How to close the riser with plastic panels. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels: preparatory work and a step-by-step do-it-yourself finishing process

  • 27.06.2020
August 16, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communication, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Very often, clients and novice masters ask how to hide pipes in the bathroom. Recently, for example, I parked the car and a local watchman turned to me with a similar question, who decided to do some repairs with his own hands.

Well, give helpful advice I never feel sorry for and I do not take money for it. And then the weather was just fine, so we sat down in the shade, and I told everything I know about how to hide the pipes in the bathroom in such a way as to spend a minimum of effort and money on it.

However, during the conversation it turned out that he likes sewing pipes more, that is, when engineering communications are not just disguised, but completely invisible. Therefore, I had to take a pencil and paper in my hands and throw a sketch of a plastic box into it, which is the best fit for this purpose.

And when I was walking home from the parking lot in the evening, I thought that such an instruction would be useful to other people who do not know how to close the pipes in the bathroom. Therefore, I put my whole story in writing and present to your attention.

Simple methods for decorating pipes

Before telling you about complicated ways After how to close the pipes in the bathroom, I will mention a little about how to decorate engineering communications in this room. We will talk about simple ways that do not require much effort and money.

With just a little of your valuable time, you can turn those annoying pipes into interesting accessories that will complement and diversify your bathroom design.

So let's get started:

  1. Mosaic. This is an interesting and unusual way to mask pipes. By sticking mosaic pieces on the surface of the plumbing, you can skillfully hide them, making them look like walls. That is, an unusual and interesting accessory will turn out.

The disadvantage of this approach is that tiles can only be glued to wide parts. But, for example, I finished the sewer riser like this and I can tell you that it looked very good.

  1. stucco work. This refers to finished products made of polyurethane, which look like stucco. This material does not require any special skills from you to install, but with its help you can quickly disguise the pipes, decorating the bathroom in an aristocratic style.

The advantage of this decor is that in the event of a leak, you can quickly dismantle the stucco molding and eliminate the defect. The downside is that the stucco does not look very nice on water pipes installed horizontally.

  1. Metal gratings. great way for those who do not know how to disguise pipes in a plumbing room. They are available in stainless steel or chrome plated. If you skillfully combine them with, then you can equip a high-tech bathroom.

For installation, you can use a special frame that is attached directly to the pipes.

However, I call all this only half-measures. If you really want to know how to sew up pipes so that they are completely invisible and do not spoil the interior of the room, then read the next section.

Methods for masking water transport systems

In total, I know four main ways to mask pipes. But I want to note that these are basic techniques and they can be combined with different ways finishes. Almost all of the described technologies require serious work, so they are often resorted to during overhaul In bathroom.

I will tell you about each method in more detail.

Hidden lining in the wall

This is the most obvious way to hide water pipes. Its essence lies in the fact that before the installation of the engineering system, strobes are made in the enclosing walls or floor, in which pipes are laid. Thus, by the way, you can do it if you decide how to hide the plumbing under the tile.

It would seem that if everything is so simple and easy, why come up with other ways of disguise. But the fact is that I personally consider the hidden gasket not the most best scheme pipe layouts. It has many disadvantages:

  1. For hidden gasket only metal-plastic and plastic pipes . Therefore, if suddenly you are a follower metal water pipes, from walling them into the wall will have to be abandoned.
  2. During installation, you will have to use only one-piece connections.
  3. The process of hidden pipe laying itself takes a very long time and requires great precision.. For example, if you have already soldered the pipe, but it does not fit into the strobe, you will either have to hammer the wall again or re-solder the pipeline section.
  4. In the event of an accident, it will be necessary to completely break the decorative finish, that is, start bathroom renovation again.

Therefore, I recommend thinking several times before hiding water pipes in the wall. Moreover, there are less radical methods. For example, installing cabinets or other furniture. About this, by the way, in the next section.


This option is good because you do not need to destroy or somehow modify the decorative wall decoration. Almost everything can be used as pieces of furniture, with the help of which engineering communications are disguised:

  • hanging mirrors;
  • bedside tables;
  • lockers and so on.

Of course, it is better if the wardrobe or bedside table is made by yourself. Then their dimensions will ideally fit the dimensions of the room and perfectly mask the pipes you have. The price of custom-made furniture is not so high (although it all depends on the design and materials), and if you have at least a little skill in handling tools, everything can be made by hand.

The second option is to buy ready-made furniture. But at the same time, you still have to adjust cabinets and bedside tables on the spot, since no factory project can provide for all the intricacies of pipes in your bathroom.

You should purchase only specialized bathroom furniture that is designed for use in conditions high humidity. As an option - the arrangement of a forced ventilation system with powerful fans that can effectively regulate the content of water vapor in the air.

The disadvantage of this method is the difficult access to the pipes. If you need to embed something or fix a leak, you will have to dismantle the cabinet or disassemble the nightstand. Therefore, I will tell you about another way - the use of roller shutters or blinds.

roller shutters

There isn't much to say here at all. Buy roller shutters or blinds right size and install them in the bathroom so that they cover the water pipes.

I prefer roller shutters, as they have several advantages over blinds:

  • completely mask the pipes of the water supply and sewerage;
  • protect against water noise in the engineering system;
  • give the room an elegant touch appearance;
  • provide free and quick access to the laid pipes.

If you decide to buy blinds, I advise you to purchase plastic panels that can be operated in humid air without changing the appearance and technical characteristics.

Boxes and niches

Such designs allow you to hide any number of engineering communications laid open way(that is, not recessed into the walls). Before starting repairs in the bathroom, I recommend that you immediately draw up a small plan or sketch, on which you indicate which specific and what size boxes and niches will be made.

This method can be used not only for masking pipes in the bathroom, but also for installation household appliances. For example, in a drywall niche you can put washing machine. No connection pipes will be visible, and on top you can equip a table for household items.

There is one nuance here. When designing niches, I recommend doing them in such a way as to provide easy access to pipes in case of an accident. For example, make one of the panels removable. Thus, in the event of a water pipe break, you will not need to destroy the decorative finish and start the repair again.

I consider it a positive point that metal-plastic pipes with detachable joints can be hidden in boxes and niches (after all, according to SNiP, they cannot be embedded in walls). In addition, the installation of the box does not require alteration of the entire water supply system (as, for example, when immuring pipes into a wall).

In general, looking ahead, I can tell you that I like this option the most. So I advised the guard from the parking lot to do. If you also want to use a box for masking pipes, then the technology for its manufacture is described below.

Before that, however, there is one moment. The box can be sheathed with plasterboard sheets and plastic panels. The first option is more laborious, since after manufacturing it must be finished with decorative material (most often tiles). Therefore, I suggested to the watchman to make a box sheathed with plastic.

Arrangement of a plastic box for masking pipes

Now it's time to reveal another secret to you. After thinking, thinking, my interlocutor decided that it was too difficult to mask the pipes in the bathroom on his own. So he asked me to take on this case. And as payment, he offered to guard my car for free for three months, well, sort of like a netting.

Therefore, below I will tell you in detail how to hide water and sewer pipes in the bathroom with plastic panels.

Benefits of a plastic box

But first, a few more words about the pros. I want to 100% convince you that I advised my interlocutor a very good option (especially when compared with the same box, but sheathed with plasterboard sheets).

So, the advantages of a plastic box are as follows:

  1. If necessary, the design is quickly disassembled, while the material is not damaged and is suitable for reuse. That is, if the plumbing in your bathroom is made using pipes and detachable connections, when leaks appear, you can easily eliminate them. And after that, put everything back together so that even your wife does not suspect anything.
  2. The box, sheathed with plastic panels, does not require additional decorative finishing. Moreover, they themselves are a finishing material, I myself have repaired many toilets and bathrooms, sheathing the walls with plastic.
  3. The design is resistant to deformation and quickly repaired in case of breakage. Plastic has sufficient flexibility and strength, so it is difficult to damage it. However, if someone succeeds, the destroyed panel can be replaced within a few minutes.
  4. The support frame itself and plastic can be installed even by a beginner in matters of repair and interior decoration. You can complete the construction of the box within one day. At the same time, buy some special materials and you don't need to rent complicated tools.
  5. This whole construction is inexpensive (especially when compared with plasterboard and tiles). After all, it was not for nothing that many of my clients who did not want to spend a lot of money on repairs chose plastic panels for wall cladding in the bathroom.
  6. Compact and spacious. The panels themselves are very thin and hung on a lightweight frame. Therefore, the box will occupy a minimum of usable space in the bathroom. But this room is not the most spacious in the apartment, so free space will never be superfluous.

Preparation for work

So, I convinced the caretaker to make a plastic box, and he assigned this honorable duty to me. Therefore, I immediately (that is, from the next morning, since it was Saturday) set to work.

The first stage is preparation. I always work like this:

  1. I study all the pipelines that need to be masked in the future box. It is necessary to identify the shortcomings and eliminate them before constructing the frame and sewing it up with plastic.

I'll give you one piece of advice. If you will change water pipes before installing the box, try to plan the system so that it contains a minimum of connections. Especially if threaded fittings are used.

  1. Thinking out the configuration of the future box. In this particular case, I drew a sketch on paper and showed it to my "customer" from the parking lot. He approved.

I always try to come up with such a design that, in addition to the main task (masking pipes), it serves as a stand for detergents, or cosmetics, or something else.

Immediately at the same stage, I always decide where to make holes in the box for inspection doors. After all, you won’t disassemble the plastic lining every time you need to turn off the water or look at the readings of the water meter.

  1. According to a pre-made drawing, I calculate the amount of material needed. Naturally, I buy everything with a small margin, since in my practice there were many cases when I had to go to the store for one wooden block or one plastic panel.

At the preparatory stage, think right away about how the seams of the plastic panels will be located. I prefer vertical ones, but then you need to install transverse stiffeners when designing the box.

To avoid this, you can do it horizontally. But in this case, you will have to do more work on cutting panels. It is difficult to give a specific recommendation here, you can make a decision at your own discretion.

Tools and materials

To construct a box from plastic panels (yes, by the way, from GKL), you will need the following materials:

  • galvanized profiles for mounting the frame (they can be replaced with wooden bars with a section of 3 by 3 cm);
  • plastic panels (as you understand, if you make a drywall box, you will need to buy it);
  • silicone sealant;
  • polyvinyl chloride skirting boards for masking the edges of plastic panels;
  • plastic doors for revision holes;
  • screws or screws;
  • knife for cutting plastic panels.

Box design

Having finished with the preparation, I proceeded to designing the frame, which will then be sheathed with plastic panels. As I said, I bought a galvanized profile, but I think if you prefer wood, you can guess how to use it correctly.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. In places where the box will come into contact with the wall of the bathroom, I installed guide profiles that will limit the dimensions of the future structure.

During their installation, it is imperative to use the building level in order to observe verticals and horizontals.

To fix the parts, I use dowels with screws, I drill holes with a perforator. If your walls are already tiled, work very carefully so as not to split the decorative material.

To save more free space in the bathroom, I recommend placing the frame closer to the pipes. However, you must leave a free space of at least 3 cm, otherwise the plastic may melt from contact with hot water pipes.

  1. Installed a guide profile on the floor and ceiling. Otherwise, it will not be possible to firmly fix the upper and lower parts. In addition, it is these parts that help to properly mount the external corner support element.

  1. Mounted outer corner. To do this, I used the same profile that I installed on the wall.
  2. After that, I cut several profiles, which I connected to the guides on the walls and the corner profile, making stiffeners. They should be located at a distance of no more than 40 cm.

I fastened the parts together with the help of small self-tapping screws.

Sheathing installation

After completing the construction of the frame, I moved on to lining it with plastic panels. He acted according to the following scheme:

  1. I installed the starting PVC profile (U-shaped part). Attached it to the frame. Here you need to act very carefully to avoid deformation of the product and attach it strictly vertically.

In the photo - profiles for plastic panels and their use in the design of the box.

I also used small self-tapping screws to secure it. If you designed a frame from wooden bars, then you can fasten plastic parts using a construction stapler.

  1. Then I measured the desired height and cut off the plastic panel.

  1. After that, I installed the panel on the frame, inserting one end into the U-shaped end part, and fixed the second on the frame with self-tapping screws.

  1. I did the same with the rest of the parts, except for the last one, which will dock with the plastic corner on the outer corner.
  2. Regarding the corner: at the end of the box, you need to install an external PVC corner, which is necessary for installing the panels and masking the cut of the plastic panel.
  3. After installing the corner, I cut the last sheet of plastic not only in length, but also in width, and then inserted it into the right place in the box.
  4. I did the same with other surfaces of the structure for masking water pipes.
  5. After finishing the sheathing, I marked out the places for mounting the revision doors, cut holes and installed them there, gluing them on the sealant.

  1. Then it remains to mount so many skirting boards that decorate the joints between the floor (ceiling) and the box. Although sometimes I was limited only to the installation of U-shaped parts. This is quite enough.


As you can see, building a box in the bathroom to mask plastic pipes is not difficult. But I advise you to do this not after the repair is completed, but simultaneously with it. So the design will look harmonious and natural.

You can leave your questions, wishes and advice in the comments to the material. And if you're interested Additional Information about repairs in sanitary facilities, you can watch the video in this article.

The problem of masking pipes in the bathroom room is faced by those homeowners who are trying to give an aesthetic appearance to absolutely all rooms of the house or apartment. You can see that there are, of course, exceptions: open pipes can fit perfectly into one industrial design style - the "loft". However, his adherents are still not so many. The overwhelming majority are those owners who prefer a cozy warm atmosphere even in such specific purpose and small areas as a toilet.

Therefore, the question of how to hide the pipes in the toilet remains always relevant for them. Moreover, new decoration options are emerging, developed by manufacturers of various bathroom accessories, as well as invented by home craftsmen.

General information about pipe masking structures

What are the options for piping in the toilet

Pipes in the toilet are trying to hide not only the owners of luxury houses or apartments, but also the owners of ordinary budget housing. Much in the choice of masking plumbing wiring depends on the location of the pipes, as well as on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom.

The most difficult thing is to choose and install a structure that closes communications in the toilet of an apartment of a standard layout and footage in high-rise buildings. This is due to the fact that pipes often run along two adjacent walls. In such cases, camouflage structures take on complex, difficult forms, since literally every centimeter of free space in the room has to be saved.

If the pipes in the toilet are located along one wall, then it will be easiest to close them. The rest of the space of the room will not be occupied by a masking structure and, therefore, will not lose in its area.

If the pipes are located along adjacent walls, then in order to hide them, you will have to build two camouflage boxes, which will lead to a rather serious loss of area. Besides, different types communications can run vertically and horizontally, while also having branches to neighboring rooms. Unfortunately, the size of the toilet does not always make it possible to equip full-fledged camouflage structures for such difficult cases.

The collector wiring option, if the main node is located in the toilet, occupies a considerable part of the space of the room, if we consider a relatively small area. In addition, this design often hangs over the back of the toilet, which also makes it difficult to cover it with enclosing materials. Thinking over the masking of the collector assembly, it is also necessary to take into account the provision of access to meters, water meters, in which it is necessary to periodically change cartridges, control valves. So the task is also not an easy one.

The main types of camouflage structures

To date, there are several types of structures most commonly used to mask communication nodes in bathrooms or toilets. Of these, you can choose the option that is most suitable for the location of the pipes. To figure out which one to give preference to, it is necessary to consider not only how they will look in their final form, but also the features of the process of their installation.

  • Building around communications a frame made of galvanized metal profiles or a wooden beam, which is further sheathed with plasterboard sheets or plastic panels. Here it is necessary to clarify that metal profiles are better suited for the installation of plastic panels, and a wooden frame for the installation of plastic panels, although this is not a rule at all - just a recommendation. Having chosen this masking option, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of access to significant wiring nodes (faucets, filters, water meters, etc.)

  • The built-in sanitary cabinet is a box with doors, which is mounted in an erected from metal profile or wooden beam frame. Doors can have different heights and widths equal to the width of the room. Glass, wood and plastic versions of such cabinets are produced.
  • Horizontal blinds or shutters. This option for masking pipes is convenient in operation in that full access to communications can always be opened in case of an emergency.
A built-in closet is not only a disguise, but also a lot of space for storing household items.
  • If the length of the room allows, then you can close the pipes in the toilet by building a functional cabinet in which there is a place to store many different useful items. Access to the pipes will be provided by opening the upper and lower doors.

  • If the walls of the toilet are built of gypsum-based slabs, which is not uncommon in multi-storey buildings, channels can be punched into them for walling in pipes. However, this option is only suitable for pipes of small diameter, and for a sewer riser you still have to choose a different masking method.

  • If for some reason it is not possible to install one of the above structures at all, then you can use the idea of ​​external decoration of the pipe with various decorative elements or painting.

Types of sanitary hatches

When closing water supply and sewer communications, it is always necessary to provide access to them - for auditing, for taking readings of water meters, for performing repair and restoration work in the event of an accident. Therefore, you should think in advance which door or which hatch better fit for a specific design.

In the market of the modern market of building materials, manufacturers present many such options:

  • Hatches ready for installation. They can be made of durable frosted artificial glass, plastic or metal. This type of product does not need cladding - the main thing is to choose it correct dimensions and design, suitable for the selected wall cladding. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase the optimal model before the start of the arrangement of the building envelope.

  • Invisible hatches, consisting of a metal frame on which a plate is fixed (usually made of a gypsum-fiber composite). This type of product is intended for subsequent cladding with the same material as the rest of the walls of the toilet or bathroom. Thanks to this approach, the door becomes almost completely invisible.

Invisible hatches can have a different design according to the type of opening - they are sliding, folding and hinged. The options are shown in the illustrations. In addition, there are invisible hatches that are simply held on magnets and, if necessary, completely removed.

Which of the designs to choose - depends on the location of the specific location of the hatch. That is, its opening should not present difficulties, and in the open form it should give the necessary "degree of freedom" to perform certain operations on covert communications.

  • Manholes consisting of an aluminum frame and plasterboard sheathing. These doors are not usually designed for tiling - they remain light, so they are either painted in the right color or wallpapered over.

Installation of masking pipe structures

In this section, several possible options for closing pipes will be considered.

For installation work, it is necessary to prepare tools and, of course, everything necessary materials. And if different materials may be required, then the list of tools for building the frame and its sheathing, as a rule, does not undergo any special changes.

So, in order to mask communications in the toilet, you should prepare:

- A screwdriver and an electric drill (if the walls are made of dense material that requires a special approach to making holes);

- Metal scissors for working with a metal profile and a hacksaw for wood when choosing for lathing timber;

- Construction square, level, tape measure and pencil for marking;

– Building level – bubble or laser;

- A set of common locksmith tools - a hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.

Tools for subsequent finishing may also be required - it depends on what type decorative coating masking design will be used.

Concealed drywall box structure

The most difficult design option for the camouflage box is when the pipes are located along two walls, and in the corner between them there is a central common house sewer line. It is this installation that will be discussed further.

Of the materials for work, you will need moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets, galvanized metal profiles, metal screws, dowels for attaching the frame to the wall, as well as ceramic tile for the subsequent lining of the structure. In order not to buy excess material, it is recommended to make all the calculations in advance, removing the dimensions from the installation site, and draw up an approximate layout of the boxes on a scale. At the same time, one should not forget about providing access - in this example, to .

Calculations of the amount of materials are made individually for each specific case.

IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
Before proceeding with the calculations and marking of the walls for the installation of the box frame, it is necessary to revise all pipelines.
If it is planned to close the entire collector with fixed panels, as in this case, it is recommended to replace the old pipes with polypropylene pipes connected by welding. All pipe connections to each other must be as reliable as possible.
You shouldn't even mess with the box if the old steel pipes have traces of corrosion and generally do not inspire confidence in their durability.
If the pipes are in order, then the first step is to mark the walls, floor and ceiling.
It is necessary to designate the contours of the finished location of the enclosing structure. The accuracy of the design will depend on how correctly the verticality and horizontality of its lines will be verified.
Constructions can be made using a conventional or laser level. The second option will give a more accurate markup and significantly reduce the time for this stage.
When creating a frame, consisting of three departments, the frame of the central part is first erected, enclosing the vertical pipe of the general sewer.
The metal profile is attached to the walls along the lines marked on them, then, using a drill, holes are drilled in the profile and the wall, into which a dowel-nail (or dowel-prokt) is driven in, followed by screwing in screws. Fastening to the wall is carried out in increments of 350 ÷ 400 mm.
When the two guides are fixed to the wall, they must be connected to each other on the ceiling and floor with short parts that will determine the shape of the future vertical box. The segments are fixed to the floor and ceiling, as well as to the already installed metal guides.
Next, an external guide is installed that forms the corner of the box.
It is recommended to assemble it from two profiles that will ensure structural rigidity.
The outer profiles are first fastened to the corner of the frame on the ceiling and then on the floor. After that, the outer rack is connected to the guides fixed on the walls, horizontal jumpers.
The parts are fixed with self-tapping screws for metal, screwed in with a screwdriver.
Now, according to the same principle, boxes are mounted along the walls along the marking lines.
First of all, the profile is attached to the back wall of the room and to the floor.
Then, two lateral vertical sections of the profile are mounted, they are installed inside the guide fixed on the floor. One of them is fixed to the wall, the other to a vertical frame erected around the sewer riser.
Now the middle racks are being installed, which will frame the sewer pipe pipe, designed to connect the toilet.
All racks are mounted in the floor profile and attached to it with two self-tapping screws.
Further, all racks are connected by horizontal jumpers.
The next step is to build a frame along the second wall according to the same principle.
It is usually made taller, as its surface perfectly acts as a shelf.
The illustration shows a metal frame ready for sheathing.
If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then the width of the frame surfaces is recommended to be adjusted to the size of the tile. This will simplify the installation of the cladding and make it more accurate.
In the place where it is planned to install a small door or a plumbing hatch, it is necessary to build a frame into the frame according to its size - the so-called mortgages.
Instead of metal structure, you can use a plywood sheet in which a hole is cut out for the hatch. The plywood is attached to the metal elements from the inside of the structure using liquid nails glue. Plywood is additionally secured when fixed to the drywall frame.
In order to muffle the noise of flows passing through the sewer line, the riser is often soundproofed with mineral wool. It fills all the space inside the vertical frame, as well as around the pipe leading to the toilet.
Further, dimensions are taken from each of the surfaces of the frame, according to which details are cut out of drywall. They will be sheathed with a metal frame.
Plasterboard panels are fastened with metal screws, the caps of which must be slightly recessed into the surface of the drywall.
The next step is to line the walls of the toilet and the box with ceramic tiles.
To finish the joints of tiles on the outer and inner corners, special decorative plastic corners are used.
When installing drywall, a hole is left at the installation site of the hatch. After lining the box with tiles, a hatch is embedded in the hole.
In this case, the hatch door has a hinged design.
If necessary, the door can be completely dismantled.
Another revision door is installed in a box mounted behind the toilet.

The principle of performing work when using drywall and plastic panels is, in general, the same. However, there are some nuances that you should also be aware of.

Wooden frame for plastic panels

The second most popular pipe camouflage lining material is plastic panels. Moreover, they are used for sheathing the box and walls of the toilet, and they also sheathe the frame of the pipe fencing and in those cases when tiles are laid on the walls or wallpaper is pasted.

When choosing plastic panels as cladding, it is recommended to use wooden beam with a cross section of approximately 30 × 40 mm. As a rule, not only the box, but also the walls are sheathed with plastic panels, so the frame is erected simultaneously with the crate on all surfaces.

The advantage of plastic panels over drywall is that they do not require additional cladding, so the overall cost of finishing will be much lower. In addition, the installation of panels takes much less time.

  • The first preparatory stage of work is carried out in the same way as when creating a drywall box, that is, an audit is made, and, if necessary, replacement of pipes.
  • Further, it is recommended to process antiseptic, which will prevent the occurrence of mold or fungus in an enclosed space formed between the wall and the plastic cladding. The solution is applied with a roller, brush, pulverizer.

  • Then, after drying, the layout of the guides and frame parts of the masking box is marked.

  • A frame from a bar is erected in the same sequence as from a metal profile. It should be borne in mind that the bar must be located horizontally at least 450 ÷ 500 mm - such a step is required by the technology of facing with plastic panels.

  • The beam of the crate and the box is attached to the walls with the help of dowels (dowel-nails or dowel-plugs), for which holes are drilled through the beam in the wall.

  • The process of installing panels is quite simple. The main thing is to correctly, strictly vertically set the first element of the plastic lining in a row. It must be carefully calibrated according to the building level. Then, when installing subsequent panels, they also need to be periodically checked for verticality - sometimes a rather significant error occurs.

  • The panels are fastened to the crate using wood screws with wide hats, or staples using a stapler. To join the panels in the corners of the room, special corner joints are used. plastic profiles for external and internal corners.

A sanitary manhole for installation in a plastic cladding must be light in weight, which means that it must also be made of plastic.

Plumbing cabinet

As a rule, plumbing cabinets are located along the entire back wall of the room, behind the toilet. Doors can hide only communications, or functional shelves for storing hygiene or cleaning products can be placed behind one of them. The convenience of these designs is undeniable, since they always allow you to get to the counters and filters, as well as to control the health of the entire wiring assembly or manifold.

Such a cabinet can be made independently or purchased ready-made. For self-manufacturing you will need to make a frame of the required size, and the doors are the same as for a regular cabinet.

In order to make a frame, you can use a wooden beam or a metal frame welded from a corner or a profile pipe. On the metal version of the frame, sometimes hinges for hanging doors are immediately fixed by welding.

Cabinet doors can be made from various materials- wood, plastic panels, plywood, MDF or chipboard, metal or frosted glass.

Frames with doors are made according to the principle of shutters, so if you plan to make them out of wood, then you can order the design from any experienced carpenter, providing him with all the necessary dimensions.

Plastic options doors can be purchased ready-made or you can fix plastic panels on a wooden frame.

In addition to hinged door options, accordion doors are suitable for a sanitary cabinet. They have a more complex design, since when opening they move along guides mounted on horizontal frame elements. By the way, shutters can also have an accordion design.

Instead of ordinary doors, roller shutters have recently been increasingly installed in the plumbing cabinet. This design is convenient in that it can be mounted to the entire height of the niche. This allows, if necessary, to have full access to all devices and collector nodes. Probably, such roller shutters can be called the most convenient option in operation. However, this device has one significant drawback for many - it's high cost.

If roller shutters are installed only on the upper part of the wall, then the lower one will need to be covered with a plasterboard structure. But roller shutters that cover a niche from ceiling to floor free you from unnecessary work and costs.

Roller shutters are made of plastic, metal and wood. The most durable of them are metal or wooden structures - they are easily cleaned of dust and do not lose their attractiveness. long time. If desired, you can order roller shutters with a printed pattern that matches the style of the room or the color scheme of the design.

Whatever the roller shutters are made of, they transform the room and perfectly preserve the free space of a cramped bathroom.

Some homeowners decide to replace roller shutters with horizontal blinds because their cost is very low. But, you see, the service life is much lower than the capital structure of roller shutters

There are different ways to place roller shutters in a niche opening. In addition, they are divided into two types according to the placement of the drum mechanism:

  • Overhead external installation of the system. In this case, roller shutters are mounted on the wall. This option is best suited for installation in the toilet if the equipped niche has an opening less than the width of the wall.
  • The installation of roller shutters integrated into the opening is possible if the niche has a great depth, and the pipes are located close to its rear wall.
  • The design, in which the box has an external location, can be installed both on the outside of the niche, and completely “recessed” into it.
  • If the box is located inside the structure, then the roller shutters can be installed on the wall around the niche or flush with the niche wall.

Most often, the installation of roller shutters is entrusted to specialists who will perform the work accurately and quickly.

Hiding pipes in walls

It is more convenient to hide pipes in the wall in a combined bathroom, since in small room toilet to produce shaving - quite difficult. But even in a room more spacious. than a standard toilet, it is sometimes difficult to wall all the pipes into the wall - some of them will still often remain open.

This method of freeing surfaces from an unsightly type of communication has quite a few disadvantages, which include the following:

  • The complexity of work, which is always accompanied by increased noise, an abundance of dirt and dust.
  • The impossibility of completely walling up pipes having a large diameter. And this means that you will have to use other ways to disguise them, that is, to do double work.
  • Hidden piping is recommended to be carried out on straight sections of the pipeline that do not have detachable connections.

In addition, choosing a similar method of disguise, you will have to adhere to certain regulatory rules, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance:

  • It is forbidden to cut holes in the main, load-bearing walls.
  • It is allowed to wall in walls only pipes that have one-piece joints, that is, welded together. In other cases, connecting nodes must be accessible.
  • In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall where it is planned to carry out chasing, there should be no electrical communications.
  • The width of the groove must take into account the thermal expansion of the pipes, as some polypropylene products expand quite seriously in all directions.
  • Pipes are installed in special plastic clips - they will prevent the transmission of sounds to the walls.
  • Instead of clips, some mufflers use heat-insulating sleeves to muffle sounds, which are also excellent sound insulators.
  • When arranging hidden pipe wiring, it is recommended to draw up an exact diagram of their exact location, which will be necessary during emergency or major repairs.

In order to lay fines in the walls, they are first marked out, outlining the width and route of passage. Then, with the help of a grinder or (and) a puncher, a groove (strobe) of the required depth is cut out in the surface, pipes are hidden in it, which will subsequently be closed with a finish.

Pipe decoration

In the case when for some reason it is not possible or even simply there is no desire to build a box or mount a plumbing cabinet, then there is always the option to close the pipes decorative materials. With this approach, each homeowner includes his own imagination or borrows ideas on the Internet, which, if necessary, changing a little, it is quite possible for guests to pass off as their own.

  • This option is easy to perform and does not require special creative skills. It is enough to roll up a flat pipe from a rattan braid (mat) and fix it on the wall around the riser. Rattan has a certain rigidity, so it keeps its shape perfectly. In the example shown in the illustration, such a masking of the pipe is in perfect harmony with the cork wallpaper that is pasted over the walls of the toilet. By the way, cork wallpaper may also be suitable for wrapping or pasting a pipe. This material has excellent sound-absorbing abilities, so it will reduce the noise level from water falling through the pipe.

  • Another decoration option is an imitation of tree bark on a pipe. You can simply designate it with a pattern or give it the texture of a tree bark. It is not necessary to make birch from the pipeline - it can be any other tree. Artificial plants are used as thin branches and foliage, the assortment of which in specialized stores is very large.

  • The pipe can simply be wrapped around the pipe with twine or rope, which will also give the riser a look reminiscent of a palm trunk. If wide leaves are fixed in the upper part of the pipes, they will not only bring freshness to the interior, but will also determine the type of wood, the imitation of which was planned to be created.

You can come up with your own options, especially since such decoration does not require special costs.

However, this decoration method is only suitable for single pipes. To hide the entire plumbing, and even more so - a collector with numerous pipes and installed appliances adjustment and control - it will not work.

* * * * * * *

The options presented above, as well as descriptions of the installation process of some of them, we hope, will help determine the choice of the appropriate way to hide the pipes in the toilet room, taking into account the specific area and the chosen design design.

At the end of the article, watch a video that shows the process of installing a one-sided plumbing box in a cramped toilet.

Video: Building a drywall box in the toilet

Communications located in the bathroom do not decorate the room. No matter how much the pipes cost, they will not add to the attractiveness of the interior. The article describes effective ways to close the sewerage that runs in the toilet. Materials that are suitable for this are described. There is information about proven methods for making masking structures. It explains how to hide communications, sew up pipes without blocking access for maintenance.

How to close the pipes in the toilet

In a typical house, the wiring is simple - in the corner of the toilet there is a common riser of the sewer system, water supply pipes run in parallel. It is necessary to mask both the common risers and the branches extending from them.

Difficulties arise when it is necessary to hide not only pipes, but also metering devices, which require regular access.

An ordinary box in this case will not save, you have to make partitions or hide them with a screen.

In your home, this is easier to do if you think about masking communications during the creation of the project. Pipes are laid in the walls and technical hatches are installed to access the devices. You can place metering devices in a special room. In multi-storey buildings, deep strobes will not be allowed for sewer pipes, and the thickness of the walls will not allow this.

Only the closure and the outer decor of the back wall saves. You can decorate with any finish option. You can make a beautiful sanitary cabinet, which can be assembled quickly according to the scheme and with which you can close the plumbing.

Solutions how and how to close the pipes

The choice depends on the direction and dimensions of the pipes, their placement, installed devices

Interior features matter. The choice is up to the landlord.

Plastic panels

An inexperienced craftsman can also make such a design. Making a plastic box in a bathroom niche will be inexpensive. But it can only be used and repaired if the walls are already finished with plastic or painted in the same color.

Making a screen from a PVC plastic box:

  1. Checking the quality of communications. It is required to verify the quality of the connections, the condition of the devices.
  2. Surface treatment. Antiseptic formulations prevent the appearance of traces of fungus and mold.
  3. Framing manufacturing. A frame is made of wooden bars or a metal profile along the walls, pipes are hidden there.
  4. Sheathe and decorate with removable panels. It is important to fix each panel correctly, use a stapler or small nails for fastening. Slots at the corners and at the joints can be hidden with decorative overlays.

It is not worth making a plastic hatch, it is better to buy a ready-made door. It cannot be hidden, so it is advisable to use a model that allows you to work comfortably.

When masking communications and metering devices, it is worth leaving access to them using a viewing window

Gypsum board construction

For the manufacture of a frame from a profile, scissors are needed for cutting metal, wood elements are made using a hacksaw. You will need a puncher to mount parts on the wall.

Wood must be impregnated with protective agents in advance.

After that, several steps are taken:

  1. Mark the surface of the walls near the sewer.
  2. Prepare parts of the frame.
  3. Guides are attached along the riser.
  4. Embedded elements are mounted in the profile.
  5. Install hatch.
  6. Plywood is attached to the end of the box.
  7. Sew up the end with drywall.
  8. Sew up the front.

For any subsequent finishing, drywall is covered with a primer. Most often they put it, with which the room is finished. Instead, you can paint the box or install plastic panels.

Plumbing cabinet

Convenient, mounted on the wall behind the toilet, allows easy access to all equipment. If there is enough space in the toilet, you can install shelves for storing household items. Doors are made from any suitable material according to the style of the interior.

Hinged doors are fixed, just like any doors - they are suspended from the base on the hinges.

You can use sliding products or an accordion door

But keep in mind that an accordion will not require additional space, and sliding doors will not fit in a typical toilet.


This design is good because it allows you to save free space. The regular ones are cheap and look good. They don't interfere at all. plastic construction easy to install. But they can not be used in an elegant interior. Metal blinds are stronger, do not use fabric ones, because textiles are not suitable for a wet room.

roller shutters

A solid and durable design, but in an ordinary bathroom it does not fit the interior and area. They can only be installed if you have enough space. Take a closer look at automatic models, controlled by a remote control.

False wall installation

The partition will serve to create original decoration, convenience, division of space. Surfaces can be decorated with all sorts of patterns, stickers to make decorative lighting. It is only necessary to choose the material suitable for this purpose.

Concealed installation - chasing

Can be hidden without installing a decorative cladding - hide the wiring in slotted strobes. With a perforator, grooves are made in places where pipes go, and water and sewer branches are placed in them.

With a hidden installation, you should try to run the pipeline in a straight line with one-piece assemblies and connections.

This installation method has 2 pluses - in the almost complete absence of elements that spoil the appearance, and in saving space.

There are several rules that do not allow gating:

  1. Pipes are not laid in load-bearing walls.
  2. Only pipes are laid in the gates, without detachable connections (soldered), access to other types must be provided.
  3. Do not make recesses in the walls where electrical lines are laid.
  4. It is necessary to take into account the expansion of the material and prepare strobes of a suitable width.

Examples of successful solutions

To mask pipes in, consider all factors - where you can carry out communications, the availability of equipment, the size of the room.

It may be better to install a drywall box or make a false wall. It all depends on the conditions of your apartment.

How to close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels and other ways

The area in the toilet is limited, and the heap of various communications can make an already small space heavier. Moreover, even beautiful tiles will be lost against the background of pipes, and most housewives prefer to hide ugly elements away from the eyes.

The range of various building materials makes it possible to select options for any wallet, and further it will be considered how to close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels and other materials.

The toilet is a room with a specific microclimate. It is for this reason that before you hide the pipes in the toilet, you should choose the material.

It must meet the following criteria:

Instructions for closing pipes with plastic panels

In fact, hiding plastic pipes behind panels is not difficult, and the process itself will not take a large number time, but the view of the room can change dramatically. It's no secret that sewer pipes and plumbing are not some kind of decoration, and against the backdrop of a beautiful tile coating, they look like a foreign object, which will significantly spoil the overall interior. This may be the reason that most people start sheathing pipes. different materials, among which the most popular are plastic panels. The drain and water supply network can be made invisible using several methods.

The most common is the false wall. There are other, more complex options, and one of them will be strobes that are laid in the wall. Another way is roller shutters. Quite often, plastic or drywall is used to sew up pipes. At the same time, experts singled out plastic as a more practical material, because during repair work it can be easily removed from the frame. Another advantage is that it is resistant to moisture, i. not afraid of her at all.

To the listed advantages we add the following:

  • Light weight design.
  • Increasing the level of sound insulation.
  • Various options allow you to choose the material for different interiors premises.
  • Nice price.
  • Long time use.

I make panels from polyvinyl chloride, so they are also called lining or PVC panels. In cross section, they differ in their cellular structure. As a rule, the thickness of the lining is no more than 1 ch. The width can be different - from 0.15 to 0.5 meters. The standard length is 3 meters, and the most common size is from 20 to 38 cm. A huge range of colors makes it easy to make a choice for a particular solution.

Note, what for decorative design moldings should be used to fasten the lining around the perimeter or in the docking area and the corner part different shapes. They need to be dyed White color, and then everything will be perfectly combined with different color schemes.

In order to close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, you do not need many tools, a standard set for wood and metal finishing will be enough. With the help of heat, the panels can be given almost any shape, and they will be perfectly glued and welded. They can sew walls at any angle of inclination. If the box is made and sheathed correctly, then no one will notice the presence of a pipeline in the room.

Note, that, as mentioned above, a wooden beam for a room such as a toilet or bathroom will not good choice. Since the room is damp, this will have a negative effect on the tree, and even with the help of protective solutions it will not be possible to achieve the required level of protection.

Modern production offers various profiles made of galvanized steel and fastening elements to them. To be able to hide the pipes in the bathroom or toilet, you will need to use a special profile. Its standard length is from 3 to 4 meters. The transverse dimensions are 2 * 2 cm, but there are more.

Features of the work

Although at first it may seem that it is not difficult to close the pipes with a plastic clapboard, but not all people have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work.

This includes:

The pipes will not take up much space, and the size of the structure that will be hidden will depend on where the pipeline is located. It happens that the riser is located in the very corner, and sometimes in the middle. The wiring, which is done horizontally, is most often located close to the floor surface.

  • Don't forget about valves, study equipment, etc., as you will need to make hatches for access to them.
  • If the pipes are hidden in niches, then it is better to close such places with a false wall, or make a structure in the shape of the letter “L”.
  • Horizontally placed pipes should be closed with a rectangular threshold, and in the place of washing, the threshold should be raised to its height, while empty space can be used to equip shelves.

When the materials are thought out, take care of the various building materials as well as the toolkit.

For sheathing you will need:

In this case, it should be noted that in such a situation the glue will not be the most the best option, since the need to disassemble the building may appear at any moment. From a similar point of view, it is more profitable to use self-tapping screws.

Use of plastic panels

Before you start covering the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, you will need to construct a false wall. The setup instructions are as follows:

  • Make markings in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor and ceiling. Fastening guide profiles to racks and floor on the walls.
  • Rack profiles should be attached to the corner parts of the structure.
  • With an indent of 0.5 meters, install profiles that are transverse, otherwise the building will not turn out to be rigid.
  • Sheathe the frame.

The process is described in more detail in the video so that even a novice master can cope with the task. Carefully study the information provided, and then you can not only close the ugly pipeline, but also make a beautiful decoration for the room.

Features of marking

To begin with, the contour is applied to the floor. How correctly the corners are observed should be checked with a square. After the strength test is completed, the contour can be transferred to the ceiling. Install the rack profile on the corner parts of the box. Its vertical position should be checked with building level, and at the same time, it is required to put a point on the surface of the ceiling in order to get a projection of the contour made on the floor.

Note, that for an exact match of the marks on the floor and ceiling, before marking, check how accurately the floor is horizontally located.

How to install the frame

To close the pipes, you should prepare a plastic crate. In this embodiment, panels should be mounted using special clips, but such a frame has a huge drawback, since it has a low level of rigidity. During work, keep an eye on the size of the gap between the frame ribs. When the plastic panels are arranged from the bottom up, then the distance will be from 0.6 to 0.8 meters. When they are located transversely, it may be necessary to install an additional rack.

Note, that we must not forget the fact that after the revision and fittings, you will need to install a window. It will be needed to access the system, and its location is best thought out when building the frame.


To cover the sewer pipes, it is necessary to strengthen the panels on the base. A starting molding should be installed against the wall. It is attached to the profile with self-tapping screws, and such fasteners will be made through the shelf, which is covered by the next plate. It turns out that the hat of the self-tapping screw will not be noticeable on the plastic sheathing. The protruding part of the next plate should be placed in the groove of the last one and pushed in until it stops. Fix the free part of the panel with self-tapping screws, and according to this principle, you can sheathe each wall at the base.

Install the molding to the outer corner, and in a similar way, you can finish the joints of the structure with the floor and ceiling. Do not forget that the frame should not be closed "tightly". In the upper side of the structure, make a hole for ventilation with a diameter of at least 5 cm. On this, the problem can be considered settled.

plastic box

You can also mask the sewer with a plastic box. This is one of the most popular hiding methods. The process includes the following steps:

Note, that it is impractical to cut a hatch out of plastic, and it is better to purchase a ready-made one. It will be visible, so it should look nice. A sufficiently large model will give full access to all devices that will be placed inside the box.

PVC panel box - advantages and disadvantages

You can close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, or you can use PVC panels, as this is no less popular way. In addition, the material is inexpensive, and the colors are varied in order to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

Panels are popular due to the following characteristics:

  1. Quite light and also durable.
  2. Will not burden the interior.
  3. Plastic is resistant to moisture.
  4. If you provide regular care, then there will be no problems with mold.

If we compare the material with other similar ones, then sewer pipe put in a PVC box will cost several times cheaper.

How to sew up pipes with drywall

And this material will require additional finishing, and here you can not limit the flight of fancy. Otherwise, drywall has excellent characteristics, since it is easy for them to hide wiring, it is easy to dismantle and mount it. Inserting a plumbing hatch is very simple. The material is environmentally friendly, fireproof and moisture resistant. Further finishing requires the use of tiles, and this is the easiest way to close the riser. The tile will be easy to keep clean.

Several types of boxes can be made from drywall sheets, and each option has its own installation features. So, a blank wall can be used for communications that are behind the toilet. To cover the area, sheets are installed around the entire perimeter of the opening. To begin with, a frame is attached to the screws and dowels, and then the crate, and the final stage will be the installation of drywall sheets.

A square box made of GKL is used in a toilet, where communications are located in a corner or occupy a wall, but partially. To hide the wiring, a metal profile is attached to the floor, ceiling and walls. Further, vertical guides are installed, and before mounting the doors, a window is made of a metal profile. At the end, the system in the toilet can be covered with a sheet of plasterboard.


  1. Make markings on the floor, ceiling and walls to create a future frame. Attach awnings to them. You can install profiles on them, and the termination should start from the floor, slowly move towards the ceiling and walls. The next step is to install a remote profile. Attach awnings and profiles with self-tapping screws.
  2. When the frame is ready, you can proceed with the installation of drywall. Attach the sheets to the profile strips, and fix with self-tapping screws every 0.2 meters.
  3. Close the gaps between the sheets with reinforcing mesh or putty, the former helping to protect the seams from cracking.
  4. The sheathing is completed, and it remains to make a couple of openings in the sheets, and then install inspection hatches in them.
  5. Additionally, perform processing with putty and make the final lining.

And consider another option.

Roller shutters or blinds

A fairly practical way to close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, but already in the form of roller shutters or blinds. But he also has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Below we will consider everything in more detail.

Decorative blinds

Many pipes in sanitary unit masked with horizontal or vertical blinds. They will be like curtains that can easily hide from prying eyes an unaesthetic appearance. When required, simply roll them up and access to the pipes will be ready. The main advantages include:

  • Space saving.
  • Ease and speed of installation without additional construction debris.
  • Durability, strength.
  • Availability in terms of cost.
  • Large selection of patterns and colors.
  • If one lamella is damaged, it will not be difficult to replace it, it will not be necessary to throw out the entire structure.

Now let's talk about roller shutters.

roller shutters

It will be much more convenient to close an ugly area in this way, and the design is more reliable and durable. But roller shutters take up more space than blinds, although automatic systems deserve special attention. It will be easy to close an ugly area, in general, the use is uncomplicated. They also come with a remote control. It will be more expensive to hide the pipe in this way, it will take more time, any drawings can be applied to the panel, and everything is done by photo printing. Hide household small things behind the panel.

Important! There are some disadvantages, as the roller shutters in the kit have a special frame. It should be installed around the perimeter of the opening, and ventilation will be required for pipes. For this reason, the structure will not reach the ceiling, which means that it will not be possible to close it completely.

To finish the upper part, other materials will be needed, and various features will need to be taken into account. lifting mechanisms. Likewise with the bottom. Due to plumbing, the shutters will not be able to lower completely, and in order to hide the lower section, you will need to use the second part of the canvas.

Without a doubt, if you leave the laid water and sewer communications in sight, the overall appearance of your bathroom or toilet room will not be the most presentable. At the same time, it is not recommended to wall them tightly into the wall, because in case of a malfunction, the entire masonry will have to be disassembled. In this material, we will talk about how to close the pipes in the toilet with plastic in order to disguise them without constructing a main wall.

Selection of necessary materials

The process of selecting material for the construction of wall panels is carried out taking into account the following requirements of regulatory documents:

  • Easy to work with material. Since the toilet is generally a fairly compact space, wall panel installation requires a material that does not take up much space and is easy to handle.
  • Health safety. In the conditions of the toilet room, the microclimate is usually characterized by high temperature and humidity. Therefore, the material must be chosen one that does not emit substances toxic to health in such conditions.
  • Resistance to oxidation and corrosion. To build a frame for pipes in a toilet, the material for it must not only be resistant to corrosion, but also prevent it from spreading to other surfaces.

All of these requirements are met by several types of building materials.

In particular, the most popular options are:

  1. Plastic panels.
  2. Moisture resistant drywall.
  3. MDF boards.
  4. Plywood with moisture resistant impregnation.

It should be noted that for use at home, plastic panels are in the highest demand. Nevertheless, even if you have already finally decided to hide the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, consider how harmoniously this material will look against the background of the overall interior of your toilet room.

This is important for the reason that in case of any inconsistencies in the color scheme, additional costs will be required, while the lack of the right material can be purchased at any time.

Here are some advantages of lining pipes in the toilet with plastic panels:

  • work on closing communications with plastic panels does not require significant physical and time costs;
  • the weight of such a false wall is very small, and for urgent or planned repairs of communications it is very easy to disassemble it;
  • since plastic is smooth and not prone to corrosion, it is considered one of the most hygienic materials for use in a bathroom;
  • such panels perform a soundproofing function;
  • a wide range of colors of this material makes it possible to choose suitable design panels to harmoniously fit them into the interior of the bathroom;
  • For a fairly small amount, you can get a fairly high-quality and durable material.

Nevertheless, plastic panels are not without some drawbacks, the most significant of which is their low fire resistance. Although some manufacturers of such products claim that they are self-extinguishing and heat-resistant, the smoke emitted when plastic ignites can be very toxic.

Therefore, for safety reasons, if you decide to cover the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, in no case do not smoke in the toilet, and do not use open flames.

Tools and installation technique

There are several ways to seal the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels:

  1. With the help of PVC panels, you can directly mask the communication pipes themselves. To do this, around them you need to collect boxes of the appropriate size. The beauty of this approach is, firstly, in saving material, and secondly, it leaves more free space.
  2. It is possible to completely close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, that is, to build an additional wall. Of course, this way the situation in the bathroom will be more attractive, however, the already small room will be further reduced in size.

Please note that it is worth starting work on masking the pipeline in the bathroom only after a complete check of their serviceability. This is important, because in the event of defects in the water supply or sewage pipes, all camouflage structures will have to be dismantled for repairs.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • level;
  • construction knife;
  • perforator;
  • self-tapping screws, screws or nails with dowels;
  • guides and starting profile;
  • plastic panels.

The process of installing plastic panels in the toilet

Before you bypass the pipe with a PVC panel, mark up for the supporting structure for plastic. The subsequent installation of the panels will be carried out on the frame, for the assembly of which it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the niche.

Pipes can only be closed if they are in good condition. Those who have served their time cast iron pipes it is desirable to replace plastic counterparts.

At the next stage, longitudinal wooden bars or guide profiles are fixed to the walls, floor and ceiling using dowels. Further, profile corners or profile corners are screwed to the structure in the upper and lower parts of the frame. wooden lath. The last step in assembling the frame is the fastening of horizontal rails or profiles in increments of 30-40 cm. Do not forget to provide viewing windows with doors in the frame; they are installed when the base assembly is completed.

After the complete installation of the frame, you can proceed to the actual installation of plastic panels.

This material can be attached to the base in one of the following ways:

  • on self-tapping screws or nails - to a wooden structure;
  • on clamps;
  • using a construction stapler;
  • on glue;
  • on clips - if the frame is also plastic.

We draw your attention to the fact that fastening the false plastic wall to the glue will be quite strong, so if urgent repairs are needed, it is unlikely that it will be possible to disassemble the structure without damaging the plastic. In this case, it is best to use self-tapping screws.

Panel fixing

Starting the final stage of work on masking pipes in the toilet, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Close to the wall on the frame, you need to fix the starting profile with self-tapping screws. Please note that it is fixed in such a way that the next panel to be mounted overlaps the self-tapping screws.
  2. The next piece of plastic is inserted into the resulting groove and pushed it close to the profile. The free end of the panel on the longitudinal bars is fixed with self-tapping screws. Using a similar technology, all wall panels are fastened.
  3. Next, a door is installed in the skinny walls.
  4. At the opposite end of the frame, another starting profile is installed so that the wall takes on a finished look. In a similar way, you need to close the end parts of the plastic near the ceiling and floor. Pay attention to the fact that according to the standards in the upper part of the box should be provided ventilation window with a cross section of at least 5 cm.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that in addition to all of the above methods, there is another one that is acceptable for masking pipes in a small bathroom. In this case, you do not have to spend a lot of money and time. It's about blinds. The box under them is installed near the ceiling. They can completely close the space from ceiling to floor, and if necessary, such roller shutters are simply opened - they are wound onto a shaft installed under the ceiling.

With the help of such devices, you can give the interior an original sound and save space. Fortunately, there are a lot of colors for such products, and it will take much less time to install them than to install a frame under a plastic box. In addition, you can carry out all the work yourself.