How to find out the size of the penis. What determines the size of a penis in men: the opinion of a sexologist, facts and fiction

  • 02.07.2020

How to measure the diameter and length of the penis in order to know exactly your size? It would seem that this is quite simple, but there are a number of nuances that are taken into account when determining the parameters of your penis. We will tell about them.

In the article:

A little about the length of the penis

It is necessary to measure the length of the penis in a state of full erection, it is possible with tension, but it is worth remembering that the length of the penis varies greatly during the day. It depends on external and internal conditions: air temperature, endocrine background, emotional state, mood, structure of the autonomic nervous system.

During an erection, the phallus can increase in size by 2-3 times. In this case, the initial parameters do not really matter. Owners of small penises may well "overtake" when achieving an erection those who have great dignity at rest.

How to correctly determine the length of a member? You need to attach a ruler from the base of it to the end of the head. In boys at birth, the average length can vary from 2 to 5 cm, active growth is observed at the age of 12-14-16 years. On average, the period of enlargement of the genital organs lasts up to 20-25 years. During this time, a man may notice minor changes in the parameters of the genital organs.

Significant differences in the parameters of the penis can be due to race, heredity, hormonal changes, poor nutrition and an abundance of bad habits during the boy's puberty. There are many genetic syndromes in which one or another anomaly is accompanied by hypogonadism, that is, the presence of underdeveloped, barely visible reproductive organs.

average normal size manhood ranges from 12 to 16 cm. Changes in one direction or another are classified as a large penis or a small one. Less than 8 cm when erect is considered a micropenis.

Width (diameter) and penis volume

Measurement of the diameter of the penis, again, is done only in an erect state. With a tape centimeter, the tape is applied in the middle of the organ and the result obtained is recorded - a circle. Research data says that the average circumference is from 10 to 16 cm.

Both length and width must be measured with the organ in a horizontal position, that is, parallel to the floor. When measuring a circle, you can use a paper strip, marking on it desired point, and then transfer the received data to the ruler.

But, do not confuse diameter and circumference - these are different concepts. To get the approximate diameter of the penis, you need to divide the obtained circle figures by the number Π (3.14), since the diameter is an imaginary straight line that connects one side of the penis to the other. The circumference of the penis is not perfectly even, and therefore the data will be approximate.

We have described how to measure penis size, but it is worth adding that if you are very concerned about this issue, you can also measure the volume. To do this, use the formula: (Member length * circumference squared) / (12.5). Also, for accurate information, we advise you to measure more than once. For example, next month, when the weather changes, in different time days. After you get the data, you can calculate the arithmetic mean.

Possible deviations and measurement errors of the member

Despite the fact that the measurement is a fairly simple procedure, mistakes can still be made. For example, first bring yourself to a full erection, keep your penis only in a horizontal position. The fact is that part of the organ is located under the skin and a layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, in the pubic area, so this position will bring yours as close as possible to natural parameters.

If you are overweight, again, there may be errors. An example is cases when, after weight loss or liposuction, men noted an increase in dignity. So, liposuction in the pubic area and lower abdomen may well add 2 to 3 cm to the length of the phallus.

As foreign publications write, with repeated measurement, you may well get a lower result. It's all about stress. A similar situation is observed, for example, in a bathhouse, a shower, when a man is surrounded by other members of the stronger sex. Impressive faces at this time may “lose” a couple of precious centimeters due to worries about size.

The device you use can also affect the size. For all parameters, whether it be width or length, you need to take a soft centimeter, less often a ruler. There can be errors if you use a meter that stretches a little, a paper strip, as you yourself can incorrectly mark it. The ruler is suitable for those who have a straight penis in an erect state, for those who have a bend, even a slight one, we recommend a soft centimeter. Both devices are pressed against the base of the organ near the pubis.

And women should remember that it does not depend on the appearance, the amount of muscles, the size of the nose or shoes. Although there are formulas that allegedly allow you to calculate the size of the penis according to the known parameters of the nose or foot.

What do the experts think?

Doctors also often have to deal with the measurement of the phallus. This is necessary if the patient has applied for surgical help to increase dignity. It is especially important to measure the penis correctly if the operation will consist in prosthetics of the organ. It is extremely important for the surgeon to know the size down to the millimeter in order to choose an adequate prosthesis for it.

The specialist will measure the length of the phallus only with a ruler and only along its upper side. You can not use the data obtained from measurements of the lower surface of the penis. Sometimes you have to measure the length of the phallus without achieving an erection. For example, in patients with erectile dysfunction, when it is impossible to achieve a full erection. Then the organ is simply pulled out in length in the horizontal direction, measured in the same way, pressing the ruler along the upper surface of the penis. Of course, not such accurate data are obtained, but it will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to navigate when choosing a prosthesis for such a patient.

Men should not worry about the size of their dignity. For example, micropenis is extremely rare, it is a severe birth defect. Most of the representatives of the stronger sex have normal average values ​​of all parameters of the penis. Often the cause of discontent are neurosis, self-doubt, suspiciousness. It is worth worrying for those men whose penis reaches 2 cm in a calm state and only 7.5 in an erect one.

Even if boastfulness is not characteristic of you, it is still worth knowing the parameters of your dignity. Why? At least in order to choose the right condoms, to avoid them slipping or vice versa breaking. Too small condoms will only deliver discomfort, squeezing the phallus, what can we say about pleasure.

Irrelevant . However, this topic worries both representatives of the stronger and weaker sex.

Men are obsessed with him, give him nicknames, treat him with special respect and compare him to others.

They consider it a symbol of masculinity, pride and joy.

AT different countries ah it's called by its own name. For example, the French call it "crossbow", Bulgarians "chock", Italians "scarecrow", and in Russia "stick", "twenty-first finger" and others nicknames.

There are a number of common superstitions about the relationship between some external signs and the size of manhood.

Although there is no scientific evidence that such a connection really exists, there are several methods that give clues about whether a man is indeed naturally endowed with large dimensions.

Dimensions of male dignity

Does he sway a little or shuffle a little when he walks, or does he walk a little clumsily, as if something is in his way? A man's walk can give away what he's hiding in his pants.

After all, it is much more difficult to walk when you have a "third leg" between your legs.

© BZH22/Getty Images

This is one of the common methods for determining the size of manhood, which most people resort to. It is believed that the shape and size of a man's hand is a direct indication of how big he is.

The fact is that the amount of prenatal testosterone that boys are exposed to in the womb directly affects the production of hormones, which is reflected in the hands and genitals. Thus high level testosterone can lead to big arms and more.

© Andrew Poplavsky

Often men who are confident are those who have impressive genitals.

If he is very attentive, passionate, affectionate and always finds an excuse to accidentally touch a woman, then he knows that he has nothing to worry about.

A man who knows you won't gasp in surprise tends to be more relaxed and doesn't look for an excuse to flirt with you.


If a man constantly praises his achievements and abilities, you should be careful. In general, such behavior is already questionable.

It may also indicate that he has an exaggerated opinion of himself and his manhood.

Male length

© Koldunova_Anna / Getty Images

Many also believe that the shape of the fingers can be an indication of what to expect. If his fingers are short and thick, then his causal place is the same.

If they are long and thin, then nature endowed it with length, but not width.

There are also scientific studies stating that if a man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger, then his performance is above average.

© rclassenlayouts / Getty Images

If you want to know about his size, you should not judge by how pumped he is. A man can gain muscle mass by going to the gym to hide his real body shape.

Often very pumped up men who do not go out of gym, exercise their body to look more attractive and compensate for those parts of the body that they cannot change.

© Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images

This is another cliché-like comparison, but many argue that there is some truth in it.

And yet, you can meet a man with big feet and large dimensions, but also someone who has huge feet, but not such a big manhood.

© Syda Productions

If he constantly boasts about his size or the fact that he is good in bed, then most likely this is just theater. Men who think a lot about themselves have little to brag about in terms of physical data.

Perhaps he just wants to divert attention from his complexes and make you believe that he is the real God.

© sematadesign / Getty Images

It seems like a stereotype, but some part of it has been confirmed. scientific research. It has been proven that men from certain countries are large due to genetic factors.

Both too large and too small penis can cause problems in intimate life. Many factors influence the formation of an organ, and even before the birth of a boy. Many men, even in adolescence, doom themselves to complexes in the near future, creating negative conditions for the full development of the penis during puberty.

depends on the level of androgenic hormones, that is, from the whole set of factors that directly or indirectly affect their synthesis. In the male body, the production of androgens is subject to a strict hierarchy - this is the so-called HHP chain (hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles). The signal to activate or stop the synthesis of testosterone goes from the brain to the testicles through the production of certain substances:

  1. The hypothalamus produces the hormone gonadoliberin (GnRH).
  2. GnRH, entering the pituitary gland, stimulates the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LSH).
  3. LSH signals the testicles to produce testosterone.

The more smoothly the above mechanism works, the greater the volume of testosterone and the penis.

The formation of the penis in a male child begins even before birth, so its size is influenced by congenital factors: the nature of the course of pregnancy, the presence of genetic mutations of X chromosomes, pathologies prenatal development. As for passing member parameters by inheritance, there is such a possibility. Moreover, genetics can manifest itself in the 3rd generation.

The boy's penis begins to grow actively during puberty (puberty), which begins from the moment when the brain starts the process of synthesis of stimulating hormones (read). Low level testosterone (hypogonadism) in the period from 10 to 16 years will lead to a lack of penis growth dynamics. The main circumstances provoking androgen deficiency in adolescents:

  • Pathologies of the pituitary or hypothalamus, provoked by trauma, tumor processes, infectious diseases;
  • Inflammation of the testicles with subsequent atrophy of their tissues (probably with a complication of mumps);
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • Obesity (in adipose tissue, testosterone is converted into the female hormone estrogen);
  • Chronic stress and excessive physical exercise(cortisol inhibits testosterone synthesis);
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the sex glands;
  • Addicted to bad habits(hormonal imbalance).

Symptoms of hypogonadism during puberty that prevent the body from reaching its potential

Under the influence of the above factors, the development of the penis slows down or stops altogether.

Some men are sure that the growth of their penis is hindered or phimosis. Doctors refute such claims. Also circumcision, masturbation and sexual abstinence do not affect penis size.

The size of the penis does not depend on growth. Often, in tall men, the penis is thin and rather modest, while in short and stocky men, it is long and fleshy.

Factors affecting adult size

In adulthood, the member may decrease due to various diseases affecting the structure of its tissues (for example, Peyronie's disease), due to injuries or age-related atrophy. In men who abuse alcohol and cigarettes, the sexual organ loses its tone much ahead of time due to lack of blood supply and nutrition.

Adult men can keep their penis in good shape with regular sexual activity (frequent natural blood supply enhances tissue turgor - the stressed state of cell membranes), replenishes the deficiency of vitamins E, C, A, zinc, selenium, magnesium.

The better the physical form, the better condition penis and a more balanced hormonal background. In obese men, the phallus is visually smaller because it is hidden in the pubic fold, and testosterone levels are lower.

The average size

The average (normal, standard) size of the penis is a conditional value that doctors are guided by to determine whether the sexual development of the child corresponds to his age. At 10-13 years old, the length of the penis in a calm state can be from 3 to 6 cm, at 14-15 years old - from 6 to 9 cm, at 18 years old - 10-12 cm. At 20-22 years old, penis growth stops.

There is no clear size standard. Various sources offer their ranges. An example of the classification of terms depending on the length in the excited state:

  1. Up to 4-6 cm - micropenis.
  2. Up to 12 cm - small.
  3. From 12 to 18 cm is the normal size.
  4. More than 18 cm - large.

In the vast majority of men, an erect penis normally reaches from 12 to 14 cm in length and 3-4 cm in diameter. The small size of an unexcited penis does not yet indicate the sexual failure of its owner - when excited, such an organ will increase much more than a large one.

What is considered the norm in terms of the shape and size of the penis

Another factor influencing the average size penis, is a race. Different countries have their own standards. Research statistics have shown that the leaders in the average length of an erect penis are the inhabitants of the Congo and Sudan - 18 cm. The most modest average size for Thais is 9.4 cm, for the Chinese a little more - 9.7 cm. For Europeans - 13-14 cm, for Asians - 11-12 cm. In Russia, according to different sources size ranges from 14 to 17 cm.

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The largest member, whose parameters are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, belongs to the American John Falcon. The maximum size during an erection is 34.29 cm, length in a calm state - 20.32 cm. The smallest genital organ is in the Pole Li Pzhyzbylovich. His penis barely reaches 4 cm during erection. In medicine, such a deviation from the norm is referred to as "congenital hypoplasia."

Does size matter

Since the length of the penis does not affect the physiological excretory functions, sexual life is the only area where its size matters. Most men are sure: the larger the penis, the happier the woman will be. Is not a fact. It all depends on the depth of the vagina, the elasticity of its muscles and the degree of arousal - perfect size for every woman. The average depth of the vagina in a calm state is 7-9 cm, in an excited state - 15-16 cm. It is 15 cm - the optimal length of the penis according to most women.

The hypothesis "the deeper - the more pleasant" does not work, since the vagina is an organ that is poor in nerve endings. In some areas, their density is higher (as in point G), but this area is 2-4 cm from the entrance, so the length of the penis does not play a special role for a woman to achieve orgasm. More important diameter. Exactly given parameter of the penis affects the feeling of fullness and the degree of stimulation of the nerve endings located in the walls.

What do women think about penis size?

Too long penis (from 20-22 cm) causes a man no less problems than short A: Most women experience pain and discomfort during and after sex. Position options are very limited, you have to be careful. Intense shocks to the cervix during intercourse can lead to injury.

The muscles of the vagina, like the muscles that control the penis, can be trained. With mutual desire, the sexual compatibility of partners will improve significantly.

How to determine size

Men should know the size of their penis at least in order to choose the right condom. Many complain on the forums that when the contraceptive is pulled on, the erection disappears, protected sex becomes impossible. In 90% of cases, the cause is the wrong size.

Measurements are made on an erect organ. The length is determined using a regular ruler, slightly pressed into the pubis. The distance from the root of the penis to the projection of the end of the urethra on the plane of the ruler is taken into account.

The penis in girth can be measured with a centimeter tape or thread (wrap and then put on a ruler). The circumference is measured at the thickest point. Dividing the result by 3.14 calculates the diameter.

How to increase the size

Before and during puberty, the parameters of a teenager's penis can be influenced by hormone therapy. Short courses are administered testosterone or human chorionic gonadotropin.

In adult men, the effect of testosterone on penis size fades into the background, so hormone therapy for its increase after puberty is impractical. First of all, the following means are used:

  • Apparatus: and rings, ,

    Most effective exercise for penis growth - jelqing, a video on how to perform it correctly

    All of the above only work if used regularly for a long time.. Men who are not ready to devote the lion's share of time to massaging the penis can choose other methods to increase it:

    1. in the head and stem. The effect is enough for 6-12 months.
    2. Plastic surgery with own fat or muscle tissue.
    3. Implantation of a self-absorbable biomatrix.
    4. Falloprosthetics.

    All methods carry a certain health hazard: rejection of implants, suppuration, migration of materials, leading to irreversible deformation of the penis and necrosis of its tissues. According to statistics, more than 84% of men who seek surgical penis enlargement do not need it.


    There is no "gold standard" for the shape and size of the penis, which should be guided by. The degree of satisfaction of a man with the parameters of his penis and intimate life largely determined by the successful selection of a partner. Harmonious relationships do not give reason to think about how a member fits certain standards, and do not force you to look for ways to increase it.

The size of the penis is the combination of the length and volume of the organ in a calm state, as well as during an erection resulting from an increase in blood flow. For male self-esteem and usefulness, the value matters.

It is measured by the following parameters: diameter, volume and circumference of the penis. Find out the norms and deviations here.

Sometimes even educated and successful men define the size of dignity as an indicator of leadership and masculinity. Watching from the sidelines, they figure out who has more and consider themselves to be obviously losers. To refute or verify their own inferiority, the representatives of the stronger sex measure their "friend" with the palm of their hand, or determine the length of the foot for "accurate" indicators.

According to statistics, about 30% of the men surveyed are satisfied with the size, while the rest are complex and think that it is small. There are also those who buy packs of Viagra and break into plastic surgery clinics in the hope that they will be understood and their wishes taken into account.

Is there a "reference" standard for the penis in terms of medicine? We find out under the following heading.

Reference standard

Norm for all ages

In newborns, it barely reaches 5 centimeters. It enters the active phase of growth in adolescents, and the peak of a sharp increase is considered to be 14-15 years. After the age of 17, the penis grows slowly but steadily.

According to medical data, the standard standard balances in amplitude from 12 to 18 cm. A value of less than 12 cm is considered small, but you should not be upset, you can still live with such an indicator. More than 18 cm is considered enlarged, and doctors define less than 8 centimeters as. Such dimensions are considered anomalous, and they require heightened attention from sexologists, endocrinologists, urologists.

The parameters of the normal size also depend on belonging to a particular race. In Africans, proportions are most often fixed more increased than in the Caucasoid race, while in the Mongoloid race it is slightly smaller.


The average penis diameter is from 10 to 16 centimeters.

The table will allow you to determine the maximum and minimum values, as well as their prevalence among males.

Number of men (percentage) Circumference (cm)
3 Less than 7.5 centimeters
1 7 — 9
7 9 — 10
23 10- 11
36 11- 13
21 13 — 14
7 14 — 15
0,5 Over 15


The second column in the penis size table indicates the averages, and the third indicates the lower threshold.

Age Member size in centimeters
Averages Average proportions with deviation
Premature newborn babies
30 weeks 2.5+0.4 1.5
34 weeks 3.0+0.4 2.0
Term newborn babies 3.5+0.4 2.5
0 to 5 months 3.9+0.4 1.9
6 to 12 months 4.3+0.8 2.3
1 to 2 years 4.7+0.9 2.6
2 to 3 - 5.1+0.9 2.9
3 to 4 - 5.5+0.9 3.3
4 to 5 - 5.7+0.9 3.5
5 to 6 - 6.0+0.9 3.8
6 to 7 - 6.1+0.9 3.9
7 to 8 - 6.2+1.0 3.7
8 to 9 - 6.3+1.0 3.8
9 to 10 - 6.3+1.0 3.8
10 to 11 - 6.4+1.1 3.7
Over 11 — 13.3+1.6 9.3

Growth disorders are associated with multiple causes, such as:

  • predisposition at the genetic level;
  • failures in development;
  • violation of the production of hormones;
  • underdevelopment of the cavernous bodies.

Sometimes the underdevelopment factor is not detected.

Causes of unreasonable complexes and fears

The main reasons for underestimating the true value are considered to be failures in personal life. Most ladies are satisfied with the dignity of their men. However, there are picky ones who also dream of "king size".

What length is considered normal or average?

We quote from the same publication:

  • 8.8 cm gives a normal value in the normal position;
  • up to 12.9 cm grows in an excited state;
  • 9-10 cm are normal penis thickness parameters.

It has been established that there is no relationship between the dimensions of the phallus in resting and tense moments due to individual features in men. The increase in age also does not play an important role (the decrease by the age of 70 does not exceed 1 cm).

Size XXL - a dream come true or fairy tale torture?

Large dimensions raise self-esteem to the vastness of the galaxy. How do you really live with the Great and Mighty?


  • discomfort during sex;
  • difficulty in choosing trousers and underwear;
  • incidents on the beach, in public transport.


The length is measured with a full erection, preferably with tension, detecting the moment of climax. It depends on the physical condition, and on the psychological.

When erect, the phallus works wonders, increasing by 2-3 times. In a calm state, one should not make hasty conclusions, because small penises in an erect form often overtake larger dignity.

To measure, you need to make a measurement with a ruler from the pubis to the end of the head. The diameter of the penis is measured with a centimeter tape, applied to the middle of the organ, the final result is displayed in the form of a circle.

But circumference and girth are not the same thing. Therefore, the result must be divided by the number pi (3.14). This is explained by the fact that the body does not have ideal contours.

Particularly curious take on the following formula:

(Length of the organ * circumference squared) / (12.5). The highest accuracy of numbers can be derived only by repeatedly checking the parameters in different states, external factors, time intervals. After receiving several data, you can display the average value.

Influence of external, age factors

A group of scientists from Saudi Arabia took up the study of the topic seriously. 778 volunteers from 20 to 82 years old in urological laboratories were able to participate in the analysis. Minors and boys with specific diseases of the genital organs were excluded from the study. Participants were injected with an erection-enhancing drug, measured, and the results were as follows:

  • the size of the penis, starting from the skin on the pubis and ending with its cap, reached a result of 12.53 centimeters;
  • the size of the penis from the pubic symphysis to the end was 14.34;
  • thickening of the phallus - 11.5.

Based on the results of calculating the ratio of body weight with its growth (the value is 29.09), it was found that the higher the BMI, the

smaller than the phallus. A weak decrease in the organ occurs with increasing age.

Length VS Width

The strong sex often assumes that everything is decided by the length. Women, on the contrary, pay attention to the width.

The reason is the girl's vagina, reaching only 10 cm in depth, which is not always convenient with great dignity. With a wide organ, there is intense pressure on the clitoris, labia, when entering the vagina, which helps to achieve pleasure without additional stimulation.

What do the experts think?

It is necessary for doctors to measure the phallus correctly, especially when a patient seeks surgical intervention. Accurate data help in the selection of the prosthesis. Only patients with erectile dysfunction cause difficulties, but an experienced eye has already been trained in this matter.

Micropenis is very rare, most men have a normal average penis diameter. The reason is only in the psycho-emotional state: shyness, suspiciousness, complexes.

Accurate knowledge of their indicators helps to choose condoms, because slipping leads to sperm leakage, and squeezing leads to rupture of the material.


No matter how big or small, a man is not always able to evaluate it objectively. It is not the parameters themselves that matter, but the ability to competently manage it, as well as the tenderness and care that a man gives to his partner. If he and she are incompatible outside of sex, then the size chart will definitely not help here.

Still dissatisfied with external dignity? Are you shaking before getting closer to your beloved? So it's time to work on yourself. If you can’t cope, then the services of a psychologist, a sex therapist to help. Stop, understand that nature did not just create your appearance, your body. You are unique, that's your thing.

The size of the penis of a potential partner has always excited the minds of women. Before the X hour, when a man takes off his clothes, everyone wants to know what to count on. There are many myths and legends that will teach you how to determine the size of a penis by external signs. In some cases, such a method can really work and get to the point, but, as practice shows, most of the methods turn out to be unreliable.

Low testosterone in adolescence makes it impossible to have an impressive penis

Determining the size of a penis according to the external data of a man is like guessing on coffee grounds: interesting, but not reliable. In fact, the penis size does not depend on any physical data. Penis size is determined by:

  • the activity of sex hormones during puberty;
  • genetics;
  • influence environment.

The most important factor influencing penis size is genetics. As a rule, there are differences in the average size of the penis among residents of different countries. Thus, Asians are somewhat smaller in size than Europeans, who, in turn, show smaller sizes compared to black men.

Disturbances in the production of sex hormones during adolescence can lead to the development of diseases. This can negatively affect the development of the genital organs.

Another important factor is the action of the environment. So, if a man grew up in an industrial area with poor ecology, it is likely that the size of his penis will be smaller than average. The same happens if a person was sick for a long time in childhood and took strong drugs for a long time, for example, corticosteroids.

Appearance sizing

This method has a subjective opinion and is not confirmed by anything from a medical point of view.

There are many beliefs about how to determine the size of a male penis. All of them are far from the truth. The fact is that studies conducted by sexologists and andrologists have shown that there is no relationship between physical features (height, nose shape, leg size) and the size of the penis.

Urologists dealing with multiple penises daily different forms and sizes based on own experience argue that it is impossible to predict the size of the penis in appearance.

Thus, the only correct answer to the question of how to determine the size of the penis is not. The most reliable way is to undress a man and see for yourself, or arm yourself with a ruler.

Some women claim that physical parameters allow you to accurately guess the size. However, doctors tend to assume that this is due to a mere coincidence, in reality there is no relationship between the size of the fingers or feet and the length of the penis.

Foot size and penis size

Women have always been interested in how you can find out the size of the penis without close contact with a man. Hence the myths that the size of the penis depends on the size of the shoes. In general, this myth came from one old printed edition, in which a table of these ratios was presented. According to this table, men with size 43 feet (foot length about 270 mm) should have a penis measuring 18.5-19 cm.

Statistical data obtained on the basis of a survey of European men made it possible to highlight two facts:

  • the most common leg size is 43;
  • the most common penis size is 16 cm.

As you can see, according to statistics, in a man with a 43 foot size, the size of the penis should be about 16 cm, if we take the average data. According to the myth, the length of the penis with this shoe size should exceed 18 cm.

The reality is even more unexpected. So, a survey of 100 men with 43 foot sizes showed that in people with such data, the size of the penis ranges from 13 to 19 cm. In other words, a man with a size 43 can turn out to be both a sexual giant and the owner of a penis of a normal average size.

Conclusion: the method should not be trusted. At least in order not to be disappointed, because 46 leg size does not guarantee a penis of 23 cm. It is quite possible that with such big size the feet of the penis will be modest in size.

It should also be noted that the size of the foot most often depends on the height of the man. Height is another criterion for assessing the size of a potential partner's penis.

Is height related to penis size?

This is a myth, often little guys have a manhood of very impressive size.

The height of a man is determined by genes and the activity of somatotropic hormone, under the influence of which the tubular bones of the extremities increase. However, this hormone has no effect on the size of the penis, despite the fact that many men believe the opposite.

There is an opinion that the taller a man is, the larger his penis. Despite the fact that many women like to think that you can find out what size a man's penis is just by looking at height, however, this is another questionable method, like determining the size of the legs. To refute this myth, just look at famous porn actors. A large penis is often found in men of medium and even short stature, however, as well as in tall men. However, a man with a height of 190 cm can also be the owner of a penis of modest size.

Lip sizing

Verify with this method only possible in practice.

Another interesting way to determine the size of a man's penis is to analyze the size of the lips. Here, by the way, the opinions of women differed: some believe that the larger the lips, the longer the penis, while others argue that the size and plumpness of the lips indicate the thickness of the penis.

You will have to check this method personally, since there is no single statistics. However, many women claim that men with thin lips often have a large penis.

What lips can really indicate is sensuality and behavior in bed. Owners of plump lips pay more attention to kisses, but men with thin lips, oddly enough, are more relaxed in bed.

Hand sizing

There are several ways to determine the size of a male penis by hand:

  • according to the width of the palm;
  • by the distance between the fingers;
  • by the size of the forearm;
  • thumb size.

Here it is immediately important to make an adjustment for the type of employment of a person. In a man who works a lot with his hands, his fingers thicken over time, so the method may not work.

Women advise how you can find out the size of a penis by hand - for this you just need to look at the palms of a man. The distance from the beginning of the middle finger to the wrist is the approximate size of the penis. The problem is that not all men have large hands, since the size and shape of the palms are genetically determined. So, if a man went with a physique to his mother (ectomorphic physique), he is likely to have small palms and long narrow fingers. The size of the penis does not depend on the physique, therefore, despite the small palms, a man can have a quite impressive penis, so you should not rely on this method completely.

Knowing how to find out the size of a penis by the size of a man's legs, you can transfer this scheme to the forearm. This is convenient if it is not possible to visually determine the size of the foot. The distance between the elbow bend to the beginning of the wrist is equal to the length of the human foot. Estimating the length of the forearm, we can assume that the term will be equal to about ⅔ of the value obtained.

There are two ways to determine the size of a penis on the fingers. The first of these is the measurement of the distance between the thumb and forefinger of the hand. A man needs to fold his fingers with a “gun”, that is, so that a right angle forms between the thumb and forefinger. The size of the penis will be equal to the distance from the thumbnail to the tip of the index nail, that is, it is necessary to visually “complete” the triangle and evaluate the resulting side.

Another way to determine penis size by hand is to look closely at the thumb. It is this size that a man's penis will be in a calm state. During an erection, it increases by 2.5-3 times, that is, it will be approximately three times the length of the thumb in length.

Many women claim that the thumb not only indicates the size of the penis, but also serves as an excellent marker for the thickness of the penis. The thicker the finger, the larger the diameter of the penis.

Definition by skin color

The genetics of African-American men allows them to have a larger manhood

To determine how big a member is, you can use the following data:

  • in yellow-skinned men - 12-13 cm;
  • Europeans - 15-16 cm;
  • blacks - 19 cm or more.

It is also believed that in order to determine the size of a guy's penis, it is necessary to take into account in what climatic conditions he grew up. So, in men from the north, the penis will be on average 2 cm smaller than in people with the same data, but living in the south.

Determining the size of the nose

Another popular way to determine penis size by external signs is to pay attention to a man's nose. A small snub nose indicates a penis of modest size. A nose with a “potato” is a sign of a penis of impressive volume, but of medium size. But a protruding nose is a sign of that very masculinity. True, this method is mercilessly criticized by the women themselves, since very often the system fails, and the owner of a small nose turns out to be a real sexual giant.

Along with the nose, ears are widely used as a marker of the size of manhood. Here, too, everything is simple - the larger the ears, the longer the penis.

How to measure a penis?

Men who are worried that a woman will just look at their arms or legs and understand everything right away can conduct their own experiment and find out if all these schemes that teach girls how to find out the size of a guy's penis work.

To properly measure the size, it is necessary to stand up and deflect the erect penis so that it is parallel to the floor. Then a ruler or centimeter line is applied to its upper part, measuring from the base to the head.

And then you can compare the received numbers with the size of the legs, nose, fingers, etc. As practice shows, a set of certain appearance features does not allow you to accurately determine the size of a penis, but sometimes this method works by a lucky chance.

Note to girls: the most accurate way to find out what penis size is to ask the guy of interest directly, or “meet” his penis in an intimate setting.

No matter how big a guy's dick is, it's a good idea to get to know the person better and then decide if size really matters.