How to water tomatoes outdoors. How often and correctly to water tomatoes to have a great harvest

  • 15.06.2019

Now is the time to plant seedlings, which means that battles will soon begin on garden forums on how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and on which lunar day it is better to plant. IN lunar days I’m not strong, but I can tell you about watering tomatoes in detail.

How to care for tomatoes

What do you need to know about caring for tomatoes? First of all, you need to clearly understand why you planted them. Someone plants plants for fun, while someone has clear plans for the harvest. I belong to the latter, so I consider questions about how to water tomato seedlings purely from a practical point of view - watering should be done so that the root system of the plant receives nutrients, this will help the seedlings to grow stronger, and the adult plant will bear fruit well - which, in fact , I'm trying.

In general, fairly moist soil is useful for tomatoes, but the air must be dry. This is quite simple to achieve - after watering, you need to mulch, you can do this with using various organic mulches:

  • hay, straw or mowed grass (it is better to take dried grass);
  • sawdust, bark, branches or leaves (in addition to sawdust, wood products have little drainage properties, which is very good);
  • cardboard and cut paper (will have to be changed).
If you need to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, then it is wiser to water pointwise, around the root space, so that the soil does not erode. Do not allow water to get on the leaves, this adversely affects the health of the plant.

It is better to water in the morning, it is impossible to allow the tomato to fold the leaves between waterings.

If it is cool outside, then it is best to warm up the water for irrigation, or add a little boiling water to the water for irrigation - this will raise the degree.

When a tomato bears fruit, it should not be watered too often, but rather intensively.

Watering in different conditions

How to properly water tomatoes? It depends on where you grow them - in greenhouse conditions or under open sky.

For example, tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse only need to be watered twice a week, and each plant will need about five liters of water. They say that it is best to water with rainwater, but I do not know how to store it in such a volume.

We have a special open barrel for irrigation in our dacha, where rainwater accumulates, but I still add ordinary water - it has time to settle.


Let's start from scratch, how to properly water tomato seedlings:
  1. the first time you need to water a couple of days after the plants give mass shoots - if the earth dries out a little from above. It happens that it is scary to damage the plants at this stage, and it seems that spraying can be carried out - in fact, this is not desirable, water should not get on the sprouts;
  2. further watering is carried out when the earth dries up;
  3. Fertilizers can be added to the water 1-2 times a month;
  4. when the seedlings grow up, you can water it from the pallet, this helps to develop the root system;
  5. you need to water it heartily before planting - the wetter the roots are, the less risk they break.
How to water tomatoes open field? It is best to stick to a specific watering system - for example, 1-2 times a week. If it rains, then it replaces one watering. If it rains for several days, then it is definitely not necessary to water until the next week, and then watering is carried out as the soil dries up.

And the last question about the frequency of watering - how often to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse? You need to choose the appropriate irrigation method (more on that later) and develop your own system. You will have to bother for some time - for example, you need to check how often it dries upper layer soil, is there enough moisture for the tomatoes (this is easy to determine by the leaves) - if you went into the greenhouse and saw that the leaves of the tomatoes were curled up in a boat, then you need to loosen the soil well, water and mulch.

Let's figure out how to properly water tomatoes in a greenhouse and what you need to pay attention to.


In general, the question itself of how often to water tomato seedlings or adult plants is not entirely appropriate, it is a game at random. If you want to learn how to grow good fruitful tomatoes, then you need to learn to analyze your plant care. Another option is to ask for advice, but advice alone will not get you far.

How often you need to water the tomatoes depends directly on several factors:

  • land type;
  • variety of tomatoes;
  • landing method;
  • watering method;
  • weather.
I think everything is clear with the land - every experienced summer resident knows that cultures are on their own. suburban area must be alternated. This is due to the fact that each plant draws certain micro- and macro-elements from the soil, and so that the soil does not become impoverished, it is better to give it the opportunity to recover. Tomatoes should not be planted after:
  • peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • potatoes.
There are varieties of tomatoes intended for different regions, for growing in greenhouses and on the ground - naturally, they require different amounts of moisture.


I'll tell you about different ways glaze. When I was just wondering how much to water the tomatoes, I realized the main thing for myself - it is very important that in the process of watering the water reaches the roots, and not just wets the topsoil. By by and large, all you do during watering is feed the roots, give them water and air. Therefore, pay more attention to proper deep watering.

A good method of watering involves the use of funnels - can be purchased special devices, or you can not suffer and just cut the bottoms of plastic bottles. Such a bottle with the neck down will need to be carefully dug near each tomato bush.

Watering is carried out as follows - about a liter of water you pour onto the soil under the root, the rest - into the funnel, to the roots. With this approach, the top layer of soil will not dry out.

Using a hose can only be convenient if you have an assistant - without him it is quite difficult to water with a hose and not break the bushes with it. There are also some difficulties - you will have to carefully monitor the amount of water.

Try to fill the container that you use for watering with your hose, and at the same time mentally count - this way you can roughly understand how long each plant needs to be watered.

How to determine if there is enough moisture? By leaves, fruits and soil. The soil must be sufficiently moist and not sagging, it must retain its structure. The leaves should be bright, delicate and even, without twisting and drying out. Tomato fruits should gain weight well - with a lack of moisture, they will burst.

Now you know how to water tomatoes with different methods and how often you need to water tomatoes so that they bear fruit well, but this is theoretical information, so I advise you to analyze how your tomatoes behave and how many times they need water per week.

I also advise using fertilizers, this is good way feed the plants, especially when you are not sure about the soil. How many times to feed the plants? I heard a variety of versions, from several times a month to a couple of times during the entire summer season.

Naturally, there is no correct answer, but you can find some regularity in feeding and its results in your particular case.

Nitrogen Based Fertilizers help to increase the volume of green mass, it is better to use them before flowering, and then it is better to slow down a little - the fact is that if the plant goes into a set of leaves and growth, then it will bear fruit worse.

Fertilize greenhouse tomato phosphate fertilizers - a good idea, so you can reduce the nitrate content in the fruit.

Timely infrequent watering of tomatoes with micronutrient fertilizers will help keep all the flowers and ovaries - this is well suited boron.

Separately, it should be said about compost and humus. This kind of good does not happen much, you can even mulch with compost - this way you protect the plant from diseases and protect the soil from drying out. But you can also make liquid fertilizers based on organic infusions.

Now you know how often you need to water tomatoes and how to do it right, now you need to put your knowledge into practice, and in the fall you will enjoy a good harvest!

In order for the plants to be healthy and strong, and the harvest to be high, you need to know how often to water the tomatoes in the open field and carry out other agrotechnical activities. When caring for plants, you need to consider at what stage of development watering should be increased, and at which it should be reduced. The beginning and end of the fruiting period and the number of fruits that can grow and ripen on each plant during the growing season depend on this. It is believed that tomatoes love heat and sun, but this does not mean at all that they do not like moisture. It is necessary to water correctly not only adult plants, but also seedlings of tomatoes.

Before tomato bushes get into the open ground, they need to go through the seedling stage, for which the seeds are sown in late winter or early spring. Since at this time it is cold outside even in the southern regions, tomatoes begin to grow indoors, and not in open ground. Proper watering is important already at this stage. Knowing how often to water tomato seedlings, you can grow healthy and strong bushes.

The rules for watering tomato seedlings are as follows:

  1. 2-3 days are counted from the beginning of mass shoots and the first watering is carried out. warm water. From this day on, the condition of the earth in the box with seedlings should be monitored - the soil in it should not dry out completely.
  2. Having outlined the date of picking, watering is done 2-4 days before it, so that the soil has time to dry to a crumbly state, but not completely dry.
  3. After picking, seedlings are watered about once a week, making sure that the water does not stagnate in pots or boxes.
  4. When the seedlings begin to grow, untimely watering can lead to the fact that some of the roots in the overdried earth will die. In this case, after watering, the plants will stop growing and begin to grow new roots. Experienced gardeners determine how often to water tomato seedlings by tapping on the pot. The sound emitted at the same time is an indicator of the degree of moisture content of the internal earthy coma.
  5. The last watering is carried out on the eve of planting in the ground, so that the plants are well removed both from individual pots and from common boxes. With good soil moisture, it is easier to maintain the integrity of the developed roots.

Watering after planting in the ground

Holes for planting tomato seedlings are prepared the day before, and in front of it, each is shed with water, the amount of which should be 2-3 liters. After the bushes are placed in the holes and covered with soil, they should be watered again so that the soil settles, and then mulched. How often tomatoes will need to be watered in the future depends on the climate. The water that the plants received during planting and will receive in the future should be enough for them to take root and start growing in open ground. Watering tomatoes after planting should begin in 2-3 days. The first week is very important for the rooting of plants, and overdrying of the soil should not be allowed.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Watering during growth and fruiting

Watering tomatoes in open ground by sprinkling should not be - this can lead to shedding of flowers. The right watering tactics will not only protect plants from diseases, but also increase yields.

The rules here are:

  1. The temperature of the water for irrigation should be approximately equal to the temperature of the soil, so watering tomato bushes directly from the well is excluded.
  2. Many do not choose the time when it is better to water the tomatoes, but do it when they have to. But if everything is carried out according to the rules, then, choosing between morning or evening, the choice should be stopped at the evening hours. The right time is at sunset. The soil gradually cools down and absorbs moisture better, and the plant, instead of languishing from the heat, is fully saturated with moisture.
  3. Starting from the moment the seedlings planted in the ground began to grow and until the moment the first fruits were set, one should not get carried away with watering. It is enough to do this once every 5-10 days (depending on the climate), and after the topsoil has dried, loosen to reduce moisture evaporation.
  4. The need for water in tomatoes increases after the start of fruit growth. How often to water the tomatoes during this period, you need to decide depending on the weather conditions. The soil must be constantly moist, but not flooded, otherwise the fruits will begin to crack, be watery and tasteless. In extreme heat, watering is done every 3-4 days with intermediate loosening.

It is important to keep the line between good watering and flooding plants, because the roots need not only moisture, but also oxygen, and the abundance of water displaces it from the ground.

How to properly water tomatoes (video)

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How to water tomatoes is an important question for every farmer who decides to grow this plant on his plot. Watering tomatoes should be carried out very carefully, since the lack and excess of moisture is deplorable for planting material.

Tomatoes are sensitive to both insufficient and excessive watering.

Watering rules

Tomatoes are a southern culture that is responsive to light and heat in the open field. Humidity for a tomato is moderate enough, as they do not like abundant watering. But the conditions of the southern climate require the gardener to irrigate so that the tomatoes do not die from drought.

If you expect to get a rich crop of outdoor tomatoes that taste good, you will have to pay a lot of attention to watering the plant. How often to water tomatoes depends on the climate, watch for dryness in the soil and water the area as it sets in. It is important to ensure that the soil does not completely dry out. Watering tomato seedlings and an adult plant is carried out approximately once a week. Such watering is recommended for weather without precipitation.

If the weather does not spare the rain, reduce watering. How often to water tomatoes, look at the dryness of the soil, the amount of moisture is normalized depending on the amount necessary for the formation of fruits and their filling.

If at the time of fruit set you have given the plant insufficient watering, the ovaries will fall off. Those tomatoes that remain will be small and unripe. For mature tomatoes, lack of moisture will cause the fruit to crack.

Watering tomato seedlings and an adult plant is recommended to be carried out in one of two ways:

  • Drip irrigation.
  • Underground.

In order to make underground watering, you just need to purchase plastic bottles. Underground watering gives the plant protection against many fungal diseases. To increase the stability of the plant, you need to add a little ash to the water.

For underground irrigation, bottles or other containers should be dug near the plants.

High yields are provided by ash, which is sprinkled around the root circle. By the time a hard crust forms on the soil, it is immediately loosened. To reduce the number of worries about planting material, and not to loosen it every time after rain or watering, mulch the soil.

How often to water tomato seedlings depends on the stage of its development. The plant in the root method must be carefully watered. Build the system in such a way that the jet hits the root, bypassing the entire above-ground part.

Water that gets on leaves or stems in contact with the sun causes damage that develops into a disease. Watering from a hose for a tomato is not desirable. Out of the hose cold water under strong pressure, which adversely affects the plant. Water from the water supply also has a rigid structure, so it is better to water with warm, settled water.

Watering tomatoes should be done in the morning with warm water in hot weather and heated in cool climates.

Moist soil helps tomatoes survive the heat, taking water and land from them, cooling occurs. Proper hydration provides normal development tomatoes even in extreme heat.

Proper hydration:

  • Moderately calculated amount of warm and settled water.
  • Carried out in the allotted time, often carried out.

How often to water seedlings of a tomato or an adult plant you analyze depending on weather conditions. It is important to provide the plant with an abundance of moisture, and not its excess.

Water that has fallen on the fruits and leaves of tomatoes can cause plant disease.

Watering frequency

On open ground, watering should be carried out after a time when the previous water is absorbed. But don't let the soil dry out. In the open field, it is important to moisten the tomatoes with high quality, and not often. Such watering is important to carry out from the moment the seedlings are transplanted to the site and during the ovary period.

If you think that moderate hydration is one that is carried out often in small portions, then this is a misconception.

It is good to moisten tomatoes early in the morning or after sunset. Evening watering gives the tomatoes time to absorb moisture. To understand if the tomatoes have enough water that you provide them, inspect planting material. External signs of sufficient moisture include:

  • For a plant that lacks water, darkening of the leaves and wilting are characteristic.
  • It is important not to forget to increase hydration at the time of fruit set.
  • The approximate frequency of moistening tomatoes on the site is a couple of times a week.
  • Tomatoes should be properly moistened with settled water mixed with organic matter to soften.

Fertilized water is useful for tomatoes during rainy weather. In the area where the tomatoes are planted in two rows, you need to make three grooves. Strait through the grooves is optimal for high tomato planting density.

The hose is laid out in a ditch and removed after filling them with water. Trenches allow more complete watering of the tomatoes. If you grow low-growing tomatoes, they need to be watered until the moment of ovary, and then watering is reduced and at some point stops altogether.

Tall tomatoes in the open field are watered as much as necessary for a given amount, but about ten liters every four days to moisten the tomatoes and provide themselves with large fruits. How to properly water tomatoes in the open field depends on the variety, climatic conditions and size of the bush.

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Watering frequency

After planting, seedlings need to be watered abundantly - up to five liters per plant. Then you can “forget” about watering for about a week. How to understand that tomatoes need moisture? Pay attention to the top layer of soil. If the soil is dry, then it's time to water the seedlings - after all, in young plants, the roots are too weak to absorb liquid at a depth. Tomato seedlings are usually watered once or twice a week.Tomato is suitable for large greenhouses and, compared to the previous method, requires financial costs. True, the cost of purchasing special equipment will greatly simplify watering and save time.

And if water drops remain on leaves or fruits, then in bright sun such a drop becomes a lens that leaves burns.

You need to water such seedlings in the evening and in the morning, up to 2 liters of water in each well in clear weather, and in cloudy weather you can get by with a one-time watering in the evening.

Watering seedlings is carried out as follows:

It is very important what water to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse - it should be warm, about the same temperature as the soil. IN morning hours it is most often cool.

The best way to water

The main question - how often do you need to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse - we have already partially answered above.

There is a hose, a bucket with a bucket and drip irrigation of tomatoes in the greenhouse. Which is better?​

What conditions need to be created for these capricious plants? How and how much to water tomatoes in a greenhouse to get a good harvest?

​Never point liquid at leaves or fruit. If water droplets remain on the leaves, this will damage them. As a result, late blight spores can germinate. Watering tomatoes in the open field is not such an easy procedure as it might seem at first glance. This case has its own peculiarities and nuances. Tomatoes are very fond of heat and sunlight, but not heat!

When the bushes begin to bear fruit, the volume of water can be gradually increased. However, experienced gardeners do not recommend getting carried away, since high humidity in the greenhouse can provoke the development of late blight and other fungal diseases.

What water to water

Advantages of drip irrigation:

It is better to water the tomato under the root, which gives enough water to the whole plant and at the same time the air humidity remains the same.

Video "Watering tomatoes"

In addition, a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and maintain normal humidity

On initial stage moderate watering is needed, about a teaspoon of water per plant;

If you water late in the evening and leave the greenhouse closed to avoid hypothermia, it will increase the humidity in the air, which is harmful to tomatoes.
Let's repeat:

Features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

So:​Tap water is very hard, it can affect the decrease in acid balance and soil temperature. You can also water in the morning, the main thing is to monitor the water temperature.
The frequency of watering an outdoor tomato plant depends on how quickly it dries out. It is necessary to moisten it abundantly, with a frequency of once a week - this will be enough, provided that there is no rain. If there is any precipitation, you need to do it less often. There should be enough liquid in the ground after the moment of tying and before the tomato stops pouring. If you do not water the tomato in the open field on time, then they will be small, and even worse, they can completely fall off the ovaries. They can not be irrigated often, but the main thing is to do it right.
We water tomatoes in open ground rarely, but plentifully - about twice a week. And how to water tomatoes in the heat? Here it is customary to proceed from the climatic features of the area, since in different regions The heat comes at different times. Seedlings that have just been planted in the beds need moist soil, so they should be watered more often. We adhere to the same regimen during the setting of the fruits of tomatoes. And in between we water, as usual - twice a week.

  • moisture getting to the roots
  • Water for watering a tomato should be separated and warm, preferably at the same temperature as the soil.

The frequency of watering depends largely on weather conditions:

Before planting seedlings, the prepared holes are abundantly watered;

  • Very young plants need to ensure growth. Their still shallow roots are not able to reach moisture located at great depths, so they need to be watered as the topsoil dries;

When watering plants with a hose, it is difficult to dose the amount of water. This method is also inconvenient in that over large areas the hose has to be pulled far, risking damage to the landing;

Rules for irrigation of tomatoes

Tomatoes are moisture-loving plants, but they also tolerate short dry periods quite well;

Watering methods

What water to water the tomatoes also plays an important role. After planting the plants in open ground, water them every week, once or twice. A sufficient amount is approximately five liters under one bush. Most perfect option for irrigation, a tomato is rainwater.
And when the tomatoes have developed and grown, the lack of moisture in them can cause them to crack. ​
As in greenhouse conditions, outdoor tomatoes do not like "soul". So you need to water only the aisles of plants, avoiding moisture on the leaves and stems. As for the water, it should be warmed up, ideally to the temperature of the soil. For example, if the earth warmed up to + 24⁰, then the water temperature should be about the same.​

  • ​reducing water consumption​
  • When it is sunny, it is enough to water the tomatoes once a week, spending from 3 to 5 liters of water for each plant; If the seedlings are hardened, then it does not need to be shaded, but it needs to be watered once a day. Such seedlings will be enough from 2 to 3 liters of water per hole;
    But daytime watering occurs with already sufficiently warmed water, and after it you can have time to ventilate the greenhouse before the evening coolness sets in.
  • During the planting of seedlings in the greenhouse, tomatoes are watered very abundantly, pouring up to 5 liters of water on each plant. After that, you do not need to water for 7-10 days;

In different periods of the growing season, watering rates should be different: young seedlings are watered often, but moderately, adult plants - not often, but plentifully. And during the period of fruit ripening, tomatoes should not lack moisture;

Irrigation frequency

After planting, tomatoes do not need to be moistened often.
When to water tomatoes? Early morning or evening, before sunset. In the heat, it is better to postpone watering, and in cloudy weather, the time of watering does not matter. After all, in the absence of the sun, moisture cannot evaporate before it is absorbed into the soil. Watering should be alternated with loosening - tomato roots need air access.

  • exclusion of washing out and salinization of the soil
  • ​To reduce water hardness, it can be mixed with manure or compost. The best water for watering tomatoes - rainwater containing carbonic acid.

When fruits appear, it is necessary to water 2 times a week.

  • Seedlings are best watered in the morning, before the start of the sun;
    Of course, all these problems can be solved: water can be heated if necessary, the greenhouse can be equipped with a fan heater, etc. And since there is no need to often water the tomatoes in the greenhouse, this procedure can be timed to coincide with the weekend, when you are constantly on the site.
  • You can water from a bucket of a known volume and accurately dose moisture, but carrying full buckets is also not very pleasant.

What time of day is best to water tomatoes?

On the recording, an experienced gardener talks about proper watering tomatoes that are grown in open ground.
In open ground, you also do not need to pour water often. It will be correct to do this less often, but with plenty of water. This is the basic rule that must be followed immediately after planting. But if often and in small portions - this is not correct, moreover, such watering can negatively affect the fruits.
The main purpose of feeding a tomato is to saturate plants with nutrients to obtain good fruit yields. This can be both fertilizing the soil and foliar top dressing. In addition, an important task of every gardener is the fight against crop diseases. To do this, it is better to choose not chemical preparations, but proven "folk" remedies.

​Minimizing physical effort to irrigate​

Let's consider each of them in more detail.
The frequency of watering also depends on the tomato variety:


If the watered land has dried up in a day, then you can water it in the evening before sunset from 1 to 2 liters of water per hole. In this way, moisture will remain in the root system.

We hope that the above information, as well as the video in this article, helped you better understand one of the main issues in growing tomatoes. In addition to watering, they also need other care, but you will learn more about this from other materials on the site.​

Before the formation of ovaries and fruits, tomatoes also do not need frequent watering. During this period, you yourself must decide how many times to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse, observing their condition.

In addition, both of these methods lead to the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth as it dries, and the need for frequent loosening.

Watering tomato seedlings

Council. You can easily determine if the plants have enough moisture: if the upper leaves begin to curl, urgent watering of the tomato in the greenhouse is necessary. But the cracks in the fruits indicate the opposite - the frequency or intensity of watering needs to be reduced.

If in daytime there is a strong heat, it is better to water the tomatoes after it subsides, literally before sunset. Since at night the liquid is well absorbed by the root system of the plant.

  • Ordinary baker's yeast contains minerals, organic iron and various trace elements. To feed a tomato, you need to prepare a special solution - we take a kilogram of yeast for five liters of water. Before watering, such a solution must be diluted again with water (1: 100). Top dressing is carried out in the spring, when the plants are actively growing. However, ash must be added along with top dressing, since yeast tends to absorb potassium from the soil.
  • Watering a tomato from bottles is one of the types of drip irrigation, which is based on the use of ordinary plastic bottles and a little work of your own hands.
  • What is the best way to water tomatoes
  • Low-growing varieties are not watered very plentifully and over time they stop watering altogether, which results in an almost simultaneous crop;
  • But seedlings cannot be flooded, as the soil will become dense, there will be no access to oxygen, which will cause it to wither.

Tomatoes are watered abundantly, but rarely. Such watering forms a good strong root system.

Irrigation can be rare, 1-2 times a week, but very plentiful so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 15-20 cm;

However, this can be avoided by mulching the tomato in the beds;

It is very important to keep the air humidity at around 60%. If you save tomatoes from high humidity in wet weather in the open air is almost impossible, then in the greenhouse, it would seem, the vagaries of nature are not afraid of them.

Many summer residents agree that growing tomatoes is a rather complicated matter in our country. climatic conditions. This culture is sensitive to the slightest changes in environment, responding to them with diseases, wilting, chopping fruits.

By appearance plants can be determined with the naked eye whether it has enough moisture. With its lack of leaves will become darker and wilted. When the fruits begin to set, the amount of water during irrigation will need to be increased.

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How often to water tomatoes

How to organize watering a tomato from bottles? The video shows in detail the manufacturing process of such a homemade watering system.​

  • Best suited for a small greenhouse
  • Tall varieties are watered every 4 days, 10 liters per plant.

Pay attention

  • If the tomatoes are watered a little and often, then the roots will take moisture from the surface of the soil and will not be strong and deep.
  • ​Attention! After watering, carefully monitor the microclimate in the greenhouse and, if the humidity rises, be sure to ventilate it by opening all the windows.

The most worthy way is drip irrigation of a tomato in a greenhouse, and there are several reasons for this. This is the exclusion of physical labor and the preservation of the structure of the topsoil, and the absence of excess evaporation, leading to increased humidity.​

But there is a risk greenhouse effect when, after abundant irrigation, moisture actively evaporates, settling on fruits and leaves. Therefore, the instruction on how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse recommends regular ventilation.

How to water tomatoes

Much easier to create for them suitable conditions in protected ground, but even here certain rules must be strictly observed. In this article, we'll talk about how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse.

No matter how much you watch a video about planting, growing and caring for tomatoes, it's easier than reading an article - nothing will happen. After planting tomatoes in open ground, The best way for their irrigation - drip.

  • A solution of raw milk with iodine will reliably “scare away” many garden pests. Such a tool must be applied in the form of spraying, after which the leaves are covered with a thin film of lactose and milk sugar. This repels insects and avoids the entry of diseases. Recipe for iodine-milk solution: water (4 l), milk (1 l) and iodine (15 drops).​
  • Watering a tomato with bottles
  • manual watering
  • Pay attention

Watering a tomato: in a greenhouse, soil, photo, video. How and how to properly water tomatoes - allWomens

If a day after watering, the soil is damp or compacted, then you need to reduce the amount of water.

In addition, you can not water it often, as the fruits of the tomatoes will crack and be watery, so they begin to drop, and fungi appear on too wet soil. But with rare watering, when the soil dries up, the fruits also begin to crack, and the bush itself rots from above.

When tomatoes begin to sing, frequent watering can speed up ripening. But it is important not to overdo it here, since various fungal diseases can develop from excess moisture (see Diseases of tomatoes: their varieties and how to deal with them), for example, late blight. And the watering itself occurs slowly and evenly, avoiding drying out and waterlogging. Based on these conditions, plants should be taken care of.

The decision to grow a tomato in conditions protected from external influences is made depending on climate zone region and weather conditions, which can vary greatly depending on different years. However, they are planted in greenhouses not only in northern latitudes or in the middle lane. This method is very easy to equip with your own hands. Plastic bottles make your life easier. When using this method, the yield increases. It also has a beneficial effect on the preservation of fruits and plants from blossom end rot. It will be correct if you add literally two or three pinches of ash per ten liters of liquid to the water for irrigation. Also for good harvest you can sprinkle ash on the ground around the plants.

How to properly water cucumbers so that they do not turn yellow and bitter, see here

  • ​Automatic irrigation system​
  • using a hose or watering can. Despite a certain "labor-intensive" process, with the help of manual watering, each tomato bush will be provided with water in the right amount. However, it should be remembered that the water should not be too cold, so you need to take settled in a barrel. When watering, we direct the hose only to the roots - in order to avoid sunburn.
  • back to heading
  • If the tomato seedlings are not hardened, then it simply needs to be shaded from both the sun and the wind. To do this, you can use agrofibre, spandbond or shading mesh.​

Watering tomatoes with bottles - a master class on video

Watering the seedlings depends on the quality of the seedlings, the quality of the soil and the weather. Tomato seedlings are watered every day for 7-10 days. As soon as the seedlings have strengthened and begun to grow, you need to carefully and shallowly loosen the soil.

This is one of the most controversial issues. Not everyone thinks about it simply because they can work on the site and in the greenhouse only in the evenings, mornings and afternoons while at work.

Council. If you do not have the opportunity to equip a greenhouse with a drip system, the price of which is quite high, you can use its primitive counterpart: dig a cropped plant near each plant. plastic bottle without a lid and water through it. Water will evenly flow to the roots without wetting the ground.

Experienced growers who have been growing tomatoes for a long time literally feel the condition of their pets and know when they need to be watered and when it is better not to do it, but they are not always unanimous in their opinion about what type of irrigation is best and what time of day to do it. Let's try to figure it out. In the south of the country, this crop suffers not so much from sudden frosts as from high humidity, leading to disease.

Not only the quantity of the crop, but also its quality depends on the quality of irrigation and its timeliness.

Our article will help you learn about the features of watering a tomato at different stages of plant growth and avoid common mistakes in watering.

How much water do tomatoes need

Watering largely depends on the ability of the soil to retain moisture.

At first glance, the question of the frequency of irrigation, as well as , when to stop watering tomatoes seems rhetorical, but it's not. Let's outline the basic requirements that allow tomatoes to grow well and bear fruit.

First of all, it is necessary to observe such characteristics as air and soil humidity. These indicators are common for all plant varieties.

The air humidity must be within 45–50% , and the soil 85% . Under these conditions, watering is required with the calculation 3-5 liters per "adult" bush.

It would seem that everything is simple, but this knowledge is not enough to find out the right amount of water for a single watering.


In order to determine the volume of water needed by the plant, you need to take into account several nuances.

Young tomato bushes are watered into small holes.

Factors affecting the amount of irrigation and the amount of water used:

  • Features of weather conditions;
  • soil type;
  • variety of tomatoes;
  • plant growth stage.

Hot summer with a dominant number of sunny days sets its own irrigation schedule - in such conditions, the soil is too dry, which means that watering must be done more often and more abundantly. In rainy summers, accordingly, it is necessary to reduce watering.

Weather conditions make adjustments to the frequency of watering tomatoes.

Sandy soils that cannot retain moisture long time, in such cases it is necessary to increase the volume of water by 1-2 liters, depending on the type of soil. Conversely, soils that are dense in structure, such as loam, retain moisture well, so the amount of water must be reduced. Plant variety and growth stage also affect the amount and quality of watering. Newly sprouted seedlings need much less water than a large fruit-bearing bush.

Features by month

Overgrown tomato bushes are more convenient to water in the grooves made on the sides of the beds.

Features of watering by months and terms of growth of a tomato can be characterized as follows:

  • period from mid-February to the first half of April characterized by sowing tomato seeds in greenhouses. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure moderate watering, it is possible to spray plants from a spray bottle.
  • Mid-April to May - the grown seedlings are planted in open ground - the process of adaptation of plants to new conditions requires a lot of water, during this period the frequency and volume of irrigation increase significantly.
  • The next stage in the tomato growth cycle is associated with the formation of fruits and their ripening. It takes time June to October .
  • During the first summer months watering becomes moderate, but still systematic.
  • autumn months become a period in the cycle when it is necessary to stop watering altogether.

What threatens?

For proper growth and fruiting of plants, water is needed in sufficient quantities.

The drip irrigation system allows you to optimize irrigation as much as possible.

Soil that stays dry for a long time is detrimental to plants. This provokes a lack of nutrients, as a result of which the plant becomes stunted, and then completely dries out. The main sign of lack of water is the lethargy of the leaves. Other signs of excessively dry soil are blossom end rot and flower shedding.

In this case, you need to urgently water the plant generously and, if possible, shade it - such measures will quickly restore strength and prevent the death of the bush.

Too much moisture

In the case of an excess of moisture, the picture looks no less joyful - the fruits begin to crack, in most cases even more.

Excess moisture provokes cracking of tomatoes and the growth of diseases.

Moist soil is an excellent environment for the development of fungi and various microorganisms. It means that plants will often and massively get sick. In the event that watering was not brought back to normal in time, and the affected plant was not cured, all affected bushes will have to be disposed of - this will not allow diseases to spread to healthy individuals.

The main diseases that have appeared due to excessive moisture are the appearance of root and gray rot, black leg, and cracking of the fruit.

Features of watering seedlings

The "life" of a tomato begins with seedlings. Sowing of seeds takes place at the end of winter - beginning of spring, the weather conditions at this time do not allow this procedure to be carried out in the open field, therefore all work on growing tomatoes is limited to greenhouses or room conditions.

During this period, it is especially important to follow the rules of watering and moistening - an excess of moisture, as well as its lack, often causes the death of plants.

Once the seeds have entered the soil, maintain soil moisture, preventing it from drying out . The lack of moisture leads to the breaking of the roots of the plant and the formation of a branched root system. If access to water was not organized on time, the plant withers and, as a rule, further watering does not save the situation.

Excess moisture is also harmful - humid environment provokes which also leads to death.

If there is dry air in the greenhouse or the room where the seedlings are located, it is possible spraying plants with a spray bottle but. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the rule - after moistening, the plants should not be in direct sunlight - this threatens to cause sunburn on the leaves.

After landing in open ground

Preparation for planting seedlings in open ground must be done in advance. To do this, one day before the planned landing, it is good to water the wells. This will create the most favorable conditions for the adaptation of the tomato to the new environment and ensure good soil moisture.

In hot weather, water with cool water, in cool weather with warm water.

Planting tomatoes is best in the evening. If this is not possible, build an agrofiber canopy or shade the plants with any accessible way. The first three weeks after planting seedlings, frequent and plentiful watering is necessary. However, it is necessary to comply with the measure.

To find out if watering is needed, run small test - make a hole in the hole and take a small amount of earth in your hand. Try rolling the ball and then pressing it down. If this procedure did not cause complications - soil moisture is within the normal range, watering should be postponed. If the lump is formed with difficulty, and crumbles or cracks when squeezed, additional moisture is required.

Follow watering rates. It is important.

Also don't let waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of water in the holes - this can lead to plant diseases. If the problem with excess moisture is not resolved in time, and the affected plants are cured or disposed of, the entire crop may be at risk.

fruit ripening stage

After the final rooting and adaptation of the tomato to new conditions, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. It is recommended to water 2 times a week.

Mulch retains the required amount of moisture in the soil for a long time.

Frequent watering can cause cracking of fruits and the appearance of late blight . In addition, the tomatoes will be watery and tasteless.

This rule works well if plants of undersized varieties were planted. Reducing watering a month before fruiting provokes mass ripening tomato . If they were planted tall tomatoes This rule is ineffective. A feature of the variety of these plants is the ripening of fruits every 4 days and immunity to drops in watering.


The issue of watering a tomato is regulated not only by their variety, but also by weather conditions. Dry weather requires deviating from the recommendations and increasing the frequency of watering.

To summarize: watering a tomato has its own characteristics, which directly depend on the stage in the plant growth cycle. Compliance general rules watering and caring for this crop will make the process of growing a tomato not only effective, but also enjoyable.