Do it yourself. Skillful hands Useful tips skillful hands

  • 21.05.2019

Sewerage with your own hands, if you have a desire. Sewerage with your own hands, how to do. One of the biggest problems of summer residents is processing waste products. Well, what can I say, we all go to the toilet, besides, the dishes will have to be washed, and not only the dishes. And if so, what if...

A place for a small playground will always be found on any personal plot. In order not to spend a lot of money, you can equip it with your own hands. The playground should be interesting so that the kid does not get bored of playing there. It is not difficult to achieve this condition, because there is a a large number of gaming equipment options. These are ready-made complexes, ...

Sometimes painting some surfaces with a brush is quite a tedious task, but you can solve this task faster by using an aerosol can. And the quality of the painted surface will be higher. Having mastered this simple technique, you can easily give a second life to many things in your home.

Interesting solution use wine corks in the design of the apartment. Without extra words, just Photo.

The pantry is just an archive family values, according to the things stored in it, you can write the history of the family. I'm sure there are a couple of old glass vases in this archive for our decorating idea with masking tape and spray paint.

You can save a lot of money by thoroughly inspecting your home before the autumn weather and the first frost. After spending preventive maintenance, you will save a lot of money needed for major repairs. If you prepare the house yourself, just as you prepare a car for winter, you will not have to pay a lot of money to several masters, and besides ...

Everything about what can be crafted, cut, molded, assembled, paved in the garden or in the garden

Breeding and keeping ducks

Breeding ducks can be of considerable benefit, even though they do not lay much, one duck can produce a little more than a hundred eggs per season. But on the other hand, these birds give much more meat than, for example, chickens. After two to three months, the weight of the duck reaches 2 kg, at this stage it is already ready for slaughter. Ducks are quite unpretentious in care, this fact also speaks in favor of choosing these poultry for breeding.

The effect of a budget greenhouse

If your hacienda does not have a greenhouse or a greenhouse, their construction should be included in your plans. The presence of such a building will allow you to stretch the cultivation of vegetables (and flowers) up to 9 months. But if a greenhouse is expensive and large, then a greenhouse is affordable for everyone, and it will “eat” less usable area.

A greenhouse, regardless of its type, is recommended to be placed from east to west (along the length). The place should be sunny, protected from the wind, without stagnant water and away from trees. The side walls of the greenhouse are made of concrete, stone, wood, and the north side should be 10-25 cm higher than the south. Make the frame of the structure from a non-rotting and harmless material (for example, duralumin or vinyl plastic).

Many people like to dig in the ground, but not everyone has their own plot. Therefore, you have to get out and grow many plants, and sometimes trees in a pot. That's roughly according to this principle and growing strawberries in pots. Only certain varieties can be planted (Netherlands, Garden Strawberry Queen Elizabeth 2, Eros, Elsanta and Moscow delicacy), and so that the bushes do not shade each other. Throughout the period, the plant must be fertilized. Fertilization continues until the fruit set.

The most necessary inventory in the spring garden

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, everyone needs a special tool for gardening. Set of nine most necessary tools should be kept with you at all times when you plant or process your plants. You can also make a gift set out of these tools and give it to your gardening friend, he will appreciate it!

Sewerage in the private sector

Owner of a private house or suburban area usually there is a problem of disposal of waste products accumulated over the years in street toilets and cesspools. As a rule, sewage is pumped out with the help of sewage trucks. This is a rather expensive and unpleasant occupation. Outdated machines can barely cope with pumping water, and the main problem - the disposal of feces, food waste, paper and other organic products accumulated in the septic tank, is not being solved.

Fireplace device

When choosing a place for a fireplace, I realized that it was most rational to arrange it in the corner of the room, where a chimney from the boiler house, which is no longer in use, runs through the wall.
Having punched a hole in the wall and chimney, I solved the problem of smoke coming out, because my apartment is located on the first floor. Gathered the materials necessary for the construction of the fireplace: bricks, including refractory bricks, facing tiles, cuts metal corner, brought refractory clay, cement, sand and began to design. I must note that the drawings and diagrams of fireplaces given in the reference literature on construction did not satisfy me, and at my own risk I decided to make it in an original way, according to my own idea.

Shelving for giving

Growing in joint plantings

Growing plants in combined plantings can rightly be considered the "aerobatics" of garden art. To create a garden that lives and develops as a single living organism, it is necessary to combine as many different types of plants as possible. Moreover, it should be not only vegetable and fruit crops, but also spices, flowers. The combination of plants garden plot should serve not only to provide a person with food, but also to create the most favorable conditions for life beneficial insects and small animals.

Two little suns

Really, I envy men! It seems to me that nature designed us women specifically for their pleasure. We have delicate skin flexible arms, we smell good and so we know how to love! But sometimes I feel sorry for men. It's one thing to have beauty, it's another thing to be it. And most importantly - only we, women, have a fragrant miracle, legends and poets - breasts.

How to collect medicinal herbs

The color of hawthorn, white locust and rowan can be harvested in June. There are many flowering herbs during this period. How to properly collect medicinal plants so that they do not lose their properties. To medicinal plant helped, you need to collect it correctly, in an environmentally friendly clean places no closer than 2 km from the highway. Collecting herbs with his own hands, a person puts his energy into them. Old people said that when collecting flowers, leaves or buds from a plant or tree, you should definitely ask God for blessings: "Father Heaven, Earth-Mother, bless this plant to take!"

Fourteen Myths About Your Hair

It doesn’t matter if you have long hair or short, straight or naughty curls, but the main task of a woman is to give them a healthy and well-groomed look. Reliable facts about your hair will help you focus on it and get great results.

Facial care in autumn and winter

In autumn and winter, the skin on the face needs special protection. After all, the body is protected from the cold by warm clothes and underwear, and the face is accessible to bad weather and all winds. Therefore, to maintain beauty in winter, care is very necessary. Snow, wind and rain, transitions from a cold room to a warm one and vice versa have a bad effect on the skin. She is rough, flaky and chapped. Winter is a real test for the skin.

We do beautiful make-up for brunettes

The most important thing in any woman is the taste, style and mastery of the art of makeup, because with the help of it, any representative of the fair sex can advantageously emphasize her advantages and skillfully hide her flaws. Beautiful makeup for brunettes, what is it?

How to care for soft toys

It's nice when the room is full of soft toys. Yes, and the baby is happy. Throwing out old toys, somehow "conscience" does not allow. Attachment will prevail. All this is good. But soft toys, unlike many other things in our apartment, are perhaps the biggest dust collectors, in no way inferior to carpets and fabric curtains. But, if the latter still exude less dust to the extent that we do not constantly shake them, then soft toys in the hands of a child may, in this case, pose a certain danger to him.

Chasing winter longing out of the house

When it’s still dark outside in the morning, and it’s already very dark in the evening, we don’t want to go anywhere, especially to actively engage in our physical health. Those who live in the northern latitudes are so familiar with the feeling of hopeless longing in the morning, when you have to get up and go to work, school, college.

How to line your eyes to make them appear bigger and more expressive

Perfect, beautifully shaped eyes are the dream of every woman. V Everyday life women are often embarrassed about their appearance and constantly see flaws. Using the right makeup, it is impossible to make a radical change in the shape of the eyes, but it is quite possible to make them visually larger.

acne and ethnoscience. Declare war on acne!

The problem of acne torments many people, but women are extremely sensitive to this issue. One small spot on the face can easily overthrow self-confidence in a woman, even in the most desperate one. Psychologists advise in such cases not to pay any attention to the snag, but this is not much when it turns out.