The mechanism for turning the crane boom is homemade. How to make a crane with your own hands

  • 16.06.2019

Often men spend their free time in garages and home workshops, enthusiastically engaging in technical creativity. Others, having mastered independently working specialties to professionalism. their hobbies earn money for the family. But technical creativity is sometimes impossible without hard physical labor, sometimes even overwhelming. As one do-it-yourselfer said: "technical creativity is a matter for the soul in the sweat of one's brow."

In cases involving the dragging of heavy manual equipment around the workshop, a telescopic console will come in handy. During welding work, a welding machine can be attached to the load hook of the console. With auto-striding - a heavy grinder. In the manufacture of woodwork - a professional wood router or the same grinder can be suspended.

The telescopicity of the console will allow you to adjust it to the desired length and greatly facilitate labor costs. The main design idea is to use rectangular pipes of different sections, inserted into each other and to which support rollers and screw clamps are attached.

The drawing shows two main structures of the consoles - with a jib and on a cable brace. Also, the jib can be placed on top, if the height of the garage allows.

The garage kit consists of three assembly units - the first elbow is a console made of a pipe with a section of 80x60 mm, the second (middle) link is made of a pipe with a section of 60x40 mm and the third (final) link is made of a pipe with a section of 40x25 mm.

Support rollers are located on the outside at the ends of all links, and support wheels are located at the inner ends of the pipes. Above the support rollers, on top of each tube, there are screw clamps for fixing the extension of the telescope boom. There are also welded limiters for maximum reach: a hook, hinges for attaching the console to the wall.

The minimum height from the floor level is 1900 - 2000 mm. The maximum length is 4500 mm.

To eliminate the uncontrolled rotation of the jib with the tool, it is possible to replace the axles with bolts with M20 nuts, the tightening of which creates an “irresistible” resistance friction in the hinges.

Working in a garage or workshop equipped with a jib looks like this: the tool hangs on a hook next to the master. The master, using suspended equipment, lengthens or shortens the boom as necessary.

There is another option for using such a “telescope” (only lightweight) in the garden - to hold the watering hose over the beds and ease of movement through the plantations with a sprinkler.

Homemade lifting devices are an indispensable tool for a garage in which a major car repair is planned. With the help of such an auxiliary device, you can easily remove the engine of the car, lift the edge of the body or even the entire car.

Easy-to-make home-made lifting mechanisms facilitate and speed up work several times not only in the garage, but also near the house. They are indispensable in construction and repair, moving construction debris, unloading heavy loads.

Types of lifting mechanisms

Before you start assembling a garage crane with your own hands, you should choose which mechanism suits you best. Lifting machines belong to a fairly important category of industrial and household equipment. They are designed to move various loads in a vertical or inclined direction. A useful feature for motorists is the ability to move a load suspended on a hook to the side, thereby freeing up space for work. When designing a lift for a car, it is advisable to supplement it with a similar option - this way you can expand the list of actions performed in the garage.

The purchase of a ready-made lift entails significant financial costs, so many garage owners are interested in the question of how to make such a mechanism themselves. First you need to figure out what types of devices exist, how they differ from each other, and what functions they have. Classification is carried out according to various criteria: principle of operation, purpose, type of drive. Consider the most common types of lifting machines:

  1. Blocks are manual mechanisms that use only the strength of human muscles to lift the load. The structure of the block is known from the school curriculum: it consists of a wheel with a recess around it, rotating around a fixed axis. A rope, rope or metal chain passes through the recess. The force required to lift weights decreases exponentially along with the increase in the number of blocks in the system.
  2. A jack is a simple lever device used to raise one side of a vehicle. Jacks can be both manual and hydraulic, pneumatic and electric.
  3. Hoist - manual or mechanized device, consisting of a system of interconnected blocks. Depending on the number of individual wheels (pulleys), hoists are divided into two-, three-, four-pulley, etc. The maximum number of pulleys that such devices use is 12. An industrial type of hoist - chain hoist is often used to move goods on ships.

In addition to standard lifting devices, there are specialized installations:

  1. The hoist is an improved hoist equipped with electric drive. Thanks to this addition, the power and carrying capacity of the mechanism increases, and when the hoist is placed on a horizontal I-beam, it becomes possible to move goods along the premises.
  2. The crane is an elementary device that works on the principle of a lever. A hook is attached to one end of the lever for hanging the load, and a counterweight is attached to the opposite end. The height of lifting loads largely depends on the position of the mechanism itself, since the length of the lever stroke remains small. With the help of a crane, you can not only lift weights, but also move them along the trajectory described by the radius of the lever. Often the crane successfully replaces crane, but due to its large dimensions, its use in the garage is not practiced.

What characteristics should a garage lift have?

Since the device will be used in the rather cramped conditions of a standard garage, certain requirements are put forward for it. Firstly, it should not be too large - such a car lift, despite its high power, takes up a lot of space, which is very undesirable in such a small area. Secondly, it is recommended to give preference to mechanisms with a small vertical stroke, otherwise you risk hitting the ceiling with them.

The second requirement is carrying capacity. It is calculated based on the types of work for which the car lift is being developed. The dimensions of the mechanism also depend on the purpose. If a conventional jack is also suitable for a simple wheel change, then for larger work you will need a car lift with a platform, although for such responsible actions it is recommended to resort to the help of professional equipment.

Materials and tools

When constructing a garage lift with your own hands, you need to have in your arsenal not only drawings of the future device, but also arm yourself with a set of tools and high-quality, load-resistant materials. First of all you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with a cutting wheel for metal;
  • bolts and nuts for fastening;
  • steel pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm;
  • steel corner or profiled pipe with a section of 35-40 mm;
  • cable;
  • homemade winch for the garage (you can also purchase it, the factory-made version will be more reliable).

As the planned homemade garage winch becomes a reality, the list of accessories for it may change slightly, depending on your specific requirements for the mechanism.

Materials for the crane were mainly found in scrap metal. I had to buy only bearings, a winch, and order the details of the swivel mechanism to the turner.

And I also had to pay the welder, since I myself welding work I can't perform due to some vision problems.

In general, this crane cost 5,000 rubles, which cannot be compared with the amount of work that I managed to do with it, because the “cheapest” helper in our region costs 800 rubles a day.

I’ll make a reservation right away that during the operation, my crane revealed some shortcomings, which I will point out and advise how to fix them. So your faucet will be slightly different from mine.

Let's start with the swivel

It consists of six parts that need to be ordered by a turner, and two bearings.

As you can see, there are no dimensions on the drawing. The fact is that the exact size, like mine, you do not have to comply with. After all, we make a crane from improvised material, and I cannot know what size channel or I-beam, or which pipe will be at your fingertips.

A little more, or a little less, in my design, does not play any role. And you will understand this from further instructions. And having estimated in general what materials and parts you have, determine what dimensions to take for the manufacture of the rotary mechanism.

The mechanism has two bearings. At the top, between the housing and the base is a thrust bearing. Below, again between the housing and the base, is a simple radial bearing.

Rather, the body should be mounted on the bearing, and the base should go into it. Thus, both of these parts are connected. For more reliable fixation of the radial bearing, a nut is screwed onto the housing from below. The thickness of the threaded and retaining parts of the nut is up to you, but not less than 3 mm.

Then this assembly is attached to the platform with a bolt (I have M 26), which attracts the base to the platform. Thus, it turns out that the platform and base are a fixed part of the mechanism, and the body with the nut is rotating.

Now a little about what practice has shown. By the end of the season, the radial bearing was a little loose, and a barely noticeable play formed in the swivel mechanism.

But with an arrow length of 5 meters, this backlash became noticeably noticeable, so I recommend installing a hub bearing 36 mm wide instead of a radial bearing.

Here in Kazan, support and wheel bearings, you can buy both for 500 rubles. And in order to tighten the bolt that secures the base to the platform, you will need a ring wrench with an extension cord, and two washers are required - a flat one and a grover.

The next node we will have a rack.

To make it, you need a piece of pipe (I have d140), and four pieces of a channel. The height of the rack needs to be estimated so that in finished form it is just for you. Even an inch or two lower. Then it will be convenient, when operating the crane, to turn the winch.

Since God will hardly send you a piece of pipe with an evenly cut end, you will have to cut one end yourself. To do this, take a car clamp, or make a clamp from a strip of tin, and tighten it on the pipe.

When tightened, the clamp will seek to be as evenly positioned on the pipe as possible, and if you help it a little (by eye), you will get a fairly even line around the circumference of the pipe, which remains to be drawn, then remove the clamp, and cut the pipe along this line with a grinder .

Then, to this flat end of the pipe, the platform of the rotary mechanism is welded. Now it is clear why I did not give dimensions in the drawing? The swivel mechanism still has to be ordered. And you can find a tube. This means that the diameter of the platform can be ordered according to the diameter of the pipe.

Now legs. They need to be welded so that the rack does not collapse. How to do it? First, they need to be cut to the same length.

Then hang the pipe with the welded platform, passing the rope through the hole in the center of the platform, and put the legs obliquely to the pipe, so that in the end, the pipe remains hanging evenly, and the legs rest against it on four sides.

As soon as the balance is found, you need to visually draw the corners of the channels that abut against the pipe, and cut them with a grinder as shown in the photo.

After trimming the corners, lean your legs against the pipe again, catch your balance, check with a rail and tape measure so that they form an even cross, and grab them by welding. After tacking, check the cross again, and you can weld it.

It remains to make the supporting cross itself. You can make it from any hard profile. At first, there was an idea to put it on wheels made of bearings, but time was running out, and it didn’t get to the wheels, otherwise it would have been nice. The unit turned out to be quite heavy, and it was difficult to move it.

The length of the arms of the cross, I have 1.7 meters, although as the operation showed, especially big role in the stability of the crane, this cross does not play. The main stability is provided by balance, which we will talk about later.

The cross is not welded to the legs, but is attached with bolts and nuts M 10. This was done for the convenience of possible transportation. The reinforcement of the legs was made in order to install the wheels, but the matter never came to them, although there is still an idea to install them.

The stand with the slewing mechanism is ready, now let's take care of the crane platform, on which the counterweight, winches, and boom will be installed. On the platform I found a one and a half meter I-beam, 180 mm wide. But I think you can use a channel for it, and even a bar 150 x 200.

At first, I even wanted to use a beam, but since I found an I-beam, the choice settled on it. The platform is attached to the body of the swivel mechanism with four bolts and nuts M 10.

If a beam is used instead of an I-beam, then additional platforms will need to be made for it, above and below. You can “grasp” it with two pieces of channel, and tighten everything with bolts.

But let's wait with the bolts for now, since the place where the platform is attached to the swivel mechanism will need to be selected according to balance. That is, the crane boom must be balanced by a block for counterweights, and a winch. That is, the crane must stand confidently on the stand, and not fall over.

The next block will be counterweights.

For me, it is made from pieces of the same channel as the platform, but you can make it from anything, and in any way. The main thing is to get a container in which it will be possible to install loads, so that, if necessary, the counterweight can be increased.

Now about the winch. I have a winch installed with a capacity of 500 kg, with a brake. And once again, as practice has shown, such power, for lifting a load of about 100 kg, was not enough.

That is, you can lift it, but you have to lean on the handle so much that when you rise to a height of more than 5 meters, you get tired very quickly. For such a crane, a winch for 1 - 1.5 tons is needed.

A second winch was also supposed to be used to lift the boom, but at that time, having traveled around a bunch of shops and markets, I could only find one winch with a brake, which you see in the photo. Therefore, instead of the second winch, a temporary stretching cable was made, the length of which is still changed with the help of clamps.

Unfortunately, there is nothing more permanent than a temporary building. I recommend that you still put a winch instead of it, and preferably a worm. Her speed is low, and the brake, even up or down, is dead. What is needed for an arrow.

It remains to make an arrow, which we will do. The boom consists of a mount with a shaft, a bar 150 x 50, and a tip with a pulley.

First, the body of the mount. It is better to make it from a piece of channel.

Any round timber with a diameter of 20 to 30 mm will fit for the shaft. For example, I cut off a piece of the rotor shaft, some old engine. Then we bend in a vice, around this shaft there are two brackets and fasten it to the channel, into which the beam will then be inserted.

We buy two simple bearings, so that they fit tightly on the shaft, and cut out a seat in the mounting housing.

How to fix the bearings in the housing, you can certainly dream up. In addition to mine, there are probably a dozen more ways. And I found a plate of ebonite, 10 mm thick, from which I made these fasteners.

The boom itself is a bar 150 x 50, 5 meters long. It is inserted into a channel 80 mm wide and 2.5 meters long. True, I had to trim it a little so that it went inside the channel. I have a channel installed, 3.5 meters long, but this is only because at that time it was not at hand good timber, with small knots. I just played it safe, which, unfortunately, increased the weight of the arrow.

The beam is fastened to the channel with ties made of a metal strip, 3 mm thick.

At the end of the boom, you need to fix the pulley for the cable. I have it made from a wheel from a trolley bag. For skillful hands, pulley mounting options, I think, are complete. At first, I fastened it between two pieces of plywood, but then I made a fastening from a channel.

Now you can collect the arrow, if not for one "but". During operation, the brackets with which the shaft is attached to the channel turned out to be rather weak. So I made a boost for them.

And one more addition. I have a reinforcing part fixed with four bolts. You need to add two more on top, for greater rigidity of the knot. Although mine works fine with four bolts. And that would have been added a long time ago.

Now you can assemble the entire crane platform, that is, install a winch on it, under the winch a block for counterweights, from the other end - an arrow lifting body with an arrow. If there is, then a second winch, if not, then a cable extension, like mine.

All this is collected in a lying position, and upon completion it rises vertically, onto some kind of support. For example, I put several pallets on top of each other, and placed the assembled platform on them so that the counterweight hung freely down.

Then we attach the rotary mechanism to the rack. The most important thing remains - to install the platform on the stand so that the boom and counterweight balance each other.

Unfortunately, I have not preserved photographs of the structure that I built for this, well, I'll try to explain it this way.

This design is a tripod with a block at the top. The height of the tripod is approximately three meters. It is made from a bar 100 x 50. As you may have guessed, the assembled crane platform must be hung and lifted so that a stand can be placed under it.

The platform will rise with its own winch. To do this, we pass the winch cable through the block, and hook it onto the boom lifting housing, which is located at the opposite end of the platform.

Now, if you work with the winch on the rise, then the entire platform will rise. But during the ascent, the arrow raised up begins to fall, so you need to either call a couple of assistants who will fix the arrow in a vertical position, or make another tripod (as I did) with a block 6 meters high, and tie to the end of the arrow, let the rope go through the block, and pull it up when the platform is raised.

Suspending the platform in this way, and bringing the rack under it, you can lower and raise the platform, and moving the rack, catch the position in which the counterweight will balance the boom.

In this position, drill 4 through holes and bolt the platform to the rack. OK it's all over Now. The crane is ready. You can start testing.

Well, a couple of examples of use:

General view of my crane:

If the article does not answer your question, ask it in the comments. I'll try to answer as quickly as possible.

I wish you success in labor, as well as the opportunity to lift and move everything you need and where you need it.

Allowed amount from 10 rubles. up to 15,000 rubles

It is impossible to do without jib light cranes with a lifting capacity of 1 ton when carrying out various electrical, installation and construction works. Thanks to their design, it is possible to mount devices in various openings of a building or on ceilings, as well as move them for convenient use. They are easy to assemble and install, and if necessary, they can be quickly disassembled into components and moved to a suitable location.

The use of such structures is rational in the absence of the possibility of operating other types of GPM. There are many types of cranes with different design. They are divided into stationary and mobile. The boom devices are equipped with one electric drive mechanism for moving the load. The operation of the crane is carried out by manual control.

construction mini crane

You can independently create a variety of tools and devices that are so necessary in construction and other types of work. Despite the fact that a do-it-yourself mini-crane is characterized by a limited carrying weight of the load (no more than 250 kg), this design will simplify most of the construction work.

The main task is the selection of all the tools and parts necessary for the creation and subsequent operation. The weight of the prefabricated device can reach up to 300 kg depending on the materials used. At the same time, it has compact dimensions and the ability to move without preliminary analysis using a car.

do-it-yourself: assembly

With the help of a gearbox on a worm base, a cargo winch is formed. It can also provide the creation of a manual drive that simplifies the assembly of the boom winch. The basis for the screw extensions are building supports. All the elements presented above form the basis of the design. In addition, we need drums for winches. It is worth noting that their independent production not everyone can do it, since the process is complex and laborious, as well as the need for specialized equipment and experience in carrying out such work.

The way out of the situation is the rotors from the electric motor, which can be used as a basis, and significantly simplify the task. Particular attention should be paid to the correspondence between the dimensions of the elements used and the future device. To do this, additional measurements are made using a ruler.

Additional elements

The platform is equipped with wheels for ease of movement. Items from the conveyor cart may come in handy. In the course of creating the structure, do not forget about this addition, since it is thanks to him that the simplest crane, assembled with your own hands, moves. To do this, you only need to remove the remote support elements, which does not cause any particular difficulties and is done for a short time. It is important to observe safety precautions, in particular, the boom must be set to zero level to prevent loss of balance and the fall of the crane.


The optimum boom height is 5 meters. For its manufacture, a pipe with a diameter of about 8 cm is used. A profile of two corners is mounted in the base. You also need to create a swivel mechanism for turning and lifting the boom; for this, a car hub from any truck is suitable. vehicle. Not needed for counterweight special materials, since for them we can take standard bricks. You can create a crane with your own hands on the basis of caterpillar tracks and a bed. The last element can be taken from an unused machine.

It is worth noting that there is no need for a brake for the slewing mechanism and the winch, since it is not needed during the operation of the crane, and the finished device will work at low speed.

Design advantages

Suitable for the formation of a remote support structure and a common base. For the latter, according to experts, it will be optimal to use a channel of 200. The length of the thrust screws should be within 50 cm, due to which the crane can be mounted on any surface, including with a large number of irregularities. Thus, there is no need to prepare the site on which the building is being built.

Difficulties sometimes arise with the wheels, since on loose soil they can scroll poorly and burrow into it. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out work on solid ground. After construction is completed, the structure is dismantled into its constituent elements for storage.

What can be done for the garage

At self repair cars often need to remove the engine, so many car owners are wondering how to make a crane with their own hands. by the most simple option is a lift, the creation of which will require a manual winch, racks on triangular supports with wheels and a transverse pipe.

On the upper part of the racks, fastenings for the pipe are fixed by welding. It is welded to the vertical post and the rollers are mounted on the beam, subsequently they are used to move the cable. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase a winch, since you can make this design yourself.

Such a device will not clutter up the space, it can be disassembled, and separately the cross beam and supports will not take up much space. A crane, created for the garage with his own hands, is capable of lifting and moving a load weighing no more than 800 kg. Its main advantage is the absence of the need to purchase expensive materials.


As noted earlier, the winch can be made independently. This will require a drum equipped with a cable, it must be fixed on a structure made of pipes with a square section. A small sprocket with chain drive is mounted on the electric drive, and a large sprocket is mounted on the edge of the drum. To create a manual winch, a shaft equipped with a drum is complemented by a handle.

To replace and repair most parts in a car, a flyover or pit is required; if they are not available, you can use a lift. Despite the risks involved in working with such a device, its creation is justified by economic benefits and practical benefits.

A do-it-yourself overhead trolley crane assembled with a winch is the simplest option, while the machine is installed on platforms after lifting to the desired height. There is also a scissor design, which is distinguished by the absence of the possibility of a cable break, which the previous version cannot guarantee.

scissor crane

The base and platform of the scissor lift are made of channels. Two-section distributor, pump, bushings, and necessary for scissors.

A do-it-yourself UAZ crane is capable of lifting loads weighing more than 500 kg. It can also be removed upon completion of work. The main purpose of the device is to fix the retractable supports. The basis of the structure is made of a thick-walled square, fixed to the frame with several bolts. Retractable pores hold onto the bumper and lift the rear of the car.

Crane "Pioneer"

The mechanism makes it possible to simplify the implementation of many repair and construction works, as well as to ensure the performance of actions that cannot be performed without additional lifting devices. The design is suitable for cargo with various volumes and sizes, while it can be installed on the floors of houses under construction, in pits and on the roof.

Among the main components, it is worth noting the rotary and support frames, the control panel. The device does not cause difficulties in the process of use and the application of significant physical effort. Management is within the power of every person, even without relevant experience.

The creation of lifting structures is carried out by many owners of private houses and summer cottages. Their distribution is due to the fact that each part of the mechanism, regardless of its complexity, can be performed in the desired way and with the necessary functionality. In addition to moving heavy loads, such as monolithic blocks, such cranes allow the delivery of light objects to great heights.

Unfortunately, the creation of hydraulic devices, as a rule, is not possible. But, despite this, the crane (do-it-yourself), the photo of which is presented below, is easy to operate and has sufficient load capacity.

Assembling the Pioneer Crane

Many details can be found, surprisingly, in a landfill. For a homemade mechanism, the main components are a rectangular pipe and an I-beam. It is important that the latter easily fit in the pipe. To create a telescopic assembly for an I-beam, sliding guides are made. It is worth noting that they must be lubricated special formulations to reduce friction.

For the operation of the device, cables with a small diameter are also required. They can be purchased at a hardware store. A channel is often used to secure the swivel and support frames. It also ensures a tight mounting of the device on any surface. As a rule, it is the roof of a building under construction. In accordance with safety regulations, the manufacture of a rectangular platform as ballast is required, while it will reduce the likelihood of problems while the crane, assembled by oneself, is in operation. An electric motor connected to the winch is used to start the lifting process.

Sometimes when working under the hoods of cars, it becomes necessary to assist with additional mechanisms that can help pull out or hang out the engine, while leaving enough space in the pit under the car to access all the details of the car. Ideally, such a device that provides assistance in car repair should:

  • do not clutter up the place in the garage;
  • understand the constituent elements;
  • be independent of the ceiling fixed eyebolt.

It is precisely such a mechanism that a self-made crane-beam is.

Do-it-yourself video for making a beam crane:

Do-it-yourself construction of a crane-beam for a garage

1. As a result of all the actions described below, a beam crane will be built, which will look like this in the assembled state:

2. When disassembled, this garage tool will look like this:

The height of such a beam crane will be 250 cm, width - 415 cm. The base of the racks will have a size of 120 cm. All dimensions are designed to work with cars. If a beam crane is needed to work with more massive cars, then it is better to strengthen the structure by making A-shaped vertical racks and additionally using scarves for rod supports; the material used will have to be larger than those given.

3. We will use as materials for the crane beam:

  • a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm, which will serve as a transverse seamless rod;
  • pipes with a diameter of 11 cm, which will play the role of rod supports;
  • M:16 bolts for attaching to the rod supports;
  • pipe square profile 10x10 cm, used as a stand;
  • corner 10x10 cm for the base and bevels;
  • rollers for the cable (you can use rollers from the elevator door drive).

4. The rollers are attached to a strip of 5 cm, which is overlap welded to the junction of the rod with the supports.

5. To ensure the mobility of the tool, rollers taken from containers used in warehouses are welded to the racks.

In folding form, this item takes up very little garage space.

6. The lifting mechanism is constructed from a manual worm winch with a capacity of 800 kg, having a steel cable, by welding it to a vertical rack.