Dream interpretation of a large sexual organ. What if you dream of the genitals? Manhood of a woman

  • 23.09.2019

In his dreams, a person can see a lot: visit a fictional world, learn to fly, etc. But it happens that the Kingdom of Morpheus takes a person far beyond the bounds of decency. Why is the male organ dreaming? Dream Interpretations give different interpretations to this image. It is worth understanding.

The images of most dreams are born deep in the subconscious. Therefore, it is worth considering what a person has been thinking about recently and what he has seen during the day.

To understand this issue, it is necessary to take into account a number of details: gender, age of the dreamer and other circumstances. Most dream books pay great attention to this.

Many dream books do not give such an image any positive forecasts for the future, but on the contrary, they believe that this is a symbol of great disappointment, the evil eye and black magic.

  • If a virgin girl managed to see the male organ in her dreams, most dream books personify this plot with puberty and hidden sexual desires. But if in a dream the male genital organ scared the girl, then in reality a series of troubles will have to be experienced, perhaps they will be associated precisely with the first sexual contact. Notoriety can be fixed on a young girl for a long time;
  • To see the genitals in a man's dream. There are many interpretations of this situation. One of them is an inferiority complex. It can be caused by an unsuccessful love affair or sexual contact with a mistress, which is sometimes better not to remember. The image intensifies if in a dream a man watched his organ;
  • I dreamed of a large genital organ - ahead of the dreamer, serious troubles and obstacles await life path. It is also possible to betray a loved one, which will drive the sleeping person into depression for a long time. Also, dream books do not recommend moving away from the help and advice of friends;
  • To see the male genital organ in a dream for a mature woman. This dream symbolizes complete sexual dissatisfaction. Also, a woman yearns for the times of youth;
  • To see the organ of your relative is in trouble. It is worth waiting for the deterioration of the financial situation in the family and problems at work;
  • If the young lady managed to contemplate the organ of a man unfamiliar to her, then in reality she will meet the man of her ideal. But this meeting will not bring anything good, but will only leave pain and disappointment in the soul. Married women dream books recommend not to lose your head, since cheating on your spouse will only bring negative consequences. For men, this image is interpreted by dream books as a deception of friends and loved ones. You may fall for fraudulent tricks;
  • I dreamed of a gigantic organ - to a pleasant pastime with a loved one alone. For young girls free from relationships, this image marks a fateful meeting;
  • Looking at the genitals of a friend - to betrayal. The interpretation of a dream applies to both men and women;
  • Seeing the body of your boss is hard work. Also, your superiors can set you up to put "their man" in your place;
  • Older people see this image when regrets about missed opportunities in their youth break out. Regret that you can't get anything back. Dream books also mark a meeting with unpleasant people or past enemies;
  • A very strange image when the genitals are not in their place. He warns of a quarrel with loved ones from scratch. Disagreements are unlikely to be avoided, but you can easily mitigate their consequences;
  • See in a dream the organ of an adult man on little boy- to deceit and gossip behind your back in real life.

Interpretation of a dream according to Miller's dream interpreter

Gustavus Hindman Miller believes that the male sexual organ in dreams symbolizes good luck in business. You will also discover unexpected talents that will surprise the people around you very much. If you use this opportunity wisely, you can achieve unprecedented heights.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud pays great attention when interpreting hair in intimate area. The hair on the organ symbolizes the dreamer's increased sensitivity and sexuality. And shaving your hair - in reality, a meeting with a new sexual partner is possible. Remove hair from intimate places - Dr. Freud believes that it is necessary to put an end to boring relationships that not only do not bring any moral satisfaction, but also moral.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - interpretation of a dream

  • If a woman in her nightly dreams watched the male genital organ, then in reality she completely feels safe with her loved one. Also, this image marks good luck in business;
  • For a man, this dream is very ambivalent for interpretation. If you see your genitals, then the reputation will remain clean, no matter what happens. Such a man is surrounded only by the most devoted people. And if you see someone else's genital organ, then the reputation will be lost. This man has let "wolves in sheep's clothing" into his life, who keep in touch with him only for personal gain. It is worth looking at your surroundings. Intrigues are possible behind your back, so you should once again protect yourself in order to save a place in the sun. In addition, it is worth considering carefully every minute of your life.

We all have sexual organs, and we all use them for their intended purpose. Without them, humans and animals would not be able to reproduce. The genitals are the source of all life and the sign of sex.

Sex is a topic that can no longer be forgotten modern society and world media. It is not surprising that many dreams are associated with sexual fantasies.

Contrary to all expectations, erotic dreams about female or male genitals are not necessarily interpreted as a hidden desire for sex. Such dreams can indicate completely different things inherent in the dreamer. What the female genital organs dream of will depend on many details.

Sexual organs in a dream

Intimate parts of the body in a dream are not just some kind of messages. They can indicate a person's sex life. Thus, if sexual organs, whether male or female, were dreamed of in a dream, then such a vision always has a direct connection with the own sexuality of a particular dreamer.

If you see in a dream not only your own, but also the genitals of another person, then this indicates an attraction to this particular person. According to the dream book, female genitalia, like male ones, are a symbol of a sexual nature, a tool sexual activities. But there are other interpretations.

Mutilated genitals in a dream may indicate a possible promiscuous sexual relationship in the past or in the present. If you see injured, mutilated or even amputated genitals in a dream, then this may be the result of some unpleasant events from the past.

If there are no sexual traumas, then such dreams may indicate a violation of the perception of one's own sexuality.

Looking for an answer to the question of what the female genital organs dream of, you should turn to folk dream book. It says that to see this part of the body, moreover, sick or injured - for the upcoming novel in the near future.

According to Sigmund Freud, dreams about sexual organs have a symbolic ambiguity. Along with the obvious sexual attitude, we are talking not only about bodily love, but also about the innermost desire of each person - the desire for love.

Sexual organs dream of women

Speaking about what a woman's genitals dream of, it is worth noting that such dreams may indicate a desire to have a child in reality. Sometimes women see similar dreams shortly before the onset of menstruation. The body is already making it clear to the brain, sending signals in a dream that critical days will begin soon.

If a woman in a dream dreamed of male genital organs on herself, then the subconscious mind encourages the dreamer to do more with her male side. In this case, in a dream, a woman meets her opposite "I".

If the genitals dream of a man

V male dreams genitals often indicate their own performance and vitality. In addition, the penis is directly related to male power and the ability to act. The male genital organ in a dream denotes the dreamer's sexual potency. This means a kind of superiority in society in reality and self-confidence.

Seeing your own genitals in a dream is a sign that the dreamer in reality will not encounter rivals or obstacles in his endeavors and plans.

If a man sees a female genital organ on himself in a dream, then this may be a signal that the dreamer has some feminine qualities.

Male genitalia versus female

The male sexual organ always symbolizes power, potency and vitality. Penises in a dream in most cases are associated with assertiveness and determination in real life. In addition, such erotic dreams indicate sexual thoughts or desires that will suddenly come in reality.

The female genital organ symbolizes female sexuality. It can indicate intimate needs in reality, as well as specific traits associated with mental activity. These include, for example, fantasy and imagination, which should be given more attention.

Instead of the genitals, you may dream of some other objects that are very similar in shape. First of all, certain foods should be included here, for example, in men it is:

  • banana;
  • pasta;
  • snake.

And in women, these are strawberries or cherries.

Basically, people dream of genitals if they want to go to the toilet during sleep. Also, physical pleasure can be expressed by an erotic dream.

Dreams involving the genitals in other cultures

In almost all cultures, the male sexual organ is interpreted as a symbol of fertility and a sign of masculinity. The penis in a dream denotes strength, vitality and the source of life.

The Greek interpreter of dreams Artemidoros saw the image of his son in the phallus. An amputated penis or a member freed - torn off from the body, was considered for him a symbol of happiness, which indicated future success. But he considered hairy genitals a symbol of aggression.

Seeing a female genital organ in a dream is a symbol of femininity and motherhood in almost all cultures. also in male dreams the vagina acts as a female power which operates in man.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when looking for an interpretation of what the female or male genital organs are dreaming of, it is worth considering that everything here will depend on many details. When interpreting, every nuance must be taken into account.

Dream interpretation genitals

What is the dream of the sexual organ? The dream book suggests that the image seen does not always resemble reality, and therefore it will have to be correctly interpreted.

You should start by dividing your plot into small parts, and only then proceed to deciphering from the dream book. If you did it right, then getting an accurate forecast will not be long in coming.

The main thing is not to distort the events that are taking place, but to try as sincerely as possible to answer the questions that arise, no matter how unpleasant they are.

Distinctive features

Sleep promises conflicts and humiliation

As the dream book paints, the genitals are a symbol not only of sexual dissatisfaction, but also of the unrealized potential of the dreamer. His spiritual aspirations do not lead to any positive effect, and therefore the problem only worsens.

What does Miller say?

It is important to delimit the seen plot so that unnecessary questions do not appear later. Miller's dream interpreter focuses on whose genitals the sleeping person could see:

  • men - to prolonged conflicts and confrontations;
  • women - you can be offended or humiliated.

What they were doing?

Correct interpretation is impossible without a detailed description of your plot. Many dream interpreters pay attention to the key action of sleep.


Warning that the new connection will fail

If you dreamed about how you touch your genitals, then in real life there will be an unwanted connection, leading to disappointment. Your task is to think several times before you start making any promises to another person.


Washing an intimate organ, according to a popular interpreter of dreams, is a sign of getting rid of an imposed point of view. You need to learn to critically perceive incoming information so that there are no problems in the future.


Kissing or sucking the genitals - to get into an extreme situation. The dream interpreter advises to think over the plan of your trip in advance so that later it does not bring you unpleasant surprises.

Cut off

See someone cut off their manhood- to unjustified humiliation. The dreamer should try to minimize contact with suspicious individuals, as they may spread rumors behind their backs.

The prospect of new horizons and opportunities

Size matters?

For every man, the size of his dignity is of great importance, and therefore it is so important to remember him.


I dreamed of a long phallus - you have long wanted to get meaningful thing that will take life to the next level. Despite the fact that your life is comfortable, you should always set new horizons for yourself, no matter how frightening they may be.


According to the dream book, a small penis reflects satisfaction with one's own life. The dreamer does not need public approval, and he is not afraid of any conflicts.


Seeing genitals in a dream - it's time for you to make some adjustments in your life. To get a competent interpretation, you will have to remember some features of the storyline.

Under what circumstances did you see the genitals? The interpreter highlights several options:

If you dream of a male phallus, then it must be correctly interpreted. Some dream books write that this symbol is a reflection of creativity and business reputation. Whose organ did you see?


The sight of your reproductive organ should alert you, as it portends possible problems with its own reputation. You should not let suspicious people into your environment.


Why dream of someone else's sexual organ? For the fair sex like a dream can be interpreted in different ways. To see atypical genitals in herself - soon she will become a mother. If you were not planning on having a baby, then it makes sense to worry and use the appropriate protective equipment.

Dream Interpretation promises fierce competition

I dreamed of someone else's phallus - to the beginning of open rivalry. Most likely, another woman will appear in family life, and the further outcome of the relationship will depend on you. By showing initiative, one can not only maintain, but also strengthen the current relationship. The husband's penis reflects an excess or lack of protection. If the problem is not solved, then it makes sense to start a heart-to-heart conversation and talk about your problems.

Female reproductive organs

The plot of some dreams is not always easy to interpret, and therefore it is so important to pay attention to the female genitalia. Who saw them?

strong floor

If a representative of the strong half of humanity dreams of female genitalia, then in reality someone needs protection. You need to assess the current situation and determine who really needs help.

However, you will have to choose the right tactics of behavior without excessive invasion of personal space.


Whose organs did you see? The dream interpretation identified several typical options:

Vision prediction of a possible intimate relationship

  • their own - to an intimate relationship;
  • strangers - to the appearance of a rival in a relationship.

If a young girl felt pleasant sensations in a dream, then, according to the dream interpreter, she will be able to realize interesting idea. Man on the way spiritual development, must understand the dreamed image as a sacred sign that reflects the original source of being.

Terrible interpretations

The erotic dreams that some dreamers dream about may not always bring pleasure. In some dreams, the images seen are repulsive and suggestive bad thoughts. They saw the sewn-up labia - a sign that you are not yet ready for the serious business that you have been planning for so long.

Vision Means Serious Profits

Why dream of a big penis? Such a dream does not just happen, but is a reflection of inner experiences that are deeply rooted in the soul. Your task is to try to relive such emotions and only then will you be able to get rid of this oppression.

Seeing bleeding genitals is a sign of events concerning loved ones and relatives. According to another interpretation, the dream image is a harbinger of serious illness. If such a dream came to you at night, then after waking up, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Long hair in the crotch area is the first sign of incredible profits. If you have never seen so much money, then you will have to learn how to properly manage it. Otherwise, you are in danger of poverty.

Despite the above interpretation, the presence of hair in these places is a reflection of practicality and earthiness, which manifests itself even in outlook on life. Why is the genitals removed in a dream? According to the Muslim dream book, the image that came in a dream predicts the loss of the current position or position in society. You will have to make a lot of efforts to manage to save a place under the sun.

If the penis fell off in a dream, then in reality the dreamer is threatened not only by financial collapse, but also by the possible death of close relatives. Feel like a snake has bitten into an intimate place - a symbol that portends betrayal or sudden love.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A special favor of the spiritual path (pure higher egregor) is for the spiritual neophyte seeker (for a man).

Sleep online - Genital organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sleep Online - Sex Organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the wife's genitals is a hassle.

The meaning of the dream - Sexual organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of the dream - Sexual organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For sleeping. Men's at home - a reputation for a man, future children for a woman. Men's in others - deceit, treason for a woman. Loss, enmity for a man. female organs- for men protection, protection, business offers. For women, connection, someone to surrender.

Dream Interpretation: what organs dream of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you saw the internal organs of a person, then in reality be prepared for an unpleasant conversation. Female genital organs in a dream - calmness and tranquility in real life, the appearance of a child in the family, the presence of a rival or sexual dissatisfaction. Someone will expose your guilt ...

Dream about genitals

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about them portends shame, dishonor, humiliation, shame.

What does the dream in which the genitals (female) dream mean

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of sleep about female genital organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For a man - good, protection, realization of the plan. For a woman - a love affair. Rival.

Dream about Organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Organs to see and play on them - marks the death of one of the relatives. Hearing the game of another on them is profit and inheritance.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Genital organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your genitals in a dream for a man is taking care of your reputation. For another man - to lose something or be at enmity with someone. If a woman sees male genital organs in her dream, she will soon have children. In men…

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This image may indicate that creative ideas are ready to manifest themselves. Stale popcorn - says that the end of the case did not bring satisfaction.

Dream - Sex organs - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your own genitals is a sign of concern about your attractiveness, your strength. Seeing the genitals of another person is a desire for acquaintance, possession. Damaged organs - a disease, an insult.

Dream Interpretation: what organs dream of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The organ of the body is a member of the family, and if his organs fall off, then he will be separated from his family, or break off relations with her, or go on a trip.

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Internal organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Worry about your health.

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of the genitals

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your own genitals is a sign of concern about your attractiveness, your strength. Seeing the genitals of the opposite sex is a desire for acquaintance, possession. The penis or vagina is smeared with dirt - gossip, secret malice. Damaged organs - a disease, an insult. To see a huge penis - ...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Female genital organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They appear in dreams as containers that can contain something: bottles, vases, boxes, suitcases, cans. Some symbols are more closely connected with the organs of childbearing: this is a cave, a furnace. Activities that are substitutes for sexual intercourse: dancing, horseback riding, endless climbing stairs. The meanings of these...

If you had a dream - Genital organs, genitals

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see the genitals of the opposite sex in a dream - this dream means that you will have some difficulties on sexual grounds. I dreamed of the genitals of the same sex - this indicates your future sexual dissatisfaction. Touching the penis, the female labia…

If you had a dream - Organs

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The body of your organs - you may have chronic diseases. Alien - you are encouraged to think not only about yourself, but also about others. Animals, but not in the form of food - there will be an opportunity to radically change something in your life.

Sleep Online - Wife

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The wife is pregnant - she says that she has connections on the side. The wife beats you - misfortune, trouble. The wife sees a dragon - portends the birth of a noble offspring. The wife gives her husband water - happiness. Wife and husband give each other combs - ...

Article author: site

How beautiful and amazing is the world of our dreams! Sometimes dreams are not only beautiful or frightening, sometimes they can be quite unexpected.

Our body is a unique and inimitable complex of various organs and their systems. Each of them plays a special role in our existence. Nervous, circulatory, reproductive, respiratory system– they all function daily for our benefit.

Since ancient times, one part of the human body has become associated with procreation, with constant movement forward. This organ is the penis. For many nationalities, the image and totems of a member symbolized fertility on the one hand and purposefulness on the other.

Of course, this image is very ambiguous and can cause various emotions, especially if you saw it in a dream. In fact, the meaning of this symbol is multifaceted and will depend on the circumstances of the dream, as well as on the gender of the dreamer. Thus, you should pay attention to many details in a dream:

  • The gender of the dreamer.
  • Organ sizes.
  • Appearance.
  • Your emotions.

Unexpected Visions

So, in order to figure out why you dream about this part of the body in a dream, you should first of all consider who had the dream. If a girl saw a dream, then such a vision, as she says Women's dream book, promises her good beginnings. Soon a new one will start at work, interesting project in which she is happy to participate.

But if a man saw such a dream, then this means that he is too worried about his masculinity. Remember that courage is manifested in actions, so try to be more responsible and independent.

Next, it is worth remembering the dimensions of the organ that you happened to see in night dreams, as this will significantly affect the interpretation. So, a dream in which you saw a small penis indicates that you need the support of others. Your self-esteem is below average, so you need approval and praise.

If a girl dreamed that her young man small size penis, then such a vision, as the Wanderer's dream book says, means that the girl is distrustful of her man. You need to believe in his abilities, his activity and determination, and then he will demonstrate all these qualities to you.

A big dick is dreaming as a symbol of your self-confidence and power. You are a person capable of becoming an influential and status leader. The main thing, as the Wanderer's dream book says, remember that power and money are not the most important thing in life.

Further, studying what this part of the body is dreaming of, it is important to remember it appearance and condition. Seeing an exhausted organ means that at the moment you are in decline. vitality. You need rest and energy recharge.

Seeing an erect penis in a dream, as Miller's dream book says, means that you are active and business-oriented. Such a dream testifies to your fighting spirit and ability to achieve the highest results.

Seeing an organ of a strange shape means that you are a creative and non-standard person. Also, as the Women's Dream Book says, such a dream predicts you attention from men. Ejaculation portends that your business will end successfully. The project you are long time worked, will bring you the expected dividends and career advancement.

Also, in order to find out what the penis is dreaming of, it is important to remember what emotions you experienced from what you saw.

  • If shame seized you, then this speaks of your high moral and moral values.
  • and anxiety at the sight of a member speak of emotional clamps. It's time for you to allow yourself to experience emotions.
  • Aggression or anger in a dream, as the Female Dream Book says, is a symbol of your distrust of the male sex.
  • Sadness and longing symbolize your inner loneliness. You need to be more sociable and open to other people.

Dreams are very unusual and ambiguous. But whatever they are, in order to figure out what they are dreaming of, it is important to analyze them correctly and thoroughly.