plant seeds. But such containers are suitable only for plants that need picking, or those that do not grow too much, since the tubes are small. By the way, take seedlings out of the container before planting on suburban area optional - this can be done together with the tuba. Gradually she will rot.

Video - Polyethylene seedling pots

The main advantage of such homemade pots is the absence of costs, since containers can be safely accumulated over winter period by buying basic necessities. The most important thing is not to forget to make drainage holes in such containers.

Advice! Holes for water drainage are easier and more convenient to make with an ordinary thick nail. It must be well heated over a fire (for example, in a candle flame) and with a sharp end, melt holes in the bottom of the container. Be careful - hold the nail with pliers, as the metal heats up very quickly (you can burn yourself).

Unusual pots for seedlings

Pots for seedlings can be made from very unusual materials. Gardeners are creative people, and they can’t come up with anything to make their work easier and provide plants with proper care. Consider three types of unusual seedling pots - one made from eggshells, the second from aluminum cans, and the third from newspapers.

Pots from aluminum cans

A good option for those who are fond of carbonated drinks in cans of 0.33 liters. This material is not afraid of rust, durable, strong enough. It is convenient to rewind such jars in several pieces with tape between each other - you get a kind of aluminum "cassettes".

Step 1. Use scissors or a knife to cut off the bottom of the jars.

Step 2 Cover the neck opening with the remaining tongue, but not tightly.

Step 3 Place a little eggshell or expanded clay on the bottom of the resulting container for drainage.

Step 4 Make gauze bags, place them in containers and fill with soil.

Step 5 Sow seeds and grow seedlings.

Step 6 Take out the grown seedlings from the containers with a gauze bag and plant them in the ground with it.

Egg shell pots

A very interesting way. It is convenient because in the future the plants, together with the shell, are planted in the ground - you do not have to dive and take them out of the "tanks". A "pot" will serve as additional fertilizer

Step 1. Take egg shells and make a small hole in the bottom of each with a needle.

Step 2 Fill them halfway with soil.

Step 3 Plant the seeds and cover them with soil.

Step 4 Put the filled "pots" on the egg cell and grow the seedlings (as usual).