Fertilizer for Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage: planting, cultivation and care in the open field

  • 02.04.2021

Housekeeping is becoming a popular occupation these days. In this issue, the first place is the availability of a place where you can do this. Farmers breed chickens, pigs, cows, geese and other animals. Duck breeding is not the last on this list.

Peking duck

This breed of ducks is considered one of the most common, as it was able to show its best side. After its appearance, the farmers paid attention and for other types of ducks.

Peking duck belongs to meat breeds: incredibly tasty dishes can be prepared from it.

History of origin

Judging by the name of the breed, the roots of this duck are drawn from China. More than three centuries ago, scientists decided to breed a completely new breed. It turned out to be Chinese - Peking, which was attributed to meat breeds, and besides that, she carried tasty and healthy eggs in large quantities. The breed has become very popular throughout China.

Over time, they learned about this breed in America, and then throughout Europe. In Russia Peking duck is very fond of, it is grown in almost every yard. Since the breed is meaty and produces many useful eggs, it began to be used for breeding poultry farms and farms of various sizes. In addition, the bird turned out to be picky about care.

Scientists in our country did not stop there, and on the basis of the Peking duck they created and create many other breeds. One of the famous breeds is the musky duck, which, like the Peking duck, can be deliciously cooked by any chef.

Gallery: Peking ducks (25 photos)

Description of the breed

In many families, it has become a tradition to cook duck for the Christmas table. But not everyone knows what the Peking breed looks like, which is used for cooking.

A bird of this breed will only have white feathers, so it cannot be confused with other varieties. The physique is quite powerful, the back and chest are quite wide. The head has a standard shape, only large in size. The characteristic features of this breed are:

  • bulging forehead;
  • impressive size orange beak.

The wings are located on both sides of the body and are tightly pressed against it. They are quite powerful, their range is large. The end of the body is a small tail, slightly raised upward. The body rests on low, but rather wide and strong legs. A long, slightly curved neck connects the body to the head.

Plumage density is quite high... In nature, you can find a duck of this breed not only white, but also cream in color. A lot of information and photos can be found on various sites on the Internet.

An adult duck reaches a weight of 3.5 kg, but a drake will be larger: its weight reaches 5 kg. Therefore, this breed is chosen for the Christmas table.

The bird of this breed is known to lay many eggs. There is no way to say the exact amount, since it depends on:

  • breeding conditions;
  • assortment and feeding period;
  • seasons of the year;
  • vitamins, etc.

If all these conditions are met, then you can get eggs, the weight of which is about 90 grams. One duck can lay about 120 eggs per year. If we take this indicator, then only the musk duck can be compared with the Peking duck in this regard.

To get chicks, use an incubator. Little ducklings need careful care... In addition to special food, they need constantly clean water and a certain temperature.

A young individual at the age of 1.5 months can reach a weight of 3 kg. Its meat is very tasty, juicy and nutritious, many people like it. If we compare the meat of a duck with the meat of an adult, then young meat will not only be tastier, but also less fatty.

Advantages and disadvantages

A newly-made farmer who decided to breed a Peking duck needs to read a lot of material about this bird, find out all its advantages and disadvantages that can be encountered during its breeding.

Consider the benefits of this breed:

  • the bird is hardy, tolerates heat well;
  • not whimsical in food;
  • rapid growth of chicks;
  • the duck develops well even without a reservoir.

The endurance of the breed suggests that it will lay eggs both in summer and in winter. They eat absolutely everything that will lie in their feeder. In this way they are similar to the musk breed.

Little ducklings, if cared for properly, grow quite quickly. At the age of two months, they are practically indistinguishable from adults. They say that ducks - waterfowl... So, this bird loves to swim, but if there is no reservoir nearby, then it will develop well without it.

Like any living creature, this bird also has its drawbacks. But in comparison with its merits, they are insignificant.

  1. This breed of duck reacts very badly to high humidity indoors. If you are engaged in breeding it, then you constantly need to monitor this indicator.
  2. The Peking duck is a bad brood hen. This fact is a little upsetting, but the incubator helps out in this case.

Before breeding this bird, you need to take care of the premises. It should be dry, well ventilated, but free from drafts. Considering that young growth is rapidly growing, you need to decide on the question for what purposes it will be grown.

If you breed a bird only for meat, then you can keep it only until the molt period. Its further cultivation becomes impractical, since she no longer gains weight... You can get a carcass weighing 3 kg within a few months after the start of growing. It is not worth relying on a carcass with more weight, since the duck stops growing, and the cost of feeding it will increase.

It is not worth overfeeding the bird in the hope of getting more meat - there will still be no more meat. Before the moulting period, duck meat has the best taste, which is used to prepare delicious and nutritious meals. If you need to get high-quality down and feathers, then the duck needs to be fed further.

It must be remembered that the metabolism of poultry is very fast. Food that has entered the body is processed for a maximum of 4 hours. In this regard, you need to monitor the presence of food in the feeders so that the bird is not hungry and lays eggs. This fact also affects the weight of the carcass.

In the daily diet of a Peking bird, protein food should prevail, since the breed is meat. Balanced feed composition will affect not only weight, but also egg production. As soon as there is not enough protein in the diet, the duck will begin to lose weight and stop laying eggs.

The balanced composition of the feed is not only protein food, but also plant and animal food. There should be enough food in the feeders at all times to keep the bird from starving.

Many farmers complain that the Peking duck breed is very noisy. This fact is confirmed, since the nervous system of this bird is rather unstable. To avoid this, you need to create peace in the room and exclude various factors provoking screaming.

On the Internet, you can see examples of premises with normal conditions for a Peking duck. Let's consider some of the nuances.

The floor of the house should be 25 cm above the ground. This is to prevent rodents from entering the house. There must be a litter on the floor... It can be made from shavings or straw. You will need about 20 kg per bird.

The poultry house should be equipped with additional lighting, which is so necessary in the winter season, because during this period the day will be shorter than the night.

Since the bird will not be indoors all the time, it needs to equip an enclosure for walking. It can be both on land and on water. In winter, the walking area must be cleared of snow and covered with straw. The manhole for ducks of this breed must be at least 40 cm.


Since this breed is hardy, many farmers try to breed it. The main indicator is that the survival rate of young animals is quite high compared to other breeds.

Since this bird is not very good as a brood hen, it is worth considering an incubator. Young growth without a brood should be placed in a room with artificial heating. For them, this is the only way to survive in the cold. The room temperature must be maintained within 30 °. This temperature should be kept indoors for the first few weeks as the bird grows up. Its further stay is permissible at room temperature.

The room in which the young will live must have a special design (more tips and photos can be found on the Internet). It must have a constant temperature, ventilation and order. Drafts in such a room are unacceptable, since the bird can catch a cold, and eventually die. In order for the young to grow and develop, you need to keep no more than 12 heads per square meter.

With proper feeding, drinking and keeping, ducklings will grow and develop rapidly. They will be active and have an excellent appetite. If the temperature in the room is above normal, then the bird will immediately feel it: it will be lethargic and disheveled. She will not need food, she will only need water. If the temperature in the room is below normal, then the bird will also feel it. The ducklings will begin to gather in piles and cuddle together in the hope of keeping warm. Their nervous squeak will also be heard. The bird may die from the cold.

Housekeeping needs to be cleaned and ventilated daily.

To hen to lay eggs, you need to equip the nests. You can use plywood sheets or boards. The best place to nest will be in dark places in the house where no one will disturb the duck. The design of the nest should be well thought out so that eggs can be collected and cleaned without hindrance.

The optimal nest size is 50 × 40 cm, where 50 is the height and 40 is the width. The number of nests in the house will depend on the number of birds. There should be one egg-laying area for three ducks. The duck lays eggs at night or early in the morning, so you need to collect them in the morning.

Ducks are shy birds, especially at the time of laying eggs. Be quiet in the house.


With the correct content of the Peking duck breed, you can get not only a large number of eggs, but also juicy, tender and tasty duck meat.

The Peking breed is rightfully considered the best.

We live in our house, in the village. We are engaged in farming. a pensioner neighbor advised. We tried it - it worked. The meat of a young individual is very tender and juicy, not at all tough. Recommend.


Attention, only TODAY!

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I would like to report on the "Nika" grade. An excellent variety, not a single bush went to the arrow, heads of cabbage up to 1500 kg. Vera was right, the leaves are not tough and stored well, it is still in the refrigerator. I planted it by two methods (just in case): by seedlings and by the seedling method directly in the exhaust gas, It is more convenient with the seedless method.

Growing Chinese cabbage: advantages and features

Actually, it can be done at any time of the year. Carrots can be grated on a Korean grater, then it will crunch better. According to the recipe, this is not, but I seasoned the brine with a pinch of sugar and threw in a few peppercorns and bay leaves. In short, experiments are not prohibited.)))

How to grow Chinese cabbage correctly: secrets, tips

Peking cabbage is a cancer prevention agent that detoxifies the body of harmful chemicals.

"," If we live in central Russia, it is most favorable to plant Peking cabbage with seedlings. To do this, in early April, we sow seeds for seedlings at home. Everything is the same as when planting ordinary cabbage. Moderate watering and loosening, the temperature is low, about +15 Celsius. To increase germination and accelerate growth, you can use any of the existing mineral complexes.

Cabbage sown in summer will give good heads of cabbage in the fall. To do this, it is recommended to sow it directly into the ground not earlier than the second half of July.

Cabbage is a favorite vegetable on our table; it is one of the most common cultivated plants. Various types of cabbage are grown in summer cottages. Peking is not uncommon. Although, not everyone knows how to grow Chinese cabbage so that an excellent harvest is obtained. It must be borne in mind that this is a plant with a short daylight hours, therefore, a correctly chosen sowing time is a determining condition.

In the case of the mid-ripening variety "Lyubasha", additional feeding is allowed on the 14th day, if the plants were planted with seeds, not seedlings. After carrying out preparatory work on the site, you can proceed to the direct planting of seedlings or seeds.

How to choose seeds

The soil for planting Chinese cabbage should be moderately moist and kept loose. Plants do not huddle. Top dressing for the purpose of caring for Peking cabbage is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers 25 days after germination or 15 days after planting seedlings at 10 g / m2.

Farmers who grow vegetables in greenhouses do not use Peking cabbage as an independent crop, but as an accompanying crop, as a soil compactor for cucumbers / tomatoes. In this case, it will be correct, when four leaves are formed, first thin it out, and when the tomatoes / cucumbers begin to grow, remove it.

Where to plant?

Peking cabbage came to our table not so long ago, but immediately won the love of a Russian gourmet and a Russian gardener.

Thank you, Olga!

Greenhouse and open field cabbage

Very interesting recipe, thank you very much!

This oriental cabbage beauty can take its rightful place in the parterre garden; it is promising as a border framing beds or paths. The distance between plants with an ordinary planting method is 25-35 x 15-20 cm, the seeding depth is 1-2 cm. She prefers loamy, as the most moisture-retaining, highly fertile, neutral or alkaline soils with a close occurrence of groundwater.


When the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, they can already be planted in open ground. Optimally - in early May, although, again, look at the weather. It happens that it snows in May)). It is better not to plant in the cold, this will only contribute to further shooting.

Sowing is best done in a nesting way - 3 seeds per hole. The seeding depth is 2-3 cm.The distance between the beds is at least 40-50 cm.The distance between the nest holes is about 35-40 cm.

You need to sow it either in mid-April (if the land is ready and the weather permits), or in the second half of summer.


Farmers' secrets

The crop is harvested with soil crops twice: with the second thinning and with the main harvest in the phase of a fully formed rosette (10 true leaves) or in the form of a head of cabbage.

Care, secrets of watering, fertilizing and fertilizing the soil

  • Peking cabbage is rapidly gaining mass, for which it is considered early maturing.
  • I take a note, it is necessary to plant such a variety next year ...
  • Last year I decided to grow Chinese cabbage, but, unfortunately, it did not work out ((this year I will try again. Last edited on March 23, 2014, 22:41

Whoa! Yes, among us is an expert on Peking cabbage! Friends, remember =)

If you plan to grow Peking cabbage for storage (that is, for consumption in the fall, and not immediately), you can plant it directly in the ground in late June - early July. The distance between the plants should be 35-45 cm. Do not think that this is a lot, because this cabbage, like any other, has lower leaves that need to grow somewhere before the head of cabbage is formed. In addition, Peking cabbage needs freedom as one of the important factors preventing the flowering (shooting) of plants.

After the emergence of shoots, one of the strongest and strongest sprout is left in each hole, and the rest are removed.

There are several rules to help you achieve good results.

For the most part, mid-season varieties of Peking cabbage are planted with seeds, since it is still a cold-resistant crop that easily tolerates minor spring frosts. The distance of planting seeds should be at least 20-25 cm, Peking cabbage does not like crowding, and even with this arrangement, it will be more convenient to care for the plants.


Peking cabbage is eaten raw, boiled and stewed. Fresh cabbage salad tastes great. The leaves are used to make cabbage rolls and soup.

1 tbsp. l. superphosphate;

Chinese cabbage leaves

What attracts consumers to Chinese cabbage? Its early maturity and the way it quickly grows in mass, gives a good harvest, already forms garden legends, and the taste and nutritional, vitamin value, the variety of dishes that can be prepared with its participation is fantastically great. It is a light dietary product that is useful for various diseases of the stomach and duodenum, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Few people know that it can be used not only in salads, but it can also be stewed, boiled and fermented. And the farmers who grow it are attracted by the easy care of the plant, its popularity among the population and its economy.

How to grow Chinese cabbage: where it is grown

I planted only once and refused ... the leaves turned out to be much rougher than the purchased one, what is the reason I do not know

And I can eat it even without everything. Simply chop, sprinkle and add butter. Delicious too).


Growing Chinese cabbage seedlings

Peking cabbage loves fertile soils with enough humus. When planting, you need to take into account the fact that this is a plant of long daylight hours.

3 weeks after sowing, the plants are spud.

Peking cabbage care and planting

1. The best precursors for Chinese cabbage are garlic or onions. You can not plant after plants of the cruciferous family (radishes, cabbage and others), since they have the same diseases and pests. 2. You need to sow seeds in a permanent place, the plant is rather difficult to take root after transplantation. 3. When planting in July, there is no spring moisture in the soil, therefore, for better germination, the hole is first spilled with cold water, allowing it to be absorbed, and then the seeds are laid out. Then it remains only to cover them with dry soil, throwing herbs on top to retain moisture. 4. When the heads of cabbage begin to tie, the leaves must be tied at the top or pulled off with a ring from a plastic bottle.

Planting seeds of mid-season Peking cabbage can be carried out at the end of April. There is no need to germinate the seeds before planting them directly in the holes, since the germination of Peking cabbage seeds, provided that the soil is properly prepared for planting, is quite high. As a rule, seedlings appear within a week. After the first true leaves appear, you need to mulch the ground around the sprouts with sawdust mixed with ash. This reduces soil heating during the hottest hours of the day and prevents moisture loss.

Peking cabbage with its juicy slightly wrinkled leaves has excellent taste and pleasant aroma. The value of this type of cabbage lies not only in its taste, but also in the presence of a large amount of trace elements and minerals in its leaves, which can quickly fill the existing deficit in the human body.

Chinese cabbage: photo gallery (click to enlarge):


Peking cabbage "lyubasha"

"Lyubasha" is a universal variety of Peking cabbage

1 tsp potassium sulfate;

During germination, the soil temperature should be 20-25 degrees.

Maybe it depends on the variety?

And today I cut some more cucumbers and tomatoes there. I liked it too)). In general, what you have enough imagination for is delicious)))

Before the leaves close, you need to shallowly loosen the aisles and apply nitrogen fertilizers. After closing the rows, the plants are weeded.

Then everything is as usual - to water, loosen, fight diseases and pests. Cruciferous fleas can appear in hot summer. And since Peking cabbage is a very early ripening crop, no poisons can be used. It is better to sprinkle the plants with ash or just road dust.

Plot for planting Peking cabbage "Lyubasha"

Peking cabbage variety "Lyubasha" is very versatile, it can grow in almost any region of the country.

1 tsp ammonium nitrate.

Sometimes it is leafy, half-cabbage and cabbage. Early ripening is precisely the head form of Peking cabbage.

Twice I planted the variety "Glass" and twice the cabbage did not go to the roach. The first time I planted it in a greenhouse, the cabbage very quickly released an arrow of flowers, the distance between the plants was 45 cm. The next year I planted the same variety but in the open field, the distance was reduced to 30 cm. It did not bloom as quickly as in the greenhouse, but it still did not form a head of cabbage, the leaves are in different directions ... I cannot understand what is the reason ...

She planted, grows quickly, but was it only treated with ash from pests?

By the way, thanks for what I said about the soil. I completely forgot about it when writing a post.


: If you do not want her to sprout flower stalks, plant in a place with no more than 12 hours of daylight. If there is more than 12 hours of daylight, you will have seeds, but you will not have good cabbage. Favorable temperature: +16 ... + 20 ° С.

Peking cabbage is watered regularly, in moderation, without overmoistening the soil, and during a drought - abundantly, shedding the soil to a depth of 20 cm.

Agrotechnics for growing Peking cabbage

Like any cabbage, Peking cabbage is a long day plant. For flowering and fruiting, it needs more than 13 hours of daylight hours. With a short daylight hours (less than 12 hours), an arrow with seeds does not form, but leaves grow and heads of cabbage are tied. If you grow cabbage not for the sake of seeds, you need a low temperature + 16 ... + 20 ° С and a short daylight hours. Therefore, it is sown either in early spring for seedlings, or in the second half of summer.

Moisturizing the soil is a very important point in caring for cabbage at all stages of plant development.

Often, Peking cabbage is recommended to be consumed by people susceptible to vitamin deficiencies, as well as everyone who wants to lose weight without harm to health, since with a large amount of nutrients and fiber contained in cabbage, it practically does not contain calories.

Fertilizers are applied to the soil cultivated since autumn, and it is necessary to dig it to a depth of about twenty centimeters (a turnover of the layer is needed.) For our climate, a plant is quite suitable, since the seeds germinate at 4-5 degrees, the growing plant is quite viable at -3 degrees, and if there is a heat of 20-22 degrees, then the germination time is reduced to three to four days.

And the variety is definitely heady? And, well, once a glass ... There must still be a head of cabbage)).

This year I planted Peking cabbage for the first time, all August we were "overeating", a delicate taste, not like ordinary cabbage. And I really liked the article!

I liked your post: you see how I appreciated it, all the points to you from me.


Peking Cabbage Growing | Grow a garden!

By the way, an important feature: almost all varieties of Peking cabbage have a short growing season - up to 60 days. Therefore, choose for yourself when to plant it, based on the time when you want to get strong and juicy heads of cabbage.

3-4 times during the growing season, the row spacing is loosened by 5 cm.To prevent the formation of a crust on the soil surface, after heavy rains, loosening can be deep, up to 12 cm.

Peking cabbage easily tolerates a cold snap down to -4 ° С in the stage of heading formation, but there is a high likelihood of shooting. In general, the plant gives an arrow in case of any deterioration in weather conditions - a sudden heat or a sharp cold snap.

Peking cabbage is a very moisture-loving plant, but you should not fill it in, as it can get wet if over-watered. In the early stages of cabbage development, watering should be done every 3-4 days. Peking cabbage requires especially abundant watering at the stage of head formation. During this time, watering can be done every two days. The onset of heat is also a reason for more intensive watering. In rainy weather, you can refuse additional watering.

Relatively recently, many summer residents began to grow Peking cabbage, along with the usual white cabbage. With the right approach to caring for cabbage, you can get several crops at once during the season. It should be borne in mind that different varieties of Peking cabbage have minor differences in terms of care and selection of a planting site. Most of those wishing to get an early harvest of this salad turn their attention to the adapted variety "Lyubasha".

On the fourteenth day after the plant has been planted, the plants should be fed with urea. Dilute 1 teaspoon of urea per 10 liters of water. Next, Peking cabbage is fed with urea every ten days, and more and more urea is gradually added to a bucket of water and the dose is brought to the maximum - 1 tablespoon, and ½ teaspoon of potassium sulfate is also added.

The most comfortable temperature for Chinese cabbage to grow well is 15-16 degrees. If it is very hot, then the plant can throw out the peduncle and "please" the gardener with its flowers, and if the seedlings are at a temperature below 12 degrees for a long time, the formation of arrows begins. Another property that you need to know is the moisture-loving nature of this plant. However, there is no need to "fill" it.

I also read that with a long daylight hours, Peking cabbage does not form heads of cabbage. Therefore, it is advised to grow it in the spring, while the days are still short)).

What variety did you plant? And then many say that for some reason it grows rough ...

Thank you =)

How to grow Chinese cabbage. Growing features


Care should include the following “procedures”:

Peking cabbage. Different planting dates.

So that Chinese cabbage does not shoot

As mentioned earlier, the ripening period of mid-season cabbage allows you to feed it without the danger that a large amount of harmful substances taken by the plant from chemical fertilizers will accumulate in its leaves. Feeding can be done on the 14th day. It is best to use urea as a top dressing. The fertilizer solution will be prepared at the rate of 1 hour. l. urea per 10 liters. water. Some experts recommend feeding with urea every 10 days, but, as practice shows, an excess of feeding has a negative effect on Peking cabbage, so you should not overdo it.

"Lyubasha" refers to mid-season varieties of Peking cabbage, therefore, 38-60 days pass from the moment of seed germination to the receipt of formed heads of cabbage.

Solution consumption: 1 bucket for 4 meters of square crops.

  • Attention!
  • There are, however, varieties that, even with a long daylight hours, do not sprout peduncles and form heads of cabbage. For example, F1 Kuddesnitsa and F1 Nika ...
  • I also wonder what sort it was. It turns out that it can be planted as seedlings, so that it is early and later in the ground, right?
  • Khibiny cabbage is not kale, but half cabbage. In the cold, cloudy spring, with an ever gloomy sky, the Khibinskaya grows good heads of cabbage.
  • ​", "​

Spring sowing of Beijing cabbage

Loosening and watering

​(​ Choose varieties that are resistant to flowering and observe planting dates;

To grow dense cabbages, you can use one trick - a garter of cabbages. This procedure is carried out as follows: the cabbage leaves in the upper part must be fastened with an elastic band. There is no need to drag the leaves, it will be enough that the leaves will fit snugly, hiding the core of the head of cabbage. The garter of the heads of cabbage leads to the fact that the leaves inside the head acquire a beautiful yellow-green hue and become juicy.

Peking cabbage is moisture-loving. However, very active watering is needed after August 15, during the period of head formation. Until the first days of September, watering is carried out up to five times, however, in rainy weather, artificial watering can be reduced.

The temperature regime in the soil should be 20-25 degrees Celsius during germination. After the leaves appear, the soil temperature is maintained at 15-16 degrees during the day and 14 degrees at night. After the plant is planted in a permanent place and grown, the air temperature should be 16-18 degrees. Until 6 leaves appear, it is better to illuminate the seedlings with fluorescent lamps 12 hours a day.

Summer sowing

I planted Chinese cabbage this year for the first time. The result is pleasing. See our photo with "Peking"

As for the ash, can you tell us more about what kind of ash is needed? Sorry, maybe a stupid question, I'm a novice)))

It is interesting to try Peking cabbage rolls.

Loosening the row spacings will provide oxygen access to the roots, which is needed to improve metabolic processes. In addition, it will facilitate the flow of moisture to them when watering. Watering is necessary like ordinary cabbage. Make sure that the soil does not turn into a swamp, where diseases readily develop, and the heads of cabbage rot, - the water should not stagnate around them.

Discussion of the peculiarities of growing vegetable crops

Do not harden seedlings;


The head reaches 2.5 kg, the leaves are juicy, yellow-green in color with a rich taste. This variety is not intended for long-term storage, so it is most often recommended for those who want to grow greens for their table. During the formation of the head of cabbage, the outer leaves are tied over the head, this contributes to the appearance of a white tint in the inner leaves and an increase in the plant's juiciness.


How Chinese cabbage excites my senses

Anna, do you have a Peking plant so often, have all the heads of cabbage tied up? I read that she does not like close planting, from this she can go to the arrow or not to tie the head of cabbage.

Of course you can)) Any ash is suitable, from burning firewood, branches, leaves. If there is a fireplace or stove in the country, it will work fine from there)

By the way, yes, I also thought about it ... Maybe someone tried it?)

Thinning of seedlings

When planting in the ground, do not disturb the roots of the seedlings;

It is very important not to miss the harvest time. Overripe cabbage begins to bloom, so the crop must be harvested immediately after the formation of a 25 cm head. The harvested crop should not be left unpacked for a long time, since even heads without roots can start flowering, so the heads should be carefully wrapped with cling film, which will not only prevent flowering, but also reduce moisture loss, which will preserve the heads of Peking cabbage for a long time ...

Variety "Lyubasha" is universal, therefore it can be grown in almost any part of Russia. In addition, this variety is more resistant to the external environment, unpretentious and can forgive some shortcomings in terms of growing technology, so this particular variety is best suited for beginners who have not previously encountered the cultivation of Peking cabbage.

When the heads of cabbage are formed, you can harvest by cutting with a knife and removing the rosette leaves. Then the heads of cabbage are packed in plastic bags and then in boxes / boxes. It should be remembered that Chinese cabbage does not tolerate transportation and long-term storage.

Growing Peking cabbage in different conditions requires the selection of certain varieties of Peking cabbage. Have you decided to plant on a window to get a harvest in winter? Buy Khibiny cabbage. In a month you will make a salad out of it. Especially for gourmets, the mid-season Lyubasha variety was bred, the peculiarities of which are ripening in 65-75 days. And the Pomegranate variety has a high yield, as a mid-season, gives heads of cabbage up to 2-2.5 kg, is used fresh in salads, but can be heat-treated, good for growing on farms with greenhouses. However, the Lyubasha variety was also appreciated by vegetable growers and they grow this cabbage in greenhouses very successfully. Leafy varieties ripen faster than cabbage varieties, but many value the latter more highly for their taste.

Answer for Olga from Samara. At the Peking, the heads of cabbage started. Landing on this bed was in two terms. The first in May, the second in August. As the ready-made heads were cut off, new seedlings were planted. From the planted seedlings of 40 pieces, 2-3 bushes went into the arrow.

How to use ash - read this article - Fighting cruciferous flea beetles I haven't tried it either. Cha cha

Relevant when planting cabbage directly into the ground. However, for seedlings too. Thin twice: when two leaves have appeared (leaving a distance of 7 cm between the plants) and when the seedlings grow a little, after 10 days, leaving 20-40 cm between the plants.

Peking cabbage care

=))) Hello everyone!

Do not thicken crops;

Cabbage can be planted both by seedlings and by sowing seeds. If you take care of the seedlings in advance, you can get the harvest of cabbage variety "Lyubasha" about 7-10 days earlier than when sowing with seeds.

Today many gardeners know how to grow Chinese cabbage correctly. After all, the leaves of Peking cabbage are distinguished by unique properties, valuable for their nutritional components and health-improving possibilities of influencing the human body.

If you plant Chinese cabbage outdoors, planting features will be to choose calm and well-lit places, with light soils that contain a lot of humus and moisture. It is also necessary to always have a water supply system or a water source nearby.

Wow, 40 pieces !!! Where did you put that amount?)) I still have one head of cabbage in the refrigerator, but I planted less.


If you plant cabbage (any), you definitely need to know this)

Someone praises from my friends, someone does not, they say that it is tastier from the usual))

". All of them are resistant to flowering, are distinguished by tenderness and juiciness. What are their differences? Slightly different shape of heads of cabbage. Here, for example, the Asten variety:

Peking cabbage varieties

Pest control

I haven't been here for a long time, so don't be surprised that the title is so outlandish))). Plant plants in fertile soil, fertilize in a timely manner. Peking cabbage is an annual, cold-resistant crop that is grown as a lettuce plant. The lower leaves are collected in a dense rosette, sessile, whole, 15-30 cm long. The leaf blade is wrinkled to varying degrees, light green, yellow-green, green, somewhat shiny or with a slight waxy bloom, pubescent to varying degrees. Plants are harvested in the phase of the rosette of leaves and head of cabbage. Heads of cabbage are short-oval, cylindrical, long-oval, loose or dense in shape. It is not difficult to grow it, and throughout the summer. Peking cabbage gives a marketable product very quickly (in 25-30 days), so it is indispensable for growing as a sealant for other vegetable crops. Salad, okroshka, soups are prepared from it. For the use of Peking cabbage in autumn, seeds are sown in early July. To obtain an earlier harvest, Peking cabbage is grown under a film cover. Peking cabbage can be grown through seedlings - then you will get the harvest 25-30 days earlier. It can withstand temperatures as low as -5 ° C well. Therefore, it is possible to plant seedlings in the Middle Volga region already in late April and early May. It is advisable to place 12-15 plants (30x25 cm) per square meter. She loves fertile soil, with a high nitrogen content. It responds well to fertilizing with complex fertilizers. No special knowledge is needed to grow this crop. Make a green conveyor, plant it after 10 days. And you will always have a beautiful and tasty vegetable on your table. Peking cabbage with roots is removed when the rosette of leaves or head of cabbage is fully formed. The plants should be harvested dry when the dew has melted. When used as a compactor, Peking cabbage is harvested when it interferes with the maintenance of the main crop (at the age of 25-40 days). In autumn, Chinese cabbage is harvested until the air temperature drops sharply. Peking cabbage heads are suitable for transportation and are well stored for 2-2.5 months.Correct selection of the site and care allow you to prevent small troubles in the form of damage to the crop by pests or early onset of flowering, so it is worth considering all stages of growing Peking cabbage in more detail. It is a herbaceous annual plant from the cabbage family. His homeland is China. In our country, it is cultivated in open and protected ground.In order for the cabbage to grow well, it is necessary to sow green manure in the fall. Peking cabbage grows well after phacelia, vetch-oat mixture, peas, lupine. A Chinese vegetable is planted after the onion has already been planted (not on a turnip, but on a feather) or early ripening potatoes. Northern region - when to plant Peking seeds in spring in o.g. and you need to cover with a film? What's your name? Let's decrypt already, but it's kind of like how to contact you mawynya is inconvenient I tried not only cabbage rolls. I cooked fish, cabbage soup. Tastier with our white cabbage. Peking is good in kimchi, in salads, I like in green sandwiches. Put a slice of homemade cheese, dill, other herbs, crushed fresh garlic, foam from homemade yogurt into a cabbage leaf. Wrap everything up in a bag and eat, preferably without bread. And here is the "Vorozheya" variety: Common ash is very effective. The main "enemies" of Peking cabbage are cabbage flies and fleas. To combat flies, they also often do the following: they rake off the soil from the plant stem and sprinkle soil there from the rows. Allegedly, eggs laid by cabbage flies are removed along with the soil. Moreover, I really love Peking cabbage and can eat it almost every day in the form of a salad. half of the summer. For this, it is recommended to grow seedlings. A. Tyuzhna Seedling dive pattern: 1. Correct; 2,3,4. Incorrect (2 - the root is bent; 3 - the root is not in contact with the soil; 4 - the seedling is pinched finely).

Peking cabbage leaves contain 8.6% dry matter, 2.4% sugars, 3.5% crude protein, 2 times more than salad, ascorbic acid and other vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and iron salts. Peking cabbage has dietary and medicinal properties, is useful for heart disease and stomach ulcers.

Peking cabbage is planted at the very beginning of field work. Last year, the planting experience was not successful, I will try this year, if it works out, then I will share the experience Thank you. Marina is my name. I was registering from the phone and it is clear that I did not fully enter the data))

I did, I didn't appreciate it either. From the usual - tastier. But pickled cabbage rolls (stuffed with carrots, garlic and herbs) - yes!))

Among the leafy varieties, mention should be made of the variety "

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

There are two possibilities. Peking cabbage is planted either on greens and used as a salad, or on heads of cabbage. In the first case, the leaves are cut when they reach a height of 10 cm. If the final product is a head of cabbage, then they wait for the leaves to close at the top. Do not forget about the vegetative period: if 2 months have passed since planting, feel free to cut the heads of cabbage.

But the purpose of the article is not to tell about my passions, but to figure out how to plant such cabbage, how to care for it and when to harvest it. So let's go ...

In the second decade of April


In friendship with a Russian cucumber

Peking cabbage is a plant full of contradictions. The thing is that seed germination is possible already at a temperature of + 4-5 ° C, and even if the temperature drops to -3 ° C, the sprouts will not die. The optimal temperature regime for Chinese cabbage ranges from 14-17 ° C, and when the temperature rises to 20-25 ° C, arrows are likely to form.

Plants form a rosette of leaves 50 cm in diameter or heads of cabbage open at the top. The leaves are green or light green, pubescent to varying degrees with short hairs. This is a very early ripening type of cabbage, forming a large rosette of leaves after 50 days from sowing.

In the greenhouse, "bushes" of seedlings can be planted in early May. Moreover, both in open ground and in greenhouse cells, they must add about a bucket of compost per 2 square meters of soil. In the greenhouse, seeds can be sown in open ground, it is not necessary to install fluorescent lamps in the greenhouse. After 3-4 days, seeds that are planted without soaking for seedlings will have seedlings. Then the leaves are formed, at the moment when there are 2 leaves, the plants dive, transplanted into peat cups, allowed to grow and then transferred for planting in the ground. If you come across a variety that does not tolerate a pick, then it is better to plant Peking cabbage for seedlings directly in peat cups. Plants then turn out to be strong and ripen quickly, require minimal maintenance.

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

In our western region, the Peking did not work in the spring, and when sowing in the ground after July 25, excellent heads of cabbage are obtained.


Did you grow leeks at home?

Vera, Biysk

Oh, pickled cabbage rolls - how's that? I have never heard, maybe share the recipe? ... I add Peking cabbage to LAZY cabbage rolls. And here, in my opinion, it is irreplaceable. Even my men, who are served meat-meat-meat (and more !!!) gobble them up on both cheeks. Indeed - they turn out to be much softer than with regular white cabbage. Last edited March 31, 2016, 16:59



Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

Usually the weight of a head of cabbage reaches one kilogram (up to 1200 gr.). Although, maybe you will grow very large heads of cabbage, who knows. Interestingly, 350 kilograms of Chinese cabbage are harvested on average from one hundred square meters.

Natasha, Russia

Personally, I would define Peking cabbage like this: cabbage salad. Indeed, these elongated cabbage heads do not have a pronounced cabbage taste. Moreover, they are tender, like lettuce leaves. The average length of a head of cabbage is up to 60 cm. Peking cabbage is eaten both raw and after heat treatment - that is, it is prepared like ordinary cabbage.

Vera, Biysk

Sow seeds - 3 in each well in separate pots of nutritious loose mixture. On the 3-4th day, seedlings will appear.

Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don

On my site, I grow Peking cabbage. At first, it turned out badly for me: planting seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground in the spring did not give results. The plants grew old quickly, discarded flower stalks. Then I guessed to change the landing date, and things got better. Now, in June, I sow two to three dozen seeds in the ground along the rows of cucumbers, retreating from them by 15-20 cm.The distance between cabbage plants is 70-90 cm. Shoots appear quickly, and despite the summer heat, they feel under the cover of cucumber leaves well. Cabbage is just as moisture-loving as cucumber, so frequent watering is beneficial to both crops. Cabbage grows quickly, freely, already forks well in August, and by autumn it forms huge loose heads of cabbage. It can withstand repeated significant frosts, and even becomes a protector of cucumbers. When frosts from other gardeners have already ruined the cucumber whips, I still collect cucumbers that have grown under the cover of cabbage. Peking cabbage is a delicious vegetable. In the spring, I make salads from it. In early autumn I cook cabbage soup, borscht. My family especially loves stuffed cabbage made from this cabbage. Large, delicate leaves fold well without breaking, they do not need to be scalded like the leaves of white cabbage. Thick, snow-white, juicy petioles are indispensable for salads. Peking cabbage can be canned.

Natalia, Yekaterinburg

In extreme heat, burns can form on its leaves, but at the same time, a strong drop in temperature can cause the absence of head formation and the beginning of flowering. Chinese cabbage loves well-lit areas that are rich in nutrients. In addition, this type of cabbage loves light, but the duration of daylight hours should be limited.

Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don

Peking cabbage is a cold-resistant plant. Seeds can germinate at + 4 ° C. For the growth and development of this type of cabbage, the most favorable temperature is considered to be within + 22 ° C. Where is Chinese cabbage grown? Depending on the season and climatic conditions, it can be protected and open ground.

Natalia, Yekaterinburg


It is better to plant Beijing with seedlings, as it grows and is consumed in June-July, you can also plant seeds in the ground. Peking is very fond of moisture, and Peking is very fond of slugs and various cabbage pests. With an early planting, the first crop of Peking suffers less from pests, and the second is eaten by pests more often, as exemplified by our climate in Mordovia.

Please tell me more. It is written if 2 months of the growing season and the moment of planting have passed can be cut off. 2 months from the moment of landing in the ground; from the moment of sowing seeds; or from the moment of emergence? And yet, do the leaves begin to close themselves at some point? When buying seeds in the store, I was told that daylight hours should not exceed 8 hours, and then it is better to cover it, if I want it to be hurt. Is it worth doing this or is this cabbage more overshadowing? Thank you

". It can be planted both in the open field and in a sheltered one. But, in fact, it is the Khibinskaya kale:

Natasha, Russia

This cabbage is stored for no more than 3 months, so do not stock up for the whole winter, but eat it while it is tasty and healthy;)

Olga V., Omsk

Peking cabbage is very healthy. More than 16 essential amino acids, vitamins, without which the human body suffers greatly ... By the way, most of all this goodness is contained not in green leaves, but in their white cores, so do not try to cut them out!


When 2-3 true leaves appear, leave one of the strongest sprout in the pot, the rest need to be plucked out.

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

N. Belimova

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

Taking into account all the plant's requirements for the environment, you need to choose the right site suitable for growing Peking cabbage, as well as carry out all the necessary work on its arrangement. The most suitable place for Peking cabbage is a site that is shaded by the crown of a nearby tree at least for several hours a day. If there is no such area, then you should immediately prepare a structure that will serve as a canopy in order to reduce the duration of daylight hours.

Tatiana, Bender

Plants are demanding on light, but at the same time they are resistant to shading. Therefore, in greenhouses at the end of winter and in early spring (houses on the windows), they give higher yields compared to more light-loving lettuce. Like other salad plants, Chinese cabbage is demanding on soil fertility. Fertilizers are applied in the same doses as for early varieties of white cabbage.

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

In order for the plant to develop correctly in the greenhouse, the seeds are mixed with sand, sown in boxes (well-moistened soil). Planting depth - 0.5-1 cm.The rows are at a distance of 1 decimeter, the distance between plants is 4 cm.

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

Please tell me, do you need to bleach it like a salad? And then in the photo all the heads of cabbage are bright green, but on sale - light, almost white ... After all, if you bleach, then the leaves will turn out softer and tastier?

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

Clarification. I'm going to plant seedlings.

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

5 kg. cabbage 4-5 small pods of hot pepper, 2-3 pcs. carrots, 2 heads of garlic. This is a mother-in-law's recipe, but I do it in smaller proportions (since I don't like the acidified one after a month) and not so hot. In general, not for everybody. So we take the cabbage and cut it into leaves.

Kale is used in the same way as a regular salad.

There are a lot of varieties and hybrids, it's true. I'll tell you about the main ones.

In stores, Chinese cabbage is sold in this form:

Olga, Samara

After 20-25 days, plants in the phase of 5-6 true leaves can be transplanted into open ground. The seedlings are very delicate and fragile, so they should be planted carefully. The optimal planting pattern is 35x25 cm.

Vera, Biysk

Chinese cabbage

Olga, Samara

Olga, Samara

Before you can grow Peking cabbage properly, pick a plant variety. For cultivation, only one variety of Peking cabbage is recommended - Khibiny. This is a very early ripening variety. It forms a full rosette of leaves in the open field in just 50 days from germination, and a head of cabbage in 60 days. The head of cabbage is half-open, elongated-cylindrical in shape.


When the cabbage heads are fully formed, they can be harvested.

Olga, Samara

White leaves of cabbage grown in greenhouse conditions. In the garden there will be green leaves from sufficient sunlight and are just as tender and juicy, so you do not need to specially bleach.

Vera, Biysk

Found the variety "Nika" in the store, has anyone tried it? Leaves not tough?


We wash it and soak it for 3 days in a highly salty solution. Then wash them. Grind and mix the filling. At the thick base, put a spoonful of the filling, roll it into a stuffed cabbage roll. We put each roll tightly in a jar. Then we take 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. salt and fill with this solution (I already do it by eye) our cabbage. We put it in the refrigerator and after a day you can take a sample. I also added Bulgarian pepper to the filling.

Anna, Insar

Have you ever planted Chinese cabbage? =)

Let's start with the cabbage varieties. Among them, the variety "

Olga, Samara

But, you must admit, something of your own is always better than a purchased one. If earlier "petsai" was a rarity, now it is planted both in Russia and in Ukraine, so there is no particular deficit. Pay attention to a brief description of the vegetable:

Anna, Insar

After planting, water each plant at the root.

Olga, Samara

Plants that are used as lettuce grow in both acidic and alkaline soils, but always with good drainage. Chinese cabbage is grown in open ground, small-sized film shelters, greenhouses and greenhouses as an independent crop or as a main sealant. In the open field, sow with seeds or plant potted seedlings. Potless seedlings do not tolerate transplanting well. If the sowing time of Chinese cabbage is early spring, it is cultivated as a precursor to cucumbers and tomatoes. It is advisable to grow the second crop after early white cabbage, cauliflower and early potatoes. Particularly favorable conditions develop for Chinese cabbage in the second half of summer, when nitrogen compounds accumulate in the soil in an easily accessible form. Well-decomposed manure, humus, compost (3-4 kg / sq. M) are introduced into the plot intended for growing cabbage in the fall for digging the soil. With a lack of moisture in the soil, pre-sowing irrigation is effective. The seeds are heated in hot water the day before or on the day of sowing. They are placed in bags in water heated to 50 ° C and incubated for 20 minutes. Then they are cooled, immersed in cold water, dried until flowable. Sow cabbage in the spring as early as possible, in rows at a distance of 30-35 cm or two-line ribbons. The distance between the ribbons is 50 cm, from one row to the other - 20. Seeding is 2-3 cm. In the phase of one or two true leaves, the plants are thinned by 5-6 cm, in the phase of four to five by 15-20 cm. Chinese cabbage is moisture-loving. During the growing season, four to five waterings are required. Moisten the topsoil by 25-30 cm. After each watering (rain), loosening of the soil is necessary, the depth of which gradually increases from 5-6 cm to 10-12. Usually, two feeding is carried out with slurry, cow and horse manure, chicken droppings - after preliminary watering of the plants. It is better to introduce them into the grooves at a distance of 5-10 cm from the root, without contaminating the leaves. After feeding, the grooves are covered with earth. Plants with roots are removed or only the leaves are cut off, selectively, starting from the first present and continuing until the shoots appear. The main harvest is when a rosette of 9-10 true leaves is fully formed. When the leaves are cut, new ones grow quickly. When day length approaches its maximum, plants quickly transition to stemming and mass flowering. It is necessary to draw the attention of vegetable growers to this circumstance. If in the first year, instead of a high yield of vegetable products, you get a harvest of seeds, do not be upset. Sow seeds in different numbers next year to find the optimal planting timing for your area. Chinese cabbage is mainly used in salads. Chinese kale can be stewed, added to soups, and other dishes.

Elena Stolpovskaya, Kaliningrad

The preparation of a land plot for planting is perhaps the most important moment in the cultivation of this crop. First, you should carefully dig up and loosen the soil and apply fertilizer. For one square m, 1 tsp is introduced. potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate and 1 st. l. superphosphate. In addition, when preparing the site for planting cabbage, it is necessary to add ash, which is not only a natural fertilizer, but will also protect against pests, in particular from the cruciferous leaf flea.

It is sown in open ground at several times (to create a conveyor): from late April to early May. The distance between the rows is 30 cm, the seeding depth is 1.5 cm, the rows after sowing are mulched with peat or humus. Seedlings are thinned out twice: in the phase of the first true leaf by 10 cm and after the closing of the plants - by 20 cm.

In the open field, early cabbage should be planted at a distance of 20 cm between the rows. Cover the sowing with a greenhouse film (non-woven material). Late is sown at a distance between rows up to 35 cm. When the seeds sprout, thinning begins, leaving a distance between shoots up to 10 cm, and after 7 days they are thinned again through the plant. Re-sowing two weeks after the first. But! From mid-June to the end of the second decade of July, crops are stopped, since the plant will turn into bloom.

Anna, Insar

All good day! I planted a Pekinochka (I don't remember which one) with seedlings. To the greenhouse for an early harvest. The leaves were emerald green! Juicy! Cooking cabbage soup - delicious !!! We ate two Peking bushes all summer until frost !!! I cut off several sheets for cooking. I didn't see Kochana, but there were no bets on it either. True, it takes up a lot of space ... this year I will plant it in the ground, it’s a pity to give a place in the greenhouse for cabbage !!!))) I want to try seedlings for summer use and in the ground in July on a head of cabbage for storage!

Borimechkova Natalia, Malakhovka

Anna, Insar

A clarification from myself: for the first three days we keep the leaves in the room, and the rolls are already in the refrigerator. You can add greens to the filling. When serving, cut and drizzle with homemade sunflower oil.

Olya, Ryazan

Peking cabbage excites not only your senses, but also mine since I first tried it in a spring salad with fresh cucumber, herbs, boiled eggs. But besides the fact that it is freshly used in a wide variety of salads, boiled it is used in stuffed cabbage, okroshka, soups and as a side dish. It is good fermented and pickled.


Let's develop what has been said.

Protect from frost at first. In the first two weeks of seedlings, you can artificially shorten the day: by the evening, cover the plantings with one layer of lutrasil so that the plants form a head of cabbage.

N. Dorokhina

Among other things, humus and diluted mullein can be applied as fertilizer. It is necessary to fertilize the soil immediately before planting cabbage, since it is undesirable to carry out fertilizing later, because this culture is prone to the accumulation of nitrates and chemical compounds in its leaves.

To obtain an earlier harvest, the cultivation of Peking cabbage seedlings is used. Sowing in pots is carried out in early April (one month before planting). In the ground, seedlings are planted in rows with a distance between rows of 50 cm, and in a row between plants - 30 cm.

In greenhouse conditions, when the seeds are planted directly in the garden, a pick can be done, although Beijing cabbage can hurt, but the root system develops well. True, you can skip the picking stage, but you should thin out the seedlings. However, not all seeds germinate, so there is a risk of increased seed consumption, although excess plants can be transplanted into open ground later. On farms, Peking cabbage is planted from the beginning of field work with an interval of about two weeks until almost mid-July.

Thanks for the article. Last season I had the experience of growing Chinese cabbage. I bought 3 seedlings at the bazaar (I did not risk it) and planted them under a non-woven covering material along with ordinary early cabbage. She was ugly - more than a kilogram each, but inside there were babies of slugs. It was not very pleasant, although washed and ate. Is it possible to get rid of this misfortune.

Chinese cabbage photo cultivation

Chinese or Peking cabbage, despite its origin, can be cultivated in Russia, but for this it is necessary to know the peculiarities and rules of cultivation. In the article we will deal with all the intricacies of this process.

In the world selection, there is a huge number of varieties of Peking cabbage. The harvest of such vegetables can be obtained in any climatic zone, but subject to certain rules.

For example, early varieties do better in greenhouses. In the southern regions of our country, it is necessary to shade the plants, which will create a shortened daylight hours.


An early ripe variety with excellent taste and pleasant aroma. The fruits are used for preparing salads and other dishes, suitable for heat treatment. The vegetables are cylindrical in shape, elongated with dense, loose leaves of light green color. The growing season for the Victoria variety is within 2 months.

Orange Mandarin

Early ripening variety, can be grown throughout the warm period. Under favorable weather conditions, the fruits of the culture ripen in 40 days from the moment of planting seedlings in open ground. Heads of cabbage are small, their weight does not exceed 1 kilogram. The variety tolerates stressful situations and is suitable for cultivation in Siberia.


Shade-tolerant early ripening variety has a growing season of 40-42 days. This cabbage has rather large and wide leaves, delicious pulp. The maximum weight of a head of cabbage is 1.5 kilograms. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the second decade of April, seeds are sown in open ground from mid-May.


Mid-season variety, has large fruits weighing up to 2.5 kilograms. The heads of cabbage are elongated in shape, have tight-fitting dark green leaves. Pomegranate is resistant to many diseases, especially necrosis. The first harvest of cabbage is obtained in 70-75 days from the moment of sowing the seeds.


The variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open field. This is an unpretentious plant that is resistant to sudden changes in temperature. Heads of cabbage of bright green color weighing up to 2 kilograms. The Beijing Express can be used for cultivation in Siberia.


Ultra-early variety, ripens 35 days after sowing seeds in the greenhouse. The heads of cabbage are small, juicy, suitable for making salads.


A medium-late variety with a growing season of 70 days is quite capricious in its care, so it is better to grow such a vegetable in the southern part of our country. Heads of cabbage are dense, weighing up to 2 kilograms.

How to properly grow Chinese cabbage seedlings

The cultivation of the crop in question can take place using seedlings or by direct sowing of seeds in open ground. Chinese cabbage is considered a cold-resistant plant, its seeds can form sprouts at an air temperature of + 4-5 degrees, but intensive development is possible in the range of + 15 ... + 22 degrees. When it warms, the culture throws out inflorescences. A similar phenomenon often occurs in conditions of extended daylight hours.

Due to the need for a shortened daylight hours, it is recommended to grow the culture from seedlings in early spring or late autumn. Sometimes it is advisable to create a special light regime. In this case, the first harvest of fruits is obtained within a month from the moment the plants are planted in open ground.

When to plant Chinese cabbage for seedlings

Planting Chinese cabbage seed should be carried out about a month before the intended planting of seedlings in a permanent place. To obtain an early harvest, sowing for seedlings is carried out in the last decade of March or in early April. When growing seedlings to obtain a harvest for winter consumption, the seeds are sown at the end of June.

Preparing seeds for planting

Purchased Chinese cabbage seeds do not need special preparation, they can be planted immediately in the ground without presoaking. In the case of using their own seed materials, the grains need preliminary germination, which will determine their germination.

To do this, they are placed on wet gauze, folded in several layers. Next, a container with seeds is placed in a warm place and wait for the sprouts to appear. Their germination begins in 3-5 days from the moment of sowing.

If this does not happen or seedlings are rare, you need to take other seeds.

Preparing soil for sowing

In practice, several options for soil mixtures are used for sowing Chinese cabbage seedlings:

Sod land and peat in equal proportions with the addition of 10 grams of wood ash and complex mineral fertilizer (for every 10 kilograms of the mixture).

2 parts humus and 1 part coconut substrate.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The culture in question does not survive transplantation well, therefore, the sowing of seeds must be carried out not in a common box, but in peat pots (2-3 grains per container). Seed material is buried in a nutrient substrate to a depth of 1.5 centimeters. After that, the seedling containers are installed in a warm, but dark place until shoots appear.

Seedling care

After the first shoots appear, the seedlings are moved to a well-lit windowsill. At this stage of development, the room temperature must be maintained at a level of + 7 ... + 8 degrees. For this, a loggia or a glazed balcony is best suited.

Further care of the seedlings consists in periodic watering with warm, settled water. Moistening the soil should be carried out as the top layer of the nutrient substrate dries up. After carrying out these procedures, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil, which will prevent stagnation of moisture.

When the seedlings have two or three real leaves in a pot, they leave one of the healthiest plants, pinch the rest.


We have already said that the seedlings of Chinese cabbage do not tolerate transplanting well, so the seeds are sown immediately in separate containers. This allows you to bypass the dive process.

How to transplant Chinese cabbage seedlings into open ground

Seedlings of Chinese cabbage are moved into open ground along with peat pots. In the future, these containers will dissolve and provide additional nutrients for plant development.

10 days before the expected planting date, the plants are hardened in the open air, gradually increasing the time. Seedlings can be planted in a permanent place after they have spent 24 hours outside.

Planting scheme

There are several schemes for planting Chinese cabbage in the open field:

  1. If the plant is used as a salad crop, a distance of 25 centimeters is left between the individual seedlings in both directions.
  2. To form a head of cabbage, you must follow the scheme 35 * 35 or 50 * 50 centimeters.

This requirement is true for sowing a vegetable with seeds directly into open ground.

When using seedlings, observe the 30 * 50 centimeters pattern.

In order to get a good harvest of fruits and prevent shooters, planting a vegetable should be carried out in early spring or autumn.

Sowing by seed into the ground

To grow Chinese cabbage in a seedless way, you need to choose the right site. The ideal predecessors of the culture in question are:

  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers.

It is not advisable to sow the seeds in the soil, where close relatives of cabbage (mustard or radish, radish) developed before.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in previously dug up soil. On the garden bed, planting holes are made according to a pre-selected scheme of 35 * 35 or 50 * 50 centimeters. 10-15 grams of wood ash and 0.5 kilograms of organic matter (compost or humus) are added to each depression.

After a week from the moment of sowing, shoots should appear. At this moment, the most developed sprout should be left in the hole, the rest should be pinched.

Planting dates for Chinese cabbage

The time for sowing seeds in open ground depends on the air temperature. The ideal conditions for the development of this cabbage is considered to be a temperature regime of + 16 ... + 22 degrees. Exceeding or decreasing the recommended indicators leads to the formation of peduncles.

For the seedless growing method, two favorable terms for sowing seeds are used from April 25 to May 5, from June 25 to July 15.

Caring for cabbage in the garden

Growing Chinese cabbage requires the gardener to follow certain rules. Newly planted seedlings should be covered with agrofibre or any other non-woven material. This allows:

  1. protect crops from possible frost or sudden temperature changes;
  2. shades plants from the scorching rays of the sun;
  3. protects the root system of cabbage from rotting during the period of prolonged rains;
  4. allows you to hide seedlings from pests, cruciferous fleas.

Two weeks after planting the seedlings on the garden bed, the plot is covered with mulch made of chopped straw and peat. There is no need to hilling the crop, a thick layer of organic matter will retain soil moisture and prevent weed growth.

Further measures for the care of cabbage consist in periodic watering and feeding, identifying and protecting vegetables from diseases and pests.

Watering and feeding

Chinese cabbage needs regular, abundant watering. It is recommended to moisten the soil once a week using warm water. The liquid must be poured under the root of the plant.

If water gets on the leaves, it will cause sunburn.

For better plant development, watering should be carried out in the morning or in the evening after sunset. In the latter case, it is recommended to use warm water infused throughout the day.

The first top dressing is applied to the ground two weeks after planting the seedlings. For this purpose, you can use the following solutions:

  • 10% mullein infusion (1 kilogram per 10 liters of water);
  • 5% infusion of poultry manure (500 grams of organic matter per 10 liters of liquid);
  • infusion of herbs or nettles.

When fertilizing cabbage with fertilizers, 1 liter of solution is used for each bush. For a spring culture, three such dressings are needed. Plants planted in summer are fed twice during the growing season.

Foliar dressing also helps to improve the yield of Chinese cabbage. To prepare such a substance, 2 grams of boric acid is diluted in a liter of boiled hot water, then the volume is brought up to 10 liters with cold water. The processing of crops is carried out in the evening on the leaves.

Peking cabbage harvest and storage

To improve safety and prevent the development of rot, it is recommended to cut the heads of cabbage in dry weather. The collected fruits are stored in a cool and dry room with a temperature regime of 0 ... + 2 degrees. Vegetables are laid out on shelves or packed in boxes.

Periodically inspect heads of cabbage for dried leaves and putrefactive areas.

Diseases and pests of lettuce

Peking cabbage, like other crucifers, can be affected by various diseases and pests during the growing season.

First, let's get acquainted with the main diseases of this vegetable:

  1. The black leg affects the emerging sprouts of cabbage seedlings. The main symptom of the onset of the disease is considered to be blackening and narrowing of the crop stem, which makes it difficult for nutrients to access the leaves and plant death. To prevent the development of a black leg, you need to disinfect the soil and seed material, follow the rules for caring for seedlings. The development of this disease is facilitated by low temperatures and high air humidity, as well as thickened plantings of young plants.
  2. Keel bacterial disease causes thickening of the cabbage root system. As a result of this effect, the cells are deformed and poorly permeate nutrients. The affected plant turns yellow and begins to dry out. The development of the disease is facilitated by high soil moisture and low-quality seeds, as well as acidic soil. To prevent the development of the disease, before planting seedlings, the earth is calcined in the oven, and then spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Wood ash or lime is additionally added to the acidic soil.
  3. A fungal disease, gray mold, affects the aerial part of the culture during the ripening period of the fruit or during storage. The appearance of brown spots on cabbage leaves is considered to be the symptoms of the disease. After a while, a grayish plaque forms on the affected areas. Spraying plantings with fungicides, for example, Amistar, will help to defeat the disease.

Peking cabbage is considered a rather demanding plant to care for. To get such vegetables, you need to have basic knowledge of how to grow them. Put our tips into practice and you will have a good harvest of Chinese cabbage.

These circumstances made me think about the conditions and methods of its cultivation. Then I did not know that cabbage printed beautifully on a bag of seeds with the words Peking cabbage has varieties. Disappointed, he postponed the landing until next season.
Since vegetable seeds of dubious quality began to come across on the shelves of our stores, I began to subscribe them by mail from well-known agricultural firms. Having received the next catalog, I saw in the list a Chinese cabbage called Taranco F-1 and Manoko F-1, wrote them out in 2 sachets with great reluctance.

Variety Lyubasha - threw out the arrow and bloomed 100%

It so happened that I missed the spring season, I just forgot about it in the hustle and bustle of the garden. Sifting through the packets of radish and black radish seeds, I saw stale seeds of Peking. I decided to sow black radish according to the dates from July 7 to 10, in different beds. And again I failed, the cruciferous leaf flea did a great job. Having protected the radish, I did not think that cabbage would also be preferable to the table of this small and insatiable pest, I had to reseed on the first of August with the remaining seeds.
When sowing and growing since August, I was just lucky, planted during the period of the rains that began and cool nights. The flea disappeared completely, it was not to the taste of cabbage. There was no special care for the plants, because sowed after garlic, where regular feeding was carried out and next to cucumbers. Cabbage tolerated light frosts and without shelter perfectly. In early October, I got a good harvest, which naturally reawakened interest in her.
... Years have passed, more and more conflicting information about the properties, methods and agricultural techniques of growing this crop began to come across, and I gradually accumulated my own experience in growing it in Siberia. Lacking the necessary information, I just went my own way as an expert, maybe this was the factor of success.
Over the past three years, Peking cabbage has been successful both in the spring-summer planting and in the summer-autumn planting. I prefer her head types.

The cultivation methods for all types of Peking cabbage are almost the same. But it is imperative to take into account its peculiarity, it is a relatively short growing season, which is from 50 to 70 days, which allows you to get two harvests per season. Peking cabbage is a long day plant. For flowering and fruiting, it needs more than 12 hours of daylight hours. With a short daylight hours, an arrow with seeds is not formed, but leaves grow well and heads of cabbage are tied, which is what we need. With longer lighting from 15 to 16 hours, the formation of the peduncle will definitely begin. The best growth of head varieties of Peking cabbage is relatively at a low temperature of +15 + 25 ° and a short daylight hours. Therefore, I sow it in early spring for seedlings in special cassettes from April 5 to 10 on the windowsill, since Beijing is unpretentious to light.
Later, depending on the weather, I take out the seedlings in a greenhouse and transfer them into open ground after May 12, under the covering material. The growing season is spring - summer, I think the most difficult, not all varieties can withstand this time, but in the summer version, many problems with growing head varieties practically disappear.
In the second half of summer, from July 10, I also sow in cassettes, and leave them farther and higher from pests, in any convenient and sunny place, maintaining moisture. I plant cabbage seedlings by transshipment to free places and sow on prepared beds from July 25-30.

Seedlings in cassette RK-64,
which is sawn for convenience.

For transshipment in the spring, I choose a good sunny place and preferably shaded from the midday heat by a fence or structure for 2-3 hours. Summer sowing of Peking, I use it as a re-crop after vegetables, except cruciferous ones, in the sunniest place, usually after harvesting one-clove of winter garlic or as a compactor with replanting to other crops. Why after garlic, you ask? The fact is that when preparing the soil for winter garlic, I usually put in advance either cement, dolomite flour or lime into the soil in order to remove the acidity of the soil and organic matter (well-weathered peat, humus, manure burned out after cucumber ridges). Soil for these types of cabbage group , should not have an acidic reaction, this is also a kind of prevention against such a disease as keela, to which it is unstable.
... Peking cabbage easily tolerates a cold snap of up to -4 degrees without shelter, but at the stage of head formation, exposure to such a low temperature can affect the ejection of the peduncle. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for a short-term shelter from frost and heat. These types of cabbage give an arrow in case of any deterioration in the weather and interruptions in soil moisture.

Since the root system of this cabbage is small, it needs additional introduction of organic matter into the soil, but not fresh manure, but well-rotted or decomposed compost.
I start preparing the soil for transshipment and planting along a tight thread. The direction of the tape is from north to south. During the day I spill the planting site from a watering can, if the soil is dry. With a chopper I make a furrow - a groove. I make funnel-shaped pits with a special home-made landing cone to a depth of 12-15 cm, slightly press on the cone to the limiter and make a circular motion with my hand.

Cleaning October 14th.
The upper leaves are usually greenish in color. They do not need to be cut when harvesting. Put the cabbage in the refrigerator for 10-15 days, during which time the green pigment (chlorophyll) will break down and the leaves will naturally bleach. The shelf life is from 3 to 4 months in a well-wrapped cling film and a low plus temperature from 2 to 5 degrees.

Manoko F1 variety in the foreground,
weight reaches 3.500 kg.

Very productive hybrid for early production, color fastness. Heads of cabbage are compact, cylindrical, with a well-closed top. Good resistance against internal marginal necrosis. The possibility of re-seeding in the summer. Harvest 50 days after transplanting. Cultivation by direct sowing is possible. Head of cabbage 1.4 kg -2 kg, resistance to fusarium, keel. Manufacturer: Bejo Zaden, Holland

Assistant with a hybrid Taranko,
weight up to 4.200kg.

Variety Taranko F-1
A productive hybrid with an elongated head of cabbage. Both the outer and inner coloration are relatively light. Recommended for spring and summer planting. Harvest 72 days after transplanting. Head of cabbage 2.0 kg. - 5 kg Resistant to fusarium and keel. Producer Bejo Zaden, Holland


Peking cabbage (cabbage)

An approximate comparative table of planting seedlings by region
Tyumen region.
Rich harvests for everyone!

Peking cabbage has long ceased to be exotic in the suburban areas of Russia. Not inferior in popularity to white cabbage. Hybrids are successfully cultivated in the harsh conditions of a temperate climate: in Siberia and the Urals.

It has a number of advantages:

  • grown both as seedlings and seeds in the open field;
  • fast formation of forks, without waiting for the autumn season;
  • wide application in cooking: pickles, cold and hot dishes.

Sometimes, instead of heads of cabbage, an unpretentious vegetable has unnecessary inflorescences (arrows). Therefore, in order to obtain a good harvest, it is important to know the agrotechnical features of care.

Peking cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. Pekinensis), or lettuce, or pe-tsai (petsai) is a herb that belongs to the cruciferous or cabbage family. The plant has another name - Chinese salad.

China is considered the birthplace of culture, and the vegetable was first mentioned in the 5th century BC. Then the Peking cabbage is zoned in the land of the rising sun and Indochina. In Europe and America, people are really fond of the plant in the 70s of the twentieth century - until that time, only fan-gardeners were engaged in its cultivation.

There are 3 types of vegetables:

  • half-cabbage;
  • sheet;
  • headed.

Peking cabbage is a biennial, but farmers cultivate the vegetable as an annual plant. The fruits of the culture are a loose oblong head of cabbage, which reaches 35 cm in length. Delicate leaves with a fleshy vein in the middle are collected in a rosette. A large, whitish, juicy vein occupies about 20% of the leaf. At the edges, the foliage is wavy or jagged with a green-yellow color.

The seeds of Peking cabbage are tiny, like small balls. The vegetable is moisture-loving, he likes warmth and light. However, it is distinguished by winter hardiness, it is not afraid of frosts on the ground up to -4 ° C. This does not apply to early seedlings of the plant, which require a plus temperature regime.

Beneficial features

Peking cabbage has a number of advantages compared to other varieties of cabbage due to its dietary nature, the complexity of the biochemical composition and the incomparable taste. It is the most important component of the daily menu of a healthy person.

100 g of Beijing salad contains:

  • 94.6 g - water;
  • 1 g - proteins;
  • 1.3 g - carbohydrates;
  • 1.6 g - fiber;
  • 0.2 g - fat;
  • organic acids: citric, ascorbic;
  • vitamins: B2, B9, B1, B4, B3, B5, E, K, A;
  • minerals: potassium and copper, iron and manganese, calcium and fluorine, magnesium and sulfur, phosphorus and sodium, silver and zirconium.

The calorie content of petsai is 13 kcal per 100 g of product. Indicates a dietary nature. Lettuce cabbage is irreplaceable in a balanced diet.

Chinese cabbage and its health effects

The use of Peking cabbage has a beneficial effect:

  1. On teeth and eyesight. It is a storehouse of vitamins, helps to absorb calcium and strengthen bones.
  2. For blood clotting.
  3. To regulate the temperature balance of the body due to the sulfur content. When the limbs are cold, eat cabbage.
  4. Ease of bowel movement, prevention of constipation thanks to fiber.
  5. Strengthening the immune system, reducing the threat of cardiovascular pathologies.
  6. For arthritis and rheumatism, Alzheimer's disease and padagra.
  7. As an antioxidant, thanks to beta-carotene, it reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms.
  8. To support beauty. It will help out in the treatment of skin diseases, acne and hepatitis.

Peking cabbage has contraindications:

  • bleeding of the intestines and stomach;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased acidity.

How to grow

The optimum temperature at which Peking cabbage grows is + 15 ... + 20 ° С. The plant responds to sudden temperature jumps by flowering and releasing arrows. The reason for the shooting is the length of daylight hours. Experienced gardeners do not advise planting salad at the height of summer because of the high activity of the sun and the threat of crop loss.

A suitable planting site for a crop is an open area with loose, fertile, moisture-permeable soil. It is recommended to add rotted compost or humus to the garden in order to increase the nutritional value. Dry peat is needed to enhance drainage.

Chinese salad is planted in the beds after:

  • cucumbers and carrots;
  • onions and garlic;
  • potatoes.

Considered unsuccessful predecessors:

  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • turnip;
  • radish.

On a note! Failure to comply with crop rotation leads to depletion of the soil and reduced yields. Disembarkation of a Peking in one place - every 3 years.

How and when to plant

Planting time depends on the region and is guided by the natural conditions. Seed material is not soaked, germinates for at least 7 days at + 5 ° С and about 4 days at + 13 ° С. Basically, in spring, petsai are sown from mid-April to 15 June. However, experienced gardeners recommend sowing at intervals of 14 days in order to feast on fresh fruits for a long period of time.

Lettuce grows well in sunny areas. Growing in shaded beds leads to stretching of the stems. It is important to remember about the daylight hours and its duration: it does not go beyond the boundaries of 12 hours a day. It is valuable to observe the sowing dates. The length of the day with late sowing is corrected with the help of black film: in the evening they cover the area, in the morning they remove the shelter.

Breeding methods for petsai both seedlings and seeds.

Seedling method

It is optimal to grow seedlings in peat tablets or in cassettes: Peking cabbage hardly withstands a dive and takes a long time to take root in a new place.

For seedlings, soil is used, which consists of a substrate of coconut and humus in a 2: 1 ratio. A mixture of peat and turf in the same ratio is suitable. The seeds are buried 0.5–1 cm and leave the glasses in a dark, warm place until sprouts appear. As a rule, after 3 days, the first shoots will please.

Seedling pots must be placed in the light. Seedlings need infrequent watering when the top soil layer dries up. Before planting, the plants are not watered for 3 days.

After about a month, when up to 5 true leaves appear in salad cabbage, the seedlings are ready for transplantation to their summer cottage. They are planted with an earthen clod so as not to injure the roots.

Seedless planting method

For planting petsay, holes are prepared, the interval between which is 25-30 cm. A similar distance in the row spacing on the garden bed. Compost or humus (0.5 l can) and ash (2 tablespoons) are added to the hole, watered generously. Planting the seeds. How to choose a seedling will tell you a healthy appearance. Of the 2-3 plants, the strongest specimen is left.

The sowing depth of seeds is 1–2 cm. The top is covered with a film or agrofibre. Seedlings are expected in a maximum of a week.

The end of June and the first decade of July is the ideal time for planting lettuce in the ground if you want to consume the product in the fall.

How to care


Peking cabbage is a moisture-loving plant, especially at an early age. However, watering has its own characteristics. Watering at the root causes an earthen crust to appear, which interferes with the movement of air.

Loosening the soil will cope with the problem. Disadvantages of the method:

  • laborious process;
  • it is easy to damage the root system.

In this case, mulching the soil near crops will help out, in addition, moisture evaporation decreases.

What should be fertilized

Ultra-ripe vegetables occasionally require additional fertilizing. For a short growing season, there are enough nutrients contained in the soil. Only at the stage of the formation of a fork, add mullein infusion, humate solution or fermented grass to the water for irrigation. Mineral fertilizers, including those containing nitrogen, are not recommended due to the tendency of Peking to accumulate nitrates.

Pest and disease control

The cruciferous flea is the main pest on cabbage plantings. To protect against pests and diseases, it is advised to do without poisons. Suitable for planting next to cabbage beds:

  • garlic;
  • marigold;
  • nasturtium;
  • sage.

An effective remedy is wood ash. Powder the leaves, still damp with dew, early in the morning. For the prevention of diseases of cabbage, for example, keel, it is useful to strictly adhere to crop rotation and the destruction of infected crops.

Slugs are fought with various methods:

  1. Placement of roofing material, boards, plastic, pieces of slate on the soil. Slugs usually crawl under these shelters after a nightly meal.
  2. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. hot pepper and 300 g of wood ash, which is sprinkled on the ground near the salad. After watering or rain, the procedure is repeated again.
  3. Application of brilliant green. The vial is diluted in a bucket of water and treated with 5 m 2

Cabbage mats lay eggs on the leaves on the back. If clutches are found, they are destroyed manually.

Which varieties of Peking cabbage are better

When choosing a variety of Petsaya, they are repelled from the purpose of breeding and the specifics of the hybrid. Early cabbage is just right for consumption in salads, cooking various vegetable dishes, but not suitable for storage. For harvesting for the winter, it is more correct to choose late maturing varieties.

The first harvest is collected in the first summer month, 40 days after germination. The timing of growing mid-season varieties is up to 60 days. Ripening of late varieties occurs in 80 days. Early maturity allows in some areas to harvest three times a year in the open field. It is possible to grow all year round in a greenhouse. The phased planting of hybrids and a short growing season allow several crops to be harvested per season.

Early varieties of Chinese cabbage


High-yielding hybrid variety. The dense green cylindrical forks will not crack. Weighs about 2 kg. Possesses excellent taste. Fit for indoor or outdoor ground. Disease resistant. It is intended for freezing, culinary dishes.

Spring jade

Hybrid variety for growing in the spring in a greenhouse and in the ground with seedlings. Suitable for sowing in summer (in the second half of July) in soil.

The culture differs in power, compactness. The large oval fork has a flattened structure, weighing 2-3 kg. Delicate leaves are crispy, juicy. The taste is excellent.

Pros of a hybrid:

  • drought-resistant;
  • immune to ailments and flowers;
  • transportability;
  • good commercial qualities.

Application: salads, culinary processing, salting according to Korean recipes.

Orange tangerine

Suitable for those wishing to sow Chinese salad in the summer. The forks weigh up to 1 kg. The variety is resistant to temperature extremes.


Leafy Peking salad. Demanding to the ground. A high-yielding variety justifies itself on moist fertile soil in warm weather. The acidity of the soil is the cause of the keel.

Richie F1

The hybrid is resistant to bacteriosis. Dense heads of cabbage weighing up to 2.5 kg. They are used for salads and cannot be stored for a long time.


The hybrid variety has large average density 2 kg heads of cabbage with pleasant taste.


The leaf variety has a fruit weight of up to 300 g. Cabbage ripening - after 35 days. Vesnyanka's advantages:

  • juiciness of the vein;
  • vitamin content.


The variety from Holland is used for outdoor cultivation. Crops are low, forks weighing 1–1.1 kg.


In a hybrid variety, heads of cabbage of medium density are in the form of a cylinder, weighing about 1.5 kg.

The main trump card of the plant is its high yield. Immune to leaf browning and disease.


The variety grows quickly under the film. It is not exposed to diseases, transportation is done without mechanical deformation of the fork.


A high-yielding species with large leaves of a light green hue. Loose forks weigh 500 g, with voids. Immune to color.


Grows in the shade. The leaves are wide, voluminous. Fork weight ranges from 1 to 1.5 kg. Color resistant. Under a film shelter, they are sown for seedlings in April 20, using a scheme of 10 x 10 cm or 7 x 7 cm.The seedless method is used at the beginning of May, keeping a distance for greenery of 20 x 20 cm, 30 x 30 cm for a head of cabbage. The forks grows up to 300 g.


It is distinguished by semicircular leaves of a rich green color without veins and roughness, which sharply taper towards the base. The forks weigh an average of 2 kg. Consumed fresh. Store for a short period.

Slides F1

The mass of a dense barrel-shaped head varies from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Not subject to cracking and keel.


Distinctive features:

  • yield;
  • resistance to dry periods;
  • short storage time.

Oval, pale green heads of cabbage weigh about 2 kg.


It grows at low temperatures. The culture is characterized by resistance to shooting. Not loose green forks reach up to 1.5 kg.


The hybrid is grown outdoors. Harvested in spring and autumn, the harvest is used in salads. The juicy heart is characterized by a sweet taste.


A dense green cylinder-shaped fork weighs 1.5–3 kg. The hybrid is characterized by:

  • resistance to vascular and mucous bacteriosis;
  • immunity to color;
  • great taste;
  • rich in vitamin C;
  • high commercial properties.


Cultivated in the Urals and Siberia with a short daylight hours. In greenhouse conditions, the fruits ripen within 25 days.


The speed of technological ripeness affects the short-term storage of Peking cabbage. Distinctive features: cultivation in a cold agricultural climate, resistance to fusarium and powdery mildew. Light green oval forks reach 1 kg.


The hybrid is grown successfully in the middle lane with seedlings and seeds. Seedling reception guarantees a harvest after 45 days.

When growing cabbage from seeds, the fruits will appear a week or one and a half later. The variety belongs to the middle weight class. The mass of large specimens ranges from 2.5–3 kg.

Mid-season varieties


A hybrid that has a high yield and non-cracking heads. Keel resistant.

The green cylinder-shaped forks weigh between 1.1 and 1.5 kg. It has good commercial qualities.


A high-yielding variety with dense green heads weighing 2.5 kg. Immune to necrotic formations.


The plant forms semi-open forks. Dark green wrinkled heads of cabbage do not store for a long time.


The vegetable feels great only in greenhouse conditions.

The dense, bright green heads of cabbage in the shape of an ellipse weigh 2 kg.


The plant has a closed head of cabbage in a green tone. The preservation of the taste of the leaves occurs during short-term storage. The forks reach a weight of 1 kg.


A hybrid variety that is distinguished by its yield. Elongated deep green forks weighing up to 1.5 kg.

Advantages of cabbage:

  • duration of lying;
  • marketability;
  • resistance to downy mildew, keel;
  • transportation parameters that are above average.


Semi-cabbage variety. The flat leaves are elliptical, bubbly, pubescent, green in color.

Late-ripening varieties

Russian size

Differs in oblong light green heads. The weight of the heads of cabbage reaches 4 kg. The variety, bred by domestic breeders, is suitable for the harsh Russian climate.

It is immune to diseases, adapted to cold weather, undemanding to soil and is famous for its productivity with competent agricultural technology.


Suitable for growing both a greenhouse and open ground. Characterized by:

  • resistance to ailments;
  • wrinkled foliage sometimes with a waxy coating;
  • 3 kg tight forks.

It is used in cooking fresh and stewed.


Under favorable climatic conditions, it differs in yield. The heads of cabbage are small, weighing up to 1 kg, but not loose. The color of the foliage is light green, with a yellowish tinge in the section.


The growing season is 90 days. Legumes and grains are ideal precursors for regionalization. It is characterized by compact elliptical heads of cabbage that weigh 2.5 kg. Drought-free. Not suitable for long-term storage.

Beijing Express

Adapted to unfavorable weather conditions. Ideal for growing in greenhouses and garden beds. Light green heads reach 2 kg.

Use in landscape design

The types of Peking cabbage do not differ in the originality of the foliage and the richness of the color range, therefore they have not received widespread use in ornamental gardening. Occasionally used when decorating flower beds and front gardens. The peak of decorativeness falls in May and lasts until October. For the Russian climate, Dutch hybrids are preferable.

How to harvest

Harvesting is carried out in 2 ways. Growing Peking cabbage for salads that are prepared from leaves, or for the sake of forks. In the first case, trimming of the leaves is carried out when they reach a 10-centimeter length. When collection of heads is required, start harvesting by lifting the haulm closer to the fork.

If the growing season is observed, the timing is taken into account: the beginning of harvesting after 2 months from the date of planting. The average weight of the forks is about 1.2 kg. The yield of the vegetable plantation is 350 kg.

How to store

The vegetable is stored for no more than three months. Peking cabbage of summer sowing or planting is well stored at a humidity of 80–85% and a temperature of + 4… + 6 ° С. Sometimes it is simply wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator, so it can also be stored for a long time.

To extend the shelf life, use:

  • freezing;
  • sourdough;
  • dryness.

When frozen, the chopped petsai are blanched in salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Then they are dried and frozen.

  • 0.6 l - water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - sugar, salt;
  • 0.1 l - vinegar;
  • 2 cloves - garlic;
  • 10 kg - shredded Peking cabbage.

Mix the ingredients and place a press on top. The day is kept at room temperature, then put in the cold for 2 weeks.

To dry the cabbage salad, the vegetable cut into strips is placed in an oven heated to 100 ° C for 4 hours and the door is opened. Dried petsai are placed in cotton bags.

Peking cabbage is a suitable option to grow in your summer cottage due to its rapid ripening and ease of maintenance. It is important to maintain a stable temperature regime and fertilize the soil. To have fresh cabbage all year round, you can plant both early and late varieties at once.