What does a woman feel at 13 weeks pregnant. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy

  • 02.07.2020

13 weeks pregnant
For a woman, the 13th week of pregnancy is a reason for joy and even pride - a third of the childbearing period is behind, for many it was the most difficult period in the entire pregnancy. If you were worried about toxicosis, then almost certainly he had already receded. A lot of positive emotions are delivered by fetal ultrasound performed at this time.
If you manage to make a photo image (preferably in 3D format), then there will also be a reason for surprise - your baby is already very similar to a baby, and even in facial features you can already catch the resemblance to mom or dad.
Unlikely, but still sometimes it is possible to establish the sex of the unborn child.
Your tummy is starting to appear. Most often, it is still invisible to others, but the clothes are already becoming tight. Agree, you have never been so pleased with the fact that trousers are hard to fasten. 13 weeks pregnant is the best time to update your wardrobe. Buy pants in a specialized store for pregnant women - comfortable and not restricting movement. Keep in mind - squeezed vessels of the legs and abdomen will exacerbate the load on the veins, which can cause health problems.
With the beginning of the 13th week, a pregnant woman can be congratulated, since a third of this difficult path has already passed. Gradually, irritability passes, and with it the fear for the life of the child associated with spontaneous abortion, i.e. with a miscarriage.
The second trimester is the most pleasant time of the entire pregnancy, since there is no toxicosis anymore. Therefore, it's time to enjoy your pregnancy. In addition, many couples have come to the conclusion that it is in the second trimester that there is an increased sexual desire for a partner, which also cannot but give pleasure. There are still more than 5 months before the upcoming birth, but colostrum is already beginning to be produced in the breast - a nutrient fluid that is the main food for the newborn baby until the mother's milk comes.
Feelings at the thirteenth week of pregnancy are very contradictory. On the one hand, everything is getting better, but it is at week 13 that, as a rule, a fairly common disease in pregnant women manifests itself - candidiasis (thrush). Candida is the cause of thrush. In a passive state, they live in the body of every person. But with failures of immunity and stress (to which pregnant women are so predisposed), they begin to activate and multiply, displacing the normal microflora.
Thrush causes severe itching and cheesy discharge white color which cause a lot of discomfort. But you should not rush to self-medicate, it is better to take the advice of a doctor who will tell you which medications to choose so as not to harm the baby.
Starting from the 13th week, you need to be very careful about food products, since excessive sweets and flour (butter) products will lead to excess weight gain, and this is of no use to either mother or child. It is better to give preference to fresh berries. Be sure to watch your diet and ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body. Calcium is also very important at week 13, but it is better to give preference to vegetable sources: green vegetables, apples, persimmons, kiwi, lentils. If you have cramps, this issue should be addressed immediately.
In addition, you can think about attending special courses in preparation for childbirth. By the way, it is better to do this together with your spouse, since the information received there will bring the couple closer, allow the man to better understand the current state of the woman, and also teach the correct breathing technique and exercises for expectant mothers, which are most often performed in pairs.
Start using stretch mark creams. Risk areas - chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. It's time to take care of yourself. After all, now you are especially feminine and beautiful!

rules future mother for the end of the first - the beginning of the second trimester
1. Since the belly of a pregnant woman at this time becomes a clear property, visible to everyone, she should not neglect the rules of hygiene and comfort of clothing. The most correct thing is to buy loose-fitting things for yourself, change your wardrobe and make basic sets of clothes “for going out” and “for home”. To prevent varicose veins, as well as tendon sprains, reduce the load on the legs, a woman should choose low-heeled shoes for herself, preferably from natural materials, with non-slip soles.

2. The development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy continues very rapidly, the formation of the most important parts of the central nervous system ends. In this regard, a woman expecting a baby should pay great attention to her mood and well-being so that stress, excessive stress, nervousness and irritability would not have their detrimental effect at such a crucial moment.

3. The uterus growing from below presses on the intestines, stomach and diaphragm. A woman sometimes feels that she does not have enough air, she has shortness of breath at the slightest acceleration of movements. In order not to deprive herself and the baby of saving oxygen, the expectant mother should take daily walks, preferably away from highways.

4. Under the influence of a large amount of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, there is a weakening of the intestinal tone, constipation occurs. These unpleasant phenomena, in turn, are undesirable for this period of pregnancy, since crowded intestinal loops put pressure on the uterus, pain and spasms can occur in them. With prolonged attempts to defecate, there is a danger of abortion, since strong straining can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. To get rid of painful constipation, you need to revise the diet: a pregnant woman should not eat a lot of flour and meat dishes to the detriment of fresh salads and fruits. You should apply the so-called "soft" diet - eat more apples, beets, seaweed. Instead of sweets, you can eat prunes, and instead mashed potatoes- stewed cabbage. To regulate the stool, the expectant mother should immediately drink a glass of cool water every morning after waking up. In no case should you take laxatives, put cleansing enemas at all stages of pregnancy, as these manipulations can provoke a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and significantly increase the risk of abortion.

5. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman may develop or worsen hemorrhoids. With constant bleeding of hemorrhoids, they can become inflamed, causing severe pain, disrupting the process of normal digestion. Self-medication is unacceptable here - any candles designed to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation of hemorrhoids can level this useful action great harm to the child. With inflammation, constant bleeding, a woman needs advice and help from a specialist - a proctologist. If the manifestations of hemorrhoids are insignificant, then it's time to perform procedures that will prevent these phenomena from developing into serious complications. Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the prevention of constipation, first of all, so the expectant mother should pay close attention to her own diet.

your baby
The future baby already knows a lot: he smells the food absorbed by his mother, sucks his finger, somersaults, moves his arms and legs, unclenches and clamps his fists. Start communicating with your child: he hears you, feels pain, responds to stimuli, reacts to changes in temperature and lighting, and even smiles, frowns, yawns! And how good he is in his mother's tummy: muffled twilight, warm, soft, cozy, and muffled sounds coming from afar are so soothing!
The baby's limbs gradually lengthen, and, by about the middle of the 13th week of pregnancy, he can reach his mouth with his hands. A very important reflex is developing, which will be necessary for the child after birth - sucking. As a result of sucking movements, part of the amniotic fluid enters the digestive system of the fetus and wave-like contractions begin in the intestines - peristalsis. Of course, the swallowed waters do not carry an energy function, thus only the intestines are prepared for postpartum life - the fetus is nourished exclusively through the vessels of the umbilical cord. The intestines of the crumbs are located in the abdominal cavity, and villi are formed in it, which will take an active part in the digestion of food.
At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, differentiation of the genital organs occurs. If up to this point in both sexes there was a genital tubercle and a genital gap, now in boys the genital tubercle is transformed into a penis, and the genital gap is overgrown. In boys, the prostate begins to develop - the prostate gland, and in girls - there are already more than 2 million eggs in the ovaries.
The head of the baby is large, and on ultrasound it can be seen that it is about a third of the volume of the body of the fetus. But this is not accidental - nature laid down the active development and formation of the central nervous system, brain sections in the period up to the 16th week of pregnancy. The baby already has a cranium, which so far consists of very soft, but rapidly forming cartilaginous plates. The eyes are shifted to the center and the face of the fetus is already acquiring the features of a baby. The eyelids are still tightly closed.
The pancreas of the unborn baby at the thirteenth week of pregnancy begins to produce its own insulin, and the liver already produces microscopic doses of bile.
In addition, from the 13th week, the baby begins laying the tissue responsible for the formation of bones, the “outline” of the first ribs has already been made, bone tissue is laid in place of the limbs and head. All 20 milk teeth of the baby are finally formed and now they will wait in the wings.
The placenta completely took over the functions of the corpus luteum.
A 13-week-old fetus weighs between 15-25 g and has an average "growth" of 7-8 cm. It's hard to believe, but this baby's heart pumps 23 liters of blood per day!

14 weeks pregnant
The second trimester of pregnancy begins - the most fertile time. The greatest risks and fears are already behind us, and the third trimester, which is difficult in the literal sense, is not yet close. It's time to enjoy your pregnancy to remember this wonderful time forever. Start by communicating with the baby - he already hears you, feels your mood and sends response signals, although you still do not feel them.
Very often, the 14th week of pregnancy is called the beginning of the "golden period of pregnancy" (which lasts up to 26 weeks), because by this moment the mother's body has already adapted to the changes that have taken place, and the baby is actively moving, growing and developing.
Now a woman can feel much better and more energetic than she did in early pregnancy. The uterus continues to increase in volume due to the rapid growth of the baby, and the stomach gradually begins to round. Therefore, loose-fitting clothes become mommy's first friend right up to the very birth.
For some women who spend most of their time on their feet, their doctor may recommend wearing a special maternity bandage.
A pregnant woman at 14 weeks pregnant begins to feel faint, vague movements in her uterus. Although, for the most part, these movements are felt peristalsis of the intestines, the mother tends to believe that these are the movements of her beloved baby. The expression on the face of a pregnant woman during this period becomes mysterious - she hears the deepest secrets of the new Universe contained in her body, and is happy that her baby is with her and gives her signs. During this period, as a rule, early toxicosis recedes, if it was present before. The uterus tends to increase upward, and the woman feels relief associated with the disappearance of the increased urge to urinate.
Usually the 14th week of pregnancy is the time for an increase in the tummy. If you are not pregnant for the first time, then it may have happened in previous weeks. And now the stomach has risen higher and noticeably rounded. You are gaining extra weight, but so far this is mainly due to increased blood volumes. However, the baby is actively moving and developing the muscular system, and therefore requires protein from the mother. You may feel constant hunger, but gluttony is now highly undesirable. Know how to correctly compose your diet and diet. Due to the active development of muscle fibers in a baby at week 14, mothers need to include protein-rich foods in their diet. Also, in most pregnant women, week 14 is associated with increased appetite (and even gluttony), which does not leave them even at night. But you need to try to deceive your body by consuming a maximum of light fruits or vegetables at night.
In order to avoid stretch marks, start using a special cream right now. Ideally, you should use products purchased at a pharmacy and designed specifically for pregnant women. It is best if the cream contains vitamin E and collagen - nourishing and building elements for the skin.
The breasts of the expectant mother can increase even more. Now on the surface of the areola - the areola - there are protruding small nodules, which are called Montgomer's glands. The nipple is usually dense, large. The areola and nipple become pigmented, becoming darker in color than before.
At the 14th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel fullness, swelling of the breast, even pain. This is due to the fact that a large amount of colostrum begins to accumulate in the milk ducts, stretching the walls of these ducts. In order to get rid of pain, prepare the breast for lactation, and at the same time - to prevent stretch marks (stretch marks) on the surface of the mammary glands, a woman can perform daily contrast compresses on the chest, alternately with a cold and hot towel, and after the procedure - apply to the skin of the breast natural vegetable oil or baby cream.
It is worth, however, to warn the expectant mother that any manipulations, even hygiene procedures, with the mammary glands during the entire pregnancy should be extremely careful and easy. Any excessive massage movements on the chest, irritation of the nipple and areola can cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and this, in turn, threatens premature termination of pregnancy.
Do not ignore medical examinations - even if you feel wonderful, the doctor may notice signs of trouble and prescribe preventive treatment. The uterus at the fourteenth week of pregnancy is already palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, its upper edge is now about 10-13 cm above the pubis.
The 14th week of pregnancy is already a safer period of pregnancy in terms of exposure to infections and toxins on the fetus. Some medicines that were banned in the first trimester can now be taken safely.
More active sex life is allowed. If you haven't signed up for pregnancy gymnastics classes yet, now is the perfect time. Keep in mind - childbirth, like the process of carrying a pregnancy, requires good physical fitness and endurance from you. Instead of going to the gym, you can purchase a video course with specific exercises. Be careful not to do gymnastics if you feel unwell, and be especially sensitive to symptoms such as abdominal pain and dizziness. A pregnant woman should not limit herself to household chores, especially if they give her real pleasure, and also infringe on herself in positive emotions and movement. You can watch an interesting kind movie, take a walk with your spouse in the park, or buy something for yourself. Also, the expectant mother should involve the future father in her experiences, feelings, and even interests so that he can communicate with the baby. Indeed, thanks to this, after birth, the child will quickly recognize familiar voices and will be calm. Approximately now the woman begins to identify herself with motherhood and try on a new role. You think more about the child, pay more attention to things that you were previously indifferent to, change your life views and values.
From the 14th week, changes in the skin of a pregnant woman may begin, namely the formation or change of papillomas and birthmarks. From this feeling at the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the mood of the expectant mother is not very favorable. Papillomas (soft warts) can change in size (if they were already present before pregnancy) or grow, and birthmarks can darken or change their size. Therefore, in case of changes in existing formations on the skin, you need to show them to the doctor to identify the causes associated with them.
Sometimes pregnant women develop warts - warts in the anus or vagina, the formation of which is associated with the papillomavirus. With this problem, it is also worth contacting a specialist. Condylomas can complicate the course of pregnancy, as well as the upcoming birth, as they can grow strongly, clogging the birth canal, which prevents childbirth. But the most unpleasant thing here is that during childbirth, you can infect a newborn baby with this virus.
Condylomas can and should be treated, and for this there are a variety of methods: conventional and laser surgery, cauterization, freezing and treatment with special drugs. But if condylomas were detected even before pregnancy, then it is better, of course, not to delay treatment and start immediately, since some methods of treating warts are not desirable during pregnancy, besides, the presence of warts distorts the results of a scraping smear.

your baby
The child starts new life It sounds paradoxical, but true. He, as before, is connected with the mother's organism by a strong and reliable umbilical cord, which is the transport hub of the main nutrition, but his vital activity turns from passive to very active. The kid makes a variety of movements, clenching his fists, touching his face with his fingers, tucking his legs, raising and lowering his head - and this process seems to give him pleasure. If we saw the movements of our baby now, we would be very surprised - he sucks his finger, feels his face, tummy, can grab the umbilical cord, stretch, yawn or frown. By the end of the week, children's arms will be proportional to the whole body, but the legs for this have yet to grow. Ultrasound studies of pregnant women at week 14 show that the baby, as it were, listens to the language of his body, sensations, “helps” movements with facial expressions, even tries to express emotions with his face. This, of course, happens unconsciously - true consciousness is still very far away! But the process of mastering the movements has already begun, and it will move forward with truly leaps and bounds. The movements of the baby in the uterus become very active - there is still enough space, and he "trains", freely performing flexion and extension movements with his limbs. The child can somersault, push off the walls of the uterus, but his movements remain spontaneous, involuntary, they obey the simplest reaction of the baby to touching the walls of the fetal bladder and the umbilical cord. The cerebellum continues to form in the brain, and very soon the child will be able to control his movements, choose the most comfortable body positions for him.
At the fourteenth week of pregnancy, a bone skeleton forms in the fetus, the first ribs appear, and during an ultrasound examination, chest movements resembling respiratory ones can already be seen. Of course, he does not breathe yet, but only trains the muscles of the chest and diaphragm, preparing them for the first breath.
Taste sensations are formed - the baby reacts differently to the sweet and sour taste of amniotic fluid.
The rudiments of eyebrows, a well-drawn nose and mouth are visible on the child's face. A lobe is formed on the ears, the ears are on the sides of the head - where they are supposed to be when the baby is born. The baby's cheeks take on a more rounded shape, small lips either stretch, as if smiling, or tighten. The child sometimes opens his mouth, but the eyes are still tightly covered with eyelids, although the eyeballs are fully formed.
An important specificity of the 14th week of pregnancy is the appearance in the baby of the first gun, lanugo. As a rule, by the time of birth, it completely disappears from the skin, but if the child is born prematurely, this fluff can still cover the small body at birth, gradually disappearing from it in the future. The skin on the baby's body is still very thin - through it you can see the blood vessels and internal organs. But already now, at the fourteenth week of intrauterine development, on the surface of the skin of the child, an original lubricant is formed - a thin layer of fat that protects the skin from the effects of amniotic fluid on it. This lubricant is very similar to wax - it adheres tightly to the baby's skin, is not washed off with liquid, and gives the baby's skin elasticity.
All organs are already laid down and functioning.
The thyroid gland produces its own hormones.
From the 14th week, the child's liver begins to independently produce bile, and the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) will be carried out by the spleen of the crumbs. The liver has removed the function of hematopoiesis, it is now engaged in the neutralization of toxins that accidentally enter the body, or are formed during the life of the fetus. The red bone marrow is involved in fetal hematopoiesis. It is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor of a little man (although the composition of the blood has not yet formed) and even the sex of the child (but it is still impossible to determine it on ultrasound). A heart can be heard even with a stethoscope.
The digestive system of the child is fully formed, it even begins to function - however, it is still in the "test" mode, since it is not involved in the processing and digestion of food.
Intestinal peristalsis really happens: at week 14, the small intestine begins to move its first contents - bile.
By week 14, the baby already knows how to produce urine, which is thrown into the amniotic fluid. Another feature that occurs at week 14 is the respiratory movements performed by the baby, the frequency of which is 40-70 per minute.
Sexual glands develop. In boys, the prostate gland is formed. In girls, the ovaries, which originally appeared in the abdominal cavity, descend into the small pelvis.
The baby is already long - 8-10 cm, the weight of the baby is 30-40 g.

15 weeks pregnant

For a woman, the time comes when a second wind opens.
As a rule, by the 15th week, all households have already fully realized and got used to the idea of ​​​​an early addition to the family, thanks to which they provide all kinds of help and support to a pregnant woman. Moreover, the belly at the fifteenth week of pregnancy was already noticeably rounded. A specific gait of a pregnant woman appears - the expectant mother walks, keeping her back straight, as if swaying from side to side with her body. The breathing of a pregnant woman changes - the uterus and internal organs pressing from below do not allow the use of diaphragmatic, downward-directed breathing, and the woman is forced to breathe more often, superficially, increasing the volume of the chest not down, but to the sides.
In this regard, the expectant mother sometimes feels suffocation, dizziness, can easily lose consciousness if she is in a stuffy room or long time forced to sit in an office chair. During this period, a woman should, as often as possible, change her body position, get up, walk, ideally - walk in the fresh air. Wherever the expectant mother is located, fresh air should be, first of all, a prerequisite for her well-being. Before going to bed, it would be good for a pregnant woman to take walks to ensure that the baby has a good supply of oxygen.
The breast continues to fill up, increasing in volume, the nipples gradually darken. A rounded tummy is already visible to the naked eye, as the uterus rises more and more. Now its upper wall is at a distance of 7-7.5 cm below the level of the navel.
In addition, skin pigmentation increases by week 15: freckles, moles, nipples and areolas and a longitudinal line on the abdomen darken. All this is due to the production of melanin, which increases every day. But this is not a reason for excitement, because after childbirth all this will pass.
Moms have already completely got used to many pregnancy symptoms, but they never cease to be surprised at the appearance of new ones. So, for example, persistent nasal congestion can be attributed to hormonal changes and increased blood volume. And although this is not very pleasant, but in general, it is a completely normal condition of a pregnant woman, which has the name "rhinitis of pregnant women."
Starting from the 15th week (or even earlier), you need to use a cream for stretch marks daily. As a rule, they appear on the abdomen, chest and thighs. To avoid their appearance, you need to rub in the morning and evening special cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women.
In the second trimester, women can also pay attention to the condition of their teeth, and if such a problem as caries was not eliminated before pregnancy, then now is the time.
Already with the first signs of rounding of the abdomen, you need to adhere to the correct position during sleep. Gynecologists recommend doing this on your side, bending the upper leg at the knee and stretching the lower one. You can also put small pillows under your knees. This position will ease the pressure on the veins, which will help prevent the development of varicose veins.
The level of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) began to decrease even after the 10th week of pregnancy and is now gradually becoming even lower, and there are no sharp hormonal changes, so your mood is more even and there are much less reasons for tears than it seemed a month ago. At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, you may notice the appearance of absent-mindedness and forgetfulness - all thoughts are now occupied by the future baby and the old values ​​fade into the background. The high hormonal background in the body of the expectant mother makes changes that can be perceived with anxiety by the woman herself. She suddenly becomes forgetful, distracted, forgets important things, loses her umbrellas and handbags. Surrounding close people should be sympathetic to these changes, support the woman, try not to upset her with nit-picking, not make fun of her absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. The woman herself, in order to avoid unpleasant moments, should make it a habit to write down everything that needs to be done in a day.
Feelings at the fifteenth week of pregnancy can be spoiled. The thing is that from the 15th week there are some health hazards for women who have problems with the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, especially if the child being born is a boy. The fact is that boys actively produce the male hormone testosterone, which, if the mother has problems with the adrenal glands, can lead to an imbalance, which will adversely affect the normal course of pregnancy.
However, violations can be prevented with the help of a timely analysis to detect the level of 17-ketosteroids in the urine, followed by (if detected) treatment.
In terms of laboratory tests, the 15th week of pregnancy is the time when you can already take a triple test. It is very important to pass this analysis from the 15th to the 20th week of pregnancy, when its indicators are most reliable. The test is based on determining the concentration of three hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman - AFP (alfafetoprotein), hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) and estriol and allows you to exclude, or vice versa, suspect fetal abnormalities. The test results cannot unequivocally indicate a pathology, but serve as the basis for a more detailed examination in case of deviations from the norm.
Week 15 is the best period for the analysis of amniotic fluid - amniocytosis, on the basis of which one can judge not only the presence or absence of defects in the fetus, but also its blood type, bilirubin level, proteins and hormones, as well as gender. This test is done for women with a negative blood type, genetic diseases, or previous miscarriages. You should not be afraid of this analysis and drag out time, because it is at the 15th week that the uterus is inert, therefore, the procedure is absolutely safe.

your baby
The proportions of the inhabitant of the mother's tummy continue to change. The body is more and more stretched, and the head against its background looks already smaller.
The fetus is actively moving in the surrounding amniotic fluid. It will take its final position in the uterus only at the end of the third trimester, and now it manages to radically change the position of the body in space several times in 5 minutes. The child makes many movements. He can bring his hands closer to his face, clench his tiny hands into fists. Sometimes on ultrasound you can see how the baby sucks his thumb with pleasure. He already has good sensitivity of the skin of the palms, as well as the oral cavity and lips, and with such sucking movements he is preparing for the future meal - sucking on his mother's breast.
The child has a fairly strong skeleton that supports the position of his body and internal organs. The skeleton continues to form, accumulate calcium for the strength of the baby's bones. The limbs and torso begin to stretch. Now the head doesn't seem so big anymore. At the 15th week, the legs catch up with the arms in growth and even become longer than the arms. The eyes continue to move towards the bridge of the nose - soon they will take their usual normal position on the child's face. The baby's ears are formed, the auricles have a completely familiar shape.
The baby's skin is still red, blood vessels are clearly visible under it - even the smallest ones. The skin of the baby's head is gradually covered with vellus hairs, which soon become much denser and thicker than the sparse vellus hair on the baby's body. The whole fruit has a reddish color - the skin is no longer so glassy-transparent.
And inside, the improvement of organs and systems continues.
The baby's heart is already strong enough to fully supply it with blood. It is able to pass through itself up to 22.5 liters of blood per day!
The gallbladder secretes bile, the pituitary gland began to function, the sebaceous and sweat glands began to function, testosterone is released in boys, and the kidneys are actively working.
The fetus urinates into amniotic fluid, which has a unique biochemical composition. They are sterile and are updated up to 10 times a day. The volume of amniotic fluid at the 15th week reaches 100 ml, the temperature is about 37 degrees - the baby is very comfortable. In general, the fetal bladder for the baby is the whole life: food, protection, shelter, comfort, training ground. The baby is increasingly making efforts to prepare for life outside the mother's belly. It develops the lungs, chest, intestines, musculoskeletal system.
If you are lucky, then during the ultrasound you will be able to see the sex of the child - the external genitalia are already quite differentiated, the external ones are still continuing to develop.
KTR (coccyx-parietal size) of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is 90-100 mm, and its weight is about 50 grams. The size of the fruit is comparable to the size of a large orange. If at this time you have to undergo an ultrasound examination, then the focus will be on other dimensions - the parameters of the head and torso. The biparietal size (BDP) at this time is 32 mm, and the perimeter of the skull is 90 mm. The perimeter of the chest at 15 weeks of gestation is 90 mm, and the perimeter of his abdominal cavity is 78 mm. The length of the femur of the fetus is 19 mm.
Simultaneously with the fetus, the size of the uterus also increases. Normally, the height of the fundus of the uterus, that is, the place where its upper limit is determined, is at this time 15 cm above the pubic joint. The uterus is still round in shape, but will soon begin to stretch.
The placenta at the 15th week of pregnancy becomes much thicker, it has a cavity in which the baby fits freely. The baby is in the amniotic fluid, which protects the small body from external influences, creating a cozy, comfortable environment with a constant temperature. Amniotic fluid conducts sound well, and the child hears the voices of mom and dad, music, sounds from the outside. He may already listen to gentle, affectionate sounds, or be irritated by sharp, unpleasant sounds. Amniotic fluid has a certain chemical composition, ideal for the baby. These waters are updated up to ten times a day, this allows you to avoid stagnation in the baby's environment, maintain its sterility and unique mineral composition.

your baby
He no longer looks like a tadpole, but resembles a child in miniature. The head of the child becomes more proportional to the body. The back of the baby is straight, the neck becomes long. The child can raise and lower the head, even turns it to the sides. The coordination of the baby's movements is becoming more and more perfect - he is inclined to make movements that give him pleasure - to touch his face with his hands, to push off from the walls of the uterus with his legs. He already completely controls his movements, knows how to express joy or irritation with them on various occasions. Very soon, the mother will understand by jerks whether the baby likes the environment or not.
At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to actively grow the bones of the limbs, the legs and arms are increasingly stretched in length. At the same time, the muscular system is also being improved - constantly unbending the knees, elbows, hip joints kid is exercising. Immediately after birth, the baby will not be able to move at such an intense pace as it is now, because, as you know, it is much easier to make movements in water.
The muscles of the face also develop - the fetus can grimace, and when performing an ultrasound scan, it is sometimes possible to notice a certain semblance of a smile. Marigolds grow on the tips of the fingers.
At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, researchers for the first time managed to register the reaction of the fetus to the sound. Although the sound-perceiving elements of the ear are not yet completely formed, the fetus may startle at a loud sound, and especially clearly reacts to low tones. Most likely, this reaction is associated with bone sensitivity.
All vital processes in a small organism are seething: the heart is working hard (it beats twice as fast as yours and pumps 23 liters of blood daily), new neurons are formed every second - 5000 at once, urination occurs every 45 minutes.
The respiratory system of the child is not yet perfect and does not work. While the baby is breathing through the placenta. There is no breathing, as such. The lungs will unfold only after birth (after a cry).
Another change in the life of the fetus is the improvement of the hematopoietic system. If before this period only fetal hemoglobin (a special type of hemoglobin that exists only in the prenatal period) was determined in his blood, then the 16th week of pregnancy is marked by the appearance of normal, adult hemoglobin.
Also at the 16th week of pregnancy, there is an increase in liver function - it already produces bile, which enters the intestines. Only after birth, she leaves the body along with the first feces - meconium.
The kidneys of the fetus continue to function actively. They already take on part of the excretory function, somewhat reducing the load on the placenta. The first portions of urine enter the amniotic fluid.
The adrenal glands are currently a large gland. Their cortex makes up about 80% of the mass of the adrenal glands. They can already produce the required amount of hormones. At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the pituitary gland begins to work.
This week, the girl's ovaries descend into the pelvic area - before that they were in the abdominal cavity. A reserve of eggs has already been formed from over 5 million "individuals", each of which has a chance to become your grandson or granddaughter in the future.
The dimensions of the fetus from the sacrum to the crown are already 12 cm, and the approximate weight is 110 g. The biparietal size at the 16th week of pregnancy is 35 mm, and the perimeter of the skull is 102 mm. The perimeter of the chest already reaches 99 mm. The perimeter of the abdominal cavity is 96 mm. The length of the femur at this time is already 22 mm, and the humerus is 21 mm.

The 13th week of pregnancy is another milestone for the expectant mother. All the first worries and worries were left behind, and, it would seem, a period of calm has come, when you can relax, relax and enjoy your new state and status. However, do not forget that there is still a lot of time before childbirth, and a woman may still have difficulties, for example, in the form of edema or constipation. You need to be prepared for them, so the period of calm, which falls on the 13th week of pregnancy, should be devoted to preventive measures.

13th week of pregnancy - what happens during this period?

The 13th week of pregnancy is already a solid period in which the baby inside the mother's womb grows very quickly. During this period of time, the hormones raging in the female body begin to slowly calm down. The expectant mother begins to notice that incomprehensible mood swings are becoming less common, there are fewer emotional outbursts, and the anxieties that arose in the first weeks of pregnancy now seem insignificant and even ridiculous. Frequent urination no longer occurs, the appetite of a pregnant woman at the 13th week of pregnancy improves significantly, nausea associated with toxicosis is practically absent.

It is important for every woman to understand after 13 weeks of pregnancy what is happening in her body, how well the baby develops. At this time, the uterus is already beginning to gradually descend into abdominal cavity. Actually, due to such processes, some displacement of the internal organs occurs, which leads to the occurrence of such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn and shortness of breath. If a pregnant woman walks a lot, she may experience a feeling of severe fatigue and heaviness in the limbs. Therefore, medical experts recommend that women at the 13th week of pregnancy have more rest, do not spend too much time on walks, dose them, and walk at a leisurely pace.

The high tone of the uterus should always be of concern to the expectant mother, and becomes a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. If a woman feels "petrified" in her stomach at the 13th week of pregnancy, she should exclude any exertion, lie down and rest. And at the first opportunity to visit the attending gynecologist.

Belly at 13 weeks pregnant

At 13 weeks pregnant, your baby is literally growing by the hour. The stomach at the 13th week of pregnancy, the photo of which readers can see a little higher, can sometimes ache. Painful sensations arise, as a rule, due to the high tone of the uterus.

In addition to pain in the abdomen with a high uterine tone, strong sips are felt in the lower abdomen. If such situations occur very often, then the best option would be to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the optimal remedy that contributes to the normalization of uterine tone (for example, Ginipral).

If the condition of a pregnant woman during this period of time is not too difficult, then it is enough to simply lie down and rest to relieve pain. In order not to provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to lift less weight, try not to walk in high heels, and not be nervous. All these incidents only contribute to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which, in turn, causes pain to the pregnant woman. By the way, another cause of pain in the lower abdomen at the 13th week of pregnancy is the gases accumulated in the intestines. Revision of the diet, exclusion from your menu of some harmful products that promote gas formation will help to eliminate this problem.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, there is already an external sign of an interesting state of a woman, manifested in a significantly rounded tummy. Although it all depends on individual characteristics female body. Sometimes a rounded tummy at the 13th week of pregnancy looks like a woman just got better.

13 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development and its features

After 13 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus in the mother's womb changes markedly. The completion of the first trimester of pregnancy in the fetus is already visible changes in the internal and external organs. In particular, in a baby during intrauterine development at the 13th week, the following processes occur in the body:

  1. The production of the first insulin by the pancreas begins;
  2. Bone tissue and muscles are formed;
  3. Initial formation of the vocal apparatus;
  4. Gender determination takes place. If at an earlier date only the genital tubercle is visible in the fetus, then at the 13th week of pregnancy it is already transformed into either a clitoris or a penis. In the same period of time, the formation of the prostate gland or germ cells begins;
  5. There is an active formation of the digestive system, villi appear in the intestines of the fetus, which subsequently help the passage of the processes of digestion and nutrition;
  6. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the fetal heart already begins to pump about 23 liters of fluid per day;
  7. The laying of milk teeth in an infant is being completed;
  8. The weight of the fetus is 15-25 grams, while the body of the child grows much faster than the head.

Changes also occur in the emotional and mental spheres of the fetus:

  • The movements of the embryo become more ordered;
  • The baby inside the womb is already beginning to distinguish the smell and taste of the food that the mother eats. It should be understood that during this period of time, the baby develops its own taste preferences, therefore, after birth, he will like or dislike specific food groups, depending on whether their mother ate them at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • The fetus has reactions to the outside world. The child begins to feel touch, hear sounds, distinguish between silence, light and darkness, heat and cold;
  • In the baby during intrauterine development at the 13th week of pregnancy, new interests and skills are formed. For example, during this period of time, he already knows how to swallow, yawn, suck, smile, make funny faces and respond to external stimuli in other ways.

Experts in the field of pregnancy planning and control over intrauterine development of the fetus note that the 13th week of pregnancy is one of the most calm and favorable for a woman. It is at this time that the expectant mother can already begin communication with her baby, because he will hear her, catch intonations, and enjoy emotional contact with the closest person.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant

Every woman needs to know, when doing an ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy, the norms that you should be guided by. This will help determine how significant deviations in the development of the fetus, and whether they exist at all. It should be noted that if before this period of time the pregnancy proceeded without any special complications, then an ultrasound scan at the 13th week may well be the first since conception. After 13 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of the fetus taken during an ultrasound helps to find out a lot of useful information about the condition of the fetus and the features of its development. Such a procedure is a great opportunity to get to know your baby for the first time, to listen to how his heart beats.

Yes, and the doctor during an ultrasound examination will have the opportunity to see and evaluate some factors. For example, by looking at an ultrasound photo at the 13th week of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to assess the vital signs of the fetus, see serious fetal pathologies (if any), and conduct a screening study to detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Ultrasound at the 13th week of the study already helps to determine how many fetuses are in the mother's womb, and most accurately determine the timing of the onset of labor.

Ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy, screening norms

Screening ultrasound standards at the 13th week of pregnancy is a special procedure that doctors recommend to carry out in the period from the 11th to the 16th week. Screening examination is divided into two types - ultrasound and biochemical. The main purpose of such a study is to identify chromosomal diseases in the fetus. During screening, the fetus checks the transparency and thickness of the collar zone, the nasal bone and its dimensions. In addition, during a screening examination, a pregnant woman is tested for the presence of proteins in the blood and to check the hormonal level.

The fetus during ultrasound screening is also checked for the presence of various physical defects. Depending on the results of such a study and the age of the expectant mother, the probability of bearing a sick baby, with the wrong number of chromosomes or other pathologies, is determined. If the screening test scores are 1:350 or lower, then the risk of developing anomalies in the fetus becomes the highest. The screening procedure allows you to determine the presence of possible abnormalities and disorders of the chromosomal structure, but its results do not at all indicate that such abnormalities can provoke the development of fetal pathologies.

Ultrasound video at the 13th week of pregnancy

An ultrasound video at the 13th week of pregnancy shows the doctor not so much the sex of the baby as the presence of possible pathologies in the fetus. After all, any negative conditions in a baby that occur during fetal development are much easier to prevent at an earlier date. In addition, ultrasound video allows you to get a detailed image, with which a pregnant woman can subsequently contact a narrow-profile specialist for advice.

Discharge at 13 weeks pregnant

Allocations in the 13th week of pregnancy gradually change their intensity. In many pregnant women, during this period they become more liquid, intense, but the smell and color do not change. Actually, such a description of the discharge is typical for the 13th week of pregnancy, there is nothing unusual in them. The alarm should be beaten if the discharge during this period of time has become curdled, bubbly, causes discomfort, pain, irritation, itching, burning in the expectant mother. In this case, you should immediately visit your doctor, because all these signs may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy or the presence of genital infections. In addition, changes in the color of the discharge to red, brown, green, yellow and the appearance of a pungent odor are considered dangerous symptoms.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, bleeding can occur quite often, but many of them are not a cause for panic. However, it is still worth visiting a doctor and getting advice from him, since pathological conditions can also be the cause of such bleeding, in particular:

  • Consequences of a hematoma;
  • placenta previa or placental abruption;
  • Physical violations of the integrity of the cervix;
  • The tendency of blood vessels to break;
  • Neoplasms in the genital area and uterus;
  • Falls, severe bruises in the abdomen.

Note that not all of the reasons described are a threat to the fetus, but in order to preserve the health of the unborn baby, it is better for a pregnant woman to play it safe.

Tests at the 13th week of pregnancy

Tests at the 13th week of pregnancy are mainly given to obtain information about plasma protein and the hCG hormone. These tests are part of a mandatory program for the study of the female body and the fetus during pregnancy. Such studies are an integral part of biochemical screening.

The result of the level of hCG allows you to determine that the pregnancy is proceeding normally, as well as to determine whether there are any deviations, defects, fetal growth retardation, and a negative Rh factor in the early stages of pregnancy. All these data must be indicated in the form, however, depending on the laboratory where the study took place, they may differ.

13th week of pregnancy, sensations in the abdomen of the expectant mother

When the 12th week of pregnancy comes, the sensations in the stomach of the expectant mother become familiar and almost imperceptible. With the onset of this period in the body of a woman, the hormones are already calming down, the feeling of nausea practically disappears. At this time, it is better for a woman to deal with the prevention of constipation and edema, as well as stretch marks.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, it is time to think about changing the wardrobe, which should correspond to the condition of the pregnant woman. It is especially important to choose the right bra, because the breasts increase in volume during the bearing of the baby. The bra should fully match the size of the chest, have wide straps - all this will provide good support for the pouring mammary glands.

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Fetus (development, size)

The first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end, and by this time the child's body has achieved tremendous success in its development. A small heart is striking: every day it pumps 23 liters of blood! By this time, all the baby's milk teeth are already fully laid.

But the accomplishments do not end there: at the 13th week of pregnancy, bone and muscle tissue continues to form, and the digestive system of the baby develops. Thus, the first villi are formed in the intestines, which in the future will take part in the digestion and promotion of food. The pancreas is already producing its first insulin. The child's voice apparatus began to form. The sexual organs are increasingly differentiated: this week the genital tubercle lengthens and either gradually turns into a penis, or bends down, forming a clitoris. Sex cells or the prostate gland develop, depending on the sex of the fetus.

The appearance of the child also gradually acquires more expressive features. The torso is gaining momentum in growth - over time it will look more and more large relative to the head. Now the coccyx-parietal size of the fetus averages 7-8 cm, and its weight fluctuates within 15-25 g.

A lot of work has been done on the laying of the main organs and systems, and now the turn of the emotional sphere has come. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is active all the time: he listens, learns new skills, reacts to incoming from outside world signs (sounds and silence, light and darkness, heat and cold, various kinds of touch). Now the baby is more and more awake, falling asleep only for a few minutes and waking up again. Fetal movements are no longer as chaotic as before, and have some order.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby distinguishes the smells and tastes of the food absorbed by the mother. He may not like everything from the proposed menu, but on the contrary, he will love some products very much. Just imagine: he not only knows how to suck and swallow, he is already yawning, smiling and grimacing! The baby is very comfortable in his mother's tummy: it is warm, cozy, calm, soft here, the sounds coming from outside pleasantly lull him to sleep, he is surrounded by a soothing twilight ...

If by this time you have not yet established a tradition of communication with the child, then the transition to the second trimester is the time to do so. The most calm period for mom and baby begins - use every minute of it for your own and his pleasure.


At the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, does not feel sick. The “hormonal rebellion” is over, the body has adapted to the changes that have taken place and got used to the new state. The second trimester is the calmest of all periods of pregnancy: most of the signs, symptoms and ailments associated with the onset of pregnancy are already behind, but still this time cannot be called absolutely carefree. It's time to come to grips with the prevention of stretch marks, constipation and swelling.

By the 13th week of pregnancy, the waist gradually disappears and the tummy is rounded. Most likely, you have already switched to maternity clothes. Otherwise, update your wardrobe now. Pay special attention to the bra: it should be the size of the growing breast and support it well (wide straps can handle this). The breast will grow and fill throughout the entire period: compared with the pre-pregnancy state, its weight by the end of pregnancy will increase at least two or even four times.

uterus at 13 weeks pregnant

Just like the fetus, the uterus is constantly growing, rising higher and higher. it fills almost the entire hip region and rises higher - into the abdominal region. Neighboring organs will have to make room, and some inconvenience will be associated with this in the future: heartburn, shortness of breath and others.

During each examination, the gynecologist will now measure the height of the uterine fundus. It is equal to the number of weeks in centimeters. So, at the 13th week of pregnancy, the uterus has a height of 13 cm, a width of 10 cm. It can already be easily felt, especially if this is not prevented by a thick fatty layer.

In the second trimester, the tone of the uterus will no longer be so terrible - it becomes softer and more elastic, and, as a rule, shrinks for a short time.


At times of increased uterine tone, you may feel sipping and pain in the lower abdomen. In those moments, you just need to lie down and relax. If this happens often, then the doctor will advise you to put candles with papaverine or drink Ginipral, for example. But many mothers do without any medication. Just learn once again not to "excite" your uterus: do not walk in heels, do not carry heavy weights, do not be nervous over trifles.

The stomach can also hurt due to the formation of gases. Track your diet and the presence of such a relationship. Some foods may need to be eliminated from the diet.

For most women, the stomach at the 13th week of pregnancy already betrays their position: it has rounded, or even grown noticeably. But it happens that the tummy is just beginning to appear, and it seems as if you just got a little better.


If abdominal pain at the 13th week of pregnancy is accompanied by spotting, then it is better to warn your doctor about this. Try to limit physical activity for a while, and in case of bleeding, immediately go to the hospital.

It is not at all uncommon for pain on the sides of the abdomen at 13 weeks. This stretches the muscles that hold the uterus, and the uterus itself is stretched all the time. Such pains are not dangerous, but if you are excited, then lie down to rest - it will not hurt.

Pain in the legs, accompanied by cramps in the calf muscles, is a signal of a lack of calcium in the body. Usually, such pain occurs at night. Increase the amount of calcium-containing foods in your diet - this element is now very important. Just give preference to vegetable sources of calcium, since the fontanel quickly ossifies from the animal, which is undesirable during the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Cold at 13 weeks pregnant

If the throat hurts, and besides, the head, and the whole body, and the temperature rises or a runny nose begins, then you need to treat a cold. The likelihood of getting the flu during pregnancy is very high, so crowded places should be avoided, especially at the peak of viral diseases. And although a cold at the 13th week of pregnancy is no longer as dangerous as in the first trimester, its severe course can cause some anomalies in the development of the child and even premature birth. Therefore, do not start a cold, but immediately begin treatment. First, try traditional medicine, and only if the condition worsens, turn to medicines. All your actions should be coordinated with the doctor so as not to harm the baby.


Doctors say that it is not necessary to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. But if it keeps at around 38 C for more than two days or rises, then you need to take an antipyretic. Talk to your doctor about choosing a medicine, it can be drugs containing paracetamol or homeopathic antipyretics.

The temperature at the 13th week of pregnancy can still remain normal at subfebrile levels. You should not worry if at the same time you feel good, nothing hurts, you do not feel this increase in temperature, and it is not accompanied by yellow-green or bloody discharge.


Allocations at the 13th week of pregnancy can change their character. Now they will be more liquid and possibly plentiful. This is normal, the main thing is that the color and smell of the secretions do not change, that is, that they are absent. The reason for going to the doctor should be curdled, bubbling, pungent discharge of yellow, greenish, gray, brown or red color, as well as discharge that causes discomfort and discomfort in the genital area: itching, burning, pain, swelling, irritation.

Such discharge at the 13th week of pregnancy indicates the presence of an infection in the genital tract or the threat of interruption.


Bloody discharge at the 13th week of pregnancy is not the norm, but it is not always associated with something tragic. Undoubtedly, the doctor must establish the cause of the appearance of blood from the vagina, and there can be a lot of such:

  • placental abruption;
  • placenta previa;
  • hematoma;
  • erosion or mechanical damage cervix (often observed after examination on a gynecological chair or after sexual intercourse);
  • neoplasms;
  • fall or blow to the abdomen;
  • fragility of blood vessels (due to an increase in blood volume, they can burst under its pressure) and others.

As you can see, not all of the reasons are a threat to your pregnancy. So do not be too nervous, but it is still necessary to establish the source of bleeding, you never know. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you an ultrasound scan that will show if the baby is normal, and this is the most important thing. It even happens that hospitalization is not needed in all cases.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant

If by this time the pregnancy proceeded without complications, then perhaps your first ultrasound will take place at week 13. You will be able to see how the little heart beats, how it moves, and the study will give the doctor the opportunity to assess the condition of the fetus and pregnancy:

  • accurately determine the gestational age and the number of fetuses;
  • evaluate fetal vital signs;
  • determine the presence/absence of severe malformations incompatible with life;
  • conduct a screening study to determine the risk group of a woman regarding chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (in particular, Down syndrome).


Distinguish between ultrasound and biochemical screening. The first screening during pregnancy is carried out for a period of 11-16 weeks, it is likely that you will be sent for an ultrasound and testing this very week.

Screening includes a number of tests and studies that allow you to identify women who are at risk for the development of chromosomal diseases in the fetus. To do this, it is mandatory to look at the collar zone of the fetus (estimating its thickness or transparency), its nasal bone (presence or absence and size), determine the presence or absence of physical defects, as well as the level of hormones and proteins in the mother's blood. Based on the data obtained and the age category of the pregnant woman, a conclusion is made about the probability of the birth of a sick child in this woman.

The high-risk group includes pregnant women who, according to the results of screening, have a risk of developing anomalies in the fetus of 1:350 or less. But you should know that a risk factor is not a guarantee of pathology. Screening allows only to admit a high probability of a chromosomal disorder and no more.

Analyzes (hCG, progesterone)

Most likely, all tests at the 13th week of pregnancy will be part of the first biochemical screening, which has recently been included in the list of studies required during pregnancy. This is the so-called double test, which includes an analysis of the hCG hormone and the plasma protein PAPA-A.

The level of hCG will give reason to judge the normal course of pregnancy or to suspect some deviations: a delay or arrest in the development of the fetus, the presence of defects, a negative Rh factor. You should be guided by the hCG norms given in the form, which may differ slightly in different laboratories.

Progesterone at 13 weeks of gestation is no longer so informative. There are no weekly norms for the level of this hormone, it is estimated based on the trimester: in the first trimester, progesterone should normally be in the range of 8.9-468.4 nmol / l, in the second - 71.5-303.1 nmol / l .


Proper nutrition will help to avoid many troubles during pregnancy. At 13 weeks it should be:

  • complete: the child needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • healthy: make a menu only from natural products prepared in a gentle way;
  • varied: regularly eat lean meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, legumes (if there are no problems with the intestines).

In addition, nutrition at the 13th week of pregnancy must be adjusted towards the prevention of constipation. Tomato juice, vegetable and fruit purees and juices, dried fruits, beets, apples, sea kale will help you with this. Don't forget the importance of calcium during this period. Be sure to include green fruits and vegetables (including kiwi), persimmon, lentils in your diet.

Alcohol at 13 weeks pregnant

Until the very end of pregnancy, continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. Resist the temptation to smoke or drink alcohol. Alcohol at the 13th week of pregnancy is still very dangerous, because during this period the laying and differentiation of the internal organs and systems of the baby continues. But the fetus does not continue to develop throughout the pregnancy, and besides, alcohol invariably gets to the baby through the placenta. That is why during pregnancy it is not correct to talk about a safe dose of alcohol.


The sex life of future parents at week 13 can sparkle with new colors. The risk of termination of pregnancy by this time has already been significantly reduced, the woman’s anxieties and fears have subsided, she is used to her new condition and, perhaps, even feels the effect of hormones that can significantly increase libido during the period of bearing a baby. The sensitivity of the genitals also increases, which will allow you to experience new sensations from intimacy with your spouse. Enjoy this blessed time. The only obstacle to this may be your poor health and the threat of a miscarriage - in this case, it is better not to risk it.