How to grow greens in the winter at home on the windowsill. How to grow greens, leafy vegetables and herbs on a windowsill

  • 03.03.2020

Cultivation of greenery on the windowsill of an ordinary apartment allows you to easily provide its inhabitants with fresh vitamins all year round. Many housewives are fond of growing greenery on the windowsill. If it is not possible to harvest from suburban area, this method of gardening may well help out lovers of fresh parsley and dill.

Juicy onion on the windowsill

Growing onions on a windowsill is extremely easy. Experienced gardeners do this in two ways:

  • traditionally in the ground;
  • hydroponic method.

Owners of small window sills, planting bulbs in the ground, can wisely use the space by arranging vertical beds. To do this, you need to take an empty plastic bottle from under the water and cut holes in it in a circle. Next, you need to fill the bottle with earth in layers and lay out the bulbs in rows so that their heads stick out of the holes made. If the earth in such a structure is replaced mineral wool, then the beds will turn from traditional to hydroponic. When working with mineral wool, do not forget about rubber gloves that will help protect your hands during planting.

How to grow green onions on a windowsill. Photo

How to choose a bow on the windowsill

Starting planting, it is necessary to carefully select planting material. bulbs should be dense, round in shape, with a shiny husk and no signs of decay. Their root bowl should be well developed. It is better to give preference to bulbs that have begun to germinate.

If sprouted bulbs could not be found, experts recommend making a neat incision in the top of the bulb parallel to the root cup. Before planting in the ground, the bulb can be briefly soaked in water.

Care rules

Growing onions on a windowsill requires knowing some little secrets. Onions produce green feathers well when temperature 18 to 20 degrees above zero. Increasing the temperature to 24 degrees will speed up this process, and if it reaches a level of 30 degrees, the growth of greenery will stop.

Growing onions on the windowsill for greens. Photo

With the method of growing with hydroponics when the bulbs are in the water, care must be taken that they do not start to rot. To do this, you can lift the body of the bulb above the liquid using a cardboard or plastic circle with a hole in the center. In addition, to prevent the development of a putrefactive process, a 4% solution can be periodically added to the water. hydrogen peroxide or slightly pink solution manganese.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not put the bow on the window closer to the light immediately after planting. The first 10 days it should be in a dark, cool place. During this period, the formation of the root system occurs. In the following time, the bow gratefully accepts a large number of Sveta. If natural light is not enough, you can use backlight, having built it from fluorescent lamps.

Juicy onions on the greens on the windowsill. Photo

Green salad on the windowsill

Juicy green lettuce leaves are an indispensable addition to many vegetable and meat dishes. This plant is popular with lovers of tasty and healthy food. That is why many gardeners are wondering how to grow lettuce on the windowsill of their apartment. Experts recommend using for this purpose such varieties of lettuce as Odessa, Rand Credo, Lol Rossa.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill. Photo

You can grow this plant in a pot with soil throughout the year. Lettuce gives lush greens, but quickly departs, releasing arrows. Having harvested once, the bush must be destroyed, and a new plant should be planted in its place.

Landing and care secrets

Before planting, lettuce seeds should be kept in a slightly pink solution for several hours. potassium permanganate. After that, they need to be planted half a centimeter in the ground. It is better to immediately use a large enough container, because the salad does not like transplanting. But what he really loves is a lot of light and moisture. In conditions of excessive dryness and poor lighting, the leaves of the plant become weak and pale. Lettuce should not only be watered, but also generously sprayed. V winter period the plant needs light.

Having planted the seeds in the ground, the container must be closed with cellophane and not opened until the sprouts hatch. This usually happens within 3-4 days. The optimum temperature for plant growth is 18-20 degrees Celsius. The heat has a negative effect on the yield, as it accelerates the release of arrows by the plant.

Parsley on the windowsill. cultivation

It is hard to imagine what plant could compete with parsley in popularity. Almost no dish of Russian cuisine can do without this greenery. Knowing how to grow parsley on the windowsill, you can have fresh sprigs of this useful plant on the table all year round.

Parsley on the greens on the windowsill. Photo

How to plant

Growing parsley at home is not difficult. This plant is very grateful and very picky. You can plant it:

  • seeds in spring;
  • root crops throughout the year.

Planting parsley roots

The roots of the plant should be planted in a container at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other. At the same time, they need to be covered with earth in such a way that the tops stick out on the surface. Drainage with such a landing, it is not necessary to use. The earth must be well crushed and plentiful water.

Parsley greens on the windowsill. Photo

Green shoots will appear within a couple of days after planting. From this point on, the plant needs to be provided with enough light. The first harvest can be harvested in about two weeks. Experts recommend periodically turning the container with the plant around its axis so that the growing bush forms symmetrically.

Planting parsley seeds

Unlike growing with root crops, the seeds will germinate and give the first crop no earlier than a month after planting. However, such a plant will delight its owner with lush greenery for much longer.

Caring for parsley on the windowsill

Optimal for growing greens temperature are 12-18 degrees Celsius, but parsley easily tolerates significant drops to 5 degrees Celsius and even lower. The heat causes the plant to stretch upwards, and its leaves become lighter in color.

Growing parsley on a windowsill. Photo

Parsley, as a moisture-loving plant, needs to be generously water water at room temperature. However, in winter, the abundance of watering should be reduced. To maintain a high yield of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize them once every 2-3 weeks. A teaspoon is suitable as a top dressing agrolife or one cap Rosstorm into two parts of water.

Dill on the windowsill

Growing dill on the windowsill can be done all year round. True, depending on the landing time, it requires a different intensity of care. The greens grown between May and September deliver the least clap. At this time of the year, dill receives a sufficient amount of light and heat. But in winter, the delicate greenery of this plant must be carefully illuminated and kept at a comfortable temperature.

Growing dill on a windowsill. Photo

Planting dill seeds

Any gardener knows how to grow dill on a windowsill. Before planting, the seeds must be kept in an intense pink solution of potassium permanganate in order to awaken the vitality in them. Dill, like parsley, can be planted with pick and without it. At the bottom of the container, be sure to pour a layer drainage. After planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to cover the container with a film to create a greenhouse effect and accelerate the emergence of seedlings.

Dill crops grow best when temperature 15-18 degrees of heat, but they are not afraid of lowering the temperature to 8 degrees, so they grow well in winter on glazed loggias.

Dill loves moisture, so it needs to be watered abundantly in the summer, during a period of high temperatures. In winter, the intensity of watering should be reduced.

The first harvest can be harvested a month and a half after planting.

Sorrel on the windowsill

Growing sorrel at home is not only easy, but also very useful, since this plant actively releases oxygen. Sorrel is a very popular herb with housewives, so many of them know how to grow sorrel on a windowsill.

How to plant

How to care for sorrel on the windowsill

The first week the plant is recommended to withstand at temperature+ 10 degrees, then it can be increased to 20. Immediately after planting, the ground must be thoroughly moistened, as the greenery grows, watering should be done as needed.

As fertilizer when growing sorrel, you can use a decoction of onion peel, coffee grounds or sleeping tea.

Greenery on the windowsill. Photo

On the early stage sorrel requires a lot of light to ripen. An adult plant calmly tolerates dark places. The first harvest can be harvested in a month. Experienced gardeners claim that with quality care from December to April, they collect three crops in a row.

Growing basil on a windowsill

Any variety of this plant is great for growing basil in pots on a windowsill. The keys to success are:

  • sunny place;
  • heat;
  • fertile soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • presence of drainage.

Growing greenery on the windowsill. Photo

Rules for planting basil

Many housewives, deprived of household plots, would like to know how to grow basil on the windowsill. own apartment. It's extremely useful plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively, using cuttings.

Basil, planted seeds, will require more effort, but it will also please the owner much longer than plants grown from cuttings.

To propagate basil vegetatively, you need to take a few of its branches, bought in a store or on the market, and put them into the water. After 7-10 days, they will give roots, after which the shoots can be planted in the ground. Two weeks after planting, the plant will be suitable for consumption.

When planting seeds, you should:

Care rules

  1. Basil is very sensitive to light, so you need to find the brightest place for it.
  2. This plant feels good at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and hardly tolerates any, even a slight, decrease in temperature.
  3. Basil needs regular watering. In addition, he loves daily spraying with water.

When harvesting, you must first cut off the side shoots. In this case, the plant will grow vigorously.

Rosemary on the windowsill

Rosemary is loved by gardeners for its beauty and benefits. It is an exquisite spice, a delicate fragrant ornamental plant, as well as a raw material for the preparation of medicines.

Rosemary is not easy to grow on a windowsill, but the result is well worth the effort. In order to successfully cope with this task, you need to follow the recommendations of experts explaining how to grow rosemary on a regular windowsill.

Despite the wide variety of varieties of rosemary, it is possible to grow at home only fragrant rosemary.

Rosemary on the greens on the windowsill. Photo

landing conditions

  1. It is recommended to grow rosemary in spacious pots, as this plant has an extensive root system.
  2. Planting rules require expanded clay cushion and slightly alkaline soils.
  3. Rosemary needs constant feeding. The soil must be fertilized every 14 days in summer and at least once in winter.
  4. The plant needs to provide enough light and comfortable temperature air.
  5. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture, so it is better to underfill it than to fill it. With a lack of moisture, rosemary leaves turn yellow, and with an excess of it, the roots begin to rot.

Growing rosemary from seeds on a windowsill

Rosemary can be grown from seeds, but it is not easy to do this, since the seeds of this plant are not very good for germination. Spring or autumn are suitable for planting seeds. Seeds should be wrapped in wet gauze and leave for a couple of days. After that, they must be placed in well-moistened soil and covered with a film of polyethylene by making a few holes in it.

You will have to wait for seedlings from two to four weeks, regularly watering soil. If after a month the seedlings do not germinate, you need to repeat the planting procedure again. When the seedlings reach about 9 centimeters in height and acquire three leaves, you can make a pick. During the entire period of growth of the plant, it must be transplanted into ever larger pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

By cutting off an adult plant, you can get shoots for its further reproduction. In this case, you need to cut the shoots from the top of the rosemary and make sure that they have a woody stem structure.

Remove the lower leaves from the cuttings and place them in a container with a wet mixture of peat and sand, or simply in water. After the formation of roots, the sprouts can be transplanted into ceramic flowerpots.

rosemary flowers

In order for the plant to bloom, it must be placed in a colder environment. The air temperature can be about 10-15 degrees Celsius. During this period, the plant does not need to be watered and cut off the leaves from it.

Flowers and upper parts of annual plants can be used as food.

Spinach on the windowsill. Cultivation and care

Growing spinach on a windowsill is easy. This annual plant is very popular with cooks. Its juicy leaves are added to salads, first and second courses.

Many housewives know how to grow spinach on the windowsill. This plant is very unpretentious and lends itself well to breeding throughout the year.

Growing greenery on the windowsill. Photo

sowing spinach

Growing spinach from seeds. Before planting, they must be placed overnight in a container with warm water to soak the hard shell and then put into the solution potassium permanganate for a few hours.

Spinach on the windowsill. Cultivation and care

When planting in a pot, you need to fill up a layer on its bottom expanded clay, then put a layer of earth. Seeds can be planted up to a depth of one and a half centimeters. Waiting for the emergence of seedlings, the pot should be covered with cellophane.

Features of caring for spinach on the windowsill

The first greens after sowing can be harvested around the end of 3 or 4 weeks. But after a month and a half, the plant becomes unusable.

Growing herbs in pots on the windowsill is a very rewarding and fun process. Having mastered it once, you can decorate your diet with a variety of green seasonings for many years.

In principle, greens on the windowsill are grown in the same way as in the garden, but at the same time, they take into account the characteristics and needs of the plant. Novice gardeners can start by growing parsley, green onions and watercress, but this is not the whole list. We will talk about how and what kind of greens can be grown on the windowsill in this article.

What you need

To grow greens on the windowsill, we need:

  • land of good quality;
  • seeds;
  • lighting lamps;
  • various containers for planting.


To grow greenery on the windowsill, you need high-quality soil - black soil or special mixtures that are sold in abundance in stores. Such mixtures are enriched with fertilizers and do not contain debris, various pests and their larvae, which can nullify your work. After everything you need is prepared, we will start growing.

green onion

The easiest thing to grow on a windowsill is green onions. Even first graders know how to grow onions on a windowsill in winter. They show it in class. This plant does not need any special care, it grows actively, it is an indispensable component of many dishes, and everyone loves it.

planting material

To grow onions on a feather, you can take a large onion set or the most common onion, used even for food purposes in a regular grocery store. Small onions are not suitable, since a small onion will be depleted very quickly, but the feathers turn out to be tender. But a large onion for more long time gives a lot of greenery.

distillation in water

The most primitive way of forcing an onion onto a feather is to place it in water. To do this, take a small container right size and fill it with water or nutrient solution. We set the onion so that only its bottom reaches the liquid. Water should be changed daily. Such a planting can provoke rotting of the bulb.

Distillation in the ground

But if you plant an onion in the ground, then this will not happen. The earth is poured into a shallow container. If the container is without holes for drainage, then in order to protect the roots from decay, it is necessary to arrange a drainage layer at its bottom, using pebbles, expanded clay, and broken bricks for this. Bulbs should be planted not deep, but tightly. They are not afraid of tightness. But you need to water the bulbs often so that the earth does not dry out.

Landing frequency

Do not use all planting material at once. It is much more reasonable to divide it into several parts and land at an interval of 20 days. So you can secure yourself green onions throughout the winter.

vertical distillation

For growing onions, you can use not only pots and boxes. You can arrange a vertical distillation. To do this, special flowerpots are sold in specialized stores for summer residents, or you can adapt a plastic bottle for this. Side holes are cut in it and filled with earth. The onion grows very well in such a vertical container, and besides, it looks original.


It is as easy as green onions to grow on a windowsill. It is distinguished by unpretentiousness and this makes it popular for home growing. Plus, it grows fast. Already two, maximum, three weeks after planting, it can be eaten.

Seeding tank

To grow watercress, you do not need a large and deep container. An ordinary tray will suffice. It is filled with a thin layer (no more than 3 cm) of peat soil, cotton wool or paper napkins folded in several layers, thus obtaining a substrate for planting.


Watercress is planted thickly, then young shoots support each other. The seeds are lightly pressed into the resulting substrate and the tray is placed on the windowsill. There the crops will be well and light. You don't even need additional lighting.

Watering and temperature

When growing watercress, you need to follow the watering regimen. It is very important to ensure that the earth in the tray does not dry out, but it is not advisable to fill it. In addition, this plant is not enthusiastic about the heat, so the temperature in which it grows should not rise above 18 degrees C. In order for the plantings to feel good in winter, you need to keep them closer to window glass. You need to sow watercress every 10 days, then this greenery will always be on your table.

Leaf salad

Growing lettuce is a bit more difficult. Here you need to take into account varietal characteristics and choose those varieties that feel best in apartment conditions. In addition, in winter, he will need additional lighting.

Temperature and watering

Must comply temperature regime. Leaf lettuce loves watering and coolness. In a dry and hot room, and even with insufficient watering, lettuce leaves will become bitter, rough, and peduncles will quickly form. So the best place for him - a glazed balcony.


Lettuce seeds are sown very densely (no more than 1 cm) and covered with cellophane to create a greenhouse effect. In the future, seedlings should be thinned to 5 cm. In addition to abundant watering, the plant needs good lighting.

Appearance of arrows

The arrows that appear on the plant signal that it is unsuitable for food. The obsolete plants are removed and other seeds are sown.


The dream of many housewives is to grow a mini-garden on the windowsill in the apartment. And there must be parsley.


Sow seeds in ordinary containers filled with high-quality soil, peat cups or in decorative flowerpots. Starting sowing, the seeds must be soaked in a manganese solution. Parsley seeds will take a long time to germinate.


The plant loves light very much, so in winter it will need additional lighting. But parsley does not need a high temperature, she likes coolness. For that, the plant is very fond of abundant watering, but in winter watering should be reduced.

40-50 days after germination, you can start cutting greenery, and for a long time it will delight you with its freshness.

root parsley

In general, it takes a long time to grow parsley from seeds and you need to start it in advance. To speed up this process, you can use the rhizome to grow parsley. This is much easier to do in winter.

Parsley root can be dug up in your garden or even bought at a greengrocer's. It should have a healthy appearance, not have damage and signs of wilting, and the apical bud should be intact.


It should be placed in a container filled with moist soil. Excessively long roots are planted obliquely. The first greens will hatch within a few days after planting, and after another two weeks the leaves can be used for food. The root will give you greenery for six months.


In addition to the usual parsley, onion and lettuce, you can grow basil on the windowsill. He will add a little exotic to your mini-garden. You can grow any variety and color: both purple and green. Grow it from seeds and cuttings. Most fast way cultivation - cuttings.

Planting cuttings

Basil sprigs can be bought at a grocery store, placed in water and after 10 days, when the roots appear, planted in a container with soil. After 2-3 weeks, after the plant has taken root and starts to grow, young side shoots can be cut. Basil grown from a cutting develops quickly, but it will also bloom faster, which means it will become unfit for food.

In order to always have fresh basil on the table, plantings need to be rejuvenated every 3 months.

Sowing seeds

Growing basil from seeds requires more attention, but such a plant will live productively for about a year. Basil seeds should be soaked in a manganese solution, the container with the sown seeds should be covered with cellophane to create a microclimate, and the grown seedlings should be transplanted into other pots. Actually grow basil from seeds better in spring, since in winter the plants will need additional illumination.


This plant will not only add spice to your dishes, but also become a decoration of the kitchen. It is grown in summer personal plot, and in winter he lives perfectly in an apartment. It needs a wide container, in which a sufficiently thick drainage is arranged.

Growing conditions

Rosemary makes high demands on lighting and fresh air. In winter, he needs a south side, and in summer he must be transferred to open ground, taken out to the loggia or balcony, or at least put out the window so that the leaves can accumulate the required amount of essential oils.

Rosemary is propagated by cuttings and seeds.


They have poor germination. They are kept wet for two days, then placed on the surface of the soil, covered with cellophane and sprayed daily with water from a spray bottle. If after a month shoots did not appear, then you need to sow other seeds. When the seedlings have at least 3 leaves, they are placed in larger containers.


But rosemary grown from cuttings is much better. For cultivation, a lignified shoot is used, which is in a vessel with water or wet sand until roots appear, and then transplanted into a pot with soil.


Rosemary should be watered frequently, but in moderation. It is better not to water it than to pour it. But you do not need to get carried away with overdrying the earth, since with a lack of moisture, the lower leaves of the plant will turn yellow. Excess water contributes to root rot, and the plant dies. If in winter the plant is kept in the cold (up to +5 degrees C), then in the spring it will bloom. An adult plant must be trimmed, forming a neat bush.

Here is a mini-garden you can arrange on the window of your apartment. As you can see, greenery is unpretentious and it is not difficult to grow it even for an inexperienced person. Using the knowledge gained, you can at least slightly extend the summer and in the winter time please yourself and your loved ones with a green harvest.

We all love fresh herbs, because it is she who can not only enrich our food with vitamins, but also give it a very special taste and aroma.

But few people think about the fact that fresh herbs and even some vegetables do not have to be bought again every time. Because you can easily grow them at home without much effort and hassle!

1. Garlic
As a rule, garlic bulbs are used in cooking. But the green shoots (arrows) are also suitable for gastronomy: they are suitable for making marinades and sauces.
When garlic begins to sprout shoots, it loses its sharpness. Such a head of garlic is the place in a bowl of water, where in a couple of weeks it will give new shoots that will be a great addition to salads and potatoes.

Varieties of garlic are divided into two groups: winter and spring. The latter usually do not give arrows, therefore they are not suitable for growing at home.

For those who have ever grown onions on a windowsill, garlic will not be difficult to deal with. Take garlic cloves winter variety, it is desirable that they be with germinated sprouts.

Garlic germinates well and can grow further in a glass of water. Garlic sprouts are very delicate in taste, they can be safely added to salads and sauces.

If you prefer to grow in the ground, then you can take any soil mixture. Each clove is planted at a depth of 2-3 cm and at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Once planted, be sure to water.

The container with garlic should be kept on the most lit window in the house.

2. Romaine lettuce, lettuce and watercress
Super-fast greens grow from lettuce cuttings that we usually cut and throw away. After cutting the leaves, put the stalk in the water - the greens will appear the next day. Cut off the leaves, and the cuttings will continue to produce greens.

Romaine lettuce will come back to life if kept in water for a few days so that the water covers half of the plant. After that, new leaves will immediately appear, and the plant can again be planted in the ground.

Lettuce in water grows from the center of the head, so the lower part of the head is needed to grow. About 3 days after planting, new shoots will already be visible, and after 2 weeks it will be possible to harvest.

Watercress is one of the best crops for home gardens.

  • First, he - like the bow - is extremely unassuming. Those who do not have the opportunity or desire to spend time on the laborious care of the "beds" on the windowsill will certainly appreciate this, I believe.
  • Secondly, it is very early ripening: already 2-3 weeks after the emergence of seedlings (and they will not keep you waiting either), you will be pleased with young vitamin greens.
  • Thirdly, nature has endowed watercress with many useful properties: regular consumption of this culture helps to normalize blood pressure, improve digestion and sleep. It was used as a remedy for scurvy, and anemia and beriberi were treated with juice.

Watercress successfully grows on window sills in winter too - it is very cold-resistant (the ideal temperature for it is considered to be from +15 to +18 degrees) and is not picky about light. The only thing he needs is regular moistening of the soil and air, since this plant does not like drought. To keep the greens on the table constantly, it is recommended to sow the next portion of watercress every 7-10 days.

3. Bok choy - Chinese cabbage
Chinese kale is considered a unique source of vitamins C and A.
You can regularly replenish their stock if you put the lower part of the stem in water and do not forget to change it periodically.

In a well-lit room, place the root of the plant in water. Keep it there for 1-2 weeks, after which you can transplant the cabbage into a pot. There she will grow into a full cabbage.

A window sill and a container of water can give a second life to Beijing cabbage. It grows from the center, so you will need the bottom of the head to grow it.

4. Coriander (cilantro)
Coriander grows well in water. Try to plant it, and the fragrant sprout will immediately please you with a riot of greenery.

5. Green onions
According to the unanimous opinion of everyone who has ever tried to grow greens on the windowsill, onions are the safest option, especially in winter when there is little light. It is equally easy to adapt to any container - cans of water or any plastic container with earth.

This plant also feels quite comfortable without soil.
Green onions will grow back if left in a small glass with roots in water. The room where it will grow should be well lit.

As planting material, you can use both onion sets (large fraction - samples) and ordinary turnip onions. I have tried both; from a sevka (or a small turnip), the harvest, of course, is less - the bulb is depleted faster. But the pen - for my taste - is softer and more tender.
In addition, a small onion takes less space when landing. A large bulb gives more greenery, its feather is usually larger, and it can take longer to harvest from it.

The onion needs to be peeled, cut off the top and bottom (very carefully to preserve the growing points) and insert a jar of water into the hole with the bottom down.

Banks, glasses and cups are not convenient only because the bulbs in them very often rot. This is easy to avoid. Insert the bulb into a clean, but no longer needed sock, fill the jar with water by a third and lower the sock into the water. The water will rise up the toe and moisten the bulb and then its roots.

If there was no free glassware in the house, you can adapt any containers for forcing onions, for example, plastic boxes in which salads are laid out in supermarkets. According to the size of each box, it is necessary to take a sheet of thick cardboard and cut holes in it according to the diameter of the bulb. Then pour water into the container, cover with cardboard, and insert the bulbs into the holes so that they slightly touch the water.

In addition, you can grow green onions in a regular plate. A small amount of settled water at room temperature is poured into a plate and the bulbs are placed tightly against each other, trying to keep them upright. Water should cover the bulbs no more than a quarter.

Also remember a few simple rules growing onions for greens in water:

  • A container for forcing green onions, whether it be a jar or a plate, it is better to pre-disinfect it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The water should only lightly touch the bottom of the bulb.
  • Do not submerge the bulbs entirely in water, it will rot.
  • Before the roots grow, keep the dishes with the bulbs in a cool place.
  • Until the roots appear, the water in the containers must be changed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. When the greens begin to grow, change the water every 24 hours. If you feed onions by dissolving fertilizers in water, change the liquid once a week.
  • From time to time, rinse the roots of the bulbs and dishes under running water.
  • To prevent the bulbs from rotting, periodically remove them from containers of water and leave them "in the wild" for three to four hours.
  • Put each batch of onions for distillation two weeks after the previous one, and then fresh greens will be on your table continuously.

So, you can plant onions for distillation in small containers with water / nutrient solution or in the ground. I personally like the second option more: the bulbs on the water often begin to rot, exuding a specific aroma; I have never had such an incident with the ground.

Growing onions for greens in the soil:

It is recommended to add hydrogel soaked in Gumi solution to the soil for planting (this biological product strengthens plants, additionally nourishes them, and increases resistance to diseases). Under room conditions, the soil substrate dries out quickly, and the hydrogel prevents the bulbs from suffering from moisture deficiency.

To always be with the harvest, it is best to plant the onion regularly - every 10-14 days. Then by the time the crop is fully harvested from the first "bed", the greens will ripen on the next - and so on until spring.

For planting, I use small plastic boxes. I pour expanded clay on the bottom (there are no holes for draining excess moisture in the boxes, so drainage is necessary), on top - soil with hydrogel to about half the box. Having slightly compacted the mixture, I plant the bulbs in it close to each other, without deepening them into the soil. I water it abundantly - and that's it :))

Since I usually plant sprouted bulbs, the harvest does not have to wait long.

6. Leek
The green part of this plant is undeservedly given less attention. Meanwhile, it can be used in soups, pies and a number of other dishes, which is what many famous chefs do.

You won't be short of fresh shoots if you submerge the bottom, white part of the stem in water.

7. Carrot
The root crop of this plant cannot be grown in a vase with water, but the greenery is quite a doable task. It is enough to place the cut top of the carrot in a bowl of water. Greens can be used to make salads, pastries, pesto, and other dishes.

Carrot tops grow back within a week from cut carrot bottoms. Just dip them in water and place them on a bright window sill. Change the water every 3-4 days, it should not rot.
If you have sand, put your bottoms on wet sand, it will be perfect. Make sure the sand is always wet.

Carrot tops are tasty and healthy. It contains no less carotene and potassium than the root, and besides, it is pure fiber. It can be added to salads and borscht, fresh can be a little bitter, but no more than arugula.

8. Beet tops from scraps
Beet tops can be grown in the same way as carrots - by placing them in water or on wet sand. Trim the stems as they grow, keep the cuttings, they will grow again and again.

Beet tops, for my taste, are much tastier than any green salad. And it also has a lot of iodine, a whole set of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat it in salads, sandwiches, cook botvinia and borscht. Recommend!

9. Basil
Basil is one of the most fragrant and favorite spices. At the same time, it is quite unpretentious and grows well on the windowsill.
Basil is very easy to root - put fresh cut basil shoots 3-4 cm long in a glass of water under direct sunlight, after five days roots will appear, and you can plant.

Basil loves the sun, so place it in a south facing window. When five or six leaves appear, cut off the top of the basil so that it grows in breadth and bushes.
When the sprouts double in size, you can plant the plant in the soil. Basil will be lush and healthy again.

Any soil from the store is suitable as soil, buy nitrogen fertilizer for it. If buds appear on the basil, they must be cut off, otherwise it will produce flowers, not leaves.

10. Celery

We do not need the whole bunch of celery for forcing greens at home. Only its lowest basal part is needed, which is usually thrown away, having previously broken off juicy petioles suitable for food.

So, cut off the base of the celery bunch, stepping back about 5 cm from the bottom of the bunch. - we get a kind of "rosette".
You just need to put it in a glass or any other low container and pour a little water so that it covers no more than half of the "socket". It is advisable to put the container with the plant on a bright windowsill.

Now it remains only to wait and from time to time pour water into the glass. After a couple of days, the first green leaves will begin to break through from the center of the celery “outlet”, and in a week whole branches of fresh greens will appear.
It can be used both fresh and dry, making it a fragrant seasoning for dishes. Water should be changed every 2-3 days.
Roots will begin to grow from the base of the beam, therefore, in the presence of free flower pot and soil soil, you can transplant celery from water into the ground. But not necessarily.

A celery head (root) planted in the ground will also begin to grow green in a couple of weeks, without requiring special care.

11. Fennel
Grow fennel in the same way as celery.

It is necessary to leave about 5 cm from the bottom of the bulb and put it in a container filled with water.

12. Spinach
Spinach grows quite quickly, but loves coolness, so the optimum temperature for growing it is no higher than +18 degrees. Boxes or pots with a height of 15 cm or more and southern windows are suitable for it - spinach needs a lot of light. If there is little light, then the temperature should be lower, up to +16 degrees.

You can use ready-made soil mixtures intended for ornamental house plants.
Soak the seeds for two days before sowing, then lay them in the grooves to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The distance between the seeds is 4 cm, between the furrows - 6 cm. Spinach should be watered generously, you can even spray it. It is better not to feed the soil - it is believed that spinach easily accumulates nitrates.

13. Ginger
To grow ginger at home, you need a piece of fresh and smooth ginger root with a couple of live buds. If the root is too dry, you can soak it in warm water for a while.

It is necessary to plant ginger in a pot or box with earth with the kidneys up. The ideal conditions for this plant are a warm, humid, bright place, but without direct sunlight. In addition to the fact that ginger is tasty and healthy, it is also beautiful (somewhat reminiscent of reeds), so it can be grown even for decorative purposes.

14. Lemongrass
This lemongrass is quite unpretentious and can grow even in a glass of water.

Cut 4 cm of plants from the bottom and put them in water - now you will always have on hand one of the must-have ingredients for tom yum soup.

Before the onset of heat, you can grow anything at home. But do not expect the greenery on the windowsill to reach the same size as in the garden: this will not happen at home. In the end, the process itself is important to us! And the harvest will not be long in coming.
According to,

I wish you success and great harvests!

In order to get the required amount of vitamins in the cold season, vegetables and fresh herbs are needed. Learn how to grow a healthy crop on your windowsill.

In the cold season, when the body is so lacking in vitamins, leafy vegetables and fresh fragrant greens will come to your aid. Let's figure out how to grow a crop of these healthy plants on the windowsill in winter.

Healthy crop on the windowsill

  • General methods of agricultural technology
  • We grow greens
  • Growing herbs
  • Growing leafy vegetables

Buy fresh vegetables any time of the year is not a problem. However, when purchasing beautiful-looking cucumbers or tomatoes, parsley, coriander or dill, you must remember that they, due to the high content of nitrates, can be harmful to health, and the price for them “bites” in winter.

In addition, at this time, store-bought vegetables have neither taste nor aroma. If you want to pamper yourself with vitamin salads and dishes with the addition of leafy vegetables and herbs at any time of the year, you can organize a small garden on the windowsill or on the heated loggia.Cucumbers, tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers and even eggplant are grown in the conditions of the apartment. And growing greens and leafy vegetables in the winter on the window in the kitchen is not at all a problem.

What containers can be used for growing

Smaller beds can be organized using wooden or plastic pallets, boxes, ceramic or plastic pots, and clay or plastic bowls available on the farm. The only condition in this case is the presence of holes at the bottom of the tank for water drainage.

Boxes can be made independently from pine or spruce boards. Optimal dimensions boxes are as follows: length - 40 ... 50 cm, width - 20 ... 30 cm, height - 12 ... 15 cm. For manufacturing, you can use a board with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 cm. It should be noted that it is not recommended make boxes from furniture leftovers, as high humidity will contribute to the peeling of the coating, and harmful substances can get into the soil, and therefore into the plants.

General methods of agricultural technology

For getting good harvest greens and leafy vegetables must follow the rules below:

  1. At the bottom of any container used, it is imperative to put drainage, which is used as expanded clay, fine gravel or broken brick.
  2. For growing greens on the windowsill, it is not recommended to use garden soil, as it can be infected with pests that will destroy your entire already small crop. It is better to purchase a special substrate in the store, especially since it already contains all the components necessary for the growth and development of plants.
  3. It must be remembered that for normal growth plants need light, so containers should be placed on the southwest, southeast or south windows. In the middle of winter, when the daylight hours are very short, it will be good to organize additional lighting. To do this, use fluorescent lamps, which are hung at a height of 50–60 cm from your beds.
  4. Greens and leafy vegetables should be watered regularly as the soil dries out. For irrigation use separated tap water. It must be remembered that crops growing in clay pots require more water than plants growing in plastic. The beds on the southern windows need to be watered more often than on the eastern or southwestern ones.
  5. Crops growing on the windowsill need regular feeding - once every 1.5–2 weeks. To do this, you can use the usual universal fertilizer for indoor flowers.
  6. When organizing a garden on the windowsill, remember that the air temperature near the window is always lower than in the room. So when they stand on the street very coldy, it is advisable to remove the beds from the window. This will help prevent root rot at low temperatures. The optimum temperature for growing green crops on the windowsill is 18-20 degrees.

We grow greens

Of all the variety of greens on the windowsill, it is easiest to grow dill, parsley, green onions and celery.

Dill is an unpretentious plant, it does not require special care when growing. It is sown in boxes separately or together with other greens scattered, lightly sprinkled with earth. Seedlings appear within one and a half to two weeks, and you can taste fresh herbs in about a month.

Parsley can be grown on a windowsill different ways. Before frosts, they dig out several plant bushes in the garden together with a clod of earth and transplant them into a suitable container.

Parsley can be sown from seeds, but there is a certain problem here. Essential oils contained in the seeds greatly slow down the germination of this crop. Soaking will help speed up germination - the seeds are placed in several layers of gauze before sowing and kept for half an hour under a stream of warm running water, then soaked for a day.

Parsley is demanding on light and soil moisture. Watering such beds is necessary as it dries, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. After germination, the bed should be thinned out, leaving the strongest plants at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.

You can also grow parsley on the windowsill by forcing root crops. To do this, it is necessary to select several short but thick roots (at least two centimeters in diameter), preferably with well-developed petioles. The roots should be planted in well-moistened soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, and four to five centimeters should be left between the rows.

Until the petioles germinate, the container is kept in a cool place and moderately watered, after the appearance of greenery they are transferred to the windowsill. In this way, the first harvest can be obtained in 25–30 days. The most suitable varieties of parsley for growing on the windowsill, which give a lot of greenery, include: Harvest, Sugar, Bordovinskaya.

It is very easy to grow green onions on the windowsill. This can be done by simply placing the onion in a container with clean water. But this must be done so that its bottom barely touches the surface of the water, otherwise the bulb may rot.

To accelerate growth before planting, the bulbs can be poured hot water and stand for 12 hours, then remove the husk, cut off the upper tail and place in a container for germination. With this method of growing, it is necessary to change the water every 1-2 days and rinse the containers regularly, otherwise an unpleasant odor will appear.

Green onions can be grown on the windowsill and in a box with earth. When planting, the bulbs should not be deeply buried. Until the first greenery appears, the containers are kept warm, then they are moved to the windowsill. Onions, like dill, are not very picky about light, so the beds can be placed in light shading. It should be noted that it is impossible to break off the first onion feathers that appear, otherwise the growth of greenery will stop.

Celery is grown in the same way as parsley - either by forcing root crops or from seeds. When distilling this culture from root crops, it is necessary to select roots with a diameter of at least 5 cm with well-developed petioles. If the root crop is longer than the height of your container, you can cut off its lower part or plant roots with an inclination. They care for celery in the same way as for parsley, that is, they provide good lighting and optimal watering.

Growing herbs

Of the aromatic herbs for growing on the windowsill, watercress, basil, mint and lemon balm are most often used.

Watercress is considered the fastest growing crop; after sowing seeds in moist soil, seedlings appear in 4–5 days. This plant is undemanding to lighting, it can be grown in the shaded corners of the windowsill, on the north or northeast windows.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm and well watered. The first harvest can be harvested in 2-3 weeks. For a window sill garden, varieties of watercress such as Broadleaf, Curly and Pepper are best suited.

It is easiest to grow basil on the windowsill by transplanting a ready-made bush from the garden, since the seeds of this plant germinate extremely hard. Basil is quite picky about light and reacts badly to temperature changes, so containers with this culture should be placed on the southern windows. Basil beds should be watered as the topsoil dries out. Waterlogging is bad for the well-being of the plant.

Mint and lemon balm are grown on the windowsill in two ways - by sowing seeds or transplanting bushes from the garden. Seeds should be planted in well-moistened soil shallow. These crops are demanding on watering and lighting. With sufficient soil moisture, seedlings appear quickly, after which the containers with mint and lemon balm are transferred to well-lit southern or southeastern windows.

Growing leafy vegetables

From leafy vegetables for a vegetable garden on a windowsill, various varieties of leaf lettuce and Chinese cabbage are best suited.

Leaf lettuce is a cold-resistant culture, so it can be grown in an apartment on well-insulated loggias or balconies. For such beds, early-ripening varieties of lettuce are best suited: Odessa, Red credo, Lollo bionda and others.

Seeds of leaf lettuce are planted in well-moistened soil to a depth of 0.5 cm, seedlings appear after 3–5 days. The first harvest, depending on the variety, can be harvested in 4-5 weeks. This culture is very demanding on watering and lighting. It is necessary to water the salad abundantly, and in the winter months additional lighting of the beds with fluorescent lamps is required.

In winter, Chinese cabbage can also be grown on the windowsill. The seeds of this crop are planted to a depth of 0.5–1 cm in grooves at a distance of six to eight centimeters, 3–4 cm are left between the seeds. The crops are well watered and placed in a warm place for germination. After the first shoots have appeared, the containers are moved to the window.

Beijing cabbage belongs to the cultures of short daylight hours, therefore it tolerates light shading well and does not need additional illumination in the winter months. It is necessary to water the garden bed with cabbage sparingly, when the soil is already thoroughly dry. It is necessary to use early-ripening varieties for growing on the windowsill Chinese cabbage, the harvest of which can be harvested after 25–30 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

As you can see, grow in winter and in early spring greenery on the windowsill is easy and even a novice gardener can do it. big harvest of course, you won’t get it, due to the fact that under such conditions it will not be possible to allocate a lot of space for a garden bed. However, with a minimum of effort and following simple recommendations, you can provide your family with vitamins at exactly the time when they are most needed.published

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Probably, many have thought more than once about how to start growing greens right in the house on the windowsill. This is especially true in winter. And even when a blizzard sweeps outside the window on your table, there will always be fragrant, tasty and, not least, very healthy dishes with herbs. It will not be difficult to grow it, but, as in any business, there are several rules and secrets that you need to know in order to get a rich harvest.

What greens can be grown on the windowsill

The number of types of various greens that can be grown at home is quite large. Only the most common ones will be described here:

  • Parsley, dill, green onion- this is the greenery most beloved by many housewives, which they most often use for cooking.
  • Rucola- this is a very tasty salad that grows well in the house and does not need to be looked after in any special way. The main thing is not to forget to water it on time.
  • Thyme (thyme) can also be grown at home. He is quite unpretentious, but incredibly fond of moisture. Therefore, this plant must be watered regularly.
  • Basil it is also very often eaten and quite easily grown at home. Loves light, moisture and warmth.
  • Oregano (oregano) It is also easy enough to grow on a windowsill. She feels great in warmth and is very unpretentious. May grow over several years.
  • Sage can also be grown indoors. However, it should be noted that it requires heightened attention and care.

Of course, you can grow many more different greens, for example, spinach, lemon balm, savory, and this list can be quite long. The main thing is to know how to properly care for different types plants and what they prefer.

What you need for planting greens

Before proceeding to the direct sowing of seeds, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary equipment and soil. So, you will need:

  1. Boxes, flower pots or any other suitable size container.
  2. Special soil that can be bought. But if possible, then the land can be collected independently in the garden or garden. However, at home it will need to be calcined in the oven or shed with a weak solution of potassium manganese in order to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and small insects in the ground that can subsequently destroy your plants.
  3. Prepare all the necessary seeds.
  4. Stock up on special fertilizers designed for greens.
  5. Also, if possible, prepare special lamps for lighting plants. This will be needed if, for example, it will be cloudy for a long time or something is blocking the sunlight (a building, a tree growing in front of a window opening, etc.) and thus preventing greenery from growing and developing normally.

The secrets of growing fragrant parsley on the windowsill from seeds

Parsley is adored by many housewives and is often used as a seasoning or decoration for dishes. Growing it is pretty easy. There are two ways to get juicy and tasty greens at home. Namely: sowing seeds and planting roots.
In order to sow parsley seeds, you need to prepare them first. To do this, soak them for a couple of days, not forgetting to change the water at least twice every 24 hours. And just before sowing, it is best to put the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.
After that, you can sow parsley, having previously prepared boxes with soil. The earth should have a loose structure, and a small drainage layer should be laid on the bottom. Sow according to package instructions. The approximate row spacing is 3–4 cm, and the planting depth is about half a centimeter, and it is best to gently sprinkle them with loose earth from above. Also, seedlings can be thinned out if necessary. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but is not too wet either.
The best temperature for growing parsley is + 15 ... + 20⁰ C. If the temperature is lower, then the plants will greatly slow down their growth, and if it is higher, then it can dry out. It is also recommended to use backlighting as needed.

We grow parsley with roots at home

In order to grow parsley by roots, you will need a container filled with loose soil, with a mandatory small drainage layer at the bottom, and the roots themselves. It is best to mix humus, earth, sand and peat in proportions 1: 1: 1: 2, but regular purchased soil is also great.
As a rule, planting is done in late autumn. To do this, you need to dig up the roots of this wonderful plant. Perfect Size for landing it is considered: width - 3 centimeters and length - 5-6 centimeters. The greens are carefully removed, and the roots are planted in a box. You can place them close to each other. Fill them with earth on top, so that only the tops remain on the surface. Before this, the soil should be well moistened. Then you need to pour plenty of parsley.
Until the shoots appear, the box with the planted roots should be kept in a very cool place. After the first greens appear, remove the parsley to a warmer place up to + 20⁰ C. Plants love moisture very much, but do not overdo it, because if you water it too often, the roots may rot. Also, if necessary, you need to use backlight.

How to grow fragrant dill at home

Growing dill at home is very easy. First, prepare the seeds. They need to be soaked for 2 days to germinate. After that, we proceed to the preparation of the land. Pour small pebbles, pebbles or broken bricks into a container intended for planting, so that the layer covering the bottom is equal to a couple of centimeters. Then pour a mixture of ordinary earth from the garden with neutral purchased, they are taken in a 1: 1 ratio.
Dill is not sown too thickly, and the seeds are sprinkled with humus or earth on top and everything is well spilled with water at room temperature (it is better to use settled). Then the container should be covered with a film or plastic bag and put in a dark and cool enough place for 7 days.
With the advent of the first shoots, dill must be rearranged on the windowsill. It is worth considering that the optimum temperature for the growth of this fragrant plant is 18⁰ C and it loves light very much. In this regard, if the dill lacks natural light, it will begin to turn pale. Provide him with additional lighting and then there will be no problems. Do not forget that the plant must be regularly watered and fed with mineral fertilizers.

Growing green onions on a windowsill

Growing green onions on a windowsill is just as easy. To do this, you need bulbs that do not have rot and damage. It is also worth preparing non-acidic soil, best purchased. But onions can still be grown in water or cotton wool, sawdust or other materials that perfectly absorb moisture can be used instead of soil.
Before planting, it is recommended to soak the bulbs in cool water for several hours, and then remove the excess husk. To grow green onions in water, you will need a container whose upper diameter will be a few centimeters narrower than the head itself. Plain water is poured into it and an onion is placed in such a way that only the roots touch the liquid.

Onions are planted in the ground in this way:

  • At the bottom of the planting tank, a drainage layer is poured, consisting of small pebbles or pebbles. Earth or other filler suitable for planting is poured from above.
  • Then the bulbs are planted close enough to each other.
  • Pour everything well with cool water.

Planted bulbs should not be immediately exposed to light. Remove them in partial shade for a few days until the root system gets stronger, then it will be possible to rearrange the container with onions on the windowsill. The optimum growth temperature is 18⁰…23⁰С.

We grow arugula at home

Arugula is a very healthy and incredibly tasty salad that you can grow on your windowsill. However, before you start sowing, you just need to learn a few nuances about growing this lettuce.
For sowing, you will need fairly wide boxes and purchased soil. Land from the garden or garden is not recommended. To begin with, a two-centimeter drainage layer is poured, and after that the soil. Seeds should be sown in strips, the distance between which will be at least 3 cm. Spread a centimeter layer of earth on top of the floor. Then it will be necessary to pour the arugula with warm water, using a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds.
Cover the container with a film, but leave small holes around the edges for the supply of oxygen necessary for normal growth and put it in a dark place for a couple of days. Then move the arugula to the windowsill, choosing the sunniest spot. But it is worth considering the fact that these plants do not tolerate prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the upper part of the window halfway with white paper sheets. Arugula should be watered regularly and loosen the soil as needed.

How to grow thyme (thyme) at home

Growing thyme on a windowsill is quite simple, and given that this plant is perennial and picky, it becomes clear that there will be no particular trouble with it. Most often, greens of this kind are grown in a pot not very big size.
To begin with, a drainage layer (2 cm) will need to be poured onto the bottom of the pot, and then the soil itself. Experts recommend using purchased soil. Then several seeds are laid down and they are sprinkled on top with a thin layer of earth. After this, it is necessary to thoroughly, but at the same time very carefully moisten the earth.
Until the plant becomes strong enough, it is recommended to shade it, avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise, it may burn. After germination, it is necessary to thin out the thyme, leaving the strongest shoots, and the weak ones can be pulled out or transplanted into another container.
It is necessary to water the thyme as needed, that is, to prevent the soil from drying out and waterlogging. If you are going to use it all year round, then you may need additional lighting in the winter. And if not, then the plant can simply be removed to a rather cold place for the winter, but the temperature there should not be lower than -5⁰ C.

Basil is very fragrant and quite often used as a spice in various dishes. It is easy to grow it at home and you can do it at any time of the year, even in winter, even in summer.
It is best to plant this kind of greens in separate pots, as the bushes grow to a decent size. You can grow basil from seeds or use shoots for this, just keep in mind that the young branches of this greenery are too tender and take root in a new place extremely poorly.
For planting, you can use both purchased soil and collected in the garden, but it will need to be calcined in the oven. A drainage layer of a couple of centimeters is laid at the bottom of the pot, and then the earth. Make a small hole in the middle and put a few seeds in there. Fill them with a small layer of earth and gently moisten it with a spray bottle.
After the basil sprouts and gets a little stronger, it will be necessary to loosen the soil every three days to saturate it with oxygen. The main secret cultivation of this greenery in irrigation. So, you need to water it every day, preferably in the morning. If the room is hot, then the number of waterings increases to 2 or 3 per day. But you need to pour water little by little. Basil loves the sun, grows well at a temperature of + 25⁰ C.

We grow oregano at home

Oregano, or as it is also called oregano, is quite successfully grown at home. It is unpretentious and can grow for several years, delighting you with its fragrant greens.
Most often, this herb is grown from seeds. To do this, they are sown in separate pots. So, at the bottom of the pot you will need to pour a two-centimeter drainage layer, and already pour any soil on top. Oregano is especially undemanding to the ground, but loves the sun. That is why for her it is necessary to allocate a window sill from the sunniest side.
Make a half-centimeter deepening and pour a pinch of seeds into it, and fill them with soil on top. Moisten the soil very carefully and cover the pot with foil or glass, but do not forget to leave a small hole through which air will flow. Remove the container in a shady place before the first shoots. By the way, they will have to wait quite a long time, about half a month or even more. All this time, make sure that the ground is always moist, but do not let the liquid stagnate.
When shoots appear, the pot can be rearranged on the windowsill. If necessary, be sure to do backlighting. Oregano should be watered once every two days, but every day it is necessary to spray the leaves with water at room temperature.

How to grow sage on a windowsill

Growing sage on a windowsill is pretty simple task, which will require little effort and little cost from you. First you will need to prepare the seeds. Before planting, they are soaked for one day, using a damp cotton wool or cloth for this.
For planting, you will need a sufficiently voluminous pot, on the bottom of which a drainage layer equal to 2 cm is laid. After that, soil should be poured into the container. Perfect for this fertile land loose structure. In the case of using soil from the garden, it will first need to be disinfected and all debris removed.
Sow sage seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm, and then moisten the ground. Put the pot in a dark place and keep the soil constantly moist, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.
Sage grows quietly in partial shade, but it needs at least 6 hours of light per day for greater aroma. A grown plant should be watered rarely, but rather plentifully. You need to spray the leaves from the spray bottle daily and it is also worth remembering that this plant hates drafts.

How to grow spinach at home

Spinach is also very often grown at home. It is very easy to do this. Sow this greens usually in special boxes. To begin with, a drainage layer is laid out on their bottom, which should be at least 2 centimeters in height, and then the soil is filled up. Experts recommend purchasing coconut fiber and vermicompost for growing spinach and mixing them in a 2:1 ratio.
After that, seeds are sown in moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm, which should be filled with warm clean water for 12 hours. Before sowing, it is recommended to hold the seeds for at least half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the spinach is sown, it is recommended to cover the box with a film and do not remove it until the first shoots. But don't forget to leave a hole small size for free passage of air.
This greenery feels great at a temperature equal to + 15⁰ ... + 18⁰ C. It can also withstand temperatures down to + 8⁰ C. It is necessary to water and irrigate the leaves from the spray bottle every day. This is especially worth paying special attention to if the apartment is hot and the air is very dry.

We grow fragrant lemon balm on the windowsill

Very fragrant greens, which are called lemon balm, are also quite easy to grow at home, and there are several ways to plant them. For example, if you have a lemon balm bush in your garden, you can divide it and plant it in pots. And also in the container, you can plant a layer or cutting of this plant or grow it from seeds. By the way, purchased sprigs of lemon balm are suitable for cuttings, if they are fresh enough at the same time.
For growing greens of this kind, a mixture of coconut fiber and biohumus (2: 1) is perfect. The seeds pre-soaked in a weak solution of potassium manganese are sown to a depth of half a centimeter and the soil is well moistened. Then the container, which can be either small or large, is covered with a film. After the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed, and when the lemon balm grows up, it will need to be planted in sufficiently voluminous pots, if small ones were used before.
This fragrant plant requires regular watering and irrigation of the leaves with water. But do not overdo it, since the stagnation of fluid, as well as its lack, have a rather detrimental effect on lemon balm. She loves the light, but also perfectly tolerates its lack. Resistant to cold and heat.

Is it possible to grow greens at home

As you can see, growing greens on the windowsill is quite simple, and the choice of various types is simply huge. And if each case is treated with love, then everything will work out. Grow greens all year round, and delight your family and friends with fragrant dishes and drinks. Good luck!