The orchid has no roots and sluggish leaves. Having eliminated all problematic parts, leave the plant to dry.

  • 12.06.2019

Beautiful with green foliage and bright flowers on the arrow grabs everyone's attention and arouses admiration. But such a bole on the windowsill will be only with strict observance of all required norms, which not always and not everyone succeeds in adhering to.

It is in such cases that phalaenopsis begin, this can manifest itself in different ways. If you do not notice changes in time and do not respond, you can lose a flower forever. Read how to reanimate a diseased plant.

The phalaenopsis orchid notifies the owners of its poor health appearance changes.

Visually, this can be seen from yellowing or drooping foliage, Besides, leaves may rot, become stained various shapes and size, curl.

It is useless to wait for flower stalks on such a plant, he needs to be revived immediately. So what should be done and how?

The first step in this process should be a thorough inspection of the entire plant, including the root system. For this the plant is removed from the substrate, thoroughly washed together with the rhizome under warm water. After light drying start inspection.

The most common are:

  • root diseases, often occur with improper plants. Too much moisture and high temperatures in the room cause rotting. At the same time, the roots immediately darken, then they simply begin to gradually die off. If watering is scarce, then the roots will dry out, this is manifested by the light color of the rhizome. The disease is eliminated by normalization and drying or complete replacement of the substrate, but before that, the bole is freed from all affected parts of the root system. When the rhizome is damaged, the leaves react with darkening, brown spots may appear on them;

Sick root.

Important! Sometimes simple aging lower leaves flower growers take for diseases, but this is not so. If the leaf just turned yellow and separated from the stem, do not panic. Instead, a young one will soon grow up.

  • the whole plant with leaves and flower stalks may not tolerate a large number of introduced . Proper care consists in moderate feeding of the bole, but many novice growers are of the opinion that the more the better. With top dressing, this works a little differently; during the flowering period, the phalaenopsis orchid does not need it at all. In other periods, you should strictly adhere to the instructions on the product, otherwise you can cause a stupor in development. The root system will darken, the leaves will also acquire the same color, fade, become lethargic. Flower stalks may dry out. All this is a sign of a burn, which was provoked by large quantities of bole introduced.

Yellowing of the leaf from excess fertilizer.

If a phalaenopsis orchid has at least one of these signs, should be rehabilitated immediately. Otherwise, you can not only lose the flower stalks, but the flower itself.

Resuscitation of phalaenopsis without roots


You can restore the stem completely, for this first determine the cause of the disease and take the necessary measures. Most often, orchids are reanimated, which have no root system at all or it is very small.

It can be done in several ways:

  • in a greenhouse complete rehabilitation of phalaenopsis without roots is possible. To do this, you need a transparent container for the greenhouse itself, you can use a 5-liter container for this. plastic bottle. A layer of wet expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the greenhouse, on top of it is a pillow of wet moss, on which the rehabilitation process will be carried out. The lower part of the plant, where the roots should be, should be immersed in an impromptu pillow. It is important to maintain the temperature regime and regularly ventilate the greenhouse., and then in 1-2 months roots will appear on the plant;

Resuscitation of phalaenopsis in a greenhouse.

Important! The moss in the greenhouse should be constantly damp, but not wet!

  • restore phalaenopsis without greenhouses, just in sphagnum. This method will require a transparent pot in which the bottom is lined with drainage. The next layer will be wet sphagnum, in which the cropped stem of the plant is placed. The container is transferred to a warm and well-lit place, but direct sunlight should be avoided. It is important to monitor the condition of sphagnum, it can not be watered, moisturizing is carried out from a spray bottle only when the moss dries well;

  • reanimate the orchid on expanded clay is possible, but this is a very laborious process. Only experienced flower growers will be able to carry it out correctly. The main danger lies in the features of expanded clay. While wet, it gives off moisture, but as soon as it dries out, it begins to draw water from the plant.

    For restoration work, a transparent pot is filled with wet expanded clay, in which the plant is placed. Put in a warm place and monitor the humidity inside the pot;

  • can be revived above the water tank, to which nutrients are added to stimulate root growth. Usually they use a jar or glass filled with water so that the placed orchid does not touch its surface, but is as close as possible to it. When the moisture evaporates, the bole will receive the necessary substances for the development of the rhizome.

Each of these methods will help restore a dying plant, but this process can be lengthy.

Helper drugs

To speed up the recovery process, Phalaenopsis orchids are used whole line drugs. With their help, the roots of the flower grow several times faster, and the stem itself feels much more comfortable. The most popular among flower growers are:

  • succinic acid, which is used to grow roots and restore leaves in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmortar. It is prepared from one tablet of the product and a liter of water. Use it in the form of spraying and for watering no more than once a month;
  • Vermiculite is a loose fraction, which is usually used instead of moss or bark. It is distinguished from the substrate by a large number of useful substances. Root germination in vermiculite is carried out by planting in the usual way, only bark or moss is replaced with a remedy. Watering is necessary as it dries;

Vermiculite of different fractions.

  • Kornevin is a growth stimulant, it is used to germinate the roots of phalaenopsis directly in the water. The powder from the bag is diluted in accordance with the instructions and the reanimated plant is placed there for 20 minutes. At the end of time, the orchid is transferred to a container with water and placed in a bright and warm place;
  • Fitosporin will help to reanimate phalaenopsis after the detection of fungi. In this preparation, the plant is soaked for 15-20 minutes, and then planted in a greenhouse or pot with sphagnum;
  • Glucose will become an assistant for all previous preparations, and she herself will help to sprout roots in a diseased trunk. Leaves of reanimated plants are wiped with an aqueous solution, and if a plant is placed in it up to the neck, the process of root formation will be significantly accelerated. A healing potion is prepared from a liter of water and two ampoules of a pharmaceutical preparation.

Attention! The use of stimulants will speed up the rehabilitation process, but you should not expect quick results, the plant needs time and proper care to fully recover.

Animation Features

Each individual case of resuscitation of the Phalaenopsis orchid has its own characteristics, it is impossible to revive all plants with one method:

  • for stem without leaves germination is suitable only in a greenhouse, it is important to provide the necessary amount of light. But direct sunlight can finally kill the plant;
  • without growing point an orchid can also survive, for this it is reanimated in an ordinary pot, which is picked up under the rhizome. Particular attention should be paid to watering, it is carried out by spraying and very carefully so that only the roots are moistened;
  • with root rot you can restore the bole without using a substrate. After cutting off all the affected roots and treating with a fungicide, the plant can simply be attached to a single piece of foam and simply hung in partial shade;
  • admitted soil drying up will also affect the roots, only the effect will be directly opposite to decay. Roots just dry up. For their recovery after the preliminary preparatory process the trunk is restored in a greenhouse, or new roots are germinated above the water;

Advice! A good effect will be from pre-soaking the orchid in a stimulant preparation.

  • When hypothermia Each case is studied separately, because the damage can be completely different. If it grabbed leaves and flower stalks, then after a long rehabilitation, the bole will survive. The same will happen with frozen roots. If the growth point has suffered, namely, it has become transparent and watery, then no resuscitation will help here;
  • sunburn are not treated, the plant can simply be protected from this. It is enough just to rearrange the pot to another window or build a small shelter. Affected leaves are usually cut and disposed of;


  • flower stalks the phalaenopsis orchid dry up in two cases (depending on the cause and choose the recovery method):
    • from lack of moisture;
    • from overfeeding.
  • Rot on the neck plants will require urgent intervention, and the rehabilitation process will be lengthy. First, decay is removed to living tissues, the sections must be processed. In the future, they monitor the recovery process under natural conditions, only after watering and spraying all the moisture from the leaves and stem gets wet. A warm shower in the near future is categorically contraindicated for this orchid;
  • Damaged crown will bring the least harm to the trunk, just cut off all the damaged leaves and process the cut-off point. Further regular watering and fertilizing will do their job, the plant will quickly grow.

Rescue of a child without roots

It often happens that the baby on the peduncle does not want to sprout roots at all, in this case it is worth helping her with this.

Do it usually with the help of a hotplate, an object of rehabilitation is placed in it and sphagnum is regularly watered.

Root formation can also be stimulated by placing a sprout above the water container.

Before that it is advisable to soak the baby in a growth accelerator.

Protection against fungi and pests

An initial pest check should be carried out at the very beginning. when the trunk was just brought into the house. This is easy to do: put a flower pot in a container and pour water into it. It should reach the top edges. If there are pests such as scale insects or worms in the substrate, they will immediately climb up. After their discovery, you need to change the substrate, and thoroughly wash and process the roots of the plant.

fungal diseases can also be prevented, for this you should not allow waterlogging of the substrate, regularly inspect the roots. In case of detection of inclinations or a full-fledged disease it is worth cutting off the affected areas, and treating the roots with a fungicide.

Fungus on an orchid.

Nuances and features of development after resuscitation

Everyone is interested in the question How long can the bole resuscitation take? I would like to warn you right away that this is a protracted process, full recovery takes 6 to 12 months.

Rubbing the leaves with an aqueous solution with growth accelerators will help speed up rehabilitation. The procedure can be carried out a couple of times a week.

After successful resuscitation special attention should be paid to the elimination of the root causes that led to the disease.

An important point will be regular watering, compliance temperature regime and maintaining the required humidity in the room.

Useful videos

Watch a video about caring for an orchid at home:

The following video is about resuscitation of orchids in water:

The video below tells how to save phalaenopsis without leaves and growing points:

The following video talks about diseases and pests of orchids:


We told you how to revive an orchid if the roots have dried up. However, remember that it is possible to reanimate the phalaenopsis orchid, but it is better not to bring the plant to such a state. Carefully monitor the condition of your pets on the windowsill.

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The home orchid is dying: what to do and how to save it?

Orchid dies - what to do? Inexperienced growers may encounter such a problem. indoor plants. You can completely despair and abandon the idea of ​​​​saving your favorite flower, but there is a more optimistic scenario. You just need to take the advice of professionals who will help you take the right measures and provide the plant with many years of life.

The orchid loves heat and high humidity. At proper care it can bloom all year round.

How to save a plant with excessive watering

Often the cause of the death of an orchid is watering, which is carried out incorrectly. Caring flower owners try to take care of their ward as carefully as possible, so they pour too much water into the pot. This procedure leads to the fact that the roots of the plant begin to rot. Especially if such watering is carried out systematically.

Frequent watering can lead to rotting of the roots of the plant, you need to water only when the bark in the pot dries out.

It is recommended to act in such a situation immediately. The first resuscitation measures are to free the root system from damp or even moldy soil. It is necessary to get the plant out of the pot smoothly and carefully, without harming its parts. For convenience, you can make a small dig using an improvised tool at a distance of 6-7 cm from the root.

The root system must be placed under running water and rinsed properly. This event will provide an opportunity to determine the state of the roots. All rotten parts must be removed. Here, garden shears (or ordinary, but very sharp) will come to the rescue. In certain areas of the root system, partial rot lesions can be detected. They should not be completely cut, but only partial (in the most affected places).

To prevent further infection, all cut parts of the system must be treated with some substance that can have an antiseptic effect on the roots. These antiseptics include ground cinnamon or powdered activated charcoal.

All rotted parts of the root must be carefully and thoroughly cleaned, and then washed to protect the plant from further damage.

To save the plant and remove rotten roots, the orchid is transplanted into new soil.

All previously cut sections should be exposed to air for a certain period of time. A small crust should form on the roots. This procedure should take about 24 hours. At the same time, it is by no means necessary to place the plant in water; it is recommended to leave it in any glass container with a neck to protect the plant from damage.

Before transplanting a resuscitated plant, new soil must be prepared for it. It must be chosen carefully to provide the most favorable conditions for further growth. It is better to buy land in a specialized store. Moreover, the consultant needs to be told what exactly the soil is needed for.

After the specified period, the orchid must be re-planted. It is recommended to do this carefully. The landing method is the most common. The only feature is that when planting in a new soil, a plant dying from excessive watering does not need water for about 7 days. The report must be started from the second day after landing.

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Saving a plant without roots

If the orchid has lost its roots, then it will be possible to grow the root system of the orchid from the neck of the plant in a vessel with water. For resuscitation, it is important to correctly carry out the process of preparing the necessary fluid, in which root growth will occur. To save the flower, you will need a root growth stimulator, the upper part of the orchid, on which there is a growth point, water, activated charcoal. Water must be boiled. After that, it must be cooled to room temperature.

To revive the root system of an orchid, the plant is placed in a growth stimulator.

Having cut off the upper part of the plant, you need to wait for the damage site to heal. This process will take about 2 hours. For faster results, the orchid should be placed in a warm room. The place should be protected from sunlight.

Then the flower is placed in a growth stimulator for 20 minutes. After a specified period of time, it must be lowered into water in which 1 tablet of activated carbon is dissolved. The water tank should be located in a place where the air temperature is at least 25 degrees. Diffused lighting in the room is desirable.

When carrying out resuscitation at home, it should be borne in mind that the liquid from the container evaporates quickly. Periodically, it should be added to the vessel. In this case, the stem does not have to touch the water. It can freely be located above it at a height of 1-2 cm.

The revival of the root system using the described method is performed for 2 months. As soon as the roots reach 5-6 cm, the orchid can be planted in the substrate.

The soil for the flower, the restoration of the roots of which was carried out, requires a special one. Sphagnum moss is most suitable. It is often used in the preparation of various mixtures for planting orchids. It should be chosen because of a number of its advantages. Moss sphagnum passes a sufficient amount of air, it is light. Plus it's cheap. You can even prepare it yourself. It is an environmentally friendly product. After the resuscitation procedure, when the roots have grown sufficiently in length, the flower is transplanted into the pine bark.

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Bad light

Quite often, the plant dies due to the fact that it was not provided with the necessary lighting. Often, such a problem has to be faced in autumn and winter, when there is not enough sunlight for all living organisms. But this does not apply to all orchids. There are some species that do not tolerate direct sunlight. They prefer darkness.

There is a certain limit of light necessary for a plant, which allows it to feel most comfortable. If this limit is violated, then the orchid begins to fade, all its life processes go astray.

The leaves begin to fade due to the fact that the water supply to them is not properly provided. And here it does not matter how well the plant is watered. After the next recharge, the liquid enters through the root system only to upper layers that contain dead cells. They also do not allow water to penetrate into the deeper layers and carry out nutrition correctly.

In order for the process to stabilize, certain regulatory processes must occur in the flower itself, which can ensure the normalization of water absorption during irrigation. Leaves that receive a sufficient amount of sunlight give certain signals to the root system. For the rehabilitation of each type of orchid, there is a light threshold, which must be provided properly.

Despite the rather refined and aristocratic appearance, phalaenopsis - undemanding plants orchid families. On a 10-point scale of plant growing complexity (10 points is the maximum level of sophistication), the laboriousness of caring for orchids of this species does not exceed two points. True, there is one caveat - it is necessary for the roots to provide comfort. Otherwise, this handsome man will not stay long in your collection.


There are several reasons for root rotting: excessive watering, hypothermia of the roots, inappropriate capacity, poor soil. Many novice flower growers, remembering that phalaenopsis comes from the tropics, are in a hurry to moisten the soil of the plant as often and as plentifully as possible, thereby causing the plant more harm than good. The orchid really loves moisture, but in an overly moistened soil mixture, the roots are deprived of the oxygen necessary for their development and begin to rot. Therefore, it is better to water no more than once every two weeks, and then if you notice that all the roots in the pot have become light silver.

Watering is carried out by immersion in a larger container of water. There should be enough life-giving moisture so that it overflows into a pot with a flower. It is desirable that . The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. Be sure to drain excess liquid from the pan, then wipe the pan dry.

It is not necessary to have a transparent flowerpot, but it is more convenient to monitor the state of the phalaenopsis root system in the substrate with it. It should be a pot with many holes with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Often in flower shops sell soil that is not particularly suitable for orchids. It quickly "blooms" and sour. The thing is that phalaenopsis refers to epiphates. Their root system is represented as aerial roots absorbing moisture directly from atmospheric air. Nutrients "adorable epidendrum" receives when watering. The substrate serves more to give the plant stability and ensure growth in an upright position.

What is the best substrate for flowers? For this, pine bark is quite suitable for you. You can buy it at any specialized store, or cook it yourself.

Tip 2. Boil the harvested bark before use to kill possible fungal infections and pest larvae. In addition, after boiling, the moisture capacity of the bark increases.

They are used to germinate the roots of children, and it is better not to add it to the substrate for an adult plant. It can cause stagnant waterlogging, lack of oxygen and the creation of an acidic environment.

In addition, various fungi and bacterial diseases can be the cause of root rot. But I will talk about this next time (the material is being prepared). I will only note here that at the first suspicion of an infection - isolate diseased plant from healthy ones. Carefully inspect your collection to prevent an epidemic among flowers.


But if you notice that at the same time several leaves have lost their elasticity, and the roots have begun to turn yellow en masse, then hurry to remove the “butterfly” from the flowerpot. Inspect it, thoroughly rinse all the "air", cut off dry and rotting roots, clean the stem from the scales of dry leaves, dried flower stalks. Is there mold on the plant? Place the flower for a few minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

At this time, prepare a new "house" for the orchid. For example, take a plastic glass, pour pebbles on the bottom for stability, fill it with water. There should be enough water so that the flower you place does not touch the surface of the water.

Tip 3. To prevent the "moth" from falling through, build supports from improvised material.

If you have enough dry air in the room, then the water evaporated in a glass will not be enough. To increase humidity, some flower growers place the plant in a plastic bag, make ventilation holes in it. Periodically, the package is opened, ventilated. Often in such a "bathhouse" the process begins to mold from excess moisture, so make sure that too much water condensate does not form on the walls of the greenhouse.

It is certainly completely obvious that the lack of a root system in a flower is a major concern. And even more than serious, because this is actually the final countdown - either you have time to save the orchid without roots, or not.

As you know, Phalaenopsis is one of the most unpretentious types of orchids. If you are at home at least occasionally, remember where you have a tap with water and sometimes ventilate the room, then, in principle, your flower will live. Practice, unfortunately, shows that most often the minimum care is not enough and the flower is subjected to serious trials, sometimes it even dies.

The last mistake that a florist can make in relation to his pet can be indifference - seeing how a flower dies, let it die. Largely because of this, then you need to save orchids without roots.

In their natural environment, orchids exist in warm, humid climates. Even in the dry season, there is no problem for the roots to get moisture for the flower organism. High humidity environment allows them to do so. That is, plants such as orchids do not need abundant watering. Roots tend to retain moisture for some period of time because they are covered with multi-layered tissue. This is the reason why the roots should dry thoroughly between waterings. Overwatering is unacceptable. Roots due to continuous being in a wet state can simply die.

Velamen is an integumentary protective tissue covering the roots. When exposed to negative environmental factors, it can begin to rot. This eventually leads to the fact that the root system completely rots and dies.

So we come to the part of the discussion on how to save an orchid without roots.

Orchid resuscitation method without roots

Try growing roots from the neck of the plant in a container of water. Boiled water, a root former (any one will do), activated charcoal, and a neatly cut top of the reanimated plant will help you with this. Make sure that the cut is a little delayed, in a warm place this will happen quite quickly.

Further steps for resuscitation of an orchid without roots:

  1. Dilute the growth stimulator in water and lower part of the plant into it (with a tightened cut)
  2. Pour boiled water into a container, throw an activated charcoal tablet in the same place.
  3. We move the plant from the first container to the second (best external conditions: room temperature 23-25 ​​degrees, constant good air circulation).
  4. Periodically wipe the leaves of the flower with a sponge dipped in a sugar solution.
  5. Make sure that the moisture in the container is always at the same level, that is, periodically add water there.
  6. After 2 months, watch the emergence of new roots! With their length of 5-6 cm, you can safely transplant the orchid into the substrate!

A flower that has recently lost and regained its roots requires special conditions.

Soil for the cured flower: could sphagnum (for the first few months). This is a kind of moss fit best way, because it is breathable, light and by the way, very cheap.

Over time, you can even collect other components of the substrate yourself or use fertilizer. But note: this can only be done after the plant has fully adapted.

You have learned how to save your rootless orchid. We hope you don't have similar problems in the future.

When indoor orchids are sold in a store at a price 2-3 times lower than usual, or when acquaintances offer to pick up a drying plant for free, it's hard to resist. Even if the leaves of the orchid turned yellow and began to dry, and the roots turned brown, you can save such a plant. You just need to transplant it correctly. Indoor orchids are rather capricious plants. This is due to the fact that their homeland is a tropical jungle. It is difficult enough to maintain a mode suitable for a flower in room conditions.

Improper care can lead to the fact that in a few weeks you will be thinking about how to resuscitate the orchid from the consequences. Very often, orchids begin to have difficulties with roots. Don't be disheartened. A withered plant, even with rotten roots, can be reanimated. In order to understand how to resurrect a dying plant, it is necessary to deal with the factors of problems. Often, the fact that the roots rot is to blame for the wrong care. The orchid loves diffused light. Very often, difficulties with the root system in orchids begin in autumn-winter period. Therefore, from September to March, you need to take extremely close care of the plants. In the warm season, actively growing, blooming orchids feel comfortable in natural conditions, easily enduring the lack of illumination, heating and additional humidification. What is the reason that orchids die at home, and how to save a beautiful flower?

How to understand that something is wrong with the orchid?

The orchid will definitely give you warning signals, and first of all it will be:

§ dried and fading leaves;

§ poor growth.

In this case, only an immediate replacement of conditions and resuscitation can help and give the flower a second life. The first thing to do before reanimating an orchid is to check the roots. Ideally, the processes should be light in color. From above, they are covered with a greenish substance - velamen. The shell performs several functions. Protects a thin long root from various damages and participates in the "feeding" of the plant. Small tips are visible to the naked eye. They absorb water from the substrate.

Why do orchids turn yellow leaves?

Yellowing and drying of orchid leaves can be caused by various reasons. Usually this is a violation of the conditions of detention, when the leaves fall due to the death of the roots.

First of all, check the condition of the root system - it is very easy to distinguish living roots from dead ones in orchids. Orchid roots have rotted if they are purchased Brown color, lost their elasticity, crumpled, soaked areas appeared on them. Viable orchid roots should be light in color (as a rule, they are green).

If the leaves of your orchid have turned yellow, become flabby and lethargic, it may have suffered from overheating. Where is the pot of your plant? If on the windowsill, next to a window that is not covered with blinds or curtains, or in the immediate vicinity of a central heating battery, then it is likely that the plant is sick precisely from excessive heat. Note that the leaves will not recover immediately, but after three to four days with proper care. To avoid reheating, change the location of the flower pot. Remember that the orchid does not like scorching sunlight, so it is better to shade it or place it some distance from the window.

An orchid can be saved, even if it is left almost without roots. To do this, you need to transplant it, after removing dead leaves and roots.

The 3 Conditions That Most Often Lead to Root Rot

1. The quality of the substrate. Sphagnum fibers or coconut in the substrate should retain elasticity, pieces of bark should not crumble much. When the particles of the substrate for indoor orchids begin to mold and rot, fine debris is formed. When watering, it absorbs a lot of water, sometimes turns into a gruel, upon contact with which the roots begin to rot. Prepare a fresh substrate, albeit from small, but whole and elastic pieces, between which air freely penetrates.

2. Lighting. The higher the temperature of the orchid, the more light it needs. At home, in winter, you need to choose light window sills for orchids, since the air in the living quarters is too hot. The combination of excess heat (both during the day and at night) with a lack of light depresses the plants, causes yellowing of the leaves and root rot.

3. Humidity. Keep the humidity high for orchids as much as possible. Daily spraying of leaves and roots from a fine spray is useful (just make sure that water does not drain into the leaf axils). The substrate, on the contrary, should be well ventilated and dry out between waterings. Avoid mold and musty odors.

The main ways to save an orchid

How to save an orchid - method 1

If the orchid has enough living roots left, then after cleaning the root system, it can be planted in a small pot filled with substrate. Since weakened roots will not allow the orchid to gain a foothold in the pot enough, for the first time it needs to be strengthened additionally. Like all patients, the affected orchid needs to organize sparing conditions: place it in a well-lit place, but protected from direct sunlight, and ensure the correct drinking regimen. It should be remembered that weakened roots will not be able to fully absorb moisture from the substrate, so you need to water the orchid very carefully, slightly moistening the substrate from the spray gun. Excellent results in the restoration of the root system are given by the lower watering of the orchid, when water is poured into a saucer in which the pot stands.

How to save an orchid - method 2

How to save an orchid - method 3

You can reanimate an orchid with ordinary water. To do this, it is placed in a container of water in such a way that only the very tip of its lower part touches the water. After 12 hours, the water is drained, and after another 12 hours, it is poured again. At the same time, the air temperature should be at least + 25 ° C. The appearance of roots with this method should be expected in 6-10 weeks, but sometimes this period can stretch up to six months.

The use of growth regulators when nursing an orchid

Experienced flower growers recommend using growth regulators that help strengthen the plant's immune system. The most commonly used "Epin" (or otherwise - "Epin-Extra"), as well as "Zircon". These drugs help the orchid regain strength. Dilute "Epin" should be in a dosage of 1 liter - 1 drop. In this solution, you can soak the plant from 20 minutes to 2 hours. But remember that growth regulators alone are not a magic panacea for all orchid diseases. In order for a plant to feel good, it is necessary to create favorable growing conditions for it, including maintaining high humidity air and adequate lighting in the room. We hope you now know how to reanimate a Phalaenopsis orchid. Take care of the plant wisely, observing all the agrotechnical rules for growing, avoiding overflow, hypothermia or overheating.

How to revive a dried orchid video